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Woke Up, Got Up, And Got Down To Some (Not So) Serious Reading

Chris Evans | 06:20 UK time, Wednesday, 22 September 2010

Downstairs this morning at 3.30 - one of those nights, what can you do ?

A stiff cup of coffee and a fag (I'm joking about the fag - how and why do people do that?)

The coffee? Well you might as well be totally awake, as half awake.

And then to read.

The first five books on my bookshelf were - in order, Douglas Adams - The Meaning Of Life; Seneca - The Shortness Of Life; Tsering - Essence Of Mind Training; Plato - The Republic; Jess Pouret - The History Of The Ferrari 250 GTO.

Difficult decision eh ?





  • Comment number 1.

    Morning CLP

    I had one of those nights too!

    After college I went to the pub to join my man and the others for the quiz (we won!), got home, straight to bed and there I laid. and laid. and laid. Eventuially dropped off, I'd guess at about 1am. Then 5am wide awake as you like. And there I laid. And laid. And laid. Until the alarm went off at 6.40 and it was time to get back on the Mon-Fri treadmill.

    And the worst thing is that I've got an interview late this pm, by which time I will not only look like an extra from a George A Romero film, I will probably be walking like one too.

    Hey ho.

    Lesson to self for today: Stop putting myself under so much pressure.

    Have a good one everyone.


  • Comment number 2.

    Morning all

    Yesterday went badly, agency man said I had bad experience and was being over optimistic about my salary expectations (thats what I'm on now) so feel like its a step backwards!

    Then today isnt going well and I'm spoiling for a fight - any takers?


  • Comment number 3.

    Morning CLP

    You'll be needing a nap with Noah later today! Bet you went for the car book hey!

    Deevs good luck later

    I'm having another day ont sofa gonna watch the British Bake off before I do my sainers order this week tho! Can feel a baking kind of week coming on!

    Happy sunny Wednesday everyone

  • Comment number 4.

    Morning CLP and the rest of the rabble.

    Chris, you really should try and stick with the - no caffeine - regime.
    I've been 'clean' now for about 7 or 8 months I guess, and with the exception of mornings that follow a few drinks. I wake up feeling fresh as a daisy and ready to go!
    Last night I went to see the wonder that is Stephen Fry at the Albert Hall. We got home at about 1230 and I was ahead of my alarm clock by 1 minute this morning......honestly! Stick with it.

    As for reading at that time of the day - isn't that what radio was invented for? You can't beat a bit of the Money Program on 5live to kick your day off.

    Good luck for later Deevski x



  • Comment number 5.

    Thanks Debs and Rips.

    Baggy, maybe taking a step back at this opint in your career is a good thing. As I said above, I'm putting myself under so much pressure at the mo to be "perfect" in every way (at home, at work, as a friend etc) it's actually starting to make me ill.

    I've come to the conclusion that a job I am happy in, that pays OKish for us to survive, is far hopefully going to be far better for me (and Nic!) than a high-powered, CIty Centre job full of demands and stress and bosses expecting too much of me.

    The one I am going for today is more money than I am on now, but still far less than I was on in my "former life". And I'm ok with that.

    Good luck, and hang on in there!


  • Comment number 6.

    Thanks Debs and Rips.

    Baggy, maybe taking a step back at this opint in your career is a good thing. As I said above, I'm putting myself under so much pressure at the mo to be "perfect" in every way (at home, at work, as a friend etc) it's actually starting to make me ill.

    I've come to the conclusion that a job I am happy in, that pays OKish for us to survive, is far hopefully going to be far better for me (and Nic!) than a high-powered, CIty Centre job full of demands and stress and bosses expecting too much of me.

    The one I am going for today is more money than I am on now, but still far less than I was on in my "former life". And I'm ok with that.

    Good luck, and hang on in there!

    Deevs x x x

  • Comment number 7.

    Thanks Debs and Rips.

    Baggy, maybe taking a step back at this opint in your career is a good thing. As I said above, I'm putting myself under so much pressure at the mo to be "perfect" in every way (at home, at work, as a friend etc) it's actually starting to make me ill.

