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Chris Evans | 14:39 UK time, Monday, 8 December 2008

Oh, bloggers if I could only tell you...

... the day I've had.

Deep philosophy required to stop myself going a little dolally today.

What does it all mean ??????????????

Alright never mind all that. I arrive in work and suddenly I feel a smile coming on as I receive an invite from Uncle Wilco to judge The Shed of the Year comp 2009. My, Uncle Wilco I would be delighted. Put me down.

Other highlights this afternoon:- Christmas tubes of fruit pastilles are down to a pound and Cadbury's chocolate fingers are two for one ! Result, the team shall eat well during the show tonight !!!!!!!!!!

I love you all but I really have to go.





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  • Comment number 1.

    hiya Chris

    could do with some of your good fortune at the mo - love the show - and really gald your work makes you smile -it makes us smile too! :-)

    super bp x

  • Comment number 2.

    Oooooooooooooooooo fruit pastilles are my favourite. Lammy pie you're making me jealous.


  • Comment number 3.

    Afternoon Big Guy CLP

    My, my, you are always so busy - but the results are well worthwhile come 5pm!

    Two hours and counting .....

    dook - in answer to the weirdest prezzy Q from the previous blog ..... I bought a DVD for Mr Diva a couple of years ago called Ready Teddy Death. It's numerous ways to "kill" teddy bears - very inventive but also very very funny.

    Mr Diva's mum collects bears, and every time we go round there we think of subjecting her collection to Vol II .....


    Diva x x x x x

  • Comment number 4.

    Chris there is nowt wrong with being a little do lally every now and again. I'm in my thirties and still just HAVE to build a snowman, and make snow angels when the weather permits. Also make funny faces and do funny things to Mr. Egg when he's on the phone to someone serious! Oh and not forgetting trying to tickle Grandad Egg's feet despite him being in his Sixties and 6 ft 2, and then there is the nudging game between and my brother (V. Late 30s) at Christmas table........

    ....... think I'm confusing do lally with childishness - but I don't care.


    hmmmm I wonder if anyone is ticklish down at the shed.........

  • Comment number 5.

    Good Avo Big Chief CLP, et al . . .

    Back on-line, in control, on top and alll around . . .

    Sorry for my recent abscence, purely technological I assure you . . .

    All good here in sunny, cold, Belfast - apart from the local pigs, which are literally flying off the shelves . . .in the wrong direction.

    10 days and counting until the 2008 Visitation . . . .hmmm . . .

    Have a great one . . .

    DtM x

  • Comment number 6.

    What is the difference between Technical and Technological??????

    Just asking!


  • Comment number 7.

    Dtm - when are you down and in the mulberry?

  • Comment number 8.


    just because we are getting older, by no means does it mean we have to grow up!

    Cheryl xxx

    PS: Good to have your back, DtM xx

  • Comment number 9.

    I wonder if our shed can enter the competition.... What do you think Steve?????

  • Comment number 10.

    Cheryl, I quite agree! It's only the ones who grow up that get old!

    Fruit pastilles and chocolate fingers, what a combination. Sounds like an Xmas stocking from years gone by. And, maybe, if I'm good, Santa might oblige this year!

    Still, ProblemPresents team is living on Halls Soothers, which is not quite as appealing! Perhaps I could tell myself fruit pastilles are medicinal and get some delivered in!

    PQ x

  • Comment number 11.

    007 / Steve

    easyjob is back in the country. have your explanations as to what you've done to the shed at the ready. when he left back in september, it was a bloke-haven with grubby mags and beer. you've now feng shued it, and let us girlies in .......

    C x x x x

  • Comment number 12.

    goodness knows what he'll make of those scatter cushions ......

  • Comment number 13.

    Hey SB

    Next Wed, the 17th, to celebrate my 35th ...

    looking forward to it . . .

  • Comment number 14.

    oh no - i cannot be there - so sorry Dan - have promised someone else to be somewhere else - might be able to wriggle out of it but not sure?

    Hope MfR can make it to see you??

    super bp x

  • Comment number 15.

    CLP - Shed of the Year comp? Sounds good - but what do they award?

    Most stylish........? Nope mine deffo wouldn't win that.

    Most jam-packed, nay overcrowded..........? Might be in with a chance there.

    Most creatively decorated - the bloggers virtual shed must be a winner there. I gather the scatter cushions are a wonder to behold. Not too sure about all the flip-flops and snorkels that keep appearing on Saturday mornings though - and as for that very large wetsuit...............


  • Comment number 16.


    It's 28 years today since John Lennon was murdered. Any chance of a bit of Lennon on tonight's show, as a mark of respect.

