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The Force is strong with this one...

Tris Cotterill | 15:14 UK time, Friday, 12 November 2010

This week on the show Russ got to live out a bit of a childhood fantasy in our Star Wars sketch. This is Russ talking about possibly being a bit of a middle class Jedi.

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This is what the final sketch looked like my young Padawans...

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REMEMBER to watch Good News Extra this Saturday at 23:05 with Fosters Edinburgh Comedy Award Best Newcomer Roisin Conaty.


  • Comment number 1.

    Awesome story.

  • Comment number 2.

    You had some dress up as Leia and picked the plain white dress over the golden bikini. For Shame.

  • Comment number 3.

    omg 2 comments is that all!!!!
    heyy russ show last night was awsomeeee just like u i lived the hd part soooo funny :)

  • Comment number 4.

    I've never seen the film as well. Well, not the whole of a film (Sorry, but it was just dragging on and on, and there were little bear-people so I was a bit freaked out!) :)

  • Comment number 5.

    i loved this bit n i love how even though madison is stunning she is obviously quite willing to not take herself serious which i believe is quite rare for a good looking girl! top girl. weldone with the show russell! more of these sort of sketches please

  • Comment number 6.

    hey russell last night show aswell so funny. but iv never seen star wars aswell. keep up the good work dude

  • Comment number 7.

    LOVED this weeks show, that holocaust survivor bought a tear to my eye. Beautiful
    p.s. thought you might like the look of this. A obese woman enthusiastically doing aerobics.

  • Comment number 8.

    Brilliant show, can not believe there is anybody that has not seen Star Wars Ageist old gig I am or is it ? Blonds careful there,the wife is not looking... I'm safe

  • Comment number 9.

    I do love the Americans :')

  • Comment number 10.

    Hihi!!!!!!!!!!! Yet again, it is I!!

    (don't know if that's a link)
    This story could kind be considered sick, but I bet you could make something from it. Aaaaaaaaanyway, a freind of mine has recently said"You use too many exclamation marks. It's so offputting. So no more exlamation marks all week. And look at me, acting like people actually are reading this stuff. Tell you what, if you read this comment, then when you next comment, say dishwasher at the end.
    Katie out!
    (Oh,I used an excalmation mark dammit!)
    (and another. Pooperdoodle.)

  • Comment number 11.

    I have a Story

    its a story about a Cat that had its back legs cut off by a Combine Harvester, but he had Bionic Feet made for him, and he walks for the first time with his new feet.
    Inspiring story, Really

  • Comment number 12.

    how fantastic is this? dick van dyke at his best! in particular, the comment "The porpoises were unavailable for comment" is pretty special!

  • Comment number 13.

    HEYA Russell
    I loved the show :)
    could not stop lauging it was Brill!!!
    then again what do you expect from a comedy show?? :p
    I love Good News
    wicked thats it
    God Bless :) x

  • Comment number 14.

    and that includes you Russ. But apparently nobody cares. Grrrrrrr. I might as well use exclamation marks now. How comes nooboody caaaaaaaaaaaaares!!!!!

  • Comment number 15.

    At least I'm not the only one who wants a lightsaber

  • Comment number 16.

  • Comment number 17.

    Brilliant sketch, but question.........the sketch with the nutty welsh "Suiced Bomber" is there a small girl wedged behind the bookcase behind him??

  • Comment number 18.

    Cashier's boobs cause overcharging

  • Comment number 19.

    Funniest thing ive read all week.

  • Comment number 20.

    This made me laugh, a lot!

  • Comment number 21.

    dear russell howard
    i really enjoy you're good news show, keep's me smiling and laughing,
    but i have to say you did make a mistake, you where wrong about something you said on you're show, you where saying about you'll never
    find a homeless guy with a cat, but i know a guy called Tim Catman Wheeler, his facebook page is ,
    Tim Catman Wheeler is a homeless friend of mine and he has a cat,
    so russell howard you cudn't be more wrong, you can find a homeless guy with a cat :P,
    i hope to chat to you soon russell,
    i'm on ur facebook page,

  • Comment number 22.

