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You Can't Get Much More Out Of A Day than...

Chris Evans | 10:28 UK time, Saturday, 28 August 2010

...Brekkie Show Thursday morning; fly to Cornwall for 1230; Surfing Sporting Challenge until 1630; Jonny's quiz 1900; dinner with the team 2100 - then bed.

Up at 0515; write links; walk down to bay; do radio show in a field; fly back; rehearse One Show; do One Show; out for a few beers with Alex and the team.

Up at 0600; drop wife and child at airport; pasty, paper and home; Saturday Kitchen.

Pooped but happy.





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  • Comment number 1.

    Mooooooring alllllll (again)

    CLP - well i'm just tired reading all that.

    All in name of TV/Radio entertainment. But we love it !!!!

  • Comment number 2.

    Hello CLP & Mikey.

    You certainly do lead a very busy and interesting life Chris. But when doing things which make us happy it's not as tiring as doing mundane things.

    Many thanks for finding the time to do the blog.

    I loved your One Show attire this week especially the mint suit LOL.

    MM x

  • Comment number 3.

    You are busy man. Liked the radio show in the field - just watched video clip. Also, One Show very good, especially the bit in the mint suit - very funny.

  • Comment number 4.

    Hi Chris: thank you for your blog today - you never let us down! The show yesterday was fabulous - what an incredible team you have working with you, and Richard & Judy were terrific. The One Show last night was excellent - I think you and Alex just gell together so well, a really great "double act"!

    Enjoy your weekend, I hope you get a wee rest at some point!

    Love, Chrissie xx

  • Comment number 5.

    Morning all

    I agree with Mikey, that blog exhausts you just reading it.

    My new toy arrived this morning (a raspberry doohicky thingy). It will probably take forever to work out how it all works but it should mean I can keep in touch during the day without worrying about who is behind me.

    I'll let you know how I'm getting on next week.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 6.

    Saturdee Greetings CLP & ALL...

    Bingo Star 'ere...

    CLP - A 'ad a feeling there could be a rare Saturdee blog so a just glanced at it for the first time this weekend.... and WHATTA COINCIDENCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    There is!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    A like this & a like it very much!!!!!!!!

    A see yer itinary... yer fly to & from Cornwall!!!!!!!!!!!

    A think yer should ave got the train... is far more friendly!!!!!!!!!

    But am confused... yer write yer flew ter Cornwall.... flew back... & now today yerv dropped Tash & Noah at the airport with a pasty!!!!!!!!!!!

    Surely they are not going ter fly ter Cornwall ter meet yer... as if they are they're a day late!!!!!!!!


    PS 'ope all are 'aving a nice weekend... am off ter spend mine at 'eathrow Airport even though a, unlike the CLP 'ouse'old, am not flying anywhere!!!!!!!!!!

    Don't ask!

  • Comment number 7.

    PPS - All the above 100% TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 8.


    I hope you haven't been explaining in full our country's financial and political situation causing your Uzbekistan friend to return home.

    MM x

  • Comment number 9.

    Hi Chris, Tasha and Noah

    Hope you're enjoying your weekend!

    Just wanted to congratulate you Chris on your success at Radio 2 so far. You're an absolute inspiration - and if you're ever looking for a 'smaller field' to do your show in - feel free to come and use mine :-)

    From one Evans to another.

    Big love and hugs to you and your family

    Deb Evans x x x

  • Comment number 10.

    Afternoon - and welcome to blogland DebEvans! Stick around - we're a good bunch on the whole!

    I've been busy busy busy today. The gray hairs have been banished and I'm back to brunette, the laundry basket is almost empty, the house is clean, the cupboards full and The Gunners second in the table (bah Chelski!!!)

    Nic's umpiring his final match of the season today, and tonight I am taking him out for a nice Thai meal to celebrate his birthday properly (fancy having a birthday on a work day - doh!)