    Thank you.

    Cheryl, being serious for once

  • Comment number 17.

    That long? Gosh............I feel old.

    I'm sure the occasion will be marked appropriately on certain shows (R and M surely, to name but one) but it's odd that I haven't heard any mention of it yet today.


  • Comment number 18.

    I remember my mum waking me up on 9th December 1980 and Imagine was on the radio, then she told me he'd been murdered in New York.

    I've still got every English newspaper from that day in a bag in the loft - it was such an emotional time, and I was only 12.

  • Comment number 19.

    sorry everyone - that was two weeks before i was born - one of the biggest events in British pop and I wasn't there!

    super bp x

  • Comment number 20.

    Well Christoff old Bean, a bit of Dolally is the norm,swim with it Baby.
    Cheryl well done , I worshiped at the Altar of John Winstone Lennon , one off my all time heroes. Did not realise the anniversary of the great mans death was today.


  • Comment number 21.

    ...ah, The Shed of the Year...what dizzying heights you have reached, Christophe...

    My only criteria (and it is one that I suggest you take on board) for a shed, is that it smells of creosote. And you can stay in there as long as you like. Or until you have to go in for your tea because you're 7 and your mum doesn't know where you are all afternoon.

    doolally tap matey

    ps We live in a flat, but we needed an extension so we built a shed in our living room.

  • Comment number 22.

    One of my friends was born the day Elvis died.....apparently some of the nurses were in a worse state than her mum!

    CtD - to some of us newbies EJR has just been an urban myth........is he going to make an appearance here whilst he's in the country?

    Sorry to say that John Lennon's death passed me by without a here nor there but I was only a toddler!


  • Comment number 23.

    JTT - I did my O Level History project on The Beatles. My teacher at the time didn't think it was a good idea but when I put my case forward as to how The Beatles changed British popular culture, he caved in.

    And I passed the exam!

  • Comment number 24.


    i'm sure ole blue eyes easyjob will re-surface in his own time!

    Cheryl xx

  • Comment number 25.

    #23 ,

    I always knew you were a Tip Top Bird.


  • Comment number 26.

    Why, thank you JTT. I was raised on Lennon & McCartney and have just had passion and respect for them for as long as I can remember.

    Will never, ever part with those newspapers from December 1980 tho. A real snapshot of our culture at the time.

    Hells Bells - I'm being serious this arvo!

  • Comment number 27.

    Cheryl you read my mind.

    You should be very worried.

    Howsabout 'Love'.

    I'm already sobbin' because of Austin's demise so might as well go for it.


  • Comment number 28.

    Greetings CLP And ALL,

    Bingo Star ere....

    Ave goot so much ter say, but I don't know were ter start????
    Mmmmnnn scratching the 'ead.....

    Okay i'll start ere.....

    I am amazed... shock 'orror that terdee's CLP blog isn't all about Alled/ Sir Tezza tunes release terdee!!!!!

    A question that a need ter ask CLP is am confused 'ow we get this tune ter he Christmas #1.
    If we buy this week surely that only counts ter this Sundee's #1.. so buying this week is a waste?
    Surely we need ter buy next week as that is the week that counts for #1 Christmas Day????!!!!@??
    CLP could you please answer this important quesion as I don't know the correct answer!!!!

    Secondly - Claudia Winkleman - CLP's 03/12 blog.... Whatta coincidence!!!!!!!
    The other dee I decided ter wikipedia The Winkleman outta curiosity... Don't know what sign she is... and whatta coincidence... a nearly share me birthdee with 'er!!!! Yes she's a cap and 1 year and 1 day older than me!!!!
    But another bigger coincidence.. in the 'personal life' section the last paragraph reads 'Claudia is a popular figure on blogs and on message boards (true on CLP's blog the otherdee). There is even a group on the social networking site Facebook called "It May Take Two To Tango But There's Only One Claudia Winkleman", in which members divulge any dreams they may ave ad in which she features. Fans refer to such dreams as "Winklewinks"!!!!!!!!

    100% true all..... so CLP does this mean as you wrote on your 3rd Dec blog about Claudia in one of your dreams....
    1 : Does it mean your a member of this group????
    2: This must mean you ave experienced a "Winklewink"!!!!!!!!

    If yer don't beleive us all Wikipedia Claudia Winkleman and check out the last paragraph of Personal Life section!!!!!!

    Tatty Bye Winklewinkers!!!!!!

    Me.... am noot a member of any online group!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 29.

    Love is real
    Real is love
    Love is feeling
    Feeling Love
    Love is wanting
    To be loved

    Beautiful. Now I'm holding 'em back too Clodagh!

