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Chris Evans | 06:30 UK time, Thursday, 26 August 2010

...my wife and I took our son to see the live show of In The Night Garden, Noah's favourite telly programme - the one staring Igglepiggle, Makka Pakka and Upsy Daisy; after which my pal said when I saw him later: "Many kids there?"

I said no, it was mostly goths and rockers. I give up on him, I really do !

But then again, he's also the guy who reckons he slows watches down. He says it's a proven human condition - for some of us to affect the watches on our wrists in such a way. But then again, he did also tell me Justin Rose had never played in the Ryder Cup before.

Anyone else have friends like him ?

Ho hum, now where's this Cornwall place ?





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  • Comment number 1.

    Morning Christoff,

    Cornwall is where I find my self this morning, sat/sitting in my sister's kitchen looking over the hills from Stoke Climsland.
    The good news is: The weather is cold but dry and brightening.
    The bad news is: We don't have a pitch for your show which is just down the road tomorrow!

    Never mind - we will be listening.
    In fact - this morning is the first chance I've had to listen to your show for more than 5minutes -in weeks.
    What a tonic it is too.



  • Comment number 2.

    To my darling FantasticRolastic

    Happy Birthday bab!

    Tonight I shall take you out to sup on something old and speckled (no, not me!!!)

    Laters taters.



  • Comment number 3.

    Morning CLP and Rips

    After doing Live Thomas the tank engine (yes, a mostly children filled theatre) - I kinda know what you mean. My long haired, bearded hubby did stick out a bit.

    John - welcome and hello - nothing wrong with the name John - I would love to hear what your students say, my hubby used to work with people with special outlooks on life, I got to meet them at parties and funerals and I miss them.

    Clodagh - nothing more to add but hugs

    Hi to everyone else!

    Saw I got modded - it was abit naughty of me and I probably deserved a wrist slap, after all I'm pretending to be a good girl ;-)


  • Comment number 4.

    morning all, hope you're well?

    Clo' my lovely - as usual you post so beautifully. My heart goes out to you and I hope the next few days are a mixture of love, laughter and happy happy memories. God bless you.
    The amazing first MrsW cooks a mean fry-up and will be waiting for him up there this morning (I've had a word with her!)

    Keith - great post too, always the gent. How are you?
    Rips - enjoy Cornwall, I reckon as Chris' personal friend you could just turn up at the gate and give at some "Don't you know who I am?" - Go on mate, dare you! lol

    Barney, Prof, JS - actually you can be quite funny. I was re-reading some old posts (Apr '07ish) and you were a great poster. I think it's quite simple really, scroll thro the dross (if thats what you think it is) and post on CLP's musings only. be nice. Go and read Clodaghs post from yesterday, there are more important things in life than ranting.
    Bring us your comedy; go on, you know you want to x

    Miserable weather here today, oh well, can't do much about it can I? Onward and upwards mon petit fleurs

    bonnet de douche


  • Comment number 5.

    Moooorniiinnn aaaaaallll.

    Wet, rainy and windy in Kent. In fact it is miserable, so would much rather be heading for a field in Cornwall to soak up the 'mini-festival' show.

    CLP - as for the night garden, I didn't even know there was a live show. How good is that. My little one loves it, its the only thing that keeps him quiet for 30 minutes every night.

    I'm onto the web now, ticket hunting. Just hope its close by.

    Have a good day one and all.

  • Comment number 6.

    not often I can say this

    Hellllloooooo Booooooooooooooyyyssssssssss


  • Comment number 7.

    The blogis palyingup folks, once you posted, wait a second and refresh then it'll appear

    Baggy - morning my beauty
    deevs - hey there gooner see you in the group stages (gulp!), send Nic my birthday wishes


  • Comment number 8.

    Baggy - is that a "Hello Boys" a la the bra advert!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 9.

    Morning everyone

    Awful wet day again here!

    Chris, my Little grandson loves watching In The Night Garden before his bedtime, he always waves goodbye to Igglepiggle when he goes off in his little boat at the end of the programme.

    Hope the Weather improves for you tomorrow!

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 10.

    The Night garden show is at the end of my road (well 50 miles up the A2) in the o2 and tickets are still available.

    Only problem is I dont know whether to book the 'Ninky nonk' show or the 'Pinky ponk' show so if anyone has had the pleasure of going and can make a suggestion?

