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Kay Time

Chris Evans | 13:14 UK time, Friday, 10 December 2010

You know, some people you meet and you think: "How did they get so wise?"

Mr Peter Kay is such a person. We actually talked for as long after the show as we did during. He just has it completely sussed.

His whole work ethic is based around being as funny/entertaining as he can be, to as many people as possible - but only if he can do it all in the shortest possible time, so he doesn't have to be away from his family for a second longer than he needs to.

It's a simple but highly effective philosophy that keeps him totally balanced.

On top of that, he could not have been nicer to all the people he met at Radio 2 today. What a fine example of a human being. A pleasure to have spent time with him.

Have a great weekend and God willing, see you on the radio on Monday.





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  • Comment number 1.

    me? number 1?


  • Comment number 2.

    hey peeps
    sorry I've been absent, had one of 'those' weeks!
    Advent calendar guess..... Mistletoe!

    laters all
    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 3.

    Afternoon Chris

    I'd quite like to see the "off camera" Peter Kay - I can imagine he's fascinating to talk to, away from all the funny guy stuff.

    We're off to see John Bishop tonight - another comedy legend in the making?

    Have a good one!


  • Comment number 4.

    From previous blog:-

    MC - the multi-storey in Cannock makes you go up to other levels before letting you go down. Bonkers barmy or what??

    Nic and I are going to Brum on Sunday night to see James. I'm happy to drive but NOT into Birmingham. I've suggested I drive to Wolverhampton and catch the tain into Brum from there.

    Yes, I hate driving in the City and would do anything to avoid the stress.


  • Comment number 5.

    CLP, only heard snippets of the show today due to work commitments, looking forward to the play again, but just watched you all singing never gonna give you up - BRILLIANT!

    Looks like you had a right laff as we say oop norf

    Happy Friday everyone!


  • Comment number 6.

    Hi Deevs,

    Have a great night , i loved John Bishop when we saw him last year.

    Will listen again to Peter Kay, as I was in work early .
    I think he is funny in the M&Essss adverts.

    Right , go to dash, the window cleaner is waving at me from the outside .

    MC xx

  • Comment number 7.

    Hope he's holding on MC!


  • Comment number 8.


    Watched the webcam this morning and thoroughly enjoyed the show. Peter Kay is unique.
    Deevs - calendar guess - a drunken elf.


  • Comment number 9.

    Drunken Elf? Won't Elf 'n' Safety have something to say about that love?!?


  • Comment number 10.


    Glad you all enjoyed yourself this morning, the tiny bit I heard sounded great. I think PK is brill and I can never eat Garlic Bread without quoting PK. "Garlic bread, bread with garlic on, what's that all about?"

    At the moment I am loving Miranda - she does make me LOL, good clean fun.

    Watcha Debs xx

    Just a quickie about the dreams man you had on the phone yesterday. I was right interested about the toilet door dream as I have that quite a lot and I thought it was because I needed to get up for a wee! Well his interpretaion was spot on, that is so me - very interesting, very interesting indeed!


  • Comment number 11.

    Big Chief CLP

    One of the best shows so far - huge warm feeling this morning from t' wireless . . .well done to everyone.

    Have a great weekend,


  • Comment number 12.

    Am interested about the dreams you mentioned above , what time was this on the show please, i would like to listen again . Its a reoccuring thing of mine too .


    MC xx

  • Comment number 13.


    It was after 8:30, I think it was the mystery phone caller.


  • Comment number 14.

    AliB, the dreams man also described my 'toilet' dream to a tee. It's my most frequent dream and I hate it.

    Agree, Miranda is brilliant!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 15.


    Shouldn't that be 'to a pee'?
    *hides head in shame*


  • Comment number 16.

    Are you blogging from the ......



  • Comment number 17.

    Nic, get your coat!


  • Comment number 18.

    Chris: I just have to say that today's show was absolutely brilliant. Every show is ... every show is different in its own way - but today's show made ME feel I was part of it. I was there, involved, included and welcomed. You, Peter, Rick, - everyone involved just made the experience pure magic - well done!

    C xx

    P.S. AliB and Pen: I agree - Miranda is fantastic! It is also the name I gave to my Tiny Tears doll when I was about 8 years old!

  • Comment number 19.

    Hello Christophe Lambie Pie.

