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James Corden joined us for Breakfast today...

Chris Evans | 12:16 UK time, Wednesday, 14 December 2011

...He's good lad isn't he? At the tender age of 33, he's already been up and down and back up again, and is now on top of his game like never before.

His book is a great read, not unlike someone else's (not too far from this keyboard), in its rollercoaster ride of goals and own goals. I thoroughly recommend his book as a stocking filler.

Now, the team had their second Chirstmas lunch in two weeks yesterday. And boy, are we all feeling it today. Not so much the wine and spirits, but the calories!!! I'm not sure I'll be able to eat again this side of the 25th.

Obviously - I'm not saying I won't have a go.

In fact I feel it almost my duty to road test one of the new chicken's eggs when I get home in half an hour.

It would be ungrateful not to.

Peace and Love and melting olive oil and butter. Mmmmmmm.





  • Comment number 1.

    Cant beat a newly laid egg Chris. Go for it.

    MTF :)

  • Comment number 2.

    Chris, great show this morning, James Corden is one of my favourite people. Will check out his book.

    Glad the lunch went well, and yes, I think most of us have been there, whether it be food or drink, or both. But of course we always do go back for more ;)

    Just posted on previous blog, typical, but will copy and paste when the 3 minute delay allows.

    Pen x

  • Comment number 3.

    Ooooh Christoff, fried egg, with a runny bright yellow yolk, with rashers of smoked back bacon in between 2 slices of thick which bread, and tomato ketchup.

    I am sooooooooooooooooooooooo hungry now!

    Just been up the Post Office and as I got to the corner it started to snow. Thankfully it was only a flurry and it's all gawn now, but for a minute I thought "oh no"!

    Also just had a lovely conversation with bestest friend about what to get her children (one of them being my God Daughter) for Christmas. Crisis solved - now I just need to order it from that River site.

    Muchos Amore, with ketchup


  • Comment number 4.

    Can't beat a freshly laid egg, fried on a bagel - YUM!

  • Comment number 5.

    Copied over from previous blog.

    Hi all

    AliB, what a lovely surprise.

    Crazyhealthrep, the horse is called Nelson's Bridge - good luck!

    Advent guess, A christmas pudding.

    Despite the weather warning, it's beautiful here in the south, albeit chilly.

    Pen x

  • Comment number 6.

    Hello CE & Everyone.

    James Corden is doing AOK Chris.

    Glad you're enjoying the pre Christmas lunches, it's a good idea to practice ready for the big day.

    I'm curious to know how you're going to cook the new chicken's egg, boiled, poached, fried, scrambled or omelette. I think boiled with soldiers would be nice.


    MM xxx

    PS Advent calendar guess: a hedgehog!

  • Comment number 7.

    I love eggs so much I may turn into one - I have dook eggs at the moment, as you can now buy them at a very reasonable price from the shop that take that and hamster advertsie!

    I believe James Cordon comes from my neck of the woods, (well, where I live now) and after my mum has had the book for Christmas and read it I hope to be next in line to find out more about his life - he is 2 years iolder then me and achieved so much - where did I go wrong (shakes head in wonder)

    Baggy - still smiling and occasionaly randomly whistling

  • Comment number 8.

    Dozymac - about yesterday I think I'm just so used to having Chirsmtas fay at home rather than going out (apart from church and maybe tea at mum's)

    James C sounds like such a lovely chap :)

  • Comment number 9.


    Hope you are well, not forgetting, Daphster.

    Pen x

  • Comment number 10.

    And his gobsmackers actually made my morning! lol.

  • Comment number 11.

    Huge flakes of the white stuff falling from the sky here in Somerset. I'm not in the slightest bit impressed.

    MTF :)

  • Comment number 12.

    Pouring down here, grey and windy MTF, can we swap??

  • Comment number 13.

    It wouldn't be much of a swap Dozy, its like that here too, just occasionally turning white.

    The roads are dreadful, deep standing water and many branches down too.

    Just need the return of the dreaded potholes, to complete the joys of driving at this time of the year.

    Happy Birthday Bondy. Hope all is well over there?

