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Final Festive Greetings To You All

Chris Evans | 10:44 UK time, Monday, 4 January 2010

We wait so long for it every year that's why in our house IT'S STILL CHRISTMAS !!! Well when I say in our house, what I actually mean is in our lives - as we are in fact just about still away.

This has officially been the best Christmas of my adult life for one main reason as I'm sure you can guess - that little man by the name of Noah. Next year will be similar but with words no doubt.

Thank you so so much for all the gifts I received from the bloggers and blogettes at The Do at The O2 - you really shouldn't have but you did, and I am very grateful. They will all start to be utilised as this year continues to tick by. Can you believe that Jan 1st, Jan 2nd and Jan 3rd 2010 have already been and gone and are no more - blimmin' frightening.

Anyway, we are back from our travels later today, when thoughts will turn to a new show I'm supposed to be doing starting sometime next week. I really must find out the finer details.



2010 !


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  • Comment number 1.

    Welcome back CLP - Happy New Year to you and Tash and Noah.

    Glad you had a good holiday and we are looking forward to next week very much.

    Thank you for the new blog as well, the last one was getting loooong.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 2.

    Yes, Happy New Year CLP and everyone else!

    where is everyone today, very quiet isn't it?!

    CG x

  • Comment number 3.

    Happy New Year Chris and your family!!

    Hi to everyone else, hope you are having a good day so far, don't know what temperature it is here in South West Scotland but everything is still white and we now have a heavy fog and it is extemely cold so wrap up well anyone who is venturing out today.

    X Gail.

  • Comment number 4.

    CLP, Can I just wish you, Tash & Noah a healthy, happy and prosperous 2010. Glad you liked the gifts.

    The do at the O2 was special and it was great to meet you albeit briefly.

    Thank you for entertaining us and I for one am really looking forward to the breakfast show.

    Keep safe and my best wishes to all regular bloggers and lurkers alike.


  • Comment number 5.

    Morning all

    Happy new year to you. Glad you had a great Christmas Chris and am looking forward to next monday and the start of the new show.

    We were just glad that we were able to be in the house , with a working kitchen for Christmas and that baby George is now on the mend. Makes you thankful for what you have!

    Roll on 2010!


  • Comment number 6.

    Morning all!

    It's still Christmas in our house too and will remain so until either Tweltfh Night (Wednesday) or the mince pies run out....whichever comes first!

    Back to work today and sadly the heating fairies failed to visit us during the festive period so it's still b****y cold, although not as cold as my car was this morning - the door was frozen shut and there was ice on the INSIDE of the windscreen. More to come too, judging by the weather forecasts.

    Am going to attempt to go to the gym lunchtime to a) warm up a bit and b) get rid of some of the Yuletide weight I gained during the past week. It's not so much a New Year's Resolution, more of an admittance that my trousers are too tight!

  • Comment number 7.

    Morning Chris - Happy New Year to you, Tash, Noah and the team.

    Thanks for the new blog. My works PC can't cope when the blog goes over 1000 comments and I am yet to suss out how to get onto the WiFi at the amazing place I am currently lodging at.

    Well, I have just handed in my notice and told lovely man boss everything about events over Christmas and New Year. He is now grinning like a loon, keeps looking at me and going "wow" ! I think that's good, innit!?!?

    Now truly finding out how blimmin' wonderful folk are, and the true meanings of friendship.

    2010 .... I am ready for you!

    x x x

    peeeeeeeeeees: coming back to work this morning was made nicer by finding a bottle of red wine on my desk! That'll come in handy for the next few nights. xx

  • Comment number 8.

    Ok…deep breath…here goes…

    Hi everyone, my name is callie and I thought it was about time I piped up
    and said something after lurking for ages…I found this blog while trying to find out if Tash had given birth…how long ago was that!
    I’ve followed every single blog since then and feel as though I know you all very well…
    So…new year’s resolutions ‘n’ stuff have made me promise myself I’ll be a lurker no more and I’ll join in the fun!
    I’m a fifty-something, and the love of my life is my 5year old granddaughter…(although Bruce Springsteen does run a very close second!)
    Happy New Year to everyone – CLP, Tash, Noah and all bloggers…
    Not sure what else to say really…just…hello!!!

    Callie x

  • Comment number 9.

    Hello Callie - welcome to insanity and well done for diving in. The water's are lovely and warm, as is the welcome.

    And as for Bruce ... those arms!!! Hmmmmmm .......

