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Tis gorgeous out there.

Chris Evans | 15:59 UK time, Friday, 23 March 2012

Simples. No One Show tonight for me, so we (the fam) have met up and shot off early. It almost feels like a bank holiday weekend. Usually I'm not home till 9 p.m. on a Friday night. Whereas today I was at the pasty shop for eleven o'clock. One of the reasons I do The One Show is to keep the pasty shop at bay till at least Saturday.

No harm once in a while though, doing the pasty double.

Right, I'll go and get red whilst everyone else gets a tan. You can't have everything. And even if you could, where would you put it all ?

Peace and Love





  • Comment number 1.

    Dont think you will want anymore pasties now we are being taxed on them Mr Evans.

    On another note. MBD I suggest you read my comment again I did not state that I was offended by a comment but by your behaviour. As you so rightly have stated we are allowed our own opinions and that is mine, take it or leave it.

    Bids I am so glad to hear that everything is getting better hopefully you can relax a little in the next few days.

    Have a lovely weekend one and all.

    CB xx

  • Comment number 2.

    Hello Chris.

    There's no harm in having double pasties once in a while Chris. In fact I think you should things while you are enjoying them. I kept on stopping off at Paddy McGuinness's place to get a pack of four sausage rolls but have now grown tired of them. Maybe this is better than eating a smaller amount more regularly.

    I'm having breakfast for tea today (or should that be dinner) simply because at this very moment I want bacon, eggs and tomatoes. A bit miffed though that I've got no mushrooms. I do have sausages and beans but don't feel like them. And haven't bought black pudding for ages.

    Have a lovely long weekend with the family CLP and let's hope this lovely weather keeps up for a few more days or even months.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 3.

    Arternoon CLP - whats not to love about a pasty - well proper ones, not the ones I made once - could have been used as amunition!

    suspect by now you might be at a super dooper hotel in the new forest that you like to spend time at, how lucky you are, just you make sure you look after that gorgeous Tash, not long now!

    Desperately trying to hang on and keep working but the weather, the noise of people cutting grass and children playing outside is a distraction.....

    bids, you silly sausage, we really dont mind you getting muddled - you have an excuse, I dont! and btw I've sent you a text....

    right - gonna power on through for one more hour - then a penguin will be opened and I MAY venture to the grass plot to be attacked by frogs..... wheres that grass mowing fairy friend when you need her hey?

    Happy Friday arvo everyone

  • Comment number 4.

    Aaaaaaaaah pasties! I love a really good cheese & onion pasty. The filling has to be as hot as moulten lava so it lasts a fair while - I sometimes treat myself if I'm in Brum - there's a pasty outlet at New Street Station and if I have a long wait for my train, it keeps me nice n warm!

    Can't be doing with Cornish Pasties though. Had a very bad experience with one during school dinners once. Never been back. Maybe if I'm ever in Padstowe ....

    Bids, it's good news about Ben. And don't be daft. You ain't no wally woman. At least you've had a lovely day orf and still have the nuptials to look forward to tomorrow. Cool!

    Cockneybird - thank you. You know what for x

    Debs - please don't go harming any penguins in your opening of said items. Cheers!

    I got some really good wine bargains today, and all decent wines too. You gotta love that shop CLP does the voiceovers for. Although I did learn that if you stop in the middle of the wine aisle to tweet someone and inadvertantly cause a traffic jam, you don't arf feel the wrath of the others. Proper evils I was getting!

    I've been on a mission to calm Randall down today. We've had loads and loads of play - fetch, in the house, out in the garden, back in the house and the upshot it - I think he could go on all night and I'm absolutely shattered (although I was awake just after 5am today!).

    Looking forward to one of Nic's curries tonight, doing some damage to a couple of bottles of red wine (between us, not each - there's been a budget, y'know!), and a catch up on the Cloud+ thingy.

    Enjoy yourselves, it's later than you think .....


  • Comment number 5.

    Why don't polar bears eat penguins?

    Lovely day here too. Am currently trying to persuade boy1 he wants to cut the grass for me. So far I've got "sometime this weekend!"

    I really fancied a pasty for lunch today but shop only had them in packs of about a hundred!! So i had a cheese and onion roll instead! Yum!

    Right, first part of taxi running done, next part coming up!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 6.


    I was reading the other day that, in light of the drought we are experiencing in pats of the country, we may have to change our attitude to what constitutes good weather.

    It won't be long before weather forecasters are saying that it's going to be lovely today, it's going to rain all day.

  • Comment number 7.


    ... because they can't get the wrappers off!

    Boom Boom!!

    Mange tout.


  • Comment number 8.

    Hi all

    I love pasties (especially Cornish ones - sorry Deevs) but I can't remember the last time I had one due to the continuing 'healthy eating plan' - I have lost at least 12 kilos though (that's 2 and a half stone in old money), still a long way to go.....

    I do, however, partake of a glass of wine in the evening, just the one these days (maybe 2 at weekends) and I have found a briilllliant deal at elh at the moment. they have 2 bottles of £10.98 wine for £10, not only that if you buy 6 bottles you get a 5% discount as well, and not only that the 5% is on the original cost of the wine not the cut price so overall I am getting a pretty decent wine for £4.34 per bottle..... Guess what I will be drinking for FNWC for the foreseeable future.....

    On to other matters, Bids I am glad Ben is on the mend and don't think you are a wally, you are entitled to a day off no matter what the reason.

    I took the day off today as well, I got the car serviced and MOT'd ready for our drive down to Southampton next weekend. I was originally going to wait for it as I had been told that it would take a couple of hours (the garage has free wi-fi and a decent coffee machine). When I got there, the service manager said, why don't we take you home rather than you hanging around here. So I came home and waited, and waited, and waited. After 4 hours, he finally phoned and said the car was about to be MOT'd and it would be another hour or so. I was eventually picked up at 4.30 this afternoon and then had to go shopping (which I was originally intending to do during the afternoon when the roads and supermarket is a bit quieter). When I complained about the timing, I was told that I was the second person today as they have a central call centre taking service bookings who give unrealistic estimates for timing. (ranty pants off....)