    Coming to you live from St Helens. I'm sitting in Bingo's car while he talks finance (not my speciality)

    Peter Kay-you ask how did he get so wise? Well it could be that like yourself CLP he comes from this area. You from Warrington, Anne Robinson from here and Johnny Vegas too, Peter of course from Bolton. I'm watching people passing by here and they all look so wise and wordly.

    And the reason why Peter works around his family life is probably because like myself is he a Cancerian.

    Aye up I think t'lads back!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 20.

    Chrissie - my Tiny Tears was called Tina!


  • Comment number 21.

    Christoph - what a brilliant show, thank you so much. Rick Astley was great and isn't Peter Kay just the loveliest man?

    When 'Never Gonna Give You Up' was a hit first-time round my brother dragged me into a record shop to buy it but when we got inside he couldn't for the life of him remember what it was called. He ended up singing it to the assistant ...... I was so embarrassed, but the assistant knew which song he meant straight away!!

    Deevs - hope you enjoy John Bishop - I thought he was just brilliant.

    My advent calendar guess? My motivation - it's got to be there, 'cos I sure as heck haven't got it!

    Have a good weekend all

    jillygoat x

  • Comment number 22.

    Cheryl: didn't you just love her? My doll had a pink dress, my friend's doll (Veronica) had a blue dress. Sometimes we would play that they were twins! Of course, you are a LOT younger than me - Tiny Tears must have been updated somewhat when you had her!


  • Comment number 23.

    Afternoon each

    Peter Kay has always seemed like a nice person, genuinely funny, and no need to be nasty and hurtful. I'm not surprised he's grounded in his family.

    Hope everyone is well, and thinking of HLS today.

    Finally got my car out today - first time since I can't remember when - and saw civilisation, although can't say I liked it much. Lots of people with overflowing shopping trolleys.


  • Comment number 24.

    Chrissie/Deevs, gorgeous daughter had a tiny tears too. It never had any clothes on, got left, unloved, in corners, while she played with her brothers' toys.

    Jillygoat, a friend of mine went into HMV and asked for the Wandering Tilburys (Travelling Wilburys) - another embarrassing moment.


  • Comment number 25.


    My mum knitted me loads of little outfits for Tina Tiny Tears - little trouser suits, dresses and matinee jackets* - all in really garish coloured wool. Gawd knows where she got it from! I also had a dolls pram I used to push her around in, and once when I pushed her too vigorously on a swing, she fell off and her leg broke! She had to be sent away to Tiny Tears Hospital to be mended.

    See - I was maternal once - even if I waso nly about 6 or 7 at the time!

    * I mentioned "matinee jackets" to Nic the other week and he thought I'd made it up ... please back me up here!!


  • Comment number 26.

    Jilly - I;m getting 'cited now! Just hope his funniness doesn't lead to too much cough cough cough coughing!


  • Comment number 27.

    Cheryl: oh, yes, matinee jackets were quite the thing! My mum knitted me a couple of outfits too, I liked to keep Miranda warm! The whole Tiny Tears World came crashing down when my friend (Veronica's mum) went to Confession and told the Priest that she and her friend (me) were comitting adultery! What a hoo-ha! I think the Priest probably needed a very large sherry to recover from that one!

    Annie: since I saw the original Toy Story, I really worry about all the toys I abandoned - I hope they enjoyed themselves when I was out of the house!

    C xx

  • Comment number 28.

    Chrissie- you can't leave it there: we need an explanation of that one, for sure!!!

    I sold my Tina Tiny Tears at a boot sale about 6 yeas ago to a kindly but very dotty old woman. She promised to take good care of her, bathe her, change her, launder those matinee jackets and knit her some more!

    In my heart, I know Tina is in a happy place ....


  • Comment number 29.

    PS # 19

    Rick Astley is from Newton-le-Willows, just around the corner from where I'm sat.

    Wasn't t'lad, still sat here!

    MM x

  • Comment number 30.

    Deevs, of course - matinee jackets! Never knitted them for a doll but I knitted them for all my kids (when they were babies of course). I used to love to knit Arran sweaters but said kids just used to itch and scratch and have tantrums, so I stopped.


  • Comment number 31.

    Annie - Chris Packham's poodles are called Itchy & Scratchy! Do you think he makes them wear Arran sweaters!?


  • Comment number 32.