    Much love

    x x x x

  • Comment number 10.

    Hi Chris - glad you had and are still having a fantastic christmas and glad you liked the gifts - it was our pleasure to get them - mind you - poor Rips had to suffer going into the Ferrai shop again....

    Also - can I say thank you for letting me, AliB and Bingo into your dressing room! What a sureal thing that was - but FAB too!

    hi everyone - I'm not here I'm at work.....


  • Comment number 11.

    Welcome Callie

    You probably know by now, this blog is a wonderful place to be - don't forget to join us on FB as well.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 12.

    thanks Cheryl

    I used to be a Suffolk girl myself a few years ago - can't have been far from where you were

    Hope all is going ok for you - exciting times eh? Happen to have that particular t-shirt myself so can understand what you're going through a bit.

    Callie x

  • Comment number 13.

    Morning all

    Thanks for the blog Christoph and glad you are enjoying your Christmas break. Now I know it's only a week but for once in my life I am really looking forward to next Monday. But for now am pleased to get things returning to normal, except for the rather large heap in the corner of the room otherwise known as the ironing. At least it will warm me up!

    Like the rest of the country, tis very cold darn sarf, although I understand others have got it far worse, so take care everyone and stay safe and warm.

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 14.

    thanks mtd

    I have got a fb thingy but not too clever on how it all works - how do I get to sign up to the fun over there?

    Any help would be much appreciated

    Callie x

  • Comment number 15.

    Hi Callie

    Only joined myself about a month ago - look for the CLP bloggers group and then look at the discussions where you will find some of our real names. You will find that many of the bloggers will find you once you've joined the group.

    Good luck and have fun.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 16.


    Look for CLP bloggers - most of us are over there!

    And thank you for your good wishes. All change indeed, but I can honestly say I have never been happier.

    x x x

  • Comment number 17.

    Morning all

    Uncle Carl, the heating fairies have done a runner here as well, it's hard to work with a coat, scarf and gloves on!

    -7 with us this morning!

    Talking of fairies, any news on our own lovely one? Was really worried about her last night, but can't get on the t'other side to check.

    Cheryl, glad things are OK, and boss man took the news well!

    I have a day of meetings, but the one consolation is that the Video Conference room has a working heater!

    Catch you shortly

    JG x

    PS - Welcome Callie! x

  • Comment number 18.

    Welcome Callie, I am of the f-word age too (I think there are a few of us :)

    Glad you are okay Cheryl. I wish you the very best. Have you another job lined up? I understand if you can't say. Just know that feeling of release but being scared too!

  • Comment number 19.

    Hi JG, Jules

    No job lined up - the mileage is a bit of an issue for "popping out for interviews" - a good 3 hour drive on a clear run. However, CV will be updated ASAP and then I shall start blitzing agencies in my new area and Brum.

    I'm sooooo excited!

    x x x

  • Comment number 20.

    Good on you Deevs.

    Good luck and HNY to all

    Beany xx

  • Comment number 21.

    Chris thanks for a new blog. I am glad you got our gifts - it was all so hectic that night I wasn't sure if it would get to you. I hope you didn't mind but mine was a recycled gift - my consultant Urologist (I am a Uro-oncology specialist nurse) gave it to me but I am not a great fan of bubbly and I thought you and Tash might enjoy it!

    Deeva - can't tell you how happy I am for you love!!!

    Callie - welcome please do stay..............CLP bloggers is the place on facebook.

    Happy New Year loves!!!

    Cathmel x x x x

  • Comment number 22.

    Woo hoo new blog. Good you are enjoying your Christmas break Christoph and very happy new year to you Tash Noah, Beth and all your family.

    Alarm set early for this morning but oops and double ooops - didn't wake up until nearly 9 !! Must do better otherwise I will have to give myself the sack. Time I retired anyway.

    Beautiful day here but sooooo cold - frost on frost on frost.

    Hope MTF OK - was on fb late last night and she was a really poorly girl. Fairy? hopefully you went to docs - let us know how you are.

    Welcome Callie - will search you out on fb when I go on tonight although I do have my new ipod touch with me in the office now - get me!!!

    Anyone listen to pop master this morning? one of "us" on there and she won - well done you !!! Can't remember your blog name GE !!! (Poor old soul me).

    Right, better get on with a bit of work before lunch.

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 23.

    Oh I meant to say - glad you enjoyed The New Forest - that is my neck of the woods born and bred in New Milton.

