
Archives for February 2010

Happy Holidays

Chris Evans | 12:49 UK time, Friday, 26 February 2010

Thanks for all the support and "guidance" the team and I have received over our first stint around the radio Breakfast Show table.

We are off for a week, though most of us are still working - just not "on the air" - as they say. Toodle pip for now and be nice to that Alice Richardson bloke who's gonna keep my seat warm for the next week.

Look after you ! (Pretty Woman - a classic)




It's Nice To Be Important But It's Important To Be - Near A Kettle!

Chris Evans | 10:47 UK time, Thursday, 25 February 2010

Title of today's show.

A kettle, be it paint splattered in a builder's cabin, or bubbling away in the breakfast room of a Blackpool boarding house - to me - is one of the most welcoming sights a human being can behold.

Especially yesterday, when Jonny and myself were freezing our respective bits off at a water skiing lake near Heathrow for most of the day.

Honestly, in between "goes" I sat in the sauna, which is bizarrely but thankfully situated on the end of the jetty, in full wet suit with a cup of tea ! And I remained there until the last possible minute I could, before being called to film again.

I have experienced many wide and varied things in the course of my life, but I never imagined I would ever have a cup of tea in a sauna and enjoy every mouthful.

Hot drinks in saunas, I'm still getting my head around it.

Click here to watch the video of our exploits - enjoy.




Day Two of Eat Like This For The Rest Of Your Life. And Feel Good and Not Too Lardy.

Chris Evans | 10:22 UK time, Wednesday, 24 February 2010

Here's basically how it works - you eat every two and a half hours, this is a must.

You combine 40% protein, with 40 % complex carbs and the other 20% is for naughty stuff - usually brown in colour, chips, bread etc.

Portions sensible for main meals; a cupped hand for protein and carbs; half that for naughty stuff.

Snacks in between must also be a mixture of carbs and protein, ie. a biccie has to have cheese on for example; whole grain toast needs a bit of ham or tuna; celery needs hummus. Now I don't know about you, but that all sounds like heaven to me.

Please remember these are the basics - I'm not the guy who figured this stuff out, he's a very clever chap called Ian Marber. His theory is based on food never being too fulsome to have to be stored as long term fat, but at the same time never being too sparse to send the body into famine panic.

This stops the massive highs and lows of hunger and guilt occurring in the day, as well as drip feeding us the energy when we need it. It also means we're never far away from our next treat, and won't gorge out on dinner having been starving ourselves all day.

I think the guy may be a genius.

Here's hoping.




It's Not A Diet, It's Eating Differently!

Chris Evans | 11:02 UK time, Tuesday, 23 February 2010

So I met a man yesterday - I've met him before but we didn't go through with it. This time however we are on!

I don't eat at all during the day - nothing! I know this is very bad for me but I love my food so much at night, I want to be able to eat what I like and as much as I like, but it has to stop and now it has.

Diets are like buses and holidays - you go on them and you come off them - that's why by and large they don't work. This very clever man has a whole different approach and it means I can eat more - all day and still have exactly what I want for dinner, it's just that I won't WANT as much. Not only that but I will have more energy in the day.

I have honestly NEVER eaten before a breakfast show before - EVER. Today was the first time and with the time now standing at before 11a.m. I have eaten a total of three times.

What and how, I will tell you tomorrow. . .





So, yesterday was the first time in a long time that I just wanted to relax...

Chris Evans | 11:19 UK time, Monday, 22 February 2010

...this was enforced relaxation, as I was due to do something which was cancelled due to the rain - of which there was oceans over Berkshire yesterday - the like of which I haven't seen in ages, by the way.

As a result, I elected to do very little other than what was required of me as a loving husband and doting father - which thankfully as it happened, wasn't that much. But I have now learnt to beware of such a situation - picture the scene if you will . . .

It's 3 p.m. Noah - our one year old has gone for his afternoon snooze, the tv is on in the background but we're not really watching it. I am half sitting, half lying on the sofa - half reading the papers...

Mrs. Evans offers to make me a cup of tea, I thank her and say I would love one - she disappears out of the door and within seconds returns with a cup of tea in hand, but also a naughty twinkle in her eye. Now I must point out here, my guard was down and I was vulnerable - she bent down and whispered in my ear and a second later - I HAD AGREED TO A NEW KITCHEN !

Damn that rain.




