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Listen to Jazz - 麻豆社 Radio Player


  1. Get set for thejazz

    • Andy Roberts
    • 5 Dec 06, 03:57 PM

    GCap, the commercial radio group which owns Classic FM, has unveiled the name of the UK-wide jazz station to be launched on digital radio and TV at 9am on Christmas Day.

    thejazz will broadcast on DAB, Sky Digital and NTL:telewest digital cable - it'll also be available online at .

    Mindful of the heated debate as to what jazz actually is, station bosses have launched a myspace website at www.myspace.com/talkaboutjazz ahead of the launch aiming to foster a debate on the issue which will ultimately feed into programming.

    The company boldly promises a station "laying nothing but credible, authentic jazz in its many forms - whether that be bebop, swing, cool jazz, trad, blues, soul-jazz, modern jazz or smooth/fusion..." words which may sound familiar to those present at the launch of the now-defunct Jazz FM back in 1990.

    However, any cynicism about the station's long term commitment may be tempered by some (if not all) of the names who've signed up to be the station's myspace "friends" - including Herbie Hancock, Julian Joseph,
    Ron Carter, Madeleine Peyroux, The Vortex, Jazz Times and Jazzwise magazines and, er, Beyonce...


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  1. 1.
    • At 07:11 PM on 08 Dec 2006,
    • Anna wrote:

    The fact that Herbie Hancocks has signed up as a friend is interesting, the rest not so interesting, but, as I said on the R3 MB, until it is on-air it is all speculation. To be honest, jazz being a minority interest I certainly think the daytime content will be easy listening, Jamie style. I would like to think the evening programmes could be more adventurous, but I doubt it, because they will be tied into listener figures.

    As the 麻豆社 is dropping Jazz Legends maybe they might take over there?

    Do you know who the presenters will be?

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  2. 2.
    • At 07:13 PM on 08 Dec 2006,
    • Anna wrote:

    The fact that Herbie Hancocks has signed up as a friend is interesting, the rest not so interesting, but, as I said on the R3 MB, until it is on-air it is all speculation. To be honest, jazz being a minority interest I certainly think the daytime content will be easy listening, Jamie style. I would like to think the evening programmes could be more adventurous, but I doubt it, because they will be tied into listener figures.

    As the 麻豆社 is dropping Jazz Legends maybe they might take over there?

    Do you know who the presenters will be?

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  3. 3.
    • At 08:53 PM on 08 Dec 2006,
    • Malcolm Smith wrote:

    Jazz fm in London went Smooooooth to get listening figures to pull advertisers. Why will this be any different at all.

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  4. 4.
    • At 11:22 AM on 09 Dec 2006,
    • Ian Thumwood wrote:

    Having been bought a digital radio for my birthday, it will be good to be able to use it for something other than listening to commentary on Southampton's away games. However, I am a bit concerned given the way that Jazz FM so rapidly descended into a slough of easy listening music that became unbearable. When that started around 1990, it played a good selection of all kinds of jazz but went down the toilet big time within 12 months when Simply Red replaced Kenny Wheeler on the play lists. I would have to say that, from a commercial point of view, it will be impossible to give the true jazz fan exactly what he wants - especially as the jazz audience is so fractured. It is a nice thought that there will be a station playing jazz 24 hours a day but I anticipate that it will probably be pretty tame and will be reduced to playing Smooth Jazz within 12 months. If you want great jazz, I'm afraid that the commercial nature of the station must be compromised.

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  5. 5.

    I'm going to start listening also.

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  6. 6.
    • At 04:10 PM on 13 Dec 2006,
    • ralph.erle@ntlworld.com wrote:

    Please petition the Prime Minister to reform the current restrictive music venue licensing laws....

    Visit the No.10 petition website at;

    Who knows.... it may just help !

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  7. 7.
    • At 10:48 AM on 22 Dec 2006,
    • Terry Whincop wrote:

    I do hope that the new jazz station will live up to its name and do the business! There is so much recorded jazz that it should never be a problem to fill 24 hours every day for years.
    I, with my small collection, could probably make varied programmes for several years (and I am not being boastful!)
    I am secretary of the Amigos del Jazz Society (Malaga) and we have many listeners who will welcome and appreciate this excellent venture and I am quite sure that if it paralells the standard set by its sister programme 'Classic FM' it is bound to be a winner.

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  8. 8.
    • At 11:06 AM on 27 Dec 2006,
    • Ed`Lott wrote:

    I've been listeing to TheJazz since I switched on my new DAB radio on Christmas Day - it's brilliant and I like the initial playlist, although we need to stretch out across the genres, all in good time. But what is REALLY driving me nuts is the absence of track information - how do I access this,so I can BUY the products, benefit the artists, encourage the market place?

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  9. 9.