    I really dont know who is more excited, me or the young'un !!!

  • Comment number 11.

    Ginge - yes it is

    CSn - I got soaked walking back to my car last night - this morning wore my wellies in, not the best look with a skirt but at least my feet were dry!


  • Comment number 12.

    baggy - great start to the day- KWx

  • Comment number 13.

    Baggy, your post yesterday did make me smile.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 14.

    morning all,
    I am lurking with my phone my only internet tool.
    With my big fingers i struggle to add anything to constructive, sorry. :(
    I am good though and reading the blog.
    Catch you all later.
    Keith x x

  • Comment number 15.

    CSN - thanks - sometimes I forget myself

    Ginge - glad to have been of service

  • Comment number 16.

    Morning folks......I feel sick! Signed in, got thrown out, the screen did a double flick with a pike and then decided to land with a perfect 10 here in front of me! But here I am....eventually, ready for a new day. Let's hope that's not an omen!

    I thought I'd be safe coming in to work, free from baking.....and THAT chap....but what did we here during the megaphone slot? Paul Hollywood!Look, I'm not the jealous type, but he does seem to be taking over the world. No, really, it's getting serious.......my daughter, who is on holiday at home (and is in looooove with Paul) is doing savoury filled scones this evening. It's a conspiracy!!!

    As for the watch business and the body slowing 'em down......I had a wind up watch and it never worked properly for me. I was told to put a bit of plaster on the back to stop it from having contact with the skin but that didn't work either. My brother got it and it worked okay. Perhaps he did more with his hands.....oooer!

    I have decided to be John....there I'm out....and it feels good. Back to my schemes of work, with perhaps the odd check in, so from a very grey and almost depressing North of Kent....it's cheerio for a bit. Onwards and upwards!

    John x

  • Comment number 17.

    Hi Chris,

    My friends daughter loves In the Night Garden, her favourite is Upsy Daisey. I have lovely memories of the two of us watching it snuggled up on the sofa.

    Clodagh - so sorry to hear your sad news. Sending you lots of love, have a safe journey xx

    Keith lovely to see you back on the blog xx

    MC - I would recommend Anne's sat nat. I haven't purchased on yet, new laptop took priority.

    Have a good day all.

    Mary xx

  • Comment number 18.

    I know I am going to regret this, but I was having a butchers at the blogs from late last night and I was asked if I was on FB. Should I know what this is?

    Off to yet another meeting! Somebody must like 'em. Perhaps we'll have scones!!!!


  • Comment number 19.

    Hi Chris: Marky Mark sounds like a great friend - I love your stories about him! Can I just say, Chris, the show was terrific this morning (it always is). But, I was having a difficult morning, which was transformed within minutes of listening to you. xx

    From last night's blog:

    Clodagh: I am just so sorry to hear the news about Damian. From what you have told us about him, we could tell he was a terrific guy. I am thinking of you, I have indeed said a prayer, and you are right, we are all sending you good vibes. We'll be here for you when you are ready. xx

    John: great to see you have settled in nicely. Good idea, I think, to share the blog with your students - I really look forward to their comments!

    Annie: I know I have missed you, but wish you a good trip anyway! I, too, was very impressed with your Sat Nav!

    Nic: Happy birthday! Hope you have a good day.

    Hope everyone else is ok.

    C xx

  • Comment number 20.


    Clodagh - I've only just read the terrible news. What a sad loss to you and all of his friends, you both had so much fun and laughter together that I'm sure those memories will see you through this this awful time and beyond.
    He was very lucky to have found a friend like you.

    Ginge - If only that was true eh! Get yourself down here mate, we'll take the place by storm!

    Baggy - Grrrrr!

    Deevs - Alright Nut job!

    Nicrolastic - Happy Birthday Sir

    Just plain John - Why not? Oh, and welcome...

    To all of those that I am friends with on facecloth - I haven't deleted you. I have deactivated my account for the next couple of weeks as we have taken on a huge project in London which has all the signs of going catastrophically wrong - Facecloth and the like are far too huge a distraction at the moment and I would only be moaning on there anyway.
    I don't think I have ever been so stressed - I guess I should be grateful to be busy though......
    I'll be back soon, just didn't want you thinking I'd blanket fired you all.

