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  1. Veryan Weston's Quintet Of Uncertainty - a Jazz on 3 special

    • Linton Chiswick
    • 6 Oct 06, 10:42 AM

    If you're interested in the place where small group composition meets free improvisation, and want to know a bit more about how the music's conceived and realised, don't miss tonight's Jazz on 3, featuring pianist Veryan Weston's international quintet. For this week's show, I sat in on the rehearsal process, took photographs, acquired a bit of sheet music and talked to all the musicians involved. It meant approaching the Jazz on 3 session a little differently, focusing on the process as much as the outcome. We really hope you enjoy the results. If you'd like similar features in future, don't forget to drop us a line, or comment below.

    More details, including a line-up, photographs, an extra track, and links to the sheet music, .


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  1. 1.
    • At 12:36 PM on 11 Oct 2006,
    • Dr. Dominic Kojo wrote:


    The 麻豆社 do not like freedom of speech. I represent my client King Kennytone. His selfless pronouncements on all things jazzy are currently being suppressed by the sinister cabal controlling message board access.

    Great blog.
    More latin music please!

    Your obedient servant,
    Dr. Dominic Kojo

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  2. 2.
    • At 02:13 PM on 11 Oct 2006,
    • Little Rootie Tootie wrote:

    Xavier Cugat and Arturo Sadoval maintain that King kennytone must be reinstated.

    Hasta la victoria siempre

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  3. 3.
    • At 08:36 PM on 21 Oct 2006,
    • burning doge wrote:

    The King is Dead.

    Long live the King!

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  4. 4.
    • At 01:06 PM on 23 Oct 2006,
    • King Kennytone wrote:


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  5. 5.
    • At 01:22 AM on 01 Dec 2006,
    • Rene Rett'e wrote:

    Youman Wilder and Weired Stories recieve special Award for work on Pediatric Aids.

    Youman Wilder and members of his band Weired Stories featuring Nelson Bainbridge, Preton Torrey,Curtis Heyward,Orlando Watson Markel Dupree,Rickey King,Rhonda Jacobs all were recently given a special citation for the groups work with the New York Aids Initiative.
    Wilder performed In hospitals and at fund raisers and gave his time to
    "Equity Fights Aids" and "The Black Aids Coalition".
    The Band has helped Raise over $100,000 for Pediatric Aids Research.

    Mr. Wilder who tours Europe and will be releasing the bands debut CD entitled
    "Sounds From A Reborn Soul" lost his father the Late "Pastor Austin Wilder" to Aids in 1997.
    Wilder's father was given a blood transfusion in 1983 before the blood was tested and was diagnosed with the Aids virus in 1989.

    Since 2003 Wilder had performed over 30 free concerts for the Pediatric Aids Foundation and for "The Black Rock Aids Coalition"
    Wilder resides in New York City with Canadian Model Karen Kia Shoremakin.

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  6. 6.
    • At 10:45 AM on 21 Dec 2006,
    • Written by Turdy Seaver wrote:

    Written by Trudy Seavers

    Youman Wilder And Weird Stories Set To Perform Gospel Concert for Martin Luther King Holiday in Boston

    Youman Wilder and the Hot Group Weird Stories will perform an inspirational concert for
    Martin Luther King In Boston Massachusetts, on January 19th 2007.

    Wilder and Weird Stories have spent the bulk of 2006 on tour mainly in Canada and Europe, this will be Wilder's second gospel concert, this past summer he performed for over 1500 people in Brooklyn's New York's Tompkins Square Park.

    Wilder who got his start singing in the Baptist church has never strayed away from his Gospel training, and has always included a Gospel Segment to his high energy show's.

    Wilder who is not shy at taking on controversial subjects will highlight the
    Atrocities in Darfur as well as World Hunger and lack of AIDS medications in the African Continent and will also pay a special tribute to Coretta Scott King as well.

    This past year had the busy Sextet on a 260 performance tour, hitting such countries as Canada,France,Holland.England and Belgium.
    Wilder even landed on one of the Sexiest Men In Paris List for 2006.

    With all the bands success there has been some stress and strains.
    Long time stellar Pianist Nelson Bainbridge will be leaving the band in January of 2007, and Wilder has been arrested over 10x for his staunch defiance on how the United Nations has allowed the Sudanese government to continue to kill the Christian darker skinned Darfurians.