    Thanks for all the good wishes about work. I'm doing my best to keep my chin up and hold my head high, even though I just feel like running away from the place and never ever going back.

    Time to beautify ......


  • Comment number 11.

    Deevs, bad result for us...

    Hi Deb Evans, and welcome!

    Am cooking a very complicated tea, just for me! I hope it works, as I've turned down the offer of a chinese from him, which he'll be picking up on his way home!

    JG x

  • Comment number 12.

    Wow...a Saturday blog! Mr Evans you are spoiling us.

    Just loving the show in the mornings, now I am back among the working population. I hear all but the last half hour or so but catch up on i player whilst reading the blog in the evenings. Perfick!

    Loved the batter dance on the one show, and the pea suit was hilarious. You really do like the lycra don't you? Missed what the dunking was for on fridays show but thought it was funny anyway.

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend, I'm off out for a curry tonight with friends, and a couple of lazy days ahead.

    See you on the radio on tuesday,

    Ta ta Lin x

  • Comment number 13.

    Evening all

    Pouring down here!

    I've had a lovely relaxing day.

    Deevs and Nic, enjoy your meal and have a great evening.

    JG, hope your meal turns out fantastic.

    Got roast chicken with all the trimmings tonight.

    Hope you all have a lovely evening.

    Hello and welcome Deb Evans

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 14.


    I think i've just sat down for the first time today!

    Been tidying and sorting and cleaning and spending MORE money!! And outting up picture! Should have taken shares in certain well known DIY types shops the amount we have had to buy. Keep saying that must be it then find something else we need!

    CLP, your day sounds a -maz-ing!! and your energy came shining through every bit of it.

    Sore throat is feeling better now thanks but voice is vanishing - much to the boys amusment!

    JG Hope your dinner is good, what you cooking?

    Nic & Deevs, have a good time - as if you need telling!

    CSN Hi

    Hello Debs Evans, nice to see you

    Anyone seen Ol'Peg leg Debs recently? Hope you ok lovey, end of Das Boot Is now in sight!

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 15.

    Dinner was rubbish, but edible, after all the hard work, I used rubbish cheese which refried the asparagus, when it was being cooked au gratin!

    I still ate it though....

    We can't find anything good on the telly, was going to watch Shutter Island, but Cloud is throwing a wobbly!!

    Actually it's probably a bit too scary wierd for me, anyone available to hold my hand through it?

    JG x

  • Comment number 16.

    JG that is such a shame. We had a delicious pork stroganoff even tho I say so myself. Dead easy to cook - you should try it with just the mushrooms?

    We hardly watch any tell these days just listen to radio or poddy thing through speakers. I'll hold your hand tho if you want to watch it xx


  • Comment number 17.

    We can't get it to work, so watching one of the later Die Hard's instead, not my choice!

    I can do that stroganoff thing, but would rather buy one than cook for myself..

    Actually, I have, occasionally, eaten pork, but I wouldn't have a clue how to cook it!

    JG x

  • Comment number 18.

    I can message you the recipe on FB.
    It is only on the weekend I cook for both of us as OH has his main meal at work through the week so I often just cook for myself which is hard some days when you get in so tired, but usually worth it as more tasty - mind i have been known to just do a bacon buttie or something if i really can't be bothered. Hope you are feeling a bit better with things? {{x}}

  • Comment number 19.

    Aw JG So annoying when that happens and you've cooked something that you're disappointed in

    Susan, the stroganoff sounds delish! We had "My Pasta!" Not sure why Mr Seza call it that cos it's never the same twice!

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 20.

    Hi Seza I have a chicken pasta thing that I often just cook for myself which is a makeshift thing that doesn't usually taste the same from one go to the next!

    Slow day on the blog again x

  • Comment number 21.

    JG & Seza meant to say I think the stroganoff tastes better the more brandy you put in lol

  • Comment number 22.

    Ah but Susan, Should you put the brandy in the stroganoff or the chef? ;-)

    Very slow today!

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 23.

