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Was up first with Noah today. He does half an hour of...

Chris Evans | 08:07 UK time, Tuesday, 15 September 2009

....singing now in the morning - a bit like the birds. It's a lovely sound to wake up to. He's learnt that if he gurgles and then pats the back of his hand on his mouth while he's at it, there's almost some kind of morse code there.

'Cos he doesn't do anything that's bad for him, he is just so up for each day. When you go and pick him out of his cot, it's like it's Christmas morning - he's so excited at the prospect of another 24 hours of adventure.

I am actually quite envious of his day. Up at six, a nap for an hour at nine, another nap at one and then dinner, bath and bed by seven. Sounds like he's got it sussed. May well be joining in the early bedtime come January of course.

Normally go out to the local pub for lamb chops on a Monday but since my high cholesterol reading we've had to put a stop to that, so we stayed in and had them instead - don't ask !




R.I.P. The mighty Swayze - met him once, he was a gem - honest.


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  • Comment number 1.

    morning CLP

    Great, I thought - an early morning post - just you, me and the birds.
    Then I read your last line and had to check the details for myself - I cannot beleive Patrick Swayze is dead - he was my first teenage heart throb (every girl loves dirty dancing and secretly wants a man who can dance that well to fall in love with her). I knew he was sick but thought he was winning the battle.

    Patrick - RIP - you were loved and will be missed

    A very dejected bagpuss

  • Comment number 2.

    Morning Chris

    What an amazing blog as always.

    RIP Swayze Amazing actor that both hubby and I really liked


  • Comment number 3.

    Good Morning Chris,

    Life couldn't get much better could it?
    Will Noah help you with the early morning shows?

    Hells x

  • Comment number 4.

    Very Sad news about Patrick.
    Far too young.


  • Comment number 5.

    What a great way to wake up Chris. Noah sounds like such a happy and contented little chap.
    Very sorry to hear about Patrick Swayze. On and off stage he always came across as a very nice man.

  • Comment number 6.

    Nobody puts Baby in a corner.

    Sooooo sad. Let's just hope he is at rest now, and no longer suffering.

    Chris, your mornings with Noah sound precious to the pair of you. Enjoy them while they last!

    I got told off for singing this morning - I can honestly see no problemo with a bit of Barry Manilow in the shower but Mr Deev obv has a different morning agenda. I think it's called "Being Mister Grumpy"!!

    In work early this morn - man boss has got it in his heeed that it will take me about half an hour to make a database of every client and supplier we deal with ..... hmmmmm?!??! He's behaving like a bit of an eejit at the mo and I am using every power from within not to ping him on the end of his nose with a teaspoon .... but oh the temptation!

    And can I just say a HUGE MASSIVE THANK YOU to all you lovely people. You know why - and trust me when I say you all ROCK!!!

    Back laters dudes!

    Deevs, the common one!
    x x x x

  • Comment number 7.

    Deevs - if yous is common then so am I!
    Anyone else join the common club?

  • Comment number 8.

    LOL - maybe that explains my love of the Common Room during my 2 years at 6th Form!!

    x x x

  • Comment number 9.

    Me too SBP!!

    ARF - Common Peeps - Pulp! LOL

    Sooooo sad about Patrick Swayze, one of my all time faves, especially Point Break!

    JG x

  • Comment number 10.

    Awww Chris, how lovely - I would love just one day of Noah's routine! I really laughed about the lamb chops - hilarious!

    I know this is hard to believe, but I have never seen Dirty Dancing - must rectify that immediately. I am so sorry to hear the news about Patrick - he really did fight to survive, it's so sad.

    Chris, I didn't get the chance to come on the blog yesterday, but just want to say the Abba evening was fabulous - you are on top form, and it's great!

    Rips: your post on Sunday about your children was wonderful - I was crying into my tea yesterday morning!

    C xx

  • Comment number 11.

    Morning folks!

    Long time no blog - apologies and all that, not had the time or worryingly the inclination! Also read in my employment contrat doing this is grounds for gross misconduct - oops!

    Sad news about Patrick Swayze - hope his family are left to mourn their sad loss in private.

    Chilly here in Cambridgeshire this morning - autumn is definitely on the way in!

    Diva - your boss sounds very much like mine, he things everything can be done in half the time it really takes!

    Best go before I get the sack!

    Laters x

  • Comment number 12.

