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Hey Hey - Help Here Come The Good News Bears

Chris Evans | 10:46 UK time, Friday, 19 February 2010

So good news is:-

Lord Lloyd Webber steps in to save Abbey Road - Thank The Lord !

Jonny wins Sporting Challenge Number 6: but the video makes it well worth my losing.

My car has been accepted for the Mille Miglia - famous Italian historic 1000 mile race on May.

Noah is walking - sort of.

Tash is smiling - nearly all the time as a result.

We've had amazing feedback all week about the show.

But most importantly of all - Thom my cuz - injured playing rugby for Scotland last week, called yesterday from hospital to have a chat. The guy is a legend, officially now a hero.

Life is sweet - look at the good in your life. Don't delay, do it today.





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  • Comment number 1.

    doesnt Jonny look like a 118 man?!!!

  • Comment number 2.

    Chris -

    We'd LOVE to see a photo of cutie Noah walking!!!!


  • Comment number 3.

    Been a good week all round, hasn't it? Good to hear that Thom's on the road to recovery, that LLW's bounding in to save Abbey Road (HellenBach, if you see him on Sunday, couldn't mention the Blogs & Togs thing, could you?) and that Noah is taking his first steps.

    Can I humbly suggest that we make today BGND (Blog Good News Day) and each of us has to put forward something that's made us happy this week.
    I'll start. This work, I ordered the Best Of Alas Smith and Jones. When it arrived, I discovered it also contained the Home Made Christmas Video. An uexpected delight.


    P.S> Mille Miglia sounds like fun - can we expect regular Twitter updates (thought I'd mention it now to give non-Tweeters the opportunity to sign up, if they so desire)? Wouldn't mind giving it a go myself, but I suspect my VW Golf doesn't meet the entry criteria.

    Couldn't lend us a motor could you? I'll pay for my own petrol :-)

  • Comment number 4.

    I bet I am not the only one that immediately after the show listened to the entire Abbey Road Album! Followed by a few other Beatles Albums! Rock on ALW!

  • Comment number 5.

    Great stuff all round then Christoph. Pic of Noah would be good too.

    Can't stop but UC - good news? I won another premium bond today - lottery the week-end perhaps? - must go get a ticket!

    Back later

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 6.

    ummmmmm - Good news from me? I haven't fallen out with my husband this week? I lost a whole 1lb???

    Sorry guys - bit of a bad news bear sat here!

  • Comment number 7.

    Baggy - not having that!

    You're having cakes, beer and takeway today, right? Sounds like good news to me :-)

  • Comment number 8.

    no cakes for me - its lent
    no alcohol - I have to drive
    and takeaway - not sure I fancy pizza which is what has been chosen for today!

    It's okay UC - I'll be my normal cheerful self again soon - Its just been one of those weeks.

  • Comment number 9.

    Nice news all round Chris ...

    ... nothing significantly newsy has happened for me this week - but then I'm always grateful to wake up with a pulse


    Is it me - or is is quiet in here? Same over on Simon's.

  • Comment number 10.

    Morning all

    Fab-u-lous show Christoff, enjoyed every minute, and what great good news blog today. Ickle Noah walking, now that is a milestone in his young life, no wonder Tash is all smiles, I remember it well.

    Good news? Well at my age I'm just grateful I woke up this morning!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 11.

    Fab news for hopefully a fab day.....would have been FABBER if the CANDYMAN had been recorded at Abbey Road !!!!! RRRREEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAALLLLYYYY missed it this morning guys!!


  • Comment number 12.

    OK Baggy - fair enough :-)

    I hereby declare BGND consumed to my dustbin of ideas I really should have thought more about before sharing (I would suggest going through previous blogs to see some of my other ideas that haven't really worked, except that probably wouldn't be a good idea either).

    Instead, how about a topical debate? Which is better - Jelly Tots or Dolly Mixtures?

    (Back later...just popping out to get a bigger bin.)

  • Comment number 13.

    Morning CLP & Bloggers! A very happy Friday to you all!

    Uncle-Carl a great idea for a feel good Friday. My own little baby-man has now moved into his big cot-bed (he looks lost in it) and seems happy to sleep there. All bodes well for happy baby and happy Mummy too!

    Loving the challenge vid v v funny!