    I've come to the conclusion that a job I am happy in, that pays OKish for us to survive, is far hopefully going to be far better for me (and Nic!) than a high-powered, CIty Centre job full of demands and stress and bosses expecting too much of me.

    The one I am going for today is more money than I am on now, but still far less than I was on in my "former life". And I'm ok with that.

    Good luck, and hang on in there!


  • Comment number 8.

    Thanks Debs and Rips.

    Baggy, maybe taking a step back at this opint in your career is a good thing. As I said above, I'm putting myself under so much pressure at the mo to be "perfect" in every way (at home, at work, as a friend etc) it's actually starting to make me ill.

    I've come to the conclusion that a job I am happy in, that pays OKish for us to survive, is far hopefully going to be far better for me (and Nic!) than a high-powered, CIty Centre job full of demands and stress and bosses expecting too much of me.

    The one I am going for today is more money than I am on now, but still far less than I was on in my "former life". And I'm ok with that.

    Good luck, and hang on in there!


  • Comment number 9.

  • Comment number 10.

    UGH!! It say I can't post, then posts it 4 times ......?!?!?!!

    Modders ....!?!?!


  • Comment number 11.

    Deev - so good you said it thrice!

    Okay, I dont mind taking a paycut, what i don't like is the insinuation that I'm being greedy asking for more then I'm worth when actually I earn that now, I will be more then happy to get a job closer to home but I dont want someone who doesnt know me treating me like I'm a spoiled brat who doesn't know the true value of work!

  • Comment number 12.

    Sadly, they will probably equate your age and experience with a matrix of salary expectation. When I moved up here some agencies looked at my CV and said I was under-selling myself, which right made me laugh!

    Things will work out. For both of us.


  • Comment number 13.

    Morning all,
    Blinking heck Chris,I don't know how you keep going,you must live on your nerve ends .
    As far as the coffee is concerned ,don't touch it for that reason ,which is one thing I do love,but I'd be awake all night if I had a cup.

    Not into serious books like a more light hearted book myself ,so looking forward to you new book release.Laughed and cried in your first so if the next book is anything like I will def enjoy.

    Deev ,looking forward to your book signing when it comes out ,chin up up hun ,don't let the Bugs get you down .

    Baggy ,boxing gloves at the ready if you like .{{{hugs}}}.

    Debs ,enjoy your shop albeit only from the Sofa.

    Have a lovely day all ,beautiful day here ,wall to wall sunshine.


  • Comment number 14.

    Morning all,

    Just done a long post and lost it ,so just want to say Hi,

    Deev ,Good Luck .XXX.

    Baggy ,boxing gloves on .{{{hugs}}}.

    Debs.Happy shopping ,and baking .XXX.

    Have a good day all.


    PS.Chris,keep away from the coffee.

    Chris ,keep away from the coffee .

  • Comment number 15.

    Sorry about the above ,This puter is not behaving today .I'll say no more .xxx.

  • Comment number 16.

    Bids - it's not you, it's them! Did your computer come up with a message saying "you said that in a previous entry" (or something like that?) If so, that's what happened to me and why I posted the same thing 4 times above.

    Where's Peta when you need her!?!?


  • Comment number 17.

    day fone from bad to worse - been issued with new desk phones, they don't work and I ended up with extenstion 666!

  • Comment number 18.

    Respect Baggy. I'd pay for that extension number!


  • Comment number 19.

    My current read is Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert - I'm trying to read it before next Tuesday when I can go to the cinema and see the film version - my friend keeps telling me that I should just give up on the book and go and see the film adaptation - well after the sparkly vampires and the boy wizard weren't quite like they were in the book I'll aim to read the book first thank you muchlie :)

    Deevs: Sent a prayer to the man upstairs :D

  • Comment number 20.

    Morning all. Just popped in to say hello.

    Apologies for my absence. Is my note still valid after a month or so?

    Far too much work going on. 12 hour days seem to be the norm and far too many conference calls with folks across the pond.

    Hope everyone is OK.

    Baggy good luck with the job search


  • Comment number 21.

    I didnt mean to scare eveyone away by posting

  • Comment number 22.

    Good morning everyone, absolutely pouring down here in Ayrshire earlier, eased off now but sky still very grey.

    Nothing really to say today except that I hope everyone has a good day.



