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Small Party Last Night. OK, But. . .

Chris Evans | 10:05 UK time, Thursday, 23 September 2010

...A good pal of mine had an art exhibition last night. He good, he mighty good. Bought one of his pics - bootiful. All good and lovely - however I did - whilst I was at it, have several pints of the black stuff.

Not such a good idea when this morning, Alex Jones and I are off to make our Friday film for The One Show - Bikram Yoga.

Now I don't know if you have ever had a go at Bikram Yoga, but it is the most physically demanding form of exercise I have ever experienced. It can make you feel sick at the best of times, consequently today should be very interesting to say the least. Watch out Alex, you might need to take cover !





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  • Comment number 1.



  • Comment number 2.

    That's going to be interesting CLP!!

    MTF - that's awful about your buzzard, we have the crows swooping them here constantly but never seen anything like that, the buzzard usually just flies away when it gets too much for them.



  • Comment number 3.

    Blogs fixed too!

    Double Hurrah!

    Good luck Chris.


  • Comment number 4.

    I love a couple of pints of the black stuff too Chris but it is mighty fattening.

    Never tried bikram yoga but look forward to seeing you trying it with Alex tomorrow night

    Good morning from a sun poking out of the grey clouds Shropshire.

    Looking forward to a good weekend as really good friends are having a wedding party on Saturday night after jumping the stick in Turkey last week. These shoes are made for dancing...............but in my case probably not. Could be a painful sunday by all accounts.

    Good day everyone

  • Comment number 5.

    Now its broken again.

    It was most astounding Gail. Like you say, they normally just concede and fly off.


  • Comment number 6.

    Ohhhh CLP - Take Cover Alex indeed!

    Yoga full stop is one of "sports" most deceptively hard exercises!

    Thanks for reading out my news about my little drive after "jumping" the AA man CLP - reet made my day!



  • Comment number 7.


    Good luck with the Yoga!

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 8.


    I've been at the Bikram Yoga in Belfast here for about 2 years now - the best thing I have eever done;
    26 exercises, repeated twice, over 90 minutes in 40-degree heat. Pretty hardcore, but you do get used to it.

    Still doing it, ususally 3 or 4 times a week.
    I'd recommend it to anyone - the feeling you get after the class and especially the morning after - it does incredible things to your sleep as well.

    Any queries, contatct DtM c/o the blog . . .



  • Comment number 9.


    I've been at the Bikram Yoga in Belfast here for about 2 years now - the best thing I have eever done;
    26 exercises, repeated twice, over 90 minutes in 40-degree heat. Pretty hardcore, but you do get used to it.

    Still doing it, ususally 3 or 4 times a week.
    I'd recommend it to anyone - the feeling you get after the class and especially the morning after - it does incredible things to your sleep as well.

    Any queries, contact DtM c/o the blog . . .



  • Comment number 10.


    I've been at the Bikram Yoga in Belfast here for about 2 years now - the best thing I have eever done;
    26 exercises, repeated twice, over 90 minutes in 40-degree heat. Pretty hardcore, but you do get used to it.

    Still doing it, ususally 3 or 4 times a week.
    I'd recommend it to anyone - the feeling you get after the class and especially the morning after - it does incredible things to your sleep as well.

    Any queries, contact DtM c/o the blog . . .


  • Comment number 11.

    What was that you were saying DTM? LOL, its a pain this ere bloken blog isn't it!


  • Comment number 12.

    Dan who?

    who said that!?


    pesky blog!


  • Comment number 13.

    Hello CLP & Everybody.

    I know what you mean CLP. If I ever have one celebratory drink it always leads to many more and then the next day is difficult. If only we could be as carefree as we are when merry all the time. At least you didn't buy a strange painting which is what I would have done!

    Despite the harvest moon I did sleep well last night.

    Thinking of those who are having difficult times ((()))

    Thanks for the songs Deevs & Baggy, I enjoyed them both.

    MM x

    Off to the shops>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

  • Comment number 14.

    BTW Beautiful weather here on the Wirral Peninsula today!