Hey Hey - Help Here Come The Good News Bears

Chris Evans | 10:46 UK time, Friday, 19 February 2010

So good news is:-

Lord Lloyd Webber steps in to save Abbey Road - Thank The Lord !

Jonny wins Sporting Challenge Number 6: but the video makes it well worth my losing.

My car has been accepted for the Mille Miglia - famous Italian historic 1000 mile race on May.

Noah is walking - sort of.

Tash is smiling - nearly all the time as a result.

We've had amazing feedback all week about the show.

But most importantly of all - Thom my cuz - injured playing rugby for Scotland last week, called yesterday from hospital to have a chat. The guy is a legend, officially now a hero.

Life is sweet - look at the good in your life. Don't delay, do it today.




Friday On The Breakfast Show. . .

Chris Evans | 11:39 UK time, Thursday, 18 February 2010

All records lead to Abbey Road. Tomorrow we will have a big pre-weekend push in our innocent but sincere efforts to heighten awareness of the importance of saving Abbey Road as a musical landmark.

Apparently under threat, in relative terms, it would not take that much of a unified and concerted effort to achieve this.

The National Trust want it to happen - and have the power to move mountains - but only if there is public support. So come on gang, today is the day. Tell anyone you know to contact them and lodge their name and backing - if they want to of course. . .

I would be happy to become a lifetime trustee of any future managerial team - for no other reason than I think it's very much worth doing.

Whaddya reckon ?




Who Wouldn't Want To Stay At The Fab Four Seasons ?

Chris Evans | 10:34 UK time, Wednesday, 17 February 2010

Abbey Road for sale! Someone has to buy it to save it. It's too important and could also make a fortune if marketed correctly.

Hotel/Bar/Restaurant/Museum/Madame Tussauds style Thingy/Roundhouse style Thingy - whatever. If I was a gazillionaire - like I used to be, I wouldn't think twice about snapping it up. This is a must buy, must have - the ultimate in Beatles memorabilia.

O2 - where are you ? Richard Caring - woohoo ? Macca - calling you too ? Branson - come on son ? Sir Philip Green - you have to be seen !!!

Guys - seriously this could be a bargain and a lifetime of brownie points.

Perleeeeeasssse, somebody do something.




P.S. Loving the all new screaming, whooping and hollering REALLY LOUD TOGS on a Sunday morning!!!

Remote Control Couch Potatoes

Chris Evans | 11:32 UK time, Tuesday, 16 February 2010

The remote control, ironically the best friend of the armchair sports fan. Whilst their heroes expend thousands of calories out on the pitch - they do anything but - other than exercise one of their thumbs flicking through the channels.

Of course adults have always had a sort of remote control for the telly - it's just that they used to be called kids ! Not as easy to work admittedly - and not always to be found down the side of the sofa - but battery free, and also capable of running to the fridge or making the tea.

This got me thinking back to the days of huge television audiences, the like of which are rarely seen nowadays. Did they exist simply because nobody could be bothered to get up and switch channels ?




There Are Only A Few Things In Life That Really Matter.

Chris Evans | 11:11 UK time, Monday, 15 February 2010

This is a blog dedicated to anyone who spends their working day fixing other people - like they did for my cousin Thom this weekend.

Thom was injured in a horrifying episode on Saturday playing rugby for Scotland. In short, he broke his neck and they saved his life. Not only that but the expertise with which he was carried from the field, transported to the hospital and then operated on and cared for means he should make a full recovery. Something quite miraculous, if you could have seen the extent of the devastation sustained by the top of his spine.

Thom and his family have always known the risks involved in such a physical sport but nothing can prepare you for such an incident. They have been as strong for him as is humanly possible over the last 48 hours - as of course they will continue to be - and all things considered - the future looks comparatively bright.

My thoughts go out to the players involved in the tackle, and I know Thom would want them to feel no responsibility whatsoever for his accident. It was simply "one of those things" that unfortunately sometimes happens in the marvellous sport of rugby.

As I said this morning - onwards and upwards from here - it's the only way.




On The Road, But Not In A Kerouac Way.

Chris Evans | 12:08 UK time, Friday, 12 February 2010

In convoy after a meet at Reading Services with "The Boys" for the rugger-bee.

The M4 Westbound warming up nicely with a couple of hundred or so obvious boys weekend vehicles.

