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The rapping vicar from Devon...

Chris Evans | 10:00 UK time, Thursday, 15 December 2011

...Gavin Tyte, received approval indeed when The Archbishop Of Canterbury sanctioned his nativity rap live on our show today at 9.20.

Listen again if you missed it.

You'll also hear his excellent Pause For Thought, wishing us all a very messy Christmas. He was on fire today Dr Rowan.

I'm off to the gym. Again. Honestly. The fifth time in seven days. It's all preventative you understand. I have no off switch when it comes to being offered anything remotely Christmassy to eat. I have never tipped the scales at 14 stone and I don't intend to in 2011. Doesn't mean it won't happen. But one has to do what one can.

Peace and Love





  • Comment number 1.

    Morning All!

    Might just be first, let's see...

  • Comment number 2.

    Coo, that's never happened before...

    Reposted from a while ago on yesterday's blog... plus 'hello' to other lurkers who've popped in again recently, morning Rips, how's Glasgow today??


    Morning all!

    Coffee brewed and being slurped, cheers!

    So, another day rescheduled but all the better for it. When will I learn that I don't have access to the Tardis, something had to give! Tonight's extra swimming lesson will have to wait til January, and will be all the more necessary after the festivities.

    Addictive daytime tv... being a currently-not-working person, I try to steer away from the tv or else hours are lost in channel-hopping. Otherwise it's 4th time around repeats of DIY SOS or Time Team or that shopping channel that starts with a Q and life is just too short and the bank balance suffers!

    Enjoy the coffee break folks, am off to finish off the cards, wrap and post a few pressies before some late-night shopping. Nearly done...

    Sticking with the partridge in the pear tree, with woolly hat n scarf and a drop of anti-freeze in it's bird bath...

    Ann x

  • Comment number 3.

    Enjoy the gym Chris - and please go easy on the prunes!

    Annie - I know what you mean about being at home and getting distracted. I've scheduled my day now though - the late lunch at 2 gives me a breat from this lappy, and I tend to record CDWM to watch early evenings.

    It's really hard trying to drum up business this time of year, but I won't give up!


  • Comment number 4.

    Keep drumming Deevs, it'll be worth it!

    Hope the prunes don't inconvenience your day Chris...

    Right, one more go at Popmaster online - distracted, moi?!

    Ann x

  • Comment number 5.

    Hmmmm, I thought you were looking very 'svelte' at Cin Chris!

    Maybe you have just got one of those mirrors that makes you look larger than you are. You want to see some of the faces, my mirror pulls at me some mornings!

    MTF :O

  • Comment number 6.

    Greetings CLP & ALL Bloggies...

    Bingo Star 'ere...

    CLP – Yes it is a most nice time of year Christmas, ok stressful for many what with buying presents & organising 'appenings. But the real meaning of Christmas is not about money but a religious meaning. Sadly many seem ter forget this.... but am glad yer getting the revs involved with yer most nice show.... Most nice CLP!!!!!!!
    A love Christmas as it breaks up a cold and dark winter... Brings light with all the lights lit up.... And it breaks our routine all towards a day's rest and brings together people for parties/ family get together's – know what am sayin'!!!!!!
    Ok I know some are alone at Christmas which makes this time of year the 'ardest to deal with... But overall.... Christmas is a magical time where even scrooge like local councils feel obliged ter join in and put up a few Christmas lights... organise Santa runs events in the town centre and so on.... And all this from a religious influence.... Religion is a VERY powerful thing and a force for good.... Sadly with many in our modern Britain not even realising it!!!!!!

    Peace and INDEED love ter all.... At Christmas!!!!!!

    A think a need a mansize tissue... Preferably with 'olly logos on it!!!!!!


  • Comment number 7.

    Morning all. Me and my "little sister" were counting down how many days to the end of school and then how many to the end of work - well she finished before me either yesterday lunch time or today (we got confused and I couldn't keep up at that point)

    I have 5.5 days or something silly as I have tomorrow off (laying tables and set up for my friend's wedding on Saturday! Then going to the wedding rehearsal and a carol service). Then I have part of Monday off because in some crazy moment of niceness I told my manager I'd come in for the training that he'd booked on Monday (As it can't be moved) as long as I just came in for that and went again because I'd be shattered following the wedding, carol service and our church production.

