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Chris Evans | 15:45 UK time, Friday, 5 December 2008

So, the latest from the inter-cluster...

...Christmas quiz.

It was a horribly competitive affair by all accounts. And the drivetime cluster was the most guilty of aggressively ungentle-manly but mostly ungentle-womanly behaviour.

Our infamous exec.was having none of the festive bonhomie that was intended to be engendered from the evening's events.

"Winning is the only thing that matters!"

"A victory that leaves one friendless is no victory at all," I assured her... er,...him...., er...them.

Anyway they didn't win as it turned out.


FIVE ALIVE... the winners !
SCUMBAG COLLEGE... (guess who they were ?)
ACCESS ALL AREAS (Live Music Team...came last...gutted apparently!)

I love a good quiz... next year eh, next year.

Listen you lot have a cracking weekend....

I'm off for a good hard briefing.... ooooh baby.





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  • Comment number 1.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 2.

    Evening Chris

    Shame the Drivetime team didn't win. Them? Ungentlemanly/womanly? Don't believe it.


  • Comment number 3.

    Well done Sally - I recall that name being high on the list of the ones suggested.

    Better luck next time to Chris's team.

    I look forward to ARF.

    Monday sees the launch of the single in the shops - you know the one.

    No1# for Christmas - with No2# to be a reentry for McFly.

    Cheers n Beers

  • Comment number 4.

    Really Christophe - a good hard briefing eh???

    What is it today about men with a certain hair colour????


    You havea cracker of a weekend too young man!

    Cheryl The Diva x x x x x x

  • Comment number 5.

    Hi ALl.

    Happy Friday. All Request At that Too.

    Lets have a good one!

    Waterboys, WHole of the Moon. (i know I know I just said Sunny Side of the Street,, but since it is completely dark outside, and the moon is shining straight in my window I think that is more apt.

    38 minutes, and I can get up off me backside and sceedaddle out of here. I've had enough. I have worked my wee brain out this week, and I am t'xausted.

    Tooli wants to go shopping, so Braehead here I come, and Boy... well since there is a new girl on the horizon, I think he will be off with her somewhere, in a wee dark corner!!

    Once I'm home from Braehead, I'm going to sit down with my knitting, or my christmas projects, and slurp slowly on a wee brandy and then hit bed! Hockey again tomorrow morning, coupled with Volleyball. Can my kids not just lie-in one Saturday????


    PS - HUband having Quiz at SCouts tonight! Should result in WW3

  • Comment number 6.

    Hello Chris...

    "Winning is the only thing that matters!"

    ah yes, but if you wait long enough - every victory turns into defeat..... :) ...does that mean the losers win in the end .......... in a....."and the meek shall inherit the earth, kind of way?.... :)

    have a great weekend my old china.....



  • Comment number 7.

    Oh lord DWNB: Braehead? Millions of people? Shopping? Good luck, hope you find a parking space.


  • Comment number 8.

    So Quantum of Sallys didn't win but where did they come? 2nd (not so bad) or 5th (well at least they beat Live Music!)

    Any one heard how Ginge got on? Oh actually I'm abit premature as it is only 25 past 4 so I'd imagine he's still in there!

    Oh was that another feathered gobbler running past?


  • Comment number 9.

    Have a good weekend all bloggers...I may be back intermitantly, must tidy house before wifey gets back....get me some weekend brownie points...

  • Comment number 10.

    Greetings and Salutatios from a cold Vancouver,

    As ever, and and I say this unreservedly and without exception, this fine forum has entertained, enchanted, delighted, amused and illuminated my work days once again this week.

    It is not always what is written, though that is oft fine; no, it is the genuine esprit de cours that exudes from virtual offering. Bound together by an uncommon bond, it perfectly highlights how strangers in the physical sense can be comrades nonetheless. Bravo, especially in a world so troubled, such unity is refreshingly charming and entirely necessary.