    Beez - heard the lady on pop master was so pleased for her

    Cathmel x x

  • Comment number 24.

    pee ess
    Deev - sent e-mail - OK for a while !!!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 25.

    JG - I can't feel my feet:-(

    Glad you've found somewhere warm to retire to. There is one room here that has a radiator - it's the gents! I did think of taking over one of the cubicles for the day, but it's not really what you'd call a `welcoming atmosphere' and I don't think the Wi-Fi coverage is up to much!

    Deevs - best of luck. I'm sure you'll love the Midlands (if I'm holding the right end of the stick?).

    P.S. Did I just give myself away as an IT geek? I did try typing `Wi-Fi' without the capital letters and the dash, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it.... :-)

  • Comment number 26.

    Afternoon folks

    CLP, wishing you Tash and Noah a wonderful 2010 , hope you manage to sort out the small issue of next Monday :-)) looking forward to it .

    JG, yep , minus 6.5 in my car this am , mind you , it is Hawaii in the office , its so warm everyone is yawning. Have suggested opening the windows and star jumps, but no one seems to be taking me up on that as yet.

    Callie, welcome aboard ;-)

    Right, someone has just dumped two weeks post on my desk , and i'm off to find the shredder .

    MC xx

  • Comment number 27.


    Glad you liked the presents.
    23rd was fantastic but very hectic.
    I have to say that I had probably my best Christmas ever too.

    Carl - You have a firm grip of the right end of the stick


  • Comment number 28.

    Good afternoon one and all,

    Welcome back to the land of blog CLP and HNY to you, Tash and Noah, glad you like the prezzies, enjoy them as we know you will. Cant wait for the new breakfast show, will be having you on at work too, switching on as soon as I get in.

    Callie, welcome to the blog, dont forget we have meets to so come along and join the mad ones and have fun.

    Deev, welcome back lol, now play ur turn at scrabble too hehe. Did you watch the game yesterday, bet you were relieved, thought it was gonna be a United repeat!!!, Mwa was a little woriied I think but she was not showing it, prob too shocked from the fish episode but she is so ok now, she did sleep well tho lol

    Back at work here too, megga busy first thing but relaxing a little now its all done. I left my window in my car open a little last night Doh, had a sheet of ice on the inside of my windscreen as well as the out and by the time I got to work it looked like it had rained inside my car! I think I should invent wipers for the inside, just in case, and they would be good for condensation too.

    Ramble over !!

    Have a great day everyone,

    Errol xxx

  • Comment number 29.

    How remiss of me, sorry CLP!

    Hope you Tash, Noah and Beth have a brilliant 2010, I have no doubts about it really!

    JG x

  • Comment number 30.

    Any sign of our poorly fairy yet? Can't get fb at work so if she has updated there please could somebody let us know.


    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 31.

    Also, how remiss of me......

    Have a wonderful New Year to you CLP and all your family xx

    Deev, all the best in your new venture x

    Pen xx

    pee ess Welcome to the blog, Callie

  • Comment number 32.

    Oh and welcome Callie - you'll like it here!


  • Comment number 33.


    Long time no blog - well for me anyway!

    Firstly HAPPY NEW YEAR to you Chris, Tash and Noah and the rest of the Bloggers xx May 2010 be full of fun, frolics and happiness.

    Thanks, like Debs said, for letting us into your dressing room at the O2, what a great experience. I still can't quite believe how jammy we were :)

    I won't witter on about what I've been doing for the past week, surfice to say that I had a great Christmas and New Year and like most of you it's back to work for me today and -3 in the car this morning.

    Welcome to the new bloggers.

    Over and our


  • Comment number 34.

    May be that should be out! Doh

  • Comment number 35.

    thank you all for your warm welcome - can't tell you how bizzare it is 'talking' to people i've been watching for months!

    It's actually a lovely day here in Cov - beautiful sunshine - although I must admit I haven't ventured out...

    put a few posts on fb - no idea if they're in the right place - i guess time will tell!!!

    Callie x

  • Comment number 36.

    Well i'm going to stick with my resolution of joining in more!

    Happy new year and 'beginings' to everyone x

    Well i'm glad that I have already started back to work after the festivities because I think it would have been too much of a shock to get up early this morning, far too cold to be up early!

    Hope that 2010 turns out to be a vintage year.

    Lisa x

  • Comment number 37.


    Wait till you meet them/us - it is like meeting old friends. Surreal...

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 38.