    I am going back to work now - need to use my lunch break to type up the nativity mimey dance bit with all the staging because I won't be there on Saturday for the Dress Run - clever us lol. Anyway!

    How are you all doing? I think snow at a wedding would be super romantic but at the same time the venue is in the middle of nowhere - so maybe it staying clear would be the best option.

  • Comment number 8.

    Back again.... Just been over ter Mr Mayo's equally nice Â鶹Éç radio blog and WHATTA COINCIDENCE 'e was talking about what a was talking/ writing about above.... AMD 'e even mention's CLP's most nice show terdee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    The Mayo was asking what Christmas songs get us emotional at this time of year.... apart from a certain line in John Lennon's Christmas song that ave put the reasons on The Mayo blog..... This song I love and is a VERY moving song: >>>

    I like the singer who sings this song a little more for choosing this VERY nice video for the song!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    A felt 'ostility to 'im after 'e called me an E-Bay merchant when trying ter get 'im ter sign me album (of which am not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOT AT ALL!!!!!!!).


  • Comment number 9.

    hi all

    feeling like queen manky of manikiness today, only in the office as I have a major report to present at 3 :-(

    Bingo - not read the mayo blog - but for me the emotional song this year is the John and yoko ono song, war is over - the lines

    So this is Christmas and what have you done,
    Another year over, a new one just begun.

    Becuase I feel my life is passing my by at the moment and my achievement list is down to zero - just so much wasted time!

    advent guess - holly


  • Comment number 10.

    Bingo - have read your message now on Simons Blog - all I can say is snap -

    Chin up mate - maybe 2012 is our year xxx

  • Comment number 11.

    Oh Baggles and Bingo, I know it's a tough time of year but please try and be positive.

    Baggles, I love you - you're a good friend, but please stop beating yourself up. You have achieved lots - both professionally and personally: you have a job you love and only earlier this week you told us all of your new "Fellow" status within your professional body. You have a lovely husband and a home to call your own.

    Enough talk of life passing by and wasted time - please, enter 2012 with your head held high and a positive approach.

    I hope you feel better soon, and good luck with your presentation at 3.


  • Comment number 12.

    thanks Deev - I know I can sound ungratful at times and I do have a lot comapred to some people - its just I am so eager to keeping moving on with my life

    and as to the meaning of Christmas - lovely moment at work when a jew gave a christmas present to another jew and a hindu -

    and don't worry - I am spreading the true message of Christmas as much as I can.

  • Comment number 13.

    I'm with you Chris on the preventative measures, I am by no means skinny, but with all I eat and drink, I hate to think what size I would be without my daily exercise of a 2 mile walk with the dogs before work and then a 3 mile walk after work with them, but I love it so it's no hardship for me, and more at weekends when I'm not working.

    Have a good day everyone.



  • Comment number 14.

    Woooooo Hooooooo! I can't wait til we get our ickle baby dog in the Spring!




  • Comment number 15.

    It will be great exercise for you all Deevs, can't beat it, and you certainly don't need gyms etc. when you've got a dog.


  • Comment number 16.

    Obviously you wont be able to go any long walks until he/she is grown up and all his/her little bones have formed.

  • Comment number 17.

    Awwwww, "little bones" ....... that could be its name!

    I've had an email from the networking group I'm meant to be going to in the morning. Tomorrow's meeting has been cancelled due to forecast of "heavy snow" for this area.


    Looks like I could be going to see Duran Duran in me wellies!


  • Comment number 18.

    Hello CE & Everyone.

    I'm glad to hear that you're burning off the Christmas lunch calories at the gym Chris but I can't imagine you ever getting fat as you're always so busy at all times.

    I;m glad I went out this morning to do some shopping as the weather is now starting to get very wet and windy and snow is forecast, whether we'll get it here on the Wirral peninsula I don't know.

    Talking of sad Christmas songs I'm the same as you Baggy, John Lennon's War Is Over is a favourite. 'Another year over and what have you done' Not a lot I have to say which has been the same all my life. Life is really very short and we should'nt waste it, we worry over things that don't really matter and we should enjoy life as much as we possibly can.

    A Christmas song which reduces me to tears is this one:

    Pass me the tissues!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 19.

    PS My advent calendar guess: a sledge

  • Comment number 20.