    Right, four days off in Cornwall to enjoy, must get on with it.....Mevagissey first I think - better stay away from the estate agents though!

    Nice to see Keith and Ginge and so many others popping in.




  • Comment number 21.

    Rips: I did mean to say hi to you - I miss you! Hope you enjoy your holiday - will you be going along tomorrow to see the show being broadcast? And, please, don't get too stressed - it really is not good for you - and what will be, will be, anyway. I do appreciate that is easy for me to say, but I'm sure you know what I mean!

    C xx

  • Comment number 22.

    Chris don't forget your Cornish Pastie tomorrow.
    I'm sure it will be great fun I love richard and judy and great that Richard is covering the Terry wogan Show on Sunday.

    Super Nanny. No offense intended I still think it's a great name for a cleaning product you should go on Dragons Den.

    Gimgembre. Thanks Barney is a funny blogger yes.

    Clodagh sorry to hear of your friend.

    Ok offski Broad Beans won't smoke themselves.

  • Comment number 23.

    Morning CLP, Marky Mark et al,

    Re. Watches - My quartz, diver style watch slows by 20-30 mins some nights (new battery). Must be a "driver" thing ?

    God speed to Cornwall !!! PASTYS!!!

    Tim the Taxi x

  • Comment number 24.

    Morning CLP, Marky Mark et al

    Re. Watches - My quartz, diver style watch slows by 20-30 mins some nights (new battery). Must be a "driver" thing ?

    God speed to Cornwall... PASTYS !!!

    Tim the Taxi x

  • Comment number 25.

    Morning everyone. I've often wondered how they come up with shows like In The Night Garden and Tellytubbies. Who has the idea? How do they pitch it with a straight face? "There's this one called Tinky Winky, right, and he has a red hand bag . . ." They are geniuses, whoever they are.

    I need to do twelve hours' work in half the time today because I'm off to Cornwall to see if I can bump into a certain Mr Evans. I'm very excited - wish me luck.

    (Clodagh darling, I'm thinking of you today, as I'm sure we all are).

    Barmy xx

  • Comment number 26.

    Morning all!!

    Cornwall is right here, Chris, not gone anywhere in the night - alhtough to be properly Cornish you should have asked "where's that Cornwall place to?" !!

    Like Rips, i am also gutted not to be there but will be listening and picturing exactly where you are! Have fun!!

    Happy nearly Friday to everyone else!

    CG xx

  • Comment number 27.

    Ooh! So good I posted it twice... Don't know what happened there....

    TtT x

  • Comment number 28.

    Barmy: I certainly do wish you luck! If you do meet Chris, be sure to speak to him - I am still kicking myself for chickening out at the O2!

    Tim: the blog seems to be playing silly beggars. This happened to me yesterday too! So, what I am doing now is, hitting "post comment" up comes a box saying "you've said this before" - close that - and hit Refresh. It seems to work ... well, I hope it does because I am just about to try it again!

    C xx

  • Comment number 29.

    oh, and also - when you buy a pasty in a shop, don't include the word "pasty" in what you ask for - eg "large steak please" or whatever - and asking for a lamb and mint one will DEFINITELY tell the world that you are a foreigner!!

    CG xx

  • Comment number 30.

    Thanks Chrissie - I will. x

  • Comment number 31.

    LOL cornishgirlie!! I once had a seagull take an entire 'large steak' out of my hand when I was sitting by the harbour in Padstow.

  • Comment number 32.

    they are blimmin vicious things, seagulls!! i hate them!! where are you staying Obama - or are you doing a one day trip?

    CG xx

  • Comment number 33.

    Rips - if only I could mate

    ChrissieS and Mary - good morning ladies, hope you're well?

    John and Tim - welcome to the blog from me. Your link to the old blogs was brill Tim, I even found my first ever effort, ta.

    Still raining heavily here, me and #1 son off for pre-holiday haircuts inabit.
    2 sleeps 'til France, now where's that shower cap?

    bonnet de douche


  • Comment number 34.

    Morning CLP & ALL...

    Bingo Star 'ere... Coming To You From Midgehole, Lancashire, UK...

    CLP - Yes time slowing down.... reminds me of the time that time slowed for me too after a found out me girlfirend was two timing me!!!!!!!!!!

    She was seeing a watchmaker behind me back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Not for a second did a think she was cheating on me... but when a found out.... the 'ands of time stood still....... stood still!!!!!!!

