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Blue Sky Thinking

Chris Evans | 12:41 UK time, Monday, 24 May 2010

Let's use this power and energy that today has given us FOR FREE to make great decisions. No hung parliament here - your decisions are yours and yours alone.

Had a meeting scheduled for the office today with my publisher, so we moved it to the park instead - under the trees. I never realised there were so many different greens.

It was another Book ll meeting and a new title brainstorm session: Christory.

Joke! Honestly, there were many much worse than that, good fun though.

I quite liked Bed and Breakfast - but it's a little too suggestive Natalie thought, and she's The Boss so that's that.

I love that thing up there called the sun, so I'm going out for more.

Toodle - ooh.





  • Comment number 1.

    CLP dont forget your sunscreen .

    MC xx

  • Comment number 2.

    CLP - don't you fry in this sort of weather? I thought book 2 already had a title. It is still due out in Sept/Oct isn't it?

    btw - see the previous blog for a comment by Clodagh which is so insightful and true.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 3.

    Hi MC

    How was your weekend? Topping up the Mexican tan eh?

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 4.

    Hi MTD,

    Was horizontal in the shade , no pool or bar service in my back garden though !

    Had 2 bbq's , so am getting used to "well done" (burnt) food .

    Hope you are ok ,

    MC xx

  • Comment number 5.

    MC nice to see you back. Are you a nice choccy shade since your holidays?

    Sus x

  • Comment number 6.

    Hi Chris: awww, I quite liked the idea of the book being called Bed & Breakfast! However, I can see Natalie's point ... you were a bit of boy, back in the day! I agree in principle about our decisions being our own. They are, in the main, but sometimes decisions are forced on us - and that's the challenge in life!

    It is a lovely day here in Glasgow - but it looks like it's not going to last. Why am I NOT surprised?!

    Hope everyone is ok.

    C xx

  • Comment number 7.

    Yes indeedy Chris. Let's use all our powers of positivity and spread it around like the sunshine. Don't forget the hat, though. A nose like a Jersey Royal wit ketchup on isn't a good look.

    Me, I'm off to fully replenish me reserves of vitamin D in the garden. 'Ave the bikini on, the Factor 30 Teak Oil (never ask Renee to pass the sun-oil when she's not got the specs on) and 'ave just spent 10 minutes lookin' for me pen for the crossword. Before realisin' it was holdin' me hair up. Jayzus.

    Am just hopin' the postman doesn't turn up in the next hour. I look like a badly-executed pork fillet in this white bikini, don't want to put 'im off 'is tea.


  • Comment number 8.

    MC, I really enjoyed my pina colada on Saturday, can imagine them being very moreish.

    I'm looking out of my upstairs window and see a scene of mixed messages.

    The farmer is mowing the grass for hay and the smell is divine.

    Yet in the field next to it, all the cows are lying down.

    If I run out and make all the cows get up, will that secure this weather for a bit longer??

    It all seems a long way off those awful winter days we all endured.


  • Comment number 9.

    Hello CLP and All Bloggers.

    Much cooler here today but comfortable.

    Oh how I agree with you Chris, I love just looking at trees especially when there are squirrels in them. And lovely birds of course.

    I have a great title for your book CLP but hope I won't get modded. Here goes Chris* Evan's Above!


    PS I totally agree with you Clodagh re Fergie.

  • Comment number 10.

    MTF, You cant beat a good Pina Colada . Mine all came with a cherry and a slice of fresh pineapple, so i made sure i kept up my fruit intake.
    Then switched to Chocolate Martini's at night.
    Seems like the week went by in a bit of a blur !

    Its very sunny here , if only it would last for weeks on end.

    MC xxx

  • Comment number 11.

    I put huge chunks of fresh pineapple in mine too.
    Nice alcoholic fruit salad afterwards.


  • Comment number 12.

    Ah thanks girls.

    I just get so offended by this sanctimonious tripe and associated sums of money when there are families in serious distress and struggling, having lost their homes and stability in the recession, not to mention all the other issues.