    Maddy, talking about being reduced to tears, you should "listen again" to I Want To Wake Up With You on Vanessa's show from yesterday, a guy called in to ask for a song and dedicated it to his father, as soon as he started speaking he just broke down, it was so emotional, if anyone's interested it's listening it's 1 hour 20 minutes in.

  • Comment number 21.

    I've just listened to that Gail, just how I feel when I see old Christmas cards which I've kept.

    Pass me another box of tissues!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 22.

    Afternoon Everyone,

    Just listed to the rapping vicar - what a cool guy. I seem to be on a fast downward spiral with piling the pounds on, all good intentions of loosing a few before Christmas have gone out of the window; never mind as least my extra blubber is keeping me warm ;)

    Been a right busy morning in the church trying to get the 2012 Rota and Church Directory printed so I can hand them out on Sunday - just about managed to do it...phew. Have now come to my afternoon job for a rest.

    Advent guess for today - a Christmas Pud (unless it's already gone!)

    MTF, Of course I meant Noggin, I remember now that Puffball has gone to the great scrap yard in the sky xx

    Just chucking in my twopenneth........I believe that life is what we make it, there are two certainties in life, birth and death (three if you included taxes). Along the way things happen to us that we can't explain or sometimes understand, but to use another cliche if it doesn't kill you it will make you stronger. There are so many incredible things around us that we take for granted and sometimes we need to stop, count our blessings, be grateful for what we have, and remember those who are not as fortunate as us.

    I wouldn't be anywhere without my faith and I know that's not for everyone. But even if God doesn't exist and us Christians have got it all wrong, I still wouldn't live my life any differently. I am truly blessed with a wonderful family and great friends.

    None of us know what tomorrow may bring, so why waste today worrying about it.

    Right let's put the kettle on.


  • Comment number 23.

    Lovely post Ali.


  • Comment number 24.

    Crikey Dozy, that was emotional wasnt it! And whilst we are at it - you are so gorgeous and you really dont know it my dear, but you are.

    AliB, here here, very well put my dear.

    And Deevs, how woofing exciting is that, a blog puppy!

    I'm seriously struggling to get motivated to work today, tomorrow is my last day before I finish for Crimbo, and whilst I have stuff to do, I'm using all sorts of tactics not to do it!

    Right, wheres Mr Motivator when you need him....


  • Comment number 25.

    Afternoon all

    Chris, I didn't find the prune feature on this morning's show very entertaining. Maybe it was me. However, I still enjoyed the other bits, as usual.

    Chrissie and Annie, you are conspicuous by your absence, hope you're both ok.

    My guess today is mistletoe, unless it's already appeared. Can't think of an alternative.

    Very, very cold here today, but at least it's dry!

    Pen x

  • Comment number 26.

    Afternoon each

    Chris, heard the rapping vicar this morning - excellent. As was the Archbishop, what a lovely, warm voice he has - could have listened to him for much longer.

    Right, who's got our gales and snow? Been a lovely sunny, cold day here today.

    Haven't been around much so don't think I'll manage to catch up. Been mumping and moaning to myself the last few days but I've got over it so I'll be writing my christmas cards tomorrow.

    Hope everyone is well.


  • Comment number 27.

    Pen, just noticed your comment above me - thank you for thinking of me and I hope Chrissie is ok.

    Just having a rest after wrestling the covers off the sofa - bloomin' feathers everywhere.


  • Comment number 28.

    Greetings from The Rapping Vicar in Devon...!

    I was blown away listening to this on the way to drop my kids off at school this morning - and then to have Rowan give it 10 out of 10 - yay!! :)

    Heaps of Peace to the Breakfast Show crew.

    P.S. The 3-minute version is very popular but you might be interested in the full-length version...

  • Comment number 29.

    As if by magic, glad all is well Annie. I think we all suffer the grumps from time to time, I know I do. Best of luck with the covers, it reminds me of my kingsize duvet cover. Flippin' nightmare.


  • Comment number 30.

    SBP - John and Yoko is a fab song :) We're singing Merry Christmas Everyone by Slade at the carol service tomorrow.

    Do you reckon that Noddie laughs all the way to the bank each Christmas when he gains a bit more royalties lol.

    Deevs - what breed is the baby dog?

    I'm about 5-6 kg lighter than when I saw you all in November which I'm sure is probably a bit too fast to lose all that. I was about two weeks into something resembling a diet and hadn't really noticed the difference but I stood on the scales the other day at 71kg - the next day I was 74 how did that happen? (Then again I ate D****o's pizza for tea - I had three slices with lots of topping that can't have made that much difference?)