  • Comment number 30.

    With regard to the internal decor of said shed...am totally bereft that that finest of all pokey-abouty knicknack little boxes and all sorts of gawjus things shop, The Pier, is closing down.

    Am also bereft that I cannot currently afford to purchase said pokey-abouty gawjus things.

    The Christmas window display is a sight to behold, indeed with scatter cushions and multi baubled trees...a wondrous beauty it is...and it's all going...


  • Comment number 31.

    And CLP. Watch them fruit pastilles if you're munchin' whilst sat down.

    I well remember drivin' to an important fitting in London in me best cream cashmere coat, lookin' gorgeous, stylish and yet just a little approachable. With a raspberry one stuck to me right buttock.


    And the chocolate fingers are worse if you're drivin'. But not as bad as a Flake.



  • Comment number 32.

    You can't beat a fruit pastille...........but you do have to chew it.

    Will Johnny be entering his shed in the comp?


  • Comment number 33.

    But then again the fruit pastilles are marvellous for the Suck The Sweetie On The End Of A Drinkin' Straw 3 Laps Of The Garden relay race. Give 'em a bit of a suck first, stick nicely. Black ones best.

    Much better than maltezers.


  • Comment number 34.

    Its funny isn't it........ my mum (Granny Egg) was/is a beatles fan, my dad (Grandad Egg) was/is more of a Stones (or classic!) man. My cousin (Tiny Spark - Alaska) and his mum are HUGE beatles fans and at a recent impromtu gig he did a beatles medely - me and dad sat there looking at each other rather blankly whilst Mum, Brother, Aunty and Cousin gave it absolute laldy.

    yeah I know the popular beatles toons but sorry they don't really "do" anything for me - folks rave about them but - nup - nothing from me.......Queen however is just ANOTHER story........


  • Comment number 35.

    I always liked Elton John's tribute (Empty Garden) to John Lennon......

  • Comment number 36.

    Chezza the Diva - Interesting commentations #29... but sadly some people never ave and never will find love or real love!!!!!!

    Count yerself lucky if ever yer do find it!!!!

  • Comment number 37.

    But Bingo - you must only be 35, which is young, so you have most of your life ahead of you - and you never know, you may meet the love of your life next year............

    I was older than that when I met mine, and we were both so far from expecting it to happen that we still often express total amazement that it did!

    So don't give up hope. Where there's life etc.... 2009 might just be your big year.


  • Comment number 38.

    Ah Bond - Empty Garden a fine song that does seem lost in the mists of time. (hides for cover whilst suggesting it is far better than Elton's Diana tribute).

    Clodagh I am worried about the relay element of the sweetie race - you certainly wouldn't want to be last in the team.


  • Comment number 39.

    Bingo - not my words, but those of the late, great John Lennon.

    dook - my grandad was a HUGE Stones fan - I can still see him sitting in his chair doing the action to "off the hook" and singing along to scratchy old 33 rpms!

    007 - oh yes!

  • Comment number 40.

    In response to the "shed" I must point out that in MY defence (and that of Bondy's) That all we did was partition it and add two giant plasma's the rest was done by you women. I must also point that it was YOU lot that stuck me in the naughty shed for so long that i was bound to add a personal touch here and there. As far as the scatter cushions and decor go it was nothing to do with me. that was indeed Bondy who did all that malarky. In regards to the fungi schway that was done that was also done without mine or Bondy's approval (if indeed it's not just a load of oriental claptrap)

    On a sour note the council have told us that the hotbub must go as we didn't have planning permission for an Olympic sized swimming pool. I have tried to tell them that is was hottub but they aint having none of it. I have to appeal direct to the head of planning he's coming here in the next few weeks so i need you girls to "butter" him up somewhat so everyone best on their best behaviour (sp?) then we might stand a chance of keeping it.

    Steve :-D

  • Comment number 41.

    Thanks for your kind words derbyfi... but 2008 for me has just been the final straw... it's been the year from hell for me and the accumilation of many years were finally something has changed deep inside me....

    When you go through life and all around are always nasty to you, always use you and no matter how hard you try all always goes wrong you start to change and think nobody likes you and nothing will ever go right!

  • Comment number 42.

    Sorry all - don't want to sound like a missery!!!!
    But sometimes it becomes hard to carry on in life when luck never shines!!!

  • Comment number 43.

    Perhaps if we won the Shed of the Year award the council may look at the hot tub issue differently (we can all dream can't we?!)


  • Comment number 44.


    Can't say much except . . . . .. . . . KEEP ON TRUCKING fella :-D

    Steve :-D

  • Comment number 45.