    Right. Enough a bein' nice, as it were. Back to a good aul dollop a silliness.


  • Comment number 13.

    Chris, enjoy the sun and the trees, it sums up summer really. I am sitting here under the parasol watching daddy blackie feeding baby blackie in the lilac tree. Making hellava racket mind you but a lovely sight to see.

    MTF, I think those cows know a thing or two, the temperature here today is 25 and Wednesday's forecast is 14 with showers! Best I make the most of it.

    Clodagh, re Fergie, well said indeedy.

    Hello to everyone else.

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 14.

    It is so nice here today and such a shame that it is going to get colder again tomorrow. I don't want to put my socks and jumpers back on........

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 15.

    Why should anyone be shocked that Sarah Ferguson has been exploiting her connections with the Royal Family in order to get money for doing nothing.

    After all, it's what she's spent her entire adult life doing!

  • Comment number 16.

    Alwight CLP & ALL...

    Bingo Star 'ere...

    CLP - Am gonna 'ave ter be selfish 'ere & not dig deep inter me mind ter try & pluck out a title... the reason a need all me brain power resouces as am doing immense maths revision, trying ter grasp the one area am struggling ter grasp aka Algebra!
    Am beginning ter grasp it by grasping a book of me own... it's all about Algebra!
    A looked at last year's exam & it frigthened me all... it's full of the bits of maths that am weakest at!

    So it's back ter me revision!

    A might make one quick suggestion... 'ow about 'Chris Evans Autobiography Book - The 2nd One!!!'

    'ope this 'elps!


    PS A will write me full Wentworth Report (all of niceness about all a saw)(including CLP's MEGA chip on the 7th 'ole - it was one Tiger would 'ave been proud of!!)when a getta chance - maths revision really got to come first for next few weeks!!

  • Comment number 17.

    Changing the subject slightly! Afternoon all and here is something to make you smile or groan!

    A teenage granddaughter comes downstairs for her date with this see-through blouse on and no bra.
    Her grandmother just pitched a fit,telling her not to dare go out like that!
    The teenager tells her 'Loosen up Grams. These are modern times. You gotta let your rose buds show!' and out she goes.
    The next day the teenager comes down stairs, and the grandmother is sitting there with no top on. The teenager wants to die.
    She explains to her grandmother that she has friends coming over and that it is just not appropriate...
    The grandmother says, 'Loosen up, Sweetie. If you can show off your rose buds, then I can display my hanging baskets.'

    Happy Gardening!!!

    Love Daisy x

  • Comment number 18.

    Hello Everybody Peeps,

    Oh Chris, I wish I could take my pc outside to enjoy the lovely weather. Having said that, despite looking out onto some lovely trees, I'd only be able to sit in a concrete car park with the aromas of an american restaurant (not a fast food place surprisingly) wafting across. I used to love it when we were at primary school when the teacher let us take our pencils and jotters outside to do our work. I always got loads more done being out in the lovely fresh air. Our headmaster took us out on a nature walk once we got into Primary 6/7 - it was so lovely.

    Sarah Ferguson - daft thing - what was she thinking? I thought she was quite self-reliant these days.

    My gorgeous boys spent their weekend with their dad so I had a lovely (and successful) day in town with one of my wonderful friends, had enough time to catch some rays on my return from town then spent the evening with another friend. Yesterday, I was up at the crack of the sparrow's, got some housework done before I went out to enjoy the garden. Got the grass cut but it was hard going as I didn't get finished 'til 1.00 pm (I'd spent ages looking for the cable to charge the mp3 player with, to no avail).

    I was also on bunny sitting duty and had lovely interludes with the gorgeous Bernie - he has settled in so well and already feels like a part of the family - the very cute and friendly wee bun that he is.

    This is a short week for me but not for all the best of reasons. My sis is coming down from the north on Wed and she and I are off to Essex for my uncle's funeral on Thu. The bright side is my sis and I haven't spent time together for such a long time and as her train doesn't leave 'til early evening on Friday, I'll have her all to myself on Friday too. The wee gorgeous boy's class is performing some sort of dance / performance art thing at school on Fri afty so my sis will be able to come along too.