    Oh well roll on Christmas - January is a new year and I can always start over :D

  • Comment number 31.

    Hello Rapping vicar - do stick around!

    Han - the jury's out on dogglewoggle at the moment. We both want a Spaniel - I favour the Cavalier King Charles and Nic wants a Springer. Springers apparently demand lots and lots of attention, mental and physical stimulation (gun dogs) whilst Cavaliers are a bit more sedate but still fit in well as a family pet (toy dog category). I think Nic perceives a Cavalier as a bit of a girly choice so I'm hoping we can compromise on a Cocker Spaniel. I've got loads of breeder details from the KC website so just have to do some research, and hopefully the little fella will be joining us when we return from India in March 2012.

    I'm here on my own at the mo and have just had a lovely phone call, so can I share some good news with you all? I'm everso excited .....

    because ......

    I've just been given my first job as a VA!




  • Comment number 32.

    Deevs!!!!! Congratulations.

    Honestly, Springer spaniels are just lovely.

    Hallo rapping vicar. xxxxxx

  • Comment number 33.

    Thanks Annie!

    My only worry with a Springer is that it'll be me that ends up doing ALL the walking, 2 or 3 times a day as Nic is currently working 12 hour days (plus travel time). The woman in the pet shop (the same chain that MWa works for) said some Springer owners even lay out obstacle courses and doggy treasure hunts in their gardens to keep springers amused as they need constant interaction - yikes!


  • Comment number 34.

    Well done Deevs! Hopefully, first of many.

    Welcome the Rapping Vicar, a well deserved 10 out of 10 from the Archbishop.

    Pen x

  • Comment number 35.

    Go Deevs. Onwards and upwards!!!

    I'm on the phone so will keep it short

    Guess for today - a robin


    Mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 36.

    Deevs, my Springer (Bonnie) was a lovely, calm wee soul. My only gripe was having to hoover every day but she was worth it - a lovely, loving wee animal.


  • Comment number 37.

    Well done Deevs - quick drop in as I is off now to have my tea. ta ra a bit......

  • Comment number 38.

    #33 Fair point. Personally, I'd plump for a puddy tat! lol


  • Comment number 39.

    Pen - Nic's allergic to car fur ..... :-(

    I always grew up with dogs in the house, primarily poodles - and I love Chris Packham's poods on Autumn/Springwatch. The last poodle we had died when he was about 18 and mum and dad got him from a puppy so he was realyl a part of my growing up - his name was Wally!

    Annie - I guess dogs will take on the personalities of the family they live with so I'm hoping any breed will fit in with our laid back loving household! It has to be good with kids though as we have MiniNic here every weekend.

    Whatever it turns out to be, breed wise, I can't wait!


    x x x

  • Comment number 40.

    El Deevoooooo!!! Wooo Hooo!!! Congratulations :D

    My Mum and Uncle had a Cocker Spaniel while they were growing up called Trudy.

    My friend in Australia has a Cockerpoo or a Spoodle (Poodle Spaniel cross) :)

  • Comment number 41.

    Just popping in with advent guess of a candle before tea - will catch up once the boy is sorted


  • Comment number 42.


    Just had spag bol for tea as off out to a meeting in a mo.

    Whoop Whoop Well done Deevs, couldn't happen to a nicer person xx

    Hi Vicar, Welcome :)

    #24 Debs, I couldn't agree more about our Dozy.

    Dozy, I love reading your posts, you are a very wise soul and often give us great things to watch and think about. I hope one day to meet you at a Blog get together. I am also quite envious of your life too xx

    Where's our Bids too?

    Right Minutes to take, off I go........


  • Comment number 43.

    #28 Rev. Tyte forgets to mention that the ABC's wife, Jane, taught him Church History for a term before her move to Lambeth/Canterbury. I'm thinking it would be great for the Beatboxing Nativity to feature on the One Show. CE could ask Tyte about his 'pants' harvest.

  • Comment number 44.

    I want a Spoodle!!

    Ali, enjoy your minute-taking. And, yes, you're right about Dozy - a lovely, smiley, friendly person - you'd love her. And her other half.

    Can't wait to see what vicarvernon has to say.


  • Comment number 45.

