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Well what a wet one...

Chris Evans | 10:18 UK time, Thursday, 4 August 2011

...And the rain is cold and big. The tops of the buildings and construction cranes are lost in the mizzle.

Oh what to do, and recreation booked for this afternoon to boot.

I can feel a pretend winter pub lunch coming on. May even go to the chunky sweater shelf and get some gloves perhaps!

Twenty eight degrees yesterday, and full wet gear and warm clobber required today. This is why, unless we have a very good reason, there is never no need for any of us to ever jump on a plane again.

Great Britain is truly great when our weather is up to its crazy antics. I love it.

No man is an island that's often been said. But we are, and the more insane the world seems to be becoming, I'm really rather glad.

Have a lovely rainy day (except if you're in one of the three sunny places in the UK today - I believe one of them is Whitby).





  • Comment number 1.

    Good Morning all.

    West Somerset is definitely NOT one of those three places.

    Wet wet wet.


  • Comment number 2.

    Morning Chris and everyone.

    Pouring down here too.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 3.

    Mornin' O Damp One.

    Yup, it's persistin' down 'ere in Wigan. An' let me tell you I'm not impressed by all them Yorkshiremen showin' off about the sunshine.

    Well now, we're Dead 'Ard this side of t' Pennines. So am off to get the bikini an' the deckchair out regardless. Now where did I put that cling fillum. Can't be doin' wit a damp Wigan Observer.



  • Comment number 4.

    Hurrah. 'Ave just dug up me umbrella hat I bought at Wimbledon, circa 1982. Matches the cozzy perfectly. Just need to fix the perished elastic an' am sorted. No Rick Parfitt hair or diluted cuppa tea for ME. Ha.


  • Comment number 5.

    Actually that's a fib. The Rick Parfitt hair is there already since I put the bin out first thing in Monsoon-swept Wigan an' got back in like I'd bin over Niagra Falls in a barrel.


  • Comment number 6.

    Many thanks for playing my GobSmackers! Unfortunately, I missed them, as I got in to work early. However, I will be listening tonight!

    Cheers again


  • Comment number 7.

    Hi Chris: yup, wet here in Glasgow, too, so you are not alone. Oooh, now I quite fancy a pretend winter pub lunch!

    Hi everyone else - hope all is well.

    C xx

  • Comment number 8.

    Hello CE & Everyone.

    The weather in Great Britain is certainly changeable Chris. And there's nothing more disappointing than rain when you have recreation or a special day out planned especially when it was a lovely sunny day yesterday.

    I'm back from the shops, went early today as visitors arriving for a bit of lunch and so needed to buy posh food.

    I seem to be exuding a certain je se sais quoi today as I've been chatted up three times already. I think I should go out again this afternoon and make the most of it.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 9.

    copied from previous blog

    hi everybody peeps
    Just posted my blognic pics, have a squizz if you wish!

    Tiggs xx

  • Comment number 10.

    Morning all, from saturated Surrey, after what must have been the hottest day of the year!

    Rob, Gobsmackers were fab-u-lous!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 11.

    Afternoon All,

    I can confirm that it is raining in North Kent too, agree with Penny all very strange after the hot day we had yesterday. However, I obviously thought it was still hot today as came out without a cardi....brrrrr!

    The boiler men Sant茅 arrive this morning, all three of them and quite nice looking too! I've left them too it and quite dread what I might find upon my return. They did say that the likelyhood of me having hot water tonight was slim, but certainly by tomorrow afternoon. So the bribe of chocolate chip cookies and banana cake didn't work :( I left them listening to Radio 2!


  • Comment number 12.

    Hi everyone:

    Finally managed to see the "big boss" off the premises to start his holiday, have finished off the last few things I had to do for him, so now I can relax ... for about 10 mins!

    Gail: saw your lovely news from the previous blog - hope you and David enjoy that Cava!

    Maddy: most definitely, get yourself out there this afternoon!

    Rob: I never hear the Gobsmackers, but today I was late leaving the house and I heard yours - really terrific, and a lovely story to go with them!

    Hope everyone is ok, just hang in there, Friday tomorrow!

    C xx

  • Comment number 13.

    Hello everyone - YAYYYY!!!! It's raining! No watering-up for me tonight and already the geraniums are looking mightily relieved! I TOTALLY agree with Mr. Chris - I LOVE English weather - the variety of it in all seasons. It would be SO boring if every day was the same! Plus it gives the indulgence of something to whine about...

    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrgh!!!! Am about to speak on Jezza Vine!!! They've just 'phoned! Squeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 14.

    Meant to say before, I have more of the rose brooches, if you want one message me

    Tiggs xx

  • Comment number 15.

