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James Stirling (6 Music) James Stirling (6 Music) | 11:45 UK time, Sunday, 6 June 2010

graham1.JPG Graham Linehan helps compile an Art Pop tape. Graham's school report would state that he excels in the following - as a comedy writer, music and film journalist, Poker fan, video game lover, Twitter behemoth and a keen amateur humanitarian. In the TV sphere he's the creator of the IT Crowd, co creator of Black Books, Big Train and Father Ted and has collaborated winningly with giants of comedy from The Fast Show team and Matt & Dave of Little Britain to Alexei Sayle and Chris Morris and that's just the tip of his magnificent iceberg.




David Bowie - Andy Warhol

Stereolab - Captain Easychord

The Fall - Your Heart Out

Mark E Smith - Harry Hill

Mujeres - L.A.

The XX - Islands

Wire - Dot Dash

Japan - Cantonese Boy

The Buff Medways - Misty Water

Yacht - Psychic City

MGMT - Time to Pretend

Devo - Gut Feeling/Slap Your Mammy

Barnes & Barnes - Fish Heads

Pixies - Cactus

Talking Heads - Found a Job

The Slits - Typical Girls

Fischerspooner - The 15th

Barbara Morgentsern - The Operator

Luxuria - Redneck

Television - Days




  • Comment number 1.

    Hi Adam

    I'm really enjoying the Graham Linehan Mix Tape. I've loved them all, for the music and the great guests.

    Paddy Considine: Great actor. I suppose it might be a bit obvious to ask about Dead Man's Shoes; brilliant film and great soundtrack. Instead, please could you ask Paddy about Red Riding? I'm not at all squeamish but I found it quite a hard watch. Did Paddy find it hard to film?



  • Comment number 2.

    Enjoyed the show again Adam. It was great to hear something off the much maligned 2nd Television record rather than Mark E Moon (sic).

  • Comment number 3.

    Glorious show again. Lovely James, do you want to have a little look at the Podcast & make sure it's all up there in the form that you intended? (Being a little obtuse to avoid getting anyone into trouble) xxxx0

  • Comment number 4.

    Gotta love Buckles, totally adorable in this picture, as always... I've been wondering, will Joebot Cornish ever be a guest on this fabulous new show, maybe on a brief stop back from the States? Anywhooo... loving the show, and was thinking a possible mix tape could focus on music to listen to when you're in a blind fit of rage, something we all know Dr. Buck knows a thing or two about!

    (PS I'm pretty sure I'd piss my pants if you read any of this out, so a warning beforehand would be allow me time to run to the Loo)

  • Comment number 5.

    Adam. I was so looking forward to Graham on the show but I am in Perth, Western Australia and I can no longer download the podcast.

    Why has this happened? What am I going to do when you and Joe are back on the air? (I hope that happens soon by the way.)

    I can still listen again on the iPlayer but it is not the same as having my Big Mix Tape ready and waiting for me to be listened to in my iTunes.

    I have tweeted you and will also email.
    I miss the podcast!

  • Comment number 6.

    Great envelope banter! Thom's not going to be too happy when he discovers that evidence of his sausage fetish has been released into the public domain, though!

    Please ask Paddy about the forthcoming 'This is England' series...

  • Comment number 7.

    I awoke this morning to disappointment. Like susannah, I can no longer download the podcast (because I am a stupid American, apparently). Is it the music clips you started including? Do you not like us? Why, Adam?! All I want to know is why...

    Off to listen to the show on listen again now, but it's not the same.

  • Comment number 8.

    Just listened on iplayer, thrilled to discover I'm the head of the Â鶹Éç!! There is no emoticon to express the combination of pride and delight I am feeling. Oh, wait 8)

  • Comment number 9.

    Hi lovely blog friends, if you can't download the Graham Linehan podcast then please don't worry, it will be there shortly - certainly by sometime on Monday. Sorry for any delay.

  • Comment number 10.

    Aarrgghh - I have been away for a week and itunes has not downloaded my bigmixtape episode - and it's the break up one, which I HAD SOMETHING READ OUT ON!!! Nothing I ever send in EVER gets read out....

    How can I get a copy of it - can someone email me / burn me a copy???!!!!

  • Comment number 11.

    Adam, among your many talents, you write the best a's I've ever seen.

    I WANT YOUR A's!

  • Comment number 12.

    Hi Buckles
    Will write a proper comment tomorrow after listening to the show in full, couldn't listen live today as I was busy listening to David Aaronovitch, Marcus Brigstocke, and the totally wonderful Stephen Fry at Hay - what a lovely day!
    I noticed that you managed to play the Barbara Morgenstren track from Roobles Mixtape.

