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Good Morrow Good People Of The Blog

Chris Evans | 11:57 UK time, Monday, 11 October 2010

Back behind the mic after a two week break that seems like it lasted a year - Italy, Wales and Scotland all in a fortnight! Motor cars, watching golf and then more golf (playing or at least trying to play) - all in that order.

Found myself on a bus at on Saturday afternoon with Samuel L Jackson, Andy Garcia and Huey Lewis - not something that I thought would ever happen to me. Sam surprisingly quiet, Andy very passionate and Huey just a hoot. That's one for the memory bank.

Busy few weeks coming up, so I'd better lie low for a few days and recharge the tanks.

See you tomorrow morning - 6.30am - don't forget!!!





  • Comment number 1.

    Hurrah. Welcome back Chris.


  • Comment number 2.

    Welcome back CLP, great to hear you from 6.30 this morning.

    Beautiful day here in Ayrshire, quite chilly in the morning but blue sky, what more could you want.

    Baggy, sorry to hear about your girl going missing, JG is right, when my Minstrel went missing for 3 weeks I had really given up hope of finding him but the blog shout went out and he re-appeared.

    Hope everyone else had a good weekend and have a lovely day.



  • Comment number 3.

    hiya Chris - welcome back! Sounds like you had one of the pinch me moments on that there bus! how fab.

    nothing to report here - same old same old, so I'll scoot off and I think its chicken sarnie for lunch - but ooo, some rhubarb crumble left over from yesterday for puds!

    have a good day everyone!

  • Comment number 4.

    Hello CLP & Everyone.

    Welcome back Chris.

    It must have been lovely to have a break and play golf, etc. but now you have to get back into the swing of things.

    Lovely day here in Wirral.

    MM x

  • Comment number 5.

    WELCOME BACK CHRIS!! I tried, I really tried to get up before 6.30 this morning, but just couldn't - promise I will try to do better as the week progresses! Sounds like you had a fabulous couple of weeks - it's great to have you back. xx

    Hope everyone is well this chilly Monday.

    Willow: pss, pss, pss - we're looking for you!

    C xx

  • Comment number 6.

    Welcome back CLP. Missed having the radio on in the mornings. Not quite the same without your breakfast show!

    Hi to all. I see the midnight curfew didnt last long Sal!


  • Comment number 7.

    ....and what did I say about a bit of weekend indulgence Thunder??



  • Comment number 8.

    Welcome back Chris!!!!

    Brilliant to have you on at 6.30am - it made my morning :-)))

    C x x

  • Comment number 9.

    CLP good to have you back .

    Hope everyone is ok, Baggy sorry to hear about your missing tuddytat , will give a little whistle for you.

    Bright blue skies and sunny sunshine here, thats three in a row.

    MC xx

  • Comment number 10.

    CLP glad to have you back, hiya everyone

    thanks for the cat calling - lets hope she remembers we do love her, the strange things is the last thing I remember about sat night is she came and gave me a cuddle and she doesnt normally do that, being a daddies girl!

  • Comment number 11.

    Afternoon CLP, team and fellow peeps of Blogland!

    Welcome back Chris - it was fab to have your dulcet tones on t'radio again this morning and THANK YOU for saving the brace of Beatles for 7am instead of playing them at 6.30 - love love love Blackbird.

    Bit of Wrong Bong tho ..... you gave me heart failure at 7.50 when you said it was "ten to seven" or thereabouts. Yikes, thought I could have had an extra hour in bed!

    Busy weekend for ChezNic, squeezing in not one but two gigs: Cherry Ghost in Friday and Imelda May last night. Cherry Ghost were very good - and very hot, and Imelda was fantastic, unleashing my inner Rockabilly chic!

    Johnny's got a boom boom, apparently!


  • Comment number 12.

    deev - hows the job hunting going?

    for those intrested (no one you say???) I've picked myself back up and am trying to be more optiomistic about the jobs in the thames valley that are about, they may not be a huge change from what I'm doing now but the clocks begun to tick for me as I might have a replacement!!!

    One job sounds great and is 10 mintues down the road - that would do nicely

  • Comment number 13.

    Big Chief CLP,

    Welcome back, welcome back . . .