    Phew! That was a rum do! Hope I didn't sound too mad... don't think I used any toilet words... ;-).

    Keep smiling!
    Roo xxx

  • Comment number 16.


    I actually prefer predictability when it comes to the weather.

    I don't want wall to wall blue sky and sun 365 days a year, but I do like it when you get up in the morning and know what it's going to be like outside, whether it be July in Spain or February in the Alps.

    Four seasons in a year is fine, four seasons in a week in just a pain.

  • Comment number 17.

    afternoon peeps
    Wrexham and Telford weather watch - Wrexham, drizzle, Telford, downpour earlier but drying up now.

    Clodagh - you paint a vivid picture!

    Maddy - wayhey ... whats your secret?

    Ali - step away from the nice workmen!

    Chrissie - only 10 mins relaxation? I know you will probably have to do his work as well as yours, but at least you can do it your way without interference. My boss is on leave for 2&half weeks from next week and it makes life sooo much easier! (shush .. don't tell her)

    Roo - what were you commenting on?

    right lunch over so ttfn, Crumpy xx

  • Comment number 18.

    Just been out and it is not cold just drizzley in Shropshire.

    Sorry Chris, I dont like cold and much prefer wall to wall sunshine with the odd cloudy or rainy day thrown in for good measure. Soon as I can give up work I am off to sunnier climates.

    Right serious question now. If you eat a salad no sauces, carbs or coleslaw etc. after stuffing your face with a cream cake. The salad will cancel the cream cake won't it?

    CB xxx

  • Comment number 19.

    Hi Crumpy - was in the first 30 mins of the show, talking about capital punishment. I'm "Ruth Page from Alresford"! Laters! x

    Cockney (me ole china!) - of COURSE the salad will cancel out the cream cake! Salad is the anti-pastry, you know. L'il tip for the future though, sweetie - cut the cream cake into pieces BEFORE eating. Because, as some of us know, a cake cut into individual pieces contains FAR fewer calories than an ENTIRE cake. Simple science - and you can't argue with that!

    Roo xxx

  • Comment number 20.


    You are so right should have cut the cake up. Its like eating someone elses chips that doesnt count at all as you havent bought them and they always taste soooooooo much nicer too.

    Dont think I should go back for the choc chip cookie that seems to be calling me at the moment and should stay firmly shackled to my desk.

    Feel less guilty now you have explained that simple bit of science Roo, you are my saviour.

    CB xxx

  • Comment number 21.

    Not sure about anyone else, but I'm really missing Jonny on the show :-(

    Ssshhhh! Can see a smidgen of brightness in between the grey!


  • Comment number 22.

    Cockles - happy to help. Particularly in the case of a fellow London-lass!! The chips issue is also undisputed scientifically - except in the case of our stealing of boyfriend's/husband's chips, as the most gifted professors agree that we are actually utilising our inbuilt (dating back to primitive days) maternal/nurturing instincts to SAVE THEM FROM THEMSELVES. After all - we don't want our men to grow tubby through chip-overindulgence, right girls?!? Also - you MUST have that cookie. Otherwise it will be all lonely and sad, and that's just CRUEL. You wouldn't want that, now would you? (As long as you save yourself by applying the "break it into individual segments first" rule beforehand). ;-) xx

    Penny - nothing against Vas, who's lovely, but yes. I AM missing Jonny lots. This may, however, improve with the reintroduction of the sporting challenge. I think it's the competitiveness, subtly goaded on by Moira and moderated by the reasoned voice of Lynn, that is absent from the mix. Get the boys in a few challenges to their perceived masculinity and the testosterone battle will re-ignite once more!

    Come along boys - show us weedy girlie-girls who the REAL man is now: Chris or Vas?! xx

  • Comment number 23.

    Afternoon all,

    Chris, very wet here too but it's not cold.

    Hope everyone is well - looks like a good time was had by all at the picnic.

    Clodagh - good to see you are still in fine form xx

    Penny, I'm missing Jonny too xx

    Mary xx

  • Comment number 24.


    Crumpy: Yes, I agree, life is so much easier without the "big boss" but unfortunately I have two other directors still here, so office life remains busy. Not so busy, though, that I can't check out the blog! Enjoy having your wee break from your boss. xx

    Pen: I agree, I am missing Jonny so much. Really liking Vassos, he's a very clever guy, great sense of humour and is really finding his way. He has very big boots to fill, and it can't be easy for him.

    Roo: will have to listen again to Jeremy - well done, I would never have the nerve to go on live radio, so I admire you for that!

    Back to the filing!

    C xx

  • Comment number 25.

    Roo took your advice had the cookie and broke it up, feel much better now. Think your theory on chips is bang on.