    Maybe a should have taken the time to.... watch her more closely!!!!

    Looks this time... it is time to clock off from our relationship & ter roll away from me ex!!!! (Rolex)(get it... sorry!!)

    Me friends & famly keep saying... don't worry.... with time the 'urt will pass - time is a great 'ealer!!!!!

    Not in this case blog friends.... not in this case!


    PS CLP - Any chance of playing this.... it 'elps with the pain inside >>>>>

  • Comment number 35.

    I'm staying with a dear friend who lives very close to the main event, hence the opportunity to sneak in! It may not happen but we'll give it a good go. x

  • Comment number 36.

    Cut and pasted from next door...

    'Knock, knock'
    'Who's there?'
    'Old Father Time'
    'Old Father Time who'
    'No, you wassock, this isn't a schoolboy joke, it really is Old Father Time'
    'Oh, sorry, I did't recognise you. Is there something I can do for you?'
    'Yes, I have this year to deliver, but I don't have an accurate address.'
    'What do I want a year for?'
    'Oh, it's not for you, I was hoping someone here would be kind enough to pass it on to Nic, to add to his growing collection of years'
    ' OK, then leave it on the doorstep, and either someone here will pass it on to him, or the neighbours might spot it and hand it on. Although I'm not sure he will really want ANOTHER year.'

    Happy Birthday, Nic. From The Blogpoppets

  • Comment number 37.

    Bit like the song above... a don't know if a know that she know's what a know what she doesn't know - know what am sayin'!!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 38.

    i have a friend who lives close by too (not the same one is it - that'd be spooky!) but didn't think my kids would appreciate being woken up so early to go along only for no reason!! why can't we have a lunchtime breakfast show?!?! anyway, good luck with your efforts!! and at least you can have a nice day afterwards poking about Polperro or somewhere!

    oh and ginge - you and your bonnets! nearly drowned laughing when i caught sight of it in a hotel bathroom recently and was very hard to explain to my friend (who is not a blogger!) why I was smiling at the toiletries!!


  • Comment number 39.

    Meeting over....nothing sorted, as per usual. I forgot that my sister is coming up from the West Country today to spend the week-end with us......hopefully with a boot-full of pasties!

    Chris and the gang......hope the trip is panning out okay! Thanks KW and the others who are still saying hi. I've just been caught listening to EP by security. I can't even blame it on the students coz they ain't here! Busted!


  • Comment number 40.

    Gingembre: good morning to you, thank you I am very well! And, yes, isn't it lovely to see Mary here today? Oooh, not long now until your holiday!

    Barmy/CG: Oh, I wish I could be in Cornwall tomorrow! Couldn't eat a pastie unfortunately - heartburn would nearly kill me - but I could have a "cool drink"!

    Bingo: I'm thinking of you. xx

    Paul: excellent post from the Blogpoppets!

    C xx

  • Comment number 41.

    Heartburn! If you know you are going to eat something that makes it kick in, drink a couple of glasses of cranberry juice a while before. Also good before a really hot curry. I was given this tip by our brilliant local Indian restaurant. Works for me.


  • Comment number 42.

    John: I may give this a go! I have learned that some things just don't agree with me any more (must be my age I suppose) so I have abandoned them: eggs, bacon, and definitely pastry. But I am willing to give this a try - I do miss puff pastry with my stew!

    C xx

  • Comment number 43.


    I really hope, for the sake of the good people of Norfolk, that your job does not involve organising identity parades!

  • Comment number 44.

    Afternoon all....long time no post and all that.

    Hope all is well here, i'm signing in as i'm having a quiet day at work and have tomorrow off for my birthday. The big 4-0!!!! Arrrgghhh. I've been suffering with a bad back/trapped nerve thing for the past few weeks, so is this what happens when you get old then?!?! I can't even ride my push bike quickly anymore!

    Ho hum, have a date tonight to take my mind of things though ;-)


  • Comment number 45.

    Barney, no I don't and if I've mistaken you for another then I apologise.
    I'm not used to dealing with faceless cowards who abuse from behind a log-in name.
    I was merely trying to point out that you don't need to read the stuff you don't like, you can post on Chris' musings and that once upon a time these people/person? had nice things to say and were humerous with it. Don't see the need for the nastiness - but haven't we been here before?
    Come on my purple dinosaur friend, let's all play nice x

    To the rest of the blog I apologise for rising to the bait.


