
Archives for August 2011

So, how was summer 2011 for you?

Chris Evans | 10:44 UK time, Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Don't know if you've heard, but Christmas starts tomorrow.

Well, it does, and it sort of doesn't. I think this is an emotional throwback from my schooldays, when the only light at the end of the "back to school" tunnel was half term, bonfire night and then what to ask Santa for.

September remains still very much a huge sea change in sentiment for me as a result. And I quite like it. I definitely think it's the most industrious time of the year. The entertainment business comes alive from now on in to Yuletide. In fact, I need to think about this year's team Xmas Bash.

We may even need a mini bash to discuss The Big Bash. Why am I suddenly getting excited? And why has the name Heston Blumenthal just entered my head?

I think I need a sugar fix, I'm feeling giddy as a gorilla on Gatorade.

Bye bye August, you were great, a little wet but nevertheless.




Fridays are normally Â鶹Éç canteen days for me during the hiatus between the radio show and The One Show.

Chris Evans | 19:33 UK time, Friday, 26 August 2011

And after some negative publicity this week, may I just weigh in with how excellent I think it is. The food is plentiful in variety, proudly served by friendly and adept staff and of above average quality. Fish and chips, baked potato, soup and a salad, pizza, what's not to like ?

Today however, my only requirement was that of a microwave, as Mrs E has rustled up a bank holiday slow cook stew sensation. Lamb shanks steeped in a sauce that gets better by the hour. I had a bowl for supper last night, a bowl for breakfast (at 5 am !) And just couldn't resist bring another bowl to work for lunch today.

The only problem ? Every time I see, smell it, or even just think about it, my immediate next thought is - red wine !

Which the Â鶹Éç canteen sadly does not do. Probably best.

Have a great weekend be it three days or two and see you on the radio Tuesday.

Peace and Love




Never before has a capitalist been loved by so many...

Chris Evans | 09:09 UK time, Thursday, 25 August 2011

...This is what they are saying in Silicon Valley about Steve Jobs - the now former CEO of Apple - after he resigned yesterday due to continuing ill health.

I don't know this man, nor have I ever met him, but he seems to be a good sort and I hope he gets better. And he's talented enough for the value of Apple to take a 7% hit following the announcement of his departure.

Did you know that Apple have more actual cash available than the US government? Now that's a piggy bank.

Pay attention to those studies kids, there's always room at the top for the best bods.

Peace and love and happy Thursday.




Clear-out Time.

Chris Evans | 11:57 UK time, Wednesday, 24 August 2011

Or rather time clear-out. Pal of mine has just come back from his summer break declaring a personal revolution against himself. He's come up with all these things he wants to do that he has considered to be more worthy than what he's been up to of late.

"Have you done the maths?" I asked him. "What maths?" he replied.

"Have you written it all down, added up the amount of time it's all going to take you every week, and then seen if you still have time to actually eat and sleep, and do all the other things one has to do?"

He hadn't, so we did and it turned out he'd need at least two extra days a week to get even close to his new regime!

He's having a re-think. I'll let you know how it goes.

Peace and Love




Currently on my way to a charity golf game...

Chris Evans | 13:08 UK time, Tuesday, 23 August 2011

...ie. some people bid in an auction to play golf against me and a pal. Am currently trying to conjure up how we put it to them that sometimes even golf is not worth getting this wet for....and not only that, but there are some very hospitable local pubs in the area. They are particularly welcoming on such inclement afternoons as this.

Of course if they want to play, then we play. But if they do fancy a nice pub lunch and a pint instead, then I'll be more than happy to pick up this particular tab.

Will let you know the outcome, although if I were a betting a man - and I'm not - my money would be on the fact that we'll be yomping down the first fairway at Wentworth just before Two o'clock.

Peace and Love and Brollies.




Sitting Tennant

redbee | 16:04 UK time, Sunday, 21 August 2011

David Tennant this morning's guest - endlessly beguiling bewitching almost, annoyingly youthful in this his forty first year and an abundance of energy. In short, a pure joy to have on board. More like him please.

And so ends another week of breakfast radio thingy's. Please may this job go on for a good few years yet. It's all far too much fun to stop anytime soon.

One Show next in just over an hour as I type and then homeward bound for a packed weekend full of fun times. There's Mummy Evans Snr, a kids party, a Raymond Blanc experience and hopefully a few hours down the garage on Sunday.

Be well mein leiblings.

Peace and Love.




Proper rain, like we have down south today...

Chris Evans | 04:24 UK time, Friday, 19 August 2011

...has to be respected. It's big and wonderful and not to be toyed with. From the moment I arrived home this morning, all unnecessary out of house appointments were cancelled immediately. I even tried to watch a black and white film whilst nursing a steaming hot cup of cha, but alas Noah and Scooby Doo won that particular skirmish.

And so at teatime the rain continues, the grass is loving every minute. More tea, me thinks. "Pork chops alright tonight " Tash has just shouted through from the kitchen. I might even nip to the video shop, not only for a film but they do the best variety of ice creams in the village.

Today has now been upgraded to an official snuggle day indoors. Just received messages from pals indulging in some pre-Friday revelry in a London bar. Call me smug, but I think we've won.

David Tennant for Brekkie tomorrow. How about them bananas?




King Gong Don't Go...

Chris Evans | 11:42 UK time, Wednesday, 17 August 2011

How good was Alasdair the gong man today?

And who doesn't love a gong? How can one not?

Get a life, get a gong. When you gotta gong - you gotta gong. Gong in sixty seconds. The surprise gong theme set up by the team completely set me up for the day.