    Always quick to moan when it's bad so thought I should mention this.


    Off again>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

  • Comment number 15.

    Hi Chris: not a chance in a million years of me attempting yoga, but jolly good luck to you! BTW: I am just loving how you are treating Selina this week - she sounds like she is having the time of her life.

    Hi everyone else:

    Just to say thank you to so many of the lovely bloggers who have been in touch, just to make sure I am still live and kicking!

    I just took a break for various reasons that I really don't see the point of going into.

    Hope everyone is ok - there's no chance of me catching up!

    Of course, my thoughts are with our lovely Highland Lass who is currently enduring a nightmare situation. xx

    Debs: It was wonderful to hear Chris this morning reading out your breaking news! What a brave soldier you have been, and it's fantastic that you well and truly on the mend!

    Just something that I hope it is ok for me to say ... we can't fail to notice how quiet the blog is now. In fact, I am just shocked at how many people are missing - perhaps they are having a wee break, just like me. But I hope they will come back soon - if for no other reason than to support Chris who is so brilliant at producing his blog each day. Perhaps our many, many lurkers could pop in occasionally! (says me who's been away for weeks!)

    C xx

  • Comment number 16.

    Lovely to see you Chrissie, maybe you will kickstart the return of others too.

    I think that the blog might just have been fixed for those that are fed up with how its been playing up.

    Just about to check....


  • Comment number 17.

    Yup, firing on all cylinders once more.



  • Comment number 18.

    Hi Chrissie.

    Lovely to see you back.

    My thoughts are with Highland Lass too. xx

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 19.


    Good to see you :-) have you been weaning yourself off the oven cleaner !!

    Grotty day here, showery and blustery .

    Debs, sorry i missed your mention, i was buying my buttie at that time, will listen again later.

    MTF, what a dreadful sight it must have been, its a jungle out there.

    MC xxxx

  • Comment number 20.

    Thanks MC.

    Twas a bit of a shocker. Poor bird. I've never seen one that close up before, it was the most beautiful creature and its wingspan was huge.


  • Comment number 21.

    I regularly put bird food out, and sometimes its such an eye opener, watching the "pecking order" Scuse the pun.

    MC xx

  • Comment number 22.

    Bet the robin gets the lions share!


  • Comment number 23.

    Not that you were feeding lions of course....


  • Comment number 24.


    Oh, not those pesky Lions , do you have them down South too ???

    MC xx

  • Comment number 25.

    Only in Bath as far as I know, but they could be on the move!



  • Comment number 26.

    Chrissie! Yey! my day and week are getting better and better, my mention this morning and now you are back - and MC is firmly in the chair too!

    Good to see you again, we all missed you, you know!

    As for missing bloggers - just to let you know I have had a txt from my evil twin crumpy - she is OK, just a lot on at the moment - Crumps if you are lurking - big love to you XXXX

    And yes - big love the HLS too and anyone else lurking in need of it



  • Comment number 27.

    Oh MTF - the lions in Bath - dont they have their parade in Vicy park soon, now that I am starting to get a bit more mobile, I might get myself over there in a couple of weeks


  • Comment number 28.

    MTF - just checked it out 9th & 10th October in Royal Crescent. Theres no way I'll be THAT mobile to get up that hill LOL!


  • Comment number 29.

    MTF: thanks - yes, I hope we will see a resurgence of this great blog!

    CSN: thank you - lovely to see you too.

    MC: Yep, I'm just lovin' that oven cleaner! It's addictive!

    C xx

  • Comment number 30.

    Debs: how lovely - thank you! I have missed you too - to my shame I should have at least been in touch on FB to see how you were progressing. I am just so pleased for you that you are mobile again!

    Thanks for letting us know about Crumpy - I have been thinking about her a lot.

    I could actually come up with a huge list of our missing bloggers, but would hate to miss out someone, so will just make do with "CALLING ALL BLOGGERS"!!!

    C xx

  • Comment number 31.

    Chrissie - Are you cleaning with it or sniffing it?