  • Comment number 46.

    I do hope it works, Chrissie, I don't push it and eat the foods that cripple me on a regular basis, but a slug of the red life saver certainly helps when I do. Ain't it great being mature!!!!

    John x

  • Comment number 47.

    John: with maturity comes many blessings: at last I don't have to put up with anything I don't want to - be it people, actions, whatever. But, oh boy, the old body is falling apart bit by bit!

    Gingembre: no apology needed, we have all been there!

    C xx

  • Comment number 48.

    Clodagh and John - both your emails yesterday were sad, poignant and funny all at the same time ......

    Clodagh, to have had a friend and soulmate with a personality as big as a house is indeed a privilege and my heart goes out to you at this sad time.

    I hope the day goes as well as it possibly can and that the wonderful memories will soon start to outweigh the sadness.

    God Bless, jillygoat xx

  • Comment number 49.

    Gimgembre I'm confused Barney is Barney. I am the purple dinosaur if that what seems fit to call me.

    I might not be completely PC but at least it's a break from the tedium.

  • Comment number 50.

    Hello CLP & Everybody.

    Chris-I'm sure that secretly most goths and rockers would love to go and see In The Night Garden. We all love to go back to our childhood sometimes.

    Re clocks and watches-I always have my bedside clock fifteen minutes fast. That way I am never late except when I take my time knowing that I have plenty of time.

    Good luck for the Cornwall show and don't eat too many pasties and ice cream

    MM x

    PS I love the way the blog is at the moment, very entertaining with many different characters, we are all needed to contribute in our own unique ways!

  • Comment number 51.

    Any way I don't need to take this I'm going to talk to Stephen fry and Alan Carr on Twitter ;}

  • Comment number 52.

    Enjoy your chat with Stephen and Alan Mrs Peacock.

    I used to engage in conversation with John Cleese and Tom Hanks but started to feel that they didn't really fancy me.

    MM x

  • Comment number 53.

    Afternoon all. After much consideration, I have decided to stop thinking of August as a summer month. If I think of it as the first month of autumn, it's actually not so bad...

    Rips, hope you've got the wellies down there, I understand you'll need them! Hope the new project goes well xx

    Did any of the bloggers get a pitch for tomorrow morning? I'll be listening from the warmth and dryness of the car :-)

    Gingembre #33 - you need a comma in that first sentence somewhere lovely ;-)

    John, hello and welcome - hope you have a great weekend with your sister and the pies!

    AF xx

    ps happy birthday to Nic!

    pps Clodagh, the breathing in and out gets easier. But then you already know that. I hope you give the GBF a fantastic send-off today with lots of tears, I'm sure, but hopefully some great big belly laughs at the marvellous person he was too xx

  • Comment number 54.

    Maddy I can see where Bingo gets his sense of humour.

  • Comment number 55.

    Afternoon peeps.

    AF, you are dead right, Autumn it is , grrrrrr xx

    MwK , thanks for the Sat nav advice , hope you are ok. xx

    Rips, dont get stressed out , it honestly isnt worth it , only your home and health suffer . Just try and take it all in your stride. Look forward to seeing you back on FB when you get chance . xx

    Maddy, how did the baking go , if i send an sae, can you post them to me please ?

    Off to see Tap Dogs this weekend, sounds like the RSPCA should be involved .

    MC xxx

  • Comment number 56.


    Thanks for the birthday wishes - Paul - original!
    Baggy - a reveal and xxx - it MUST be my birthday! xxx
    My son's a bit old for In The Night garden now but we used to watch The Wiggles together and I did comment when watching a cetain regular tv programme last week that one of it's cast (currently pregnant I believe) did have passing resemblance to Dorothy the Dinosaur
    Clodagh - Thinking about you.

    Nic (39 again?!)


  • Comment number 57.

    Nic , 21, surely ;-) xx Happy birthday xx

  • Comment number 58.


    No need for confusion he was merely referring to this little chap.

  • Comment number 59.

    Just been called to the bridge to see the new boss. Told her about the proposed plans with the students and I've been given the official thumbs up. Thank heavens for radio.......only 3 more schemes of work!

    Thanks jillygoat.

