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More of our favourite stories from you

Russell Howard Blog Administrator | 16:05 UK time, Monday, 29 March 2010

Time is flying at Team Good (hope you remembered to put the clock forward because if not you are definitely late, or early, I'm confused). We have already done a run through for show number two and *obvious plug but definitely true* it's looking really good. Can't really give anything away at the moment but there was a very funny bit with old people that you may or may not see on Thursday's show, you'll have to tune in to find out!

Thanks for everything you've been sending in over the weekend. Remember you can tweet your suggestions or comment on the blog. If something gets used we'll try and get your name in the credits! Anyway, these are just some of our favourite stories you have sent in:

From @ianwolf
A funny song about the Daily Mail by . You can watch it on and you should probably do that now.

From @Captain0Hair
Bit of an old one but totally amazing translation fail in Wales. Have a look

From @KatePax
Bizarre invention of the week has to been this, wheelie bins with urinals built in which are going on trial in Eastleigh. You can read more at

From @Fender_mw
There seems to be a lot of stories recently about stupid criminals but this will take some beating. Read the full story at

Also, just a reminder that Thursday's show is going to be on half and hour later at 11pm on 麻豆社 Three. You have been told!


  • Comment number 1.

    This is a funny topical story because many people on facebook used it! and the show was awesome last Thursday!

  • Comment number 2.

    I know this is a few days old now but check out the journalist's name on this Times article on the Vienna Choir scandal. You couldn't make it up!

  • Comment number 3.

    Yay! Good New is back on!!!

    Panda's may not be as stupis as they seem - one distracts the keeper whilst the other slips out the backdoor, then makes a run for it himself:

    Are you aware of Chat Roulette? I don't think this one features men exposing themselves: [Unsuitable/Broken URL removed by Moderator]

  • Comment number 4.

    White Water Active of Llangollen plan to rescue a pair of stranded Amazon pink river dolphins.

    Jim Jayes from White Water Active, Llangollen鈥檚 canoeing and rafting center are planning to rescue stranded Dolphins from the Amazon basin. They currently live in a heavily deforested and polluted areas of the Amazon where fish have been killed, leaving the dolphins to slowly starve. White Water Active are planning to bring a breeding couple back to Llangollen to live in the River Dee . Jim Jayes first came to hear about these intelligent animals after hearing reports of pink dolphins pushing people to the shore after their canoes had capsized. Jim said 鈥渢he Dee would provide the perfect habitat for these fresh water mammals. There is a ample supply of both salmon and trout as well as grayling to provide a food supply. They normally eat up to twenty kilo of fish a day and it estimated that the Dee can adequately supply this for each animal. The presence of the dolphin in the Dee around Llangollen will provide a incredible tourist attraction to Llangollen. It is hoped that they will breed and become a indigenous species of the Dee and maybe even spread to river throughout the UK. We will soon release more details of our rescue plans early next month鈥.

    We are looking for funding ideas to raise the money to bring them to Wales. If anybody can help or has ideas please contact Jim via White water Active鈥檚 Face Book.

    The Amazon river dolphin is a freshwater river dolphin endemic to the Orinoco, Amazon and Araguaia/Tocantins River systems of Brazil, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia and Venezuela. The largest of the river dolphins, this species is not to be confused with the Tucuxi (Sotalia fluviatilis), whose range overlaps that of the Amazon River Dolphin but is not a true river dolphin. Because they are unfused, the neck vertebrae of the Amazon river dolphin are able to turn 180 degrees. The pink dolphin lives in the freshwater of the Amazon River. This species looks like the grey dolphin, but individuals are bigger, and instead of a dorsal fin they have a hump on their back. Their tails are also bigger. The pink dolphin has been listed as endangered by the International Union for Conservation of the Nature due to pollution, over fishing, excessive boat trafficking and habitat loss. The brain of the river dolphin is 40% larger than a human brain.
    For more details on the Pink freshwater dolphin.

  • Comment number 5.

    You cannot possibly pass up about the Chinese guy with humongous moobs - endless fun...

  • Comment number 6.

    Here is a story about Britains oldest Dad who became a father at the age of 74. He puts the feat down to his love of bananas. Not sure if he eats them or uses one as a splint.

  • Comment number 7.