    I think the blog will recover, but certain recent silliness has put people off, as well as others being very busy.

    I think some of Chris' blogs have been a bit random recently and therefore it can be hard for a decent thread of ideas to run from it. Not that that's usually stopped it in the past ;)

    Debs - Glad to see you're mobile and not doing too much, apart from the AA man obv!


  • Comment number 32.

    Debs, if it wasn't for my bad back, we could have done a Lou and Andy!!!

    OMG, could you imagine us!


  • Comment number 33.

    Debs, do they really parade the Lions?. I'll get us a skateboard each , we should make plans to go. Dont have any pies in your handbag, we could be in big trouble.

    Thundering, lightning, torrential rain, blimey, what ever is in store next for us today. Its so dark outside too .
    I have chocolate in my handbag ,for after the gym.

    Right , back to it.

    MC xxxx

  • Comment number 34.


    Not the AA man ??? really , !!!!

    MC xx

  • Comment number 35.

    MC - I'm merely going by what CLP said this am, about Debs jumping the car man!

  • Comment number 36.

    Andy: I was going to make a jokey comment about sniffing while cleaning the oven, but perhaps not! Actually that O*ven Pr*de stuff is so strong, one sniff and you would dialling 999!

    I have missed Chris's blogs over the last couple of weeks, sometimes he can be a wee bit random. I am just so amazed that he makes a point of writing every day and staying in touch with us - the guy is brill!

    C xx

  • Comment number 37.

    Chrissie, that was such a loud call, I thought I'd better make the effort.

    No excuse from me, have been lurking, so will try harder.

    Have bought the recommended oven cleaner - it's still in the box!!

    Hello everyone.

    Christoff, hope the filming goes well. Am enjoying your stints on the One Show, not sure about Alex, but hopefully she will grow on me.

    Don't know how I will cope for the next two weeks while you're away, I'm sure Richard M will be okay, but it's not you!!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 38.

    As per Chrissie's request - "Howdy doody everyone..."

    MC - why did you send the storm over to me???? Not nice!

    Love Daisy (suffering from flu jab dead arm and light headidness today!)

  • Comment number 39.

    Hello Pen - nice to 'see' you. I know what you mean about Alex J, not sure.

    I didn't realise Richard M was covering the two weeks, that'll be cd's or radio 4 for me then for two weeks as can't stand his smug voice at all.


  • Comment number 40.

    Afternoon lovelies! Hope you're all well.

    Chris, I went to yoga with a hangover only last night. Seriously. I go every Wednesday and I love it. (Not every Wednesday with a hangover you understand). It's not Bikram yoga but it might as well have been last night, that's how damn hot it was in that room. I know that us ladies are not supposed to sweat, we're only supposed to glow. Well I was glowing BUCKETS, I can tell you. Amazingly, once the nausea had passed I felt fantastic. I worked harder than I have for weeks, probably to offset the guilt for getting sloshed the night before, and I felt brand new afterwards. Good luck today - I'll look forward to watching it tomorrow.

    Hope you're all fine and dandy my fellow bloggers. I know I don't write something every day but I always have a read and see what you're up to!

    Lots of love, Barmy xx

  • Comment number 41.

    As per Chrissie's request - I'm here too!!

    No excuses really, had a busy run then after awhile its quite hard to jump back in. Have been trying to keep up with everybody's news though. Will have to disappear again soon, off to a new job where I won't have so much time on my hands.

    Hi Pen!


    Darce x

  • Comment number 42.

    Hello CLP bloggers next door!

    Re: the quiet nature of this blog lately ..
    It did occur to me earlier this year that once Chris left Drivetime and took over the Breakfast show, the continuity element which one took for granted for 4 years - CLP blog, your responses, The Show - would struggle, especially as Chris now mostly blogs after his show. There will always be that rather disconnected feeling of responding to his words 'after he's left the building'.