    Dear Sirs. I am 72 yeara of age and cannot thank you enough for your new station. Real musicians, real vocalists and bands in the true sense of the word. Wonderfull stuff. May it continue. Yours Gratefully - Cyril Eagland.

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  10. 10.
    • At 05:21 PM on 28 Dec 2006,
    • Stephen Clark wrote:

    I also received a DAB radio as a Christmas present this year - fantastic! I have been listening to theJazz with a moderate amount of optimism that they do at least, for the most part, seem to know what constitutes jazz at the moment (with a few horrible lapses). My concern, apart from the worry that it will morph into an easy listening station, is that it will field presenters who, as on Classic FM, have little or no knowledge or understanding of the music they are playing. It is so painful when a presenter can't even pronounce the name of a well-known composer or player.

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  11. 11.
    • At 02:49 PM on 30 Dec 2006,
    • Janet Wood wrote:

    What a wonderful Christmas present. The Jazz on DAB radio. Too good to be true. Dont change a thing except to have someone spend a few seconds naming or introducing the tracks.
    The pieces selected are mainly "proper" jazz.
    We cant receive some of the local stations properly (eg. R.Manchester) but The Jazz comes in strong and clear. Thanks, keep it up.

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  12. 12.
    • At 04:41 PM on 01 Jan 2007,
    • chris nunn wrote:

    thejazz is great, signal is good. haven't listened to anything else since first brooadcast. let's have some advertising to ensure the broadcast can maintain some integrity. track info would be good but please, can presenter babble be kept out. thank you.

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  13. 13.
    • At 05:55 PM on 03 Jan 2007,
    • rick Harriosn wrote:

    To those looking for the track info it is displayed on the scrolling program info (2nd) line of a DAB radio
    if you can change your selection via the menu button.It is painfully slow but a bit erratic.I have been told that there will be annoucemnts in April.
    Otherwise the progam selection is fine.

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  14. 14.
    • At 11:38 AM on 05 Jan 2007,
    • John Delaney wrote:

    Really enjoying theJazz. It's great to have a proper all-jazz radio station at last. Let's hope GCap has a credible plan to (a) avoid the station going the same way as JazzFM and (b) keep it ad-free.

    Some things that would make me even happier with theJazz: a bit more "hard listening" in the mix (eg early 1970s Miles); short, basic track announcements on air; a smaller proportion of vocal music.

    In fact, what I'm really looking for is Radio 3's "Jazz Record Requests" all day every day!

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  15. 15.

    A great start! The variety is good, but a little too much emphasis is placed on vocalists who will sink the ship into "smooth" jazz, if you let them. Furthermore, the cheesy links should be dumped a.s.a.p. They would be well at home on "The Fast Show" and will only serve to alienate old and newcomers to this great music.

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  16. 16.
    • At 10:32 PM on 14 Jan 2007,
    • Brian Millen wrote:

    ...from Maidstone. Just tuned in to theJazz DAB for first time - refreshing choice, geat quality and good selection...
    Please can you tell me who played 'Birdland' just after 9pm Sunday 14/01 - forgot to look at DAB 'screen'?
    Keep up the good work.

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  17. 17.
    • At 09:54 PM on 24 Jan 2007,
    • Harriet Foster wrote:

    We got a DAB radio for Christmas and now we're hooked on The Jazz. Waking up early on dark winter mornings used to be unbearable but now we set the alarm to wake us up with The Jazz and we bounce out of bed with huge smiles on our faces. Keep it up and don't change anything about it. NO adverts, NO idiotic chit chat, NO opinions or mundane traffic reports..... just wonderful track selection, tune after tune.

    Can't thank you enough!

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  18. 18.
    • At 04:22 PM on 03 Feb 2007,
    • Alan Theobald wrote:

    I bought a digital radio this week, specifically because I'd read there was a jazz station broadcasting. I am delighted that I did. The COMPLETE ABSENCE OF ADVERTISING and BABBLING, BANAL-HUMOURED disc-jockeys is the most wonderful surprise. I am not anti-DJs, a good one is a plus on any programme, but the pleasure of hearing a piece end-to-end without someone talking over it or cutting in is sublime. If they could have someone of the calibre of Geoffrey Smith or Humphrey Littleton introducing the tracks with a few titbits of information it would save me having to peer over at the display too often. NO JONATHAN ROSS TYPES, PLEASE. The mix is fine, but perhaps a few in-depth profiles of some of the great and good might be considered. I was a keen advocate of Jazz FM when it started and listened (and then didn't) with horror at its decline into commercial sell-out. I wrote to them in the 90s asking if, to help ensure sufficient jazz content, they might consider subscription radio along the lines of KLON (now KJAZZ), Long Beach, California, which was my bit of jazz heaven when I lived in the U.S.A., but they did not even acknowledge my letter. I would certainly subscribe to such a station, but this being the U.K., apathy would probably prevent the success of such a venture. TheJazz, please do not let down the many people who have waited patiently for such a station.