    'No-body puts baby in the corner!'. So sad to hear about Patrick Swayze, I also met him once, well when I say met him, I saw him filming for a film called city of joy, it was his birthday and he was lovely.

    I have also just heard very sad news that Keith Floyd has died of a heart attack, loved his cookery programmes. Very sad day.

    See ya

  • Comment number 13.

    Morning again....

    I'll add my prayers to the friends and family of Patrick. I also thought he was winning the battle but it seems not. The cruel disease takes another star from our midst.

    Booboo & El-Bumpo

  • Comment number 14.

    Hiya Chris

    Just heard about Keith Flloyd as well - another legend gone to the great kitchen in the sky . .

    I woke up about 330 this morning and could not get back to slumber, instead I was planning, timetabling and resolutioning my activites over the next few months to Christmas - this summer we have just partied, travelled, ate and spent too much, so waists, pockets and jaws will be reigned in for the impending months . . .

    Life is indeed sweet and simple for the little 'un - may he enjoy and savour every moment . . for the older he'll get, the less chance there'll be for the current serenity . .!

    Happy Tuesday one et al . . .

    DtM x

  • Comment number 15.

    I thought PS was winning the battle, guess they kept the truth well hidden. RIP to him and Keith Floyd, another great man taken too early IMHO

    Tiggs xx

    Deev, as Baggy said, if you're common, so are all the regulars!

  • Comment number 16.

    I am dreading waking up tomorrow - yesterday Keith Floyd, today Patrick Swayze.....................

    They both touched my life...............they will be missed!

    Lovely to hear your description of your morning routine with Noah - when you swap to the new time I'm looking forward to hearing all about his bedtime routine.

    Sorry not have been around for a while. I hope I will be welcomed back like the prodical blogger I am.


  • Comment number 17.

    cathmel .... come 'ere luv, let me give you a cuddle ....!!


  • Comment number 18.

    Morning all.
    Sad news about Patrick and Keith. Poor Patrick was never out of pain with various injuries from dancing etc and lasted longer with that evil C than most. Bless em both.

    And then we have visions of little Noah - gurgling away - perfectly content with his lot. Makes you smile doesn't it?

    Keep gurgling and smiling happy peeps.

    Common Beezer xx

  • Comment number 19.

    Well - there you go - just as I finished typing that - the sun's come out :)

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 20.

    Cathmel glad to see you back. i beat you by a couple of days (previously Jules77) Hope you are well.
    Slightly distracted now as very wet cat hopped on bed to be dried, and thinks she can get under duvet with me too........

    Always very sad when a horrible disease claims another victim.
    Thank God for the children in the world to ease the pain a bit.


  • Comment number 21.

    Cathmel: yes, indeed welcome back!

    And just to say: how sad about Keith Floyd - I didn't realise he was so ill. What a personality that man had - I thought he was great.

    Beez: but, you are right - we must keep smiling!

    C xx

  • Comment number 22.

    Lovely post about Noah, very sad news about PS and Keith Floyd (I missed the news about him) - RIP guys.

    Just to let you know that George the Greyhound is being a little star. He's settled in really well - found his comfy spot on the sofa, then curls up on my bed at bedtime and snores all night - all he needs to do now is commandeer the remote and it'll be like having a boyfriend again ha ha!

    T xxx

  • Comment number 23.

    CLP...again...great blog mate....liking the Noah morse code trick....

    Let him enjoy his early years....play, eat, sleep....play, eat, sleep...bless him..

    Swayze...sad...hope he's in a better place now....along with Keith Floyd....a proper chef...none of that mamby pamby stuff....IMHO.

    Hi to the rest of you...hope you all have a good day....off to do some work...booooooo


  • Comment number 24.

    Was so sorry to hear about Patrick Swayze on the news this morning. He had fought so had that I had hoped he could win. Hadn't heard about Keith Floyd until I read the blog - he really seemed to enjoy his life to the full (and having a full wine glass to hand is one of the best cookery tips I've come across). Thankyou Chris for making the day brighter with the Noah News!

    ARF How about (I've had) the time of my life

  • Comment number 25.

    Greetings Ter CLP AKA The 4th Bee Gee " 'a,'a,'a, stayin' alllllliiivve, stayin ALIVE!!!!!!!!" And ALL Blog Lurkers Lurking Near The 4th Bee Gees Â鶹Éç Blog.................

    Bingo Star ere..........

