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So, yesterday was the first time in a long time that I just wanted to relax...

Chris Evans | 11:19 UK time, Monday, 22 February 2010

...this was enforced relaxation, as I was due to do something which was cancelled due to the rain - of which there was oceans over Berkshire yesterday - the like of which I haven't seen in ages, by the way.

As a result, I elected to do very little other than what was required of me as a loving husband and doting father - which thankfully as it happened, wasn't that much. But I have now learnt to beware of such a situation - picture the scene if you will . . .

It's 3 p.m. Noah - our one year old has gone for his afternoon snooze, the tv is on in the background but we're not really watching it. I am half sitting, half lying on the sofa - half reading the papers...

Mrs. Evans offers to make me a cup of tea, I thank her and say I would love one - she disappears out of the door and within seconds returns with a cup of tea in hand, but also a naughty twinkle in her eye. Now I must point out here, my guard was down and I was vulnerable - she bent down and whispered in my ear and a second later - I HAD AGREED TO A NEW KITCHEN !

Damn that rain.





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  • Comment number 1.

    Hi am |I first today

  • Comment number 2.

    Hi Chris, I would like a new kitchen also as mine was here when I moved here 7 years ago. Need an update now.

  • Comment number 3.

    Morning Chris, just shows how dangerous can be, to agree to things when you are all relaxed on a sunday afternoon.

  • Comment number 4.

    Typical. Catch you when you guard is down!

    Morning all. Hope you are all well.


  • Comment number 5.

    Hi Chris,

    Tash is not daft is she? Have used that tactic on Mr Mcw before- very effective! Lots of snow here in Cambridge- roll on Spring!!

    Mcw x

  • Comment number 6.


    Dashed clever these women, you know...gotta love 'em though!


  • Comment number 7.

    Haha, well done Tash! And good luck Christophe, as I assume that a new kitchen for your house would be a bit of a bigger job than, say, a new kitchen for mine - and I still remember the trauma of that 4 years on!

    Oh, and can I also just say that I'm loving the breakfast show now you've settled in, it's like you've been there for years. Also loving Terry's new show on a Sunday :-)

    AF xx

  • Comment number 8.

    Morning Chris and fellow bloggers!

    Be afraid Chris - be very afraid. We women are no fools - I suggested the new kitchen bit and managed to end up with new kitchen, bathroom, carpets and decorating throughout! Well, the kitchen looked so lovely that it made everything else look shabby......

    Just had a bit of snow in the City of L - what is going on? Saw the first crocuses (croci?) of 2010 on Saturday which gave me a real shot of joy. Another day closer to Spring!

    Miss P

  • Comment number 9.

    Hi Chris,

    Loved your story when you said it on the show this morning ... but it's always great to hear a good story twice!

    I would love a new kitchen, but I don't think a cup of tea would swing it!

    C xx

  • Comment number 10.

    Did someone mention cunning women ....... !?!?!

    Thank goodness for a new blog - the last one had tumbleweed all over it.

    Well I am really, really, right proper chuffed with myself this morning. I've been out and about doing housey stuff, and also went to my (hopefully!) new GP's surgery to drop some forms off. And for the first time since I moved here I didn't need Google maps to help me find my way - huzzah!!!!

    That is definitely progress.

    Next on the list: dressing the newly tiled en suite and fixing the shower.

    Deevs, the wench with the wrench


  • Comment number 11.

    I am desperado for a new kitchen but I think it will take me a bit more than whispering in my husband's ear to get one (unfortunately). Chris I think you were a pushover!!

  • Comment number 12.

    Tea wouldn't swing it in the toedipper household either - the OH drinks gallons of it so one more would not help. I've said it before and I'll say it again, Tash is one lucky lady.

    Well it's been snowing all morning here in MK, it took half an hour longer than usual to get to work but that did mean I heard more of the show, so I'm not complaining.

    On a countdown to Saturday now.


    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 13.