    John x

  • Comment number 60.

    Now you tell me Barney having appled my "Don't Look Like a Dinosaur" face pack and can't laugh.

  • Comment number 61.

    Good afternoon blogettes

    Thoughts with you Clodagh - hope all goes well today.

    My day off tomorrow so taking this opprtunity to wish all a great B H weekend. Also hope all goes well in the Cornish field tomorrow.

    I'm off to the Mathew Street Festival in Liverpool on B H Monday third year running for me. Keeping fingers crossed for dry weather (again!)

    Play nicely.

    Regards PJ

  • Comment number 62.

    Good afternoon bloggers, blogettes and fellow lurkers.

    Just dropping in to say hi during a quiet worktime break.

    Looks like you are all in fine fettle.

    Happy birthday to Nic

    SP out

  • Comment number 63.

    Ps. Just noticed on reading that clodagh has had sad news, you have my sympathy I too enjoyed hearing your stories. Wish you well.

  • Comment number 64.

    Hi PJ: hope you have a terrific time in Liverpool - love the place, just love it! Enjoy your Bank Holiday weekend - we don't have that in Scotland - aarrrgghh!

    Somerset: lovely to see you - hope you are ok!

    C xx

  • Comment number 65.

    Nic - many happy returns - I wonder what La Diva has lined up for you! Hope you can at least report back on some of your birthday pressies ....

    At last the sun's out here in Kent. It's rained so hard here over the last few days that I was starting to get rising damp, wet rot and webbed feet!

    John - I had to deal with Schemes of Work last year so I feel for you!

    Good luck to all who are camping in Cornwall tomorrow. For the moment the academic staff are still on holiday, so I'm free to tune in and crank up the volume as much as I like!


  • Comment number 66.

    Jillygoat: hiya, hope things are ok with you - it's nice to see you!


  • Comment number 67.

    Afternoon Chrissie,

    Thought it was about time to dip toes in blog pool once more.

    CLP, I've been enjoying the show and wish you all the best in Kernow. Looking fwd to hearing Moira in the horsebox. I see you have left Lynn in studio to woman the fort in case all fails. Now that would be fun.

    Now play nicely and I'll drop by again,

    SP - lurking occasionally

    Now off back to hot tub.

  • Comment number 68.

    Hello Again.

    I've missed a couple of things today due to the fact that I have actually been running late all day because of my fast bedside clock.

    Happy Birthday Nic, have a happy evening.

    Of course I am thinking of Clodagh and she knows that I know how she feels at this time.

    MC-crackers on the way!

    MM x

  • Comment number 69.

    Just been told I've got another meeting. Why? Nothing happened during the last one....that's why I suppose. The sister has arrived, but I can't have pasties until tomorrow coz I've got to eat the savoury scones. Tch! I wonder how many times Paul Hollywood will be brought into the conversation?

    Definitely last chat for tonight as we're out after the SCONES visiting my other brother....probably discussing how handsome Paul is. Chris, if she had never heard you going on about how good the great bake doo-dah was and watched it herself..........

    Farewell from a grey, but strangely warm North Kent

    John x

  • Comment number 70.

    Good luck CLP with the show in the field tomorrow and the journey back.

    Clodagh - just read your very sad news - my thoughts are with you on your sad journey today. Your post was a beautiful tribute to Damien and thank you for sharing your lovely stories about him with us xxx

    Welcome John -looking forward to your students input to the blog.

    Happy Birthday Nic.

    Darce x

  • Comment number 71.

    Hi Chrissie - nice to see you too. I must admit, it's nice to have the chance to post again ...... I've moved my pooter round so there's no-one lurking behind me now - hopefully that'll help when it comes to the important stuff, like blogging!!

    Regards from a warm but clammy East Kent.


  • Comment number 72.

    Good afternoon (again) Blogettes


    Sorry to hear you don't get an August B H weekend north of the border. We're going to Mathew Street with our Scottish friends. Their first time - hope they enjoy it - no pressure!

    Forgot to say Happy Birthday to NicR - hope you have a good'un.

    Regards PJ

  • Comment number 73.

    Hello All

    Have got sore throat, had porridge for breakfast and it's grey and cold and horrible!

    Did I fall asleep and wake up in November?!

    MTF Meant to say I'm looking forward to the fig chutney! Am tempted to drive down to you but not sure Mr Seza will agree it's a justified trip!

