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The X Factor

Chris Evans | 14:39 UK time, Monday, 13 December 2010

Oh what a tale of 21st century zeitgeisty-ness. Has there ever been anything like it in our lifetime that polarises the mob to such an extent? A third of us love it (see the 20 mill viewing fig for confirmation), a third of us abhor it (I'm presuming), and a third of us don't give a monkey's whistle either way.

The thing that always confounds me about all of this is, if our biggest telly show pulls in twenty million pairs of square eyes for its final episode, that still means forty million of us are doing something else. The question is: what - exactly?

I drove home from my Mum's house last night at around six o'clock, and there wasn't a soul out. Not only that, but it was quite evident as we passed the various villages and towns on the way back that most families were huddled around something glowing different colours in the corner of their front room, and unless everyone has secretly been keeping alien eggs and are currently waiting for them to hatch, I can only presume this was a television.

And it wasn't even time for X Factor!

I just think a lot more people watch telly than we are being told. I am not for one moment suggesting that viewing figures are being cynically distorted, I simply think they are wrong - always have done. I have absolutely no concrete evidence whatsoever to substantiate this theory but I still believe I am right.

How about that for a Monday?





  • Comment number 1.

    Profound CLP!

    How are the viewing figures affected by the Sky+ Generation? We at ChezNic hardly ever watch anything anymore when it's actually on - nearly always on time delay, or playback (fast forward those ad breaks!). The only real exception being live sport - c'mon you Gunners!

    As mentioned on t'other blog, we went to a gig last night. Real music, real crowds and a real kebab to boot! But still at New Street Station, gone 11pm, and on the train home, the talk was of who had won X Factor.

    Funny old world, innit!?


    peees: "zeitgeisty-ness" - love it! x

  • Comment number 2.

    Afternoon Chris,

    Now, I may be wrong, but surely the viewing figures are based on how many tvs are switched on and tuned to a certain channel. Now, in my house on a saturday evening there will be 1 tv and 10 people in the room - not necessarily watching but certainly subconciously absorbing. This must be where the figures are wrong - unless of course we are being watched individually, satallites dedicated to each person watching every move from what we have for breakfast (nothing normally, but in colder weather a bowl of ready brek goes down a treat), which adverts we instantly switch to mute (G* C*mpare in my humble abode) and whether we are capable of matching our socks (usually, but realy - who actually cares?). Now, I presume this is not the case otherwise by now that advert that grates so much on my nerves would have got rid of Pava-Grotti.

    Anyhoo, am I first?

    MW, a! - who should be doing an essay, but judging by the above should probably not do it yet.

  • Comment number 3.

    Apparently not. Bah!

    Y'alright Deevs? Can we come and borrow your sporting channel tonight? Or have running commentary please.

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 4.

    LOL MsW. I am sure I can keep you abreast of the proceedings via SMS. Picture the scene .... one MrRolastic on the big sofa, and yours truly on t'other (solightly smaller) sofa. Battle lines drawn, missiles (cushions!) to throw when goals cross the line. There will probably be an element of shouting, almost certainly some profanity (on his part!) and a bit of banter.

    And it'll probably end 0-0 after all the hype!


  • Comment number 5.

    The X Factor eh!

    Well not for the first time I have not watched one of the shows. I may be the exception if the viewing figures are to be believed that does not watch it, Strictly or any of the soaps. I have no issue with those who do except their lives do seem do revolve around the goings on a little too much for me to grasp. ;-) I would suspect that many of the viewing figures could be taken with a pinch of salt………….

    Keep smiling


  • Comment number 6.

    Ha, sounds just like here when its us against the 'Pool. Amazing how a certain accent just gets stronger and stronger as the game develops.

    Looking forward to the messages. Gonna make the call, just in case the guys that do the switching on and off of channels realise how important this is.

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 7.

    It's the proliferation (oo-err missus!) of channels that perhaps hide the true number of viewers. Back in the `old' days with four channels, it was easier to trace, but these days it's not quite so simple, there may be forty million people watching, but not all of them would have been watching ITV.

    For example, while various people were murdering various songs and being told by people who stand to make a LOT of money out of them how great they were (this is obviously only my opinion of course based on the short time I did watch. This short time included the `worst' of the auditionees, who didn't seem to be a whole lot worse than some the actually got through, but I digress) I switched to ESPN to watch Juventus v Lazio. I may be the only one to be watching, but there you go.

  • Comment number 8.