    So, two weeks hence we shall be back in Blighty. Excitement is a blundering understatement at this juncture. Delirious anticipation may be nearer the mark. Even watching the opening scene of Love Actually makes me yearn for the arrivals lounge at Heathrow. But until then, I have dinner parties and the like to celebrate Christmas in Canada. Jeux Noel indeed.

    To one and all, have a simply blithesome, jubilant and rapturous weekend.

    And remember...

    "To be truly succesful, one should treasure their time more than their wealth"

    Dr. T.

  • Comment number 11.

    I was expecting this a little earlier Mr E especially as you were in at 8am allegedly dressed in you jamas and mooning at Sir Tel.

    Has Deadly not left us a few questions to ponder?


  • Comment number 12.

    I think quizzes are biased.

    During Fresher's Week we would have won if someone hadn't stripped and earned bonus points...

    And one year during a pub quiz we came last with our rivals (our team was too big so we ahd to split) and when we came joint last the question-asker told us it was "deserved"


    Points for trying, Chris! :-D

  • Comment number 13.


    I agree . . without friends you've nothing (yes i know health is top but ya know what i mean) I'm lucky in that my best mate has just split up with his missus (well when i say lucky what i really mean it's lucky for me cos i aint seen him for two years) It's like we've not been apart for two years at all infact it's like we saw each other last week. Although we don't chat much it's been good having him here for such a brief time cos he brightens my world just by smiling. He also makes me forget my problems just by being there. We met on the net then we saw each other sept. 2000 at an internet meet and have been steadily getting closer all the time. We have different temprements but the same jokes and we only have to look at each other and we burst out if not laughing then smiling or chuckling. I just wish i had known him earlier in my life . . .then again maybe if i ahd done he would no longer be my friend as all my early friends have withered by the wayside.

    Anyway in the month of this season of goodwill . .. have a GREAT weekend Bloggers one an all

    Steve :-D

    The shed is stocked and heating on and the hot tub's ready to go . . . just clear up after yaselves please Cheers :)

  • Comment number 14.

    Helloooo, I love a good quiz. We won one at a church social ages ago, but there were 9 of us. We are always in the bottom 2 teams at Teen1's (grammar school) PTA quiz; they're all lawyers and doctors or somesuch.

    Have only just skimmed earlier blog so v.quickly:

    Alibaba and I might meet up tomoz at the Dickens festival - first real live 3D in the flesh blog-type person meet for me! (Alibaba, have left you a message).

    Annie, I've missed you, although we never blog at the same time these days. Hope you're ok.

    Debs, hope you managed to get that needle in!

    Jovial TipTopper, it may have been a dunlop greenflash.

    Glad everyone seems jolly.

    Parumpumpumpum, cha cha cha.

    A x

  • Comment number 15.

    Hi Chris,

    found a great football site and it has some festive fun at the minute

    It's dedicated to songs about Habib Beye of all people and well worth a look around.

    A advent calendar featuring a new song each day... one or two are crackers too

  • Comment number 16.

    Well done sally xx

    Chris you have a cracking weekend too!

    DWNB - Braehead at this time of night so close to Christmas, you must be mad! Good luck :o)

    AnnieG - Hope your feeling better, will you join me later for a wee birthday drink?

    Can I gatecrash the fnwc and have a wee birthday bash? Chrissie and I will be here about eightish and would love anyone who is around to join us xx

    Mary xx

    ARF - Chris post# 211 on the previous blog!

  • Comment number 17.

    Dr T

    Your offering above has just made THE biggest soppiest grin appear upon mon bouche!!

    Thank you dear friend xx

    Dook - he was postponsed til next week.

    Cheryl x x x x

  • Comment number 18.

    Where's 007 this arvo?

  • Comment number 19.

    Boleyngirl: Nice to see you. Every cold has a silver lining, eh?

    Mary - enjoying the bubbly? See you around 8 in the hot tub. Sit faaaarr away from me or you'll catch my sneezes.


  • Comment number 20.

    Scumbag college, wasn't that the young ones team on university challenge?

  • Comment number 21.

