
Archives for January 2010

Pit Stop Blog

Chris Evans | 15:21 UK time, Friday, 29 January 2010

Having difficulty doing anything other than following the Blair evidence at The Iraq Inquiry - gripping stuff, hearing how the leader of a nation decides whether to go to war or not and all the legalities involved.

Heavy goings on.

Peace and Love.




P.S. Come on Andy.

Magnificent Murray Gives Us a Bit of Thunder From Down Under.

Chris Evans | 11:16 UK time, Thursday, 28 January 2010

Now, as I speak - or type, Andy is 2 sets to 1 up in his semi with Cillic, but the Croat sounds like he's dead on his feet (I'm listening on 5Live).

So if The Great Scot does win, we are faced with a dilemma come Saturday morning - do we watch the tennis or do we remain faithful to Saturday Kitchen. ?

SK recently had a record high audience as a result of the snow. This weekend, they could well have a record low audience, as I have a feeling a lot of SK viewers may well be tennis fans, especially if Muzza is in the final !

Ah well, I'm sure James M. will let us off for one week - won't he ?

Jonny and me and the Golf - our third sporting challenge video - goes up online later today, just in case you haven't had your total fill of top quality sport. . .

"Ahem" (clears throat)

Murray serving for the match. . .




**UPDATE - D'oh, d'oh, d'oh...The tennis final is on Sunday anyway, so no SFTW instead! James, will you ever forgive me, now you know I would've forsaken you for Mr Murray?

I guess this means this blog is obsolete**


Late blogging - guilty, but here's why.

Chris Evans | 16:55 UK time, Wednesday, 27 January 2010

Today saw the third Sporting Challenge between Jonny and me: Golf.

Now by rights I should have won this easily, as it's the one sport I can actually play, however Jonny was playing with the maestro that goes by the name of Bernard Gallacher - ex Ryder Cup skipper.

I, on the other hand, was playing with the Reverend Rob from Pause For Thought - so technically we did have help - but how much God is into golf, we were yet to find out.

Four and a half hours later, and then a trip back to The Berkshire (who were kind enough to host us), to retrieve my bag which I left behind - and I have just arrived home this second.

How many holes do you think we played by the way ? Eighteen? Twenty seven - with a wriggle on? Well no - the answer is nine !!!!

Why? Watch the vid on this website from tomorrow evening to find out. . .

1 - 1 after the tennis and darts, whoever wins the Golf, will take the lead.

I need a hot bath and a nice cup 'o tea. Tea is the new beer.




Ear ear - what's all this about a test then.

Chris Evans | 10:48 UK time, Tuesday, 26 January 2010

I could've sworn I was 'earing things when they asked me to go for an 'earing test at work today. Met two nice blokes called Bob and Col - both very good at their jobs.

And I passed, I passed. The first physical test I've passed in years ! Already phoned the wife - she's thrilled for me and says I might want to go for my 100 yds front crawl badge next. She's so sweet.

In town all day cos' of a do tonight which I can't tell you about until tomorrow, but I promise I will then. You all have a good day now !



Rain can be a pain, but at least we're alive to see it again.

Chris Evans | 14:27 UK time, Monday, 25 January 2010

You see, that's the thing isn't it ? You'd kill for rain over death any day, and when put like that, almost everything can be a bonus if you think about it.

Down in my garage as I correspond, I have just finished writing for the day. My new thing is to write as much as I can until my laptop dies after a full charge - normally about three hours.

I love writing, I don't know why - I just do. I think it's what I'm best at. I love the twists and turns of words and pace. I love the fact that the more you do, the better you get. I love reading it back and being surprised by the sentences as they skip along, racing to keep apace with the story.

I am - of course - very lucky to have a job in the morning that allows me to do this of an afternoon. It doesn't half hurt my back though. Need to get that sorted - along with how to 'save document to desk top' - something I have yet to master - and something that leaves me in constant fear that what I have written will simply slip off quietly one day, never to return...

I can fly a helicopter and operate a radio studio, but I can't seem to save a few pages of text by clicking the right two keys on my qwerty. It's beautifully easy to type qwerty by the way. Have you noticed all those keys are next to each other ?




Afternoon Live From The Sofa

Chris Evans | 15:19 UK time, Friday, 22 January 2010

The gym - er, no to be honest ! Gonna give it a miss - maybe later but not just yet.

Having a listen again to this morning's show. Very nice mix of music - well done Helen Thomas and Jeff Smith. The music is so so important, and there must be plenty of it.

We are averaging ten records an hour, two and a half more than we did on Drive ! Also loving Lynn and Jonny Sports, they are very positive forces to have around...and of course then there's Lady M - you know who.