    I've still got the blog cold, it does seem to be going now though..... Hope my fellow sufferers are feeling better as well.

    Happy birthday to Gail for tomorrow.

    (((((hugs))))) to everybody else.


    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 9.

    Evening all

    Mtd, sounds like you've had a real day of it! At least you've got something nice to drink to console yourself this evening

    Deevs, I asked an American lady at a polar enclosure at a zoo that and she got all silly talking about them living at different poles or some such rubbish! ;-)

    MBD, I did actually enjoy the rain the other day for that very reason!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 10.

    Evening all,

    what a beautiful day it has been, even though I have been at work. Not been around for a few days as we have had a bake sale today and again tomorrow, in aid of sport relief, so have been 'creating' culinary delights every evening this week! You wouldn't believe just how many cakes 4 people could produce in as many days.
    There were 19 varieties at the last count and the saturday staff will be bringing more tomorrow. Yikes!
    I must stop buying though ;-)

    Hope Ben is well on the mend Bids and any other poorly people out there, good wishes being sent your way for speedy recoveries.

    Hope the good weather holds out for a bit longer as I'm working tomorrow and I've still got to finish painting the fence!

    Ta ta for now, Lin x

  • Comment number 11.

    Â鶹Éç 4

    Prog rock.

  • Comment number 12.

    Morning all,

    Really misty this morning and cold but I'm sure, like yesterday, it will burn off to be a beautful day.

    MTF - what a lovely post, I really enjoy your wildlife updates.

    MTD - Well done on the weight loss, that's fantastic, can't wait to see you in June.

    Bids - Great news about Ben.

    Well, that's the junk cupboard in the kitchen cleaned out as I had lost something, thankfully I found it as it belongs to someone else - whew! Just about to ride Ash, then do housework/washing before walking the dogs, then doing my train/bus ride to Mum and Dad's where D will pick me up on way home from work, don't know whether we will stop somewhere on the way home for dinner or just get a carry out and bring it home but I certainly will not be cooking. Don't know what's in store for tomorrow, D is off so we will certainly be going somewhere either walking or cycling, we'll see.

    Have a good day everyone, is Chris off for the next 2 weeks?, I really hope RM isn't sitting in!



  • Comment number 13.

    Morning all!

    Morning Gail - although you will be on your horsey now - but HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Have a great weekend whatever you end up doing.

    Well did a bit of sweeping the patio and a bit of random pruning yesterday evening, but there is no getting away from it today - I MUST cut the grass - I hate doing it so much on account of the frogs - so wish me luck my friends....

    Weather looks like its going to be glorious for most of us, so whatever you are doing have a great weekend everyone


  • Comment number 14.

    Hi everyone:

    Having a wee cup of tea, and a catch-up, before tackling a bit of housework.

    Bids: absolutely no need to apologise - this does happen, one minute the doctors are saying one thing, next minute they discover something else. The main thing is that Ben is getting better - you will all be so relieved, and hopefully he will be home soon. Hilarious about the wedding mix-up! Have a lovely day, you and MrBids. xx

    mtd: well done, you, on the weight loss! You must be feeling terrific. xx

    Dozer: a very Happy Birthday to you! Hope you have a lovely day with your Mum and Dad, and enjoy a relaxing evening with the lovely D. xx

    Please, please tell me Chris is not off for the next two weeks!

    Have a good Saturday, everyone.

    C xx

    p.s. Watched the John Bishop programme last night - what an incredible man, and just a total babe!

  • Comment number 15.

    Morning all

    Isn't it foggy???

    Chrissie, Chris is around this week but he's off at the same time as me for the 2 weeks over Easter. Unfortunately, you will be stuck with RM for that time.....

    Not much else to say - off to do some last minute holiday shopping today.

    Have a good day everybody.


    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 16.

    Good morning All ,

    Hello ladies ,you all sound very upbeat today .It must be that it's a beautiful day ,well it is here down on the south coast wall to wal blue again and it definitely is spring yeah!!!!.

    crissie ,thankyou ,and thhe RM thingy ,maybe another delve into the archives ,at home that is ,impossible in the mornings.

    Mtd, Well done you (very Jelous) no seriously ,youve done great ,keep it up and good luck

    Debs, you'll be fine ,dont thingk the frogs are hopping at the mo ,I'll send Mr B down if you like he'll run the mower over the grass for you .And thanks for the tip yesterday ;-)

    Now just A Happy Birthday for our Gail ,I hope that you have a lovely day and enjoy all that you're doing which sounds like fun .

    And if I remember rightly ,I have somewhere to go myself today...ermmm....oh!!yes a wedding lol.
    Not to the reception that would have meant an over night stay ,and didn't really want that so will de back later tonight .

    Have a fun filled day and take care .


  • Comment number 17.

    Morning everyone


    Well, it was really foggy here when I woke up and took Puppy Paws out for his morning wee (only as far as the garden, we've another 2 weeks yet until we can go out proper) but now the sun it really trying to peek through the low cloud, so here's hoping for another glorious day here on planet earth. Well, Cannock.

    MTD - well done you on the weight loss, that's fantastic! We won't recognise you come November woman! And cheers (hic!) for the ELH info. I may jsut have to pay a visit there in the very near future.

    Bids - enjoy the wedding, and don't forget the confetti.

    Debs - the frogs won't hurt you. Just think of Kermit, and sing the Man Or Muppet song as they hop out of your way!

    Chrissie - housework. Bah!!! Hope it doesn't take up too much of your day and that you and MrS can then enjoy some quality weekendage.

    Lin - step away from the cakes!

    Sezza - which zoo? No polar bears at Colchester last time I went there. Our nearest zoo is Twycross - it's lovely! Maybe we'll get to Chester Zoo this summer too. It's been on the agenda for 2 years now .....!

    So today, I am going to take Nic out for lunch. Just the two of us as we've not got his lad until tea-time (and then all day tomorrow). That's pretty much all I'm planning today. He's having a well-earned sleep in at the mo so I@m having some quiet time reading and catching up with you glorious lot!