    Whoo - need to tell you what an "exciting journey" I had from Bris to Essex at 5.00am this morning - temp -8 most of the way, frozen wipers, frozen water squirters, salt spray sticking to the windscreen = YIKES! Had to stop at every services to manually wipe the windscreen down

    Can I now join the Service Station Sisterhood???

    (safely in essex)

    PS - Deevs - chuck me your CV if you want chuck and I'll give it the once over! X

  • Comment number 39.

    Post from the Fairy, just now on the other side, the Doc's been, and she's getting proper treatment, but needs to rest.

    Get well soon MTF!! xx

    JG x

  • Comment number 40.

    Morning / Afternoon all,

    Finding it a bit hard to get going today, loads to do but still in holiday mode. Now where did that box of choccies go??

    Went out to the movies yesterday because it was too bloomin' cold to go for a walk as previously planned, saw my first ever 3D movie. Thoroughly enjoyed it, but came out with such a head/eye ache. Is this normal?

    Hope all the poorly people are feeling better soon


  • Comment number 41.

    Happy New Year all!
    I've enjoyed a lovely 2 weeks off, well it was nice to have the time to potter and enjoy the festive season - not nice dating-wise, I got dumped! humpf! Not sure I can be bothered with that lark again in the New Year.

    Anyway, looking forward to the start of the breakfast show next week. Hope everyone is well.

    Hi Callie :-)


  • Comment number 42.

    Hi Rusty

    don't give up yet! You know what they say...you have to kiss a lot of frogs...etc...etc...(not sure what the female equivalent of a frog is but hopefully you get my drift!)

    Callie x

  • Comment number 43.

    That's a shame Rusty. Thought it was going well. Never mind, onwards and upwards.
    JG I've just had message from Fairy too. Being treated for bronchitis/pneumonia for goodness sake. Get plenty of rest MTF.

    Callie - you Coventry? yahoo another Midlander - we will soon be out numbering the darn sarfers, especially if we keep "kidnapping" them A Nic?

    Just can't seem to get going today - oh well...

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 44.


    "kidnapping" them ...... ?!?! You sound like my mother over the weekend!

    x x x

  • Comment number 45.

    yup - I'm in Coventry - not 'from' here though - only came here to work for 12 months - that was about 8 years ago - seems I never got away!

    Callie x

  • Comment number 46.

    Thanks guys, that's just the thing, it was going well then a few days later it was a phone call and "Dear John", sorry ladies but I don't think i'll ever understand you....which I guess is the reason why we all get involved with each other in the first place ;-)

    As you say, onwards and upwards.

  • Comment number 47.

    Rusty, was it your triple salco that did it!?!


  • Comment number 48.

    Maybe we should come up with a blog map re location....?

    The kidnapee came willingly...



  • Comment number 49.

    ha ha Deev - I know you sometimes call me mother but.......

    Brilliant idea Nic - blog map relocation and I gathered she did!!

    Callie - once you get to the Midlands we glue you to the spot !!

    Rusty - keep trying - it's fun - honest - all part of lifes rich tapestry - dropped stitches and all.

    I really must do some work...........

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 50.


    Or a spreadsheet ......?


  • Comment number 51.

    Happy New Year Chris, Tash and Noah and all bloggers xx

    Hope everybody had a great Christmas and New Year.

    MTF - really hope you get better soon and get plenty of rest, let the family look after you xx

    Welcome Callie - you've come to a good place x

    Darce x

  • Comment number 52.

    Welcome to the mad house Callie.


  • Comment number 53.

    I'm sure you're lurking MTF - take care of yourself and get well soon.

    Beez I suppose MK is nearly the Midlands - doesn't take me long to get there anyway...

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 54.

    Maybe a scattergraph would be better...?



  • Comment number 55.

    Beez - For once, it was an unintentional double-entendre, so thanks for pointing that out!



  • Comment number 56.

    Oh dear MTF - hope you're feeling better soon.

    Rusty - onwards and upwards indeed. Her loss.

    Beez - one day, all people will come to realise that not only is the Midlands the centre of England, it is in fact the centre of the universe. They will look upon themselves and say `why did we not realise that Utopia was waiting for us just up the M6? Did we learn nothing from Crossroads?'.

  • Comment number 57.


    Sometimes, when you look you don't find but alot of the time, when you stop looking, you find. Just a thought.


  • Comment number 58.

    Please will someone help me with finding you lovely people on fb as I'm lost!

  • Comment number 59.

    I thought my cough had near enough gone until I just fell about laughing at your comment Uncle Carl - so true though - so true !!