How about "Dame" Moira Stuart ? That has a certain ring to it don't it ?

I said it on Twitter earlier today, and would like to say it here - thanks so much for the deluge of "converts" to the new show, and the continuing good wishes.

Also TOGS, thank you for all of your best wishes. . .

Excuse me now but the Candyman's on, gotta go and dance around our spider plant - I knew it would come in handy for something !

CLP 2010 X.

Bring on Challenge No. 3

Chris Evans | 10:32 UK time, Thursday, 21 January 2010

Jonny vs Me - DARTS - Hallelujah.

Thank you Lord, s'all I'm sayin'.

Tune in tomorrow to find out more, or click on to our the video on our website from early tomorrow morning.

Today, the office already has that Thursday bounce going on, and there is a definite air of -"...Right this is what we do now, and let's bloomin' well enjoy it."

Think about it, research it, do it, re-do it, re-think about it, do it again and then ENJOY IT !!!

I have a friend who said to me just now - "I'm considering changing my laugh - what do you think ?"

"Why not ?" I replied.

Can't wait to hear her new one.

Happy Thursday Everyone !

CLP 2010


One Hundred and Twelve ! (Miles to Bobby George's house and back)

Chris Evans | 10:15 UK time, Wednesday, 20 January 2010

In the car, on our way to the house of the darts maestro that is Bobby George for this weeks Sporting Challenge. Last week, Jonny went one up as a result of the tennis.

Marky Mark (driver) discussing potential England team world cup selection with Jonny as I write. Now I like football, but even I'm falling asleep listening to them. Men without Sport would like rabbits without big ears - or Noddy for that matter.

In other news, the sky looks full of snow darn 'ere in the Sarf. We await to see if the heavens will open once again - all white ?

Hang on - the boys have now moved on the subject of Bullseye - the TV prog - and what all the guys to do with it are up to presently. I think I might have to get out and take the train !

CLP 2010 x.

So Bees On Toast - Not As Easy As You Think !

Chris Evans | 10:31 UK time, Tuesday, 19 January 2010

The thing is they're protected you see - wasps, you're fine with - but bees, unless they've died of natural causes - forget it Sherlock.

One listener did also contact me to alert me to the existence of Einstein's bee theory, but declined to enlighten me any further - as a result of which I am going to go interweb surfing the jaffa I am done here.

In other news, Come Dine With Me continues to rule our telly viewing at night, especially when Mrs. DJ has rustled up some perfectly cooked lamb along with Chantenay baby carrots and Boulangere potatoes for us to eat whilst watching - both to die for.

And as it happens we did actually eat at the table and do the crossy before we prepared our fix of CDWM.

Goodbye for now, see you on the radio tomorrow.




PS: If tomorrow is a 'Special Day' for you - and you'd like to represent one of the Home Nations - tell us why below!

(In a Geordie Accent a la Big Brother): Day Six In The Breakfast Show House ...

Chris Evans | 10:30 UK time, Monday, 18 January 2010

Loving the show more and more by the day, and incredibly also still remembering to breathe - long may it continue. Genuinely hearing great things about Sir Tel's new Sunday morning programme, can't wait for it to smash up the airwaves starting Sunday Feb 14.

It's a bit of a pea souper here on the A40 on the way home - wasn't expecting that: although we have been let in by 3 happy motorists on this National Let People In Day.

Keep the posts and tweets a coming, as everything is now ammo for the show, harmless ammo of course !

Car shop, home, kettle, toast - book number 2 ! My life for the next three months. Car shop, only a one off for today sadly.




Thanks For A Week None Of Us Here Will Ever Forget.

Chris Evans | 10:44 UK time, Friday, 15 January 2010

So that's it, the new kids have finished their first week at the big school and next week it will all become a lot more normal and no more exams !

Thank you so much for your support, loyalty and helpful hints on how we can do this thing a little better day by day.

Moira is the big hit, EVERYONE loves her - what a smart idea to get her on board. Yes. Yes. Yes. . . it was the idea of a clever little wizard by the name of Lewis. He has this uncanny knack of knowing what is and isn't gonna work. He also happens to be great company.

I also want to thank the team - especially my partner in crime Helen from Hull - but the rest of the guys have also worked their butts off supporting me and giving me anything I might need, to sail this ship we call The Breakfast Show. And I must mention Lynn Bowles, what a lovely lovely colleague to work with. She is as good as it gets and so bloomin' beautiful ! I had no idea. Very very good energy.

Saunders x.

Right that's it, I'm off to reacquaint myself with real life, my wife, my son, my dog, my cars and me local pub. Life doesn't get any better than this.

I am so lucky.




