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Magnificent Murray Gives Us a Bit of Thunder From Down Under.

Chris Evans | 11:16 UK time, Thursday, 28 January 2010

Now, as I speak - or type, Andy is 2 sets to 1 up in his semi with Cillic, but the Croat sounds like he's dead on his feet (I'm listening on 5Live).

So if The Great Scot does win, we are faced with a dilemma come Saturday morning - do we watch the tennis or do we remain faithful to Saturday Kitchen. ?

SK recently had a record high audience as a result of the snow. This weekend, they could well have a record low audience, as I have a feeling a lot of SK viewers may well be tennis fans, especially if Muzza is in the final !

Ah well, I'm sure James M. will let us off for one week - won't he ?

Jonny and me and the Golf - our third sporting challenge video - goes up online later today, just in case you haven't had your total fill of top quality sport. . .

"Ahem" (clears throat)

Murray serving for the match. . .




**UPDATE - D'oh, d'oh, d'oh...The tennis final is on Sunday anyway, so no SFTW instead! James, will you ever forgive me, now you know I would've forsaken you for Mr Murray?

I guess this means this blog is obsolete**



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  • Comment number 1.

    Go Andy..!!

  • Comment number 2.

    Well done Ticketyboo!!

    Come on Andy ... (said with absolutely no expression in my voice)...

    T xxx

  • Comment number 3.

    thats it no ballet on sat well done mr murray ,if we miss ballet you can miss your sat kitchen!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 4.

    Christoff, you have no dilemma, as the tennis final is being played on Sunday morning.

    Morning everyone else.

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 5.

    Well done Andy. Had lots to do on Saturday morning - may now have to cram it all into Saturday afternoon.

    Long time lurker - I very much enjoy the banter and most peoples' support and concern for each other.

    Love Plane Janet

    PS Was thinking about you Crumpy and you posted. The good memories will sustain you. I am sure you are a big support to your friend's family.

  • Comment number 6.

    Hi Chris,

    Oooh, it's great for Andy!

    And, yes, looking forward to seeing the video of you and Jonny later!

    Tinsel: very funny, and very accurate. Andy is a grumpy b*gger!

    Penny: thanks for the info. I thought I would miss the match, as I will be at the "barnet fixer", as Beez would say!

    From the previous blog, just a couple of things:

    AliB: re: appendix. It is on the right-hand side of your abdomen, quite low down, towards the pelvis. If it's appendicitis, the pain starts off sort like a "nipping" or "growling" pain - difficult to explain! If there is pain there at all, I would say get it checked out... as opposed to what I did, which was ignore it for three weeks, only to find myself at death's door and in hospital for eight days! Seriously though, go to your GP, please don't think you are wasting their time.

    Crumpy: it is wonderful to see you back. It has been a terrible time for you, but you do have your memories of your lovely friend, and they will get you through. Great to hear about Adam. Sounds like he is turning the corner - good for him!

    Lovely to hear about all the new babies that are due. x

    CSN: re: the seat-giving conversation - just shocking really. And what absolutely amazes me is when an elderly person comes on the bus/train and all the young people and EVERY man ignores them ... reads the paper, looks out the window. I always offer my seat to anyone who needs it - my lovely mum would come back to haunt me if I didn't!

    Gail: your post was absolutely beautiful.

    Hope everyone else is ok.

    C xx

  • Comment number 7.

    Chris, instead of worrying about Saturday/Sunday you need to think hard about Monday, and your show. I've still not enjoyed a single minute of any show. I'm trying but it's, well, not good. It's just foolishness and not funny, not entertaining.

    And, the music today was so soft-rock and so bland I could have been listening to commercial radio. Really, it's time you and your producers sat down and studied the Radio 2 broadcasting licence - make your show's music distinctive, and provide musical enjoyment for a mature audience who at the moment you are alienating.

    John W

  • Comment number 8.

    Hi Chris,

    Lets hope Andy doesn't provide too many heart stopping moments in the final. Everything will stop in this household on Sunday, that's for sure. Love tennis.

    P.S.Just listening to what is coming up on (in) Jeremy's show. Have never been shopping in my nightie, always clean vest and pants meself!

    :o) Mcw x

  • Comment number 9.

    P.S. Welcome to Ticketyboo and Janet!

  • Comment number 10.

    Hi John,

    Nice to see you write something constructive that the team and Chris can use. Hope you come round to it soon, at least you are with it.
    Can I ask if you have liked or loathed Chris in the past?
    Is it him that you are struggling to enjoy or just the content?