  • Comment number 23.

    Well now, aint the law of sod a bugg3r hey!

    Felt this morning after my bath that i was brave enough to sit in the car on the drive and just test the pedals to see if foot was up to pushing down. (thats as instructed by physio - dont panic!) Well it was, so decided to take the next step (again as instructed) to drive up my cold-e-sac and see how it feels


    Flat battery!!!!!

    So sitting here now waiting for a little yellow van with jump leads to get me going!

    Hiya Bids, nice to have you back! Shop all done, Pasties markII this week with MTF's secret pastry instructions. And cupcakes.

    Right will report back - oh yes - work! got 2 whole telephone interviews to do this arvo, so its reet exciting in my house for a change!


  • Comment number 24.

    PS - HAH!!!!!!

    I have overcome the evil puter gremlins!

    press post comment once, and then open another window and voila there is your post at the end of the blog - stoopid message "you have already bored us with that yada yada yada!"


  • Comment number 25.

    Hello CLP & Everybody.

    I had one of those nights too, in fact I've had two of those nights (don't ask) hence the reason I've just got up now.

    I'm so glad you didn't smoke CLP. I used to do the insane thing of continually filling my lungs with smoke, now I continually fill them with inhalers.

    Re the books. The Meaning of Life, The Shortness of Life and Essence of Mind Training are all too much for the mind and we're all mad anyway so I hope you went for The History Of The Ferrari 250 GTO

    Wish I had a Ferrari 250 GTO to take off in!

    MM x

  • Comment number 26.

    Sorry debs, CTD and Bags you're having a tough day. I hope things will improve for you soon. Sometimes though you have to take a step (or even two) backwards so you can mve forwards.

    Dull, overcast but warm here today in upstate NY.

  • Comment number 27.

    Afternoon from sunisoutville,

    Debs, had my heart in my mouth when you said you were going to drive. Good luck with the cupcakes , was thinking about making some myself, but then i remembered M&S . Glad you are still bathing btw ;-)

    Baggy, I know what you mean about the money . A good life/ work balance is what you need right now IMHO. Dont fret about building up a career , just have enough in the bank to pay the bills and then enjoy the remainder. As Deev said , all will be well.Really wishing you luck , and dont worry about the 666, I used to have a car with that reg on ! 100% true. ( Where is Bingo ???)

    Bids, hope you have had a lovely holiday.

    The weather forecast was for rain here, but its still sunny and breezy, which is making me rather grumpy . I have a pile of wet washing that could do with going out. Would it be cheeky to ring the bathroom fitter and ask him to sort it !! LOL

    MC xxxxx

  • Comment number 28.

    Afternoon All,

    OOOOh Chris you should have given me a phone! I've been up most of the night - started off with a large coffee then turned the oven on - banana loaf, shortbread, dropped scones and a huge fluffy sponge cake, was going to make carrot and pineapple muffins but didn't have all the ingredients! All tidied up before the little darlings got up, dog walked and hens let out. Downside is that I have fallen asleep twice at the 'puter and am looking decidedly 'dopey' now!!!!

    Nevermind I'm away to stick to kettle on, big decision is what will I eat?


  • Comment number 29.


    How can you bake all night ?? blimey , your list of goodies sounds great.
    Make sure you sleep tonight.

    MC xxx

  • Comment number 30.

    I'll have a dropped scone, but someone will have to bend down and pick it up for me. Blooming back!


  • Comment number 31.

    Just noticed an interesting article on the Â鶹Éç news website today.
    If you click on the home tab, on the right hand side under features & analsyis, there is an article about earning £100k pa. Food for thought.

    Right , back on my perch to earn a crumb.

    MC xxx

  • Comment number 32.

    I drove!!!

    I drove!!!

    I drove!!!

    I walked in normal birks in sainsbugs!!!!!!

    Oh my, my life is coming back!!!!!

    tis the simple things aint it!



  • Comment number 33.

    Afternoon CLP and blogworld peeps

    Big hugs to all those who need it today through lack of sleep, job concerns or unhappiness in general.

    And congrats Debs.....tis the small things indeed.