    Being a transplanted teenager, I have had to go through many scary surgical procedures, and treatments. I lost both my kidneys to cancer, after enduring chemotherapy I had to also endure over two years of dialysis. My lovely mother donated her kidney to me and I am to this day grateful for her sacrifice.
    when I had my transplant I was 8years old and didn’t know anyone else who had had an organ transplant, until I met this amazing lady Liz Schick who her self battled with liver cancer and was told she didn’t have that long left to live, she feared for her children and loving husband but she was told by the doctors that she could have a a liver transplant. After receiving her liver transplant her eyes were opened to the world of transplantation and the joys that it can bring to many individuals and families. Not even a year after her transplant she climbed Kilimanjaro. Not long after that she set up an organisation called TACKERS (transplant adventure camps for kids) what TACKERS does is bond new friendships and build understanding of post transplantation and what life you can have after receiving a vital organ. It is held in Anzere Switzerland and it gives these children a once in a lifetime opportunity to learn how to ski, snowboard, dog sleighing, scuba-diving and Para-gliding.
    I have made many new friends around the world and have such gratitude for what Liz does. what I believe to be important with TACKERS is that children can be surrounded but children like them and they all understand what each other has been through and it builds an international family that shows support.

    Without this organisation I don’t think I would be the person who I am today and I am ever so grateful for what Liz shick has done for me and for many children around the world.

    Delise Cassarino

  • Comment number 23.

    Please, please have a look at this for your good news slot. Heard about it on the world service and sounds like what they need is publicity to put pressure on Coca cola to make it happen, which would be incredible! or try www.colalife.org.

  • Comment number 24.

    It's not all doom and gloom - these Welsh farmers took a coach at 4am to Windsor for the state visit of the Emir of Qatar - they didn't go to see the Queen or the Emir, they went to watch the horse they sold to the army in his first official duty as Drum Horse!! They stood in the pouring rain all day to watch the Royal procession led by Celt the grey shire horse from Dyfed Shire Horse Farm in Eglwyswrw, Pembrokeshire. Bless!

    The show is in Welsh but has subtitles!

  • Comment number 25.

    Adopting words. Imagine the sort of complicated placards that would be on display if there was a march organised to support 'save the words'. "Please Assist in the Salvage of Cicuitous Confabulation Forthwith".

  • Comment number 26.

    And there is a really incomprehensible comment at the end from the guy who took these pictures. Almost philosophical.....

  • Comment number 27.

    this vid is of a weird person i know

    you need to watch this

  • Comment number 28.

    Here is some good news that make me rather happy...


    this story is about 17.13mins into the news report
    its about A royal marine from the Isle of Man, who was badly injured in a suicide bombing in Afghanistan, is on the road to recovery. enjoy x

  • Comment number 29.

    [Unsuitable/Broken URL removed by Moderator]
    Hello! Me again! This is kinda funny :)

  • Comment number 30.

    The Hell??

  • Comment number 31.

    There isn't a news report, or any articles about this piece of good news but it brought a smile to my face. One of my teachers, the day before we broke up for October half term, collapsed and knocked herself unconscious. A friend of mine called Ben took charge of the situation - instructing students to help move her away from danger, asking them to go ask a teacher to call 999, put her into the recovery position and looked after her until the paramedics arrived into school. He got praise from both the teacher and school, but no recognition outside of school. It would mean the world to everyone if you could mention this, as a second thanks. (: xx

  • Comment number 32.

    Australian Rugby player has been forced to quit proffesional Australian rugby due to a video of him and a dog was posted on the internet.

    The best thing about this is that he has decided to come to the UK to play instead hoping to escape the abuse he will get. I for one will definately be at his first british match.... I might leave my dog at home though.

  • Comment number 33.

    Here is a good news story, this i believe will be a good thing to have on the show.
    It is about a disabled child that had no life and due to the Apple iPad he now has an improved life.


  • Comment number 34.

    Being 30 myself I am also a big Star Wars fan

    I'm a bit surprised you didn't mention Jedi mind tricks

    Force user: (waves hand) You want to try a threesome with another woman
    Partner: I want to try a threesome with another woman
    Force user: thinks to himself "Sweet"

    A friend sent me the link to this story

    A burglary suspect in America was found naked with a mouse in his rectum

  • Comment number 35.

    Canadian couple give all their lottery win to char-dee
    (this *must* have already been posted)

  • Comment number 36.

    This is the response of the public to the t-mobile advert in an airport, Is it just me because or the lady in the clip at 0:18 had a really good holiday, it might be my mind but it just sounds hilarious just hearing her saying on her own leads to a funny mental picture.

  • Comment number 37.

    Same video just watching again realized that it sounds like there was an orgy at the airport especially from people's response

  • Comment number 38.

    I want to tell everyone my good news. My dog Blue became ill in January. We were told to say goodbye to him twice as the vets couldn't figure out why he was so poorly but he's still here although still very poorly. He is now completely blind due to his illness. Specialists in Liverpool saved his life but we had to push for a referral.

    It got to the point so many people were asking me about him that I set up his own face book page.