    CLP - A just noticed there waz two blogs yesterdee..... one of Noah eating some newspapers!!!!!! At least it won't be difficult ter get 'im inter making paper mashay dinoursours..... 'old on reach for the dictionary of life... must spell coreeeectly when kids are arooound.... dinosouers... na............. DAMN IT....... DAAMMMMNNN IT...... why iz it when yer flick through a boook looooking for the page yer want.... az yer get nearer it's slows down and yer get all the pages WREET before the one yer want then when the one yer want iz the next one... suddenly it shoooots past that one and yer end up on the one after or abit further after the one after...... life designed ter drive yer.... MAD!!!!!!!!!!!!@!
    Goot it.... 'dinosaur' reminds me of me golf swing....aka me attept ter spell dinosaur a made more complicated than the correeect way of spelling it....... forgotten what the 'eck a waz on about know, sorry now!!!!????????????
    Oh I yeah..... paper mashay dinosaurs!!!!!! Be easy ter make paper mashay dinosaurs with The Noah - Noah what am sayin'!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Onter terdee's blog...... INDEED a most wonderful time of dee waking up when all iz quiet, nobody around exept for the wildlife!!!!
    That's what I like about working weekends and driving ter work on a Sundee morning.... even queiter then!!!!!
    In fact the other Sundee I 'ad anoother weird drive ter work!!!
    Yer might remember me blog recently about the 'ot air balloon thatta witnessed missing the railway over 'ead power cables by inches..... or did it 'it 'em az a didn't actually see it 'it 'em just come stupidly close then crash inter a field the other side of the 125mph railway line!!!!!
    (Don't believe me.... a showed the photos a goot of it 'appening ter the most 'ighly beautiful Suzie Boozy.... noot that am a sado who films crashing 'ot air balloons.... if yer read me blog of a few weeks ago... the balloon appeared where a waz resting in me car so a decided ter take a photo before the incident started ter unfold!!!!!!! In fact a still don't think it waz an incident 'cos when yer see an incident wreet in front of yer.... yer don't actually believe it iz an incident and yer think ave just been watching too many movies!!!!!!!!!!
    A still wonder did the balloon 'it the power cables and a waz the only one ter witness it that early on a Sundee morning and a waz the only one who could ave rescued them but a left them for dead!!!!!!
    If a knew there 100% 'ad been an incident then a would ave done the 999 and rush ter 'elp jobbie!!!!!!
    Either way.... am 100% certain tha tit waz a VERY near miss and !£)% (soz caps lock went ape) 130% sure the idiots driving the balloon...... errrr can't drive it!!!!!!!!
    Fancy taking off 200 yds from a four line 125mph railway line complete with 25,000 volt power cables when the wind iz blowing yer towards the above mentioned railway line....... MAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    In fact let's face it..... most of these accidents that do 'appen are caused by numpties!!!!!!!!

    Forgotten what a waz on about......... oh I yeah..... a waz on me way ter work in Cheshire and 'ad a bizzare jounrney..... left 5.30am and first a went past Big Ben!!!!!!
    Yes Big Ben in cheshire... (i'll try and look up a link and bang it on.... in fact CLP this iz an item for yer show... yes Snugbury's 'ome Made Ice Creams every year put in their field near the A51 by Nantwich a GIANT sculpture made outta straw..... this year it's a 80 foooot 'igh BIG BEN complete with exact replica clock faces that even light up at night time.... and of course straw being beige.... the perfect colour for BIG BEN!!!!!!!!!!!
    Then 20 miles further down the road a 'ad ter slam on az a waz greeted by four men in white coats!!!!!!!! 100% true!!!!!!
    Yeah four men immaculately dressed in long white coats on 'orses and surrounded by about a 'undred 'ounds all walking down the middle of the A51!!!!!!!!
    They were being moved from one side of the Maher Estate (BIG mansion place) ter the other by the staff from the estate!!!!!! (probally ter do with 'unting which a don't agree with!!!)
    Any way first time ave seen BIG 'ounds.... all anooother strange sight on the way ter work.... now about 6.10am on a Sundee morning and nobody arooound except for the above!!!!!!