    For balance - being a whippersnapper...I find that the show bounces along with as broad range of music that the time slot allows.
    I love the foolishness and am so pleased that Chris has now started talking more about himself, his life and more everyday stuff.

    This is what he does best....well, this and sitting on his wife!

    I honestly cannot believe how quickly those two and a half hours whizz past.

    Stick with it John - he'll talk you round eventually.


    Firm Handshake

  • Comment number 11.

    Hi Guys ....

    new blog yayyyy ....

    billie xxxxx

  • Comment number 12.

    At least you are sticking with it, that should say!

  • Comment number 13.

    yeah Rips .. even my hubby who was not a CLP fan now listens ......

    Billie xxx

  • Comment number 14.


    You realise that if Murray wins the Final he will be British and if he loses Scottish...
    Welcome Janet...
    John W - I think you must be listening to another show...one of the many things I like about Chris is that he is INclusive, and, much as I liked Terry Wogan, I always felt like an outsider, not one of the group and therefore viewed him as EXclusive. Best you stick to Sarah Kennedy and then switch off I think - it's clearly too painful for you.


  • Comment number 15.

    Morning all,

    Whilst I don't agree at all with John W re not enjoying a minute of the show, I have to say that I'm with him regarding the music being played.

    I mentioned on the blog the other day that the Better Half had noticed the distinct lack of 'new' music on the show. To be honest, I wish she hadn't because it's got me 'monitoring' (in my head!) the music played, and she's right (but then she's a woman, so she's bound to be right!)

    CLP - you're getting a lot of things right in refining the show, but the music needs to be looked at again.

  • Comment number 16.

    The other thing with CLP is he is soo laid back and nothing is too important .... and he dones not favour anyone .. simply put "whats not to like " ????


  • Comment number 17.


  • Comment number 18.

    Afternoon Chris and everyone

    Just coming up for a bit of air ....

    When I read SK recently had highest figures .... I read it as Sarah KEnnedy and thought maybe more R2 listeners are tuning in, in readiness of Chris and the Breakfast Crew.

    Dopey Deevs!

    And it tends to be Soccor AM in "our" house on a Saturday morning. Pure silliness.

    There may be a tiny chink of light at the end of the Deevski Workload tunnel - got a fair bit done this morning (yes, despite playing over on Simon's blog for a while - hi TicketyB!!). May even be able to stop for luncheon today - now there's a novelty.

    Currently listening to The Carpenters. Blimmin' lovely!



  • Comment number 19.

    Hopefully this wont get modded:


    Muldoon lived alone in the Irish
    countryside with only a pet dog for company. One day the dog
    died, and Muldoon went to the parish priest and asked,
    'Father, my dog is dead. Could ya' be saying' a Mass for the
    poor creature?'

    Father Patrick replied, 'I'm afraid
    not; we cannot have services for an animal in the church.
    But there are some Baptists down the lane, and there's no
    tellin' what they believe.. Maybe they'll do something for
    the creature.'

    Muldoon said, 'I'll go right away
    Father.. Do ya think $5,000 is enough to donate to them for
    the service?'

    Father Patrick exclaimed, 'Sweet
    Mary, Mother of Jesus! Why didn't ya tell me the dog was

  • Comment number 20.

    Dear Nasty Nic,

    You have gone too far there suggesting that he listens to Sarah Kennedy!!!
    Withdraw that now.

    Andy Murray British? Not in my house - he will be Scottish, and good luck to him......by him I do of course mean his opponent....

    Good morning ChrissieS, Gail, Mary, Hls and Dreamer 8^O



    Who is donning his hard hat!

  • Comment number 21.

    DM - should that be €5,000? Great joke through

    Mr bp has just set up a hotmail account in my new married name - is that sweet or odd??

    Sorry - have nothing to comment on golf or tennis. Music wise - dire straits was great this morning but I missed STW singing along to the woohoo's


  • Comment number 22.

    Watch it Rips!!, just you wait till Chrissie reads that post, there'll be a murdur!


  • Comment number 23.

    Gail, I'm laughing properly at #19 and nervously at #22



  • Comment number 24.

    I would like Chris to have an 'obscure' spot to his show, where he plays something brilliant that has been 'lost' in time. Hope that makes sense. I must admit that I do get fed up hearing the same old songs, not just on Chris' programme. So whilst I don't agree with everything John W says, he has got a point about the music sometimes (not always) being a bit bland. (Says she who enjoyed Billy Joel this morning and suggested waking up to The Lighthouse Family on the previous blog!). I know there are specialist shows for that sort of thing, but agree to having a good mix.I think Chris is sounding a lot more relaxed than he did in week one, and he does try to include everyone.