    Well peeps, I'll soon be set free from the grindstone and hope to enjoy the sun before it disappears again. It was a lovely sunny day when I left home this morning but the closer I got to work, the hazier it became. Not sure what the state of play is at the mo - our windows are tinted and it gives a false impression of what's really occurring weather-wise.

    Toodle-oo for noo.


  • Comment number 19.

    Daisy: love it!


  • Comment number 20.

    Lol Daisy - very good. No gardening for me today, just a fair impression of a blue bottomed fly.


  • Comment number 21.

    right - not sure about these, but:

    Thanks for tuning in
    Evans open
    Around the wireless in 44 years
    Tuned out and tuned in (again)
    The return to inner sense
    White noise

    whaddayathink . . .

    DtM x

  • Comment number 22.

    Dan, I thought I was on the lovely Mr Mayo's blog and you were trying to choose the opening song. I know my music knowledge isn't great but I thought I had totally lost the plot, which I suppose I had. I getcha now, book titles - every one a winner.

    Rightio everybody peeps - I hope you all get an opportunity to make the most this gorgeous weather while it lasts.

    Toodle-oo for noo.


  • Comment number 23.

    Just realised!
    Power and energy for free CLP?

    Not me! I'm being overcharged for both my gas and electric!
    And I am being harrased by cold callers asking me to buy gas from electric and electric from gas!

    Outraged Power Consumer!!!!


  • Comment number 24.


    I'm having a flyer. Life's too short for just work, work, work. Going to smother my DS before I cook a meal and then hit the gym.

    Loving the blog comments today.

    Bye for now.


  • Comment number 25.

    I hope you mean that you are smothering the DS with love - otherwise, what is the number for the NSPCC??? ;-).

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 26.

    Hi Everyone,

    Chris can't help you on the book title but I'm sure whatever you come up with it will be a good one! Can't wait for the book.

    Clodagh - agree re Fergie. Well said!

    Pip - quite right too!

    Daisy - loved it!

    MC - nice to see you back. Your holiday sounds fab, would love to visit Mexico.

    The sun is still shining up here - loving it! That comment is bound to bring the rain back! ;o)

    Mary xx

  • Comment number 27.

    Howdie Dudes!

    Back from work now, and have the remainder of the ironing to complete, a bed to make and tea to cook ...... chicken salad and ickle Jersey Royal potatolets .... huzzah!!!

    I had 5 calls from 3 different employment agencies this arvo - it's uncanny, isn't it? All those days I sat here willing my phone to ring, now I am working they're all over me! Grrrrrrrrrrrrr! Still keeping options open though and not taking anything for granted. Basically, the situ with the perm p/t job I'm waiting on is that the decision maker regarding salaries if on holibobs until Thursday this week, although I get the impression that the woman who interviewed me would have me start tomorrow, if we knew what the remuneration is! Hey ho.

    Right, off to guzzle some refreshing Cannock tap water - the 5am start is catching up with me now!


  • Comment number 28.

    Hi CLP and the rest of the gang, loving the idea of blue sky thinking! Although the sky has been less than blue here in Edinburgh today.

    Had a fabby weekend with my bestest pal Kate, we had Chinese buffet then Crowded House live on Friday night. Saturday saw me dog sitting while Kate was in Newcastle for an appointment which was lovely, then we heading into Glasgow and had a lovely evening revisiting some old haunts. We had dinner (outside!!) in Gandolfi Fish (just up the road from Café Gandolfi for those bloggers familiar with Glasgow!) and then had a drink in the theatre where we both worked as ushers years ago, where we happened to bump into a couple of former colleagues which was lovely. We had a lovely walk in the park with the dog on Sunday morning, then shopping and another alfresco meal before I got the train back to Edinburgh!

    Hope those that have still got the sunshine and warm weather have had the chance to enjoy it today!


  • Comment number 29.