    Deevs, I suspect you were dressed in matinee jackets, as my babies most certainly were.

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 33.

    Penny - I can only pray they weren't knitted of the same coloured wool mum used for Tina's tiny Tiny Tears outfits! I mean, I know it was the early 1970s but is there any need to use bright orange wool, lime green wool and a particularly vile pale blue (akin to Man City blue).



  • Comment number 34.

    MM x

  • Comment number 35.

    ARRRRGGGGHHHH!!! Confession time.

    My name is Deevs and I have a Rick Astley LP at home.


  • Comment number 36.

    Cheryl: for some reason my friend started to fret that because we were playing "at houses" we were doing something wrong! - so when she went to Confession, she told the Priest that she was committing adultery. He, of course, knew this was completely impossible, and when he managed to get the whole story out of her, she was let off without as much as a Hail Mary to say! When she told me, even though I was so young, I thought that it was crazy that we couldn't just play at being grown up, without feeling guilty! When I look back at it, it's a real laugh but for my friend, that must have been something that really worried her!

    What a life, eh?!

    C xx

    P.S. I would love to see John Bishop live - the man is just so funny, pure and simple - hope you have a great time!

  • Comment number 37.

    ok, as we're confessing, my name is Tiggs and I have BOTH Rick Astley's original albums.............

  • Comment number 38.

    Thanks Chrissie - really looking forward to it now - just heading into the ladies' to get changed into my Outdoor Evening Barbie outfit (that'll be jeans then!)

    That story has made me chuckle - thank you!


  • Comment number 39.

    Tiggs- he made TWO!!?!?



  • Comment number 40.

    Maddy: you have just made my weekend - I'll be watching this for days to come!


  • Comment number 41.

    Great story Chrissie - made me giggle.

    Now, it's Friday and there's a rather cheeky meeerlllooooot looking at me.


  • Comment number 42.

    Change of plan ...... was getting train(s) and meeting Nic in Wolverhampton but now he's coming home first before we go out, so I'll do the Advent reveal when tea is in the oven!


  • Comment number 43.

    Evening all,

    Deevs, Chrissie, your doll stories have really made me laugh . I can also back you up on the matinee jackets too ;-). Chrissie the adultery story really had me in fits . Out of the mouths of babes hey !

    I had to leave work a little early tonight as i had a doctors appointment . As always, the traffic was horrendous, and when i got the chance to put my foot down, i must admit , (sorry Gingembre) i took advantage.Then , just out of nowhere the police helicopter swooped right over the road. The doctors surgery is only two minures from home, but i didnt have the time to drop off my car and walk back, so i parked in the local supermarket car park. The helicopter was right overhead, very low, lights shining, and by this time I had convinced myself they were after me for speeding. I got my ticket and still it was hovering, everyone was looking up and pointing (at me , i told myself). It even followed me to the doctors. I am now safely home, just waiting for the knock on the door !

    MC xxxx

  • Comment number 44.

    Cheryl and Annie: thank you - it's good to have a wee chuckle every now and then!

    Tiggs: I certainly have Rick's first album, must check if I have No.2. Last year my "Secret Santa" gave me the Greatest Hits - it's brill!

    C xx

  • Comment number 45.

    MC, chuckle! Tea/screen moment here. Having said that, I hope you don't get that knock on the door!

    Pen, still laughing xx

  • Comment number 46.

    MC, you mad woman, you. You still there?? Been escorted into police car??


  • Comment number 47.


    I even rang home as i was "undercover" in the car park, to ask Mr Mc if we were being burgled ., The doctor said i was suffering from a very vivid imagination amongst other things !

    MC xx

  • Comment number 48.

    MC: another hilarious story - just loving it!


  • Comment number 49.

    MC - you ar gold lady!

    Right. Stand by your beds .... we have not one winner, but two ....

    Drum Rollllllllllllllllllllllllllll ...

    it's a


    Well done Annie and CSN!

    So, we're now at 1 apiece for the aforementioned and the lovely Roo.

    Guesses for Day 11 now being taken ...


  • Comment number 50.

    Lo everybody

    So glad to hear those of you who've been trapped by the weather are managing to get out a bit. Take care won't you all

    Am feeling awake for the first time this week! That probably means I won't be able to sleep tonight but I don't have to get up in the morning so don't care

    If I'm not too late my advent guess is a lovely present with ribbons and bows! If i am too late, that's my guess for tomorrow!