    Annie, are you wrapped in a big tartan blanket? Or shawl? And forget lemsip, a couple of hot toddies are what you need, with plenty of good Scottish single malt.

    Got to go, as always!

    A x

  • Comment number 22.

    Taaaaaaaaaaa Daaaaaaaaaaaaa

    Shall I reveal all? Shall I? Now?

    Are you ready .... ?

  • Comment number 23.

    Go on then, quick...

  • Comment number 24.

    Dr T - Beautiful msg xx

    AnnieG - will have a wee brandy waiting for you xx

    Steve - I know exactly what you mean. I have met two very special friends from this blog, now whilst I class all of you as friends and will always be grateful for the support you have given me, there are two bloggers, who know who they are, that have been there for me everyday for as long as this blog started. On one hand I think I wish I had known them years ago but on the other I think how lucky am I to meet them at a time in my life when I can really appreciate their friendship xx

    Mary xx

  • Comment number 25.

    Ohh that's even more cruel than the irritating " and the act I'm sending home is........



    Oh sorry um - nope forgot!"

    Fingers crossed Gingembre

    here turkey turkey turkey!


  • Comment number 26.

    or should that be CtD taking an AGE to anounce the advent calender -

    my Guess is STAR


  • Comment number 27.


    Don,t sqeak during your hard briefing,they like it when you do that.
    Tuned in to the man that can.

    Steve xx.

  • Comment number 28.

    It's a .....

    .. I'm amazed none of you got this - and with 2 berfdays on the blog today ....

    it's a PRESENT!!!!

    Now, how are we gonna handle weekend guesses? Not sure I'll be able to wade thru 375 FNWC posts!! Won't be online tomorrow (football - yay!!) but will be here on Sunday.

    Oh - the oddball calendar is two elefants sledging. Howzabaht thatthen!!

  • Comment number 29.

    oops. sorry dook - the phone rang. bloomin' work!!

  • Comment number 30.

    seems reasonable for them to sledge - better weight distribution as their feet would only sink if they tried to walk!

    Is it home time?


  • Comment number 31.

    How about announcing them on Monday with the Monday answer

    Guesses taking the form of

    Saturday Candle
    Sunday Wreath
    Monday Robin

    Well they are my guesses -off home now - venison sausages for tea!


    argh pesky turkey got away again

    Oh they might be giants

  • Comment number 32.


    Well done hunnybun x x x

    Good choice - always reminds me of my old hamster Hamlet: he used to run round in his ball to this song!

    Cheryl x x x x

  • Comment number 33.

    Nice one Scoobs darl,a reet feet tapping tune Sweetie.

    steve xx.

  • Comment number 34.

    Afternoon all,

    Comiserations Chris on not winning the quiz, better luck next time! I love a good pub quiz me, I seem to have one of those strange brains that retains the most random of trivia...

    Re friendships, my best pal lives in Sweden so I don't get to see her very often, but when we do catch up it's like we last saw each other a couple of days ago and we just carry on as before. I don't know where I would be without her and her hubby's friendship.

    DWNB hope you survive Braehead! Was shopping on Princes St in the 'burgh and it wasn't that bad today, everyone on my pressie list now has something or something in mind. Feeling very pleased with myself.

    MsScoobyCat: great ARF choice, well done!

    MwK hope you are having a fabby birthday

    R x

  • Comment number 35.

    How about 1 guess for all 3 days as I assume it aint the same thing more than once.

    A donkey..........!


  • Comment number 36.

    I know. Just post what you want and I'll go thru on Sunday and note the guesses, then will reveal Saturday and Sunday on Monday morning, and Monday's on Monday at 5.

    Phew! This advent malarkey is knackering!!

  • Comment number 37.

    Righteo, time to wrap up and head out into the arctic wilds of Coooolchester, heading back to Suffolk.

    Have a fun FNWC - I'll raise a pint to you all as I'll be down the local. Not been down there for ages, but drove past it last eve and it looks like something out of a National Lampoon Christmas film!

