Taobh eile de Marbella. The hidden face of Marbella.
Chan e mh脿in na seallaidhean b貌idheach a bha tarraing in-imrichean gu Marbella. Airson iomadach bliadhna, bha na h-霉ghdarrasan a' toirt seachad cead-togail gun smaoineachadh, a' bha leigeil le toglaichean spaideil a dhol an a矛rde. B' urrainn cleachdadh suas ri leth a' chosgais airson talamh agus flataichean ann an airgead l脿imhe - suimean m貌ra a bha toirt cothrom airgead dhrogaichean a chleachdadh. Bha seo a' cur Marbella a tha faisg air Morocco, aig crois-rathaid malairt dhrogaichean. Agus bho chionn d脿 bhliadhna, thoisich na poileis anns an Sp脿inn a' d猫iligeadh ris an t-suidheachadh.
With its idyllic location and Mediterranean climate, Marbella aspired to be the Spanish San Tropez. It catered to the wealthy, attracting elites from the Middle East and Eastern Europe. But it wasn't just Marbella's stunning scenery that attracted immigrants. For years, authorities issued construction permits recklessly, allowing the anarchic building of luxury blocks. Land and apartments could be paid for in up to 50 percent cash - enormous sums of money that facilitated the laundering of drug money. And Marbella's location, just a few miles from Morocco, placed it at one of the major crossroads of the drug trade.
It's an explosive cocktail of jet-setters, traffickers and cash. Two years ago, the Spanish police decided to clean it up.