    Wilder who also called Former United Nations Leader Koffi Anan inept, when he stated that Anan has done nothing to help the Africans of Darfur and what is worst "
    Wilder stated that Anan is an African and maybe if it was white women being killed and raped Anan would then assemble the UN to protect them ( Anan is married to a white women) When Wilder was asked to apologized he kindly instructed Mr. Anan to kiss his black ass since Mr. Anan kisses white ass so well"

    Wilder also had words for United States President George W. Bush calling him the worst President of his lifetime, and states that African-American Clergy who stood with him on his amendment to try to ban gay marriage were idiots, and hopes they now stand with the President on his response to Katrina?

    In Wilder's statement to the press he said that 'You have these preachers like,
    Donnie McClurkin, Paul Morton, and Eddie Long who stood with Bush, but did it really matter about 2 women getting married when you saw bodies of poor black and white people drowning in the streets of New Orleans?
    Did it matter when you saw babies dying of hunger after 4 days of no water or food, and did it matter when you saw these people being called refugees in they're own country.
    Two people of the same sex getting married or 50,000 people displaced, tell me what is more important?

    Wilder and Bainbridge will also collaborate on the Jewish and African-American Holocaust Indie film "Steps of Faith"

    The Boston Gospel Concert to Martin Luther King will take place at a still unnamed location with "BB Kings" In Cambridge being the likely sight.

    Youman Wilder and the Hot Group Weird Stories will perform an inspirational concert for
    Martin Luther King In Boston Massachusetts, on January 19th 2007.

    Wilder and Weird Stories have spent the bulk of 2006 on tour mainly in Canada and Europe, this will be Wilder's second gospel concert, this past summer he performed for over 1500 people in Brooklyn's New York's Tompkins Square Park.

    Wilder who got his start singing in the Baptist church has never strayed away from his Gospel training, and has always included a Gospel Segment to his high energy show's.

    Wilder who is not shy at taking on controversial subjects will highlight the
    Atrocities in Darfur as well as World Hunger and lack of AIDS medications in the African Continent and will also pay a special tribute to Coretta Scott King as well.

    This past year had the busy Sextet on a 260 performance tour, hitting such countries as Canada,France,Holland.England and Belgium.
    Wilder even landed on one of the Sexiest Men In Paris List for 2006.

    With all the bands success there has been some stress and strains.
    Long time stellar Pianist Nelson Bainbridge will be leaving the band in January of 2007, and Wilder has been arrested over 10x for his staunch defiance on how the United Nations has allowed the Sudanese government to continue to kill the Christian darker skinned Darfurians.

    Wilder who also called Former United Nations Leader Koffi Anan inept, when he stated that Anan has done nothing to help the Africans of Darfur and what is worst "
    Wilder stated that Anan is an African and maybe if it was white women being killed and raped Anan would then assemble the UN to protect them ( Anan is married to a white women) When Wilder was asked to apologized he kindly instructed Mr. Anan to kiss his black ass since Mr. Anan kisses white ass so well"

    Wilder also had words for United States President George W. Bush calling him the worst President of his lifetime, and states that African-American Clergy who stood with him on his amendment to try to ban gay marriage were idiots, and hopes they now stand with the President on his response to Katrina?

    In Wilder's statement to the press he said that 'You have these preachers like,
    Donnie McClurkin, Paul Morton, and Eddie Long who stood with Bush, but did it really matter about 2 women getting married when you saw bodies of poor black and white people drowning in the streets of New Orleans?
    Did it matter when you saw babies dying of hunger after 4 days of no water or food, and did it matter when you saw these people being called refugees in they're own country.
    Two people of the same sex getting married or 50,000 people displaced, tell me what is more important?

    Wilder and Bainbridge will also collaborate on the Jewish and African-American Holocaust Indie film "Steps of Faith"

    The Boston Gospel Concert to
    Martin Luther King Jr will take place at a still unnamed location with "BB Kings" In Cambridge being the likely sight.

