Aithne air Ainmhidhean/All About Animals Series 1 Episodes Episode guide
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Bert am Bìobhar/Bert the Beaver
14/25 Featuring Bert, a two-year-old beaver living in one of the Teton mountain rivers, Wyoming.
Carla an Capybara/Carla the Capybara
13/25 Carla, a baby capybara who lives with her family in the swamps of the Orinoco river.
Otto the Orang-utan
12/25 Amazing facts about Otto, an orang-utan who lives in the rainforests of Sumatra.
Charlie an Chimpanzee/Charlie the Chimpanzee
12/25 Charlie, a chimpanzee who lives with his family in Tanzania's Gombe National Park.
Tammy, the Thomson's Gazelle
11/25 Amazing facts about Tammy, a Thomson's Gazelle living on the plains of Tanzania.
Laura the Ring-Tailed Lemur
11/25 Laura, a ring-tailed lemur who lives in a society where females dominate.
Tara the Tiger
10/25 Tara, a two-year-old tiger living in India's Ranthambhore National Park with her parents.
Dinah an Dingo/Dinah the Dingo
10/25 Dinah, an eight-month-old dingo living on the edge of Australia's Simpson Desert.
George the Giraffe
9/25 Featuring George, a giraffe who lives on the grasslands of the East African savannah.
Igbidh an t-Iguà na Uaine/Igby the Green Iguana
9/25 Igby, a newly hatched green iguana, gets used to life in the big wide world.
Elvis the Elephant Seal
8/25 Featuring Elvis, a North American elephant seal who lives south of San Francisco.
Ròsaidh an Rèin-fhiadh/Rosie the Reindeer
8/25 A look at Rosie, a four-day-old reindeer living at Ivvavik National Park, in Canada.
Hattie a' Hièna/Hattie the Hyena
7/25 Hattie, a spotted hyena who lives on the grasslands of East Africa.
Leo an Leòmhann/Leo the Lion
7/25 A look at Leo, an eight-week-old lion cub living in the Masai Mara Reserve in Kenya.
Peadar, an Ceann-fionn ÃŒompaire/Peter the Emperor Penguin
6/25 Featuring Peter, an Emperor Penguin who lives on the Ross Ice Shelf in Antarctica.
Percy am Mathan BÃ n/Percy the Polar Bear
6/25 A look at Percy, a young polar bear who lives with his mother in the cold Canadian Arctic.
Ualaidh a' Mhuc-fhoinneach/Wally the Warthog
5/25 Wally, a two-week-old warthog living on the African savannah, is growing fast.
Seoc an Struth/Ollie the Ostrich
5/25 A look at Ollie, an ostrich who hatched from the largest egg in the world.
Carl an Crogall Abhainn Nìl/Carl the Nile Crocodile
4/25 This episode features Carl, a Nile crocodile who lives in Zambia's Luangwa River.
Eboo an t-Ailbhean Afraganach/Eboo the African Elephant
4/25 A look at Eboo, the African Elephant, who lives with his family in Amboseli National Park.
Dan an Dòbhran Mòr/Oscar the Giant Otter
3/25 The tale of Oscar, a six-month-old giant otter who lives with his family in Cocha Salvador
Chiku an Chìota/Chiku the Cheetah
3/25 Investigative guide about our favourite animals. Today, the cheetah.
Gus am Mathan Molach/Gus the Grizzly Bear
2/25 Gus, a three-month-old North American grizzly bear, who lives with his mum and brother.
Morris am Meer-cat/Morris the Meerkat
2/25 Investigative guide about our favourite animals. Today, the meerkat.
Laraidh am Muncaidh Langur/Larry the Langur Monkey
1/25 The focus is on Larry, an eight-month-old Hanuman Langur monkey.