    The increasing popularity of FB in particular also gives a strong and loyal group of friends, such as you are [yes - I really was a lurker for years.lol] an alternative method of communicating online. So stuff that may have been said on here in the past, is now being said in there. I am 'friends' with a few of you and I happen to think that MTF is the finest exponent of this style of Facebookery. I take my hat off to her. Second thoughts ... she may not want the one I'm wearing.

    By and large, it's been an unusual year. Apart from the skyrocketing career of Mr Evans which is bound to affect your mutual communications, you've had to deal with the devastating and sudden loss of Beez and that must feel as though the very heart of this blog has been ripped out. Under such circumstances, one could be forgiven for losing sight of the 'soul' which of course remains here, right where it belongs.

    And this 'soul' of which I speak will be amply demonstrated in November when Children in Need hits the airwaves. So many of you [!] plus a couple of 'us' are getting together. Happy times will generate happy words and funblogging.
    Long live the revival!


  • Comment number 43.

    KatyMac, how nicely put - thank you and I love your little doodle!

    As for MTF on FB - well dontcha know I am reliably informed its because she has a screw loose! :-)

    I think in her washing machine......



    PS to put you ALL at ease - not THAT AA - the yellow van one!

  • Comment number 44.

    Morning from another warm and sunny day in upstate new York. Temps in the 80s. Not bad for the end of September. Meetings in Buffalo this morning and footie tonight.... hope you are all having a good day!

  • Comment number 45.

    Well said KatyMac, especially the bit about Beez. She was one of the main arterys of this blog and I miss her to this day.

    Hello Bondy, hope you're well.

    Darce, Hi, new job eh? 'citing. Are you still going to Supercar Sunday?

    SW oldies are brilliant this arvo.

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 46.

    Just back to my desk after spending an awful hour or so sorting out filing and invoices, etc, and how nice to see that my shouting was rather worthwhile!

    Penny: lovely to see you - believe me, once you try that cleaner you will be telling all and sundry about it. For the moment, it's quite safe in its box ... no hurry!

    Daisy: Howdy Doody to you, too!

    Darce: well done for getting on here! Yes, I agree that if we have been away for a wee while, it can feel a wee bit awkward coming back, but it shouldn't! Hope your new job will be a goodie.

    KatyMac: lovely to see you here. Lots of good points you have raised and I do agree with them, especially about FB. I see this blog (and any other I suppose) rather like a wee garden - it won't look after itself, and we, the people with the "watering cans", have to take care of it! btw: I would love to earn the right to one your hats, one of these days!

    C xx

  • Comment number 47.

    Pen - yes job came up really unexpected thiis week! Still going to go to Supercar Sunday - will you be there? If so look forward to catching up with you.

    Chrissie - nice to see you back on here too and thanks re job x

    Darce x

  • Comment number 48.

    Helllllllllllllllloooooooooooooo to everyone - great to see some names returning

  • Comment number 49.

    Hi folks, nice to see people returning!

    I must confess to being more of an evening blogger at the moment, as never really get a minute at work any more, not even for a proper lunch break!

    MC, thanks for the storm, we must have passed it on to you Daisy!

    Oh, and thanks for the reminder of the over cleaner name, I must get some, and then it can sit in the box for a few months too! ;)

    Right nose to grindstone again...

    JG x

  • Comment number 50.



  • Comment number 51.

    Well I said it was beautiful weather here in Wirral. Back now looking like I've just been for a swim in the Irish Sea. It just fell down!

    MM x

  • Comment number 52.

    Hello everyone

    Nice post KatyMac.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 53.


    Thank you Katy for a very succint and well worded analysis!

    on the subject of fb I notice that the blog is copied onto CLP's fb page and I think some of the passing traffic which would otherwise comment here, probably not from regulars, is posted on there, as people on fb but not registered here don't have to set up a new profile. That may in some part explain some of the quietness.


    hello Deevs ;)

  • Comment number 54.

    Darce, yes we are going on Sunday at about 10am, unless of course it's peeing down! Do you want to swap mobile numbers, on FB? It was rather heaving last time, I don't know how you managed to find us!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 55.

    UGH!!! The waiting to hear thing is killing me! If I could be given one trait, it would be Patience!