    Nic - I couldn't agree more.

    The newmrsh - look for the group CLP Bloggers - we are all there.

    Beez xxx

  • Comment number 60.

    I like a nice bar chart ..... gin, vodka, whiskey, rum .....

    x x

  • Comment number 61.

    Or a pie chart - steak and kidney, chicken and leek....?



  • Comment number 62.



  • Comment number 63.

    Thanks Beez. I'm sorry for being really dumb....I can't find the group. I thought I could just search for CLP Bloggers? Not a good start to the new year!

  • Comment number 64.

    Doughnut for pudding?


  • Comment number 65.

    Afternoon each

    Well i`m one of those who has been back into work in between the C word and New Year and i STILL found it difficult getting up this morning..although not as bad as the GM who you`d have thought i was killing the grmphing and hmmphing he was doing this morning!

    Happy New Year to you all too CLP..and glad you liked the presents.. Rips` `hands behind the back, forced into it` trip to the Ferrari shop was worth it!

    Hi to Callie and other lurkers..welcome to the madness!

    Oh, and the good news...Monday is almost over..yay!


    mSc x

  • Comment number 66.



  • Comment number 67.

    As this column graphically illustrates, some like bars, some like pies but I think we should draw a line under this topic and scatter off the surface of the blog, unseen by radar, chartalogically speaking.


  • Comment number 68.

    Is chartalogically the word of the day?


  • Comment number 69.


  • Comment number 70.

    Thenewmrsh - are you looking under Groups? Should be there. I'm not much use at fb - don't know if anyone else can help?

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 71.

    thanks Thunder, Darce and mSc

    have to say - feels like home already!

    Callie x

  • Comment number 72.

    Thenewmrsh - I just typed CLP Bloggers into the search thingy on my home page and it came up with the right place

    Hope this helps

    Callie x

  • Comment number 73.

    Totally off topic but a friend of mine has just rung me to tell me that Wispa GOlds have been withdrawn again as they were a `time limited promotion`....

    ..anyoneknow if there`s any truth in this horrible statement....off to try and find out myself now!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 74.

    Hi Scoobs - I will put my e-mail on FB tonight.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 75.

    Hi mtd... total brainblock so if youve sent it before i `pologise! Will send you list tomorrow!


  • Comment number 76.

    Afternoon all ,
    Just popping in to let you know how MTF is .

    Phoned early this AM and she was waiting for the dpctor to come .

    rang just a while ago and MR MTF said she's in bed sleeping exhausted and is being treated for bronchitis/pneumonia so a bit poorly .sent good wishes from us all .


  • Comment number 77.

    That was Doctor called ,sorry .

  • Comment number 78.

    Chris ,thanks so much for the new blog .

    Happy New Year to yourself ,Tash ,Noah And CAN I include Minnie as well.

    Looking forward to next Monday and the alarm is set for Seven AM.

    Hope you enjoyed the 02 as much as we did .

    Take care and Good Luck .


  • Comment number 79.

    Happy New Year CLP & to your family!

    Apologies for not making the O2 but baby-man wasn't too well so the journey wouldn't have been a good idea.

    I know just what you mean about the best Christmas ever and also maybe words next year. It took until boxing day for all of Daniel's prezzies got opened at my house. People are just so generous aren't they?

    Looking forward to next week and the start of the new show. I should get to listen to the morning slot a lot easier than drivetime since the arrival of Dan-the-man.

    To everyone else... hello again... hello and welcome to anyone new that I haven't "met" yet and here's to a wonderful 2010!!!

    Daniel & Booboo

  • Comment number 80.

    And big best wishes and get well vibes to MTF

  • Comment number 81.

    Oh and by the way... to those who remember the conversation from last year... I have had to invest in another car with more doors so I don't do my back in putting the babyseat in and out of the back (yeah I know you told me so).... still keeping the soft top though :))

  • Comment number 82.

    Scoobs, It has been reported in the papers recently that WGs are being withdrawn, goodness knows why when they have been so popular. I did think it might be a ploy to get people to buy them, looking at the stash in my cupboard, I fell for it!!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 83.

    Afternoon each

    Another lazy day with Michael Palin, although youngest son, with large car, managed to get within a few hundred yards of my house. We went to ELH - and I saw other people!!!!

    Happy New Year Chris, all the very best to you and yours in 2010, and, like a lot of others, I'll be setting my alarm for 7am on Monday.

    Welcome Callie.


  • Comment number 84.