    Tell me this - did you make a purchase in Modena whilst you were enjoying the scenery . . .per chance, peut-etre??

    Oh, by the way, how many weeks did I request Huey Lewis & the News as my All Request Friday...

    - when eventually you relented, gave in and capitulated, I think you may have used the word "reluctant / under pressure" etc as the record spun for the first time at tea-time . . .

    You cannot hold back a classic!!!

    Have a good week,


  • Comment number 14.


    Job hunting is going very slowly. I am very depressed about it and have a tendency to burst into tears at very short notice. I dread applying for jobs in case I get an interview, as interviews inevitably lead to disappointment and frustration. I am stuck in a job I hate, earning much less than I am worth, doing work far beneath my capabilities.

    Basically, I loathe Mon-Fri 8.30 - 5pm and if I don't get out soon, I feel I may do something I will live to regret.

    But thanks for asking.


  • Comment number 15.

    deev - seriously I feel your pain and I know how long it took you to get that job so you haven't got the two fingers option like I did (how very satisfying), but something must come up at some point.

  • Comment number 16.

    It's the excuses that get me down Baggles. Feedback is always glowing - I interview well, enthusiastic, fab cv etc. Reasons have included my "job hopping" past (yes, I accept that but I am older and wiser now and living in a different part of country!), lack of experience in the sector for which the job is (lots of manufacturing in the Midlands, not so in East Anglia) .... and my favourite: The Internal Candidate got it!!

    Like the fairground owner in SCooby Doo .... pah! If it wasn't for you pesky internal candidates I'd have got that job ....!

    Trying to keep smiling but waking up Mon-Fri with that sick feeling of dread in my stomach is really getting me down.


  • Comment number 17.

    Nice to hear the lovely Selina reading the news again... is she staying or is Moira coming back, or does Moira not like the earlier mornings?

    My OH saw Chris playing golf on Saturday with Huey Lewis so I'm guessing that's why he was on a bus with him at the weekend! :o))

  • Comment number 18.


    Good to have you back Chris, didn't quite make 6.30 this morning - a day off meant the alarm didn't have to be set but I'll be there tomorrow - promise

    Deev, (((x))))

    Willow!!! Here kitty, kitty! Time to come home now!

    Sylvia, think Moira was off for a month, so the week before Chris was off, 2 weeks in between then this week and then she's back

    Is glorious here today - 3rd load of washing blowing on the line - lovely!

    Think Chris should ask us bloggers to sort something out for the close of the show instead of Hello Goodbye - how about a Special Blog Shout out!

    Laters - I'll feel a baking session coming on!

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 19.

    seza - how about in thurs we all list out plans for the weekend and on Fri CLP reads them out? :-) You can have that one for free

  • Comment number 20.

    What about CLP finds us all jobs .....


  • Comment number 21.

    you mean each day there is a two minute slot advertising those that need work? you may have a plan there!

    My can be 'ambitious, tencaious full qualified accountant with 4 years post qualified experience looks for work in a friendly accoutning team. Has a keen interest in financial accoutning, does not spend her whole day blogging?'

  • Comment number 22.

    Mature yet fun-loving PA, Staffordshire based, with own transport. Glass always half-full, can-do approach, accurate typing 60wpm and short-hand. Excellent organisational skills, can multi-task with ease and make a mean cup of coffee.

    Do I get the gig!?!?


  • Comment number 23.

    Afternoon Dear Bloggers (and Chris),

    Honey I'm home! Yes the wanderer returns from her mini African adventure, with a bit of a tan, heart breaking stories and some memories that will last a life time.

    Now I've no idea what's been going on the past four weeks and probably never will as there is too much to catch up on; but I trust you are all well. A hearty slap on the back if you've achieved anything significant and big hugs if you need them {{{}}}.

    It's good to be home, I've missed you.

    Lots of love

  • Comment number 24.

    Great to "see" you back Ali, so glad you had a great time.



  • Comment number 25.

    Hi Ali! Loved your emails whilst you were away, and so pleased that you're back safe and sound.

    Baggy - another reject email just arrived. That's really helped my afternoon mind set. Not.



  • Comment number 26.

    AliB: welcome back - lovely to see you! Glad to hear your adventure went well - I am sure you are going to re-live it for some time to come.