    Katy, your post above is lovely, and yes, I am really looking forward to CiN in November as it will be lovely to see old friends, as well as meet new ones for the first time.

    And then there's the sociable bit afterwards - yay!!

    I'm having a horrid horrid day and want to go home.


  • Comment number 56.

    Deev - turn that frown upside down - soon you can go home and all will be fine

  • Comment number 57.

    Yeh, but I have to come back here tomorrow



  • Comment number 58.

    but then its Friday and you have two days off!

  • Comment number 59.

    Just to say it's been really lovely to be back today and just great to see so many people popping in to say hello.

    Long live the Chris Evans blog!

    C xx

  • Comment number 60.

    Well, I can't ignore a call to arms - especially from the lovely Chrissie.

    Hello everyone, I've no real excuse, other than being busier than ever at work (not complaining though - with all the cuts I will be lucky to have a job next year. Music's always the first to fall in education when times are hard).

    Elder teen is 18 next week! I've a few surprises up my sleeve and we're having a "bit if a do" the week after, well, quite a "lot of a do" really. I do love throwing a party.

    I hope you are all ok, I do lurk a bit but just haven't felt really the urge to join in. I miss the way the blog used to be, and I agree that the dynamic changed a bit when the show moved to breakfast time. I also miss Beezer. Anyway, I will try harder. Well done Chrissie for dragging so many of us back.

    Lots of love,

    A x

    PS. MTF I owe you a message - have only just dried off after our Devon swimathon!

  • Comment number 61.

    evening all, hope you're well?

    Just popped by for a browse/catch-up and just had to say hello to the lovely ChrissieS (and all you others of course)

    I agree with boleyn a lot re the blog. I for one just didn't have he time due to work and family stuff to pop in each moprning like I used to. There were a few other reasons but they're very personal and I don't wish to air them in public. Good to say those 'things' in my life seem to be gone/ging and I love popping in now and again to 'see' you all.
    Won't be coming to CiN this year, I had my turn last year and loved it. Plus work is very different now.

    as some of you will know I am running a 10k for cancer research in Oct (other charities out there too) for a very sad and personal reason made all the more poignant (sp?) with the loss of beez this year who bravely fought cancer herself.
    I have a terrible leg injury which is either shin splints, and torn calf muscle or a stress fracture to the shin bone.
    Needless to say it's horrible somedays to run on.
    BUT, and here's the but, other days there's absoloutely no pain at all?????
    Training has been tough but on Oct 10th I will be there, looking in the sky for inspiration from my beautiful and lovely first wife and the classy Beez and raising a few shillings for this cause.

    Love to you all my lovelies

    bonnet de douche


  • Comment number 62.

    Chrissie, what a marvelous job you did today to bring some old and trusted friends out of the woodwork! good job!

    KW - oh my, just reading your blog makes my ankle wince - I am struggling to walk for more than 5 mins at a time at the moment so 10K with trauma in your legs!?! - I know you want to raise some much needed money for your chosen charity, but seriously, you need your legs in everyday life more than ever you can imagine if you "cant use one".

    Take it carefully, and as our lovely Jonny Saunders says each day

    "Good luck my friend"

    now wheres that pack of frozen peas - here you go KW - have a go on mine!


  • Comment number 63.

    debs, thanks for the peas, Aaaaaaah much better.
    Don't worry, I won't be silly. I'll walk it if I have to.
    Will know more soon re the injury, could just be old age!!!!

  • Comment number 64.


    I agree with Debs, really lovely to see so many people here today.

    Well done!

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 65.

    Hi Penny! How are you?

    Just got done with my one set of meetings. Now off to a few more but have a 90 minute drive to get there..... Nice sunny day so don't mind the drive.

  • Comment number 66.

    'Lo everybody

    So good to see a busy blog today and think i agree with so much of what has been said, esp about the loss of Beez.

    If we all stick around a bit, we'll jog along nicely.

    Unlike you, KW, take care won't you. Am sure you'll be carried on your route

    Has been sunny and hot and wet and windy and all sorts of weather today

    Very strange!