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  7. 7.
    • At 10:19 AM on 28 Mar 2007,
    • Michelle Charles wrote:

    Youman Wilder And Weird Stories Bring Soul And Serious Swagger To Ct
    Reviewd by:
    Michelle Charles

    If I hear any more complaints about how Soul and R&B music is dead,
    I am gonna just scream!!!!
    And scream is what I and about 700 loyal followers of serious Soul Music did this past weekend at
    Connecticut's Powerhouse Performing Arts Center In New Canaan.

    Youman Wilder/featuring Weird Stories were relentless in a show that was all about the soul.
    Starting the evening off with the original song "The World Is A Ghetto"
    and settling In with the groove infectious "Joy" followed by the bands staple song "A Little Closer".

    Wilder who placed more emphasis on the higher register along with the Gospel side of his voice seemed too be sticking it to the weak male
    Pop singers we see parading around as talent.
    The band was tight and from the first note of the evening you knew SOUL was in the house.

    The band featured new pianist Xavier Paul,
    Curtis Heyward (bass)Orlando Watson (Tenor Sax) Markel Dupree (drums)
    Rickey King Electric Guitar,Rhonda Jacobs Flute.

    Paul who is a young sensational pianist from New Orleans,brings a whole different energy to this unit.
    Like his predecessor Nelson Bainbridge, Paul is an amazing talent, his 23 year old youthful yet polished playing has a quality of his idol the great Herbie Hancock.

    Orlando Watson is playing the best Tenor Sax in the world at this minute?
    Rhonda Jacobs has finally found her own footing in this band, and
    Rickey King and Markel Dupree make up,what the Village Voice called one of the best bands working today.

    But it is still Youman Wilder and his soaring vocals and inspiring writing that makes this band a must see in concert.
    This outfit is Jazz, yet they play the blues, they are funk yet they play the most intimate and gorgeous ballads, like the gospel flavored
    "You Can Talk About Me Now that I am Gone" and the beautiful "Harlem Rain" took the night into over drive.

    Wilder and The Storie are a band with a knack to throw daggers at the powerful while fighting for the powerless.

    The provocative "Fatherless, Motherless and Homeless In America" talked about the problems of families living in they're cars after losing they're homes.

    Wilder also showed a nice pace of dance material as well.
    "One Stop Away From Brooklyn" and "We Cant Go Back To That Love "put the band into a 70's type of Rufus/Chaka Khan feel.

    Then it was time for church as Wilder put his foot in the self penned song
    "If I Could Fly"(Can I Testify) this was the church boy coming out.

    Wilder who always seems to pay homage to the soul pioneers devoted a medley to the great Teddy Pendergrass.
    Starting off with "Close The Door" "Love TKO" and ending with a song that I had not heard in over 15 years the beautiful Pendergrass classic "Latest Greatest Inspiration"

    Wilder and the Storie finished off the evening with the a song by Prince, "Dear Mr Man"
    which they played for about 10 minutes with half the audience onstage dancing around the band.

    This current unit is a hot mix of vibrant and extremely talented musicians, and as always Wilder as the front man shows impeccable vocal chops and a self assured swagger as a singer and a songwriter.
    The addition of Xavier Paul is a welcome addition to a band that is simply one of the best touring Jazz/Funk/Soul Bands working.

    Youman Wilder and Weird Stories will tour this April out west, with stops in LA,
    San Diego and San Francisco, as well as Portland, Seattle and Arizona.

    Do your self a favor and hear this band if they come to your town.

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  8. 8.
    • At 08:38 AM on 18 May 2007,
    • Herman Rawlings wrote:

    Youman Wilder Puts It All Together In The Vancouver Concert for The Children of Darfur

    This Was a Benefit Waiting to Happen

    Concert Review by: Herman Rawlings

    Venue: The Vogue Theater (Vancouver British Columbia)

    April 22nd,2007
    Individuals who adopt worthy causes in support of the disadvantaged and disenfranchised people in society have a very difficult endeavor, especially when attempting to rise above other organizations trying to achieve the same objectives. Often times, the overall approach becomes easier when a celebrity or person of note becomes involved to garner support for a given charity.

