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Proper rain, like we have down south today...

Chris Evans | 04:24 UK time, Friday, 19 August 2011

...has to be respected. It's big and wonderful and not to be toyed with. From the moment I arrived home this morning, all unnecessary out of house appointments were cancelled immediately. I even tried to watch a black and white film whilst nursing a steaming hot cup of cha, but alas Noah and Scooby Doo won that particular skirmish.

And so at teatime the rain continues, the grass is loving every minute. More tea, me thinks. "Pork chops alright tonight " Tash has just shouted through from the kitchen. I might even nip to the video shop, not only for a film but they do the best variety of ice creams in the village.

Today has now been upgraded to an official snuggle day indoors. Just received messages from pals indulging in some pre-Friday revelry in a London bar. Call me smug, but I think we've won.

David Tennant for Brekkie tomorrow. How about them bananas?





  • Comment number 1.

    Mornin' Christoff. Yes indeed; nowt better than a nice cuppa tea in a proper cup an' saucer as it's persistin' down outside. Unless it's while warmin' your bum in fronta the fire.



  • Comment number 2.

    Morning CLP et all

    Bright and sunny here at the moment - but boy when I let the doggies out there is a definate autumnal chill in the air, brrrrrr

    Just waiting for the candy man then jumping in the shower before another day of contracts to review - roll on next friday when I have a weeks hols....

    and CLP - please whats happened to Noah at 8.05 - i miss him!!!!

    Happy Friday everyone

  • Comment number 3.

    Thanks CLP!

    Happy fwyday Noah!!!!


  • Comment number 4.

    Morning all,

    Morning Debs ,Clodagh,hope all is well with both of you this fine sunny morning.

    Morning Chris, sounds like you had a nice cosy evening indoors last night and did the icecream go down well.

    Well as i'v'e just said the sun is shining ,I've worked four days so it must be Friday yeh!!!

    And its gong to be do as it comes type w/end here in this house hold ,so I'm hoping nothing much is going to happen .

    Take care all and have a good day .


  • Comment number 5.

    Morning all

    You can rapidly go off people can't you. I mean DT may be eye candy but 'Fireflies'!!!!?????

    It's sunny and a lot warmer here today. Hope it continues over the weekend


    Mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 6.

    A little bird told me that I missed a bit of Herman?

    Morning all.

    Its the most beautiful morning on the West Somerset coast. Lets hope that it turns out that way for everyone today.

    Back to the apples.. chop chop!!


  • Comment number 7.

    Morning all

    After yesterday's deluge, it is indeed a beautiful morning. Hope it lasts, we're going to a 50th birthday do on Sunday, hog roast in the garden!

    Agree re Fireflies....urghhh!!

    MTF, I immediately thought of you when Moira's golden oldie was played................I was in the shower with me ickle s*y gnome (well not literally).

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 8.

    Thank Goodness for G**gle Pen. I had no idea what it was that you had in the shower with you :O

    Hey, they look really good, are you pleased with yours?


  • Comment number 9.

    Morning All,

    The sun is shining here too - hooray and long may it continue. It is mornings like these when you wake up in a field and unzip your tent that are worth living, so if we could have a morning like this for the next 7 mornings I will be a very happy AliB :)

    MM, I can see you and me falling out over George, I too fell in love with him as Dr Doug Ross. Shall we compromise and share him? xx

    I was never a huge fan of DT but even less so after fire flies!!! Totally agree with mtd and pen. I turned the radio off at that point....sorry Chris!

    When I went to my parentals yesterday they had the heating on, so it must have been a cold dismal day, well according to them it was...bless.

    We've got cream cakes today - hooray.


  • Comment number 10.

    Hi Chris: thank you for the lovely wee blog, sounds like you had a really great day yesterday. xx

    Hi everyone else, hope all is well.

    Debs: yes, indeed, very well done on not letting GD call in sick. Bless her, there's no point in revealing to her at the moment that she has the next 40 years to work!

    Well, what an evening I had last night. I went with my two bosses to The Horse Shoe Bar in Glasgow for a quick after-work drink. We were in the middle of discussing the price of onions, when in walks (with several big heavies) Brad Pitt! Good grief, I almost fainted! Even my bosses were excited. Brad came over to the bar, and stood right next to us - so we nodded over and said "Brad, can we get you a drink?" He said, "yeah, that would be great, I'll have a Bailleys and Blackcurrent". I thought to myself: that's hilarious, because that's the sort of drink Del Boy would order! No matter, I thought ... back to looking at Brad ...