    C xx

  • Comment number 27.

    Hi Ali - welcome back

    Just been gving my laving date - I'm getting paid a month from tomorrow, adn have to train new person from tomorrow but will actually only be here another couple of weeks so get some paid time off - then NY and then need to start new job, which I haven't got yet ummmmmmmmmmmmmm


  • Comment number 28.

    Ali - Good to see you back safe and sound. Bet you have some tales to tell us esp about the kids you met. Really looking forward to seeing you (((xx)))

    Girls, have to say hadn't thought of the CLP Job Centre but hey..........I'll employ you all as long as I've won that there eruo-loadsa dosh. You can buy a retrospective ticket can't you? ;-)

    Have just put some pics from legoville on t'other side. I have another pic of Boy1 but it is not one he wants made public so I'm keeping it as a sort of insurance policy - upset the Mother too much and it'll be published AND tagged!!! What a threat to hold over a teenager!

    Cookies just out of the oven - want one?

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 29.

    Seza - save that pic for his Wedding Day! He WILL thank you .....


  • Comment number 30.

    Deevski -doll - WHAT a good idea!!

    Or maybe his 21st birthday?

    Or his School Prom album or when his girlfriend comes round!

    Mwwhaha! the power!!!

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 31.

    My mum did that to me once - I was 16! I KNEW I was going to get walked home by the Hunk of the town after a friends' 18th birthday party. Mum was under strict instructions to go to bed with her book/crossword and I would come up and say goodnight and tell her all about the party when "he" had gone. Subsequently, I got walked home and invited him in for a glass of something cold (didn't do coffee until my mid 20s) and my mum, bless her, had put loads of baby pics of me up all around the lounge, dining room and kitchen! Me in the bath aged 6 months, me on the rug with a bare bot aged 7 months, me in my pram with the poodle aged 8 months ...... oh how I laughed.



  • Comment number 32.

    Hi all,

    Chris ,really nice to see you back and glad to hear you had a good break ,cant say rest you never had one .
    Would have loved to have been on that bus with those guys ,how lucky was that.

    Willow ,come on willow ,where are you ???

    Deev,did laughwhen I just read your last post ,even read that to Mr Band even he had a smile on his face. And don't forget chin up chest out .

    Baggy that goes for you too .fingers crossed .


    Hope every else is fine and dandy.


  • Comment number 33.

    Hi Bids: just to say hello to you, I always miss you because we are never on the blog at the same time, but I do notice when you say hello to me!

    Hope you are ok - perhaps we'll get a good chat at Rips' FNWC on 22nd October?!

    C xx

  • Comment number 34.

    Hello Crissie ,I've missed you this time ,will catch you later .Thaks for popping by .


  • Comment number 35.

    Back home an hour ago, rabbits in, washing on. Just off to make a salmon and hollandaise sandwich, pour a large G&T and will be back for a natter if anyone is around......


  • Comment number 36.

    Hello Chris
    I am one of the dissenters. I leave work at 6.15 for a long slog up the motorway. I thought I would give you another go.
    Playing Karen Carpenter before your original starting time of 7 AM did not do it for me. Then at 7am, you revved up again didn't you with that daft 'Big Country' signature tune even though you had started at 6.30 with a 'new ' signature tune. You did seem to speak rather than shout at 6.30am but I still beleive you are a night person and not a morning person. It's not all bad for me; my car has both a cassette player and a CD player so I have taken ownership of my own music entertainment and what a good programme I had today; Stones on the cassette and a compilaiton on the CD player.
    I'm signing off from Â鶹Éç radio each morning until I can work out how to get
    Radio 6.

  • Comment number 37.

    I'm here MTF :)

    Evening all.

    Have collapsed in a heap in the corner after having busy bee mode enabled all day at the grindstone. Seriously considering an early night if I could guarantee to sleep straight through to my alarm, but I seem to be developing a slightly worrying habit of waking about 5am and only just nodding off again as the alarm goes off at 7. Doesn't exactly leave me ready to face the day. Still, at least I seem to have gone off the phase of waking up at 2-3-4am brain whirring and having to write myself notes to remind me to do things I've forgotten to do the day before...