    Mcw x

  • Comment number 25.

    Rips - so you should be.


  • Comment number 26.


    Well I listen to SK (That's Sarah not Saturday, for those not paying attention...) just so as I can monitor just how blimmin awful she is (at least half of her listeners seem to be listening on the internet in some other country in the World) but this has the added benefit of making Chris sound even better than he already does!
    I'm keeping away from commenting on religion...


  • Comment number 27.

    That's a good shout MCW,

    I reckon that if they were good enough you could get 'obscure' on the Gobsmackers.

    There's a challenge! Use the fact that they are obscure as the link.



  • Comment number 28.

    Go on, I dare you.
    I'm reckon that SK is the reason that podcasts were invented.
    Now there's an idea for some of Chris' less friendly posters, don't keep moaning about it, listen to something
    My views are not necessarily those of the Â鶹Éç.......but they probably are.



  • Comment number 29.

    Brilliant Rips, will try that!

    PS Have to make a confession now....Cringe... I was the one who requested The Seekers as Moira's Golden Oldie on the first show. Now that's blown my argument right out of the water.

    PPS Still it brought back many happy memories.

    Mcw x

  • Comment number 30.

    Rips, No thanks, I like all my bits exactly where they are thank you...
    Does Saturday Kitchen have a podcast then...


  • Comment number 31.

    Nic - agree that SK is bloomin' awful - was convinced that having the earlier slot would push her off into the sunset! Still, I don't get to listen to her now, so as far as I'm concerned, she can carry on pleasing the people she pleases!!

    I've been thinking the last few days, what's the point of Moira's Golden Oldie, when (practically) all of the songs played are Golden Oldies anyway!

  • Comment number 32.

    John W

    I assume that the Â鶹Éç are not beaming the show directly into your brain so why do you put yourself through the torture of listening, do you think there will be some massive volte face on the part of R2, or do you enjoy complaining?

    Why not just have a twiddle on the dial and try to find something that suits you. With all those digital channels out there your bound to find something you like.

    Confession time. I don't listen to the Chris Evans breakfast show.

    It's not that I don't like him, in fact I rarely listen to any radio at that time of day. I just like a bit of peace and quiet at the start of the day. Each to their own and all that

  • Comment number 33.

    Gail: Your joke is hilarious and so accurate - I know what I'm talking about, being a "Tim"!

    And you are right: there certainly will be a murrrrrdur in Maryhill ...

    Oi, Ripsy: watch it, mate! Only joking - I know you love your Scottish cousins, really!

    Chrissie xx

  • Comment number 34.

    Sorry, but I can't be doing with SK. No offence, just not my bag so choose not to listen.

    I do however really really really miss Russell Brand's podcast - it was just classic.

    Can I go home yet!?!!

    x x x

  • Comment number 35.

    mcw - your choice of lighthouse family left me unable to comment - see an earlier post from me for my music choices - all from 08/09 and all wock (sorry bingo)

  • Comment number 36.

    Deevs .. if i had my way you would be able to go home right now ..xxxxxx

    Billie xxxx

  • Comment number 37.

    Even I'm struggling to decipher #28

    Barney - you never fail to surprise x

    Chrissie - of course I'm joking my lovely........Ahem!



  • Comment number 38.

    In fairness CLP did play the new Stereophonics and Leona Lewis songs in the bit I listened to this morning. Whilst they might not be everyone's cup of tea, it is new music.

    I must admit that Fireflies song seems to be on quite a lot though.

    Anyway, I've just come out of a three hour course on a risk management and a new system that it seems we won't even be using...can I have my three hours of life back please?

    JG x

  • Comment number 39.

    Cheryl, Oh hang on a minute, dear, who was it that started a fb campaign to get rid of SK...remind me?

    Nic, now probably in trouble too...


  • Comment number 40.


    And I hate the Fireflys song!

    x x x x

  • Comment number 41.

    quick poll - anyone here on the blog like leona lewis?

    I vote for she makes my ears bleed!

  • Comment number 42.

    WHYS that Deevs ? Fireflys song is ok >>. bit ova played thou .....

    Billie xxx

  • Comment number 43.

    Leona Lewis is ....... okish .. but ova played too xxxx

  • Comment number 44.

    Baggy, couldn't find what you had said about LHF before, but assume it wasn't complimentary.