    B-M & Boo

  • Comment number 14.

    Morning Chris,

    Excellent news re Thom, to me that's better than LLW saving Abbey Road to be honest.

    I mentioned at the beginning of the year about looking for a "nugget of niceness" everyday and so far, on all 49 days, I have found one.

    The good in my life is that I have a roof over my head, clothes to wear, food in my cupboards, money in the bank, family and friends who love me, a job (well actually 4 jobs), I can turn on a tap and get fresh water, I have a car, a bike, fresh air to breath......shall I go on??

    Happy Friday everyone and have a great weekend.


  • Comment number 15.

    Hi Chris, everything is wonderful now. We have Abbey Road, Noah is starting to walk, you are a great guy and we have lots of sunshine in West Sussex today. Please can we have a picture of Noah.

  • Comment number 16.

    Good news indeedy Christophe!

    Unc - despite not having a job, I am happier than I have ever been in my 41 years on this ere Planet Earth. I wake up happy, I got to bed happy and the daylight hours in between are, well, happy!

    I'm not overly rich, I'm not a supermodel nor a rock star but I am me, and I am happy.

    Can't be doing with whinging - got all that outta the way before I turned 40.

    So, my good news for today is .... I am Happy!

    Deevs, officially Happy


  • Comment number 17.

    And I am loved.


  • Comment number 18.

    'lo again

    I'm all up for a bit of good news. Was feeling really miserable at the beginning of the week so I say myself down, had a long chat with myself, told myself how lucky I really was and to buck my ideas up!!

    So I count as good news that my friend rang me this week to arrange to get together next week, it hasn't snowed and I resisted the home made cakes yesterday

    Oh and the sun's shining!

    Can't be bad

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 19.

    Look, either you want BGND, or you don't Make your minds up, people!


  • Comment number 20.

    I apologise - I don't seem to have entered the happy spirit of the blog, I have my health, (other then my dodgy wrists), my house and my money. And I have a man who tolerates me.

  • Comment number 21.

    P.S. - AliB, I appear to have stolen your idea and presented it as my own. Sorry....

  • Comment number 22.

    Uncle Carl - not at all, any ideas are good ideas and I know and am sure that you didn't do it deliberately (sp).


  • Comment number 23.

    I think its a great idea!

    My good news is that I passed an exam I thought I would fail this week.

    My 17yr old 'baby' passed his driving test yesterday.

    And it's Friday, which means, tonight anyway, cinema, meal, pub. Can't get better than that IMO

    Hope everyone else has a good day and a great weekend.

    Beany x

  • Comment number 24.

    I'm very happy too - eggs-static in fact for vary-cose reasons U Carl:))
    Sun shining helps too.

    DiFife He did play the Candyman - just before 9 30.

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 25.

    Loving this "good news" thing... the good things in my life are:

    great friends, great family, great kids, great job... all these make a great life and to top if all off, after many years of wondering and soul searching - I have learnt that I am a great person too and I like me! And am spending this week-end with my bestest mate in the whole world! Doesn't get better for me.


  • Comment number 26.

    so it's a helava life!!!!

  • Comment number 27.

    Loving the great news theme.

    I am getting a new fire grate this weekend, does that count??

    Oh and two new toilet seats.

    Beat that for an exciting shopping list.LOL!


  • Comment number 28.

    Hi CLP & ALL,

    Bingo Star ere....

    CLP - Really good news about everything yer write above... nice positive blog & yer an inspiration to us all CLP!!!!!
    A 'eard yesterdee The Abbey Road was up for only 32 million!!!!!
    A thought it would be more... like a 100 million!!!!!
    Suprised Macca didn't step in... but glad The Webber 'as stepped in... & whatta perfect person to!!!!
    We all didn't think of 'im but being one the country's greatest ever composers.. the perfect dude ter buy it!!!!!!!!
    Suppose 'e will keep it as a working studio of music... what with 'imself being a working composer of music!!!!!

    Glad all good with Noah & Tash... and with yer other mini besides Noah... aka yer Miglia!!!!!!
    'ow many cars yer got CLP?????

    And finally great news about Thom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Really lucky that 'e escaped very serious injury!!!!!!!
    'ope 'e makes a FULL recovery... never know... 'e might be mad enough ter get back out on the rugby field!!!!!!