    Deevs, have a good time tonight - think it could be what my friend calls a "spare knicker night! - in case of excessive gigglement of course!!

    I had a Tiny Tears too and a lovely dolly that I got when I went to a cousins wedding. His mum had got dollies for all the girls going to the wedding and made them all a wedding dress!! ALMOST made up for not being a bridesmaid!


    Sezza xx

  • Comment number 51.


    That'll be tomorrow's guess then!

    Hi Deevs!

    Sezza xx

  • Comment number 52.

    Yippee. You and me CSN. Time to open the Merlot methinks.

    Tomorrow Deevs - Rudolph. That's if he's still alive. Got an email from a friend with a photo of Sarah Palin, rifle in hand, and Rudolf's head above her!. Yikes.

  • Comment number 53.

    How brill was Peter Kay this morning bless 'im. And Rick Astley. Top blokes all round, marvellous. Tip top Christoff.

    Now then girls. This 'ere Tiny Tears stuff. Bein' as I was born at the turn a the century in the Grim North, all I 'ad to play wit was a whip an' top, a packet a plasticine an' my big sister's hand-me-down roller-skates wit one wobbly wheel that put me in the bushes every third flagstone. Ergo imagine my chagrin when I finally got me a Tressy doll, (I'd asked for a Sindy but natch, Renee, pathological surprise-giver, decided Tressy was better), and set about makin' 'er a raincoat from a large piece a fabric I found in the under-the-stairs cubby 'ole. Renee insisted she 'adn't said Yes to my cuttin' a large hole in what turned out to be the holiday tent and thrashed me to within an inch a me life. Course, I protested it wasn't my fault if Tressy was that cr@p that Sindy's clothes didn't fit, ergo I was reduced to makin' 'er clothes meself; but no, I was still sentenced to the back a the hairbrush an' solitary confinement.

    It was a nice waterproof mac, mind. Anyway, from there I graduated to dressin' the dog. Of course, nowadays it's quite trendy to dress the dog, but in them days the dog in question was a small black Lancashire Terrier wit psychopathic tendencies and who clearly wanted me dead. So what a jolly wheeze it was, sneakin' up an' gettin' said mutt in a head-lock while it tried valiantly to amputate me arm, dressin' it up in a bonnet, bootees an' frilly knickers wit a hole cut in for 'er tail, then strappin' it in me ricketty doll's pram to take it for a walk to my mate Judith's. What fun. Well; until Judith's horrid little goblin brother shut us in the outhouse an' released the straps; it was like a scene from Jaws. An' we got grounded again when the stupid mutt escaped an' fled back to Renee's, still dressed up, where she was having a nice chat with the vicar's wife.

    Happy Days.

    Tiny Tears? Yous lot musta bin' rich. It's grim Oop North.


  • Comment number 54.

    Sezza: wasn't that such a lovely gesture from that lady! How thoughtful to do that for all the girls attending the wedding.

    Clodagh: lovely to see you - fabulous story! Yes, I didn't know it, but I must have been living in the lap of luxury!

    Annie: re: your Merlot - have you poured the first glass? I am very much looking forward to a very small glass of white when I get home ... and then 4 very large glasses after that!

    C xx

  • Comment number 55.

    Hallo Clodagh

    I had my boy cousin's 3-wheeler bike without a saddle!!!!! You're right - Tiny Tears was for the next generation who didn't know they were born!! GD never appreciated her - the poor wee thing was unloved, and was, indeed, once thrown against a wall after being smacked. I did worry that the Health Visitor would think it was learned behaviour.


  • Comment number 56.

    Chrissie, yes first glass poured. Well, it's Friday.


  • Comment number 57.

    Howya girls! Eee Annie, a bike without a saddle? I bet that made yer eyes water, ew.

    Actually the GD wasn't that much into dolls as a child either, she was more into ridin' round on fork-lift trucks an' tractors wit 'er dad. In pink frilly frocks an' my best shoes. I lost several pairs a fancy high heels due to the fracturin' of the instep as she clacked 'er way over the cobbled farm-yard an' into the chicken-house.

    Come to think of it she's still robbin' me shoes....only these days it's the heels she's wreckin' by catchin' 'em in taxi doors.



  • Comment number 58.