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  19. 19.
    • At 09:15 AM on 04 Feb 2007,
    • Yoel Silver wrote:

    I would certainly be prepared to pay ?50 per year to keep the wonderful output ad free and even DJ free if they could find some way of putting the play list on sky tv

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  20. 20.
    • At 12:35 PM on 04 Feb 2007,
    • Bill Gray wrote:

    When I was told about "thejazz" I wondered what it was going to be like as the word jazz is now used to cover a multitude of music ie. pop,rap, freejazz(Avant-garde) etc.which in my opinion has put many people off listening to it. I am most impressed by your programme as it could convert many to consider jazz as an enjoyable music.Please keep the same format it's great.The one thing I don't understand is why isn't the programme in sterio on the radio.

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  21. 21.
    • At 01:09 PM on 04 Feb 2007,
    • John Sims wrote:

    I enjoy your uninterrupted music, which is mostly "good stuff"; however, DAB is not appropriate, here in France, so it's the Sky satellite, and thus, no information whatsoever, can be infuriating!
    Secondly. I appreciate you have to use "tape-loops", thus, repetition does occur, bur how about some real Dixieland, Bix Beiderbecke (who?) etc?
    I'll give you 8 out of 10, could do better!
    Au revoir et bonne chance!

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  22. 22.

    Like a diamond sitting on the top of a stack of coal, "the jazz" stands out amongst the stations pumping out mountains of commercial and often meaningless rubbish masquerading as music.
    Just one criticism. Let's have a few more medium to up tempo numbers.
    Well, I'm a drummer and I would say that.

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  23. 23.
    • At 04:20 PM on 15 Feb 2007,
    • paul goddard wrote:

    Another delighted to find theJazz on Christmas Day while trying out the DAB portable I was given.
    Have listened regularly exer since.
    Have now purchased DAB HiFi (separates) tuner to enjoy it even more. But which way should I point a (directional) outdoor aerial for best reception; ie where is the nearest transmitter from Bedford?

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  24. 24.
    • At 11:56 AM on 19 Feb 2007,
    • Colin Houlden wrote:

    I am surprised that no mention is made of the 24 hour jazz radio programme on the internet at www.jazz-radio.fm This station is rated at around 4 or 5 by the main search engines out of thousands of jazz stations. The station is owned and run by Brian Parker. He does it on his own. Listen and see.

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  25. 25.
    • At 07:54 PM on 21 Feb 2007,
    • Marcus Green wrote:

    Would just like to point out that, contrary to some impressions given via these comments, this is the 麻豆社 jazz blog, and theJazz is a commercial operation run by GCap, the people behind Classic FM, Capital Radio and loads of local pop radio stations in the Midlands, East and south of England. It's no good telling this blog how you are enjoying theJazz!

    Anyway, regular programmes start on theJazz at Easter, apparently. And, presumably, commercials too.

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  26. 26.
    • At 02:07 PM on 26 Feb 2007,
    • Barrie Wickerson wrote:

    theJazz got me out to buy a DAB set fast. What a great station, what a gem amongst the sludge of so much of the commercial stations. I agree that a brief note of the tracks played would be helpful, but no presenter chat. Big bands?? Just keep it coming anyway. Thanks.

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  27. 27.
    • At 05:53 PM on 07 Mar 2007,
    • phil price wrote:

    great listening would be nice to hear a bit more latin jazz even so brilliant play lists

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  28. 28.
    • At 09:19 PM on 09 Mar 2007,
    • Brian E. Wood wrote:

    Dear Boss(es),

    Congratulations definitely in order - especially after the awfulmess (sic) of 'JazzFM'! However:

    A better-balanced programme is needed: MUCH more REAL 'Trad' cries out for its rightful airing! Why no Jelly Roll Morton? Ditto Wilbur de Paris, Muggsy Spanier, Bechet, Goodman, Bessie Smith, Ma Rainey, Bix Beiderbecke, Bob Crosby, Fats Waller, Jay McShann, Jimmy Yancey, Little Brother Montgomery, Earl Hines, Artie Shaw, Sonny Rollins,and our own Chris Barber, Ken Colyer, George Melly, Sandy Brown, Stan Grieg?
    Etc., etc., etc. ...

    The fact that most of theJazz hitherto is really 'swing' isn't really important, but let's have a fair sprinkling of the 'real stuff', please!
    If not, then why not, for heaven's sake?

    Finally: If the modus operandi doesn't permit of (any?) track data, then it's a great pity. Perhaps something can be done about that ...