    Clodagh, have been thinking of you today (((*)))

    I've dipped into the blog all day and thought of lots to comment on but too many holes in the little grey matter and any useful thoughts have fallen through

    Just wanted to say I think there is room in this blog for everyone, however they want to join in but there is no reason for it to be unpleasant


    Seza xx

  • Comment number 74.

    Here Here Seza!

    Aye up gang.

    I too have been tentatively lurking, not daring to log on for fear of the Network Controllers espying my every move in the workplace.

    Well today has been a real stinker. We've talking as stinky as a landfill on a baking hot July day, and then some. So much so, I really don't know if I can even face going in to work tomorrow. Honest.

    But for now, tea is cooking and my FantasticRolastic is on his way home and I am indeed taking him out for a pint of six (cheeky Dubonet and soda for me as I am lady, as you all know!) to celebrate his birthday.

    Now here's a weird thin that kind of blew me away last night .... with Nic's help, I made a start on the family tree thingy, and thought I'd start with my paternal grand-father. The only thing I knew about him was that he was killed in WWII as he was in the Bomb Disposal unit of the Army. Last night we traced his side back and guess what .... I am descended from a long long long line of coal minders from West Bromwich! I think we went back as far as the late 1800s.

    And tonight, I've come home from work to a letter from my 82 year old great aunt with loads of tales of my granddad and his brief time with my nan (he was only 24 when he died).

    I am completely shell shocked. But in a good way!

    Also, I had an email today about Children In Need phones - I need to get names over to the Beeb ASAP so if you still want to do it, and oyu've not yet put your name on the lost, can you please do so. It's on Faceache, CLP bloggers page on the Discussions board. I'll nip over there in a mo and ping it back to the top. I've said I'll get a list over for Monday so don't delay ...!! ;-)

    It's Friday 19th November, btw.

    Right, time to go prod the seafood pasta concoction.

    Back inabit.

    Yam Yam Deevs

  • Comment number 75.

    apologeeees for the spilling mistooks.


  • Comment number 76.

    Hello chaps, been a long time since I visited.
    So sorry to hear of your loss Clodagh, I know how much it hurts and how angry losing someone can make you.
    I do hope all those who are in the field with Chris have a fantastic time and that the sun shines througout.

    Stay happy, life really is too short

    H x x x

  • Comment number 77.

    Evening all

    Cold and very wet here today!

    Seza, hope you feel better soon.

    Deevs, enjoy your evening out and hope Nic is having a great birthday!

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 78.

    CSN I'm fighting it - whatever it is! Girls coming round for a drink tonight. That's good isn't it? Alcohol kills germs doesn't it?

    Deevs, Big hugs lovey! I'm sure you and Nic will be able to work out the best way to get you through this work hiccup. Nothing else on the horizon i take it?

    Children in Need! Wow! Doesn't that come round quick!

    Anyone thinking of going, can I suggest starting a training regime now.

    Get a friend or family member to read out a long 16 digit number, a name, an address and a telephone number, you then have to write these down all in capital letters, very neatly and quickly and NO CONTINENTAL 7's - ie ones with lines through!!!

    When you get good, ask your friend to try reading very very quickly, in a strange accent, through a scrunched up newspaper and while someone drives a truck past them!! This should help you get ready for calls you take!

    All good training and all good fun!!

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 79.

    Seza, it depends on what type of germ it is. Have a lovely evening with your friends.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 80.

    Evening all

    Had to work late tonight, so have only just got home. However, at least I have found out that if I leave the office at 6.10pm, I will get stuck behind the No 5 bus for miles and miles of counrty roads without a hope of overtaking, even at bus stops!

    Rips, hope the big contract goes well, and I had wondered where you'd gone!

    PJ - enjoy the Matthew St festival. I might have gone myself, but went and bought tickets to the Gold Cup at Oulton Park for Monday (only going if it's not pelting it down though)!

    I've done an "Annie" and forgotten everything else I wanted to say now...Doh!

    But, Yippee!! I have a day off tomorrow!

    JG x

  • Comment number 81.

    Oh, blimmin' Nora, I forgot to say Happy Birthday Nic!!

    JG x

  • Comment number 82.

    Seza - that's really funny, the CiN training manual .... brilliant!!!! And very true ....!