    Then abit further on again.... 5 miles.... a came across a weird sight...... a road full of grouse!!!!!!!!!!!
    Yeah a don't know what the 'eck waz going on..... but a waz doing 60mph and they weren't gonna move.... so a 'ad ter come ter a complete 'alt and slowly drive through/ arooound them!!!!
    About 30 ter 40!!!!
    Never seen anything like it!!!!!
    Sadly one 'ad been 'it by a previous passing car and a don't know if that's why they were stopped around the dead one or if it waz just 'cos it waz so early and quiet on a Sundee that they just 'appened to be moving from one field to anoother and all congregatng/ 'aving a meeting in the road???????@?

    Either way..... noot yer normal commute ter work which iz why I LOVE working Sundee and when a get ter work.... a get paid double time..... yet the roads are quieter!!!!!!!

    A tell yer..... the madness of a Bingo Star Sundee morning drive ter work..... beats the real madness of Mondee mornings for most, on the M25 and just about every main road and town in the uk when everyone ends up stuck in jams and thus noot getting ter work very well!!!!!!

    DAMN IT!!!!!! Ave a let me secret out about 'ow good it iz noot ter follow the crowd!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    GOURANGA TER ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    PS - Sad news about The Patrick Swayze..... CLP 'e must ave been a nice guy ter record such a beautfiul song that's one of my all time favs and 'as often made me abit emotional..... the tune 'She's Like The Wind!!!!'
    This song strikes a close chord with me.... az there's many girls/ women i've liked but they either just use me or don't wanter go out with..... A first discovered this tune when a waz about 22 and a girl I fancied like mad who a worked with.... a tried everything ter go out with 'er.... but she just wasn't interested..... even though we goot on so well!!!!!!!!!!! We even kissed but she ripped me inside out!!!!!!
    The words suited the way a felt about 'er/ our situation perfectly.... and the line that in the tune that really 'it me, summed it up....... 'she's out of my league!!!!'
    A feature throughout a lot of me love life!!!!! Still don't know why she wouldn't go out with me.... maybe actually she waz too young.... she waz 17 and a waz 22!!!!!!!
    Noot that a want self pity ere..... am talkin' about The Swayze and 'ow awesome a tune the above iz..... check it out ere.... the version that 'e did noot with the Dirty Dancing film but a more recent remixed version....... AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Sad news about 'im but at least 'e's out of suffering with 'iz cancer.... again az ave said before, it seems nice people die young!!!!!!

    Any way... check beautiful video. song >>>>>>

  • Comment number 26.

    Soz all..... am gonna ave ter go..... am an emotional wreck........ my gooodneeeeessss why, why, why, why wouldn't she go out with me..... we could ave been made for each oth........ soz gooootta go.....

  • Comment number 27.

    PS ALL The above 250% TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 28.

    Bingo -one of my fac songs of all time - unfortuanely I've never been out of anyones league!

  • Comment number 29.

    Morning each

    Sad to hear about Patrick Swayze.. the GM can recite DD off by heart(used to worry me but used to it now!) and its one of my faves ever..along with Point Break with Mr S looking gorgeous in a wetsuit..RIP.

    And same to Keith Floyd... MTF was only talking about him last night too. Great entertainer..you just never knew what was coming next! Also RIP Keith.

    Brilliant blog CLP - makes you wanna leap about with a smile and grab life by its wotsits i find..all good!

    Deev..dont hit him with a teaspoon, just make a cuppa then put very hot teaspoon on the back of his hand or failing that his ear..teaches them well i find!

    Mawning to everyone else! Sausages and mash on a monday it is then..yummy it was too!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 30.

    Duh, finally worked out why no one else posting this morning, went straight to the blog from Chris's quote on home page & that's only just been updated to show new blog. Bimbo morning going on

    This is what I posted on old blog

    Grey old day here darn Essex. Looks like the Indian summer is going the same way as the BBQ summer.

    Understand know, I mean now what to do with the conkers. Not sure i'm convinced but we'll give it a go. We'll have to go collecting them. That'll make the boys happy

    No water at work today as t'water board are replacing some pipe so think I will be able to sneak off early. Am lucky that I can make up time another day.

    Hadn't heard about Keith Floyd at that point. A real character lost to us. Very sad about Patrick Swayse. I have Ghost recorded from the other night when Beez was watching. Always seemed like a very nice man.

    Now raining darn Essex so anyone with spare sunshine, feel free to send our way.

    Seza xxx

  • Comment number 31.

    She's Like The Wind just showcases Mr Swizzle's varied talent, so beautifully written

    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 32.