    Glad you're back safely AliB, must've been a memorable trip :)

    Hugs to any in need of one.


  • Comment number 38.

    Hi Oz, that waking up at the wrong time is sooooo annoying.

    I have set myself a challenge to get up with Chris from tomorrow. But am not sure, how I will cope with all my driving, at the other end of the day.

    If, I am driving?? It seems that people are putting off having new teeth at the moment! They'll all be wanting them for Christmas, you mark my word!!

    So lovely to have Ali back although I bet you are being missed Ali, by everyone that you met over there.

    Have just tasted my first Bombay Sapphire gin. Theres no going back folks, its every bit as good, if not better than I was told. Hic!


  • Comment number 39.

    Evening all,

    Ali, good to have you back.;-)

    Oz, yes, i have been through the 4am phase . Am currently on the 5.15am phase, so getting a bit better . So annoyed to wake up this morning , when i was just getting cosy with David Tennant !! Doh.

    MTF, LOL

    MC xx

  • Comment number 40.

    You have night visitors too MC?

    How weird is it that they have gone when you wake up?

    Downright rude if you ask me, especially as they dont know what is on offer for breakfast. Hmph!


  • Comment number 41.

    Hi all, had a nap earlier and caught up on some programmes...and managed to answer 4 questions on UC!! Wow!!

    Not sure whether to watch Master Chef, or the revisited Dragons...

    JG x

  • Comment number 42.

    MTF ,

    Yep, very annoying . Do hope he visits again . LOL

    JG , Mr MC still preening himself , he got a couple too . Just watching some Â鶹Éç 4 quiz programme, all rather bizarre . I havent got the mental capacity to do thinking programmes at this time of the day.

    MC xx

  • Comment number 43.

    Evening CLP and tout le monde out there, just popping in to say hi and welcome back to the airwaves. It was nice to wake up to your dulcet tones this morning, though I was still very much in the land of nod at 6:30am! I'm still in a post holiday mood, day 2 back at work today, and counting down to my days off!

    Welcome back Ali, I hope you had an amazing experience in Zimbabwe, I'm sure you'll have made such a difference.

    Hugs to everyone else out there


  • Comment number 44.

    Thanks for your welcome backs, it is indeed good to be home if nothing else the 90 degree plus heat for 4 weeks is exhausting. I got used to going to be early and getting up early, but now it is back to reality. Although I am not back at work until next Monday, just doing the 8 hours church work this week to break me in gently!

    I experienced so much but promise not to bore you on here, as this is not the place. Just to say that I was taken out of my comfort zone, saw extreme poverty, meet some georgeous babies/children all of whom I wanted to bring home, it would have been impossible to choose just one and eaten some food that I never thought I would. But best of all was the safari that I went on - it was AMAZING!

    If anyone wants to email me on the otherside to update me on any major blog news then please do.

    Chris, As much as I love you and your show I can't set my alarm for 6:30am! When you were on at 7:00am I gave you 15 minutes of my sleep but to give you 45 minutes would involve a big sacrifice on my part. But I'm sure you won't be loosing any sleep over that :)


  • Comment number 45.


    Which end do you open your bananas now??

    I would love to hear about your experiences, wherever you put them.

    Nice to see you.....


  • Comment number 46.

    MTF, ( GIN ) ??????


  • Comment number 47.

    Evening Allstars,


    No issue with The Madeley (that's two e's nic....

    But he ain't no Evans.

    Thanks for the extra half hour - I get half an hour of Aled before you clock on which suits me fine.

    Baggy and Deevs - chin up chooks! It's a cliche I know, but there is definitely something out there, so stick with it.
    Is starting out on your own an option? I have a couple of friends who look after the books of small local businesses. They earn a good living, get all of their work form word of mouth and fit it around child care and other weekday activities.
    A lot easier to say than do, but might be an option.

    Gingembre - good work fella. I will retrospectively sponsor you - I wanted to be sure you completed it first, you never know at your age! ;-)

    Ali - welcome back - looking forward to hearing all about it x

    Hope the rest of you are well

    I'm not - still at work, waiting for the scanner to get across a piece of A4 paper which is taking a monumentally long time.