    Susan, they'll be no point, as Mr JG doesn't like pork apparently!

    And I won't eat chicken or beef, and only sometimes some sausages or bacon!

    We're muddling along, we need to talk!

    Watching Die Hard with a vengence apparently...

    JG x

  • Comment number 24.

    I'm not sure that I should post on here again?

    I think I'm being negative, and bringing the blog down.

    So, goodnight until I feel better!

    JG x

  • Comment number 25.

    JG S'not you, blog is very quiet


    Seza xx

  • Comment number 26.

    Hey JG don't you dare stop posting. Sorry bit of a pause as been on phone to GD. We are all off to Carlisle tomorrow to the continental market so hope the weather perks up!

    Night all xx

  • Comment number 27.

    Evening each

    Unlike Chris, I've had a lovely, chilled couple of days on Arran - gorgeous weather, lovely friends and a few dramas! Celebrated friend's 60th birthday - we've been friends for a very long time - enjoyed working together, bringing up our children, Edinburgh Jazz Festival and rather too many boozy evenings.

    The drama was trying to light skylights with wishes and dreams written on them (I think that's what they're called) on Friday night. The lovely young Arran policeman turned up, asked us if we'd informed the coastguard (of course we hadn't even thought of that!) and then he watched us bumbling about in the dark trying to send these things up into the sky while setting fire to the bushes and each other. Sadly, only one reached the sky, so all our dreams and wishes turned to ashes.

    A wonderful couple of days spent with lovely people.

    Back later when I've caught up with you all.


  • Comment number 28.

    Susan, enjoy the market tomorrow. I like those continental markets, especially if they have gluwein!

    Annie, your trip sounds lovely and your photos are beautitful

    Sleep well all, sweet dreams

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 29.


    Look at the amount of posts today!

    No way are you bringing it down.

    I have been tied up with one thing or another so havent had the heart to post on here. At the moment, I have a very poorly bunny, that needs looking after, she is a very old and I am on another 24 hour watch.

    Seza, chutney is labelled with your name and is in a secure location! Its lush btw!

    I've been busy preparing and packing windfalls for the freezer today AND cleaning my cooker again!! How?? I'm sure no-one has used it!!


  • Comment number 30.

    Chinese Lanterns Annie??


  • Comment number 31.

    mtf, no - these are thingys you write wishes and dreams on, then light and send up into the sky. Friend's daughter got them off Amazon apparently. Only one actually flew away, the rest just had holes burned in them.

    JG, behave yourself.

    Glad you liked the photos Seza.


  • Comment number 32.

    I see Annie.

    Have you seen those chinese lantern thingys?

    I wrote about them last year sometime. Round about the same time that I thought I was being followed by aliens!

    Off to see your pics.xx

  • Comment number 33.

    PS, mtf - friend had her dog on Arran. He's deaf, blind and in doggy years he's 120 yrs old!! He's not in pain so they're keeping him as long as they can. The poor wee thing also has doggy Dementia but their Vet says he's a happy soul.


  • Comment number 34.

    Thanks Annie.


  • Comment number 35.

    How many years is that in human terms Annie??


  • Comment number 36.

    MTF, I'm sorry Skippy is no better, and no, I can't leave all you lovely people!

    Will try to speak tomorrow?

    JG x

  • Comment number 37.

    Phew JG.xx

  • Comment number 38.

    mtf: think Buster is about 18 yrs old. He's a lovely old gentleman.

    JG, glad you're not giving up on us.


  • Comment number 39.

    Skippy just ate a carrot top!

    I am in pieces!

    Oh dear!


  • Comment number 40.

    Thank you, am heading to bed now...

    Hope Skippy is better MTF! xx

    JG x

  • Comment number 41.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 42.

    Thanks JG.xx

  • Comment number 43.

    She is a peacock in everything but beauty

  • Comment number 44.

    Miss Scarlet in the Library with the Lead Piping. Actually I had to close down Face Book for all the ugly faces I saw on this website. Seriously ugly.