    Right, chapter 5 beckons. As does a puppy with crossed legs ......

    Have a super-dooper Saturday.


  • Comment number 18.

    Happy Birthday Gail!!

    Fog has lifted so leave a beautiful sunny day here - and I'm spending the morning watching two of my favourite men cook!! Especially good if Aled gets his heaven and James cooks Roast Beef!

    Deevs, was actually at Sea World in Florida - are one and only big adventure holiday!

    Hope you're all having a fab day - we're busy all afternoon so a take away in front of the Voice sounds like the perfect evening!


    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 19.

    Happy Saturday Everyone.

    Lovely sunny day here, I wonder has the summer arrived early or will it turn cold before it does.

    ***Happy Birthday Gail***

    A very emotional night's viewing last night. However much we moan about things in this country we are very lucky indeed to be living here.

    MM xxx

    PS. Last night I was on the point of writing a post suggesting that all the posh cars be left in their garages and just send more money directly to CIN. But of course that would be unrealistic and what Chris is doing is wonderful.

  • Comment number 20.


    Roast beef, yorkshire puddings, roast potatoes, sprouts & gravy for me tonight. I was just cooking the beef to save time tomorrow when having visitors but the smell of the beef was just too much to ignore so decided to do a portion. Still plenty left for tomorrow happily :)

    Battle for viewing figures tonight on the telly. I like David Walliams and Simon Cowell knows what he's talking about but I have to choose Tom (The Voice himself) Jones. He knows far more about singing and entertaining than the others put together. Will watch the last of BGT after The Voice.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 21.

    OMG - first act = leaky eyes. looks like this will be a winner....

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 22.

    Evening all,

    Back as promised ,and have had a nice day and the weather has been stunning ,and up in that dark sky tonight there is a lovely new moon ,so I suggest that you all turn your money over for luck .

    The wedding wasn't a big or fancy one , about twenty five guest at the Registry Office all very nice.
    But what struck me most of all was the love that showed between this now newly married couple,they should have got married last year ,but. alas the groom lost his job and it took them just that little bit longer to get to today .

    I can tell you about this as nobody is aware of who they are , but ...the groom had been previously married and he has a little girl who does live with him and my friend ,and they have been though some very difficult times ,heartrending at times obiously due to the split and all the things that ,that involves ,I'm sure you know what I mean so I wont go no further .
    But what I do want to tell you about is this ...I've put a pic of the moment on tother side ..After the moment when the bride and groom became man and wife ,the regisitar halted the ceramony and then they bought their daughter into the middle of them and presented her with a little silver chain with something very pretty on it ,but what they said then ...was that seeing that they had got rings ,they were giving her the chain with links in it and those links mean that they all are now linked together as one and are now a proper family ...hence that was the moment ,there is always one and that was it for me.

    So a perfect end to a perfect day ,an I for one wish them all three all the luck in the world .


  • Comment number 23.

    And the best news is Ben Came home tonight ...yeah!!!!.


  • Comment number 24.

    Aww Bids, what a wonderful day!!! What a beautiful moment at the wedding and so pleased your Ben is home

    We've been out today and not bought a car!!

    However, when it comes to little furry people, well, we couldn't resist those puppy-dog eyes!!!

    No Easter Bunny in this house - an Easter puddle-maker instead!

    OMG What have we done!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 25.


    What a wonderful day it's been for you after all the worry. A lovely wedding and then Ben coming home. I'm so pleased for you.


    I think you must have got your wires crossed when they said go out and buy a Rover (sorry I'll get my coat!). A puppy! That's lovely, you'll have hours of fun.

    MM xxx

    PS Now going to watch Jonathan Ross with David Walliams & Simon Cowell. Should be good!

  • Comment number 26.

    Hi all,

    Ooh Sezza, ANOTHER blog puppy to keep us all amused, who's next I wonder?
    What is he and what's his name (or is he a her)?

    Glad to hear Bens home Bids, full speed ahead to complete recovery!

    Had a good couple of days with our bake sale at work, nice fat cheque for sport aid in the post. We had a bit left over so just had to share them out and bring some home. Well it would be such a waste to throw them away, wouldn't it?
    Anyone fancy a fairy cake?

    Hello to anyone lurking, and goodnight!

    Ta ta Lin x

  • Comment number 27.

    Thank you all ,and yes it's been a wonderful day.And you're not so bad yourselves.

    Sezza ,waiting with baited breath to what the new addition to the family is going to be ??? as Lin has already given you the list I'll hang on .

    Maddy ,roast beef today and tomorrow ,what more could you wish for ,What times lunch tomorrow ,got to work out the travel time ;-)). and enjoy your visitors .

    Lin ,well done to you and your merry group of bakers must have taken some doing every night ,and after work ,you must all be shattered ,but also very proud of yourselves ..Whats next?? lol.

    And don't forget the clocks tonight ,,I normally do themm before going to bed ,but I think I might just leave them till morning .

    Summer time starts here ...have a good one .

    Night night ,and God Bless .


  • Comment number 28.

    Greetings CLP Man & ALL Bloggies...

    Bingo Star 'ere... Coming to you from Koh Phi Phi Island, off the coast of southern Thailand...

    Normally a 'ear every Fridee DJ's saying 'ave a nice weekend.... Bloggers writing 'ave a nice weekend ter all.... But most people's weekend isn't my weekend as in my job i'm contracted ter work Saturdee ter Tuesday and a normally do one or two overtime dees.... 'ence my weekend ends when most people's weekend is starting!!!!!!!!!
    Now don't get me wrong... a like being different... not following the crowd.... When most are in work a can go shopping ter quiet shopping centres.... go for a dee out ter a quiet museum.... all while the roads are jammed up.... Then come the weekend a work as a truck driver when the roads are quieter/ less busy.... Whilst everyone is in crowded shopping centres and museums!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    What am trying ter say ere... Is for once... My weekend... This weekend is for once.... A VERY VERY nice weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Not that am boasting.... Just sharing my 'appy time with all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 29.