    It is worth noting that tonight is the autumnual equinox, which basically means that the day and night are much the same length, however in nature this has a profound effect, just watch the animals and plants to see how life is and how you are feeling. So right now, lots of animals are getting ready for winter and also hibernation. And it is not by chance that we, as animal also, are feeling the effects. Add to this the full moon tomorrow morning at 10 am our time and the overall effect is...what the h*** is going on? Our minds are busy and there is a lot of 'stuff' in our heads today and this week. So with this knowledge we can look ahead to getting our winter woolies out and cosying in on couches around the country, and know that everything will be alright. Deevs and Baggy in particular - right now is just a moment in time, tomorrow that moment is long gone and in another year or so the moments of today and tomorrow will be long gone and forgotten, so try to relax, knowing that everything will work out just fine.

    And for all who have lain awake last night (I was awake at 5am this morning) be prepared for the same again tonight, but enjoy it! It is time that nature has given to you, so don't lie and worry, get up, read, do the crossword, write down some goals etc etc.....

    Right that's enough of that mumbo jumbo nonsense now....


  • Comment number 34.

  • Comment number 35.

    TMI Marj. LOL.

    Off to work now.

    Great news Debs, freedom at last.x


  • Comment number 36.

    What happened, here goes again!

    You're right Dreamer, there's something in the air'

    Just been to see my lovely neightbour (who is moving away in 2 weeks :(
    She shouted "go round the back". Front door jammed, son-in-law was stung by a wasp's nest trying to break in upstairs window. Can't move out furniture.

    You're asbolutely right dreamer so let's just go with the flow.

    Hope this works!

  • Comment number 37.

    CLP I think you that Dreamer is right I spent most of the night wide awake with Mr GBB snoring away contented by the side of me, dropped off and before you know it the alarm went off.

    BLY can I have some shortbread please, I am on a diet so can it be low fat/low calorie please yum yum you are obviously a domestic wizz.

    Good news Debs and good luck Deev.

    Have a good one everyone.

  • Comment number 38.

    Quick pitstop ......

    Have been and done the agency thing (not overly impressed tbh, but we'l see). Also had a call this morning from a company for a job I applied for ageeeeeeeeeeeeees ago (early Aug). Interview next week for that one.

    Something must be round the corner. Pleeeeeeeeeeez!

    Debs - yay!!!! Take it easy tho.

    Dreamer - wise wods indeed.

    Right, last minute bit of cramming then off to interview @ 4pm, then off for a swim. I figured that if I wear myself out I may stand a chance of getting some sleep tonight.

    Laters. lovelies.


  • Comment number 39.

    Hi there,
    Just a note to say; still wish you were not on in the morning. Having to stock up the car with CDs to get me through the early morning traffic without having an ear bashing.

  • Comment number 40.

    Oh dear. Have we inherited an ex Message Board user?

    xmarksthespot. So nice of you to go to the trouble of creating a profile for yourself and logging on here just to be abusive.

    There's just no pleasing some people!


  • Comment number 41.


    I wouldn't write to Jeremy Kyle and ask him to get off my TV in the mornings, I'm not that strange.

  • Comment number 42.

    No not new to the Â鶹Éç at all; perhaps you don't use other blogs. Just having a spare moment to exercise my right to express a view in this free country of ours. Please don't confuse a contrary view with abuse. Had the blog been abusive, it would not have appeared. I keep to the house rules. Cheerio.

  • Comment number 43.


    Ah you haven't noticed; for some reason there is no Radio 2 blog for general comments and feedback and so one is forced to respond directly to the person delivering the service that offends. One might wonder why there isn't a Radio 2 general blog. Perhaps because there might be lots of people with contrary views.

  • Comment number 44.


    That's what I mean.

    I don't like The Jeremy Kyle Show so I don't watch it. I wouldn't go on his show just to tell him that I don't like it.

  • Comment number 45.

    Hiya Peeps!

    Is so lovely and sunny here today, we really have had summer back - at least after the fog lifted this morning!

    Yeay to Debs for venturing out in the car. Must feel fantastic after your long house arrest!

    Deevs, hope 4 o'clock went well and, if it's not that one, the right thing is coming along

    Dreamer, that is indeed deep thinking! I spoke to a friend earlier who was preparing herself for a long night has her son often has fits and has a lot more at full moon!