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 67.


    Is anybody there!

    Really bad thunder storm here.

    Is anyone having trouble with FB tonight?

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 68.

    In a word about FB, grrrrrrrrrr!

    Tiggs xxx

    PS, lovely to see so many old friends back today

  • Comment number 69.

    Evening all

    I'm good Bondy, thanks for asking. Hope your meetings go well.

    FB is a not playing ball tonight for me either.

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 70.

    Hi Tiggs, I've been looking at your scarf again! Think it'll be needed soon!

    CSN, Yes!

    MTF, sorry to hear about the buzzard this morning, very strange thing to happen.

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 71.

    Hi Chris,

    Hope the yoga went well. Will miss you when you have your holiday. I wouldn't mind Liza Turbuck as your stand in I enjoyed listening to her filling in on drivetime a few weeks ago. Why doesn't she have her own show?

    Chrissie well done for reviving the blog xx

    Nice to "see" you all.

    Hi CSN I'm just about to go onto FB to catch up. I hope all goes well for your Uncle's funeral. Hope all the family are well. Keeping you busy I bet.

    Hi DtM - when is the big day? Must be getting close.

    Debs - I gave you a wooo hoooo when Chris read out your msg. Thanks for the update on Crumpy miss seeing around.

    Long live the blog!

    Take care all
    Mary xx

  • Comment number 72.

    Evening all,

    Its a bit chilly tonight, but am determined not to put any heating on .Thought a bag of butterkist might just make me feel warmer ;-)

    Debs, heard your mention on playitagain thingy - woo hooo .

    Right , off to concentrate on my popcorn, cant have my keyboard getting sticky, wont be long .xx

    MC xx

  • Comment number 73.

    Right, am back, ......... might just have to nip nextdoor, wont be long .

    MC xx

    MwK , good to see you, hope all is well with you. xx

  • Comment number 74.

    Glad its not just me that is having problems with FB.

    Mary, thank you for your kind wishes, not an easy time at the moment.

    And I agree. Long live the blog!

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 75.

    I'm good thanks MC. Hope your managing okay with your bathroom facilities. I'm having a new kitchen in a couple of weeks and I'm not looking forward to the upheaval it will send my ocd into overdrive!

    I gave in and put my heating on a few days ago can't stand these chilly nights.

    Take care CSN.

    Mary xx

  • Comment number 76.

    Evening CLP and bloggers,

    Sounds like you had a fun time last night CLP, if any of the works you bought don't fit in your house send them my way, I've got lots of empty wall space waiting for some pictures to grace them!

    Hope you survived the Bikram yoga, never tried any form of yoga myself but I do fancy giving it a go. I know of several people who have really benefitted from it.

    I've noticed that the blog has definitely been quieter of late. I suppose life gets in the way. When I'm at work I can only read the blog, and I'm rarely at a computer for more than a few mins at a time to check emails etc, so blogging is confined to evenings only (and when I have something to say!)

    Hope all is well out there in blogland, and extra special hugs for HLS


  • Comment number 77.

    Hi Mwk,
    Am starting to find it all rather annoying now to be honest, It was fun at first and a bit of an adventure. Now its getting tedious and i am dying to clean up and get straight .
    Good luck with the kitchen !

    HLS, you are in my thoughts and prayers.

    MC xxxx

  • Comment number 78.

    MC Bet you are getting fed up with running up the street with your flannel. How long til you're done?

    Rosie, I've just framed some old advert posters to put on my office wall at work. They are sitting opposite me now and making me smile!

    Mwk, We've switched our heating on too but it must be warmer than it feels as it hasn't switched on tonight

    My feet are freezing though!

    HLS Am thinking of you and your family xx

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 79.

    No heating on here yet, and no plans to until at least October, and that's only a week away, scary or what?

    HLS, my thoughts are also with you and your family xx

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 80.

    Seza, hiya, All being well, tomorrow is the grand flush !