    And then I woke up! Aaaarrgh!

    Happy Friday everyone.

    C xx

  • Comment number 11.

    Hello CE & Everyone.

    A blue sky here again on the Wirral peninsula much the same as yesterday.

    But I have to say that I love cosy days in the house with the rain and wind lashing against the windows (as long as nothing outdoors has been planned).

    Hot dogs for me later but round ones as the shop didn't have the finger rolls. Will have to cut the sausages in half.

    MM xxx

    PS Ali-OK then, you can have George sometimes!

  • Comment number 12.

    Baileys and blackcurrant and a cream cake. How salubrious!

    Great dream Chrissie. I wonder what our 'one time' blogger Ian Wallace would decipher from that?


  • Comment number 13.

    OOh Marj, Bob is back in the box.


  • Comment number 14.

    MM you are way too kind :) xx

    Chrissie, You really had me going for a while there - you tinker you - LOL xx


  • Comment number 15.

    Thanks MTF.

    I've missed Bob, I'm going over there now>>>>>>>>>>>

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 16.

    MTF, yes, very pleased! I have DAB radios, which quite frankly are c**p, unless they are transmitting on FM. But my little gnome comes with me everywhere around the house. The TV doesn't need to be on, as long as it's tuned to the right station, you're up and away!

    Chrissie, that really made me chuckle. Dreams do come true you know!

    AliB, I'm praying you have good weather, not least as my lot are off on hollibobs tomorrow. Enjoy the cakes, I could do with one right now with a coffee. It's seems
    I've been up for hours!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 17.




  • Comment number 18.

    Oh Chrissie you are a card, I too thought no never, even Brad couldnt get away with baileys and blackcurrant.

    Ali cream cakes eh! enjoy the,m.

    CLP - I love nothing more than sitting in front of the fire or in the conservatory with a hot drink watching the weather lash around outside especially when it gets really dark and grey and there is a thunderstorm imminent. Love it.

    Well it is the wedding weekend and our friends will be with us later this evening, got some last minute things to get card and a belt for the other half so his trousers don't fall down half way through the ceremony. Then tomorrow I shall be doing my impression of the tasmanian devil all day long which will probably culminate with a bit of free style dancing at the end of the evening whilst the ole fella is dad dancing like only he can.

    Hope you all have a good weekend CB xxx

  • Comment number 19.

    AliB: honestly, the disappointment when I realised it wasn't true! I am quite traumatised! I have my fingers crossed for you on the weather front. Hope you have a really terrific time. xx

    MTF: yes, it would be salubrious! I see in my excitement of telling my dream, I managed to mis-spell both Baileys and Blackcurrant! Oh, and I did think of you when Moira played Into Something Good - I do love HH!

    Pen: I had to google that too - I want one!

    C xx

  • Comment number 20.

    Pen: yes, dreams do come true, don't they?! I may have to pitch a tent outside the Horse Shoe Bar, just in case BP makes an appearance!

    Cheryl: I know!

    CB: hope you have a terrific weekend - love your description of how you see the day unfolding tomorrow!


  • Comment number 21.

    Chrissie, I would be lost without mine, no idea about cost, it was a gift! I tune to radio 2 on the TV before turning off at night and CLP is right there beside my bed in the morning ready to take in the shower! lol

    It's the little things!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 22.

    #11 Maddy, I saw what you did there, clever!


  • Comment number 23.

    Morning all, or it was just about when I started typing

    Lovely day here in Wigan, so back out to tackle the garden in a bit...

    I seem to have got into a sleep from 2am to 10am routine already, which needs to stop! Especially as Finlay needs to be at the groomers for 10am tomorrow lol

    Your gnome sounds good Pen, I might investigate that.

    Have a good time Ali, and I really hope the weather holds for you, nothing worse than camping in the rain imho...

    OK, off to the garden I go...

    JG x

  • Comment number 24.


    You totally had me!!!! Especially after I told you about TT going to the Horseshoe!!!

    Off to lie down with a cold flannel *walks away muttering*

    Alib - have a great time darn wiv the kids init at the yoof camp init ;-) heres hoping the weather is kinder to you than it was last year

    Right best get back at it


  • Comment number 25.

    Debs: yes, this is precisely why I dreamt that last night! It must have been in my subconscious about TT. And, to top it all off, last week I watched an Only Fools & Horses ... and Del Boy ordered that very drink in the Nags Head.