  • Comment number 45.

    Most of them over weight and all they can talk about is food

  • Comment number 46.

    I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend.

    Its nice to be important, but its far more important to be nice.


  • Comment number 47.

    Tou once told me to ? off MTF so I guess you are a real nice person really

  • Comment number 48.

    Anyway thanks 麻豆社 I find this website nothing at all to do with Chris Evans or the 麻豆社.

  • Comment number 49.

    Memory is ok then?


  • Comment number 50.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 51.

    I find that if you smile at people, you get an amazing response.

    Its all about what you give out.

    I find that I am getting it back in bucketloads and its very nice.


  • Comment number 52.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 53.

    I'm off pearl diving in a moment.


  • Comment number 54.

    Nope - on the blog with les mots de v茅rit茅

  • Comment number 55.

    Take care I can no longer be here. M16 says so

  • Comment number 56.

    Are the stars out tonight?

    I dont know if its cloudy or bright!


  • Comment number 57.

    But I only have eyes for you... Now will somebody please ban me

  • Comment number 58.

    Agadoo doo doo, push pineapple, shake a tree.


  • Comment number 59.

    Well all I can say is....

    It wasn't me!!

    100% true!


  • Comment number 60.

    MTF you are I think the Mad woman off Coronation Street. bet you have a caravanette.

  • Comment number 61.

    I love my shed.

    Its a place of contentment.


  • Comment number 62.

    So, here I am, in my shed. It looks like Skippy might be ok after all. Fingers crossed. She is very old in wild rabbit terms.

    It might be a long night, so if anyone is up and has anything of value to add, please do so.


  • Comment number 63.

    MTF sorry to hear about skippy - big hugs

    Seza, still around, and hopefully end is in sight. Off to have boot put to "flat" next wednesday when i can start putting weight on it - not sure how much that is going to hurt tho.....

    Today, chillaxing and a roast

    Have a fun day everyone

  • Comment number 64.

    Oh how I wish I had stayed up last night! Why do you girls get all the fun? ;-)

    Dear Mrs_P.......for someone who says they do not like this place you do seem to spend a lot of time on here! LOL

    Secondly reading your comments last night/early this morning reminded me of a chat room, apparently a place you say you dislike so much! I can also see very little....no nothing in your own post that has anything to do with CLP either so go figure!

    If you continue in this manner you will most probably get your wish and get yourself banned, AGAIN! LOL Banning you I fear will not work (it did not last time so no reason think you will not reappear as another character from the board game Cludo) as you seem compelled to return and try as much as you can to upset the lives of others! From someone who thinks thay have the right to tell the other 鈥淕irls鈥 on here to get a life you do not seem to practice what you preach!

    Chris I love the show by the way and the field sounded like a blast! I love your work.....

    Keep smiling


  • Comment number 65.


    MTF Sorry to hear poorly bunny. Skippy is the wild bunny, yes? How's Dylan doing now?

    Debs, glad to hear you still hobbling around - can imagine how fed up you are now so hope the recovery keeps going well, just take care.

    Morning Keith, that show in the field was, to use a boy phrase, epic!!! Think that means jolly good show but I could be totally worng!

    Have invited family round today so best go look busy!


    Seza xx

  • Comment number 66.


    I love this chat room ..... ;-)

    We had a lovely meal last night thankyouverymuchly! Then a late one when we got in as we carried on watching V and Reading Festival til about half two this morning. And the Libertines were FANTASTIC! (altho not Nic's cup of tea).

    Today we have Little Man through to tomorrow - not sure what we're going to do as it's a bit autumnal and blowy here this morning. We shall probably take stock after bacon sandwiches (ooops, there I go mentioning food again).

    Thanks to everyone wanting to come down to CiN this year - there should be a really good representation from Blogland. There's a lorra love in here. Most times.

    Broomstick now fully charged and fridge stocked with food glorious food.