    Me either SBP..booo!

    And Seza..the conkers do work..its amazing! Tried last year for the first time and was amazed! The cat wasnt too impressed tho..nothing for her to chase and play with!

    mSc x

    PS - Bright but cold up here today..long as it stays dry then happy days!

  • Comment number 33.

    Morning all

    Christoph, enjoy and treasure those precious moments with Noah, cos they'll be gone in a flash!

    The bit about the lamb chops made me smile, which was definitely needed on this drab, dreary and overcast chewsday here darn sarf!

    KF and PS - RIP, life is just too bloomin short!

    Chrissie, can't believe you haven't seen Dirty Dancing, put it on your must see list now, it's fabulous. Probably find it will be on soon

    Tinsel, looks like you and George are gonna get on just fine!

    Far too many posts to catch up with since last Friday, but would like to say,
    Deev, I did notice the green eyed monster was back and hopefully sent away with a flee in the ear by the majority of this lovely lot who support you 100% and can I please add my membership to the common club, it's a great place to be!!

    Darce, (((((xxxxx)))))

    Bingo, Great post and the bit about the girl you fancied, all I can say is - her loss!!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 34.

    .even a flea! lol


  • Comment number 35.

    ooh..and welcome back MC..sounds like a fab holiday. And you join my club..can speak Spanish but only to order drink and food..in that order!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 36.

    Penny: re Dirty Dancing - I know, can't understand why I have never seen it - everyone I know raves about it! And .... I have never seen The Sound of Music either! Now, what is that all about?!

    MC: welcome back. Hope you had a lovely holiday - can't believe it went so fast!

    C xx

  • Comment number 37.

    Have just re-read earlier posting on this blog and would like to say that, as a girl from darn Essex, I am, by definition, COMMON!!


    Seza xxx

    PS Loved out 6th form common room too. Remember endless games of Knockout Whist, Study period??

    PPS They have just built a shiney new 6th form centre in our school. The front is all different shades of blue so I have convinced my kids this is the boys entrance & the girls entrance is round the other side. They belive me cos they told their Nan about it! Doh!!

  • Comment number 38.

    Text from Rips ......

    Simon Mayo is announcing his future on his R5 show at 1pm.

    Deevs, the common carrier pigeon
    x x x x

  • Comment number 39.

    I think I'm in the common club too - coming from Liverpool and going to Uni in Essex ... hurrah!!

    Can I just add ...

    How can you NEVER have seen Sound of Music??????????????? I am officially gob-smacked.

    T xxx

  • Comment number 40.

    Oh lord, please let him stay on R5!!!

    T xxx

  • Comment number 41.

    Chrissie - you have got to be kidding !!!!!!!!!!! Never??? sound of music? Oh my!!

    Totally agree Tins - stay where he is!

    Great post Bingo. Like Pen says - her loss.

    Beezer xx

  • Comment number 42.

    Tinsel: I agree, must have been living under a rock or something - I have no other explanation! BTW, how lovely hear you have George to love and protect you!

    C xx

  • Comment number 43.

    Michael McIntyre on at the NEC 7th to 9th October - Now they email me - bit too close to Norwich meet.

    Beez xx

    peas - cliff and the shads on 1st to the 4th too !!!

  • Comment number 44.

    Alwight @ The Back..... Alwight @ Thhhheeeee Front, ALWIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Penny Forem & B's Mum - Thank you for your most nice words!!!!!!!!!! It may ave been 'er loss..... but she 'as INDEED..... left..... me...... lost in love too!!!!!!!!!!!!
    NOOT thatta want sympathy!!!@!@!!@!!@!!!!!!@!

    Chezza The Diver - A told yer a few weeks ago it waz gonna be The Mayo.... A won't tell yer where a get me sauces, sorry sources from.... a ain't talkin' 'einz ere..... but a told yer it waz gonna be the Mayo!!!!!!
    Get it.... Mayo.... sauce NNNYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Some on ere a remember said Alex Lester would be a good replacement ter take over The Drivetime Gig.... a agree equally good az The Mayo!!!!!!!