    Max celebrated his 8th birthday today, and was over the moon with his replacement for his worn out iPod touch - the new one can do video calls to my phone which will be great when I'm away.
    As you can probably imagine we had a lot of fun with that before bed time.
    My little girl can pull the most hysterically funny faces!
    Apparently - I can too......Thing is, I wasn't even trying to!

    Take care all and be good



  • Comment number 48.

    Yes Bids, just the one!!

    Yo Rips.


  • Comment number 49.

    Wassup MTF.....

    Scanning complete, so I'm doing one x



  • Comment number 50.

    Hi Rips ,Happy B/day To Max,hope he's had a lovely day .Drive safe .


  • Comment number 51.

    Eight years old Rips??

    Many happy returns of the day Max.


  • Comment number 52.

    Thats us Bids, like a pair of buses!!!


  • Comment number 53.

    Typical, and when you want one there's never one to be had .hahaha!!!

    Bids.xxx.....PS how did your day out go .??? Iwas stuck in that cupboard again ,but now sorted .Mr B and I had to take the door of today soo that we could fit insome of those storage drawers.Just managed to get them under the bottom shelf ,so it's all nice and tidy .Job done.


  • Comment number 54.

    We left L'Anchre Bleu in search of sunshine.

    It was lovely in Weston.

    I have exciting news, that involves an axe!!!


  • Comment number 55.

    Not the CHAIR????

  • Comment number 56.

    I'm worried quite frankly. Exciting news and and axe. You don't want to know what my head (tired, deluded head) is dreaming up. Come one, spill the beans MTF ;)


  • Comment number 57.

    Has it go something to do with a PLUM TREE ????.

  • Comment number 58.

    I can lend you boy1 if you want

    He's got an axe & saw certificate!!!! Or so he tells me!

    Night all

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 59.

    Hi Oz,.She's going to keep us guessing ,you do know that don't you .she just loves getting us at it .


  • Comment number 60.

    Bids, stick an S on the end of post 55!

    Oz, dont have nightmares!.x


  • Comment number 61.

    Hi Seza , see she's got you at it now .and where is she ????


  • Comment number 62.

    Send him down Seza...

    Mind you, how much is he costing to feed these days??

    He has really shot up.


  • Comment number 63.

    THE CHAIRS.???? Which ones ,and what are you going to be sitting on ???


  • Comment number 64.

    I hope the chairs are going on a fire after they've been axed. Wood warms you twice and all that.


  • Comment number 65.

    Are you making preparations for Bonfire Night MTF?

    MM x

  • Comment number 66.

    Wood does warm you twice Oz.

    Bids, both chairs. Good riddance, hello back improvement!


  • Comment number 67.

    Oooh yes, hadn't thought of that MM :) Baked spuds and toffee apples and the like :)

    Thinking of toffee, I've got a bottle of toffee flavoured cider in my fridge currently. Saw it while doing the food trawl and thought it might be something different to try. Now I've got to get up the nerve to try it... Not tonight. I've discovered I can't drink cider (or perry my preference of the two) very fast. Mostly cos I can only get bottled fizzy stuff round here, and I don't do fizz. Will have to pay a trip up north and to the fab pub that has perry on draught and still :)


  • Comment number 68.

    Can't believe that bonfire night is so close ,but halloween first ,better get that old broom stick out and get it dusted off .

    Hi Maddy .hope your Ok .


  • Comment number 69.

    Bids, you let it gather dust??

    Shame on you. LOL.xx

  • Comment number 70.

    I know what you mean Oz. I've never been able to drink anything fizzy!

    MM x

  • Comment number 71.

    Great news - 6.30 start, I can listen for a few minutes before heading off to work!

  • Comment number 72.

    I dont drink anything that doesn't fizz!

    Hello Sue.


  • Comment number 73.

    MTF, well you have to have a few cobwebs on the broom ,don't you ??hahah


  • Comment number 74.

    Thinking of flying to York on it .do you think it will get me over those Pennines ???


  • Comment number 75.

    LOL Bids, we actually hoovered the broom yesterday. It was full of Dylan fluff!

    He is still moulting big style.


  • Comment number 76.

    T he other day I hoovered the hoover MTF, I noticed that it was the one thing which was covered in dust!

    MM x

  • Comment number 77.