    Won't be around tomorrow either - at last, it's arrived - I'm off to The Emirates to see my beloved Arsenal host Wigan in the Premiership. Then if all goes well, may drag Mr Diva kicking and screaming into the West End to see the priddy sparkly lights and grab a nibble. (oi oi !!)

    Miss me when I'm gone!!

    Cheryl x x x x x x

  • Comment number 38.

    Miss ya already Cheryl.


  • Comment number 39.

    Ah. Friday.

    Is it too early for a pint? No? Right, one of your finest please barman.

    Snuck away a touch early tonight to collect the finishing touches to my outfit for tomorrow night. Shoes.

    Rather than drop stuff that, surprisingly enough, they can't deliver while I'm at work, at the little village post office two minutes walk from Rudgwick Towers, they drop them 10 miles away.


    Anyway. Shoes collected, pint in hand, ARF on.

    I'm in and around for tonight's fun and games, so, later chaps.



    PS Please do not feed the animals.

  • Comment number 40.

    CLP hope that you thoroughly enjoyed the good, hard briefing.....blimey...has CtD got to you too!

    Dr T such a lovely post, thank you for summing up so well what most of us believe this blog to be.

    Phoenix, MMR jabs all done. In fact apart from his flu jabs, he shouldn't need anymore now until his teens.

    He has his star wars figure and is relatively happy now, I have my red wine and will be happy soon too!

    Christmas tree is going up tonight, just have to clear some floor space in the lounge first. The joys of having a little boy home from school for the day.

    Back later.

    Debbie x x x

    PS: Nice one Scoobs!

  • Comment number 41.

    By the way, I bottled it. Having mine while he is at school next week. Figured him seeing my wince and worried would do him no good at all.

    And anyway, she didn't have enough stickers ;-)

    x x x

  • Comment number 42.

    Ah Debs, you have to have a sticker!

    MfR: Enjoy your pint. Animals won't be fed, promise.


  • Comment number 43.

    Afternoon everyone, meetings, meetings, meetings today and still one more to go.....

  • Comment number 44.

    Don't close your eyes Bond, you might fall off your chair.


  • Comment number 45.

    Annie-G..... I know. Fortunately the meeting room is on rather the cold side, so that does help..... It's also my meeting so I can keep things moving.....

  • Comment number 46.

    Always better when you're the Chairperson. No waffling please - move on!

    Good luck.


  • Comment number 47.

    Bums. Ice forecast in the morning and I have to go into work for a fundraising event!

    Off to have a bath. If I'm not back in half-an-hour, send the polis. I'll have sneezed and drowned!!


  • Comment number 48.


    got a early morning text elling me that the interview was postponed to next week; various reasons, all the better for me really re prep etc
    Spent the day in Suffolk at a conference instead, met a man who inspired me to always see the good in people, I cannot believe how he doesn't appear to have any malice in him following what happened to his family....awesome man.

    thanks for all the good luck wishes, will keep them for next week.

    have a great weekend, listened to chris on way home, wasn't he 'on fire'?

    bonnet de douche

    PS, my phonetic goodbye was aimed at the alter-ego, not the lovely person behind the charade. I apologise for my rudeness x

  • Comment number 49.


  • Comment number 50.

    Good luck with the interview ginge..... Keep us posted

  • Comment number 51.

    Good luck Gingembre.

    Your post reminds me of listening on the radio to a father who was caught up in the bombing in Iniskillen. He described how he held his daughter's hand as she died. And he didn't have a vengeful bone in his body.

    You're right - inspirational people.


  • Comment number 52.

    Annie-G, your absolutely right. I like to keep my meetings moving and they never over run...

  • Comment number 53.

    Bath ready. Remember - phone polis if I don't come back.


  • Comment number 54.

    If I don't see you back online when I get done with my meeting in 1.5 hours I call the coast guard...... lifeboats????

  • Comment number 55.

    Cheryl #36,
    But you are our little Advent star of the blog darling x.

  • Comment number 56.

    Awwwwwwww JTT - thanks babes!

    Just snuckled in before going out into the cold for a couple of pints.