    MsW - what about that nice pub you took me to once, the one with all the pool tables and the big screen area in the middle of N'fampton? I loiked it there! They'd have the footie on, shirley!?!?

    Unc - maybe The Boss got it right: 57 Channels and nothing on ....


  • Comment number 9.

    Hey CLP, I too believe viewing figures are wrong, how is it possible to know what everyone is watching? No-one has ever asked me! And I most certainly wasn't one of the 20 million that watched X-factor, so you can guess which third I belong in!

    Andy, Happy Birthday to ickle George, where the heck has that year gone?

    Daisy, ahh, you had me going there, how proud must you be.

    Advent Calendar, candy cane, again, and it if I win, it looks like I'll be sharing!

    Cold, misty and murky, the weather that is.

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 10.

    Ahh, the pub. The thought had completely passed me by.

    And don't call me Shirley (RIP)

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 11.


    Agree that viewing figures are tosh. X Factor however is even bigger tosh. It represents everything that's bad about this country. Greed vacuousness and a lot of fuss about nothing. Deevs and myself went to see James. Great band great songs fabulous audience who didn't throw beer or scream. Proper music fans not the plastic drivel peddled by Cowell and his crew. I think you may have guessed which side I am on on this one! Lol.


  • Comment number 12.

    I posted on FB about watching Miracle on 34th ST and my friend told me off for not watching the dark side - I then pointed out to him that I'm a SCD girl and it can't be helped. I was a little intrigued when I was enlightened to the fact that the results show for SCD that is televised on a Sunday is actually recorded on a Saturday - you know how they close the voting lines at like 7:30 that's so that they can record the results in there.

  • Comment number 13.

    Hello All, Country Girlie here ....... long time,no blog!
    With my parents so poorly it gets really difficult finding time to get on here, but I do lurk when I can, and it's good to keep up with you all.

    On the subject of viewing figs, I can help a little bit ..... there are a set number of people (used to be 1000 in each TV region)reflecting the socio-economic groups of that area by percentage. They are each given a control box they have to click every time they go into the room where the TV is, and it flashes to remind them to re-click every 15 mins (might be 10, not sure)

    Are you keeping up? anyone still awake?

    They basically have to click to say which channel they are watching etc. etc.

    Then the clever statisticians take over, play with the results, multiply them up to reflect numbers of folk in the UK and hey presto ... you have your viewing figs.

    Not very scientific is it?

    Well, that's how it was about 15 years ago, I've since moved to another part of the industry so not sure what actually happens now - can anyone out there help??

    Boy - that was heavy!!

    Love to all, and my guess for today Deevs is ......... a fairy!

    CG xx

  • Comment number 14.

    CG - I wonder how they would deal with those watching the more ... "adult channels" on their little boxes!?!?


  • Comment number 15.


    It's Fix Factor anyway not X Factor! If it's not fixed then I shall eat my hat?!? I didn't watch it by the way, can't stand all that screaming and while I'm on the subject, as much as I love Strictly (and I do) why do they have to clap with the music, that gets on my nerves too!

    CG, I'm with you that's what I heard, that it's a small selection of people and they take an average for the rest of the country. A bit like the Â鶹Éç if 10 people complain about a programme they count that as 100 because the other 90 couldn't be bothered to actually complain but just thought about it.

    Off the soap box now!


  • Comment number 16.

    Hello Chris.

    When the X Factor first began I refused to watch such rubbish TV. Then I started watching out of curiosity but would never admit to it. I hated Simon Cowell and thought 'how dare he speak to people like that'. After a couple of series I openly watched it and became hooked, along came Will, Gareth and Shayne, and I even valued Simon Cowell's expert opinion and almost started to fancy him, but only almost.

    This year I thought it was very disappointing and there was no-one with superstar quality. That's only my opinion.

    As for the viewing figures I always watch Emmerdale and tape your One Show CLP, the same with other programmes. How can they decide viewing figures when people are doing this?

    Looking forward to seeing you tonight!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 17.


    The rules is ..... 2 people complain and within a matter of hours, the Daily Wail jump on it and turn the 2 complaints into 25,000 and a mission to destroy someone.


  • Comment number 18.

    Deevs - so what you're saying is that if two people complain about the Daily ****, it will immediately try to destroy itself?

    Reckon it's worth a try meself....

  • Comment number 19.

    We could be on to something here Unc ....... it may even make their own front pages!


  • Comment number 20.