Dirty driving though - all cars, ruger-bee or otherwise, grotesquely grimy in that wintry way - where white cars seem to turn black, whilst black cars seem to turn white.

My last admission of anything healthy for the next two days has just passed my lips. Grapes and an on-the-move salad.

From here on in, it's brown food only, ale and wine. We know we're going to feel dreadful at as a result come Sunday, but it never stops us...does it ?

So two o'clock kick off tomorrow, and see you on the pitch at half time making a complete fool of myself AGAIN - as a result of agreeing to "have a go" at something else I am utterly useless at.

Bon weekend tout le monde.




I used to say no but now I say yes - why the heck not

Chris Evans | 13:53 UK time, Thursday, 11 February 2010

Before - that is before all this - there was the other time, sometimes known as back then.

Back then I used to be asked to do loads of things but I considered myself other worldly - because I was away with the garden gnomes, you might say.

This time around I am aware enough to realise how blimmin' lucky I am still to be here at all, let alone doing the job I love - so I am more of a yes man.

There were three "yes"-es today.

Will you host the annual butchers awards for a fee of sterling and bacon? I promise you the bacon is in writing on the contract !

Will you judge the National Pie Awards? Who in their right mind, would not ?

Will you try to kick a goal at half time on Saturday at The Millennium Stadium ?

Absolutely to all three.

Nobody wants to hear about what you MIGHT have done !

Do stuff.




Happy Birthday Son.

Chris Evans | 16:27 UK time, Wednesday, 10 February 2010

So baby DJ is off the mark.

No longer 0 - he is on the path to the admission of mortality with a big 1 year old to his name.

We spent his first birthday at Bisley National Shooting Centre, where we were for the fifth Sporting Challenge. He celebrated with a present of a bacon sarnie each for mummy, his big sis Jade and his uncle Paulo from Portugal.

"Win it for me daddy !" he gurgled.

"I'll try son - I'll try," I said.

After shotgun clays, followed by the rifle range and then a dump of sideways snow - freezing cold - it was off to his Nanna's for balloons, jelly and chocolate.


The balloons and the jelly he can have, but I think for his sake, Daddy needs to check out the chocolate.

Here's to year 2 - happy Wednesday everyone.

Clp 2010 x.

Brian's Got Talent - I Tell You - It's A Winner.

Chris Evans | 12:04 UK time, Tuesday, 9 February 2010

I wonder what the most talented name really is when it comes to excelling - probably not Brian come to think of it. Let's have a look at the most recent evidence. . .

Leona, Will, Alexandra, Susan, Cheryl, Gareth !!! And do you know what ? I can't even remember who won this year's Simon Cowell thingy, or what the resulting Christmas single was.

The John's have got to be up there I reckon, and the Georges and the Michaels and the George Michaels of course, but hey look at me go - all boys only.

Some of the greats were one name wonders of course: Sammy, Frank, Elvis, Marilyn, Deano, Marlon. . .

Is there really anything in a name though, or does it not matter ?

I'll go and see what "Noah" thinks. . .




Back From The Egg Chasing...But What A Blast

Chris Evans | 09:48 UK time, Monday, 8 February 2010

Set off for Twickers in an attempt to arrive there at 2 o'clock - so as not to do too much damage between then and the kick off at 5! But uh-oh - no traffic - so we arrived there at seven minutes to one. After we had been there for two hours, there was still over two hours to go to kick off! And what time did we leave? Quarter past nine, in order to "let the traffic die down..."

"So boys, it's been a great day," I offered nervously.

"What are you talking about ? We're going out now, and you're coming with us."

"Am I?"

I saw my home, wife and son again at some point on Sunday morning. I awoke to find two extra large ex rugby players already downstairs, sprawled on our sofas, watching the sports channel with a cup of tea and approximately eight rounds of toast - each - already on the go.

"So where are we going for lunch ?" one of them pipes up.

After a pub lunch - in the curry house later yesterday evening, perusing the menu whilst the boys were waiting back at my house for their take away "snack", (nurturing pints which looked like the size of thimbles in their spade like hands) - I began to see how this being a big bloke thing works.

I think they left this morning to go back to their respective Lilliputs, although I'm not sure and my wife doesn't seem to be answering our phone. Please God tell me they haven't eaten her as well.