    MTF :)

  • Comment number 14.

    I met James Corden at Gatwick Airport last year with the girls and he was so lovely and had a picture taken with them.


  • Comment number 15.

    Take care driving in that MTF, it's all right for me to be flippant with my 11 miles each way to work and 4WD, I'm sure it's hellish for you.



  • Comment number 16.

    Blimey, we have sunshine!

    MTF :O

  • Comment number 17.

    Thanks Gail,

    I've just worked out, that Noggin is 17 years old. But seems to cope ok, with the 1000 or so miles that I do each week. Two new tyres at the front are an added bonus, with the 1 in 4s around here.

    Compared to this time last year, we have been lucky with the weather so far. I think you get a lot worse conditions than we do. A bit hats off to David and all others that get themselves out there in all kinds, to keep the roads clear.

    Snowing again now. LOL!

    MTF :)

  • Comment number 18.

    I have to say, it's absolutely bitterly cold here but with a bright blue sky. Most deceptive.

    Really looking forward to getting a pot of beef stew on the go this afternoon for a long, slow cook in readiness for tonight's tea ...

    ... but for now, it's a sandwich and mug of soup!

    Drive carefully MTF.


  • Comment number 19.

    That was supposed to be a big hats off!

    Thanks Deevs. I have just taken a humgungous beef stew out of the oven. If there is any left when I get home, which will be a miracle, then I shall be popping some dumplings in it ;)

    Happy days.

  • Comment number 20.


    James Corden does seem like a very decent chap, enjoyed what I heard of him this morning.

    MTF, You take care out there with Puffball xx I'm just working out who is the nearest you or Deevs for me to invite myself to for a beef stew tea ;)

    I had home made roasted sweet potato soup for lunch and even if I do say so myself it was yum yum.

    I'm sitting here thinking that I might do my Christmas shopping tonight, go home first for some tea and then hit the shops around 8 - 8:30ish, should have it all done and dusted within an hour....I hope. Now that sounds like a plan.


  • Comment number 21.

    All this talk of food.............Cheese and beans jacket spuds and bangers on the menu tonight for us.


  • Comment number 22.

    Ali - your roasted sweet potato sooup sounds great - I might invite myself to yours for that :-)

    we hadjacket spuds last night - lovely food.

    No idea whats on the menu today as mr bp hasn't slept at all and I'm in and old during the evening - may have to resort to pizza

  • Comment number 23.

    Howya chaps!

    LOVED James Corden this morning; how good was he. You've a bit of a cheeky young Pretender there, Christoff. Yes PLEASE let's have HIM deputisin' when yous are next off on one of your jolly jaunts. In fact, much as I'm fond of Richard bumbling Madeley, bless 'im, the GD has threatened violent intent if she has to endure him once more en route to the daily grind oop t' M58.

    As to the egg.. soft-poach it an' stick it on a crumpet, plenty pepper. Yummy yum yum.

    Big xxxs as usual, hope yous are all well an' not blown to smithereens.


  • Comment number 24.

    Afternoon all

    I am really enjoying these morning guests that Chris is having on. There's something about the format of the interview that allows time for the guest to relax and the conversation seems to flow and we hear the best od the person

    All this food being talked about and prepared is making me hungry - need to go and get the spag bol on the go so it can bubble away while the hairdresser tries to tame my unruly mop-head!

    Baggy, if you're in and old tonight will you be out and young tomorrow? ;-)

    And, if you want a smile as wide as Baggy-Puss-Cat's, I can recommend the video of Simon interviewing the Wombles last night - just made me laugh!

    So glad to see the Wombles are keeping up their green princiuples even when travelling round London

    Laters my Lovelies

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 25.

    Ok, so am just listening to Steve Wright -The BIG Show and heard the most beautiful version of Silent Night - a real hairs on the back of the neck sound

    Who was it but SuBo!!

    It's not the first time that's happened - I've heard a few things I loved then found out it was Ms Boyle!

    What does it mean!!! Am I doomed? ;-)

    Afternoon Clodagh, you hold on tight if you're crossing the sea any time soon! x

    sezza xxx

  • Comment number 26.