    I ordered a bathroon light from a company today, and specifically asked for it to be delivered to work. Checked the order on line at lunch time and noticed it was due to be delivered to my house, so i rang back and got it amended. Have just checked now , and they have omitted the name of the Company . So unless the postie can be bothered to call at every office on the estate, i dont think it is going to appear. Why is everything such hard work ??

    Hope all is well with you and yours.

    Hi Rosie,

    CSN, i cant get on fb to message you , but sending you good wishes and hoping the funeral goes well.

    Right, off to empty the washer. which reminds me, MTF , hope your machine is fixed.

    MC xxxx

  • Comment number 81.

    MC I can imagine the novelty wearing off quite quickly, not long now though until it's all back to normal for you.

    Seza I've got my thermal socks on ;o)

    Hi Rosie.

    HLS thoughts are with you and the family xx

    Nite nite folks xx

  • Comment number 82.

    No thermals here, as Mr JG's off work the heating has been on constant...glad he pays those bills!!

    FB is being awful :(

    My thoughts are with HLS right now :(

    JG x

  • Comment number 83.


    I heard it read out Debs and I was shouting in the car 'that's Debs' even before he had finished your story.

    Lovely to see so many people about today.

    Enormous hugs to HLS and her family. I can't begin to understand how they are coping with what they have been through.

    All the best to everyone out there in blog land and ooh I have the second volume of the CLP memoirs on pre-order now and can't wait to read it.

    Susan xx

  • Comment number 84.

    I like the sound of your adverts Seza! I'm taking my time choosing stuff to go on my walls as I don't want to bang holes into the walls only to change my mind a few days later!

    Oh and i've just turned the heating on to take the edge off before bedtime, and I'm just about to fill my hot water bottle


  • Comment number 85.

    Rosie, We've been trying to make all our pictures fit the hooks and pins that are already in the walls here.

    Some work, some ..............don't!!

    I think my clock has been on 3 different hooks now and I'm still not sure it's in the right place!

    The adverts I have had for umpty mumble years and never had the right place for them, I'm really looking forward to having them in work where I can see them everyday.

    There are two Sch.......... (if you remember that ad) and two for my favourite fizzy drink - just waiting for the hunky window cleaner/handy-man/delivery guy to turn up to go with them!

    Pictures turn into a real history of your life and it's been fun finding old friends in the last couple of months

    Seza xx

    Sorry, that turned out very lengthy

  • Comment number 86.

    On a totally different subject, anyone who's seen the wonderful harvest moon this week might like to check the Â鶹Éç homepage, there are some beautiful moon pictures


  • Comment number 87.

    So far I've just been finding old photos to go on display on the mantlepiece and on various display shelves. I've loved finding them and reliving memories of trips abroad.

    I've also rediscovered a forgotten hobby of cross stitch and have been working on a kit which I've had for years and now really want to finish as I love the colours. It's based on a painting by a Kenyan artist called Gakonga.

    Feeling right toastie now!


  • Comment number 88.

    Evening all! not sure who is still around?

    Rosie - that is really weird! i haven't done any cross stitch for ages, but before i popped in here i have been looking online for a pattern for a dear friend who is getting married in December - very low key ceremony and she and her husband to be are both in their 60s so don't want anything too "hearts and flowers" cos thats definitely not them!

    can someone who is my friend on FB message me and let me know the latest with HLS please?

    and can i add my 2p worth to say that its lovely to see people back here again! i tend to be a bit of a sporadic contributor although i lurk quite a lot - depends how much work i've got on and how busy i am when i'm there!

    love CG xx

  • Comment number 89.

    Salutations to one and all.

    Back to the usual getting home late situ!

    I have for once, read back over all the posts instead of saying 'hello' then going off to get some fodder.

    I see the old stylee blog returning. Lots of comeradery, or comradeship.... you know what I mean.

    Well, whatever.. it has been lovely reading the posts tonight.

    To everyone struggling at the moment, I send my best wishes to you and hope the road ahead will be a smoother one.

    I dont know what is wrong with fb, I simply cant access it, but hey ho!