  • Comment number 67.

    and another thing .....

    To be ugly in a cosmetic sense (which, incidentally, I am not!) can be rectified. To be an ugly person from within - full of spite, jealousy and vitriol - is just plain sad.

    Go figure.

  • Comment number 68.

    Morning All,

    Well said Keith, I was tempted to join in last night but I'd had far too much to drink so decided to stay well away.

    Good advice, I reckon!

    Chris - I listened to the show from just down the road and thought it sounded great.
    I agree with whoever it was that said it reminded them of the old R1 roadshows - perhaps there should be a return for Smiley Miley?

    There seems to be a lot of uncertainty and sadness around here at the moment.
    To all of you going through a tough time (and I know this is easier said than done) , stick with it, hold your head up and in time you will be in a much, much better place - whatever route you take.
    In the meantime - you know where I am x

    Last day in Cornwall today. I can't believe the weather we have had!
    We spent yesterday on Perranporth beach in the blazing sunshine. If we could guarantee the weather in this bloody country, I don't think we would holiday abroad ever again.

    Enjoy the rest of your Bank Holiday weekend



    Oh, and will someone please say Hi to my sister, who posted under my name on Friday night.
    She feels all neglected!

  • Comment number 69.

    Morning Rips - that really confused me, the sister post under your name - I just thought it was you being a silly billy!

    So .....

    Hi to Rips' sis!

    Lorra love


  • Comment number 70.

    Morning, Debs, Keith, Seza and everyone.

    Cold, cloudy day here

    Annie, glad you had a lovely trip.

    JG, sending you big hugs.

    MTF, hope Skippy is better soon.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 71.

    Morning Deevs,

    I am struggling to type whist watching an exersise video and eating bacon and eggs!

    I am off to find google the local Slimming World meeting, Weight Watchers is so last week!


  • Comment number 72.

    Good morning to you all.

    Thanks for asking about skippy, she is indeed the wild rabbit and I am happy to report that she has recovered and is tucking into her bowl of food as we 'speak.'

    Dylan is one happy bunny too, he is having little outings into the garden, but I am still worried about it ever happeneing to him again, so he is spending a lot of time indoors, but as he is house trained, he has plenty of freedom.

    I had allocated today as a deckchair day, but its a bit blustery out there, so I may be collecting some more windfalls first.

    Debs, I hope that Wednesday brings with it good news and that you can begin to return to normal activities, it has been a long old haul for you.x

    Right then, away to dust the deckchair off. Take it easy folks, its supposed to be a holiday weekend after all.


  • Comment number 73.


    for some reason, your description takes me straight to an episode of Men Behaving Badly.

    Aaaaaaaaaaaah Kylie .......

    Tommy sauce in mine please!


  • Comment number 74.


    I love this chat room too.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 75.

    Morning Keith, Rips (and sis) and Deevs- all well said, what I wanted to say too!

    Seza - go be busy!

    CLP - I really enjoyed the bit of the show that I saw on Friday, and I hope it happens again next year, but more than that, if it does I hope I can be there!!!

    Rips I totally agree with your comments about the UK being an amazing place to holiday - if only we could guarantee sunshine hey!

    Right off I go again

  • Comment number 76.

    Yikes, me too Rips, hence my reply about the sun etc...

    Hi Rips sis.


  • Comment number 77.

    Morning Rips, if only Mrs_P had followed you lead as I am sure she had also been drinking! She probably came home angry after being thrown out of the pub.....just a thought. LOL

    And a very good morning to MTF, Debs and CSN (in no particular order you understand) x-x-x

    Deevs, far too close to the truth...........leotards ..............and stretch! ;-)

  • Comment number 78.

    Hi Rips sis.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 79.

    And how rude of me..... Hi Rips sis. x-x-x

  • Comment number 80.

    Keith, nice one!

    MTF, glad Skippy and Dylan are ok.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 81.