    JG - enjoy your day off tomorrow.

    CSN - I think we're both in need of a night down the local, having both had dodgy days at work. In true Deevski style, I am dragging Nic's birthday out as long as poss by taking him out to a local Thai restuarant on Saturday night for dinner. For this evening tho, he will have to put up with some real ale, a bag of mini cheddars and me! lol

    Nowt on the work horizon as yet but I am still keeping an ear to the ground and an eye on every jobsite going! Something will turn up. I just hope it's sooner rather than later.

    I've just had a lovely long chat with my mum (Nic is seeing his little boy at the mo). Funny how a chat with mum always makes things better. I love my mum, I do!

    On that note, have a lovely evening everyone. I shall endeavour to lurk tomorrow from the Desk Of Doom ......


  • Comment number 83.

    Deevs, Sounds like a perfect evening for both of you. Enjoy!

    JG, have a lovely day off tomorrow.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 84.

    Hello Deevs,

    Sorry you are having a bad work day , hope things improve soooooonnn xx

    Wel, ive been to the gym thing again tonight, its great but i am sooo hungry when i get home. My clothes are getting tighter, which Mr MC blames on my reward habit , ie my treat to myself for going . Im more positive, and think its the flab turning to muscle.

    Hey ho

    A day without rain........ weird

    MC xx

    PS Maddy, who you calling crackers ;-)xx

  • Comment number 85.

    Evening all,

    I have thoroughly enjoyed reading the blog today! Plenty going on and so diverse! No idea what people complain about. lol ;-) I guess the only thing missing if I am to be a little critical is a coffee morning with a custard cream.

    I will have to work on my mobile phone skills to enable me to contribute during the day if I am to get back involved on here.

    Still keep smiling ,


  • Comment number 86.

    Keith, I will endeavour to arrange one for tomorrow for you!

    I don't think my w/end will be that happy though...I need to get some things sorted with himself indoors... Let's put it this way, he would rather me be at my Mum's, probably permanently, but as that isn't going to happen, we need to work out a way of living civilly together...

    I hope to be up bright and early to watch the happenings, but actually after a 12 hour day today, I doubt it, so will watch on catch up later!

    JG x

  • Comment number 87.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 88.

    Hi Keith, I am sure you will work it out. I am rubbish at new technology!

    JG, Hope you get things sorted out, will be thinking of you. xx

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 89.

    evening all!!
    sorry to hear things are not good jakeygirl. hope you manage to sort something out.

    raining a bit here - about 40 mins from CLPs field so hope its not too bad there! my friend's husband cut the field for them and is lending them certain equipment for the sporting challenge (not going to say what as will give the game away!) LOL!!

    really looking forward to watching it all unfold in the morning!

    CG xx

  • Comment number 90.

    Aww CG, c'mon, you can tell us!!

    JG x

  • Comment number 91.

    CG, lucky you. Bet your excited!

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 92.

    CG, please tell us!

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 93.

    weeeellll - i was rubbish at it at school (mind you that's not saying much, i was rubbish at all PE!)

    involves jumping (that's one technique anyway!)

    CG xx

  • Comment number 94.

    I was waiting to say Hi to MTF, but am sadly lacking in energy!!

    So, Hi MTF when you finally land!

    And, I'm off to bed..

    Night all!!

    JG x

  • Comment number 95.

    Night JG, thinking of you.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 96.

    sadly i won't be going to watch in person - and nor will my friend!! apparently tickets were like hens teeth! (but could we have had a day ticket anyway?!). i will just be watching online seeing if i can spot anyone i know!

    ok, i'll spill - a load of "proper" hessian sacks for a sack race!! wonder if there'll be egg and spoon as well?!

    CG xx

  • Comment number 97.

    CG, can't wait to see that. LOL!

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 98.

    JG I have just landed and am about to message you.xx

    CG, Norty norty.LOL!

    Back as soon as.


  • Comment number 99.

    Hi all

    I was just going to guess sacks CG - Chris has already said there will be an egg and spoon (I think he said that Richard Madeley was doing that for him).

    Too much to mention again today (I managed to lurk a bit this morning but it is difficult). Night JG, I am on t'other side if you need to talk.

    Hope Annie got to Arran OK.

    Off to bed soon.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 100.

    Hi MTF and MTD

    csn. xx


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