    Now, I'm not a smoker and have to say I enjoy going into pubs more now it's been banned, but it must be horrid standing outside for a fag in the winter. Brrrrrr. Shivering just thinking about it.

    Mr and Mr Diva have both agreed we wish we weren't going out, but we are

    :-( Ne'er mind, eh!?

    Look after yourselves you gawjus bunch, have fun and remember - I only want my ears burning in a good way. Alright!?


    Cheryl the Minxy One
    x x x x

  • Comment number 57.

    Mr & Mr???? Me and Mr even!

  • Comment number 58.

    I'm back! Had a sneezing fit and couldn't reach the bog roll. Yukkie.


  • Comment number 59.

    Ewww. Too much information Anne!!!

  • Comment number 60.

    Sorry Cheryl

    It was rather horrible.


  • Comment number 61.

    Have Mary and Chrissie passed out?


  • Comment number 62.

    Greeting to all and HAPPY BIRTHDAY to some!!!

    CLP great show tonight and as for blog - adore a good quiz but, sadly, am rubbish at them so know that it's the taking part that counts - that and the consolation drink when you lose! Ho hum!

    Scoobs heard your opening choice - brill.

    Got dinner party tomorrow - good friends - lots of lovely booze and bad food (I'm cooking!). Hopefully plying guests with alcohol will mask the taste! Wish me luck.

    Have a fantabulus weekend all

    Suzie xx

  • Comment number 63.

    I'm here Annie. Just getting a hot toddy for you and there is a nice glass of red waiting for you when you have finished your toddy!

    Chrissie are you there?

    Mary xx

  • Comment number 64.

    ChrissieS reporting for duty!

    Sorry I'm a wee bit late, just in after having been to the hairdresser - fate worse than death!

    I decided about six months ago to grow my hair - I want a "bob" before I die. I've paid my dues, I want a bob!! Well, he tried to cut it short, what a battle!

    Have a bob of sorts, still some layers to grow out. And it's not short, phew!

    Scooby: how fantastic for you! Told you I love that song, and I love They Might Be Giants in general!

    DrT: great to see you today. You must be so excited about your trip home: I hope you and your partner have the time of your lives!

    Right, taking a wee sip of my wine, be right back!!

    C xx

  • Comment number 65.

    Halloooooooooooooo Mary. You had a good day?

    Does lemsip go with hot toddy and red wine?


  • Comment number 66.

    Oh and hallooooooooo Chrissie. Are you two in the same room? Or hot tub?


  • Comment number 67.

    I've had a lovely day thank you.

    Yes lemsip, hot toddy, red wine - if it doesn't cure your cold it will certainly help you sleep! Not that we want you to go to sleep - well not just yet anyway!

    Chrissie - Your layers will soon grow down now that you have the shape of the bob.

    Mary xx

  • Comment number 68.

    We didn't plan that - honestly!

  • Comment number 69.

    I really wish this hot tub was real! Maybe we should arrange a wee ladies spa day.

  • Comment number 70.

    Hi everyone:

    Suzie: thinking about you having a dinner party - can be great fun, but really I am with you - I am such a terrible cook, having to entertain leaves me in a panic.

    I do make really delicious fish cakes (not everyone's cup of tea) and I can do a mean steak. After that, I am scuppered! I agree - lots of drink and then they will be happy with anything .... that's what I always find!

    Mary, how has your birthday been? Have you been spoiled a wee bit? I hope so!

    Annie: how's your shopping coming along? Did you get to Forbidden Planet?

  • Comment number 71.

    Not yet Chrissie. But its planned - and have given orders to friend's daughter if she's in Glasgow before me. Ackshewally, I was thinking of getting into Glasgow early on the 15th and having a go at finding it. Will you be there early?

    Dinner parties: M&S. Take wrapping off, pretend you did it. Easy peasy.


  • Comment number 72.

    Worse thing is my friends are vegans - which is fine but - as a born carnivor - yikes - decided on lebanese - ex hubby was (and still is) from beirut and taught me some stuff - but it's years since I even tried!!