    Evening each

    Back from work Deevs..how good does that sound?!

    Early finish for me today too..think i going to have one of those CBA weeks..got 4 days off from Fri and am sooooo looking forward to them!

    What fabulous weather eh gang.. spent most of yesterday either horizontal on a sunlounger or upright making mojitos...perfick! how i didnt have a hangover this morning i shall never know!

    Plenty of sunblock means i am just a slightly cooked colour of brown... although the GM is so brown already we look like we live in different countries!

    Right, off to wash and dust/vac before the match tonight... was going to be doing chicken in mushrooms,garlic, wine,cream etc with pot dauph but i think that will save til tomorrow and a takeaway procured! Job done!

    Take care all..

    mSc x

  • Comment number 30.

    Evening, back now too, and tea's in the oven, ready meals... can't be doing with cooking right now!

    Rosie, I'm ever so jealous of you seeing Crowded House, they are playing Manchester on Thurs, but Mr JG's on call (switched from the Friday as we're off on holiday Saturday) so I had to sell my tickets...seen them loads of times, they're brilliant (and better than James)!!

    I've spent the weekend hiding in the house/shade, I'm so fair skinned, I'd have burned in 10 mins!

    But, I HAVE started CLP's book, and it'll be coming on hols with me again this time!

    JG x

  • Comment number 31.

    JG my friend is the bigger fan than me, I only really knew their big songs (Weather with you, Distant Sun etc) but it was a great gig. I don't get to see live music too often but I really enjoyed it. Neil Finn had good chat going on, it was his wife Sharon's birthday that night so part of the set was dedicated to her which was lovely.

    I was really really glad that I took suncream with me to Glasgow otherwise I'd have fried! As it is I'm living up to my name with a wee rosy glow!


  • Comment number 32.

    Rosie, Neil's always up for a good old chat, it's one of their charms! I first saw them when they did the Woodface tour (Weather with you, etc)!

    They have matured well, and actually just thinking on, I think I had to sell my 2007 tickets as well, it was my Nan's funeral....

    JG x

  • Comment number 33.

    Blimmin football.

    A x

  • Comment number 34.

    I know BG! :(

    JG x

  • Comment number 35.

    Listening to Radcliffe & Maconie as per usual in the evenings.

    Watched last A2A earlier but am still non the wiser!!

    Susan x

  • Comment number 36.

    Evening each

    Chris, like Mary, can't help you on a title. Was this the meeting you were talking about this morning? Did you change his mind?

    4yr old in bed in spare room. His baby brother has finally decided it's time to face the world.


  • Comment number 37.

    No, Sus, me neither, I'll watch it again if Mr JG hasn't deleted it!

    JG x

  • Comment number 38.

    JG - you like football don't you?? If not, hide yourself away in 3 weeks time.....

    Susan - Have a look on FB Scoobs did a great explanation of what happened. I got it after reading that.

    Off to quiz night.


    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 39.

    I suppose we'd better get used to it JG. But think, we could do something new and useful every time it's on, like learn a new language, paint a room or sort out a drawer! Well maybe not. But I think I will be reading a lot.

    A x

  • Comment number 40.

    Annie, good luck in the coming hours!

    A x

  • Comment number 41.

    Football, not in our house, urghhhhh!!!!! Missed Corrie because of it, not a happy bunny.

    Annie, Hope all goes well x

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 42.

    Annie so glad your next grandson has decided he is 'cooked' - hope all goes well for his Mammmy - did you manage Newcastle last Saturday?

    S x

  • Comment number 43.

    Thanks BG and Pen. Not much sleep for me tonight I think. I'll be waiting for the phone call.

  • Comment number 44.

    Annie, if you're like me, you insist they call whatever time it is.


  • Comment number 45.

    I'm not looking forward to the World Cup either, I hope there are some good films etc on other channels while the matches are on!

    Hope all goes well Annie


  • Comment number 46.

    Hi Susan, yes, drove down Saturday morning and back Sunday evening. It was scorching, wasn't it? Sat outside in Gosforth on Saturday evening with pizza, salad and wine - lovely.