    My heid is all over the place!


  • Comment number 26.

    I've just seen your post Chrissie....brilliant! Had me going too lol

    JG x

  • Comment number 27.

    JG: oh, if only it had happened! I do believe I am becoming something of a BP fan!


  • Comment number 28.

    Hiya guys. .....

    I'm back. ...got a new toy!!!!

    Now can post yayy

    Hope all of ya are good? ?

    Love Billie xxxx

  • Comment number 29.

    Good afternoon blogettes:

    Loved the BP dream - sounded so realistic ! Baileys & Blackcurrant who'd have believed it?

    Just popping in to wish everyone a good weekend. Quiet one for me before the BH weekend. Matthew Street Festival in Liverpool. Still not looked at the bill for the BH Monday but it's bound to be good.

    Keep smiling as someone said - it makes them wonder what you've been up to !

    Regards PJ

  • Comment number 30.


    You never know, your dream might come true!

    According to the daily snail the other day Brad and Angelina took their children to a bike shop in Isleworth, London. And when Angelina was filming in Liverpool some years ago she was seen in the Royal Liverpool hospital with her son who had had a slight accident. Not to mention that George Clooney was reportedly seen in a pub near to here when he came to the Open in 2006.

    It's very possible that you could bump into Brad in Glasgow.

    I hope I haven't got you too excited Chrissie!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 31.

    Hows everyone been? ?

    Hope you all are keeping well. ..??

    I'm ok... missed u all. .

    House elf billie lol

  • Comment number 32.

    Hi Billie: nice to see you. The blog has been rolling along quite nicely lately, so welcome back!

    PJ: I do envy you the BH weekend at the Matthew Street festival. Yes, retain some energy for next weekend!

    Maddy: oooh, these celebrities, they get everywhere, don't they?! Don't be surprised if I end up on the front page of DM, having hijacked some Zombie and taken their place!

    C xx

  • Comment number 33.

    Right thats it!

    Been a borrrrrrring week work wise 2 days auditing and 2 days contract reviewing....

    So soficial - FNWC is open! I've a little penguin just opened

    Happy Friday night everyone and have a great weekend


  • Comment number 34.

    Great to say hi

    And lovely welcome back from you. ..

    Nice to chat again!

    Its my new toy I'm using. . So getting used to it... got a PC tablet ...

    Love Billie xx

  • Comment number 35.

    Debs: och, I have another wee while to go ... meeting MrS at the M store at 6.30, just for a few supplies, so should be having a small glass of red at around 7.30!

    Billie: enjoy your new toy!

    Have a great weekend everyone, and thanks for all the chat this week, it has been terrific.

    C xx

  • Comment number 36.

    Afternoon each

    Listened to DT this morning - now I don't know much about him but he was rather good.

    Haven't caught up yet but I see Debs has declared FNWC open - thank goodness. Debs, I was cruising the wine aisle in te**o today and saw Penguin beer and thought of you.


  • Comment number 37.

    Chrissie!!!!! You mad woman - I almost believed you - had the car keys in hand and ready to go.


  • Comment number 38.

    Evening all

    Honestly, you couldn't have two more different evening. last night was cold, dark and wet. Tonight is sunny, warm and beautiful!

    Hi Billie, haven't seen you for ages, hope you're well

    Have to say Brad doesn't really do it for me - although I wouldn't kick him out of a dream if he turns up!

    Back soon, wine to drink and nails to long, struggling to hit the right keys!


    ps Alex is going to thump Chris if he's not careful! Cheeky monkey!

  • Comment number 39.

    OK, phone calls made...not many answered...family all busy with stuff I guess...

    FNWC is now open here too!

    JG x

  • Comment number 40.

    CLP – you are so right, there’s nothing like being indoors with a cuppa watching the stair rods hitting the ground. And 35 years ago, in the summer holidays, my mates and I revelled in getting soaked through, laughed till our sides ached. However, wearing a linen suit and sandals on my way home from work yesterday – there was nothing funny about the sight that arrived home after the deluge! Only to have to take the injured dog walking five minutes later! Ho hum... such is life!

    Hope all are well with love from a dry and happy me!


  • Comment number 41.

    Evening all!

    I love Jane Asher, but does anyone else think she may have had a 'little' bit of work done? ;-)

    Nice glass of pink on the go at the moment.

    Hope all are well, I'll be popping back later to check!