    If 1 cup of tea = a new kitchen, what would I have to give you for a Ferrari? :^)


  • Comment number 14.

    What a woman!!! I bet even if your guard was up she could have persuaded you!!!!

    Have a good day y'all

    Cathmel x x

    P.S. Chris did you get my email about our office wrong bongs?

  • Comment number 15.

    Ha ha - well done Tash but better you than me. My kitchen was ripped out totally, down to the plasterboard or whatever it is on the walls so had to move out!
    I would say never again - but I have plans !!!! Well - one can always eat out ;)

    Did the same as you Miss P with the decoration started with the lounge, ended up lounge/dining room, hall landing stairs, kitchen, downstairs loo and with new hall stair/bathroom carpet and new floor in downstairs loo. Not forgetting of course the slow closing loo seat.

    Puzzled Deev - how do you dress an en suite? and good luck with the wrench!! Yikes!!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 16.

    Mr CLP

    Do I detect a 'wrong blog bong'? I thought that when you relayed the same story during your show, that the time you quoted for ickle Noah's nap was 1pm?!

    Shall we meet in the middle and call it 2pm?!

    Loving the show so much, I'm missing you during the weekends!

    M x

  • Comment number 17.

    Awww Beez - how do you dress an en suite?

    New shower hose and head fitted, new loo brush, toothbrush mug, soap dish and soap dispenser (all matching, of course), a Lambanana from The Cavern, fluffy towel, robe over the door .... getting it now!??!!?


    And the shower appears to work.

    Leaving the wrench thing til my man is around. Got all the bits, just need some muscle.

    AND GET THIS ...... my driving licence application (change of address) has been returned as the picture I supplied isn't good enough and doesn't met DVLA guide lines. It's my passport photo!!!! You'd have thought if it was good enough for the passport office, it would be good enough for the DVLA. They advise I read the "enclosed leaflet", which they forgot the enclose.

    Good eh!!?!



  • Comment number 18.

    LOL Beez - loved the loo seat discussions over the weekend! Like you, I was wondering about how Deevs was going to dress the en suite but decided not to ask, just in case!!

    Deev - you might need 2 fluffy towels..............

    Miss P

  • Comment number 19.

    Cheryl, First half of post sounds good; second half less so. However, at least it's making Gordy look good, as it's keeping some numpty in a job!



  • Comment number 20.

    Oh and Chris, what's wrong with blue towels? We have at least 2...maybe more by the time I get home...


  • Comment number 21.

    3 in a row...

  • Comment number 22.

    Afternoon Bloggers and Chris,

    How old does a kitchen have to be before you can get a new one? Didn't you just move into the house Chris? I am assuming that the kitchen wasn't new when you moved in, hence the need for an update! It does seem that you are a bit of a pushover though :)

    Hope everyone in Blogland is fine and dandy on this wet, dismal day - where's Noah and his ark when you need it?


  • Comment number 23.

    Ali, You blocked my Connect 4!


  • Comment number 24.

    And another thing Chris, Mr. Evans, Sir, would you mind awfully having a word with your successor on Drivetime, one Simon Mayo and ask him if he would be so kind as to not change the blimmin' rules of choosing a track on his blog, or, at least, don't just announce it on twitter...it's just not cricket...thanks muchly old chap...TTFN...


  • Comment number 25.

    Now hang on just a cotton pickin' minute Chris Evans - I'm not buying this story, not one little bit.

    You're saying that in your semi-reclined, soporific, loved-up Sunday afternoon state your wife took advantage of your generous nature and you inadvertently agreed to a new kitchen? What nonsense.


    You're forgetting that we've seen you on Saturday Kitchen, drooling over James Martin's mini-chopper. Goodness knows what else you've been coveting. A gorgeous new kitchen with all shiny new implements? And you want us to believe you didn't hatch the entire plot?

    Nice try.

    Barmy xx

    PS that show of your is sounding wonderful, by the way. x

  • Comment number 26.