    Howya Sezza; yes you're doomed, my dear. Like my good self, can't listen to a brass band without blubberin'. Mind. My eyes are Too Near me Bladder, apparently.


  • Comment number 27.


    Santa has been seen - and thanked with a high five.....but the best bit was being able to choose his own present at the end from a whole room filled with toys! He took ages to choose, making sure he'd seen everything before making his choice of a helicopter!

    And in other news - my friend finally had a little baby girl this morning!

    Haven't got the foggiest what to do for tea as the boy had scampi and chips at lunch time.........although I now fancy beef stew and dumplings! Maybe tomorrow....


  • Comment number 28.

    Evening all!

    Phew, busy day and little of it as planned... 'mercy dash' to sort out a problem for the poorly parent which took 3 hours, plus a v successful if chilly present shopping trip just now. Shops not too busy and there was still stuff left! Got more to do but there's still just enough time.

    Enjoyed James C this morning - perfect CLP sub! And Sezza, in the midst of all my to-ing and fro-ing I also heard SuBo - I'm doomed too, it seems! But it did make me count to ten and take a breath, after all its not all about the lists, its about the people, eh?

    Also enjoyed Simon and the Wombles last night, was worried Orinico might conk out though. And isn't that area of the Radio 2 1st floor a versatile place: CiNers in November, Wombles last night... I feel sorry for the folks who work there, they'll never know who'll be turning up next!!

    Love the idea of the beef stews and spag bol but everything's frozen so I'll have to invent something, probably a 'whatever's in the fridge' omelette. Got 2 eggs so that's a start...

    And finally, registering my advent calendar guess for today: sticking with the partridge in the pear tree, with added woolly hat and scarf to keep him warm!

    Stay warm, stay safe, stay happy!

    Ann xxx

  • Comment number 29.

    Afternoon everyone!

    Now I want beef stew and dumplings too! And its definately the weather for it here again, sleet, snow, rain, thunder and gales!

    Am going through that mad couple of days before you take time off which i'm sure some of you are too, but it will be worth it come 5.30 on friday. :-)

    Happy Birthday Bondy!

    Right, hope to pop back tomorrow for a proper catch up with the too ings and fro ings of you lovely lot

    Happy Hump day everyone

  • Comment number 30.

    My guess for today is an ickle mousie with a lovely hot bowl of stew and dumplings!!

    MTF, Hope you have travelled well and safely today. Let us know when you're back then we can lock the door behind you!

    Talking of travellers, anyone heard how Bingo's doing? Hope he's knocked that nasty bug on the head!

    Clodagh, Brass band, Jazz Band or the School "Rock" Band!! Any of the above will set me off! Hopeless!!

    Am going to see the Royal Ballet's Sleeping Beauty tomorrow - will probably need boxes of tissues for that!!

    (Not for the cost though - am seeing the performance broadcast live to our local flea-pit!)

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 31.

    Hi all

    Looks like I'm in time to sneak in my advent calendar guess - a robin....

    I so agree about James Corden, I must look out for the book on the river site to download.

    It's blooming freezing here, the white stuff is forecast for tonight or tomorrow, still I only have to drive 4 miles to work (the worst bit is usually getting off the estate...).

    Happy Birthday Bondy.

    Talking of being set off, did you hear the military wives with the other choir this morning, leaking eyes central again. Goodness knows what will happen when there is a school choir........

    All the talk of food has made me feel hungry as well....


    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 32.

    Hahaha - glad to see that I've got you all in a beef stew kinda mood! I've just made the dumplings - they're resting on a floured board, ready to pop into the stew just after 8pm. Said stew and dumplings will be served with hot crusty bread, and (for me) a glass of red wine.


    Today's Advent window has revealed a massive present, tied with a big red bow, so no winners today. Better luck tomorrow!

    Right, I am now going to watch Come Dine With Me (recorded from earlier) before Nic gets home.

    Whereever you are, I hope the weather isn't too harsh - stay safe and warm.


  • Comment number 33.

    El Deevo's post while I'm watching Il Divo!!