    PS A remember the first time a saw a photo of The Lester.... wow did a getta shock... a imagine d'im ter be a thin tall older bloke.... bit like that bloke of Strictly Come Dancing.... the judge who's tall, thin and older & who looooks abit like the bloke outta the Carry On films... the camp one who in the Camping Carry On film says 'matron you are awful!!!!!"
    When a say a judge, noot a court judge just dance shoe judge.... soz show, well a suppose it iz shoe az there are alotta shoes on the show!!!!!!
    Any way.... when a saw a photo of The Lester.... my gooood neeesss 'e loooks like the lead singer of The Zutons!!!!!!!!!!!!



    Soz feeling abit extra mad this week.... think it's 'cos am fired up 'n MEGA excited for me BIG suprise ave goot for Suzie Boozy on Fridee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    In fact such a BIG suprise a think it might be a BIG suprise for me too!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 45.

    #44 - Double #22.... I'll take it!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 46.

    Hi all.

    Yes Scoobs, I was only talking about Keith Floyd last night.

    I was watching a programme on CH4, Keith meets Keith, the other Keith being Keith Allen.

    Funny, sad, entertaining all rolled into one.

    Did say to Mr Mobs that Floydy looked very poorly, but his sense of humour was still paramount.

    So, when I heard the news this morning, felt like a bit of a smack!

    Will have a midweek slurp to him tonight in his honour.

    Must skip along now.

    Tatty bye.


  • Comment number 47.

    PS If a get it wrong about me sauce, sorry source about The Mayo taking over on Drivetime.... it'll be...... 'EGG' on me face!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    VERY sorry me jokes are getting worse!!!!!!

    God 'elp The Suzie on Fri!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  • Comment number 48.

    Woohoo - Welcome aboard Mr Mayo......



  • Comment number 49.

    OMG, Well it's confirmed from the horses mouth! Mayonnaise for Drivetime!!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 50.

    Get it Pen,ha ha.

    Mayo Neighs!!



  • Comment number 51.

    Well there you go then...THE worst kept secret in radioland..Mayo it is!

    Never been a huge fan i have to be honest but will keep an open mind and wish him all the best..

    mSc x

  • Comment number 52.

    I know Simon Mayo isn't everyone's choice to replace our rirreplaceable Chris but let's give him a chance. And above all, let's be polite and grown-up in blog comments if you don't like him! Personally, I think he'll do a good job in a different way.

  • Comment number 53.

    From what I can tell - he's back on five on a friday to do the movie show with Mark Kermode - which is a shame, would have loved that to come to R2 aswell.

    I guess that means we still don't know who will host ARF!

    I think he'll be great.

  • Comment number 54.

    Bingo, are you going to share with us your surprise for Suzie, after the event of course! That's assuming it is suitable to share!!!!

    MTF, lol, didn't see what I did there, doh!!

    Pen xx
    (who incidently has tickets to see Cliff and the Shads at Wemberlee!)

  • Comment number 55.

    He would have been my first choice above all the others that have stood in for Chris.


  • Comment number 56.

    Ooops - should I start by saying Hello.

    Cheers for the comments regarding Noah this morning Chris, they made me think back to mine at that age which is something I don't do as often as I'd like.

    It just gets better and better too!

    Thanks to those who have commented on my post after the ABBA concert - I'm a very lucky chap.



  • Comment number 57.

    Rips, maybe CLP will do two shows on a Friday, now that would be something!

    Pen xx Here's hoping!

  • Comment number 58.

    Indeed you are Rips, ooh hello.


  • Comment number 59.

    Rips - when are you in London again? famcy breakfast?

    PS - that goes for any others who happen to come to London for the day - I'm also available for lunch and dinner!

    baggy the puss

  • Comment number 60.

    Hi Pen, MTF, and The Bagster.

    Two shows - on a Friday, now that would be ironic!

    Certainly SuperBeep - may be a couple of weeks as I've got my partner looking after the London stuff while I galavant around the rest of the world - Just got back from Cardiff and am off to Liverpool and Manchester tomorrow.

    How's the new job going? Sounds ace!



    'ACE'?! how old am I?

  • Comment number 61.

    Ironic Rips, or simply ICONIC!!!


  • Comment number 62.

    Baggy what an offer, breakfast, lunch OR dinner.....

    RIPS, you can't turn that down can you????

    Mayo.....welcome.....I may be in the minority, but I like ya!!!!!!


  • Comment number 63.

    Ironic to Iconic - would have been good title for his book! Maybe....



  • Comment number 64.

    Feeling vey mellow..

    Need something daft to look forward to, is it Shooting Stars tonight or is it tomorrow??


  • Comment number 65.