    Soory folks ,didn't know you had aready heard from the fairy ,Im not on line for some parts of the day .


  • Comment number 85.

    Right - time to call it a day. Which only makes sense if the `it' in question IS in fact, a day. If it were a slug for example, calling it a day would only lead to confusion.

  • Comment number 86.

    Bids, no problem, better to have duplicate reports than none at all.

    Get well soon MTFairy xx

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 87.

    Sorry - been a bit of a slow day today :-)

  • Comment number 88.

    Oh good, just seen on the news that Fife has now got some grit for the roads. Praps they'll pop down my street then.


  • Comment number 89.

    Hi everyone, hope you've all survived the great return to work ok? Happy New Year to you CLP, Tash, Noah and Beth, so glad you had a fabulous Christmas.

    Well I've just taken my tree and cards down, the living room is now looking very bare!

    MTF hope you're on the mend soon.

    Annie I had fun trying to get out of the car park at the back of my building, couldn't get up the slope from a standstill, had to reverse back a bit build up a bit of momentum and hope there was no traffic coming!

    Just roasting some butternut squash and chorizo to add to some pasta so back soon


  • Comment number 90.

    Happy New Year Chris, Tash and Noah. Glad you liked your pressies. Thank you, once again, for allowing me to be part of such a fantastic experience.

    AF - I have been on 3 trains today (2 on the way to work) and surprise, surprise they were all running late! Hope it's not going to be one of those weeks.

    MTF - please, please, please look after yourself. Let us know if we can help in any way.


  • Comment number 91.

    Afternoon peeps
    Bit of a crisis chez Crump today. My lovely son was in tears because his girlfriend of 2 & half years ended their relationship today!

    He has veered between being in tears, dreadfully sad and confused to angry!

    Not sure I can say or do anything to help - it seems like the end of his world.

    Other than that .... it was first day back at work today and it was HARD!

    Gonna go and offer my shoulder again.

    ttfn, Crumpy x

    PS - welcome Callie and thenewmrsh

  • Comment number 92.

    So, Ok, who sent the snow here??? Come on, one of yous is responsible!!

    Had to drive through snowstorm all the way home, just in time to get the grim weather forecast, and the local news to tell me that Wigan have almost run out of salt!

    Poor Mr JG working until 8pm tonight, and on call too, am almost feeling sorry for him, even though he got a lie in this am.

    Uncle Carl, that really made me giggle about calling it a day!

    Annie, glad you finally got out to see some folk, even if it was just at ELH!

    This is a bit mean, but my neighbours switched their Merc 4X4 for a BMW One series convertible the week before Christmas - she's just been to ELH in hubbies Transit!! LMAO

    Lyndy, I don't blame you!

    JG x

  • Comment number 93.

    Crumpy: I remember when that happened to my oldest son. I wanted to go and get her!!!!!

    Poor wee boy.


  • Comment number 94.

    Annie - it's so hard knowing what to say.

    I know he will get over it, we all have! but for now ,,,,oh he's hurting.

    C x

  • Comment number 95.

    Can't say anything Crumpy, just be there with tea and chocolate biccies.


  • Comment number 96.

    We're thinking of you both Crumpy. I second the tea and biscuits route.


  • Comment number 97.

    Evening......or as the boy would say.....BOO!

    Happy New Year Chris, Tash and Noah!! (and thanks for the new blog!)

    T'was not nice getting up at 5.45 this morning, and even less nice having to wake a grumpy toddler at 6.30

    Still, only 4 more get ups!!!

    Work is, well, still there!

    MTF - stay in bed get better soon ((((()))))

    Crumpy......poor lad.....definately the tea and biscuits route I think!

    I'd better go and clean up the bombsite the boy has created in the two hours we've been home........


  • Comment number 98.

    I knew there was something else.....

    Hello Callie!!


  • Comment number 99.

    evening all, hope you're well?

    HNY to you all, I did drop in over the festive period but there were far too many posts.
    Hope you all had a good one?
    I worked quite a lot of it and am now on a 4 week course which will take me all over the country so please excuse my lack of blogging in advance. (no night shifts for a month though, woohoo)

    Rips, once again may I pass on my thanks to you for organising the gifts for Chris, top man.

    If I disappear from any fb stuff, there's a reason for this, please don't take offence but it's necessary I'm afraid.

    bonnet de douche


  • Comment number 100.

    Oh and a hello to you the newbies who've dropped in whilst I've been too lazy to blog x x x


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