    Apparently being the birthplace of Denise Van Outen and Brian Belo isn't classy enough anymore...

  • Comment number 8.

    A close friend of mine had a double lung transplant a few years back since then she has become a choir teacher and helped many of the choir with everything from confidence issues to helping with gcses. She also started her charity "love life, give life". This charity helps those on transplant lists. She recently had a piece dedicated to her on channel 5 news. heres the address to the video on you tube its not great quality but it is the only one i could find. It would great if more people could here this story. Cheers

  • Comment number 9.

    well, i know a thing (it's not news though), and it's actually really funny-it's the real version of Celine Dion singing the titanic.
    this is the website from you-tube:

  • Comment number 10.

    Russell and Co ...

    You have to check this out ... is it April 1st already :0)

    The article itself you can ignore - but the reporter's name ... a windup....surely????

  • Comment number 11.

    Russell will you be doing any stand-up shows at the edinburgh festival this year?

  • Comment number 12.

  • Comment number 13.

    Unfortunate coincidence - Read the headline and then check out the reporter's name

  • Comment number 14.

    Here's one which will get all the guys crossing their legs

  • Comment number 15.

    As the trailers say - it doesn't have to be gloomy news.

  • Comment number 16.

    I Know this has nothing to do with the show (which i love) but me and my friend temmani had a really random moment, we miss you so much while your not on tv , That we thought why dont you bring out a bed sheet ..
    lol I Know completely random but could you ??

  • Comment number 17.

    Hey, fort u might like this

    local council offer lap dancing licences to pubs strugling due to new club opening

  • Comment number 18.


    Good spot but I didn't really enjoy reading the story!

  • Comment number 19.

    Tris Online Editor

    Yes it's one of those stories which you don't know what kind of reaction to take. Poor guy yet..wtf? Kind of feelings

  • Comment number 20.

    Amazingly funny video made with chat roulette!!

  • Comment number 21.

    I defy anyone to read this article without laughing

  • Comment number 22.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 23.

    I saw this on the front page of my local paper this morning a laughed. is that what we pay taxes for.


    Here is the link.
    David Gretton from Swindon

  • Comment number 24.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 25.

    Drinking beer on the job - can you believe it?!!

  • Comment number 26.

    This Made Me Giggle :) ;;

    Some Girl Thought A Yeti Was Spying On Her (:


  • Comment number 27.

    I Know I Posted Something Earlier, But Afterwards... I Found this and Thought It Was Slightly Random :) ;

  • Comment number 28.

    I am sure you could make something funny out of this russell howard :) i hope you use this.
    From Amy Kelly.

    Tom Scott, of Tweleted fame, has come out with a new Web site called Stupid Fight that measures the mental capacity of someone's Twitter followers by sifting through the last 100 people to @ reply to the person in question.

  • Comment number 29.

    I just wanted to let you know about some very good news!
    There is currently a non-profit community group running called 'I Love Dunstbale'. If any of you don't know this town is a town which is thought of as not the most great place to live. Many complain about it and many tv shows have slated it. But when a number of people from diffrent carers got together and created a community group that would change how people saw the town. I am the Youth Ambassador for this group and we have many meetings to bring exciting new experiences to the town including parties, events and petitions. We help people to learn how to love their town and help todays youth to enjoy where they are growing up. Please check the website for more info. Thanks :)

  • Comment number 30.

    Its very funny because, he starts breaking the vaccum for no reason! Then he goes outside and the dog attacks him! i couldnt stop laughing at this one

  • Comment number 31.

    i found a story from America about a 7 year old boy that beat up his grandmother because she would not buy him chicken wings

    i also found this video of a guy freaking out after a fight.

    thes videos are of funny animals that have to be included in the show

    the youtuber (
    often has many very funny clips in his shows and many of them would be excellent for the show

    please use these clips on the show i think they are hilarious and i am sure other people will aswell

  • Comment number 32.

    Please review the BNP party political broadcast and the hand gesture from Nick Griffin when he mentions the labour party at roughly 3.40! Unbelievable

  • Comment number 33.

    Russell, you have just GOT to do this one; it's right up your street!!!

  • Comment number 34.

    This is a truly epic story, reassures my faith in humanity.

  • Comment number 35.