    I managed to pop up to see my GD at her new uni. I actually think that I see more of her now, than I did when she lived at home!

    My shopping bill has plummeted and I can now see my faults at bringing her up with expensive tastes!!!

    So, am poppping 'some' of the savings into a kitty to pop up and do a proper monthly shop for her. Its hard letting go isn't it, when you have been looking after them for almost 19 years?

    Right, really must go and search out some fodder now and catch up with those that I cant contact, because of fb playing up.

    Bids, are you about??

    Boleyngirl, I will look foward to hearing from you.

    Katy, lovely, a bit like yourself.


  • Comment number 90.

    Having started to think about art-work and pictures has made me wonder about what you all have on your walls

    We know CLP has an iconic photograph of Michael Caine cos he told us the other day but what is your favourite thing -photo or painting or cross-stitch!?(I have several of those too)

    If anyone's interested, I'll tell you mine tomorrow

    Night all

    Sleep Well

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 91.

    MTF - think FB back on again now.

    like the idea of monthly big shop for your daughter! she will definitely appreciate that one! my parents were a bit too far to travel to see me very often when i was at uni (Cornwall to Essex!) but I would get food parcels - often things like home made yeast buns at Easter! and my aunt once sent me a recipe with some money in the envelope to pay for the pork!

    waiting for Mr CG to get back from panto meeting so we can watch the last tiger programme that i've cloudplussed but if he's much longer it'll have to be tomorrow!!

    CG xx

  • Comment number 92.

    MTF I was going then I saw your post.

    Something that might be good for your daughter - I saw in Sainsbugs the other day a card, like a gift card but it comes in 2 parts. You give one part to the student and keep the other part. You can load your part with money and they can spend it - in the supermarket - with their part. I have seen it in another supermarket - the bottom slapping one I think but I thought it was a really good idea

    Doesn't give you an excuse for a visit though! ;-)

    Hope you've recovered from your nasty experience this morning


  • Comment number 93.

    Hi all,
    A bit late getting here,have been doing my Te**0shop on line then I had to pop out to go there for a couple of bits ,Don't ask .

    I too have read all the posts today and it really cheered me to see you all ,hope you're all well,And Crissie ,Thank you ,you've really made a difference today ..By the way lovely to see you back.

    It's a difficult one Pictures as we all have different tastes .On my walls in the lounge I have nice prints of local places in the area,hall I have some of where I come from In Cheshire,
    dining room I have a lovely sketch of Mr B done in Italy.And several other ones .
    And of cours the family ones ,children and to comlete the picture Grandchildren .Not a lot really ...LOL.

    Chris ,Hows the head ?????

    MTF .yes lovey I'm around .

    Love to all ....Bids.xx.

  • Comment number 94.

    Fantastic comments today...

    Love to all from...

    Me... xxx

  • Comment number 95.

    Katy ,
    Sorry forgot to say what a lovely post .


  • Comment number 96.

    Thanks CG, that was some trek wasn't it?

    I am so glad that GD is not too far away.

    Seza, that sounds like a great idea. I will look into it. The only set back, is that it is a 50 mile round trip to our nearest Sainers, bottom slapping etc... and a fair old trek to the nearest big shop from the uni and..... I would like to see what she is spending it on!!

    I might keep it though as an emergency stand by, so thanks for letting me know.x

    Yes, was sad this morning. Its one of those, if you hadn't been there and seen it situations.

    MTF.xx Must grab some dinupper!

  • Comment number 97.

    Bids.. phone home??

  • Comment number 98.

    Just Had a nice chat with my little mate ,nice to talk.

    So it's Good Night From me and a Good night from her .(aka Hinge and Bracket)

    Take cake ....Bids.xxx

  • Comment number 99.

    Looking forward to seeing you Bids.


  • Comment number 100.

    There is great excitement and 'hat awarding' next door, for getting the 100 post!

    It was such a common occurence here, that we let it pass by unnoticed.

    So for pure greed...

    Its mine all mine, the 100 post!

    Unless someone has sneaked in there, in the meantime!!



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