    That is exactly what happened when Singing Great Youman Wilder and some of his friends put on a special benefit performance for The Children Of Darfur Concert, his mission is to achieve “Awareness for Children and Victims of Darfur” There is an ongoing war in this Sudanese Country as well, one that bodes well with assistance and empowerment in order to obtain the best possible results for families and children of this Inhuman and illegal war against the Christian and darker skinned Darfarians. Because the cause is such an important one in the mind of soul singer Youman Wilder, he has adopted The Darfurian's to draw attention too.

    For the second time in as many years,Youman invited some musicians from around the world to help elevate the consciousness of the atrocities that are taking place in the Sudan.

    With that in mind, singers Iris Campbell, Jeannette' Bowman, Louise Charles along with stellar musicians Nelson Bainbridge (piano) Curtis Heyward (bass) Orlando Watson (Tenor Sax)

    Markel Dupree (drums) Rickey King Electric Guitar,Paquito De Carlos Guzman Percussion's

    (Luiz Carlos) Na Baixa do Sapateiro (Jamil Joanes) (Barroso - Oberdan) (Cláudio Stevenson - Cristóv?o Bastos) Luiz Gonzaga - Humberto Teixeira) (Edu Lobo) (Oberdan)

    All of these talented performers all came together to perform in a very special concert to highlight the

    Save Darfur.Org goals and objectives. As a stand alone singer,Youman Wilder is one of the most complete performers of his generation.

    He has the ability to transcend the confines of most artists by achieving considerable acclaim in all aspects of contemporary and modern R&B and Neo Soul Jazz.

    His skilled approach to both jazz and gospel has not often been recognized in the minds of some, yet he remains one of the most creative minds in jazz,funk,blues and r&b.

    As a supporter of Save Darfur.Org,Youman has the clout to pull off one of the most dynamic concerts of its kind, especially in a city where jazz is a dominant source of entertainment.

    Collectively speaking, this event was well-suited towards pushing the organization into the forefront of community support.

    One of the most unique aspects associated with this event is Youman Wilder the singer. Anyone who has ever experienced him in a live setting will acknowledge his considerable talent. He is energetic and pushes the envelope of perfection in whatever his musical endeavor, whether it be performing or recording.

    His performance on the evening of April 22nd was not any different when it comes to examining Youman’s unique approach to his craft.

    His performance was a funk-filled groove that was augmented by melodic nuances and compelling harmonies,Youman blew the roof of the great Vogue Theater ,The tenor was a tornado the powerhouse vocals on "Harlem Rain" was glorious,And the salute to the Darfur victims with the Stevie Wonder penned "Shelter In The Rain" showed the strong gospel influence of Youman.

    My favorite song from Youman's set was the funked up version of Prince's "Dear Mr Man" while also drawing energy from Nelson,Markell, and Rickey King. Individually, each musician in his own right proved beyond the shadow of any doubt that they too were highly stylized dynamos.One of the highlight's of the show was Orlando Watson’s passionate embrace of Marvin Gaye’s tune “What's Going On,” which received a rousing response from the audience. Bainbridge’s highly emotional and eclectic interpretation was passionate and very enlightening.

    Iris Campbell,Jeannette Bowman’s tribute to the late Luther Vandross was filled with nostalgia and appreciation for a singer whose influence on music is without question.

    Bassist Curtis Heyward was another intrepid highlight during the concert with his superb bass licks. He exhibited a three minute course on the art of funk and all the percussive elements surrounding his talent.

    Wilder then blazed into some original songs "Motherless,Fatherless and Homeless Child Of America"

    "Repping The Ghetto" and 'She Love's Me' and the stoic but inspirational 'In My Life' bought the SRO to it's feet.

    Campbell, Bowman and Louise Charles Joined Wilder In a Gospel medley, that showed cased some of the best singing I have heard in a long while.

    Starting off with "How I Got Over' and then singing 'Restoration' by the great family group 'The Winans'

    Wilder bent and ripped every note, Wilder and Charles dueted on the lovely "I.O.U.ME' and then had the sold out crowd up in a frenzy with the soul stirring 'Jesus Is Love'

    Wilder then performed John Legend's 'So High' and may have taken this Legend song and made it his very own.

    The audience were particularly thrilled with the spiritual aspects of his performance. With Youman Wilder at the helm, the force was definitely upon the crowd of fans and supporters, where music and social awareness were elevated to new heights.