    Ta ta for now, Lin x

  • Comment number 42.

    Hiya girlracer53 - yes I do... but it is very good work that she's had done! and expensive!

    Not that I know anything about that!

    S xxx

  • Comment number 43.

    either that or I need to clean my glasses more often!

    S xxx

  • Comment number 44.

    Hiya Suze, yes I bet it was expensive, she still looks like her! Not like some I could mention :-0

  • Comment number 45.

    If only I had the money.......

    Ta ta Lin x

  • Comment number 46.

    agree - just waiting for the lottery win to come in myself!

  • Comment number 47.

    Evening all

    Glass of red on the go here.

    Chrissie, I read your earlier post and you really had me going..... mind you BP does nothing for me either, I'll just put Harrison Ford on the table (or anywhere else he would prefer), I can get as skinny as CF can't I? (or maybe he would prefer a bit of flesh for a change.....)


    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 48.

    well mtd ffb - can we put them all in the hot tub... imagine... BP, HR, and GC... heaven as I love all three of them...

    S xxx

  • Comment number 49.

    sorry HF... got confused with human resources... but then that would be a fantastic use of huMAN resources!!!

  • Comment number 50.

    Suzie - hallooooooooooo

    Yes, think Jane Asher is looking particularly good.


  • Comment number 51.

    Oooh are we using the hot tub tonight? Has somebody filled it and got rid of the spider that was in it a couple of weeks ago?

    Need a refill now, can I get anybody one?

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 52.

    Annie... halloooooooooooooooooooo back

    sorry just checking my lottery numbers!!!

    Failed again... oh well...


  • Comment number 53.

    MTD - Spider???? I'm not getting in there. But I'll have a refill - Meerlllooooottt please.


  • Comment number 54.

    Suzie - well, that's you and me both. Bums, just going to have to work another bloomin' week.


  • Comment number 55.

    spiders can't swim no problem! However, they can float in the bubbles...

  • Comment number 56.

    Ooooh is the hot tub going? Count me in...white wine please x

    JG x

  • Comment number 57.

    JG - would just like to say "well done" you... for everything...


  • Comment number 58.

    Annie - if you're around still... how's the electronic ciggie thing going?

  • Comment number 59.

    There's still the eurosquillions to come (£57m this week!!!!). I'm on the meerloot too Annie, got a really nice chillean one at the moment, it was actually reduced so much in ELH that I had to check with somebody if it was the right price on the shelf, the only problem is that he said yes it was the right price but that was because it was discontinued (if you see a * on the shelf label that's what it means - you learn something new....) I've now got a new one to try which is half price in ELH at the moment, if I like it I'll buy a few more bottles next week.

    Time to get something to eat


    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 60.

    Thanks for sharing mtd... off to ELH.... first thing!


  • Comment number 61.

    Thanks Suzie...I think it was the right thing x

    Thanks Annie xx

    JG x

  • Comment number 62.

    Wine finished, cup of tea beside me now.

    Hasn't it been a lovely day today. Bit different to yesterday!

    I saw on the local news the mopping up in Bournemouth today, you wouldn't believe it was the same place, the beach packed, the parks open and holidaymakers enjoying the air display in the sunshine. Whereas yesterday it was 2 feet deep in water! Sadly they think the sea may be contaminated, so no swimming for the time being.

    Ta ta for now, Lin x

  • Comment number 63.

    MTD - the chilean wine is good, eh? Wish I'd bought 2 .
    Watching Â鶹Éç Alba - friend's wee boy is playing guitar on The Caledonian Music Trail. These young musicians are so good.

    Suzie, the electronic ciggie is alive and well and in the drawer! xxxxxx

  • Comment number 64.

    Oops, called The Caledonian Ceilidh Trail. Watch out for Alasdair.


  • Comment number 65.

    For goodness sake, I'll get it right yet - Caledonian Canal Ceilidh Trail. xxxxx

  • Comment number 66.

    Annie, I think you've had enough to drink tonight, now put the bottle down, there,s a good girl ;-)

  • Comment number 67.

    Annie, I'd suggest drink more - then you won't notice any mistakes!

    S'nice in here tonight, now the incy wincy's gone! I've got a glass of something chilled and Daniel Craig to entertain me!

    Must be Friday Night Wine Club!!

    Hope you're all ok?

    Sezza xxxx

  • Comment number 68.

    off to sleep now...