    PS I'll bang on me apology now... the last of anything ter do with all me problems... end this week!!!!!!

    And next week start a fresh!!!!!!

    A boss at work once said something to me when a was having a really bad dee ten yearsa go & a never forget 'is advice... well it wasn't advice... just a saying & it's stayed with me ever since!!!!!!

    'Another day... another dollor!!!!!!!'

    I often ave thought that when ever a ave a bad day... put it away with the rest.... and move on ter the next with a fresh mind/ attitude!!!!!!

    Ere's me apology I wrote out earlier.......Today I just wanted to put this apology on the blog for some of the things i've written over the past week or so, if Tiger Woods can do an apology terdee.... surely a can!!!!!!!


    Seriously though, I struggle where to start with this apology as there are so many things going through my mind... most of which I wish I could erase from my mind as it's feels the easiest way to deal with it!!!!
    And all this when I have four very important maths exams in just over a week!!!
    Maybe some can start to understand why I have behaved the way I have the last week... If I do get a good maths grade it will show how strong I actually am mentally what with all that's going on/ happened!!!!
    I am starting to feel stronger... picking myself up all without an proffessional help or medication or without turning to alchohol/ cigarettes or whatever people seek comfort in to get them through difficult times!!!
    Ok I admit, a may have ate a few EXTRA Burneo bars lately.... in fact also a lot with 'awainan pizzas with a broken egg poured over it for desert!!!! The pizza that is not the chocolate bar!!!!

    I don't want to go into detail but my reason for behaving out of charcter lately is not just the things that have happened recently but it's continued problems for years... most of which I've kept to myself!!
    In fact they are so many... it's too complicated to even talk to someone about!!!!
    It just boggles my mind when I think back about things... most of which I blank out - it's the only way to deal with them!!!!
    Just lately all these problems have started off yet again... which sort of makes something change in my mind & I feel hopelessness mixed with a deep sadness!!!
    I was already very down & then when who I thought was my best friend ends their friendship with me, just at the moment when I am very much in need of a good friend most... it became too much for me & pushed me over the edge!!!
    Everyone has a limit & I reached mine!!!!
    My intense sadness turned to feelings of being used... to feelings of anger!!!!
    That's the reason why I behaved out of character & I wrote the things I wrote on the blog.
    I am sorry for all that I wrote & regret it to a certain degree... and I feel very embarrassed about letting out too much detail of my private life!!!
    I wonder if I am able to come to the London blog meet now as I feel embarressed!!!
    But sometimes when life is continually going wrong you start to question why you are here... why you are subjecting yourself to so much upset when life never gives you a break!!!!
    I know I am luckier than most people in the world to just be born in Britain... but when you are so lonely & can't find peace of mind/ a life... you become more unhappy than most are in the world!!!
    Many people living in very poor countries... although in severe poverty in many cases... can be a lot happier in their minds as they lead more simple lives, less stressful & have proper families/ close nit communities!!!!
    They feel more valued!!!!
    The cold, materialistic rat race that we live in here... where sadly at work you are often treated just as a number... it's all false & does not bring happiness!!!!
    It's very bad for a persons morale... feeling of worth!!!
    It makes real happiness difficult to find!!!!
    A think that's why so many in Britain find happiness in their families... but when you have little or no family... you have very little!!!
    I wrote the things I did here as so many of my friends are here... but I realise I should have done it more privately via facebook!!!
    I realise Chris's blog is meant to be for fun & entertainment & I was totally out of order for abusing the blog in such a way!!!!
    In five years of blogging it's the first time i've made such a mistake & I apologise!!!!
    But sadly we all make mistakes in life... I hope all understand why!!!

    Some might say pull yourself together... behave more like a man!!!!
    Well I agree, but we are all different & the problems that life presents us with are all different. So unless you are going through exactly the same problems in life... it's difficult to understand exactly how a person feels!!!!!
    I am managing to pull myself through it all & keep going so I am pulling myself together!!!
    Despite all of my problems I will never change & become a person who treats others bad... I am polite, honest & hardworking.. and I behave like a stronger man than most!!!!
    If anyone wants to write anything bad about me, they are more than welcome but I have a clear conscience & will go on treating people very well!!!!!!
    I am proud of the person I am & the way I treat people well... I just wish I could meet a partner who for once will treat me the same!!!!