    Given the Daily wail's anti CLP bias - it would no doubt blame him for you two starting a campaign against it! ;)

  • Comment number 21.

    I love X Factor, I didn't get to see many of the auditions this year but I made sure I watched all the stuff from there on in! IMHO it is entertaining, I love Saturday evenings in November/December when both X Factor and Strictly are on!
    If you have a dream and a talent and the guts to go for it - to take the knocks and bask in the glory - on a TV show in front of millions of people, then, quite simply, why not?!

    Hmmmmm, not too sure about it being fixed as I think they would get into trouble but I would be disappointed if I found out it really was.

    Next Saturday I shall be watching the Strictly final to see who out of Matt, Pamela or Kara lifts the glitterball trophy! In January I will be going to Strictly Live as well!

    So now you know where Daisy stands on the whole debate then!

    Love Daisy x

  • Comment number 22.

    Hi folks

    Just popping in quickly to guess a donkey for the advent calendar.

    Will catch up later once I get home.

    Hope everyone is OK?

    JG x

  • Comment number 23.

    Re reality tv.

    In my "former life" I was absolutely hooked on I'm A Celebrity, X Factor, Big Brother ...... this year I haven't watched any of those programmes and if I'm honest, haven't missed them.

    I used to really enjoy Big Brother but think Ch4 was right to can it this year, after a decade. When it started it had a certain sense of naievity about it, the first couple of years were quite literally social experiments. But as they years have drawn on, it's become a vehicle for wannabees to flaunt themselves for their 15 minutes of fame and column inches in Heat magazine (which I stopped buying when Mark Frith left the Editorship).

    And when I saw the line up for this year's I'm a Celebrity ...... the ultimate winner being an X Factor loser .... baffled doesn't even come close. I am sure she's a lovely girl but celebrity!?!? Purleeeeeeeez!

    I enjoy Strictly (but then I always stayed up late to watch Come Dancing with Terry Wogan and Peggy Spencer when I was a lass), also love The Apprentice and MasterChef/Come Dine With Me but on the whole, all of those "wife swap" reality fly on the wall doodahs have lost their appeal.


  • Comment number 24.

    I have no problem with people watching these programs at all, different strokes for different folks and all that. Personally I haven't watched it since Will Young won and that was Pop Idol anyway!

    Unlike Deev I do still buy Heat Magazine, although I find myself reading less and less of it as half the people they feature I don't know. And I'm sick and tired of reading about Cheryl, Katie, Kerry, the Beckhams etc etc. If someone could recommend another gossipy magazine to read, other than Hello and OK, then I'd be happy to swap!


  • Comment number 25.

    Ali - I used to love Heat magazine, it was my Tuesday treat and I devoured every page. But for me, something changed when Mark Frith left the Big Chair (I think he edits Time Out now ....?). Heat somehow became cattier and very samey - every other week was a KatieP cover, or fat celebs, or thin celebs. It lost its humour when Frithy left - and if you've not read his book, Heat Diaries, I'd write a letter to Santa pronto!!


  • Comment number 26.

    Huzzah! and Hooooray tis home time.

    Will be back with Advent Reveal No. 13 when I've put the recycling out and got the roast in the oven.

    Just hope I get them the right way round .......


  • Comment number 27.

    Oh 'ellooooo Christoof Evans... Oh 'ellooooo ALLLL...

    Bingo Star 'ere...

    CLP - A was watching The X Gig yesterday & fully enjoyed it!!!!!!
    Me prediction of Cher coming 4th was correct but the order of the final 3 was inoperative when it comes to being in a correct order!!!!!!
    A thought One Direction where gonna come second but a couldn't 'elp feel they 'ad been dressed so boring!!!!!
    A know they are mean't ter be a young boy band in trendy attire but they looked like they 'ad borrowed their grandparents old cardis & jumpers!!!!!!!!
    And in beige & grey!!!!!!
    A think that cost them votes... Plus their performance was nowhere near as good as the 'armonies they did in the Rhinna tune a few weeks ago!!!!!!
    Look at Coldplay, they dress in scruffy looking attire but they do it in a more fashionable way... simple things like a sargents stripes on an old soldiers uniform... just those simple things give a more trendy but scruffy image!!!!!
    A think the stylists got it wrong with One Direction!!!!!!

    As for Rebecca she looked brilliant in both sets of costumes & performed some brillaint vocals!!!!!!!
    Am amazed she didn't win!!!!!!!!