    Is the hot tub going?


  • Comment number 73.

    Suzie/chrissie - I really enjoy having dinner parties, I just don't do it enough.

    Chrissie - Yes I have been spoiled, lots of lovely birthday msgs too.

    Annie - you okay? are you warm enough?

    Mary xx

  • Comment number 74.

    Suzie: Get in, let's talk about this. I'm sure M&S do vegan food.


  • Comment number 75.

    Thank you Mary, I'm very warm. The bath did the trick. And the hot tub is just lovely.


  • Comment number 76.

    Suzie - it's lovely and warm, I'm just getting some mulled wine on the go.

  • Comment number 77.

    Jo to win ICGMOOH xx

  • Comment number 78.

    Do you all know that the Blog and Duck is open? Just in case you know who gets stroppy.


  • Comment number 79.

    Just had the chance to catch up a wee bit with today's blog.

    Steve #13: honestly, that has touched me so much. I, too, have been so lucky to make two fantastic friends through this blog. I would never have believed that "virtual" friends could become real. In time, I hope to meet more of you.

    And Steve, you are right, if I had met my "new" friends earlier in life, it may not have worked out. I now look back at friends I had in the past .... not one of them to be found.


  • Comment number 80.

    Chrissie, I'll second that. Susan, Cheryl, Debbie, you, Mary and Bsmum have all been wonderful friends when I needed them.

    Long live the blog, eh?


  • Comment number 81.

    Oh and Lisa. Sorry Lisa.


  • Comment number 82.

    LOL - hoping mullewd wine will sort tomorrow for me!!

    Is therew enough mulled vino for me?
    Got some lovely home made felafal in the fridge with mean chilli sauce - can do more in morning - or late afternoon!


  • Comment number 83.

    Suzie come on in there's plenty.

    Felafal - not sure what that is but like the sound of the mean chilli sauce.

    Mary xx

  • Comment number 84.

    Oh and... Live long and prosper ICGMOOH

  • Comment number 85.

    Suzie - do not give them mulled wine. It's mingin', take my word for it. Chilled Chardonnay, warm Pinot Noir. BUT no mulled. Honest.


  • Comment number 86.

    And..... breathe.

    Just watched Louis Theroux's take on policing in Philadelphia.

    If you didn't catch it, do the iplaying-thingy because it is sobering stuff.

    I've been through a few US cities in my time, never having experienced any problems I have to add, but I've driven through areas that I would rather not and heard about some nasty things, but this was pretty bad.


    I am now trying to avoid 'I'm a once-was, get me a few quid', so here is my question of the night.

    Fifties, Sixties, Seventies, Eighties or Nineties?

    I'm guessing that most of the FNWC have existed, at least for a moment, in one of these decades, but which was the best, and why?

    Now. You don't have to have even been there. Maybe the music and the culture were simply 'you'.

    I was an Eighties boy. In my teens, and at loving life. I had silly hair, a flat stomach and not a care in the world.

    But. If I had a TARDIS, I would ping right back to the Fifties.

    Man. Those were times.

    Peace, love and expectations.


  • Comment number 87.

    Oh Annie I love mulled wine has to be home made though and not the pre-bottled stuff.


  • Comment number 88.

    Annie: M and S food - I have a horror story in that respect. A LONG time ago when "ready meals" were in their infancy, we were having two friends over to dinner. I bought two, yes, two ready meals to cover the four of us, but did not read the package: the meals were for one. No other food that could be used. Made lots of potatoes, veg etc, but had to pretend that MrS and I actually had meat on our plates! It was horrific, I still cringe! But, it is a different story now, I know. In fact our entire Christmas dinner will come from our friends at M and S!

    Mary, I am glad you are having such a nice birthday.

    Hope you don't mind, I'll pass on the hot tub, but I'll just sit here in my fluffy dressing gown and sip my wine!

  • Comment number 89.

    Dear me, typing isn't good! No glasses (eyes) they're lost!