    The one good thought I have about my life... is if I do make it in the end... it will be far sweeter the feeling... the sense of achievement than if I had had it all given to me on a plate!!!!

    Hopefully I will be able to get back to my old self... writing the Bingo Star humour... and my real self that I was born with... making people laugh & seeing the bright side of life!!!!

    Gotta go... back ter me maths revision.... 'rationalising the denominator!!!!'


    PS My mother is still in hospital. A worry as I though she'd be out in a few days but they don't know why here oxygen levels are continually low!!!!
    Off to visit later... so hopefully better news!!!!

  • Comment number 29.

    Oooh and lets hear it for the Friday night take-away!!

  • Comment number 30.

    Bingo, awaiting moderation??

    Whats going on?


  • Comment number 31.

    Lovin it Helava!!

    Well that made me smile MTF. New cable - loo seats and a fire grate - bet you can't control the excitement?

    Just off to stuff my face with whatever I can find in the fridge too.

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 32.

    MTF, A rug!!


  • Comment number 33.

    Yes Beez, wouldn't you just love to walk in my shoes, I think I already know the answer to that one :)


  • Comment number 34.

    NICE, Seza.


  • Comment number 35.

    OH and I had a top of the range memory pillow too.

    Thoroughly spoilt MTF.xx

  • Comment number 36.

    Uncle Carl, looks like your idea has legs!!!

    It's Friday and the sun is shining. The weekend is nearly here. Simon played my requested tune yesterday. My favourite chicken who was really poorly not long ago is back to her old self. I have two wonderful children and a fantastic Mr Mcw- although if they read this it may all go to their heads! (We may also need some sick bags if this continues!!!)

    Mcw x

  • Comment number 37.

    Hi again

    Good news, umm. I have discovered a new lease of life in the last few months, therefore my whole life is good news at the moment.

    I'm going to the London meet next week - more good news.

    Beez - I missed the Candyman as well, I was at work and in a meeting then. Nevermind, I sung it in the shower in anticipation.

    Hope Bingo gets unmodded soon.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 38.

    Morning all!

    Great news all round CLP!

    My good news is that I have had a really busy week at work, first time in months, and am loving it; have the lovely Mr P in my life plus my girls (cats); am seeing friends at the weekend and we are one more day closer to spring. Life is good.

    And, by the way, Dolly Mixtures

    Miss P

    PS Baggy - there is a silver lining out there for you!! (Apart from getting to meet me next Friday!!)

  • Comment number 39.

    Watch out London, Bingo is coming to get you.

    Wish I could go too.

    Hope you all have a blast.


  • Comment number 40.

    Hi Chris, what a great blog today - lots to be happy about! Wonderful news about Thom, I have been thinking about him.

    I loved the new video - you are looking fantastic, and I still think Jonny is lovely - but he must bin that vest!

    Great news about Noah - once he takes off, there will be no stopping him!

    Thanks for another great week Chris, the show is terrific.

    Carl, great suggestion re: BGND: lots of things have made me happy this week; got a big kiss and cuddle from MsS this morning - a lottery win could not make me happier. Also this morning,MrS and I were singing Wonderwall together in the car, that made me happy. And if I can have one more: I made a big mistake this week, and was forgiven for it - I know how lucky I am.

    And .... jelly tots, please!

    Hope everyone else is ok.

    C xx

  • Comment number 41.

    Bingo- Good luck with your maths exams. Lovely to hear from you. Take care and best wishes to your Mum.

    Mcw x

  • Comment number 42.

    UC - Jelly tots and sherbert dips!

  • Comment number 43.

    Toffee apple blobs.


  • Comment number 44.

    Hi gang, loving the happy vibe on the blog today! For my part the sun is shining here in Edinburgh(there's not a cloud in the sky!!), I'm on a day off from work, and in a little while I'm off to the airport to meet bessie pal who is flying in from Sweden and who I haven't seen since before Christmas. Looking forward to a girlie evening catching up, not sure if at home or on the town yet!

    Right off in search of lunch!


  • Comment number 45.