    But the winner, Matt, 'e fully deserved to win!!!!!!
    Some great performances & dressed very well!!!!
    Even if the lime green trousers sent me tv contrast inter confusion!!!!!!

    All in all a great weekend of The X & am sure all will now become stars!!!!!!

    A will amazed if The Black Eyed Peas don't ask Cher Lloyd ter support them when they tour!!!!!!!
    WillIAm seemed ter take a shine to 'er style & way of performing!!!!!!

    As for me... a did something last night that ave never done..... A looked at the applciation forms on the X-Factor website!!!!!!
    Something ave never done before!!!!!!!!!
    Is the the start of me entering The X??????
    Everytime a think about it... A start ter get nervous... And something tells me am nowhere as good a singer as the top ten dudes!!!!!!!
    But then some who've 'eard me sing say i've got a good voice!!!!!!!
    And ave been doing vocal exercises for about a year now & me voice is getting stronger!!!!!!!!!!

    But at the same time time a don't feel like ave got enough singing talent ter enter The X Gigs!!!!!!!!!!

    Maybe a should 'ave some fresh singing lessons and get the opinion of a professional singer!!!!!!!!!
    And in the mean time carry on daily doing me vocal exercises...... Talking of which......

    Laaaaa, laaaaa, leeeeeeeeee..... wow, wow, woooowwwwwwwwwwwwww.... meeeeeee, meeeee, meeeeeee..... meow.... chimouwwwwww.... AH... chima!!!!
    Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeahhhhh... bah, bahh, bahhhh.... ah, ah, ah, owe... CHIMOUW!!!!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 28.

    PS CLP - A 'eard yer say, on yer most nice radio show this morning, that yer noticed Matt & Rebecca 'olding their stomachs during their performances & yer wondered does it 'elp them sing!!!!!!

    YES CLP!!!!!

    Yer 'it it on the 'ead... ter 'it the BIG notes & change the tone during a 'eld note... yer control it by pulling yer stomach in!!!!!!!!
    Singing is done from the stomach... with a big intake of air before comencing each line/ bit... then slowly letting the air out as yer sing... with THRUSTS of the abdominal moments ter control the notes!!!!!!!
    Then a MEGA fast resuck in of air... And start again!!!!!!

    'ope this 'elps!!!!!!


  • Comment number 29.

    Hi CLP and bloggers,

    X Factor: well I'm with Nic really when it comes to X Factor, and there's probably only one real winner at the end of each series- Simon Cowell! There's no doubt he's very good at what he does but it's not my cup of tea, and I'm surprised that Biffy Clyro agreed to their song being used for the winner's song (and to the title change). But hey ho if we all liked the same things then the world would be a very boring place!

    So we've established that I don't like X Factor but I have been following Strictly, but I have to admit to getting a little bored of it. I will probably watch the final just to see who wins.

    Am I in time for an advent calendar guess? For today I shall go with some mistletoe

    Hope all is well in blogland


  • Comment number 30.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 31.

    Evening all!

    A surprisingly better-than expected day at work today...

    Jasper told you that Matt would win X Factor - never doubt the Wisdom of the Whisker, my friends. He has dark powers, beond human comprehension... ;-)

    Speaking of which... remember the Lady Vader, who unleashed misery in the workplace...? Her car broke down this morning. I know some of you said that karma might reassert itself - but I didn't expect it to be CAR-ma, hehehe!!!

    I was annoyed this morning, when Chris couldn't remember what the S and the M, which he'd written on his paw , meant. Surely the "Scarlet Men/Men in Scarlet" - those Chelsea Pensioners?! I thought they sounded great this morning.

    Can't remember what I picked for the Addie-Cal. A wrapped present, I think. Oh dear... is forgetfulness contagious? Can you get it through a radio?!

    Keep smiling,

    Roo xxx

  • Comment number 32.


    Keith - what did you say?!?!?!

    Addy Calendar for today is a ......


    No winners.

    Right, cushion at the ready for KO.

    Come on Arsenal!!!!



  • Comment number 33.

    A PENGUIN?!?! Deevs, how could you?! I don't remember a penguin - or indeed ANY creatures from the frozen tundra - present at the eternal tableau of the Nativity scene...!

    Ah well. Enjoy the footie! Jasper and I are gunning (hahaha)for Arsenal as well.

    If we may, we'll keep our guess of a wrapped present hanging over for tomorrow's window.