    I think whoever took over from Johnny would have had a hard act to follow but Vass seems to be very knowledgable and is fitting in nicely. I am sure Johnny isnt missing the early starts.

    Chrissie - filing yukkkkk! do you wanna do mine too, cant stand it.

    Crumpy - Boss whats one of them, I very rarely see mine, he loves to stay in the Birmingham office and all our communication is done by phone or email. The other keeps flitting over to Bahrain and back so I very rarely see him either. Just as I like it. Enjoy the break.

    CB xx

  • Comment number 26.

    Hiya Chrissie! Thank you! Have just listened, and was relieved to find that I didn't sound half as loopy as normal鈥! I鈥檓 on at 0.23.51.

    That said, I HAVE just finished torturing a telephone-sales marketer who cold-called me by rambling on for ages about how I should buy her injury-claim policies鈥 I told her how my dog, Jasper, is an international celebrity with a globally-successful on-line blog, whose rate of income FAR exceeds my own; how he'd appeared in numerous productions of Oliver! as 'Bullseye' and had been filmed for a 麻豆社4 documentary鈥

    (These are actually NOT lies, but genuine truth)鈥

    鈥nd how he has had his looks - as the "most definitive-looking" 'Bullseye'-EVER - insured for many hundreds of thousands of pounds... and that, should he ever be "permanently disfigured" in a car accident, the payout would be TRULY massive鈥

    (These ARE actually lies, and NOT genuine truth, though his resemblance to the original 鈥楤ullseye鈥 IS truly chilling)鈥

    鈥nd for these reasons, alas, I cannot part with our hard-earned pennies to a telephone scammer鈥 But don鈥檛 thing of me as cruelly tormenting this innocent caller, however. She seemed actually RELIEVED to have someone to talk to who didn鈥檛 swear at her before slamming the 鈥榩hone down鈥 True, she may have thought I was a nutter. But I鈥檇 rather be remembered for that than as 鈥渢he miserable cow who called her names and ruined her day鈥!

    Keep smiling! But, if you cannot smile yourself, be sure to make someone ELSE smile!!

    With love,

    Roo xxx (and Jasper, but he is asleep and unaware of how I've used both his name and his talents in vain) xx ;-)

  • Comment number 27.

    Cockles - GOOD GIRL. You eat that cookie and be PROUD! And remember: the cookie did not conquer you. You conquered the cookie. Do not forget this moral victory.

    Roo xxx

  • Comment number 28.

    Christoff, I have just listened to your best mate Danny on Desert Island Discs. As soon as it finished I went back to the beginning and listened to it again. Absolutely brilliant. I could listen to him all day. There were some gems in there, not least "What you do does not define who you are." How very, very true. I also love his attitute towards money. God, it's a brilliant programme and if any of you lovely bloggers haven't heard it yet, give it a listen while you still can!

    Barmy over and out. xx

  • Comment number 29.

    Humph, typed this once only for it to disappear into the ether!

    Anyhow, what I basically said was;

    Roo, just listened and well done you. Like Chrissie, I wouldn't have had the bottle. I thought at first you were going to discuss the dodgy builders!

    Btw, I used to work for someone who lived in Alresford.

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 30.

    Hiya all

    Can I just say all the water butts are full now so we don't need anymore rain for a while thanks!

    Just spoke to my Mum. They live maybe 4 miles away. Last night we had not a spot of rain but they had a deluge, the house was struck by lightning and a car turned over on the road outside!

    Luckily no one was hurt and no damage done!

    Roo, you sounded very sane!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 31.

    Evening each

    Didn't need the warm clothes here today Chris - it was warm even though it was piddling down between blasts of sun.

    Been looking after teeny little boys today and now home and packing a bag for my weekend away.

    Off to catch up. xxxx

  • Comment number 32.

    Dozey, what a lovely surprise. Now how long will that case of cava last I wonder?

    Tiggs, love the photos.


  • Comment number 33.

    thanks Annie x

  • Comment number 34.


    Been very busy the last few days enjoying the sun and having long lunches and lots of fun with the grandchildren in the garden, but now have a lots of catching up to do in the house before little grandson arrives tomorrow for his overnight stay.

    Sezza, glad your mum's house is ok, must have been very scary for her. Mr CSN is now reading that book that you recommend to me. xx

    Annie, have a lovely weekend away. xx

    Tiggs, lovely photos on FB. xx

    Sweet dreams and sleep tight everyone as my grandson always tells me when he stays with us and I kiss him goodnight. Bless him!

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 35.

    Evening all

    Just to add to Barmy's comments re Danny Baker's DiD, superb radio and someone who you would want to sit and listen to all day, preferably in a comfortable bar, with drink in hand.