    Afternoon Bings - glad to hear you're charging onwards back to your old self. Good luck with your exams and best wishes to you Mum. And before you go back to `rationalisng the denominator' - exciting as that sounds - you never said:

    Jelly Tots Or Dolly Mixtures?

  • Comment number 46.

    PS - the book I am reading is so good that I am tempted to shut my office door and read it now - but a) that would be bad and b) it would leave me nothing to read on the way home!

  • Comment number 47.

    Christoph - loved today's sporting challenge video - Johnny looks like an anorexic Rab C Nesbitt!

    My good news is we're both still clinging on to our jobs, the rain has finally stopped down here in the a*** end of Kent, and the sun's appeared - hurrah!

    I'm more a lurker than a blogger these days, but take care all and have a great weekend.

    jillygoat xx

  • Comment number 48.

    UC - niether - I have never enjoyed either of those kinds if sweets, or most sweets in general!

  • Comment number 49.

    Baggy, LOL - I'll be honest. I'm very close to giving up with you today!

  • Comment number 50.

    UC - you wouldn't be the first or the last :-)

  • Comment number 51.


    Jelly tots please.. although tootie frooties would be my first choice!

    IN and out so to speak..lots to be grateful for but the 4 hour `compliance visit` i`m about to undergo is NOT one of them!

    Happy Friday everyone!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 52.


    It's Jelly Tots for me, although there is more variety in a packet of Dolly Mixtures!


  • Comment number 53.

    Scoobs - Tootie Frooties! I was trying to remember what they were called...very close second to the ol' Tots for me :-)


  • Comment number 54.

    I'd go for Dolly Mixtures - you get the odd Jelly Tot thrown in too...

  • Comment number 55.

    Dolly Mixtures - especially those sort of cube shape ones, with like a smooth suragry coating

    Baggy, give in to the book! What are you reading anyway?

    Bingo ((()))

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 56.

    I'd go for Jelly Tots over Dolly Mixtures- but the only thing is there's no chocolate in either of them ;-(.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 57.

    Tootie frooties have been tampered with!

    They have rounded the corners off, and dont ask me what they have put in the yellow ones, it sure aint lemon.

    Still, I will keep buying the odd packet or two in anticipation of them returning to their former shape and flavours.

    Jelly tots squashed as flat as you can make them and then stick a few together rainbow stylee.

    Sweet dreams are made of this.


  • Comment number 58.


    Hi Gang - sorry for absinthe - bloomin work getting in the way again! My nugget of good news this week is that after a planning meeting with lady boss, am required 4 days a week for at least the next 3 months! Huzzah! Not bad to say it was a 2 week project in August 09!!!

    Any road up - the only downside of that is less time to blog - booooo

    but on the upside have treated myself to a be-u-tiful mulberry handbag - because I'm worth it :-) Have wanted one for soooooooooooooooo long and it now has pride of place on the carpet in my living room - I keep walking past and stroking it - maybe next week I'll put things in it and then in March - take it outside! LOL

    right back to work
    love you all!


    PS Christoph - fab news about Thom, Tash and Noah - not got a scooby what you are on about the miglia??? Still love you tho

  • Comment number 59.

    I'd go for Jelly Tots too!


  • Comment number 60.

    my other good news is that sad because there was no chocolate to be had in this house - just remembered I still have a half tin of roses and a half tin of QS - so now chocolated up to the eyeballs!



  • Comment number 61.

    Beany - The odd Jelly Tot in a bag of Dolly Mixtures is like the bit in Bullseye where Jim Bowen tells you what you could have won. Although if there was an off-chance of finding a speedboat in the packet, I might be swayed...

  • Comment number 62.


    Excellent news about the job and well deserved. Good things come to those who wait and you are well worth the new handbag seeing as you are beautiful inside and out xx


  • Comment number 63.

    Uncle Carl. I agree with you, but i'd happily swap the rare JT in the DM for another DM - specially the yellow and white one -banana, they're the best!

    How about Liquorice Allsorts? I love them but hate it when I get mainly coconut ones as I have to throw / give them away. Think they should be bagged separately as they seem to be people's fave's or least fave's, in which case there might be a market for selling them as such! In the olden days at the pick n mix you could just pick out the one's that you wanted! Took forever, but worth it in the end!

