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Secondary Schools Seven Journeys In The American West Clips
Gold in the Black Hills of Dakota
Duration: 03:43
The arduous journey west and the search for water
Duration: 01:23
Travelling across the Plains
Duration: 01:19
Settlement of the Plains
Duration: 02:44
Prospectors come to the Black Hills
Duration: 02:03
The Battle of the Little Bighorn
Duration: 03:17
The American settlers head west
Duration: 03:36
Where did the cowboys come from?
Duration: 02:11
The life of the cowboys
Duration: 04:11
Conflict between Plains Indians and whites
Duration: 04:11
Hardships of the trail west
Duration: 03:02
Heading for California in the mid-1800s
Duration: 03:22
An outsider's view of the Oglala people
Duration: 04:09
Francis Parkman travels to meet the Plains Indians
Duration: 03:52