    There were no fire works or exploding dancer's with no clothes on, just Youman Wilder and some incredible friends who showed the City Of Vancouver great music for an even greater cause.

    In addition, it stands to reason why Youman was able to pull all of his resources together to make “Youman Wilder & Friends The Concert for Darfur” come together.

    The Save Darfur.Org is a worth while organization that has a definite goal and purpose in the support of the children of Darfur, please help us end these atrocities

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  9. 9.
    • At 04:37 PM on 08 Jun 2007,
    • Thomas Chavaz wrote:

    Neo Soul/Jazz Vocalist Youman Wilder went to Havana Cuba to Perform at the Havana Jazz Festival for 2 nights and put on some really good shows.

    I loved his Aretha Franklin version of Aint No Way with Orlando Watson Playing the Sax version of
    Cissy Houston's counter vocals.

    Wilder who has made 2 previous trips to the Communist country then did something that was brave and smacked right in the face of Fidel Castro's hold on the People of Cuba.

    Wilder then did the African American Protest song 'We Shall Overcome' as his closing number.
    It was not known if Wilder was asked to leave the island the next day, but he was back in Montreal the following day.

    Youman Wilder spit in the faces of Communism on the Island of Cuba.

    As we went to print there was no comment from Wilder ,but an unidentified witnesses stated that Wilder the night before was asked not to perform the Marvin Gaye classic.
    "What's Going On"
    Wilder then performed "People Get Ready" and then ended the show with the famous protest song "We Shall Over Come"
    Wilder was supposed to stay an additional 2 days but was back in Canada 10 hours later
    Hopefully more artist on the Island and abroad will have such courage to take on Castro and his Dictatorship in Cuba

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  10. 10.
    • At 06:06 PM on 07 Jul 2007,
    • Geey Daniels wrote:

    An Evening With Youman Wilder Live In Las Vegas
    Reviewed By Gerry Daniels

    Youman Wilder does not venture out to the west coast much, and has never played Las Vegas.

    But on a Tuesday night Wilder and the great backing band Weird Stories Wilder and band in tow swept into the House of Blues Mandalay Bay Resort as one of the bands performing for the"Summer Fever," a live music series with live bands, hot vibes and took the Las Vegas strip on a true soul and funk journey.

    Wilder took the stage as the 3rd band of the evening, and that was not good for the following bands that could not follow Wilder and Weird Stories flawless 40 minute set.

    From the opening note of Rashaan Patterson's " You Are The Only One For Me" it was evident that what Wilder was bringing to the stage was a little different.

    With an heavy emphasis on a hard funk groove,Wilder let loose, on the Aretha Franklin classic
    "Until You Come Back To Me" and had the audience in the palms of his hands when he ripped the ass off of Stevie Wonder's "Joy Inside My Tears"

    The beautiful Self-Penned "Harlem Rain" is a hit song in the making, and the soul drenched
    "Caught In a New York Minute" had the entire audience head bopping to what Wilder and the Storie were throwing down.

    Wilder slammed into "The World Is a Ghetto" and went to church on the Commodore classic "Zoom"
    and then finished the brisk set out with The "Prince" gem"Dear Mr Man"

    After exiting the stage the Vegas audience would not stop until Wilder came out for a well deserved encore.

    Wilder did not disappoint, and threw an absolute home run from left field, Wilder with Orlando Watson on Tenor Sax took us back to the days of Philly Soul, and would have made the great Teddy Pendergrass happy with their rendition of "If You Don't Know Me By Now"

    All in all this 40 minute set could easily fit into one of the smaller theaters or music venues here in Vegas?
    Wilder would be a welcome change to the Vegas music scene,since we have very little Soul based shows since The Legendary Gladys Knight closed her show at the Flamingo Casino early last year after a successful 4 year run.

    Wilder features some extremely talented musicians that backed him on this blistering 90 degree Vegas evening.

    The band featured new pianist Xavier Paul all of 22 years old

    Curtis Heyward (bass) Orlando Watson (Tenor Sax) Markel Dupree (drums) Rickey King Electric Guitar
    Rhonda Jacobs Flute.

    Wilder did Vegas proud and please come back soon.. We can always use some soul in the desert.

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