  • Comment number 13.

    that will be Morgenstern not Morgenstren...I should just give up!

  • Comment number 14.

    Don't know where else to post this. Happy Birthday Adam!

    Hope you have a great day.

  • Comment number 15.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 16.

    I'm in Adelaide, South Australia, and I was (quite seriously) close to tears when instead of getting your wonderful show down my earphones, I got a lovely man telling me I couldn't listen because I'm not in the UK.
    He informed me there were others I could listen to, but I don't want them! IT'S YOU I WANT ADAM.
    Please Adam, I need my fix. Is there anything you or the Big British Castle can do?

    Oh and Happy Birthday you glorious, hilarious, handsome charming man!!!


  • Comment number 17.

    Argh I am a fellow overseas Adam junkie in need of a fix! Hope the podcast is up before 1pm cos I'm about to go away for 2 weeks :-(

    with the in-laws :´-(


  • Comment number 18.

    Happy Birthday Buckles!

    ((hugs)) and xxxx's

  • Comment number 19.

    Finally, I listened to your show live! - well, online, since I can't have a DAB since I'm not in the UK. I commonly listen to the podcast, on a two-week delay.

    Just wanted to mention that thing Graham answered about his dream superpower, about being able to circumvent regional limitations on iTunes? Well, he actually can - he only needs to click on the change country link on the bottom. The Philippines doesn't have an iTunes store but I have access to the US one (I only needed a valid address in the US, which a friend supplied) while a NY-based friend (that same friend) has access to the UK one.

    So, Graham, you are a superhero!

    And so are you, Adam :p So much that I can't be bothered to send an email, instead sending a comment to this, your blog. :D

  • Comment number 20.

    I see I am not the only one that can't spell Morgenstern (James I am referring to you!)
    Don't know if your B-Day is today or yesterday Buckles but
    Happy Birthday anyway...may your day be full of joy, cake and special pressies!

    Dance Magic Dance...it's your birthday!

  • Comment number 21.

    oops that didn't go to well... there was meant to be a pic in there too.

  • Comment number 22.

    How do you change the text on the link?

  • Comment number 23.

    Hey no fair! Why is Adam's Big Mix Tape podcast suddenly unavailable to anyone outside the UK? I'm in Dublin and seem to be in the same boat as all the other overseas fans above.

    I don't understand why suddenly it's been designated to be blocked - and why other Â鶹Éç podcasts are still available to non-UK listeners while this one isn't?

    Boo hiss etc, especially on the week that Adam has one of Ireland's finest comedy minds as his guest! Is there anyone we can lobby to undo this grievous wrong?

    Yours in a huff

    Al P

  • Comment number 24.

    I, like others, have not been able to download the podcast this morning because apparently it is only available in the UK now. I am genuinely upset, I'm a native Londoner who lives in New York and it was such a joy for me to be able to listen to Adam on the podcasts and get a little slice of home. I hope that they change this rule soon, I'd rather listen legally than have to get it by other means.

    Hope to hear the podcast soon! Love the show Adam, keep up the great work.

  • Comment number 25.


    The show is available in its entirety here for listeners outside the UK - /iplayer/episode/b00snq7d/Adam_Buxtons_Big_Mixtape_Ceci_Nest_Pas_Une_Mixtape/

  • Comment number 26.

    Hi All, the new podcast is now available but only in the UK I'm afraid, I am looking into it. James

  • Comment number 27.

    Spotingfy link


  • Comment number 28.

    Hi Adam and James!

    I hope this whole "podcast only available to download in the UK" business will be sorted out soon. My little heart shattered into a thousand tiny pieces when, no matter how many times I clicked the Refresh button on my iTunes, Adam's Big Mix Tape failed to appear *sob!*

    I have full faith in you both to give the Big British Castle a good talking to!

    Miss you...

    Suzanne from Cork (Ireland)

  • Comment number 29.

    James, you are extraordinary and lovely. Thankyou :)

  • Comment number 30.

    @MargeGunderson - do you mean how do you put a link in your post without it looking like a big ole clumsy link? If so, you have to put it in an HTML 'a href' tag and do it that way.

  • Comment number 31.

    I was in the middle of typing out a gloriously infuriated rant about not being able to listen to the new podcast (I'm in Ireland) (...and the irony that the guest on this show is Irish only added to my bitterness!) but I see now the comments from Producer James and will hopefully get to listen to it after all.

    I'm calm now.


  • Comment number 32.

    Great show Buckles! Nice to hear some Pixies in the mix :)

  • Comment number 33.

    Hi Dr Roobles, Yes, that's precisely what I meant! My links always give away what you are going to see! I partly understand your explanation but kinda don't at the same time!!!
    I feel so bad for all you devoted ex-pats and fans from overseas, I hope the problem gets sorted soon.