    I've just entered me second weekend in Thailand so me tan is going most sharp and now just spent me second night on this most beautiful island of Koh Phi Phi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Yesterday 'ired a long boat for the day and went off to the adjacent Island Where the movie 'The Beach' was filmed!!!!!!
    Amazing paradise place but sadly still many stories are being told to me and my Thai girlfriend of the Boxing Day tsunami that ripped through this area... much new building going on... But smiles on nearly every face of the Thai people 'ere!!!!!!!
    Koh Phi Phi island is a small place, mostly Austrailian tourists 'ere.... about 5,000 people max.... no roads or cars on the island.... And friendly cats everywhere!!!!!!!!
    Very nice place ter be!!!!!!!!

    Previously we stayed at Patong, Puket!!!!!!

    We found an amazing beach just out of the town on the scooter we 'ired!!!!!!
    My first time ever I drove a motorbike.... A natural immediately negotiating the very steep roads through the jungle down to the beaches!!!!!!!!!
    We parked and went for a walk along the beach to a remote bar/ restaurant run by a family!!!!!!!!
    The place was made to look like a boat, with shallow sea water lapping at our feet!!!!!!
    We sat there as the sun went down, then crabs everywhere on the beach.... 'undreds - never seen anything like it!!!!!!!
    We could see tsunami damage of which we got talking to the very friendy lady who was bringing our food and drinks!!!!!
    She got talking to my Thai girlfriend and had tears in 'er eyes as she told of what 'appened to 'er family and the area!!!!!!!
    So sad paradise can be destroyed by nature.... But the people 'ave rebuilt their lives!!!!!!!
    As we sat there on the wooden seats made from trees, next to a giant 300 plus year old tree.... Something 'it me on my back!!!!!!!
    I looked up at the tree above and then asked my girlfriend to look at my back.... Is there anything on my back I asked 'er!!!!!!
    She said nothing!!!!!!!
    I looked at the ground nothing there!!!!!!
    It felt like a small frog or an acorn 'ad 'it me on my back... but nothing!!!!!!!!
    We finished our food and then walked back along the dark beach with only the stars and moonlight to light our way!!!!!!!!
    It's was a very strange place as 'undreds of large crabs surrounded us scattered as we walked... charging sideways into the sea!!!!!!!
    We got back to our scooter and 'eaded of into the town.... To a 'airstylist shop for a ladyboy to give me a 'aircut at 1am!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Yes we stumbled on a barbers open in the middle of the crazy night life.... A world away from the quiet beach we 'ad been an 'our earlier yet only 20 minutes drive!!!!!!!
    The barbers full of crazy ladyboys and beautiful Thai ladies 'aving their 'air done!!!!!!!!

    Just a normal evening out.... For Thailand!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 30.

    The next evenig we returned to the amazing beach to 'ave dinner at the same restaurant!!!!!!!!
    We 'ate our meal with a dog and cat joining us from the family who live there/ run the place!!!!!!!
    At the end of our meal... We got talking to the same lady about the tsunami!!!!!!!
    She told us many people died along the beach there and she she's ghosts alot!!!!!!!!
    She told us stories of tourists who've done bad 'aving their 'air pulled by something they can not see!!!!!!!!
    A couple who did naughty on the beach being 'it by something, the lady told us of many tourists telling 'er of strange things 'appening there!!!!!!!
    It's then we told of something tapping me on my back.... It's then she told us of the ghosts there... For sure something 'ad come to say 'ello to me as I sat there with my Thai girlfriend and the cat and dog!!!!!!!!!!!
    She told me of if you are 'Jaidam' a bad 'eart/ spirit the spirits there often do bad to you.... If you are 'jaidee' a good 'eart/ good spirit the spirits will say 'ello to you!!!!!!!
    Of which she is sure a this 'appened to me!!!!!!!!!!

    The giant 300 year old tree over were we were sitting is a special religious symbol/ shrine with ribbons tied around it.... It's then my Thai girlfriend said we must go and say 'ello to the tree/ say a prayer and be thankful for our safety!!!!!!!!!

    The lady guided us along the beach back to our scooter as she told us of man ytourists being terrorised by angry spirits there... After saying 'ello to the tree and saying thanks for our safety all will be ok.... but never th eless she liked us... Said she can tell I am a very good man 'jaidee' and my Thai girlfirend is lucky!!!!!!!!

    We walked of into the black of the graveyard of the beach.... Scattering crabs again into the crashing waves!!!!!!!!!!

    My Thai girlfriend was very scared... But I told 'er not worry.... If you are good spirits will not 'arm you!!!!!!!!!

    Again just a normal evening out again.... For Thailand!!!!!!!!!

    'ave a good weekend all!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 31.

    PS 'Ere is a video of the soundtrack to the film The Beach that features the beach were we where yesterdee.... Amazing to go by boat to such a small paradise island.... And to go swimming in the sea with thousands of fish!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 32.

  • Comment number 33.

    Morning all, the mist is lifting and today proves to be yet another glorious day.

    I braved the garden, with my tracky bottoms tucked into long welly socks - result! no frogs!!! The long grass was quite wet so it was one of those mowings when half the grass doesnt go in the collecting thing, but another go on Monday should do the trick. Got a few pots to re-pot today and can then sit back and enjoy the view later.

    Bids, what a lovely post about the wedding, makes the pic even more beautiful now I know the "back story". Oh and great news about Ben.

    SEZZA!!!! WE NEED DETAILS - what have you gone and done!

    Maddy - snap! I too had roast beef yesterday - couldnt resist after watching Sat Kitchen! Got roast chicken for lunch today, so lots of lovely cold cuts for salads this week.

    Hello to Deevs, mtd, bingo, chrissie and Lin and hope I havent missed anyone.

    Right time for a coffee and a bacon buttie I think, have a great sunday everyone

  • Comment number 34.

    Hi everyone:

    I'm standing in my kitchen this morning, listening to the wonderful Steve Wright - he played "The Folks Who Live On The Hill" floods of tears from me. Lovely memories of parties my Mum and Dad had when I was a child - and I remember one of their friends used to sing that song. Even as just a little girl, that lady made me cry, and I wanted so much to live in that cottage!