    Chrissie It was a lovely thing to do and I've never forgotten it. The wedding was in 1976 on the hottest day of the year!

    Clodagh - LOL!

    Had salad for tea! Is the madness setting in?

    Sezza xx

  • Comment number 59.

    Clodagh - your daughter and mine - twins?? Was once sitting talking to friend on the phone and telling her how my very expensive black tights kept disappearing, when daughter walked past wearing said tights. Besom!!!!


  • Comment number 60.

    Hahahaha Annie! Well look on the bright side, sunshine; it coulda bin' the hubby.


  • Comment number 61.

    .... on 'is head an' clutchin' a swag bag.


  • Comment number 62.

    Oh Clodagh - that's in me heid now!!!!!


  • Comment number 63.

    Mine too Annie. By the crin.


  • Comment number 64.

    Just watched the One Show. Loved Chris's jacket.

    Looking forward to seeing Strictly later.


  • Comment number 65.

    Ello Ter The Christoof & The ALL...

    The Bingo Star 'ere...

    CLP - Most glad all went well with The Bolton Boy!!!!!!!!!
    Am gonna listen to the gig for the first time on the 'Listen Again' apperatus!!!!!!!
    Am lookin' forward to it CLP man!!!!!!!!!

    As for getting wise & wondering 'ow people such as The Bolton Boy got so wise... Well a think yerv become more wise by being wise ter the fact that wisely listening ter wise people will make you... errr more.... WISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Now as for The Astley - WHATTA COINCIDENCE/ FREAK OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    By coincidence ave spent the afternoon... In Newton-le-Willows, aka where The Astley is from originally!!!!!!!!!
    Basically ave been seeing a mortgage adviser after 'aving just put an offer in on a 'ouse!!!!!!!!!!
    Now is the time ter buy... So am ditching the stockmarket & 'aving a go a becoming an international property tycoon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    So a thought The Astley's 'ome town was a good place ter start - know what am sayin'!!!!!!!!
    And by coincidence a 'eard the most VERY nice Becky Pike, on The Mayo Show the other night, interviewing a property expert about 'as the market bottomed out!!!!!!!
    The expert says....... "probably!!!!"

    A personally think it 'as & the double dip recession is not now gonna 'appen!!!!!!!!
    Although lately the world economy is in a very strange state that it's difficult ter know where we're 'eading!!!!!!!!

    All a will say is if yer in it for the long term then all should be most friendly!!!!!!!!!

    Plus ave got nowt ter lose after losing all of me 160k that a built up from nothing on the stockmarket!!!!!!!!!

    One thing a willnever do... is ter never give up!!!!!!!!!

    And that's the one thing that all the people who eventually make it 'ave in common... The fail... then pick themselves up & try again!!!!!!!!

    Chrissie - Thanks for yer kind comments about me maths!!!!!
    But a will let yer inter a secret... the pair of binoculars a took inter the exams came in most very 'andy!!!!!!!!!!!

    Ali B - A think it's brilliant that you went ter Zimbabwe ter do charity work!!!!!!!!
    And partly down ter listening ter a Cheryl Crow song & religion!!!!!!!!!

    Since recently the time a went ter get blessed at church when life got too much for me... strangely me whole life is changing!!!!!!!

    A start the best driving job ave ever 'ad on Monday... Am about ter buy me first ever 'ouse ave bought on me own!!!!!!!!!

    On a light 'earted note... A meself can feel not Cheryl Crow 'aving an influence on me but Cheryl Cole!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    It's unlikely i'll ever go on The X-Factor but a might give it ago... Not ter win it but ter get The Cole/ Tweedy's 'graph signed!!!!!!!!

    Anything after that would be a bonus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    'ope this 'elps & all ave a nice weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!


    PS CLP - A 'ope to see you on the radio Mondee morning too... I'll be looking deep inter mine ter see if a can see yer!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 66.

  • Comment number 67.


    Bingo Good luck with the house buying, hope it goes well for you

    Watched Chris, loved that coat and think Alex is lovely too, done the first taxi run of the night

    Really looking forward to Strictly but second taxi run is half way through so thank goodness for recordable TV!!

    It's positively balmy out there - a whole 6C!!

    Sezza xx

  • Comment number 68.

    Bingo, good luck with the house buying me dear.