    Well lovely people I'm going to have to go otherwise I wont sleep ,do have to have my wind down time otherwise my brains still here.

    Night ,night all.


  • Comment number 78.

    In an ideal world, we all need two hoovers Marj.

    My iron was last seen in the 80s!!


  • Comment number 79.

    Night Bids.

    Will phone you 2 moro?


  • Comment number 80.

    Night Bids.

    I used to have two MTF, one upstairs and one downstairs until one packed up. Could do with that now.

    MM x

  • Comment number 81.

    Marj, how about this....

    We stayed in a luxury seafront apartment in Saundersfoot, with a central vacuuming system!!

    You just put the rather long hose into the nearest vent and it all got sucked down into the garage. Simples!!


  • Comment number 82.

    Oh I want one of those MTF but isn't it a bit drastic, do you have to fasten things down and keep out of the way of the hose?

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 83.

    LOL Marj.

    No you are master of the hose!!


  • Comment number 84.

    OOps turned a bit 'Les Mis' there!!


  • Comment number 85.

    That's no good to me then MTF, I thought it was automatic. Someone else would have to be in charge of the hose then while I read the paper, watch TV or blog.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 86.

    It works on the same priciple as a normal vacuum cleaner, just a long hose and nothing to pull around.

    I bet some of our bloggers have got one??

    Chris, have you got one??


  • Comment number 87.

    I'll bet Chris has got one too but as for the dust going into the garage Nooooooooo!!!!!!!!

    What about the Enzo?

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 88.

    It all gets sucked into a central bag Marj!!

    FAB 1 eh?


  • Comment number 89.

    FAB 1 indeed MTF.

    Then Chris must have one although I did see a twitter photo of him using an ordinary upright vacuum cleaner in his house. Maybe he has both cleaning systems!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 90.

    Anyway, all this talk of housework is making me tired, I'm off for a lie down.

    Goodnight MTF xxx

  • Comment number 91.

    Chris, my alarm is going to alarm me for the first time and wake me up for your show.

    I have invested in a new plug in radio and headphones and will be marching down to the beach.

    Give us early morning followers, formerly drivetimers a big HELLOOO.

    Right off to hit the hay.

    Night Marj and anyone else still up.

    So much for the midnight curfew!!


  • Comment number 92.

    Night Marj.


  • Comment number 93.

    Morning all

    Rips, thanks for the "chin up" (thankfully still only one chin). Doing vitual PA services is a possibility but as with everything, it's the money side of it that's at issue. My colleague at work has her own virtual PA business which she fits in around her p/t role at our place - she charges anything from £15 - £30 and hour, depending on what she's doing. She does a lot of virtual call-handling and marketing for small firms. Worth exploring for sure, but I just want a job where I am employed by someone decent, paid decent money and most importantly, kept busy all day. Which brings me on to today ......

    I've got precisely 3 things to do today (trust me, I've scoured that place top to bottom looking for stuff to do). Those 3 things have to last me 8.5 hours and the MD is in all day. The MD sits behind me so he can see my screen at all times. The day ahead will be long and silent. There is no banter like in normal offices, just deafening silence. I can't put into words how much I truly hate that place. I feel invisible there and freely admit to having made the worse mistake of my life, work wise. Yes, something will turn up but I fear loss of my sanity until the point when it finally shows itself.



  • Comment number 94.

    hiya everyone

    Not going to be around much from now on - I have new lady starting today and she will be shadowing me so I guess I should actually work!

    No sign of Willow :-(

    Rips - I have often thought of going solo, but possibly bnot at the moment with Mr bp only working part time and doing his masters. I am looking for a job which means less journey time to work but no more London breakfasts :-(

  • Comment number 95.

    Good morning everyone,

    Have been lurking and enjoying all the banter. It is good to see the blog rolling again. Enjoying listening to Chris doing what he does best.

    Deevs and Baggy, I am hoping that you both will find the perfect job(s). Good idea Baggy, about the reminding people bit at the end of Chris' show. it could be quite funny, too!

    #86 I've got one MTF and I have grown to love it! I don't live in a grand house, but the previous owner had a severe dust allergy and had one installed.

    Right, better see what is going on next door.

    Take care, Mcw x

  • Comment number 96.


  • Comment number 97.

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