    We didn't give up on Blue even though we were told he had no hope, if his story saves just one dog from being prematurely put to sleep it will make our journey worth while.

  • Comment number 39.

    This is not exactly a story, but I found it on Stumble and thought it might appeal to some!

    Simples ;)

  • Comment number 40.

    I love the comments on the bottom: "I bet she's good in bed"

    "'He is completely obsessed with this pillow and takes it everywhere,' said one friend."

    He has friends??!!!?

    (dishwasher x)

  • Comment number 41.

    Great stuff, Russ. Head over to my blog machinerelief.blogspot.com to see my musings! Happy searching.

  • Comment number 42.

    I love this, it's British ingenuity (and eccentricity) at it's best. Who needs NASA when we've got these guys?

    Sadly, I couldn't find the original clip I saw - where it's revealed that they came up with the idea down the pub - but it still shows some of the amazing footage the plane managed to capture. Just brilliant.

  • Comment number 43.

    Seeing as students have got a lot of bad press this week, thought I'd send you this video in the hope that faith is restored in student-types:

    UAL student union are using this amazing video to campaign against cutting contact time - without throwing fire extinguishers off roofs! Check it out!

  • Comment number 44.

    japan introducing a "welcome" to boost tourism.

  • Comment number 45.

    soory i meant introduce a welocme bra to boost tourism

  • Comment number 46.

    Me again. This makes me scared of young children now. Are the babies planning an invasion on earth???

  • Comment number 47.

    This is a photo of my sign at the education cut march on november the 10th, it you want the photo some how else, i can send it on email or something

  • Comment number 48.

    only in america haha

  • Comment number 49.

    The chap in this interview changed his name for a laugh:


  • Comment number 50.

    Not exactly A story but it reminds me of homer simpson!

  • Comment number 51.

    Haay russell
    Loved the show on thursday i really liked the thing about having star wars powers. I dont think i have seen a star wars movie all the way through too long :L How many movies is there anyways ?
    Loving the show as always
    Catch ya laters xx

  • Comment number 52.

    great show the other night russell rather funny when u was goin on about pyjamas lol i found this whn i was lookin online n thought it was rather strange. hope u use it in ur next show

  • Comment number 53.

    Hello Russell and team! Just caught up on your 4th show, and loved it as per! Thanks for making me laugh and keeping me smiling xxxxxxxx

  • Comment number 54.

    Russell, you like to play youtube vids on your show and thought this one was quite funny : - its my cat beating the absolute stuffing out of a Butlins teddy bear :0)

  • Comment number 55.

    Hey Russell. Love your show. I never miss it. I've found a funny story which might be useful for your next show.

    Its about crickets having the biggest testicles.

    Hope this helps

  • Comment number 56.

    Does anyone know the song at the end of the force sketch? I would really like to know. thanks

  • Comment number 57.

    It's not exactly a good news story at the moment, but hopefully the matter will be settled soon and it will have a happy ending.

  • Comment number 58.

    Love the show, here is some good news articles my mates have been passing round this week:

    Essex band play highest gig at top of Ben Nevis:

    Dick Van Dyke life saved by porpoises!

    Man forced to eat own beard!
    [Unsuitable/Broken URL removed by Moderator]

  • Comment number 59.


    My friend's father has changed the law in memory of his daughter - awesome news :)

  • Comment number 60.

    Kentucky Man forced to eat own beard! It amused me, so I thought I'd share it!

  • Comment number 61.

  • Comment number 62.

    Story :
    Government 'to measure happiness'
    An attempt to officially measure the UK's happiness is reportedly set to be launched by the Government.

    In Opposition, David Cameron called for "general wellbeing" to be assessed alongside traditional economic indicators as there was "more to life than money".

    And later this month he will ask the Office for National Statistics to devise new questions for the regular household survey, the Guardian said.

    Thought it was pretty funny and wierd :)

  • Comment number 63.

    Topless political parties and zombies ahead

  • Comment number 64.

    Realyy Funny thing I found!

  • Comment number 65.

    Thought the Good News team might enjoy this!:

    :) x

  • Comment number 66.

    Hi ya russell i've been busy lately haven't had a chance to find some goodnews. However if you need anything russ anything at all just say so, from human shield to assassin. I'm on standbye to help you out. I'm currently jobless and have no future what so ever so i got alot of spare time on my hands i can aslo get to any building in the country within 48 hours. so riverside studios or avalon on exemoor st. just blog for help if you need it and i'll get there as fast as i can. you saved my life. so i'm willing to risk it to help you.

  • Comment number 67.