    Pants Harvest?? Tell us more vicarvernon.

    Wouldn't that be good on the One Show tomorrow night?


  • Comment number 46.

    Eye up!

    A 'pants' Harvest sounds somewhat intrigueing ...... Tyte - are you from St Marks (& Sparks?!?!)

    Right, I can reveal that tonight's Advent window is (drum roll please) ... two toy dogs wrapped up in a big wooly scarf having a cuddle.

    Half a point to Lady Chards for being closest!

    I won't be around tomorrow on account of being Manchester-bound to meet up with the lovely Jakeygirl and some blokes called Duran Duran, so if the snow affects you, stay warm and safe.

    "See" you all sometime over the weekend, hopefully!

    x x x x

  • Comment number 47.

    Well done on the first job Deevs - soon you'll be swimming in them! And have a fab time seeing the Durans!

    Personally I would always go for mutts - we have no idea what breed(s) ours is, but is a lovely, soppy, and mainly stupid thing that I wouldn't swap for the world (well apart from maybe the hair everywhere!)
    She has been amazing with the boy from day one, and as he is now old enough to play with her properly is great fun watching them together - the boy is the only one that can get her (no-longer) squeaky bone off her!

    I'm still smiling over the arrival of my friends baby and having seen the pics can't wait to go for a cuddle in the new year. The other friend in our 'terrible trio' as was is here this weekend for the Strictly final so we will raise a glass or two in honour of the wee lass!

    We haven't yet had the winds that were predicted for down here, but now we have the white stuff forecast.......at least the boy will be happy, he's been waiting for snow for weeks!


  • Comment number 48.

    Hoof Hearted!!!!!


    Just me then.



  • Comment number 49.

    You been drinking Rips??


  • Comment number 50.

    Crumbs, it's all been going on!

    Well done Lady Chards, Deevs do I get a half of a half point for the woolly scarf my partridge is wearing, or am I clutching at straws here?

    And well done Deeeeevs, I told you to 'keep drumming' up the business and look what happened!! Onwards and upwards!

    Hello to tyte and vicarvernon, wonder who'll make it onto the One Show first??

    Lovely thoughts on here from the bloggers, Mum and I got a bit wistful about Christmas this pm. We really should to life each day to the full, 'cos you don't get them back. And apparently you can have a lot of fun if you try! It's just that sometimes you forget to have fun when you've got a lot to deal with.

    Off for an early night 'cos we didn't quite manage the shopping trip we intended, so I've just added that to tomorrow's to do list: do shopping / go for long Christmas lunch with former work mates / remember to come home again... and prepare for possible snow tomorrow (t'was a year ago that the snow and lack of grit turned my 50 minute/15 mile commute home into a 5 hour slip-slidey marathon crawl...)

    Stay safe, stay warm, be happy
    Ann xxx

  • Comment number 51.

    Annie, our weather forecast has just changed from snow at the weekend to sunshine - yippee.


  • Comment number 52.

    #49 seems he has, Annie

    and despite appearances I haven't, although I did have a v strong coffee earlier: #50 'we really should *try to live* each day to the full'

    Bye, bye
    Ann x

  • Comment number 53.

    Woo hoo Annie, that makes a change!

    (BTW, dislike this 3 minute delay thingey...)

  • Comment number 54.

    Not really, on my second now.

    Lovely posts today. very thought provoking.



  • Comment number 55.

    You still in Glasgow Rips? Met any interesting people?


  • Comment number 56.

    Still no Bids?

    Maybe a visit is in order!

    MTF :O

  • Comment number 57.

    OK, haven't really caught up...

    Finlay is growling at my feet...too close to his bed apparently....yep dogs take after their owners, they are barking mad!! lol

    Rips, enjoy your beer!

    Looking forward to meeting up with Deevs and hitting Manchester! OK, so Manchester probably won't even record a dent, but we can try!! Duran Duran will be great!!

    Need some sleep...

    JG x

  • Comment number 58.

    Good Morning Everyone.

    Weather very calm here in Wirral today, I hope it stays like this for the rest of the day.

    Off for a scan very soon to find out what's causing my neck pain.

    JG & Deevs- Enjoy the Duran Duran gig in Manchester.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 59.

    D'oh! Very heavy rain just started now!

  • Comment number 60.

    Morning all

    Miserable and grey here today - and that's before you look at the snowy sleety stuff outside!