I think I may have to have one in my life on a more permanent basis.

Two days and counting to David Tennant on The Breakfast Show.

Peace and love




An extraordinarily buoyant mood...

Chris Evans | 10:56 UK time, Monday, 15 August 2011

...for a Monday this morning. I put it down to the California blue sky that greeted London today. Everyone was so chipper. And then after soliciting nationwide weather in a flash, it transpired that the South East was not the only place waking up to that oh-so-welcome golden orb in the sky. From Aberdeen to Cornwall, Mr Sunshine had his hat on the side of his head, except Manchester that is. Sorry Manchester.

Lynn and I are gonna spend the rest of the day perusing what we might buy in the M.O.D. bargain basement sale. I'm bang up for a Landy, whereas I fancy The Bowler has her eye on a Gazelle helicopter. Watch this space.




As we know, every day here in life should be treasured.

Chris Evans | 10:17 UK time, Friday, 12 August 2011

However I think that within that, we are allowed to be glad to see the back of some weeks. And surely this, for most of us, is one of those weeks. Lives have tragically been lost, generations of businesses have been destroyed, and thousands of people have been unfairly frightened in their own homes and neighbourhoods.

All wrong, totally wrong and equally totally unjustified, not to mention frustratingly unexplainable.

So, whomever you like or love, how about you like or love them a little bit more this weekend. It's amazing how little it takes to rock the flimsy universe that we now live in. It is only by drowning each other with all that's good, that we can keep the insanity at bay.

Peace and Love people,




Vassos, our new sports guy...

Chris Evans | 13:35 UK time, Wednesday, 10 August 2011

...runs - a lot.

Not only does he run, but get this - he "loves" running.

He even has different days for different kinds of runs. Wednesday is his long run day; he also has quick run days and hill run days.

He is the official running man. I, on the other hand, don't run.

But I have promised him I will today. How, when or where, I have yet to decide.

But I will not welch on the deal.

There may even be photographic evidence to prove it, there also may not depending on how big, pink and puffy my face is.

Peace and Love




Had a meeting with Bob the boss...

Chris Evans | 10:36 UK time, Tuesday, 9 August 2011

...scheduled for straight after the show today.

He's fresh back from his hols, and wanted a catch up with the bloke he lets loose on his radio station for three hours every morning.

Bob is as calm as I am manic. I look forward to seeing him. He makes me feel like everything's ok...which thank goodness it usually is. I'm going to make the most of that situation for as long as it lasts, hopefully a long, long time.

A bit of writing every week, a bit of The One Show every week, topped off with a whole heap of The Breakfast Show every week. That's the plan and I'm sticking to it. Professionally and personally, I'm in the best place I've ever been.

Peace and Love (especially today)




How generally great is John Bishop?

Chris Evans | 10:38 UK time, Friday, 5 August 2011

I mean, he's off the scale great. Unlike so so many comics, he's rock solid confident and at ease with himself. He has his head totally screwed on, and has just enjoyed "the best year of my career".

John believe me, if you keep on doing what you're doing and how you're doing it, things can only go from strength to strength.

One Show tonight, 7pm with David Essex and the Welsh wonder. Love Alex to death.

And talking of the all things Welsh, anyone going to the rugby tomorrow? If you are, I'll see you there.

And as Will Carling has just posted on Twitter, if England win it will be classed as a full on test, if Wales win, those of this side of the border will be downgrading it immediately to a poxy friendly. Ha ha.

Have a great weekend, see you on the radio Monday.




Well what a wet one...

Chris Evans | 10:18 UK time, Thursday, 4 August 2011

...And the rain is cold and big. The tops of the buildings and construction cranes are lost in the mizzle.

Oh what to do, and recreation booked for this afternoon to boot.

I can feel a pretend winter pub lunch coming on. May even go to the chunky sweater shelf and get some gloves perhaps!

Twenty eight degrees yesterday, and full wet gear and warm clobber required today. This is why, unless we have a very good reason, there is never no need for any of us to ever jump on a plane again.

Great Britain is truly great when our weather is up to its crazy antics. I love it.

No man is an island that's often been said. But we are, and the more insane the world seems to be becoming, I'm really rather glad.

Have a lovely rainy day (except if you're in one of the three sunny places in the UK today - I believe one of them is Whitby).




Moira and the squabble of squirrels...

Chris Evans | 11:23 UK time, Wednesday, 3 August 2011

...that blockaded her path during a leisurely stroll in Hyde Park.

Rounds of applause for men if they bother to put the toilet seat back down again.

Should I take up an offer of a part in Postman Pat The Movie?

What do we do if we can't get a guest for Friday?

And how do we get Jeremy Vine more followers on Twitter before his show this lunchtime?

Just another Wednesday on the radio.

You know we've barely been back a fortnight, and already it's like we've never been away. But that, according to new research, is because the post holiday glow has scientifically been proven to last only a few days.

When you're glow's gotta go, it's gotta go, but thank heaven we'll always have our Brekkie show.

By the way happy birthday to that young scalliwag Sir Terence of Wogansville. (73 some say - altogether now - SURELY NOT !)




August, August?

Chris Evans | 10:12 UK time, Monday, 1 August 2011

Inspirational, venerable, of higher rank. The bad boy in the big boy stakes when it comes to all of our months.

August, we welcome you today.

Out there on your own, when most of Europe uses you to take a break from the other eleven months of the year.

In many ways, you are our hammock and I for one thank you for that. In fact, I'm off for a bit of hammock time right now. I was up at half past three today, I'm half whacked.

Have a good day y'all.




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