    Beany x

    (Who's got the Friday afternoon feeling already....)

  • Comment number 64.

    BG - Can i vote for nougart and coconut ice - yummy :-)

  • Comment number 65.

    Walnut whips please!


  • Comment number 66.

    Oi! This is MY survey. LOL!

  • Comment number 67.

    sezagirl - the book is the accidental family, written by the same lady as wrote the accidental mother, its the sequal book, and although complete chick lit and not my normal reading I am finding it really compulsive - will she decide she does want to be with her man? Will Wendy reclaim him for herself?? Whos looking after the kids while this is all going on? Is she pregnaunt???

    I have a couple of chapters left and I need answers!

  • Comment number 68.

    Sorry Uncle Carl x

  • Comment number 69.

    Hi and goodbye:

    Just leaving now to see Gorgeous George the physio - can't wait .... not!

    Hope the London Meet is fantastic!

    Have a good weekend everyone.

    C xx

  • Comment number 70.

    No worries Beany - only joking :-)

  • Comment number 71.

    Just realised, the Meet is next week!

    It's my age ... honest!


  • Comment number 72.

    Thats the problem UC, the survey question was too narrow prompting people who don't really like either, if you widen the survey to include all bagged sweets for example this would include Malteasers, licorice allsorts but not bars or boxes of chocolate.

    mtd ffb xxx

    (peesss I am referring to #66 as I was interrupted mid type and this will probably be way down the list now)

  • Comment number 73.

    Bless little Noah, Chris.. an' brace yourself; it won't be long till 'e's drivin'..

    Now then my good news is I've braced meself an' faced me hairdresser. Ergo me tatty head has bin' pruned back to within an inch of its life, although havin' bin' given the 'Big An' Bouncy' blow-dry (??) it's now full a static. BUT. This is also good news by default, as am seeing the GD later so she will be delighted by my new look somewhere between Toyah Wilcox, Renee's LED Christmas tree an' Gary Gilmour, an' she'll be able to charge 'er phone by pluggin' it in me ear.

    Mind. If she laffs too much I shall be able to give 'er a right good 500-volt goosin', so it's win win. Bzzzz oops missus, bzz. Revenge is sweet.

    Also good news is we've found a couple of excellent deals for our forthcoming Mummy an' Baby trip to New York in the summer, in honour of her 30th birthday. Which at this point is showin' all the signs of emulatin' my 50th, which lasted a fortnight an' covered 3 counties plus one in Ireland. Hurrah. Best get back to work soon or I'll never afford it.


  • Comment number 74.

    Well That's me nearly done.

    Thank you for great blogging this week, you have all kept me entertained.

    Have a gret weekend, I might pop by sometime during the weekend.

    Over and Out


  • Comment number 75.

    Right. Off to the doctor's now for yet another of Renee's routine appointments that suddenly become life-threatenin' if she can't be accompanied...


  • Comment number 76.

    MTD - I can only withstand so many knocks you know. IT people have feelings too.... :-)

  • Comment number 77.

    mmmmmm - Skittles

  • Comment number 78.

    Uncle Carl, that's a fantastic idea! I've been trying to following AliB's nugget of niceness per day, but I'm afraid I've struggled on some days to find one! Now, good news. Erm... Well I'm going to a spa on Sunday thanks to a fantastic blogger friend, which I'm really looking forward to. And Monday off work too, so a lovely weekend ahead.

    Are jelly tots the same as jelly babies? Cos they make me feel a bit sick. As do dolly mixtures. I'm all for the Haribo Tangfastics myself!

    AF x

    ps and are wine gums soft or hard?

  • Comment number 79.

    Oh, and how rood of me not to comment on our glorious leader's blog! Marvellous news about little Noah, Christophe, but I hope you've got all those baby gates and devices to stop him getting into the cupboard under the sink sorted!!

    And excellent news about Thom, you must all be very relieved!

    AF x

  • Comment number 80.

    As a fellow IT bod, I know.....

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 81.

    A forgot ter put this beautiful tune on the blog at the end of me blog above!!!!!

    It's from one of me all time fav singers.... someone who keeps songs simple but shows 'ow keeping it simple 'its the listener 'arder.....

    This song sums up 'ow a feel at present!!!!!!