All Hail The Twitmeister

Chris Evans | 11:30 UK time, Friday, 5 February 2010

Sir Tel is on Twitter. Don't know how but there you are: @Terry_wogan. That's where he is. He is yet to tweet but that is his official account name.

@simonmayo and I already tweet all the time.

@whisperingbob dips his toe into the pool now and again. Our wives don't understand, but finally it's what us boys have been waiting for. The day has come when we don't have to talk about sport, in order to have a conversation during daylight hours.

The limited character thing - 140 characters max, is also a brilliant tool to produce writing that is more concise. I've lost count of the number of times I have run out of characters, gone back and ended up saying more with less.

Let's try it with the above paragraph.

Limited character-140 max, brill for more concise writing. Lost count of times had to revise & ended up saying more with less !

And that's with 15 characters spare ! What could we do with those ?

How about. . . LOOK OUT WALES!




Well, not so bad as I thought.

Chris Evans | 14:54 UK time, Thursday, 4 February 2010

Ice Hockey - yesterday - sure it was painful, but so far throb-o-meter only registering a six out of ten.

More aching than anything else, although am assured stiffness will definitely set in come the morning.

Jonny Sports Locker is already suffering with his neck he says, and the more I think about it, the more I can feel MY neck muscles beginning to creak.

We're always told it's the day after the day after that's the worst...and they're always right.

The one advantage about having to play hockey yesterday, was that it took both mine and Jonny's mind off the actual skating. A lesson that could be employed on the ice rinks of Great Britain perhaps?

By the way, is it ok for me to say 'love the show' about my own show? Because the honest to goodness truth is - that I do.

The whole team does, it really is the best job we've ever had. It just feels so comfortable, like a Savile Row suit - and who would turn down one of those given the chance?

Anyway, ta ta for now, but please read the PS.




PS: Saw Simon Mayo in the gym. I had no idea he was so big....

....in to fitness

Jonny and I at the ice rink for ice hockey challenge...

Chris Evans | 10:56 UK time, Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Genuinely scared - but I have had a great life - so if today is goodbye, I have had a decent throw of the dice.

Arrived early, so nipped off for a quick coffee in nearby Dalston. Really nice coffee and a flaky hot croissant with jam. Was gonna resist the croissant, but suddenly realised it might be my last chance to have one - so I thought what the hell.

Is this what it feels like to be on Death Row, when only you know you've done nothing wrong and they deliver your final meal ?

I have nearly finished my coffee now... my croissant is already in the past tense. I want to order another one - and just sit here for ever.

Whose idea were these Sporting Challenges anyway ?


D'oh !




That's Not All Folks

Chris Evans | 11:20 UK time, Tuesday, 2 February 2010

Blinkety - bloomin' heck those folk music people:

A. Know how to have a good time

B. Are blimmin' brilliant musicians.

Mike Harding - total legend - hosted the awards, and made reference to last year's event being caught out by the weather, and the fact that attendance was low - but mostly from people who lived within the M25; whereas people who'd travelled hundreds of miles were out in force. Southern softies found it difficult to defend their lack of endeavour by all counts.

Whispering Bob did with his speech, what most people can only do with music. I could hear that man speak for hours. Is there a better voice in the world ?

Nanci Griffith said a great line about the fact that she just tries to catch a good song before it leaves her house, and stops off at somebody elses.

But my fave sentiment from the night was as follows :

It is not our differences that are the problem, but our inability to recognise, accept and learn from those differences.

I think I'm gonna leave you with that today !




Does Time Pass Around Us, Or Do We Pass Through Time ?

Chris Evans | 12:31 UK time, Monday, 1 February 2010

If it is the former, then like the shores of our own island, we can only let the tides of time come and go and see what happens. However if it is the latter, which I suspect it may be, then it is up to us how fast we choose to go.

This means that we can effectively slow time down. To slow time down - make time, break it up. I have to stay in London all day today, where the day could easily run away with me but I have created a window for a coffee and a think - that's what I'm doing now.

Later on this afternoon - Tash is coming to see me with Noah for an hour. After she's popped off home again, I'm gonna write a bit more before getting ready for The Folk Awards tonight.

Blocks are just that, blocks - inseparable volumes of matter - impossible to get in between. Blocks will steal your day away from you. Break them down and enjoy the space !

Have a nice day everyone.

I'm back to me cappo' for another ten minutes and then back to get flirty with me qwerty.




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