    Sorry Nic xx

  • Comment number 27.

    Barmy, You are clearly not barmy - good thinking and a point well made...have made a note of your line of thinking for future reference..:O)


  • Comment number 28.

    #24 hear hear...

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 29.

    Barmy - I think there is some psychological issues at play here.

    Mr Martin's chopper is indeed quite an impressive instrument and as such can lead to feelings of insecurity in other males. This seems to be a classic case, Mr. Evans would appear to be a little overawed by Mr. Martin's chopper and the new kitchen would seem to be `overcompensating'.

  • Comment number 30.

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

    Sorry ...... just practising for an afternoon of unpacking CDs and putting them in alphabetical order on the shiny new shelving unit!

    Ain't no stopping me now .....



  • Comment number 31.

    I've got a lovely chopper! And it fits in a cupboard ......

    Now if I was going to have a dreak kitchen, I'd make sure to have an island in the middle to work on, a double sink and drainer, and ..... drum roll please ..... a chilled marble surface for rolling out pastry.

    I'd love one of those!



  • Comment number 32.

    I think I need to retire from bloggery. My spelling is clearly abysmal today!


  • Comment number 33.

    Alphabetical Deevs? Surely CDs should be sorted by Genre?

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 34.

    #29 - You never fail to meet my particulalrly base standards - keep it up!
    #30 - Is Beech supposed to be shiny? Are you good at buffing?
    #31 - See comment above...;O)



  • Comment number 35.

    Afternoon all,

    My choice of boat song and a proper belter to boot...

    Deacon Blue's "Dignity"

    ( see what I did there ? )

    Tickety, wishing I had Dignity ( both kinds ! )

  • Comment number 36.

    And spotted my deliberate spelling mistake too...?
    #33 - No, absolutely, definitely not! :O)



  • Comment number 37.

    # 35 DOH !!

  • Comment number 38.

    Tickety, I fear you may have a dose of crossbloggetyfication...


  • Comment number 39.

    Self diagnosed is always the best...


  • Comment number 40.

    MTD - CDs in alphabetic, deffo not genre. Made this mistake before and subsequently have "lost" a fair few of my rock CDs in January, if you get my drift ......

    You know where you are with alphabetic!



  • Comment number 41.


    I'm kinda liking that ....... !



  • Comment number 42.

    S'OK Deev, this is coming from somebody who has the grand sum of 3 CD's. They are kept in no particular order (in fact they are not even in the same place).

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 43.

    Happy Monday to one and all!

    Hoe everyone had good weekends - mine was good and busy, winning combination! Went to look for a new car yesterday - need to trade in my MX5 for something more economical and family orientated for future plans! Then took Gorgeous Guy (GG) to meet my sister and her other half - all went smoothly!

    Just a shame it had to end at 5am this morning when GG had to head back to the West Midlands for work!

    Photos - just had to have my passport renewed, very scary too!

    Deevs hope that wrench is safe, lol!

    AS x

  • Comment number 44.

    Where's Carl when you need him. Lost my Outlook again. Tried 4 times since lunch to reply to an email - re-booted computer - turned it off - just tried again and go away again. Sorry Carl - yet again I forgot to take a note of the error message !!

    Saw the news lunch time - some nasty weather some of you lot are having. Dry all day here yesterday - and today - no frost this morning although the wind is bitter and now the sun is trying to come out.
    What's the betting I get snowed in tomorrow !!!

    Nice man from the rock hurtling through space store has phoned - my i pod touch is ready - well - not actually my ipod - they have replaced it. Told them it was beyond but would they listen - humph !!!Going to pick up shiny new one later so guess what I'll be doing tonight.
    Apart from fb any aps recommended?

    Right - one more try re-booting computer then I'm switching to texts.

    Beez xx

    Confused Tickety? Never mind - it's Monday.

  • Comment number 45.

    Afternoon each

    You cant see me cos i`m behind this HOOOOOGGGGEEEE pile of work so hi and bye..and happy monday everyone!