    However, on scanning thru your previous blogs, do agree with you about ELO- Out of the Blue was the first album I bought- saved up for ages from my paper round.

    I'm getting sick of that Fireflys song too.

    Off to lunch. Mcw x

  • Comment number 45.

    Hello CLP and all

    I confess, it has been one week since my last posting. Not sure where the time has gone but much has been spent in job searching as I am nearing the end of my time in the current employment. I have been reading the blog though and laughed out loud several times!!

    Crumpy - thoughts are with you. Hold on to the good memories with joy in your heart.

    Super BP - was walking City in't rain yesterday looking for a smart bean counter with a Tigger brolly! If a total stranger stalks up to you and says "hi" - it's me!

    Newbies - welcome, it's nice here.

    I like the music that I hear in the morning but it is very similar to STW's playlist - maybe this is a transition time? Did used to listen to SK but I did feel I had walked into a Mothers Union meeting in error!

    Catch you all later

    Miss P

  • Comment number 46.

    urrrgh .. S Kennedy is sooooo irritating ..... cant stand her .... id rather listen to paint dry than that woman ...xxx

    Billie xxx

  • Comment number 47.

    my week day radio listening routine is
    radio comes on at 6.50 always has.it gives me the chance to wake up slowly.

    someone brings me tea in bed(i know the luxury)
    then when i get downstairs suitable dressed and washed i turn off radio 1 that daughter likes to listen to and turn my radio on which is radio 2.
    on school run we either have highschoolmusical or radio 2.
    i switch off when ken bruce comes on as i dont like him.
    i might turn jeremy on but i am known to shout at the radio !
    steve wright in the afternoon school run and then simon mayo might get a look in if i remember to turn radio back on in kitchen while i am sorting out supper.

    so you if you dont like something use the big on/off switch

    i really like the music this morning a couple of days ago it was dire.all to slow and old.
    i like to hear chris though and his silliness

    not too sure about the golden oldie slot as at the moment i find moiras voice irratating.


  • Comment number 48.

    Miss P - wise words about SK!

    I don't mind Leona...but I do wish she would do something upbeat for a change!!

  • Comment number 49.

    leona lewis.
    ears bleed

  • Comment number 50.

    Sarah Kennedy

  • Comment number 51.

    mine should read..i really liked the music this morning . a couple of days ago it was dire

    need to remember fullstops................................................................................................................

  • Comment number 52.

    Mr Evans: have just noticed your update! I am sure James would have understood that supporting one of the "home team" is very important!

    ** if this makes the blog obsolete, what will we do with ourselves for the rest of today?!

    Love, Chrissie xx

  • Comment number 53.


  • Comment number 54.

    Capitals might come in handy as well!

  • Comment number 55.

    I feel I am about to be lynched here (cyber lynched that is), but I don't mind SK in the mornings!! - there I've said it.

    My alarm goes off at 5.50 and I'm outside by 6 mucking out my horses so it's ok to listen to then (no comments about sh*t please). Shower at 6.30, then breakfast at 7 ready for CLP who I then listen to until 8 when I arrive at work, finish work usually about 3.30, listen to SW till 5, usually whilst riding or walking the dogs with my headphones in, then Mayo till 7 when we have dinner.

    So There!!



  • Comment number 56.

    Baggy - I think you are probably aware that I do not like the Howling Banshee that is Leona Lewis, due to too many unneccessary notes (Just blimmin showing off) and the fact she ruined a wonderful Snow Patrol song. Put her in the same room as SK (That's not Saturday Kitchen btw (and that's by the way, by the way)) remove all light and throw away the key.



  • Comment number 57.

    Gail, Lynchmob standing by...lol...



  • Comment number 58.

    NicRolastic- this is beginning to sound like Room 101....

  • Comment number 59.


    hey dont insult the howing banshee,s they sound alot better than those two even after highly intoxicated ..lol xxxx

    Billie xxxx

  • Comment number 60.

    Hello all

    Another occasional lurker here. Have been listening to CLP since "Not Too Much Gravy" show on Sunday lunchtimes and have always rated him as a very talented broadcaster. STW saw me through my commute to work every morning for years and CLP on the way home. I was a bit concerned at first as the new breakfast show was just like the drivetime show and everything was a bit frantic. HOWEVER .. yesterday was the breakthrough moment for me with the Jonny Saunders "human product" comment which made me laugh so much I cried.

    Job done!

    Cheeripip for now


  • Comment number 61.