    Tiggs - saw the pic-er-nic photos on fb, looks like a great aftrnoon, shame I couldn't make it.



  • Comment number 36.

    Hi all

    Well clp Norfolk was not a place to have one little glimpse of sun today but wall to wall rain!!!! No need for the woolly jumper drawer just yet as still very humid. Think we need a good storm to clear the air.

    Hope everyone is well.

    Take care


  • Comment number 37.

    Morning all!

    Bit grey today but at least its not wet! Nothing of note to say but liking John Bishop on the show this morning - CLP and him sound like naughty young boys!

    Right struggling to wake up today, need a coffee me thinks

    happy friday everyone

  • Comment number 38.

    Morning all. Just a quickie from the Parish Noticeboard ...

    I've set up the fantasy football league thingy again if you fancy a bit of free fun!

    Mini League Name: Bloggers United

    Joining Code: 941791-227941

    Hope to see you in the dugout!


    Back later! x

  • Comment number 39.

    Morning All,

    Cloudy with some glimpses of sunshine, but it's better than the rain of yesterday.

    I promise that this is the last time I will bore you with tales of my boiler! The good news is I have hot water, to have a shower in my own home for the first time in 24 days was bliss - hooray. The chaps doing it are lovely, but when I got home last night my flat looked like a bomb had hit it and there is a thin layer of brick dust over everything despite me covering it all. So tomorrow I will be spring cleaning to within an inch of my life.

    When I came back from Zimbabwe I was very appreciative of the fact that I could turn on the tap and drink the water that came out of it. Over the past three weeks, due to frustration I have forgotten that fact, but now I appreciate it even more to have cold water to drink and hot water to wash in :)

    Debs, I too am struggling to wake up today, thanks goodness it's Friday eh? xx


  • Comment number 40.

    morning all

    I have a dilemia and I would like your input.

    I am out tonight with my family
    tomorrow I had planned a nice quiet day with mr bp, I have an appoitment to see if laser eye treatment is viable and then a quiet night. Now my mum says there will be another hen night for my sister tomorrow night, which will go on late, not involve in mr bp and involve me drinking more then I want to and staying over, meaning I spend no time with my hubby. I wasnt going to tell my family about the laser eye treatment just yet as I know that will cause an issue (me having money to throw away etc) but I just dont know what to say to excuse myself without offendiny my mum and sister. If I do go mr bp will be annoyed we haven't seen each other.

    Answers on a postcard please.


  • Comment number 41.

    Just explain it's too short notice. You and MrBP have something planned, you hope they have a nice time but on this occassion, it's a rain-check.

    Don't beat yourself up over it.

    Have a good weekend with MrBP and good luck with the mince-pies!


  • Comment number 42.

    Hi Ali, glad you have the shower/boiler sorted! bliss hey :-)

    Baggy, why dont you just say you have something special planned with mrBp as you havent seen much of each other? dont think you need to mention the eye thing

    thats my two pennith
    PS Deevs - football, ha ha ha - I would definately be bottom of the league

  • Comment number 43.

    Ali - huzzah you have water. Bet that shower was the best one you have had in a long long time.

    Bagpuss I agree with Deevs and was going to put the same thing but she got there before me drats!

    Last night I got stuck on the motorway for an hour and a half hours due to a nasty accident at junction 3 on the M54, normally my journey takes 15 minutes.

    The field where the air ambulances (2 of them, it was a bad one) landed belongs to my friend. I sent her a message last night to see if things had been cleared up at about 8 ish, she said the air ambulances were still going back and forth and she had popped down to have a look and all she could see was cut up cars and children toys all over the carriageway. It made me feel physically sick.

    I was going to leave work early yesterday but changed my mind, it made me realise how short life can be.

    Sorry if I am depressing anyone, just had to share.

    Happy Friday everyone.

    CB xxx

  • Comment number 44.

    CB - what a sad story - I hate seeing accidents and always make me think and I always say a prayer for those involved.

    you're right life is short xx

  • Comment number 45.

    Thanks Bagpuss. I am going to go and see my friend who owns the field as she was bit distressed about it last night, she has two little girls and I think it had a profound effect on her.

    Sometimes things like this get a little too close for comfort.

  • Comment number 46.

    G'morning blogettes:

    Baggy: I quite agree with Deevs, they've not given you enough notice and you do say 'another hen night'. Just say you have something booked. You are a married woman now and need to spend time with your husband....................... he is quite cute ............................ did I say that out loud?

    Regards PJ

  • Comment number 47.

    NEW BLOG!!!

    x x x

  • Comment number 48.

    Chris have you heard from any Prophets yet?

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