    Sezza - balmy here too - icicles are melting thank goodness. 8yr old calls them icey kills - he has this fantasy that they will shoot down from the roof into our heads. Lovely boy.


  • Comment number 69.

    Hey, Bingo, when you move in do we all get to shout "HOUSE"!!!

    Annie, I've seen pics of the snow and ice up your neck of the woods. Maybe your little lad isn't too far off the truth. You take care!

    Sezza xx

    FN-DC-N for me here.

  • Comment number 70.

    Its a bloomin' nightmare Sezza. However, melting now thank goodness, although it apparently is coming back next week - Bums.

    Bought soup, freezer stuff and toilet rolls today just in case and am driving up to man in cupboard tomorrow to make sure he's ok.

    Little boys are hoping for school closure again next week.


  • Comment number 71.

    Evening, been trying desperately to catch up, but failing miserably as usual! So apologies for missing anyone!

    Deevs, my Tiny Tears was called Tina too, I've still got her (well my Mum has)! Also had a walky-talky doll (called Marie, after Marie Osmond), that would fit into baby clothes, that we used to get form the jumble sales my Nan went to!

    Have heard from MC, she is inside the MEN, so presumably she managed the car-park, either that or Mr MC drove? ;)

    My bad news is that I got a call from the garage at about 4pm to say my new car won't be ready tomorrow, as it needs a "part" to do with the traction control...

    The good news is at least they are paying for it, the bad news is that I've just had to fork out to reinsure the Merc for an extra week, and I will need to try and get up to Upholland by 6pm from Altrincham after work one night next week!

    Glad everyone is finally thawing out, but heard about the flooding, so hope no-one is affected by that!

    JG x

    PS I whimped out of telling anyone at work....BTW a few close friends know, but it's how to tell the others! Will work out some way eventually!

  • Comment number 72.

    PPS Well done on buying a house Bingo!

    JG x

  • Comment number 73.

    Chrissie et al.

    Glad you enjoyed my Rick Astley song, I was just about to watch it myself when my bettery went, I managed to click 'post' and kaput! S o I'm going to watch now back here in Wirral.

    Actually I was sitting in Newton-le-Willows and St Helens and Warrington were just around the corner.

    Good thing I wasn't driving!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 74.

    Hi Annie, glad to see you've made it out in the car. A lot of the snow has melted round my way too, but the pavements are very slippery!

    I read a stat from Edinburgh council that last winter 10inches of snow fell over Edinburgh over a 4 week period; so far this winter between 18 and 30 inches fell in a week!

    Enjoyed CLP on the One Show tonight, liked the waistcoat look, very smart.


  • Comment number 75.

    Hi Rosie

    Our mutual friend hasn't dug her car out of the Royal Mile yet and is demented trying to get to work via buses or taxis.


  • Comment number 76.

    Yep I know the feeling Annie, it's only 3.5 miles from work to home for me, the other night it took an hour and a half from leaving work to getting in. On Monday when the buses were suspended I had a 2 hour trek in the snow.

    Went to give blood this afternoon, and was told I had "very nice veins"! Now there's a compliment!


  • Comment number 77.

    I'm just hoping the bad weather stays right away for a week - until school finishes. Then I don't have to worry about the boys

    JG, Boo about the car but best to get it sorted. And hugs for the other thing. Not sure what the best way to do it is.

    Sezza xx

  • Comment number 78.

    JG, bummer about the car, hope you get it sorted.


  • Comment number 79.

    Think I have, right food and an extra strictly!

    JG x

  • Comment number 80.

    Where do we vote to get rid of Brucie?

    And do you think he'll take Tess with him?

    Rosie, nice compliment!

    once when I gave blood, they came up and said "Oh, your blood's stopped!!"


    Sezza xx

  • Comment number 81.

    Eek indeed Sezza!


  • Comment number 82.


  • Comment number 83.

    Oh, so I hid from the blog as I was watching Strictly on delay! Seems like I needn't have bothered?

    Is anyone still awake?

    JG x

  • Comment number 84.

    Am awake, back and just watched Strictly!

    You ok?


  • Comment number 85.

    Ello me just popping by ter say:

    Annie G, Sezagirl & Jakegirl - thanks for the goodluck wishes!!!!!!

    LOL Seza on the shouting of 'ouse!!!!!! (without an aych!!!)