    Miss p - I shall use my brolly with pride - feel free to come and say hello :-)

    If you are a true stalker - I use babrican station in the morning and moorgate in the evening

  • Comment number 62.

    You will have to lynch me too.i am not adverse to SK in the morning.
    Rather her than Richard Allinson or Aled Jones

    see Barney sometimes I can use CAPITALS.
    but usually you get one or the other.and i prefer to use fullstops and commas.havent trained my little finger to get to the shift key on a regular basis !!

  • Comment number 63.

    Me again...

    Just read a quote that made me think of MC!

    "There are four basic food groups: milk chocolate, dark chocolate, white chocolate, and chocolate truffles."

    Right, I need to catch up with some work!

    JG x

  • Comment number 64.

    I guess she must have some fans...

    Nic, In Room 101, Door firmly locked


  • Comment number 65.

    If I am at home, Radio 2 is on all day and often into the evening (although I do turn off Desmond the Carrington and Friday Night is Mush Night). Probably not a discerning listener therefore!

    As for Leona - all I would say to her is "keep bleeding, love". She won't last long.

    Miss P

  • Comment number 66.

    not a fan,i just dont find her terrible to have half an ear to.


  • Comment number 67.

    Super BP - I am a Cannon Street girl so won't be a proper stalker! (would need lessons from Rips!!). Need to sort that lunch out......

    JG - I think a 5th food group is looming - chocolate with cheesey coating.


  • Comment number 68.

    Radio 2 is on all day till 7pm ... getting used to Simon Mayo .. but it gets turned off then .. in our housey ............xxxx

    i used to listen to our local station ..but saw the light and is now a loyal listener to Radio 2 .........

    Billie xxxx

  • Comment number 69.

    Miss P ......


    Chocloate n Crisps yes ........xxxx

    Billie xxxx

  • Comment number 70.

    Billie, we may have no choice!


  • Comment number 71.

    Afternoon blogland

    As my last blog got moderated - I know not why - I shall try to writ thes in binglish (that's Bingo english for the moderators!)

    ah now John what ya mite meen, but d'ya needta listen? maybe 6moosic is your thang!? Oh this is way too difficult - for me Chris in the morning is now better than drivetime. And for all those SK non fans (that's Sarah Kennedy) I like her - so there. I think she is an integral part of the radio 2/British (not English Rips!!!) culture. Go Sarah!

    So now onto Andy Murray - go Andy!!!! Oh what the h**L go anyone!!! But Rips - are you not liking the Scottish culture? I thought you had fun with Chrissie and the girls here in Glasgow? Were we not mean enough to you?! Please - pray tell how we can make this up to you? Do you prefer it if we call you a softie sassenach?! And 'stick the heid in ya'?
    Mary - think my comment about your back and your french lessons may have caused my moderation but hope you are doing better today.


  • Comment number 72.

    Miss P - Don't mind me!

    Nice shoes btw ;^)



    Who fancies stalking in Scotland but may be well advised to steer clear for a while.

  • Comment number 73.


    If Andy wins on Sunday, does that make him a shoe-in for Sports Personality of the Year? Go Andy, but let's not get our hopes up eh!

    Chrissie, Thank you for your wise words. The pain is as you described, so I will watch it for a few days and see if it progresses, promise not to leave it three weeks though. Perhaps I should have my parents on stand-by incase it explodes! Or may be my Best Friend, she won't panic as much.

    Had a bot of a mare of a morning, but am in another job now which, hopefully, won't be quite as hectic!


  • Comment number 74.

    Sounds like a pretty good start Dreamer.


  • Comment number 75.

    Although as I've absolutely no idea what you said, maybe I should be a little more reserved....not for the first time.

    Anyway - I always assumed that you were English!




  • Comment number 76.

    AliB - Andy Murray cannot win SPOTY, as he is excluded on the grounds that he doesn't possess a personality.



  • Comment number 77.

    Rips now aka as softie sassenach!

    Off to work now.

    that is a command not informative!


  • Comment number 78.


    That never stopped my hero and your fellow midlander Nigel Mansell.

    Who by the way, I once named one of my cats after.....No not Nigel!


  • Comment number 79.

    Nic ... you know if Andy Murray does win the tennis.. he wont win SPOTY ......it will goto another Man Utd player..... lol xxx

    Billie xxxx

  • Comment number 80.

    NicRolastic Re post #76

    Two words; Nigel Mansell.

  • Comment number 81.


    Damn your nimble fingers!

  • Comment number 82.