    Hi Rips and Rips sis, sorry I completely missed that as well! And Hi to everyone else

    Well all I can say is that I'm glad the BBQ for 25 we originally had planned for today was cancelled!! I'd defy anyone to spend more than mins in our garden with the strong wind and sideways rain...

    Even the mad hound won't go out there!

    Still on the bright side, there is always the Belgian GP to look forward to, which looks like it might be a cracker (and normally is)!

    I'll take a bacon sarnie as well, if they're still on offer, with ketchup of course!

    JG x

  • Comment number 82.

    Good Morning Bloggers,

    Just to let you know that the Togs Celebrity calendar is now for sale on our website.
    I don't know if that is classed as advertising or not, but having spoken to our man at the 麻豆社, they can only advertise 麻豆社 Children in Need things and this is very much a 麻豆社 Children in Need thing.

    The photo from Beez pink lunch is in the calendar, along with some very snazzy shoes, and I think the photo of Chris and Pudsey is particularly lovely. We also have Jonny Saunders and Lynn but unfortunately no Moira.

    I hope you like it and maybe see some of you at the phone in?

    Hells x x x

  • Comment number 83.

    Thanks Hells, will pop along and seek one out.


  • Comment number 84.

    Just checked it out and ordered one!

    See you at the phone in.

    Thanks Hells

  • Comment number 85.

    Morning all

    I usually buy a TOGs calendar for my parents so thanks for the heads up Hellen. I think I might have to buy 3 this year! Looking forward to seeing Keith and lots more bloggers who I haven't met yet on CiN day xx


  • Comment number 86.

    Sus, the pleasure will be all mine I am sure. xx

  • Comment number 87.

    Hi CLP and All

    #64 Keith, I could not have put it better!

    The Breakkie Show is a happy place. This blog is a happy place and long may it stay that way.

    Happy BH Weekend to one and all...

    Love and peas, Tim the T xxx

  • Comment number 88.

    Hello Everyone.

    Not a nice day at all here in Wirral, cool and windy.

    Can I just say that unlike in real life it's very easy to walk away from virtual verbal abuse.

    Have a happy Bank Holiday.

    MM x

  • Comment number 89.

    'Lo everyone

    We've just made some choc chip and fudge muffins

    Want some?

    Best be quick, boys around!

    Seza xx

    PS JG Our bbq isn't for anything like 25 people but Mr Seza is revolting - well, more revolting than usual and refusing to go out until it stops raining!!

  • Comment number 90.

    Yummy Seza, will you pop my apple pie in while you have your oven on as mine has just been cleaned again and I cant bear to use it!

    It was supposed to be my deckchair day today, but have postponed it until tomorrow, due to adverse weather conditions :(


  • Comment number 91.


    the rain has just hit deepest darkest bucks! we have a couple of soggy moggy's!


  • Comment number 92.

    MTF Chuck the pie over. I'll put it in now, got any clotted to go with? yum yum

    Baggy, poor moggys! Bet they don't like it.

    Am planning do-nothing day tomorrow - well, that's the plan!

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 93.

    I've just rang GB up as he is out in it at a festival, all I could hear was the rain bouncing off his tent and people screaming, while running for cover.LOL!

    Blue sky behind it so they will soon dry off!


  • Comment number 94.

    Of course there is clotted cream Seza. And the apples are from the garden I just got a drenching picking them.


  • Comment number 95.

    sounds good everyone

    Me and Mr bp are cracking through lego rock band - well what better for a married young couple to do on a wet sunday?

  • Comment number 96.

    Does anyone know if there is any footage to view from Fridays show, or is it listen only??

    Ta muchly.


  • Comment number 97.

    Hi MTF

    There is a short highlight video, click on Home at the top of this page and it should guide you to it xx

  • Comment number 98.

    Thanks Pen, heading there right now.


  • Comment number 99.

    MTF, there are two 'Home' options, it's the one just above Chris's head!!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 100.

    Got the right one Pen.

    Brill, almost 17 minutes worth!


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