    Then, I come on here and see that wonderful post from our lovely Bids! Sounds like a really special day, never to be forgotten. That little girl must have felt so happy yesterday - what a truly fantastic day. Bids, thank you for sharing this. xx And, isn't that fabulous that Ben is home!

    Sezza: oh, oh, you've done it now! How lovely - and, yes, we need lots of details, please! xx

    Lin: well done for Sport Aid - every single penny helps someone, that's for sure. xx

    Bingo: wonderful posts from you - just lovely to hear about your trip. Isn't that incredible what happened to you? Makes me feel good to know that those souls are around. xx

    Debs: how you doin'?! What a busy girl you are, you really never stop. xx

    mtd: thank you for letting me know about Chris. Good grief, RM for two weeks - didn't you miss him the last time, too, when you and your OH were on holiday?! I do like Richard, I love his column that he writes with Judy in the E*press, but not for me on the radio.

    Cheryl: hope you and Nic had a lovely lunch together yesterday. xx

    Maddy: I love your "meal updates" - they always sound delicious! xx

    Finally, I did mean to say the other day, it was lovely to see Sal pop in. Lovely post, Sal - I used to love your wildlife posts. xx

    Right, have to pull myself together ... oh, good grief, Steve is playing "Someone Like You" - more tissues, please!

    Have a good Sunday, everyone.

    C xx

  • Comment number 35.

    Good morning all,

    It's another fantastic day down here on the south coast ,brilliant sunshine, and long may it last.

    Crissie/Debs ,thanks.X

    Seems a bit of a dull day here after yesterday so I think Ken and I need to be getting on with a few chores ,not many mind.

    Bingo ,loved reading your posts ,felt I was there with you .

    Right this isn't getting the jobs done ,so I will you you all in peace ...well for now anyway ,and pop back later .

    Have a good day all....Bids.xxx.

  • Comment number 36.

    Morning all

    Debs, I'M NOT SURE I KNOW WHAT WE'VE DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Technically what we've done is arranged to buy a ickle Miniature Schnauzer puppy boy to be called Gibbs!!

    As to what we've done to our lives - only time will tell! When boy1 has sent me the pictures from his phone I'll put them on t'other side. Cute is not the word but trying to choose from the 4 available from the litter was possibly the hardest thing ever!

    Bids, I was complaining to Mr Sezza that it wasn't as bright as yesterday then he reminded me that yesterday it was an hour earlier now - i think! - so it still has time to brighten up!

    Bingo, your holiday sounds fantastic. Everytime I wonder how you manage to drag yourself back to blighty from such a wonderful place

    Chrissie, Steve was on fine form this morning

    Right, parents coming for lunch today and promised to take boys to see Hunger Games this evening so best get busy!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 37.

    Morning everyone

    Sezza - what have you done!?!? LOL - you won't regret it. Details: what make? what colour? what model? when's he/she moving in? We wouldn't be without Randall now, and he's only been in the family for 2 weeks and 2 days. It's his birthday today - he's 12 weeks old today!

    Bids - great news about Ben, a huge relief all round I expect, and glad the wedding went well. The pic on t'other side is lovely.

    Chrissie - we had a lovely lunch out yesterday in Lichfield. Lichfield's a lovely place - not like a city at all. It might be a nice place for a blog meet later in the year - a fair few hotels and loads of lovely places to eat and stuff to see/do - Dr Johnson was born there you know (he of the dictionary). There's also the Cathedral, a lovely huge park, shops ...... and in the summer Shakespeare In The Park - huzzah!

    We also went to a couple of shopping places yesterday - the first one (before lunch) was on a farm, and mainly antiques, second hand clothes, arts and crafts - it was lovely. Then after lunch we went to a "boutique" shopping village just outside of Lichfield with lots of little gift shops, boutiquey kitchen shops etc - the kind of place you could go to, spend an absolute fortune and not really know what you've bought when you get home!

    Debs - glad the frogs didn't make an appearance. You do make me chuckle!

    Bingo - Thailand sounds lovely. How long is the flight? India was 9 hours going, and 10 and three quarter hours coming home - too long for me, but I've always sort of fancied Thailand.

    Well, today I'm home alone as Nic is out and about having fun in the sun with his lad. After such a lovely day yesterday I feel a bit deflated again to be honest. There's a massive pile of ironing to be done, cleaning to be done, washing etc to be done but if I'm honest, I just feel a bit tearful today.

    Laters everyone.


  • Comment number 38.

    Deevs, I know how you feel I think!

    Sometimes, life is so busy i long for a day to myself. Then when everyone goes out and leaves me I just feel alone and don't know what to do with myself!

    You've had lots of things to look forward to recently and now they're done, life can feel very flat

    So, my advice, for what it's worth, is get outside for a while to blow the cobwebs away. Put something on to watch that no one else likes and crack on with the ironing - I can't always summon any enthusiasm to do it but knowing it is done and we are ready for the week makes me content

    Can you get in touch with a friend or two to plan a get-together?

    Or just for a chat?

    Keep your chin up!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 39.

    Thanks Sezza, doing my best. Honest.

    Can't wait to see pics of your new little fella on the other side!

    When is Gibbs moving in to the Sezza household? Any advice - just message me on t'other side, happy to help where poss.

    x x x

  • Comment number 40.

    me again.

    Been out for some food shopping - why do you decide to buy tinned goods, potatoes, carrots, and bin liners, when you have to carry it home?!

    Bids: yes, today will seem a little flat after the special day yesterday. I have no doubt, though, that you and MrBids will have a lovely day together. xx

    Cheryl: sounds like you had such a lovely day yesterday. You know, sometimes I think that the highs we have can be so high, and we have to "pay the price" with the lows. You know that I felt like this after last weekend's celebrations for MsS. Took me a few days to really get back on terra firma. Sezza has given you good advice, and if you fancy a good wee weep, put on a really slushy movie - Sleepless in Seattle usually does it for me!