    Back tomorrow..

    mSc x

  • Comment number 46.



    I just phoned the pub where I thought we could eat on Saturday night. They won't take a reservation, because they never take reservations. I explained how many of us, and distance being travelled by some of us and wanting somewhere guaranteed to eat and he would not budge.

    I ended up having a bit of a ruck with him, and now feel really quite angry.

    Drawing board. Back to the .....



  • Comment number 47.

    Beez - write the error down.

    And then email it to me... :-)

  • Comment number 48.


    I think the whingette worked. SM has posted a bloggette re the change of goalposts.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 49.

    Cheryl - It's the same at Ye Olde Windmill - sorry, that probably doesn't help...!
    We could always just arrive, hang around getting drunk and making a general nuisance of ourselves until they get us a table to shut us up?!



  • Comment number 50.


    We are all booked to eat somewhere nice. Details on Faceache.

    Meet at The Anchor Bankside 3pm onwards. Dinnner a very short stroll away for 7.30 pm.

    God, I'm good at this!



  • Comment number 51.

    Too late Carl - the computer has joined the frogs in the fish pond!!!

    I will be on the phone a lot for the rest of the day!!!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 52.

    Very short stroll !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Beez xx

  • Comment number 53.

    Yes Beez - a very short stroll indeed. OR a piggy back if anyone loves you enuff!


  • Comment number 54.

    Nobody loves me that much Deev :(

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 55.

    Best you wear comfy shoooz then luv!!!


  • Comment number 56.

    Deev - last time I wore "sensible" shoes was when I was walked round Brum for hours - ended up with a blister on my heel! Battled on in the evening though with a plaster and killer heels - as I do.

    Oh Tosh !!! just done it again - cannot open word as your email editor word is either busy or cannot be found. Well I can flippin see it so why can't outlook.
    Might be the tadpoles swimming around in there now - very confusing I expect.

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 57.


    Thank you so much for organising, really looking forward to it, but also very nervous, only been on London once and that was in 1989 to Olympia to the horse show, these days going into Glasgow once a year for Xmas shopping is a big trip out for me!!



  • Comment number 58.

    Afternoon (morning!) all,

    Happy Monday! well at least I think it is...!

    Nice work on the kitchen Tash, but I think I have to agree with post 25 - Chris I think you must have wanted it too!

    Still lots of snow sitting round here, just looking dirty and nasty now. Need some sunshine melt it now please!


  • Comment number 59.

    Soooo looking forward to meeting some of you on Friday!

    Miss P

  • Comment number 60.


    The area from where you are staying, the sites I sent you on FB and where we are all meeting and eating is very confined. London can be scary (West End / theatre land / Oxford Street etc) but the South Bank is lovely. If I had to live in London, it would be where we are going on Saturday!

    See you in The Anchor.

    Cheryl x

  • Comment number 61.

    Hello Everyone

    Am watching the sleety stuff pouring from the sky and the flood waters rising opposite the house

    Is everyone else fed up with the weather?

    Noah, any chance of a borrow of your ark sweetheart? Promise we'll take Beth and your Mummy and Daddy and all your toys!

    Might be a good idea to get out of the house if Mummy's going to be re-doing the kitchen!!

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 62.

    Afternoon each

    New kitchen sounds great. You can get all those shiny gadgets which end up under the sink for years!

    Have a great time on Friday everyone who's going. Cheryl, is there not a career opportunity here? Tours of London eateries.

    Gail, you'll have a great time. Just remember, if Debs is going, keep your shoes on at all times. She'll have them out from under the table before you can blink.


  • Comment number 63.

    Thanks Annie, I will keep that in mind, in fact i'll maybe just play safe and wear boots!

    X Gail

    p.s. Thanks also to Baggy for organising Friday!

  • Comment number 64.

    Ok - check in at hotel, dump case, then walk to pub over wobbly bridge (which doesn't wobble any more I hope). Sorted.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 65.