  • Comment number 34.

    #25 @Michael H B - cheers for that. Hadn't even thought of iPlayer as any TV progs on iPlayer are blocked to non-UK viewers. Just listened now, great show...

  • Comment number 35.

    Adam, this has been bothering me for a while now.

    As far as I can recall, every time you give your weekly guest the faves/worsties quiz, they respond to it with what appear to be genine responses and reactions to the unusual minimally worded questions.
    Now of course this is not a bad thing, what's bothering me is WHY HAVE THEY NEVER LISTENED TO THE SHOW BEFORE?

    Each week (and there has of course been quite a number now) I await a guest to come on and produce some carefully planned answers that give the impression that they have been thinking about it all week as they already KNOW that its what they will be asked because they listen to the show! Instead, week after week your guests, or 'friends' as you sometimes call them, leave me wondering what on earth is happening here.

  • Comment number 36.

    Hope that helps! :D

  • Comment number 37.

    You're an angel Roobles, thanking you most sincerely!
    let's try it out:

    I kinda preferred the wonky teeth!

  • Comment number 38.

    Back to business, enough of this fun and games! ;)
    Sunday's Mix Tape...
    Well what can I say, they just keep getting better and better! Graham Linehan is lovely isn't he...I love the fact that he really laughs at his own stuff like the Big Train sketch about the man with the spoon phobia! And it was nice to hear some stories from his days as a film reviewer, very interesting.

    ...and Buckles you managed to avoid the truly unlistenable, noodly stuff, well done on that score :D

    Of course it had to be Bowie with Andy Warhol lauching the show! Fantastic, I love it when it all goes very "flamenco" at the end, Nice.
    I can't believe nobody thought of Stereolab...DOH!
    I rather liked the alternative "Fitter Happier" particularly the Rice Krisp-eees bit!
    Mujeres was fab too, it could easily have been another Fall song don't you think...they kinda melded together seamlessly.

    Sorry Graham, I didn't think much of the Yacht song, why did they feel the need to sample a tap dripping into a bucket of water and the tv game pong? I guess that's art pop for you!
    How can anyone not love Time to Pretend by MGMT? Beautiful stuff.

    I'm gonna have to eat my own words and say that the Devo song was actually quite tuneful and I did like it! (don't tell my husband, he'll try and get me to listen to some more) I happened to notice them on the Neil Young doc on Â鶹Éç4 the other night where Neil actually appeared crazier than them - did anyone else see it? 'Twas good, I'm sure it will be repeated...incidentally I think that there was a poor imposter trying to pass themselves off as him on the show! ????

    What was with the obsession with chests today??? I wonder if the cover to Roxy Music's Country Life was in that Top Ten Sexiest covers List? It doesn't do much for me but I can see how the gentleman would like it ;)
    I really liked the Fischerspooner and Luxuria tracks.
    Last but not least my husband loved Televsion's Days, he only has Marquee Moon as that is the critics fave but I think he might buy Adventure now.
    Better end this critical essay now before I go over my word limit!
    Cheers Buckles

  • Comment number 39.

    OMG I almost forgot, I have a message for happygoth "As new head of the Â鶹Éç I hope that you will find it in your heart to Save 6 Music" ;)

  • Comment number 40.

    Thanks in advance for your efforts in making it available overseas, James; I'm an English ex-pat in Australia and this show is one of my lifelines to home :)

  • Comment number 41.

    Hi Adam !
    I am loving the show and was really sad to discover that i cant listen to the podcast because i live in Japan! nooo! please say it ain't so!

  • Comment number 42.

    I created a Â鶹Éç ID just to say that like many other people I have also been affected by not being in the U.K. =(

    I've been an Adam and Joe fan from way back in the beginning. I have the A+J dvd and also managed to find recorded copies of every A+J episode and A+J go tokyo episode. Which is actually part of the reason I now live in Japan. I have EVERY single podcast that has been released and now I am unable to get them because I don't live in the U.K. anymore X.x

    Thanks for saying you will look into it James. I hope it gets sorted soon as it would truly suck if I could no longer fill my Mp3 player with Adam and Joe.

  • Comment number 43.

    I'm another australia based listener - no podcast? Rubbish Â鶹Éç!!

    While waiting for the show to come back I've been entertaining myself listening to the Adam and Joe XFM podcast back catalogue. It's so hilariously sweary! The Colin Farrell washing up story is awesome and never fails to make me laugh!

    Happy birthday Dr Buckles!

    XoXoxoxoxoxoewouithaw4uiryp 9rywo9fthohvg

  • Comment number 44.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 45.

