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Kallawaya - Mac an Dealanaich
A' leighais le lusan ann an Bolivia. Healing with plants in Bolivia.
Air ais gu Rurutu (Native Land - Back to Rurutu)
Brother and sister Maeva and Eteroa return to Rurutu, the remote island of their birth.
Bhopal - Litigating Disaster
Tubaist ceimigeach Bhopal. The Bhopal chemical plant explosion.
Taobh eile de Marbella
Taobh eile de Marbella. The hidden face of Marbella.
Outlaw Diplomats
A' gabhail brath air saorsa dhioplomasaich. Exploiting diplomatic immunity.
Anna Politikovskaya
C貌 agus d猫 e a bh' air c霉l murt an neach-naidheachd Ruiseanach?
Becoming a man in Siberia
Cleachdaidhean ann an Siberia. Rites of passage in Siberia.
Miss India
Farpais 脿illeachd anns na h-Innseachan. The competitive world of beauty pageants in India.
Mnathan-gluine na h-Amasain
The midwives of the Amazon forest.
Posadh an Aghaidh an Toil
P貌saidhean duilich anns an Roinn E貌rpa. European forced marriages.
El Ejido
Spain and migrant workers.
A fas suas ann am Melanesia
Soillse examines initiation rituals on Pentecost Island in Melanesia.
Mathraichean Ionaid
Increasing numbers of infertile couples are considering surrogacy, sometimes illegally.
Comas Ruith Kenya
Long-distance running is continually dominated by members of one small tribe in Kenya.
Trailealachd Ur
What is the real price being paid for the tomato?
Toileachas ann a Cuba
D霉thaich l脿n eadar-dhealachaidhean. The different faces of life in Cuba.
Sireadh Cliu
Cuirmean t脿lant agus Karaoke. The obsession with talent contests in the Philippines.
Oran Hibo (Hibo's Song)
Timcheall-ghearradh bhoireannach ann an Afraga. Female genital mutilation in Africa.
Spuinneadairean Puntland
Cunnart bho Spuinneadairean far costa Somalia. Piracy off the coast of Somalia.
Boidhchead ann a Rio
Ath-dhealbhadh bodhaig ann am Brasil. Plastic surgery on the cheap in Brazil.
An Yangtze
Abhainn a tha ag atharrachadh. The price of the world's largest dam.
Na starlets dhubh
Rionnagan ball coise anns na 90an. Where are the Ghanaian football stars today?
Dealan-d猫 Mekong
Saoghal dorcha malairt bhoireannach. Sex trafficking in Southeast Asia.
An Ros Seargte (Take My Heart and Roses)
The poignant story of a Colombian street girl who became a Hollywood star.
Tobar Ryan (Ryan's Well)
A school boy project spurns a national charity - Pr貌iseact Ryan.
Saighdearan Kony (Kony's Warriors)
The story of three children who were abducted by the Lord's Resistance Army in Uganda.
Tibet Thar an Eagal
Stories of courage against repression in Tibet.
Marta A' Bhean-Chrabhaidh
The problem of access to essential drugs in developing countries.
Am Frids Dearg
A child porter carries his load to the top of mountain in Nepal.
Fulangas An Dannsair
Leabhar-l脿 dannsair 脿 Ruisia. The diary of a young Russian ballet student.