    Mtd, just saw the Mili Wive welcome home the last of their men on HMS Turbulent!

    I always get leaky eyes when I see the families reunited!

    For anyone who didn't see it last time, my Christmas Card to you all

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 34.

    Haven't yet caught up....but Happy Birthday Bondy!!

    JG xx

  • Comment number 35.

    Home safe and sound....

    Ali, I have some sad news about Puffball. Noggin took over the reins, back in March I think, despite comments of negativity from erm, now who was it? (Rips!)

    Just going to have a read back....

    MTF :)

  • Comment number 36.

    Evening All,

    Had to pop in and give my tuppence worth on JC.
    He's a local boy and went to school with one of my mates (who hated him) can't imagine why - charismatic, hilarious, decent.....what's to like?
    I'm a big fan of JC - Gavin and Stacey, perfectly mirrors a period in my life, when my best mate dated, then married the CMM's best mate from Cardiff. We did all of the surprise journeys to Wales, the tiffs, the wedding and (sadly) the eventual split.
    It was incredibly well observed, which is an impressive achievement when you're 33, but to have captured that situation so perfectly in his twenties - really shows what an amazing talent he and Ruth Jones are.

    More than that though.....A horse called 'Hoof hearted'! Come on?!

    Slightly poignant post from me, as I do so from the same table that Chrissie and I enjoyed a couple of drinks at - way back when - as I'm staying on george Sq for a couple of nights.
    Lovely memory of an hour spent chatting to a friend I met on here. Not a million miles from where Chris signed my copy of his first book and where I also met Mary and whatsername.....Dreamer, that's the one.

    Pretty cool place, Glasgow.

    Night All - stay classy



  • Comment number 37.

    Talk of the devil ;)

    MTF :O

  • Comment number 38.

    Happy to be wrong, Stace x

  • Comment number 39.

    Nice post Rips.

    I still thank my lucky stars for meeting all the lovely bloggers that I have, so far. Some very special friendships have been formed.

    Happy days.

    MTF :)

  • Comment number 40.

    Anyone heard from Bids?

    MTF :)

  • Comment number 41.

    Morning all

    I have to say, I love Chris's jingles with little Noah. They never fail to make me smile and the current "Daddy is it Christmas yet?" is just tooooooooo cute for words - thanks for sharing Chris!

    Looking out of the study window I can report that it's dark, grey, wet and windy here in Cannockshire. Quite glad I'm carless and therefore pretty much housebound today.

    Only one more sleep until I head up toe Manchester to meet up with the lovely Jakeygirl to go and see Duran Duran. I'm soooooooo looking forward to it, and the busy (but fun) weekend that lies ahead - panto, Christmas market etc.

    And Nic, if you read this, THANK YOU for the lovely flowers for our 2 year anniversary. You never fail to amaze me. In a good way, of course ..... xx

    Right, I think I feel a list coming on.



    peeeeeeeeeeeeees: Bids - give us a wave! xx

  • Comment number 42.

    Good morning all,

    Funny morning on my walk with the dogs, it was icy and slippy but raining at the same time - weird.

    My guess for today is - a Cod Liver Oil Capsule

    Deevs - I love Come Dine With Me and record it all the time, I know it makes for good TV, but I just don't understand why people apply to got on it and then proceed to list all the foods they don't like, seems crazy to me.

    Have a good day all.



  • Comment number 43.

    Morning all

    Firstly - Billie Jo Spears - may you rest in peace, just heard the news that she passed away, a firm favourite at the karaoke "Blanket on the Ground".

    Anyway still prepping for the big day, got loads done but still loads to do. Good news though is one my closest friends who is currently living in Wales may be heading back to the West Mids as her hubby may have got a permanent job in Worcester. Huzzah am chuffed about that.

    Still looking for a novelty christmas jumper and off to hunt for tickets to see Barry Menditoy at the LG arena as a family outing in 2012 even the boy confessed last night he would like to go see him. Looks like it will be a night of leg-ends for us then.