    Hello I wonder if anyone can help me, I listen to the mixtape podcast from Australia but it's no longer available to us over here. Is there any where else I can get this fine piece of work from. The entertainment here is very poor. And the castle is being very unfair about this.

  • Comment number 46.

    I'm not going to post a picture of me looking smug, but I do genuinely love Revolution 9. As tracks on the White Album go, it's surely not as skippable as Yer Blues.

    And come on, forcing millions of confused Beatles fans in 1968 to listen to eight minutes of musique concrète on Christmas morning - you've got to admire them for that. The perfect fusion of seriousness and mischief, which the Fabs did so well - see also the burst of laughter at the end of Within You Without You.

    I have to say though, the voice you used for 'I don't skip it, I think it's the best track on the album' made me giggle for about a day.

  • Comment number 47.

    Finally got through this weeks show in full & it just goes to show I should be using me brain more. I thought this tape was going to be full of long winded noodling songs but as it contains four songs I actually own I feel a bit of wally.
    That Barbara Morgensten track was excellent, really enjoyed that and of course MGMT is a terrific track. Nice to hear a great Talking Heads track but.... (dons plane spotter anorak) they're not Japanese planes on the front cover of Remain In Light, they're American Grumman Avengers. I think its a reference to Flight 19, the mythical group of planes lost over The Bermuda Triangle in 1944.....(removes plane spotter anorak.).
    Graham was a splendid guest, I'd like to hear him on the show again, very funny.
    On a side note, I once had a girlfriend who had a knife phobia. She couldn't touch one, eat with one or even wash one up. She had about three of those combined knife/spoon/fork things that you take camping and would eat everything with those including when we were out. True sennas_elbow fact. I wasn't with her for more than a couple of months back in the 80s but I don't think she ever jumped out of a window.

    Right. Time for lunch. Sardines on toast methinks.

  • Comment number 48.

    geoht- I LOVE the XFM podcasts. I like the bit about Colin doing the washing up :D

    And Vash, where did you manage to source all this glorious history from! I would love to get all the podcasts...but I only started lstening in early 2009.

  • Comment number 49.

    I was able to get hold of the podcast via sneaky means, thanks for asking my question Adam! I felt a little glow of excited glee when you read out my name. Hurrah!

    I shall listen again to the full show when I have time to sit at my computer, but it's great to get the podcast so I can listen to the highlights while I trundle around on the New York subway. Great show!

  • Comment number 50.

    When I was listening to Dot Dash I was thinking "Man this sounds like that Kidney Bingos song from the 80's" ...now I know why! DOH!

  • Comment number 51.

    Hi Adam and James,

    Best of luck sorting out the podcast block. We miss Adam here in Dublin!!


  • Comment number 52.

    No Podcast for Austria?! Nooo, how can you do this to me?

  • Comment number 53.


    As new head of the Â鶹Éç, I can confirm there will be restructuring taking place. 6 Music will be rebranded as "Radio One" and the existing Radio One will be rebranded as "UK Shopping Network" and syndicated to supermarkets and shoe stores throughout the land.

  • Comment number 54.

    Is deciding to leave Singapore and move back to England so I can listen to the podcasts again an overreaction?
    James, is this an on purpose thing by the Â鶹Éç, or just a technical hiccup?
    If it is on purpose, could you please ask the powers that be to explain themselves to Adam's loyal overseas listeners?
    It would be more polite than just suddenly cutting us off with nothing.

  • Comment number 55.

    A Dutch listener here - such a shame to see this wonderful show suddenly move behind the Â鶹Éç's veil of 'UK listeners only'.

  • Comment number 56.

    I'm a Canadian living in Seoul and I had tiny heart palpitations and a little sweat run down my forehead when that man, on what was supposed to be a giggly podcast, started speaking into my ears! A genuine thanks James for responding in some fashion and I hope it all gets fixed soon!

  • Comment number 57.

    What's this lovely sounding man saying? I can't have my podcast! unfair! who's going to make me laugh out loud on the bus now?? i hope this can be sorted out soon and before Adam and Joe come back!!!

  • Comment number 58.

    Hello Guys
    What is going on with the podcast. I can't download it here in Sydney. Everything was going so well. It was so much fun. It was special. But now I feel like I've been dumped with no explanation.
    Will you give me a second chance?

  • Comment number 59.

    48. @gooseontheloose
    I love the XFM podcasts too...especially the one where they talk about R. Kelly's "Trapped in the Closet" I cry with laughter every time :D

  • Comment number 60.

    Tron :D :D :D :D

  • Comment number 61.

    Any news James? I'm getting a little (a lot) depressed.

  • Comment number 62.

    @happygoth I knew you'd make a good head, already making the appropriate changes ;)


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