    Nearly forgot! The all-too-frequent 'Ladies and Gentlemaen, I give you ... the Jazz' etc., etc. is
    wholly unnecessary, fatuous, and very irritating!!


    Brian E. Wood . Creigiau, Cardiff

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  29. 29.
    • At 09:26 PM on 09 Mar 2007,
    • Brian E. Wood wrote:

    Has my comment (9 March 2007, 09.17p.m.) been approved yet?

    I await confirmation - but, really, I haven't got forever ...

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  30. 30.
    • At 09:32 PM on 09 Mar 2007,
    • Brian E. Wood wrote:

    Dear Boss(es) at theJazz,

    Thank you for your approval.


    Brian E. Wood

    PS: Looking forward to a few (?) changes!

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  31. 31.
    • At 09:47 AM on 13 Mar 2007,
    • Peter Manning wrote:

    By and large a good mix of jazz but as previous posters have mentioned too many vocalist tracks may cause the playlist to slip into easy listening, I would like to see more hard jazz, ie Coltrane, Coleman etc. being played in the late evening. Otherwise a great show.

    Best regards
    Peter Manning

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  32. 32.
    • At 09:00 PM on 17 Mar 2007,
    • Roger H Dilling wrote:

    what a find whilst decorating!! I agree with Alan Theobald except that I do like Jonathan Ross whats wrong with him?? he's not not on the jazz!! I was involved in local radio in the early 1980's at 2CR so I must have been one of those babbling DJ's!

    Really this station is just so cool, I am now semi retired and have been charged with too much deccorating it seems, so the jazz is going to be the 'Dulux' non drip gloss of my life from now on it seems. So' if there is no life beyond the lounge/bedroom/kitchen there is always the jazz.

    Oh! if you want a cool DJ with Alan Wicker sound alike give me a call!!!!

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  33. 33.
    • At 12:59 PM on 03 Apr 2007,
    • Michael Heryet wrote:

    Have just found theJazz on the web (the only way I can listen as there is no DAB coverage in North Cornwall and I refuse to spend money with Murdoch!). The brief listen I have had brings to mind the euphoria of JazzFM in September 1990......But of course at present you are only playing CDs so I await the official launch with interest. I am confident that if Helen Mayhew is on board, then the jazz content will be good. She and Paul Jones were the only JazzFM presenters to not play the playlist - even poor old Robbie Vincent struggled to get his own way on morning drive time. I wish you all the luck in the world in your effort to bring Jazz to the airwaves and the internet.

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  34. 34.
    • At 08:50 AM on 06 Apr 2007,
    • Jill Smith wrote:

    I've only just found thejazz. I remember contacting jazz fm when they sold out to Guardian Media, and complaining that the whole scene was rapidly going downhill. I was told in no uncertain terms to find another station if that didn't suit!!! And as for Smooth fm no comment.

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  35. 35.
    • At 04:53 PM on 08 Apr 2007,
    • James Green wrote:

    Like many I got fed up with Jazz.Fm in London when it refused to play Jazz. I complained to everyone in sight that they were in breach of their licence application when they said they would play Jazz. Nobody, including all the regulators and Tessa Jowell (Culture Secretary) was interested. I just got the brush off. Nobody cared that they did not play Jazz anymore. I pointed out to them all "what would happen if Radio 3 only played pop music". I'm sure somebody would shout very loudly and get it changed. They did not rise to the bait and so I found plenty of Jazz stations on the Web instead and have Jazz coming from San Francisco all day long...no adverts, just Jazz.
    I hope theJazz.com succeeds, but only by playing Jazz.

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  36. 36.

    VERY, VERY many thanks for the new programme. I am already addicted & will do my best to addict others. It well makes up for having less of Humph's Monday Jazz Programme. With presenters like Helen Mahew this is the best thing for jazz on the radio for years. L O N G may you last.

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  37. 37.
    • At 10:45 PM on 29 Apr 2007,
    • Tom Brown wrote:

    I've been listening to theJAzz since xmas day. Since the presenters have recently come on board it now sound like a proper radio station. Thrilled about Helen Mayhew and Mick Chandwick, who are both real jazz heads. Really really thrilled to hear the excellent David Jensen and Anthony Davis on board to add a bit of personality.
    Great station for the nation.

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  38. 38.
    • At 05:23 PM on 14 May 2007,
    • kate gray wrote:

    What a wonderful programme. I have it on all day every day. Thank you so much

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  39. 39.
    • At 05:26 PM on 14 May 2007,
    • kate gray wrote:

    What a wonderful programme. I have it on all day every day. Thank you so much

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  40. 40.
    • At 01:28 PM on 17 Jun 2007,
    • M. SUMMERVILLE wrote:

    Enjoy the programme but why the lack traditional and swing music this dominance of modern cool type can be rather boring.

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