    CLP, that is some bookshelf! We had our book club meeting today and nearly got a new book - the organiser (my Mum!) couldn't get enough for everyone so I have to wait! Can't remember what it's called now - The Angel's Game maybe?

    I'll just have to wait and see!

    Am looking forward to you book arriving - not long to wait now - will be interested to hear the rest of the story!

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 46.

    OO very strange - I appeared as Diva's post at No.1!

    Blog bugs again i suppose!

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 47.

    Thanks for all "yeys" about driving. So pleased myself, but know my limits and will only be doing "little runs out" to build up ankle resistance.

    off to make a tart for tea - red pepper, courgette and manchego cheese, quick and simplz!

    And I know its only Wednesday, but I'm going to have a cheeky glass of chards to celebrate my solo flight today! first one in 10 weeks! crikey!

    Happy hump day evening everyone


    PS - Beez if you got R2 on up there - how much are you loving the Bubbles new song! Tip top tune!

  • Comment number 48.

    Evening each

    Chris, you should have phoned me at 3.30 - we could have had a natter.

    Now, books - just love them and I'll be updating you all on my Kindle when I get it (end of month I believe). Am planning to download all the free books, but the first one I'm buying is yours! The 8yr old has done all his research and is standing by to help his old granny.

    Hope everyone is well and for those who know Highland Lass Susan, could they send up a wee prayer for her and her little baby.


  • Comment number 49.

    Debs, first flight or first chards? ;-)

    Annie, Will be interested in hearing about your kindle, saw a lady on the train yesterday with one and wondered if I'd miss the look of the book too much

    HLS (((x)))

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 50.

    Haven't caught up yet but Debs - well done on your first solo drive. Was it scary?

    Seza - so glad you'll be interested in my Kindle cos I'll be boring you all anyway!!


  • Comment number 51.

    Did I read that as your first chards in ten weeks Debs???

    I happen to know otherwise!!

    Evenin all. back nice and early again, due to being grounded for the second day running.

    So a nice t/away pizza in front of me and heck, why not join in the midweek slurp!


  • Comment number 52.

    I'm also having a mid-week slurp!

    Was going to go swimming, and then realised I'd forgotten my stuff!

    Well, it's our wedding anniversary today....deathy silence...exactly!

    Well done Debs, even an automatic wouldn't have helped you much would it?

    Annie, looked at the Kindle thing, but don't read much at all!

    MC, bet you're glad you didn't have your washing out, started raining in Altrincham at 4.30! Hope they've refitted the loo as a priority!!

    JG x

  • Comment number 53.

    MTF Sounds like a nice mid week break - enjoy your slurp!

    And JG, sounds like you really need that slurp (((x)))

    Think if i join in the slurping I'll just fall asleep tonight!

    Has been odd today hearing somewhere very familar mentioned on every news bulletin and not in a good way. Just prompted an interesting discussion about horrible subject with boy1!

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 54.

    OOh, sorry Seza, havent heard any news today.

    Will go and investigate.


  • Comment number 55.

    Please Mods, can you try and fix the blog(s)

    Its getting a tad tedious.


  • Comment number 56.

    MTF Have sent you message on t'other side about the news item


  • Comment number 57.

    Oh I heard that too Seza, not nice at all!!

    Had to let one of our lads leave early today to get to Scunthorpe, had to ask where it was! Given the travel chaos around Manchester, have my doubts if he made it!

    JG x

  • Comment number 58.

    Luckily, the driver of the HGV is reportedly OK....

    JG x

  • Comment number 59.

    Oh lordy, what happened??

    Was driving over that damned bridge this morning when traffic report was on Chris's programme. Nasty accident on the other side and a 5 mile tailback to the M8.


  • Comment number 60.

    Thanks Seza. Fb giving me the run around again tonight.



  • Comment number 61.

    Evening all,

    What a day , had to meet Mr MC at Bandqueue after work to try and find a bathroom light. Didnt manage to agree on anything so i suggested we go to the local carvery on the way home. Thought it would be quiet , but noticed two big coaches parked nearby. When we walked in there must have been a zillion Northampton fans . They had stopped off enroute to Liverpool for the footy match.