    @mockenitup- If it's alright to ask, how did Russell Howard save your life? I'm just bored and curious ;)

  • Comment number 68.

    @mockenitup+Josie Russell:I am also curious. Did he cure your depression? He definitley helped with mine. Hope you don't mind me askin'.
    illinG: Ta for the dishwasherx! :)
    (: dishwasher :)

  • Comment number 69.

    this man has been my hero ever since my friend showed me a video of him

    thought people would love him too of they havent already heard of him

  • Comment number 70.

  • Comment number 71.

    a man stole from a julers and when to a diffrent shop but oned buy the same company now that is the gratest story in the world.

  • Comment number 72.

    @Josie Russell+ @kkthecyberpanda. i dont mind :) after around 8 months of deepening depression i was on the brink of suicide i literaly had nothing left to live for but by chance the tv channel got stuck on goodnews. and for the first time in ages i laughed. then i realised to ignore all things that get you down and look for the humor in everything. if it wasn't for my new out look on life i'd have probably killed myself within days.

  • Comment number 73.

    I'm acutaly gonna stop including my story in my posts i've just read it and it looks really depressing lol. ironic. and i'm sure the rest of the bloggers dont wanna be bored by my story. i bet there are better ones than mine anyway. from now on i'll just post goodnews.

    *cheers and clapping* ring out.

  • Comment number 74.

    RUSSELL!!! Number one fan right here ...I'm not Obsessed I simply think you are really funny. Can't wait to see you in February :) I booked the tickets around May this year!oh well. Any way I really enjoy your show,and I sometimes get annoyed or unhappy in my lessons so I either think of your quote "sushi? ever body knows am a Nandos guy!" or "nom nom nom evil" so I end up sitting there like a fool grinning my head off! :|

  • Comment number 75.

    Forgot to post this in my last comment so here it is now ...

    Kids are taken into care for being too fat! ... One shocking case involved a three-year-old who weighed 4ST - three times more than normal!!!

  • Comment number 76.

    One of the first 8 winning entries of the Metro 'Win the Cover' contest. He said yes! Not really a story, more like a snippet, but still really cute and quite heartwarming! :D

  • Comment number 77.

    You need to watch the clip before the start of the sarah jane adventures on the cbbc channel today at 5:15, in part of it there was a scene between the presenter and the puppet dog which looked a bit wrong for childrens telly. which was quite funny on cbbc

  • Comment number 78.

    Unbelieveable. Poor dog :( Bet someone got fired over this!

  • Comment number 79.

    Evening russell & team!

    Whilst scouring through the web trying to work out the breed of our halfling dog, we stumbled across the above picture of a "Spoodle". Thought it might make you chuckle as it has us. Meet Colin and Nigel...... Who look slightly confused as to what they are, and a little miffed at would be mockers.

  • Comment number 80.

    Hi Team Goodnews.

    did anyone notice that horse race at around 5pm on 16/11/10 on skysports news. the jockeys were racing but not horses. they were using space-hoppers. I bet the horses staged it. while the jockeys are racing space-hoppers thier at the jockey lounge having wine and discusing bests odds on which jockey and space-hopper will cross the line first. "i've got 10-1 on the green hopper, now pass me some hay, would you jeeves"

    and now. terrifying news for the people of nottingham.


    escaped olw brings terror. they say to report the owl to the radio station. hows that gonna help is gonna be sent there to do x-factor voice overs when caught. mind you the owl would get more lines than wagner. maybe it was the olw that sent the death threats too.

  • Comment number 81.

    Great shows, all you have to fix is NOT the HD channel but the iPlayer. Howsoever ...

    DJ granny Ruth Flowers takes Paris nightclubs by storm

  • Comment number 82.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 83.

    @mockenitup- Beautiful story, mate. I would say the same thing (sort of), but for me it wasn't just Russell, it was the whole cast of Mock The Week. And it wasn't depression, it's was a mild form of autism (Well, I wouldn't say it cured it. But it developed my confidence and my new sense of humour. It's gone to the point where I'm not technically registered as mildly autistic anymore. Which is great!). It's also because of Russell I've got such a dirty mind ;) lol. :D

  • Comment number 84.

    Just to let you know @mockenitup and @kkthecyberpanda, I've changed my name to The JIZZmeister, mainly because I find it funny :)

  • Comment number 85.

    A seven year old girl being bullied for liking star wars :( How apt is this for your show??! & How inspiring to see the combat of bullying and to know that kindness between strangers is not lost :)

    Emily Carey xox

  • Comment number 86.

    A heart-warming video about two brothers who secretly steal and restore their fathers old 1960's motorcycle. I would love more people to see this.


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