    Exactly MTD!

    And if you have enough "imbibement" the bridge is steady as a rock .....


  • Comment number 66.

    Hellooooo. Echo, Echo, Echo.

    Who broke the blog then? Somebody better own up otherwise you will all have to stay after school. Oh you've already gone. huh.

    Surprisingly, considering that it snowed all morning, there is no snow left on the roads round here.

    No quiz tonight, it's a cup night and we were knocked out last round.

    See you all later. If anybody is here that is....

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 67.

    Just checked in MTD. Been watching the news and, oh joy, loads of snow forecast for Wednesday. You'll be getting it too HLS.


  • Comment number 68.

    Hi mtd,

    lots of snow here this morning. nearly all gone now.

    Thank you for your help, now have list from Scoobs.


  • Comment number 69.

    Hi Annie,

    Where is everyone tonight?


  • Comment number 70.

    Evening CSN

    Probably all chatting on FB, must go check.


  • Comment number 71.


    Annie re#62!

    how very dare yoos! I recall I was rather forced to wear beezles shoes and totter along to a wedding to snare a man.......

    Worked dint it! LOL

    Dozy - you are safe - if I go it will only be for Sunday lunch/aternoon if people are around that long!


    PS CLP - agree with the "upmanship on Mr Martin" theory - you know you will love it! you will be making your own little home videos of a pretend saturday kitchen!

  • Comment number 72.

    Hi Debs. Dozey: your boots are safe!!

    Debs: I saw that man - you weren't the only one tottering. Think he'd lost his zimmer.


  • Comment number 73.

    Evening All,

    Where is everyone...?
    No gym tonight cos cough might mean I have a coughing fit on running machine and have to press the red emergency stop button and, quite frankly, I couldn't stand the embarrassment...
    Shower heads sorted and fully functional...nearly Saturday...ish!!



  • Comment number 74.


    Hope everybody has had a good Monday.

    I've been and gone and done it and joined a gym - seemed like a good idea at the time!

    Our offer was turned down, now trying to decide whether or not to offer more.


  • Comment number 75.

    Hi folks, I'm back from Paris, together with Mr JG and with a stinking cold!

    We've had an absolutely brilliant time, and I'll post some details tomorrow night, for those that are interested, and the pics will go up on the other side tomorrow as well.

    In the meantime, I need to try and get my ears cleared from the flight, due to this cold - a bit bumpy on the way home :(

    I think I might have to give up on catching up though...

    Hope everyone is OK?

    JG x

  • Comment number 76.

    MJ: You joined a gym???? Well done you, you mad woman.


  • Comment number 77.

    So you didn't fall out of the sky, JG?

    Looking forward to seeing the photies. Hope you feel better soon.


  • Comment number 78.

    Hi JG,

    Glad you had a nice time.


  • Comment number 79.

    Hi MJ,

    Have you got the list yet?


  • Comment number 80.

    Deevs mine also have to be in alphabetical order but so annoying when you buy new one's though and they all have to be moved along…urghhhhh nightmare

    Now.... Christoph…please please please can you change the Monday record Chris Montez The More I see You it is so soooooo boooooorrrring …nearly drifted off to sleep and that is not so good when you are driving! A bit more oomph on a Monday please.

    Ok so if it was up to me it would be Rock n Roll Led Zep…but I appreciate that is not everyone’s cup of tea so what about a bit of Bob Marley One Love … a jaunty little number not too loud but so uplifting…please anything but The More I See You …blah blah blah blah ..zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

    love Loli x

  • Comment number 81.


    I'd like some advice, if that's OK. Should I arrange my CD's

    a) In alphabetical order by title
    b) In alphabetical order by artist
    c) In chronological order
    d) In alphabetical order by record company, group and title
    e) In a big pile on the floor.

  • Comment number 82.

    UC: I've got mine in random order in a cd rack thingy, with a big pile on top of the rack.


  • Comment number 83.