    Annie - glad to hear the ciggie is in the drawer next to the man in the cupboard!!!

    Sezza - spiders banished... thank goodness

    love to all..


  • Comment number 69.

    Right, I'm off for the night, see you on the morrow.

    Ta ta Lin x

  • Comment number 70.

    Morning all from a sunnyatthemoment Brizzle - weather girl says its going to rain soon though boooooooo

    OMG just watching the breaky news and the sports boy is crawling through a simulated pot hole - made my stomach flip - and not in a good way!!!!

    Another chilling weekend for me after a few chores - work is taking its toll lately and I'm on countdown to my week off in a weeks time. Am also looking forward to Xfactor later! :-D

    hmph and whilst I've been typing this a big dark cloud has arrived - oi weather - its AUGUST!!!

    Right Happy Saturday everyone

  • Comment number 71.

    Good morning bloggers,

    Chris, sounds like you have the rain we had the night Debs, Csn and Mr Csn were here. Best place to be is indoors.

    Nice blue sky with a few fluffy clouds of the white variety.......at the moment!

    Happy Saturday Debs xx

    Fantastic vibe from the blog this week. So great to see all our bloggers in fine fettle.

    Chrissie - hilarious!

    I had such a busy week at work last week I was almost on my knees by the time I finished last night but after a relaxing evening and a good sleep (for a change) I feel very refreshed this morning. Off to Lanark to meet a friend for lunch and then the rest of the weekend will be spent decorating my bedroom. Now I don't do painting - the only things I'm good at painting are my nails! But when I got quotes from a couple of people and realised how many handbags I could buy with the money they were asking for I thought no way I will do it myself. I just know there will be tears when I get the first splash of paint on me lol

    Take care folks!
    Have a good weekend.
    Mary xx

  • Comment number 72.

    Yay the sun is shining! Hip hip howray :)

    I am all packed and ready and raring to go (well perhaps not raring) I honestly think I'm getting too old for this "yoof" camping malarky. Still I'm doing it for the kids not for me, that's what I have to keep reminding myself....lol.

    I've had a lovely long soak in the bath as I won't be washing much over the next week! We do take them swimming twice so I'll take advantage of a shower then. There are showers on site but they are not the greatest or the warmest!

    Thanks for all the positive vibes about the weather; I've got my wellies packed just in case.

    Have a great weekend everyone and I'll be back blogging next weekend.

    Lots of love

  • Comment number 73.

    Hiya Ali and Mary, Ali - baby wipes all the way hun!

    Mary - I think you need to wear a shower cap when you are decorating - I have visions of there being BIG tears if you get paint on your beautiful hair!!!!

    Right couple more chores then its lunch and feet up I think - happy afternoon ladies



  • Comment number 74.

    For Chrissie


    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 75.

    Hi all

    Just keeping it all going doncha know. Had a lazy day today, but I'm bored. I don't know what to do.

    Hope everybody has had a good day.


    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 76.

    Helloooo echoooo echooooo

    there's so much tumbleweed here!!!


    mtd ffb xxx

    3rd post in a row....

  • Comment number 77.


    Anyone here or have you all been X-factored!

    Went for a walk this afternoon and got soaking wet so we've done not much at all since

    In fact, today seems to have just gone but I don't know where!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 78.

    MTD, It's me! I'm here!!

    Let me just knock this tumbleweed out of the way and I'll pour you a drink


  • Comment number 79.

    Hi Sezza

    Not allowed to watch X Factor booooo. Thanks for the offer, I've got one here.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 80.

    Mr Sezza "not interested in TV!!"

    I always say I'm not going to watch then just a bit then before you know it, Saturdays are lost!!

    You're not missing much!

    Now we've got Die Hard on!! There's some serious big hair and big shoulders going on there but there is Alan Rickman and Bruce Willis in a vest so might keep interest for a while

    I used to love Bruce Willis in Moonlighting!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 81.

    Attenshun all, Jonny Saunders is alive and tweeting. Bless xxx

  • Comment number 82.


    Just rewatched X-Factor - thought it was brilliant - I think the judges really gelled well, cant wait for next weeks!

    Sitting back eating a bacon buttie, with a cup of coffee and something for the weekend on - happy days :-)

    Roast later, whats not to love

    Hope you are all having a great weekend

  • Comment number 83.

    Good mornin girls n boys..

    Hello hows your sunday..?

    Loooks gloomy over here!! :(

    Roast sonds lovely .. have not made one of those in a long time ...