    Sezza: oooh, I bet Gibbs is gorgeous! Love his name - how did you come about it?

    And while I'm at it, Cheryl, how did you choose Randall's name - love that too. Anything to do with a sidekick called Hopkirk?! That's the way my mind works!

    Just heard Terry read out a message from the lovely Clodagh Rubbish - sadly missed on this blog.

    Off to hang out the washing - it's gorgeous here, hope it is with you too.

    C xx

  • Comment number 41.

    Hoorah, my car clock will be at the right time now until October because I don't know how to change it!
    Bids so glad your grandson is on the mend.
    Deevs don't be so sad the sun is shining and your lovely man will be coming home to you later.
    Best wishes to everyone else.
    My grandchild should hav been born yesterday so we are now one day overdue and if it is not born soon I will be the size of a house as I cannot stop eating with my nerves.
    love Loli xxx

  • Comment number 42.

    Deevs, sorry you feel down - I agree with Sezza and Chrissie, sometimes a good ole cry, the bridges of madison county for me everytime, or A day to remember! Not while you are ironing though, could all go horribly wrong - wet soggy clothes, cant see what you are ironing etc....

    Take that mad dog of yours for a spin round the garden, my little dears ALWAYS make me smile.....

    Sezza - O M G!!!! how exciting, instruct boy1 to straight away put photos on FB!!!

    Hi Loli, nice to see you - to see you nice. I always remember you were my black eye angel - even though at the time I didnt know! Hope that little babe makes a show soon!

    Right the chuck is in, now to do the spuds, laters taters!

  • Comment number 43.

    Thanks ladies - you're all fab.

    I'm mid-way through the ironing mountain (honestly, it's positively Himalayan) so will have something to wear again very soon. Had a good cry (well, several actually) and some lovely texts from my man promising me an evening a deux tonight.

    Having suffered with depression in the past, I think it's something that's always going to hang over me. Most days I can control it, see the signs, divert away from it, but today, well, not so.

    Channels scanned for suitable ironing fodder and I've settled on 5 episodes of "Four In A Bed". If (a) you've not heard of it before and (b) you like Come Dine With Me you'll love Four In A Bed!

    Chrissie - Nic chose Randall's name, after the cricketer Derek Randall as apparently his fieldcraft could be a bit "spaniel like" at times - loopy, lollopy and manic!

    Right, next episode just starting ...... and onto the blouses!


  • Comment number 44.


    Lovely day here ChezS. Bit of more housework, cooking in advance for the week, and just listening to R2 which is superb. Johnnie Walker - what's not to love?

    Cheryl: I suffer from the blues, but thankfully not the "real deal" with depression. When I was a teenager/early twenties, I had potentially a problem, but I got away with it, and am very grateful for that. Just hang in there - tomorrow is another day. xx And, yes, I see what you mean about Randall's name - much more noble than the guys from Randall & Hopkirk, Deceased! xx

    I am really looking forward to Titantic starting tonight. I am a bit of a Titanic "nut". I find it a fascinating story, and so tragic, and I am compelled to read about it, and watch whatever there is to see. In 1912, it must have beyond belief what transpired on that journey.

    Have a lovely Sunday evening, everyone - I am off out to bring in the washing from the line!

    C xx

  • Comment number 45.

    Good Afternoon Lovely People,

    I hope you are all having a good Sunday. Someone stole our sun today, 22 degrees my ***e more like 7!! It did try and make an appearance only to disappear again.

    Sezza, Hee Hee, well done xx I'm pleased for you and the Sezza Boys (all three of them!) Gibbs, what a great name.

    mtd, Well done you on the wright loss and if I forget later have a great holiday (are you sure you're not going on holiday with Chris? ;) xx

    Bids, The wedding sounded lovely and every blessing to the new family xx Glad Ben is home and on the mend.....phew :)

    Gail, Happy Birthday for yesterday. I hope you had a lovely day xx

    To everyone else hugs, kisses, love, prayers, whatever you need I send them your way xx

    My preaching course yesterday went OK. It was a long day and we all had to preach in front of an audience for 5 minutes and then we were critiqued; a bit like the X Factor. I got some very positive feedback and their only criticism was I talked a bit too fast!

    Today, after teaching Sunday School this morning, I have been mostly chillaxing on the sofa catching up on recorded programs and eating a bag of chocolate buttons!

    I am now really feeling the loss of an hours sleep, so it will definitely be an early night for me tonight.

    Catch you all tomorrow.


  • Comment number 46.

    Chrissie-The Osmonds on Â鶹Éç2!!!!!!!

    D'oh! Finished by the time I got here.

    Hang on!

  • Comment number 47.

    Here it is:

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 48.


    YMCA now!!!

  • Comment number 49.

    Stay Another Day-East 17!!!

  • Comment number 50.


    I think I was put on the naughty step for posting too often. Anyway before I go back there this is my all time favourite dancing song:

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 51.

    Hi everyone,

    Thank you very much for all your birthday wishes, yesterday was just a normal day really, riding, housework, walking then train/bus to Mum and Dad's where D picked me up when he finished work and we got a carry out on the way home. Today though was lovely, D was off so I rode early then we headed off to Loch Doon and went for a lovely walk and picnic, it was roasting albeit a little bit overcast at times (pics on other side). Just waiting for D to arrive with the chinese - perfect end to a perfect day.

    Sezza - geat news about your new addition.

    Loli - that's funny about your car clock, you know what they say about a broken clock being at the correct time twice a day.

    Hope you all had a good weekend.



  • Comment number 52.

    Evening each

    Back from Newcastle - didn't have a pasty but I did eat a lot of lovely stuff, including fish'n'chips at North Shields, right by the place where the boats come in. Yum.

    Saw friend playing a gig on Friday and caught up with friends (we were his fan club), Saturday watching the world go by with a coffee in Newcastle then visited dear old uncle who is 94 soon, today a stroll up the A1, breaking the journey to catch up with friends in their village. And all with the sun shining. I could do with more of this.

    Hope everyone is well and had a good weekend in the sun.


  • Comment number 53.