    Got to see my dear old 90yr old aunt who is recovering from being in hospital. And was so glad I'd made the effort to get down because my darling brother is not grand - missing his twin.

    The man in the cupboard kept me company and talked my left ear off.


  • Comment number 47.

    I do like footie, but as a Welsh lass, I'm more into rugby! Although am happy with the England flag Mr JG plans to hang out of the front window!

    Still waiting Annie? BTW, did you ever get my email?

    JG x

  • Comment number 48.

    Thanks all. Pen - they wouldn't dare not phone. I am a matriarch!!!!

    What email JG? Am I having a senior moment?


  • Comment number 49.

    Tell him to be careful JG - I've heard the police are stopping people to remove the flag from their cars - racist I believe! And that pubs are banning the England shirt. Madness!

    A x

  • Comment number 50.

    Too right Annie, lol

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 51.

    Annie, I used to have my clarinet lessons in Gosforth with the principal clarinettist from the Northern Sinfonia. V posh there, am impressed.

    A x

  • Comment number 52.

    Annie, I sent an email to your bt... email on 14th May?

    BG, he's not allowed one on his van and neither of the cars are suitable for them, so he's planning on hanging the 3 foot by 8 foot one on the garage...

    I think the police thing is just web-talk, there are plenty around here on cars, and they've been on since St Georges Day!

    Can't really say about the pubs, most of our local ones are closed and boarded up!

    JG x

  • Comment number 53.

    BG, Gosforth might be posh (but not quite as posh as Jesmond!) but definitely not my brother's house. Shopaholic friend, on her only visit there, described it as 'upmarket steptoe' and I'd have to agree.


  • Comment number 54.

    Can't find it JG, even in my deleted ones. Did I reply? God, I sound like my mother!

  • Comment number 55.

    Ah JG, I wondered if it might be a bit of web hysteria - serves me right for relying on my 15 year-old for information!

    A x

  • Comment number 56.

    Annie of course Gosforth is posh but Jesmond is posher apart from the hoards of students! I'm only about 3/4 miles from both depending which direction I drive.

    BG I am impressed - are you from round these parts too then?

    S xx

  • Comment number 57.

    I'll re-send Annie...

    BG, I think so, as much as I've read anyway....some folk are being tricked into joining groups on FB that, quite frankly are not very nice!

    JG x

  • Comment number 58.

    CLP, good for you love, get out and enjoy the sun and let it lift your spirits and send your thoughts soaring!

    I had a lovely weekend, just messing about in my little patch of earth and re-potting some plants, which I hope not to have brutally slayed in the process - only time will tell. Spent Saturday evening in a pub beer garden in the company of two very excellent friends, thanking heaven for them and everyone else I love, and polishing off a couple of bottles of vino collapso :-)

    Work today, but the sun was a bit shy, so not too upset - warm enough for bare legs though woo hoo! But can I ask - MC, Clodagh, MTF et al, do you have to rub it in???

    Daisy, love the joke, will have to tell my dad :-)

    Gail, sorry to hear your news. I hope it goes well, will be thinking of you x

    Deev, fingers crossed that the remuneration man (or woman!) comes through x

    Annie woo hoo, excellent news - any sign yet?

    AF xx

    ps football? What's that?? ;-)

  • Comment number 59.

    Susan - well it depends how you look at it. My family would disown me if I said yes, because I am actually from Sunderland, and as you will know, never the twain shall meet. Although I used to catch the train with my mates in the early 80s and sample the Old Peculiar - no idea why.

    Also, once we went to this really rough party in Bentham (I think)? We ended up catching the early (morning) train home and someone had sprayed my hair pink - yeughhhh. This is a bit of a confession - got caught fair-dodging and had to bunk off school the following week to pay our fines at Bank. And this was before they built the Metro.

    However I have been in Rugby for 20 years and am a good girl now. But we're off up there on Saturday to visit BoleynMam.

    A x

  • Comment number 60.