    TB - I wasnt sure if I was coming over sounding a little desperate???

    Rips - be glad to see you whenever your around

  • Comment number 66.

    How about...

    Its Friday drivetime, Welcome to the Chris and Wiiiiiiiillllll Show??


  • Comment number 67.

    Baggy...you the Martini Girl.....'any time any place any where'????

    Doing a RIPs now...quick exit stage left.....


  • Comment number 68.

    ooh.. MTF now there`s an idea! Wiiiiiiiilllllllllllllll!

    And SBP - not desperate at all.. if i was closer id be down tomorrow! Do you think i`d make Yorkshire to London in an hour?!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 69.

    Hi Chris,lovely way to wake up Noahs singing,such a cutie.
    Really enjoyed BM last night monday mince.
    Very sad news about Patrick Swayzee, RIP. My daughter and i watched dirty dancing so many times,was our all time favorite film.
    love to all.xx

  • Comment number 70.

    Off to work now. Baggy, if you were on my round, I too would love to drop by.x

    Devon n Somerset only alas!

    Byeee MTF.xx

  • Comment number 71.

    MTF- or just to be controversial the Wiiiillll & Chris show...haha

  • Comment number 72.

    Thats the one Baz.


  • Comment number 73.

    Dear one and all

    Always nice to read Noah’s updates and how he is growing up already.

    Can I just take the time to thank certain bloggers and you know who are for the lovely comments over the last 24 hours directed to myself.

    I did apologise for my out spoken behaviour but I suppose I just don’t get the blog anymore.
    It has become a club and turning into another Tog, Facebook, Bloggers on tour, site. ( Don’t, miss Liverpool whatever you do).

    I am as old as Madonna but I feel it’s become a bit old for me here in some respects.

    Think I will just catch up with Chris’s Blog from time to time.

    Good Bye Janet and John Hurrah!

    Love to anyone that knows me.

  • Comment number 74.

    Hello all bloggers

    Agreed with someone above, let us not stoop to levels people who should know better have stopped to and say they will never listen to radio 2 again...You know who you are.

    Whereas I much prefered Stuart Macconie standing in for Chris, I do really enjoy the Radcliffe and Macconie show now and would dearly miss that had SM replaced Chris.

    I will give Mayo a chance, see what he can do..........Fridays will be interesting however....what about

    ARF with Terry!!!

  • Comment number 75.

    Sorry - just read the press release.

    Simon will do 2-4 on R5 with Kermode (an even longer slot for movies than before - Get in!)

    He will then do his R2 drivetime show 5-7.

    Win - win for me



  • Comment number 76.


    "outspoken behaviour" is one thing. Outright nasty character assassination is a different ball game, and it's not nice to be in the firing line, nor for others to read.


  • Comment number 77.

    That's Friday obviously.....

    Wonder if he'll start a blog too?



  • Comment number 78.

    RIPS...I certainly hope so...in which case, we may have 2 blogs per day to deal with....OMG???!!!

  • Comment number 79.


    Thou dost protest too much I seem to remember you having great fun with Dissing Dave with name calling me. The only difference is I have no friends on here to back me up because I choose not too. Life is tricky enough in the real world never mind virtual. However a bit of comedy and being able to laugh at ones self never did any harm me lord.
    We are all different hopefully.

  • Comment number 80.

    Rips, and will Chris continue to blog, and will he still do an ARF, would thought maybe that will be tricky in the mornings, who knows? New broom as they say.................. quite citing, really!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 81.

    loved patrick swayze. simon mayo i'll have to think about that one!!

  • Comment number 82.

    Yeah PPP....my thoughts exactly....2 blogs a day....I will have to make a very tough decision....you can't do 2.. shirley....or can you?


  • Comment number 83.

    Is that right - it's mayonnaise - Oh My!!!zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

    Still - give the lad a chance I guess and have a listen.

    Beezer xx

    just left my itoons/ipod updating and charging etc now I can't find a thing!!!oh joy!

  • Comment number 84.

    It's certainly exciting - I love it when they play musical chairs......I really hope Chris keeps up the blog.



  • Comment number 85.

    Yes i think Simon will do a good job when he takes over from Chris.
    Chris it would be GREAT if you did ARF.
    love to all.xx

  • Comment number 86.