    Anyway, there was plenty of food left so we decided to stay . Have had my roast dinner fix, mmmmm.

    Bathroom has some tiles on the wall, but no fixtures and fittings as yet.
    Still not seen the fitter , but am guessing we are still on target for Friday.

    JG, yes it poured down didnt it , i really need to wash my car , its disgustingly grubby. There just arent enough hours in the day.

    MC xxxx

  • Comment number 62.

    MC, I take mine to a local hand-wash place...they did mine on Saturday before I dared to let Daisy see it!!

    There's quite a few around here, have a look, for a fiver it's worth it!

    JG x

  • Comment number 63.

    Hi JG,

    Yes, there are some good ones round here, but the thing is, i really like doing it myself . It needs a good clean inside too . Hopefully it will stop raining for an hour at the weekend.

    MC xxx

  • Comment number 64.

    MC It's sunny here - do you want to come wash my car please? ;-)


  • Comment number 65.

    Tonight, i got so fed up with Waterloo Road switched over to Don't tell the Bride - give the groom the entire budget and let him organise the whole weddding - addictive TV or what!!

    Now back with Kevin and the grand design - high brow stuff for me tonight!

    I am ironing while I watch tho so something good coming out of it

    Think I need a bit of liquid refreshment to help me along!

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 66.

    Hi Seza,
    Ok,its a deal , in exchange for a nice piece of one of those cakes you mentioned a while back please . We could turn this into one of those trade in trade up thingys . Now any one prepared to pay more than a slice of cake ?

    MC xx

    We have Kevin on too, i think he is great.

  • Comment number 67.

    We have Scunthorpe v Man Utd on... nuff said!

    (And for the lurkers, I am NOT a Utd or Scunthorpe fan)!!

    JG x

  • Comment number 68.

    MC I'll even throw in a cup of tea!!

    Do you think that lad's mum knows he was off for a glass of wine!


  • Comment number 69.


    Deal !!

    I think some of these projects turn out like "visitors centres" rather than homes .

    Right, off to next door and then to bed .

    See you soon,

    MC xxx

  • Comment number 70.

    MC I'll raise you a slice of cake and a whole bar of chocolate if you would like to pop over and wash my scruffy car too!

    Have had to resort to a glass of prosecco tonight to keep body and soul together.

    Susan xx

  • Comment number 71.

    MC Ummm not very homely is it? Don't think it would be my choice

    Susan, an underhand bid there!! ;-)

    Ok I'll go slice of cake, cup of tea and a selection of chocolate truffles (Mr Seza's Specialty!)

    JG Am glad to say only sport Mr Seza ever watches is F1 and a bit of tennis- suits me!


  • Comment number 72.


    Wow, do i go north or south , LOL.
    I can't gazump Seza, so i'll say yes to both of you , win win for all of us. It's Mc's den !

    I've heard Prosecco has wonderful healing qualities , if drunk in the right quantities.

    Take care and get those buckets and cakes ready.

    MC xxx

  • Comment number 73.

    MC - That house? Teletubbies! Teletubbies!!

    I'll put the kettle on!

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 74.

    Now Seza who is being underhand - MC how about a huge slice of cake, as many homemade scones as you like, a bar of chocolate and a pot of tea?

    Good grief just seen that the Toon won against Chelski!!


  • Comment number 75.

    Ok Susan, Call it a draw!!


  • Comment number 76.

    I'll shake hands on that!

    BTW Seza do you have your new car now?

    Right going to try and have an earlier night xx

  • Comment number 77.

    Susan I do have my new car and it is lovely!

    Too nice in fact, Mr Seza has "borrowed" it a couple of times as it is an estate - he's never wanted to do that before!

    Night all, sleep well

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 78.

    Tonight's Goodnight Song>>>

    MM x

  • Comment number 79.

    Also had the same experience this morn. It's a full moon and this may account for my insomnia. Affected by the moon in this way classifies us a lunatics (don't ya know)!!

    Not entirely true! Mum's coming today (to look at the dire state of my finances) and so is ex-boyfriend to shift his stuff, I also have a meeting with a mental health worker at 2pm today. I have been able to sleep lately by taking half-sleeping tablets... now mysteriously disappeared ????? I cannot cancel life just because I am exhausted and on the verge of a break-down.