    Hi CLP, Tash, Noah (who's got his life organised),

    Well done Noah on striding forward in life, Tash (brilliant timing), Chris, I agree with ObamaramaBarmy - you knew you wanted it (the fitted kitchen, mille miglia(sp)- So Tash - is this a new version of Fairtrade?) - Cousin Thom (keep leaping forward and let life, family and friends help heal you).

    UC - You forgot f)by colour - only way to arrange your cd's is by colour!

    Mxx (who is looking forward to the blog meet).

  • Comment number 84.

    Cheers Annie!

    Bit quiet tonight isn't it? Mind you, I'm struggling to make a valid contribution myself....how I long for the old days when I could rattle on for hours about the pointlessness of tube socks and how the world would be a better place if only the parents of the bloke who invented Big Brother had found something else to do that night...

  • Comment number 85.

    Margot - colour? That's a step too far! Keep your wild and crazy ideas to yourself :-)

  • Comment number 86.

    No, I didn't fall out of the sky Annie, although it felt like we might do at one point on the way back. Anyhow, I'm off to my bed, as I've got to get up for work tomorrow, and I'm not going to like the 6.15 alarm!

    Night all

    JG x

  • Comment number 87.

    UC - Aah - was it not CLP who spoke of yellow cars. Looking at the colour (more or less, actually defintely less) organised collection - only found 3 yellow ones (as in side of the sleeve or book binding). The CD tower is in the kitchen; I feel I must take a page out of Tash's book and get something better organised. Maybe that is why she wants a new kitchen, its all about the music and having better lighting to get her CD collection better colour organised.

  • Comment number 88.

    G'night JG

  • Comment number 89.

    It's got to be alphabetical by artist.

    Hi CSN - Yes thanks I have got the list, I'm going to print it out in work tomorrow and stick it on my computer.

    Just had a major conflab with hubby and we've decided not to move. What a lot of hassle for nothing.


  • Comment number 90.


    I've just got an e-mail entitled Paul McCartney up and coming tour and it's all black, I cant see anything. If I miss the chance to get tickets I'll scream.


  • Comment number 91.

    Margot - thanks for the warning. If my OH starts putting her CD's in a pile in the kitchen, I'll know why :-)

    MJ - there's no place like home. Why not spend some of the money you've saved by not moving on a new kitchen :-)

    Night all.

  • Comment number 92.

    Night all.

  • Comment number 93.

    sorry peeps but having worked in a library forever it has to be alphabetical by artist and then by title (alphabetical of course)within each artist and remember 'a' and 'the' do not count as words and if an artist has a first and second name you file by the second ie. David Bowie is filed under Bowie!! I do wish these online record suppliers would get it.

    sorry anally retentive I know but its the way it has to be - so there. xx

    been trying to keep up but since I am temping I don't seem to be getting much of a chance but everyone seems to be plodding on ok??

  • Comment number 94.

    MJ - do you have another address you can forward it to - quickly! Might show up a bit better there.

  • Comment number 95.

    Uncle Carl - we are. Maybe it was CLP who inspired us to the decision, didn't even need a cup of tea.

    Nighty night - first day back and gym induction has left me good for nothing.


  • Comment number 96.

    BTW - hi Geordie. Bit quiet on here tonight, but I'm sure the usual suspects will be with you shortly :-)


  • Comment number 97.

    Panic over. Just got it open - the concert is at the Hollywood Bowl, what a let down.

    Geordie55DegreesNorth (can I call you G55N) obviously a person after my own heart. Books all in height order, C.Ds alphabetical, everything in nice straight lines.


  • Comment number 98.

    Hiya ....

    just popping on to say "sniff cough croaky throat" hi ..xxx

    hope you are ok

    Billie xxx

  • Comment number 99.

    No, no, no - you can't have books in height order! They have to be alphabetical by author - sorry.

    Susan_B55 (as was)

    night all

  • Comment number 100.

    Night night, everyone.

    Sweet dreams.



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