    Am just watching a tv programme that was taped this week about one of me favourite bands: Kings Of Leon!!!!!!!
    Very interesting ter 'ear their lead singer say that 'e formed the band after 'is life was going nowhere... Then out of the blue like a message from god something told 'im to write a song!!!!!!
    Even though 'e 'ad never played an instrument or sung!!!!!!!
    'e did & all the other four members of the band are all from 'is family all of whom never played musical instruments!!!!!!
    and all 'ave never looked back!!!!!!!!

    While watching the programme a decided ter look them up on wiki... And WHATTA COINCIDENCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    The lead singer aka Antony Caleb Followill, better known as Caleb, is born on the same day as me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Be it 11 years younger than me!!!!!!!!!!
    Wrock on!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    So now a share me birthdee with Caleb Followill & Dave Grohl... two of me all time favourite bands!!!!!!!

    Talkin' of the Kings Of Leon... R2 keep playing one of their songs presently!!!!!
    It's on R2's Playlist presently!!!!!!!
    Everytime a 'ear it, it is one of me favourite tunes of 2010!!!!!
    A just love the gentle 'igh guitar riffs!!!!!!!
    So much so everytime a 'ear it in me truck a rip me volume up!!!!!!!
    Coupled with me bass on plus 2!!!
    But me treble on the max... balance slightly on the left setting... And the fade right up to the max.... And it really brings out the vocals & guitars on all tunes!!!!!!!

    Talkin' of this tune... Ere it is from Jools 'olland recently ENJOY>>> MEGA opening guitar riff... just love it!!!!! LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Soz, i'll calm down now!

  • Comment number 86.

    I am JG, I was watching strictly. They're rather good this year!

    Just about to surrender the remote as Mr Mobs is due home.


  • Comment number 87.

    I actually won't be sorry when Strictly ends this year!

    What with WiddyWotsits and then judges seeming very impartial imho and I am soooooo fed up with Bruce and Tess, I hope there are some changes next year

    Sezza xx

  • Comment number 88.

    I wish I had seen it when Ann Widdewotnot was on it. I think she is on Graham Norton now.


  • Comment number 89.

    That's it, Taxi off duty

    Night all

    Sleep Well

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 90.

    Sorry Bingo, have never really got into the Kings of Leon!! Dunno why, I probably need to listen more...

    Barry Manilow on GN sounds very similar to me at the moment, not much of a speaking voice!

    JG x

  • Comment number 91.

    I suppose he will sing betterer than me though!

    JG x

  • Comment number 92.

    He is looking like a Pelham puppet that I used to have, quite scarey!


  • Comment number 93.


    Back from the big smoke - luckily didn't see any of the riots. Went straight after work yesterday as was attending a course today and then straight back tonight.

    It's thawing here but looks awful out there. Need to catch up on Strictly in the morning.

    Guess for advent calendar is mistletoe again or little donkey

    Take care everyone xx


  • Comment number 94.

    Nice to know you are back safe and sound Susan.


  • Comment number 95.

    Are there lots of office parties tonight?


  • Comment number 96.

    good morning

    had office party on Thurs, went to work yesterday but no spare mental capacity to blog, and went to bed early

    today is my 30th party, and it appears all three cats had a party with a bird in the early hours of the morning, so as well as everything else I have feathers everywhere!

    have a good day everyone, and stay safe

  • Comment number 97.

    Morning Baggy

    Hope you have great party today - despite the cats!



  • Comment number 98.

    Good Morning ALL,
    Well I have now been up and pottering for ages when I could have bee snuggled up in bed ,but just sleep .
    So have sorted out the laundry ,Mr B has his coffee in bed and I'm now having a nice leasurely breakfast before setting outbto do some errands .

    Baggy,Glad I've caught you .The song for you that I've chosen Is NEW YORK ,as you have just returned and had a great time so I thought this would remind you .

    Also trying to muster up the the gusto to put the tree up this week end ,It's not just thhhe tree it's all the ornaments that go with it ,and I have quite a colllection as you all know .Oh well!!!!.

    At least all my cards have been posted ,just the hand delivered ones to do .

    Take care and have a good day ALL.


  • Comment number 99.

    Deev, Advent calendar ...Mince pie .xxx.

  • Comment number 100.

    Andy - thanks - we'll get our own back later with the hoover

    Briget - great song choice - thanks ;-)

    Deev - my guess - present ;-)


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