    'ope all enjoy it >>>>

    PS If yer yerv ever wondered what would it be like if James Blunt or Thom Yorke were a blogger & broke up with someone.... wonder no more!!!! LOL!!!!!

  • Comment number 82.

    Just in case you are still lurking AliB - thanks - you too are lovely inside and out - and so is the bag! LOL

    Still now I'm going to be up darn essex a wee while longer I think another back in time should be on the cards! What dya reckon? Seza??

    Baggy - book sounds fab!

    Flower - as spa hey petal? how lovely - because you too are worth it

    heck WE ALL ARE!

    right off to make a call - boooo - just when I'm getting back in the swing...

    laters taters

  • Comment number 83.

    Good afternoon Blogettes

    Reasons to be cheerful?

    All the usual, warm, dry, breathing, food to eat, clothes to wear etc etc . I'm meeting up with an old friend tomorrow in Mold. We're going to visit Spavins the old fashioned sweet shop - bang goes the diet.

    Also Jelly Tots!!! plus lots of different types of Licorice from Spavins. Good weekend everybody

    Love PJ

  • Comment number 84.

    Dear CLP

    Thanks to today's Blog title, I now have the Hair Bear Bunch theme zooming around my head space, man!

    Help Help here come the bears indeed!



    peeeeeeeeees: where are you all? nipped orf to the sweetshop eh!?!? xx

  • Comment number 85.

    Uncle Carl, Jelly Tots! every time

    Also Bingo, when i used to lurk, you used to be funny!

    Helava shame!

  • Comment number 86.

    Crumbs - quiet here today aint it? Expected to spend an hour catching up.

    Jelly Tots UC.

    Beez xx
    still smiling in spite of all this flippin work :)

  • Comment number 87.

    Right- Apricot and lamb tagine in the oven to slowly cook for the next few hours. Now all I've got to do is tidy up the house, daughter has volunteered to walk the dog, Mr Mcw is leaving work early. Then later sit down with a cold glass of pinot grigio to see who killed Archie. The weekend starts here. Have a good one everyone,
    Mcw x

    Can you still get blackjacks or sherbet pips? Does anyone remember mint cracknell and curlywurlies?

  • Comment number 88.

    Or fruit salad? loved those chewy sweets

  • Comment number 89.

    White mice and cola bottles!

    Is it me or is Steve Wright playing some cracking music this afternoon?

    Mcw x

  • Comment number 90.

    Jamboree bags!! Forgotten about them.

    Anyone younger than 35 reading this will think I have gone totally bonkers.

    Bye, Mcw x

  • Comment number 91.


    Yes, you can still get all those sweeties. Check out a website called aquarterof, or goog retro sweets. Or find one of those olde fashioned sweet shops that still sell sweets in jars.

    Loved fruit salads, and drumstick lollies. Even tho they tended to make me dribble ....... oh, and I bought a packet of giant Parma Violets the other day: delish!!

    Not got any music on at the mo. I was listening to The Beatles on my iPod but just enjoying the sound of silence for the time being. I've also finished the ironing, and we're out for tea tonight so there's no kitchen prep to be done - just a relaxy start to the weekend.

    Whatever you get up to, enjoy it!



  • Comment number 92.

    Flying saucers and jubblie (sp) drinks MCW?

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 93.

    Frozen jubblies!!!! They lasted forever and a day!

    And turned your tongue purple / orange (depending on what flavour you had!)


  • Comment number 94.

    Or if they weren't frozen you would spill them all down your front !!!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 95.

    LOL - well you might have .....!

    Ice pops, the really long skinny ones that were about 5p each - now that was good value!


  • Comment number 96.

    Messy eater/drinker me Deev !!!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 97.

    I know - I've seen you in action remember!!!


  • Comment number 98.

    LOL - don't tell everyone !!!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 99.

    Deevs I was just going to say ice pops and saw your note. Spooky!

    Do you remember the Frys Chocolate cream bars which had all different fruit soft centres? Those were the days when snickers were marathons and you could buy sweet tobacco. And traffic light lollies and those sherbet two tone lollies. I better go before I have another nostalgia moment!

    Mcw x

  • Comment number 100.

    And Goldrush bubble gum in a cotton draw-string bag tht looked like sweetcorn!!



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