    Just wish I could get a a decent amount of rest to enable me to cope better.

    You are lucky that your concerns are about which book to read!!! Perhaps I should go for the coffee and a drag on my 'silly cigarette' (for quitting smoking)

    Looking forward to the Breakfast show though XXXX

  • Comment number 80.

    Morning Laura

    Here's hoping today goes well for you, and isn't too painful.

    I was awake at 4.30 this morning, willing the alarm to go off so that I could get up, whilst at the same time willing myself to get back to sleep - fail!

    I think I might look into herbal sleep remedies today. I can't go on like this - I'm exhausted by the end of the day.

    As for yesterday's 4pm thing, I think it went well, but then I've thought that before and not got anywhere. So now it's just the waiting game. I can't help but think that when I find the right job, I may actually get some sleep too.

    Back later.


  • Comment number 81.

    Today's song .....


  • Comment number 82.

    MM - thanks for your music input - not heard that one before - lovely

    Deev - in order to be openminded I listened to yours as well - hate to say it but razorlight still don't do anything to me!

    my entry for today - found this - what a great cover - shame the quality nots so good!

    Laura - big welcome to you, please stick around

  • Comment number 83.

    Whhooo hooo!

    I was breaking news!!!!!!!

    Ta muchly CLP, tis made my day!

  • Comment number 84.

    Debs - well done lovely lady

    PS - am reading a book called bling fath by Ben Elton - very interesting novel based on chatrooms and lack of privacy - makes me think ......

  • Comment number 85.

    Missed it Debs, but whoop whoop.


  • Comment number 86.

    Good Morning all,

    Rain has just arrived here this morning Oh well!!!!.

    Deev, try some peppermint tea ,thats supposed to be good.Fingers crossed for you.

    Baggy ,hope you have a good day,no boxing gloves ,thats a good sign.

    Debs,Sorry I missed it too .

    MTF,don't get too boggged down with all those men today ;)

    Laura ,Welcome .

    Have a nice day all......Bids.xxx.

  • Comment number 87.

    A nice day to you too Bids.

    Debs, will listen again, asap.


  • Comment number 88.

    Morning everyone.

    Cold and wet here.

    Debs, well done!

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 89.

    Good morning everyone, dry but very cloudy and grey this morning here in Ayrshire.

    Missed it Debs, what time was it and I will listen again?

    Hope everyone has a good day.



  • Comment number 90.


    I heard the breaking news Debs but didn't realise it was you until CLP mentioned jumping the car man, I mean, being jump started by the car man!!

    Is lovely morning here, hope it's good where you are too

    Coffee Morning today!

    Laters Seza xx

  • Comment number 91.

    Seza LOL! I know cheeky CLP!!!

    Gail, breaking news is about 5-10 past 8am, I think i was the last one?

    Still smiling :-)


  • Comment number 92.

    What a peculiar sight I have just witnessed.

    Living in the country, I am used to seeing lots of wildlife and am always amazed at the wonder of it all.

    But this morning, something happened that I had never seen before.

    About an hour ago, there were hundreds of crows/rooks, and seagulls making the most horrendous racket right outside my house. I was busy reading all the posts and didn't really tate that much notice.

    Then, when I looked outside, I realised that these birds, were in fact giving a buzzard a hard time, which they often do as they are trying to protect their young etc..

    Anyway, this buzzard had landed on the telegraph wires oppostie to my house and was being swooped on from all directions.

    Then, flop.. I thought it was playing dead, as it hung upside down from the wires. I thought this must be a ploy to ward off the crows. It remained like this for a good 10 to 15 minutes until finally plunging from the wires into the hedge below.

    So, wellies on and off to inspect just what was going on.

    I climbed the gate into the field and approached the bird with caution in case it was injured. I then realised that it was in fact motionless and pulled the huge bird from the hedge.

    It was still warm, but totally floppy and obviously no longer alive.

    I can only assume that it had died from shock. Has anyone ever come across this before? I am absolutley shocked to think, that such a majestic bird could be so badly affectted. There were no apparent injuries!

    Stunned MTF.xx

  • Comment number 93.

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