    Just popping in ......... if you have five minutes to spare, pop outside and have a look at the new moon, it's such a beauty tonight.

    Glad everyone has had a good weekend. Bids , so pleased Ben is home , i hope he is back to full strength very soon. your post about the wedding brought a tear to my eyes.
    Sezza, oh wow , what a lovely new addition, am looking forward to hearing all about your new little family member.
    Loli , i made myself change my car clock tonight, as i would be fiddling with it all the way to work tomorrow, which is not big and it's not clever. So, I am pleased to say everything at MC Towers is on BST.
    I have spent the afternoon horizontal in the garden. I have actually just finished Chris's first book, purchased at the Trafford Centre on the 5th October 2009 !
    Will be starting the second one this week, which was a gift two Christmases ago.
    Anyway, i can feel the Monday morning blues biting, so I'll sign off and bid you all good night.

    Sweet dreams all.

    MC xxx living life in the it's almost payday lane :-) x

  • Comment number 54.

    Bids, so glad Ben is home, you must all be so relieved to have him back.

    Deevs, hope you feel better now.

    The man in the cupboard had a 'moment' when we were passing the flat my brother used to live in - I looked round and he was crying, which set me off too. We all have to deal with grief of some sort and, truly, it's ok to be sad sometimes.


  • Comment number 55.

    MC, I managed to change my car clock too - it's really easy if you read the manual, which I've never done in 3 years till now.

    Been out to look at the moon but it seems to have disappeared - bums.


  • Comment number 56.

    'Lo everybody!

    Phew, think I'm going to need another weekend to get over this one - talk about busy!

    Maybe I could stowaway with Chris and Tash on their next weekend away - I'd be no problem, honest!

    Ok, photo is up! He's coming to join us on Easter Saturday

    We chose his name after a character called Leeroy Jethro Gibbs - NCIS agent! Google him and you might see why!

    loli, you made me laugh with your clock. Luckily a boy has done mine for me!

    Chrissie, I didn't hear Clodagh's mention but I was thinking about her while Terry was on. I hope she's well.

    I don't think I'll be able to watch any of the Titanic programmes, all too real for me!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 57.

    Evening all,

    Annie ,thanks ..and I was wondering where abouts you were this w/end had missed you ,so pleased for you that you had a good one ,and yes I agree It's good to be sad at timess, it's those memories ,they get you every time.

    Deev, that Lichfield ,sounds like a nice place for a blog meet ,you can count me in on that one ,always go past it and never visit it.
    And I don't know of anyone that hasn't been in your place at sometime or other ,I certainly have ,and I dare any one to say other .I'ts not a nice place to be especially on lovely sunny days ,but my love you just have to hang on in there as you know it will pass {{{hugs}}}

    Loli,hope things will happen soon with that daughter of yours ,don't want you wearing that carpet down too much ,and the clock ...LOL.

    Sezza ,your Gibbs is just so gorgeous and I love his name ,and yes I did wonder as I know your a fan as we are , it's just that now every time that wev watch NCIS ,i'll be thinking of a fluffy puppy bounding around,life is just not going to be the same. lol.

    Gail ,glad to see you had a nice day today ,makes up for D working yesterday for sure ,and I hope that there was aice bottle on ice for tonight.

    MC,yes that moon tonight was lovely ,noticed it when I was pegging my washing out ,thought it would save me a job in the morning . and I think that I need to change my car clock ,other wise I'm going to get very confused .it doesn't take much you know ..

    Maddy ,I hope that you enjoyed your beef for lunch today .and yes i've popped in on Bob and Brenda tonight ,missed Bob though .

    Right folks I can feel that hour catching up with me so I'll let you get on and I will see you all later .

    take care ..Bids.xxx.

  • Comment number 58.

    Moning all,

    Looks like it going to be another stunning day here, not even any mist this morning, however it's dark again when I get up, but that wont last long, I think the clock change has confused the chickens, they are not even out of their hut yet - that is very unusual at this time.

    Sezza, Gibbs looks absolutely gorgeous, I'm sure you will have loads of fun with him.

    Annie - Sounds like you had a lovely weekend.

    Bids - What a lovely story about the wedding, very touching.

    Have a good day.



  • Comment number 59.

    Morning all!

    Sounds like a good weekend was had all round (((hugs for Deevs)))

    Sezza Gibbs is gorgeous - what a fab easter present, so much better than a choccie egg!

    Beautiful day lies ahead, going to be hard "working from home", realised I'd bought too many plants for my pots on saturday so will be running to the garden centre at lunch and then will enjoy the sun this evening potting them up.

    Right just waiting for Noah hopefully to say Happy Monday Everyone, then its up the stairs I go

    Awww, there he goes :-)
    Right, have a great day everyone

  • Comment number 60.

    Morning all from Sunny Shropshire

    Doesnt this weather make you feel great.

    Lichfield is a lovely place isnt it Deevs that Cathedral is a very imposing piece of architecture, and did you know it is the home of Tony Christie him of "Amarillo" fame. Lovely place to visit I havent been for a while but I think I might get the ole fella to take me out for sunday lunch over there very soon.

    Sezza - "Gibbs" glad you explained where you got the name from I thought it might be because you are a closet bee gee fan. Good call though like "Randall" not the normal sort of names for dogs, we shall get lots of puppy news over the next few months as they start to find their personalities.

    Sounds like everyone had a good weekend reading back and the good weather may be here for the rest of the week so the allotment beckons, We have loads of planting to do over the next week and the lettuce seeds are in to kick off the summer healthy eating regime.

    Well back to it month and year end and guess what this lot have realised they have deadlines that become dead lines at the end of this week... doh!

    CB xx

  • Comment number 61.

    Good morning,

    Great to catch up with all your weekend happenings. Glorious weather up here over the weekend and including today wooohooo! I had lunch with a lovely friend on Saturday and then had my nephew's two girls (2 & 8 year olds) over night on Saturday until just before lunch yesterday. Wonderful girls and an absolute pleasure to look after, I know I should say that because I'm their auntie but it's true.