    A penguin indeed. Dear me.

    Hope all's fab 'n' funky in the wonderful world of Deevs. xxx

    Roo x

  • Comment number 34.

    Oh yes - I forgot to say... in the absence of a Jasper-Joke from yesterday... Here is a Roo-Tip for Monday:

    IF you have been looking forward all day to a nice cup of lovely tea on getting home from work - PLEASE ensure that the milk isn't off when you pour it into the hot tea-water. All I'm saying...

    A deprived Roo (and privately-cackling Jasper)


  • Comment number 35.

    A Penguin in Bethlehem ??? I dont remember that one !

    However, I will offer my guess for tomorrow, ........an iPhone .

    MC xx

  • Comment number 36.

    MC ,maybe it's something to do with global warming .re Penguin.


  • Comment number 37.

    I'll stick with my donkey guess for tomorrow!

    Think I might have upset Mr JG (he still lives here) and we are still fb friends..he asked for songs that made you think of him, I sent a link to Loser by Beck... ;) Well it does mention Nascar!

    Sorry Deev, actually, I'd quite like a draw please, so can you have a word!;)

    JG x

  • Comment number 38.

    I've just caught up here after watching television and I have to say that I am completely bewildered and also angry that Keith's post #30 has been removed.

    It is a beautiful you tube video of his daughter who has such a wonderful voice singing The Rose. It was so lovely that it brought tears to my eyes.

    I hope that everyone will be allowed to share this beautiful video.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 39.

  • Comment number 40.

    Oh no! The mods have got Keith AND Maddy!!! Save them!

    Jakey G - we offer the ultimate: Gloria Gaynor - I Will Survive. No comeback from that. And then change the locks and delete from FB. Stay strong. xxx

    Roo xx

  • Comment number 41.

    Marjie, thank you.

    Keith, your daughter sung the song beautifully.

    Not feeling great but had another busy day.

    Hope everyone is ok.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 42.

    Hello CSN.

    It's lovely isn't it. glad it's been unmodded.

    Hope your soon feeling better.

    I've got a sore mouth, I think I scalded it on a McD*n*l*s cup of tea. Their hot drinks are very hot!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 43.

    Talking of cups of tea>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 44.

    Hi Marjie.

    Yes, it is really lovely.

    Love your christmas tree, little grandson was so excited when he saw Holly on it.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 45.

    Night Marjie and everyone.

    Sleep well and sweet dreams.

    Deevs, advent calendar tomorrow. A little white dog!

    Chrissie, hope you had a lovely birthday.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 46.

    Goodnight CSN

    Glad little grandson loved seeing Holly on the tree.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 47.

    Morning peeps!

    I am full of it this morning. Absolutely brimming over. Enough to share.

    And I don't want it.

    Because it's snot.

    And coughs.


    My desk looks like a pharmacy - box of tissues and a certain citrus flavoured hot drink at my side. And my head feels like Middle Earth, all hobbity and fuzzled.

    And I've got a meal out with the girls from work tonight. Booooooooooo!

    But d'ya know what ..... I woke up smiling this morning.

    Keep the guesses coming.


    ps: JG, agree with Roo ref the soon to be ex-Mr JG!

  • Comment number 48.

    Good Morning Everyone.

    It's warm here in Wirral today unless it's me!

    ***Happy Birthday Bondy***

    Deevs-hope the cold is soon better, plenty of satsumas helps.

    Off for another blood test very soon, I hope it's the last one for a while. At least this time I didn't have to fast and have had my two cups of tea this morning to get me started.

    My advent calendar guess for today: slippers!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 49.

    Well the mighty reds are still unbeaten in the premership this season. Sorry Deevs dear but you were beaten by the better team! That's me in trouble now. Lol. My advent calendar guess for today is a walrus.


  • Comment number 50.


    So much for TLC .....


  • Comment number 51.

    Morning all

    Hope you feel better soon Deev's and can enjoy your party tonight.

    Shouldn't Nic's guess have been a spade, as he seems to have dug himself a hole!

    My guess is a camel.

    Many thanks for the kind birthday wishes for George yesterday - he had a great time ripping paper and playing with the boxes. He did notice he'd got some presents eventually. ;)


  • Comment number 52.

    Good morning everyone,

    Bloomin cold here in Ayrshire this morning (minus 3).

    Nothing really to say today apart from my guess for the advent calendar - A Sandbag.

    Have a good day everyone.



  • Comment number 53.




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