    Any chance of a hug - a special "teenage boys!!!! What can you do with them!!" one if possible. :-(


    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 61.

    Good morning everyone,

    when David came home at 1pm from his grit he informed me that it was snowing really heavily, to which I replied "yeah right" (from my slumber), only to go out at 5.30 this morning to a beautiful covering of the lovely white stuff (sorry Chrissie and anyone else who hates it).

    Thank you so much for the lovely comments.

    Well done to Deevs, and what an appropriate picture in yesterday's advent window!

    Good luck with that scan Maddy, I hope they sort out whatever is causing your pain.

    Works "do" tomorrow night, looking forward to it.

  • Comment number 62.

    Sorry I disappeared so abruptly there but my boss walked in:

    My guess for the advent calendar today is - A Loaf of Bread.

    Have a good day.



  • Comment number 63.

    Morning all!
    Whoo hoo! half a point for Lady Chards - get in! (small things) :-)

    Enjoy the Durans Deevs and JG and also well done on the first of many jobs!

    Right best get on so that at 5.30 I can put my out of office on for a week! Yey!

    Guess for today a skating fairy

    Happy Friday everyone

  • Comment number 64.

    I'm not that bad on a pair of skates Debs!

    Maybe we could organise a skating blog meet?

    On second thoughts!! ;)

    Hope all goes well Marj and they find out what the problem is and sort it for you.

    Sezza, understand where you are coming from, too old to threaten with the 'santa doesn't come to naughty boys!'

    Gail, it sounds pretty, especially as it is so far away from here :) I drove back through heavy sleet, deep standing water and thick fog last night, but at least was able to get through, unlike when the white stuff settles.

    Hurrah for Fridays, now where is that Bids?

    MTF :)

  • Comment number 65.

    Morning All,

    Sleet/snow here this morning, but too wet to settle - thank goodness!

    Sezza, Big hugs to you {{{}}} xx

    MM, I hope they can sort your neck pain out xx

    I am currently being entertained by a work man who is the other side of my office wall fixing a door. I don't think he realises I can hear him and he is singing and chatting away to himself...bless.

    Advent Guess for today is a snow covered town.


  • Comment number 66.

    Thanks Ali and MTF

    Oh, and MTF, he's not too big to be told everything will be taken back to pay for the £150 he's got to pay to sort his mess out!! ;-)

    Wet stuff seems to be easing a bit - fingers crossed!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 67.

    Oh dear Sezza, good luck xx

    My guess for today - snow shovel.

    Snowing here - yuk

    Susan xx

  • Comment number 68.

    Happy Friday everyone only another 2 fridays left of 2011 and only a half day friday at work left too.

    Packed to the rafters with things to do over the weekend in final preparation of that one day of the year where we all over indulge and become couch potatoes.

    Still searching for a christmas jumper however I now need 2 as im in doors has expressed an interest too. Typical!

    Just had my appraisal at work and the three statements made by the boss that stand out are "persistent" "charm" and "influencing skills". I read into that - dog with a bone, tells you off with a smile and badgers you till you have no fight left. Funny considering in July I was going to leave.....

    Jakeygirl and Deevs have fun tonight - hope you have got your leg warmers at the ready.

    Have a good friday and weekend everyone CB xx

  • Comment number 69.

    £150 squidlies the week before Christmas Sezza. Ouch :(

  • Comment number 70.

    Oh deevs still going with woollen bobble hat. ta

  • Comment number 71.

    Hello again.

    Well I spoke too soon earlier when I said the weather was calm here.

    Heavy rain caused me get soaked between the front door and Bingo's car in the car park. On the short journey up the motorway heavy snow began (already a pile up on the opposite side, who do som e people not slow down?) Slippery snow between Bingo's car and the hospital entrance. Now back home and there's heavy rain, wind and thunder and it's very dark but there's no way I'm putting the lights on in the daytime.

    Today's advent calendar guess: a snowman!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 72.

    MTF, luckily I haven't got to cough up instantly - just the week after Christmas!! (what's the symbol for laughs, hollowly!!)

    Is really one these times where you'd like to open up their head to see what on earth is going on in there to make them act this way!

    CG, Appraisal sounds really good - well done!

    Today my guess for the advent calendar is an ickle mousie - with very empty pockets!

    Sezza xxx


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