    Falafel is a middle eastern mix of chick peas, broad beans and spices, made into little(ish) balls and fried - lovely! Bit like fish cakes but without the fish! Or the potato!

    Can I just say lovin' FNWC! 'Cept on the G&T ice and lemon.


  • Comment number 90.

    Eighties for me. Big hair, huge shoulders, earings down to ankles, and slim waiste, two stone lighter and dancing the night away every night and all night (worked in night clubs then as bar maid) those were the days). And was in love often! Even better!


  • Comment number 91.

    Suzie you can't beat a G&T ice and a slice.

    Falafel sounds nice - if we eat them I will help you make more for tomorrow.

    Chrissie that is a very fluffy dressing gown, looks very cosy, Annie might be fighting you for it :o)

    Mary xx

  • Comment number 92.

    Evening everyone, back from the day of meetings...... finally. Productive though.

  • Comment number 93.

    I missed the ARF and xmas crackers today. Can some one tell me what they were?


  • Comment number 94.

    Matt: very good question. For me, definitely the 80's. I was starting to grow up at last, MrS and I had an absolutely fantastic time - holidays, dinners and lunches out for ever more, pretty much stress-free life.

    But the 60's were wonderful for me too: all my siblings were much older than me (I was an afterthought!) and my memories of our Dansette record player being played at full blast are so clear! The Beatles, Rolling Stones, Hollies, you name it, they were played constantly. My lovely brother, who died far too young in 2001, bought me "She Loves You" which he presented to me when I came home from the Brownies (I was 8!).

    The 50's? Yes, I see what you mean, but I think life was still extremely difficult following the end of the WW2. I think there was still rationing just a couple of years before I was born in 1956! (Sounds like it was light years ago!)

  • Comment number 95.

    Matt: 50s and 60s. 50s: My dad, my twin baby brothers, my wonderful aunt who protected me from my mother, my gorgeous older cousin who played Great Balls of Fire, black eyeliner, big hair, my Dad wondering what was going on with his daughter, net underskirts, saturday job in Freeman, Hardy & Willis shoe shop.

    60's: My first baby. My lovely little boy.


  • Comment number 96.

    Mary: yes, my dressing gown is so comfy. Annie, I do have a spare one if you need it. For heaven's sake you lot, don't stay in there too long!

    007: nice to see you, I never get the chance to talk to you. ARF was Birdhouse in Your Soul - They Might Be Giants -requested by Scooby. Didn't hear the crackers: I was too busy being bullied by my lovely hairdresser - I managed to win the battle!

  • Comment number 97.

    Hi gang... everyone having a nice time? Birthday drinks still flowing?

    THanks for the thanks for the ARF - glad everyone enjoyed it! can u believe i missed it?! got texts from a few people telling me it was me and i shouted a swear word out loudly! will do listen again asap..

    Decade - 90s for me... being a mid 70`s baby the 90`s were a time of exams and general good fun, driving to the coast for fish and chips on a whim and falling in and out of love and baaaaaddddd music in general (and i dont mean bad in a good way!). Although the Oasis/Blur thing was always fun at the time...

    and secondly...the noughties..well from June 07 onwards anyway... urgh..pass the bucket someone!

    Anyway...is it help yourself night at the bar tonight...?!

    mSc x

    PS - Thanks for the graphic descriptions earlier Annie - hope the wine doing the job and u feeling bit brighter! x

  • Comment number 98.

    However - on the era theme - the noughties have me reverting back to the eighties... Kids grown up and bring it on!

    Well perhaps not the same way but love getting older, wiser and naughtier!

    Suzier! X

  • Comment number 99.

    Me again: taking a wee break to see Celebrity and possibly HIGNFY.

    Hope to see some of you later.

    I originally voted for Martina in Celebrity, but really Joe should win it, he is a sweetheart!

  • Comment number 100.

    Hi NewChrissie, Hope you are well. Nice to chat with you again. Thanks for letting me know about ARF.....WELL DONE Scooby!!!!! So NewChrissie, new hairdo?


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