    Catch up with you guys later as housey stuff needs doing ...

    Love ya all Billie xxxxx

  • Comment number 84.

    Good morning all,

    Another lovely day here on the south coast ,the sun is out and so is the washing.

    Not doing much here today ,just taking things as it comes.Decided though that a change in menu today as we try not to stick to too much of a routine.
    So it's rib eye tonight and a roast tomorrow .
    going to pop out shortly ,have to re stock the b/day cards got a lot coming up shortly ,so don't want to be caught out.

    Take care all and have a good day.


  • Comment number 85.

    Happy Sunday Everyone.

    Hello Debs & Billie.

    I thought that the X Factor wouldn't be the same without the usual panel but I thought it was better, like you say Debs they gelled well. And there was some very good talent on the very first show. Frankie what's his name reminds me of a young David Essex with his cheeky grin.

    I was NOT going to watch Celebrity Big Brother and didn't watch them entering the house but on Friday I had a little peek out of curiosity and then last night watched it all. Now have to watch again!

    I'm just about to have two bacon rolls with the rolls left over from the hot dogs.

    MM xxx

    PS blue skies again

  • Comment number 86.

    Warmth Ter Christoof & Each Blog Operatative...

    Bingo Star ere...

    Ave gone & got mesen inter a BIG mess all!!!!!!!!

    Basically ave gone & split me 'ead open whilst trainspotting at zero four eleven am (04.11)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    100% TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Basically me new old 'ouse backs onto a railway line complete with junction nearby!!!!!!!!! (some may say is this why a bought the 'ouse!!!) (A will say partly yes... But not the only reason!!!!! When a first viewed the 'ouse, after many viewings of other 'ouses, & being gazumped too, this 'ouse spoke to me all!!!!!! Spoke to me!!!!! So a decided ter buy it!!!!!!)

    Anyway.... At 04.11 a woke up & was in a light sleep when a 'eard a roar of a slow moving diesel frieght train (frieght - 'i' before 'e' except when after 'c'!!!).
    Of is it freight????
    Anyway.... A suddenly decided 've a look at it going over the slow junction.... So a leaped out of bed.... Only in the dark ter wack me 'ead at full speed right on the corner of me combi boiler!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHHHAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    (A still wonder why anyone would putta combi boiler in a bedroom... Still another job ter add ter the never ending jobs on this ne wold house ter move the boiler downstairs!!!).

    Where was a????

    Oh I yeah!!!!!!!

    So I was in agony all!!!!! AGONY!!!!!!!!

    Next thing a could feel something trickling from the top of me 'ead... a put the light on & blood was on me 'and & 'ead!!!!!!!!!!
    A went ter the backroom & dabbed/ 'eld me 'ead with wet toilet roll!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 87.

    And after all that a didn't even get ter see the frieght train/ freight train.... Maybe it should be called frieght train as a certainly gotta frieght!!!!!! Or is it fright!!!!!!!!

    So there a was.... 04.20... a failed trainspotter..... alone in me new old 'ouse.... 'olding soggy toilet roll to me sore 'ead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    PS 'ope all ave a most nice weekend!!!!!!!!

    Tatty bye!!!!!!

    PS ALL above.... 100% TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 88.

    Oh Bingo - what are you like! i ope your ed is feelin betterer 100% TRUE!!!!

    Hiya Billie, Maddy and Bids - sun is out here too now and so is my bedding, love that smell of a newly washed and "outside" dried bed - will sleep well tonight :-)

    Right getting emersed in cooking now so will sign off for the day, got some filums to watch and wine to drink with GD later so enjoy the rest of your weekends everyone


  • Comment number 89.

    Afternoon each from a very sunny Fife

    Bingo, I didn't bang my head on the boiler but I was up most of the night too. Youngest son and his partner abandoned their children (the 6yr old and the 1yr old) yesterday to go to a wedding in the Borders so I was on babysitting duty from 11am yesterday till 12 today. Am absolutely shattered. The 1yr old, who normally sleeps for Scotland, woke at midnight and chatted to himself till 2am - and when he eventually went back to sleep he continued to chat.

    Gave up at 6 and got up, then the pair of them woke at 6.30.

    I got home at 2 and have sat like a zombie since then. I think I cleaned my teeth this morning but that was as far as the ablutions went.

    Mary, hope the painting is going well.

    Debs, I'm also having a rather large glass of chards with ice - because I deserve it.



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