    Bids - beautiful post about the wedding and what a treasured memory for their daughter to be made to feel so special on the day. Great news about Ben too xx

    Seeza - congratulations on your new addition to the family he is a wee cutie!

    Sallie loved your post the other day xx

    MtD good to see you too and just in case I don't get back before you go. Have a wonderful holiday and well done on the weightloss brilliant achievement!

    Cheryl - hang in there xx My internal light as I call it is out more often than its on and like you say when we recognise the signs we can prepare ourselves but sometimes we just get steam rollered and when that happens we just have to let it take its course but know that you will get through it, just keep thinking of that light shining bright and draw strength from it to get you through xx

    I'm doing this post from memory which is bad at the best of times so apologies if I have missed anyone.

    Take care and have a good day folks!

    Mary xx

  • Comment number 62.

    Morning All,

    Lovely and sunny today -which is more than can be said for yesterday! Although the car temp only said is was 5 degrees, hopefully it will warm up.

    I think Randall and Gibbs sounds like a doggy detective programe :) Deevs, perhaps your creative writing juices could write a children's book based on their adventures? xx

    My Monday afternoon quilters are running an all day workshop at the church and said they will provide me with lunch today - bless 'em.

    Morning Dozer, Debs, CB and Mary xx

    Happy Monday everyone!


  • Comment number 63.

    Good morning all ,

    It's another wall to wall blue day here today with brilliant sun shine so I'm going to get out there and enjoy the day, got a few errands today .

    And we're popping in to see Ben to see how he is, and will pass on to him all your good wishes ,Thank you all.

    Enjoy your day ,and take care ..Bids..xxx.

  • Comment number 64.

    Ali - good call with the doggy detectives, Deevs get your thinking cap on it sounds like a winner to me. Have a lovely afternoon Ali and a nice lunch

    Bids - I hope Ben is feeling better and I am sure he will be a spoilt little boy for a little.

    enjoy the sunshine CB xx

  • Comment number 65.

    Well, its a gorgeous day here on the Costa del Warrington. The sky is blue, and I can see plane trails in the sky , which is making me very twitchy.
    Having paid great attention to the clocks at home , and the one in my car. It got to mid morning today, before I noticed my wrist watch was an hour behind .
    I am having a bit of a dodgy day, I have a query I need to check out, and if I'm wrong, I am well and truly wrong . Am scared to start checking just incase !!

    Mary, i like your description of the "Internal light" , I hope you are feeling ok too.

    Right, am going to don my full body armour and get the paperwork out .............

    MC xx

  • Comment number 66.

    'Lo everybody!

    Will this post?

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 67.

    OK, tried earlier and couldn't post!

    Now got to remember what I said!

    Is lovely here today. Some of my residents are sitting in the garden enjoying the sunshine!

    CB, we did want a name that is a little bit unusual! Last year my brither and a friend brought their diogs round and they both had the same name and the other people looking at the puppies on Saturday was thinking of the same name again!

    Debs, I'm hoping Gibbs will be better for my waistline than all the chocolate eggs I am going to eat! nom nom nom!

    Bids, hope Ben is feeling better and taking things easy!


  • Comment number 68.


    Chris announced this morning at about 8.15am when the Carfest tickets are available

    I think it was 8am on Wednesday 11th April but do check that

    Keep watch on the main website is probably the best bet for anyone who wants to go!


  • Comment number 69.

    Randall & Gibbs are on the case ...! Love it!!

    Hi everyone

    Thank you so much for all your lovely messages yesterday, here and on t'other side/texts. I really was having a blue Sunday but feel much better today with a renewed sense of purpose.

    Mary - from this day onwards, I shall always think of my "inner light" and its somewhat iffy dimmer switch! Here's hoping I can burn it brighter every day.

    I've made some really amazing friends on here :-))

    MC - THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are the brightest star in the sky and a big drink is on me next time we meet up! x x x

    Well, I've been to a women's networking group meeting this morning, which went very well. Someone I've done some work for also attends the same group and she gave me a fab testimonial, and there was also a couple of enquiries from others too which I shall follow up with quotes. It all seems to be working .....

    On the Randall front, I got talking to a woman this morning who is a holistic dog trainer - she gave me some excellent advice which I shall be trying out very soon. She also recommended a training harness instead of a lead (which has already been mentioned on here too) so I poppsed into MW,a's emporium on the way home and got one. Now .... can anyone tell me how to put the pesky thing on the beast? Talk about MENSA ....!

    Right, what's the betting CLP has posted a new blog now?

    Back later after lunch, follow ups etc. Who knows, I may even have got the mad dog in his harness by then!

    Love to EVERYONE, yes, even YOU!


  • Comment number 70.

    Right quick fly by whilst I eat my salad, love the doggie detective book - go Deevs!

    Oh dear MC - hope you are wrong about being wrong - fingers crossed!

    Just nipped into the local garden centre and it was as busy as it was on saturday! Still got 3 bargin pots for potting later, I'm sitting at my desk looking longingly outside at the sunshine, might just see if I can see my laptop screen from the garden table...

    This afternoon I have to make a "2012 Olympic Disaster Recovery Plan" for our US Risk Colleagues, I seriously feel like I'm in an episode of "2012" which is the spoof olympic mockumentary..... "will we closing our central london office for the duration" they said, response from MD - err no, its our most profitable branch and is no where near the events and is in the most tighly policed square mile in the UK.... however, here I go - think I'll start with the emergency evacuation policy.....

    As MC would say, back on my perch!

  • Comment number 71.

    Hi All,

    Another member of the Bloggers Puppy Club I see - welcome to the club Sezza and Gibbs! :-)

    Henry was 10 weeks old yesterday and is enormous! I swear that 10 x more comes out than is fed in ......... Deevs, you know what I'm saying! But oh, what fun & although he's only been with us a couple of weeks, he is so part of the family.

    Easter will be a big test - we're going away in the caravan so 'big cuz' Kingston will need to show him what to do! Exciting times.

    Hope everyone is starting the week well, what brilliant weather!

    Back laters

    CG xx

  • Comment number 72.

    new blog!


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