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The tomato harvest is huge business across the world, but the race to increase production and reduce costs has led to accusations of worker exploitation.
'S e gn矛omhachas m貌r a th' ann am buain tomatothan air feadh an t-saoghail, ach ann a bhith feuchainn ris an tuilleadh fh脿s agus a bhith ag 矛sleachadh cosgaisean, thathas a' cumail a-mach gu bheilear a' gabhail a bhrath air luchd-obrach agus fi霉s gu bheil br霉idealachd a' gabhail 脿ite. D猫 an dearbh phr矛s a thathas a' p脿igheadh airson an tom脿to?
The tomato harvest is huge business across the world, but the race to increase production and reduce costs has led to accusations of worker exploitation and even brutality. What is the real price being paid for the tomato?
Last on
Thu 10 Feb 2011