    Hi, dont know if anyone else has noticed this but i found it hilarious.

    Barack Obama was blocked by White House officials from visiting the Sikh Golden Temple in India, over concerns it would strengthen the belief that he is a secret muslim. Haha. Its official, the most powerful country in the world is run by complete idoits.

  • Comment number 36.

    this was sent to my inbox by some company who are campaigning against SPAM or something. its a really cute video

  • Comment number 37.

    this was sent to my inbox. so cute. its a company against SPAM

  • Comment number 38.

    This is the story of a woman, Claire Rytina, whom i know and have done for several years and suffered from encephilitis from the herpes virus and fell into a coma for six months in 200. when she woke up she found that she couldnt remember anything in the period between the age of around twenty and the time she woke up in her forties. she now suffers from 'face blindness' and cannot recognise people including her own family and four children. she also struggles to make new memories of anything and has no sence of taste or smell as a result of her brain damage. However she was lucky enough to be involved in a study of memory and has been using a 'sencecam' that takes pictures at every sence of movement and worn around her neck. she then can look at the pictures later on and through this she has beenable to increase her memory and in the video on the last link her joy at being finaly able to recognise someone, her sister faye, merely from her memoroies thanks to the help from the sence cam. I decided to send this in to you to possibly be used on the show as she has today been able to gain the confidance in her ablities and memory to present her story in front of aroung 100 sixth form biology and psychology students in my school and done remarkably well.

  • Comment number 39.

    lady gaga wore a dress made out of raw meat!!!! check it out...

  • Comment number 40.

    A lone young Belgian boy is waiting to salute the Canadian troops passing by who had been attending a memorial service. Such class from our Canadian troops - watch what they do for this little boy. The "Eyes Right" command is the biggest compliment troops on parade can pay and is reserved for dignitaries in reviewing stands. Every now and then something just makes you smile!!! PLEASE USE THIS FOR YOUR SHOW ITS A PERFECT NOTE TO THE REMEMBRENCE SERVICES ALL OVER WORLD

  • Comment number 41.

    X Factor, Cheryl Cole seemed to of farted moments into her comments at Cher!, thank god for Sky+, checked it 5 times!, she even had a little pause before the fart noise!!

  • Comment number 42.

    Just some of the stuff we've been doing over at Reddit. : )

  • Comment number 43.

  • Comment number 44.

    Don't worry, this isn't something as wrong as that fat woman..with the huge stomach...doing something. That was just wrong, so wrong.

    This video will bring a lot of joy to a lot of people, mainly people who live near council estates but lots of them none the less. There is nothing sweeter than stupidity reaping it's own demise, especially when it's that special kind of idiocy. A chav with a sheer lack of intelligence.

    Mihi nomen est Onyx, Ego iniquus. Ante mortem es dolorem, veniam.

  • Comment number 45.

    Hi Russell
    I know you've finished filming for series 7, so I hope you keep this in the bag for the next series. I found it today and had to register an account on this site so I could tell you about it. Nothing has melted my heart more - this one guy alone has made it his mission to keep people in his home town fed. I think everyone should know about it, and maybe take a lesson... in the joy of giving. thanks and keep up the good work. Bluefin, London

  • Comment number 46.

    woman calls 999 to report the theft of a snowman.

  • Comment number 47.

    Ive got three really cool stories
    1.this is a really appaulling game from America!
    2.i dont know why nobody told me about this before

    3. this is amazing

  • Comment number 48.

    This is really cute, I got reminded of this when I saw the baby dancing to Florence and the Machine on tonight's show!
    Too cute, and awesome.

  • Comment number 49.

    funny and stupid at the same time, 999 phone call about stolen snowman

  • Comment number 50.

    A good news story.Its in the link.

  • Comment number 51.

    Check out this video I was sent it on facebook it's about a man who's disabled son asked him if he could do the ironman challenge in Hawai.Not only did he do the challenge he took his son with him on what I can only describe as the most selfless feat of human endurance I have ever seen.Regards Alan Hole

  • Comment number 52.

    OK, not good news, but I am sure you could work wonders with this story.

    Highlighting the fact that due to being in full time education a lenient sentence was given. Does this man truly deserve an education to continue...

    This could turn into a good news story :)
    The dog is ok now, so that is Good News :)

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