    Hello all,

    Annie ,will be thinking of you ,hope you dont have to wait too long.

    BG,JG me neither into footie ,I think I shall slowley go around the bend .

    well This afternoon Mr B and myself did three garden centres looking for a couple of trees for our Garden .Very difficult isn't it choosing the right ones .
    Didn't get any today ,but will carry on searching ,but did buy some nice bedding plants and I bought myself a trug ,just love them to bits .

    Cant decide at the mo wether to have a beer or wine .
    Will decide soon.


  • Comment number 61.

    BG that's ok. I used to work with people from Sunderland and South Shields and we got on ok unless the teams were playing one another!! Might have been Bensham (Gateshead area somewhere)

    Shame the weather this weekend isn't going to be a patch on last weekend but I am sure you will have a good time anyway visiting family - are you getting to the Leeds meet?

    Right I'm off to make a cuppa - hope news comes early Annie so that you get some sleep before 4yr old wakes.

    Sus xx

  • Comment number 62.

    BG, Sunderland? Isn't that the second class football team? Although I know nothing about footie.

    Bensham, maybe? Is that right Susan?


  • Comment number 63.

    Yes lasses, that sounds right, Bensham (shudder). No idea who's party it was. Hope my teenagers don't read this.

    Annie, I believe they're in the Premier League still, but the footie gene passed me by much to the disgust of the family.

    Susan, sorry can't do Leeds meet, I already feel constantly guilty about not seeing enough of my Mam since Dad died two years ago, so I have to devote whole 3 days to her.

    I've never made it to a meet but the next time there's one in the Midlands I'll try my very best to be there. Lets hope soon.

    A xx

  • Comment number 64.

    Oops, meant to ask before I toddle off; Bids, hello, what's a trug?

    A x

  • Comment number 65.

    BG I think we all went to parties we would rather forget or didn't know whose they were!

    Leeds isn't until 26th June. Have a great weekend with your Mam.

    Right better talk to him on the other seat for a change - catch some of yous tomorrow.

    Night all xxx

  • Comment number 66.

    And Annie, good luck again, hope you get some sleep at some point.
    A xx

  • Comment number 67.

    Glad you asked boleyngirl, come on Bids, do tell.

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 68.

    Bg ,A trug is a hand made wooden carrier for the garden that you can put flowers ,fruit,or anything in really
    They are very nice and very handy for the garden .


  • Comment number 69.

    You lot aren't gardeners, are you? Tell them Bids.

    Am off now to sit in bed by the phone.

    Night all. xxxx

  • Comment number 70.

    Of course it is Bids, I knew that really....NOT!! lol

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 71.

    I have a gardener Annie, I sleep with him!!! he he

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 72.

    Here Pen, steady on there ,you'll be getting a reputation sleeping with the gardener ,but hey I do as well so we'll keep that one between ourselves shall we ;).LOL.


  • Comment number 73.

    LOL Bids. We had a trip out to the garden centre on Saturday, and bought lots of bedding plants, I supplied the sustenance, whilst giving out orders where to plant them! he he

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 74.

    Pen ,think I need to have a chat with you ,you seem to have it all worked out clever girl you .

  • Comment number 75.

    Chris - how on earth do people come up with titles for autobiographies? It seems impossible. I've been trying and all I can come up with is "A Bridge Too Ferrari" (which doesn't work) and "Specs, Drugs and Rock 'n' Roll" (which will get me sued or at the very least moderated).

    I can't match Dan the Man's suggestions however hard I try. Nice one, Dan. I have a feeling Uncle Carl may be the one for this job - come on Unc.

    Evening all to everyone else. Hope you're fine and dandy. Hot, innit?

    Barmy xx

  • Comment number 76.

    Bids, I married a toy boy (all of three years younger) ha ha

    Night all.

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 77.

    Evening all, hope you're well?

    Longtime no see?
    I've been ultra-busy recently and literally not had the time to pick up the laptop. Been on more courses than a Gordon Ramsey dinner party, still one to do but it isn't a crazy pass or fail one like all the others.