    Hi All,

    I used to love Simon Mayo when I was younger and listened to him on R1, we were all annoyed when people were slagging off CLP before they had even given him a chance, so lets not do the same thing to Simon, lets just wait and see how he gets on!!

    Feels a bit deja vu on the blog at the moment (hi Plum)!!

    X Gail.

  • Comment number 87.

    Whatever happened to Woooo Gary Davies? I used to love his R1 show!

    (now showing my age ....!)


  • Comment number 88.

    Croc - Bang on - Life is tricky enough in the real world!

    Especially when someone is chasing you around using different names and attacking you every few months.

    Join in and have a laugh with those who you do find amusing (there's enough of them on here) and ignore those that you don't.


    Nobody on here is unpleasant towards you in whatever guise you turn up in, until you launch an unnecessary attack.

    Leave Deev alone and get on with amusing us!!!!



  • Comment number 89.

    Hello again

    Found my way back to the right place

    So Mayo has got it. I'm in the he's ok really camp so I'm quite happy.

    I wonder if Chris will do ARF in the mornings? Not sure if all the bloggers will be about to choose the first song. Maybe we could choose the last song instead. The one that sends everyone of to the last day of the week. It's gonna feel like the weekend starts at 7.30am Friday.

    Seza xxxx

  • Comment number 90.

    Well! I go away for a long weekend and when I return I find I have missed the ABBA show, and Simon Mayo has been announced as the new owner of drivetime! I must rework my schedule!

  • Comment number 91.

    Yes I do read some funny imput.

    But my humour is a bit hardcore for here I think.
    I am still amused by an entry that was moderated last week regarding a wig in bed and waking up to Wogan.

    I did change my name but always told the bloggers who I was it really was to keep my indentity a little more obscure to anyone that knows me off blog. Namely my daughter for one!

    I will look in and hi to you Dozymac.

    Have fun

  • Comment number 92.

    Must dash off to buy a slop bucket, well every home should have one you know.

  • Comment number 93.

    Bazza, dunno how you'll manage with two blogs when you're not meant to be on any of 'em. Anyone looking over your shoulder?!!

    What about Simon Bates, our tune, used to love that, now that is showing my age! Still catch him on Gold on Sunday mornings. Takes me right back!!

    Pen aka PPP xx

  • Comment number 94.

    LOL Pen - I used to work for a major housebuilder, in the engineering team, and every morning without fail, at half 10, teas and coffees were made and we all downed tools for Our Tune!! Phones went unanswered, typing stopped, the architects came in too - it was legend!

    AND I've got Steve Wright on now - since when did Moby become an "oldie" ?!??!

    x x x

  • Comment number 95.

    PPP.......I am I think doing what is known as 'chancing my arm...?'

    2 blogs would be very difficlut for me indeed and yes, I'm still being watched.....

    Long live the Penne...xx

    PS.....Gary Davies......ohhh memories galore...AND our tune....used to make sure my coffee break (those were the days?) was always round the 10.30 mark too Deevsta....

  • Comment number 96.

    I actually used to enjoy Simon Mayo on Radio 1. I think that the sheer buoyancy, zest and vigour that Chris puts across, there is no comparison, and we shouldn't compare. So let's give the Mayo a chance and we can all vote with the knob on the radio!!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 97.

    PPP...of course we will all give Si a chance.....in fact, that in itself sounds rather patronising don't it???? We should welcome the Mayo with open arms..in true blogger huggin' fashion.

    Simon will be fine, will do a great job...and who knows....he could, dare I say it CLP....do as good, or perhaps a better job than yow????? If that's possible.


  • Comment number 98.

    Mayonnaise, then? Oh well, I'll have to listen to Magic on the way home to keep awake..........

    Watch the number of road accidents rise between 5 and 7 on weekdays increase.........

  • Comment number 99.

    afternoon all,

    apologies for the absence.

    I will certainly give Simon Mayo a chance when he starts drive time, as TB has said maybe he will be as good or better than Chris.

    I just hope that he puts his own mark on the show as trying to copy someone isnt the best thing in my humble opinion.

  • Comment number 100.

    Afternoon all

    I'm prepared to give Mayo a chance, although I must admit that he wouldn't have been my preferred choice.

    Otherwise, it'll be CD's for me, as I don't like the local radio up here, too many ads!

    Checked our IT policy today, and we're allowed to blog as long as we don't mention our company name...sounds fine to me, as no-one would be that interested on here anyway!

    JG x


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