    Dreamer in the words of Marjorie Dawes....."No, sorry, didn't get it....D'it again?"


  • Comment number 83.


    Maybe Wayne Rooney after he scores the winner in the World Cup Final.

  • Comment number 84.

    Ok, so there was Nigel Mansell - fair point - that must have been a really quiet year then...and now we the public get to vote for it, so anything is possible!
    After last night, the winner must be ROONEY!! I'm looking forward to having a quick "chat" with my ex wife tonight, as I go round to see my son, as she is a Man City fan...!!



  • Comment number 85.

    I did want to put a bit about the lack of personality for Andy, but didn't want to offend our Scottish friends - ever the diplomat me xx

  • Comment number 86.

    Talking of football, Deev has been very quiet after the weekends game - eh Deev!!

  • Comment number 87.

    Now Now .. dont start Ali .. everyone has an off weekend .. dont spoil Deevs day ... lol xxx

    Billie xxx

  • Comment number 88.

    Ello Christoof L.P & ALL Bloggies....

    Bingo Star ere.....

    It's all gone wrong!!!!!!!!!!

    Ave just dropped a trailer atta site ter drop it!!!!!!

    A asked the wmoan on reception "where shall a drop me 40' aych gee vee trailer?????"
    She said "on the back fence!!!"
    A said "what on... the back fence????@?"
    She said "yes!!@!"

    So a did!!!!!!!!!

    Only problem am on a disciplinary 'earing for driving me truck through the fence!!!!!!!!!!!!

    A can't win!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 89.

    Well done Andy - I hope that the whole of Great Britain gets behind you!!
    Get annoyed seeing the comments from 'untalentedmrripley'!! Bile if you ask me.

    I am British but born in Scotland. Lived in Scotland all my life and would never say that I am anything other than British. The same would apply if I had happened to be born in England - Four nations make up the United Kingdom of Great Britain - including Scotland.

    We are all British and long may that continue!!!

  • Comment number 90.

    Shazbag - When reading Rips comments, advisable to view with tongue firmly placed in cheek...if that's not mixing a metaphor...Don't agree on the British thing though. I always say I am English but that's just a personal thing.


  • Comment number 91.


    i think Andy Murray said himself that he was Scottish not British


  • Comment number 92.


    Although I agee in principle with what you say. I've never yet met a Welsh or Scottish person that would support England in either football or rugby! Where as I would support Wales or Scotland for both, unless of course they were playing England.


  • Comment number 93.

    Rips - I haven't forgotten Andy Murray supporting Argentina with great glee when they played England. I have tried to get over it, tried to move on, attempted to gain closure, struggled to find it in my heart to forgive.

    But I can't.


  • Comment number 94.


    Obviously from a national pride point of view I want Andy to win, but I have to admit that for me it's just a good excuse to gaze in awe and wonder at the marvellous strength, skill and excellent tennis-playing of the god-like (small g) Federer. Nothing at all to do with his finely honed torso, powerful thighs and darkly brooding yet always pleasant fizzog.

    I don't think sports people generally are full of "personality" and I don't suppose there's any reason they should be - UNLESS they become a "pundit". Don't get me on about sports "pundits".

    I don't listen to Sarah Kennedy as I'm asleep at that tine, and I've never seen Saturday Kitchen - when's it on?

    A x

  • Comment number 95.

    Hi Shazbag,

    Being English myself, I enjoy nothing more than the banter that goes on between our home nations.
    I happily took the stick that came when Scotland beat England in the Six nations and will give as good as I get when we reverse this.

    Maybe you should join us at a match and join in the fun.

    Were you a massive Tim Henman fan?

    I wasn't!



    Who is just having some fun

  • Comment number 96.

    What I won't and can't condone is the stereotyping of a whole nation.

    For example - The very idea that the Scottish are a dour nation of people with no sense of humour!

    Where do they get these ideas?



    Who is still just having some fun

  • Comment number 97.

    boleyngirl - steady on, you're getting me steamy now with all this talk...lol...
    Alan Shearer has the personality of a dead snail and he's a pundit...
    Rips - Tim who?



  • Comment number 98.

    Why all this fuss about tennis?

    It's not even as if it were a proper sport or anything.

  • Comment number 99.

    Sorry Nic was it Tim Rusedski?....No can't, be that sounds Canadian!



  • Comment number 100.

    Oh dear Rips. Perhaps you should rename yourself "billiousmrripley". I'm going to try and insert one of those winky smilies so you know I'm joshing. Is this right? ;) (Do you need a full stop after a smilie?)


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