    Enjoy Duran Duran Deevs my ole fella use to drink in the rum runner in Brum when they use to play there, I was always jealous of that my favourite was Roger on the drums. My nephew saw them in Brum the other week and said they put a good show on.

    Still sticking with bobble hat Deevs

    Have a good day one and all. CB xxx

  • Comment number 44.

    Bazza McManifold in Brum? Next year? Oh my oh my oh my ...... WANNA GO!!!!

    (although I am still recovering from seeing him at Prawns In The Pork in 2009!)

    My fave Duran was/still is John Taylor. I've had a couple of tweets from him over the last few months so life is now complete! lol

    Good luck with the jumper hunt CB.

    Chris - thanks for playing James - shame it was Sit Down as not even James themselves like the song! Praps give "Sometimes" a spin - tis really jolly good!


  • Comment number 45.

    Morning all!

    Nice and sunny here at moment but very chilly brrrrrr, my guess for advent calender is a pair of wooly gloves and a scarf!

    Now then, over the last 3 weeks I've had major probs on FB, when I am on there my keyboard on the laptop works so so so slowly and I often have to tap a key 7-8times before a letter registers. My lap top works fine on anything else, and if I use GD's m@c it is fine on FB - anyone know what on earth is going on and how to stop it??????


    Right anyone want a coffee, and thinking about a fried egg butty too......

    Happy Thursty Thursday

  • Comment number 46.

    Debs - FB has been a pain over the last few weeks. Very slow, crashing and clunky. And sometimes nigh on impossible to play Scrabs - most inconvenient (especially as I am trying to get clients to let me manage their FB business pages!)

    Gail - Come Dine With Me is just addictive. I sometimes wonder why some of the contestants bother - the standard of cooking/hosting on there can be dire. and yes, WHY tell the world what you don't like ...!?!?

    Another somewhat addictive daytime show (I usually watch whilst having a ate lunch/screen break) is on ITV at 2pm - basically 4 people go to each others houses and then award points and the winner gets a grand. It amazes me to see some of the cribs on there - and how much money some people spend on their interiors. One woman last week had a chandeleir in her kitchen and bright purple shiny kitchen units. My first thought was that she obviously doesn't do much cooking, and also that she must have a cleaner (or six!)

    Coffee time!


  • Comment number 47.


    Still in PJs and dressing gown at the moment as the boy has his school Christmas party this afternoon so hasn't gone to his childminder, we'll get movinv eventually!

    Feeling a bit....just bleurgh....at the moment, hope I'm not coming down with cold for Christmas, it's going to be stressful enough at the in-laws as it is!

    Right off to get motivated to do stuff....

  • Comment number 48.

    Deevs only one night on at the mo. LG Arena 17th May prices for the tickets are in 4 stages but basically if you want decent seats you are looking 65 squid each plus booking fee, not cheap.

    I love CDWM - Dave Lamb just cracks me up and sometimes you do see the diverse characters that life has a habit of finding.

    I know the programme you are on about Deevs in the afternoon, some of those houses are very extreme althought I must confess that I love the idea of purple cabinets and a chandelier in my kitchen as purple is my fave colour, but like you say obviously it is a show kitchen not a working on like ours are.

    tonight the menu is either home made carbonara or pork cider casserole cant make my mind up as yet?

    Have a good day (humming, girls on film...................). xx

  • Comment number 49.

    Morning all!

    Coffee brewed and being slurped, cheers!

    So, another day rescheduled but all the better for it. When will I learn that I don't have access to the Tardis, something had to give! Tonight's extra swimming lesson will have to wait til January, and will be all the more necessary after the festivities.

    Addictive daytime tv... being a currently-not-working person, I try to steer away from the tv or else hours are lost in channel-hopping. Otherwise it's 4th time around repeats of DIY SOS or Time Team or that shopping channel that starts with a Q and life is just too short and the bank balance suffers!

    Enjoy the coffee break folks, am off to finish off the cards, wrap and post a few pressies before some late-night shopping. Nearly done...

    Sticking with the partridge in the pear tree, with woolly hat n scarf and a drop of anti-freeze in it's bird bath...

    Ann x


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