    Not much else to report, eldest daughter ran the race for life a few weeks ago, I've signed up to the cancer research Run10k fro October, I'm playing football at the theatre of comedy (aka Carrow Road) on Wednesday, have tickets to Derek Acorah for Sunday, plus Jay-Z next month and I'm also getting a tad excited about the World Cup.

    What's news with you?

    bonnet de douche


  • Comment number 78.

    Glad to see you popping in and It's good to see that the world is well with you .
    Good luck with the exam and the run ,don't forget to put your sponser up on t'other side .

    Best wishes Bids.xxx.

  • Comment number 79.

    Think it's time for me to say good night as it's back to work tomorrow .
    So I'll wish you all a Good night and take care .


  • Comment number 80.

    So, I pop in to find you have all gone to bed.

    Ho hum!!


  • Comment number 81.

    I'm here briefly MTF - just catching up after quiz night - which we won....

    Cup of tea finished now so off to bed. Got a late one tomorrow night as well - we're off to see Jimmy Carr (should be good for a laugh).

    Sleep well all

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 82.

    Morning all

    Well that didn't last! Back to tights and a coat today. Normally 15•c would be positively balmy here but after days of 25•c it feels like I'm in the midst of winter!

    I'm not a gardener but I do like to potter. I probably pull up as many 'good' plants as I do 'bad' ones. I think I need Bids or MTF to come for a visit. Yorkshire is grand at this time of year!


  • Comment number 83.

    Whoop Whoop ..... 16 days to World Cup Kick Off!!!

    Sorry - but I'm so excited about it all - we've even invested in a wall chart for ChezNicia (although not yet worked out the politics of who gets to write the scores on the doors!)

    Hi Gingembre, good to "see" you. Another 10k run? Good for you and well done to your daughter too.

    Quite a bit cooler here in Cannockshire this morning and mercifully a lot cooler last night so a good 8 hours kippage was had before the alarm rudely interrupted my dreamscape at 6.23 hrs.

    I'm having a relaxy morning, waiting for the re-delivery of my new wellies. The ones that were delivered last week were so HUGE we could have camped in them, so they went back and their smaller counterparts should be here this morning - yay! Then off to work at 12.

    Pub quiz night tonight - we're going to a new pub (new for me, although Nic and Big Al have been there before for quizzes, before my time). And it's NOT my turn to drive - yeeeeeee haaaaaaa!!

    Kettle calls .....



  • Comment number 84.

    Make mine a black coffee, one sugar whilst you're making one Deev. Thanks.

    Shall I provide the pastries?


  • Comment number 85.

    An apricot Danish and/or almont criossant would be most welcome! x

  • Comment number 86.

    Good morning,
    Yes here too ,a little cooler but quite pleasant.'tis nice though to have all the doors and windows open.

    Pastries and coffee sounds very nice ,better than me eating my toast.

    Mtf .sorry to have missed you ,I'll catch up some when.Looks like you and I could go into the gardening business Well have to get a plan together .

    Pip,we'll see what we can do ie The garden ;).

    Have a nice day all.


  • Comment number 87.

    Does it get any bettererer?

    Razorlight before the news, and now our Bloggers anthem, Don't Stop Me Now.

    Much love

    Deevs, smiling fondly


  • Comment number 88.

    Morning All,

    Not much blue sky thinking going on today, more like grey sky!! Still at least it's not raining.

    I hope everyone is tickerty boo this morning. Like Deevs I can't wait for the world cup to start, I've got the England matches on my calendar so I don't book anything up when they are on.

    I'd like to get on my soap box for a second. I shouted at the TV last night and told those pampered muppets who get paid a fortune a year to kick a bit of leather around the pitch to sing the National Anthem. Only the goal keeper and Rio were singing with any sort of gusto (and Becks in the stands).

    You're English so sing it with pride, the rugby players do, so why can't you????

    OK rant over.

    Back to my spreadsheets!


  • Comment number 89.

    NEW BLOG!!


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