Almost Feel It's OK To Write About Summink Else Today

Chris Evans | 13:04 UK time, Thursday, 14 January 2010

If there is a Brekkie groove, I do believe we have found it. What a strange business this is though. I remember it was the Thursday of the first week of Drivetime until we began to feel like we knew what we were doing. Maybe that's it, maybe it's a four day thing.

So one week down and who knows how many to go. I can't tell you by the way how much I have enjoyed reflecting on all the different opinions and crits people have had regarding our new slot. A few years ago I wouldn't have had any of it and just buried my head in the sand, alienating any future potential audience but now, if we can get 'em - we want 'em, so why not listen to what everyone has to say ?

The more extreme the negativity though the less accurate the gripe, making it easier for me to spot people who will never see it our way - like the one guy who claimed the "majority" of the Radio 2 Breakfast Show audience were pensioners on low income and often house bound ! What ? Sure "some" of the audience may fall into one, two or even all three of those categories but the "majority" - not the best way of trying to secretly urge other people not to listen.

On my way to the new C4 book club show now. I did manage to read my last 200 pages of required reading albeit the last few in the car on the way there. The book - 499 pages of ghoulish goings on from a lady who apparently before this has focused mostly on lesbianism.

See you on the radio,




Got To Admit It's Getting Better, Better All The Time. . .

Chris Evans | 16:19 UK time, Wednesday, 13 January 2010

Today's show was the first show since D Day where I felt I was in the moment. I remembered to breathe and everything.

Had a very funny conversation with Terry's producer Barrowlands last night. Having witnessed what has gone on this week with our new show and time slot, he's now thinking about Terry's new show and how that's gonna take time to "bed in". It hadn't occurred to me that Terry's gonna be nervous as well when he returns in February, with his spankingly fabulous Sunday morning show.

This really is a strange business. We put ourselves up for judgement every day and then wonder how come we all end up half mad or worse. Ha ha ! If I only realised a few years ago what I realise now, and learnt not to fret about it... But then again if I had have done, I wouldn't be here having the best time of my life now would I?

In other news, Johnny and I have just finished recording the first of our weekly sporting challenges for the Friday Brekkie show and I honestly ache all over. . . can't wait for tomorrow - ouch !

See you on the radio.




Hey You Lot - This Is Great

Chris Evans | 14:59 UK time, Tuesday, 12 January 2010

Read 'all' the posts from yesterday and I have to say, with the exception of a couple of extreme 100% anti me rants - which there is nothing I can do about, I agree with a lot of what's been said.

We, by no means, think we were spot on with yesterday's show or even today's for that matter, but I can assure you we are our own biggest critics.

Glad we dropped the second phone in slot this morning, the space created by doing so gave rise to far more humorous and stimulating correspondence from your good selves - bobble busting and cows being colour blind - who knew ?

We are continuing to smooth and iron our "clocks" as we call them and tweak the music. Mystery guest stays, today's guest was fab. Even the bloke himself that we had on on Monday called back to say he thought he'd overcooked it a bit ! (You're not kidding son).

You see we all know what works and what doesn't - even if we're not quite sure why.

See you on the radio.




P.S. Noah's first front page - Daily Mail. He's so like his mum - thank God. Xxx.

Lovely Ken Bruce, lovely Sarah Kennedy.

Chris Evans | 12:42 UK time, Monday, 11 January 2010

They could not have made us more welcome today and there we are now - the first one over and done with.

Thank the heavens:

A. For giving us ye olde job in the first place

B. For the first show going without a hitch. We got all our music away and miraculously were more or less on time

So the seed has been sewn and it's onwards from here. As Ken said only 26 years and 364 more shows to go.

We're happy to serve.




From the bloggers...

Chris Evans | 11:01 UK time, Tuesday, 5 January 2010

the coolest trainers in the world!


Final Festive Greetings To You All

Chris Evans | 10:44 UK time, Monday, 4 January 2010

We wait so long for it every year that's why in our house IT'S STILL CHRISTMAS !!! Well when I say in our house, what I actually mean is in our lives - as we are in fact just about still away.

This has officially been the best Christmas of my adult life for one main reason as I'm sure you can guess - that little man by the name of Noah. Next year will be similar but with words no doubt.

Thank you so so much for all the gifts I received from the bloggers and blogettes at The Do at The O2 - you really shouldn't have but you did, and I am very grateful. They will all start to be utilised as this year continues to tick by. Can you believe that Jan 1st, Jan 2nd and Jan 3rd 2010 have already been and gone and are no more - blimmin' frightening.

Anyway, we are back from our travels later today, when thoughts will turn to a new show I'm supposed to be doing starting sometime next week. I really must find out the finer details.



2010 !

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