    CtD - There waz another - John Lennon - a good man who life treated bad... ended up bumped off by the US goverment in my opinion because 'e was preaching to much about peace and political issues!!!!

  • Comment number 46.

    Bingo - we all love you. Don't you ever go changing!

    Cheryl xx

  • Comment number 47.

    Bingo - I don't really know what to say to that, except that at least this year is almost finished and you can bid it good riddance.

    I truly hope that the next year will prove to be just the opposite for you and things will start to go right.


  • Comment number 48.

    If you look for luck - it won't happen - abit like the watched kettle I suppose. If you don't expect it then it will find you.

    In my case stinking of cow pooh!

    he/she/it/they* moves in mysterious ways!


    * delete as appropriate

  • Comment number 49.

    Tarrr Steve man!!!! SJF!

    Soz all - Am just getting so disillusioned with everything in life.
    I thought the Ukraine thing this year would finally bring me the 'appiness i've always dreamed of but I even manage ter mess that up!!!!!

  • Comment number 50.

    The way I am at the mo all is.... yer know that Annie Lennox tune/ Eurthymics tune were the words go... "behind very great man, there's a great a woman" or that other tune that I love but can't remember who it's by... goes "sometimes your just not stronger enough to make it on your own" well that's 'ow I am with everything!!!!
    With me music too!!!!
    I can't push forward until I find someone... something 'as just changed in me this year, normally ave always been very independant but now a can't go forward until a find a woman!!!!!!


  • Comment number 51.

    Bingo - in that case do something completely different - volunteer at an archeaological dig, help out at a soup kitchen, take an elderly neighbours dog for a walk. I changed my job - completely - a bit drastic but i found someone by doing it.

    Don't go into things with a predetermined outcome in mind.


  • Comment number 52.

    Just wanter say tarr ter all for your kind commentations, you are all nice people!!!!!

    Ctd, Derbyfi, Steve, Dook!!!!

  • Comment number 53.

    SJF....LOL.... Send me the details of the problem and I'll make him an offer he can't refuse.....LOL

  • Comment number 54.

    Evening each

    Bingo, you lovely man - The Annie Lennox song was 'Sisters'. Bloomin' great.

    Great blog today - I want to reply to everyone. My shed will win, promise, the door is held shut with a big stone, it's full of c**p and the roof is falling in. It's an archeaological find!

    I remember seeing the Beatles singing Please Please Me on telly for the first time and my darling dad shaking his head.

    It was always the Stones for me though.

    Back later.


  • Comment number 55.

    The ends of the worlds are different.

    One ends in "ical", and the other ends in "ological".

    that is all. nothing to stress yourself about.


  • Comment number 56.

    would that be with the walter PPK Bond?


  • Comment number 57.

    I loved the beatles

    Both paul and george have done songs in Johns honour - maybe you could play one of those instead of imagine for a change? both of them are beautiful songs about John.

    Super bp x

  • Comment number 58.

    DWNB - the ends of the worlds? Are we back in the realms of the parrallel kind?

    Is that all? Well whats the point in that?


  • Comment number 59.

    I've seen the end of the world - david tennant comes and saves us all - keep waitinf for him to pop up in survival!

  • Comment number 60.

    #All ways look on the bright side of life#
    *whistles* bum te dum te dumty dumty dum

    thats the way SB!


  • Comment number 61.

    U2.... U2 all..... the second tune a mentioned in me #50.... it's by U2!!!!!

    It just came to me!!!!!!

    Hi Annie G!!!!!

  • Comment number 62.


    'orses 'eads in the bed?

    Capo Steve :-D

  • Comment number 63.

    Hello all,

    Really hope CLP plays Imagine in honour of John Lennon... it's one of my all time favourite songs ever and brings a wee tear to my eye every time I hear it. I too am too young to remember what I was doing on 8th Dec 1980... I was a day short of seven months old.

    Enjoy the show everyone....

    R x

  • Comment number 64.

    Dook, I can't reveal the methods of my persuasion.... LOL But we'll have no problems with the shed......LOL

  • Comment number 65.

    It's time for me to reveal all ...

    Are you ready?

    Any last minute guesses?

  • Comment number 66.

    Rosieposie - On Thursedee CLP did open 'is show by playin my all time fav tune by John Lennon... Nobody Told Me!!!!!

    Whatta coincidence!!!!!

  • Comment number 67.


  • Comment number 68.

    christmas cracker?


  • Comment number 69.

    Bingo - as my last word on this one, I think dook has a good point at #51.

    A pal of mine had a nasty divorce and then a very painful broken romance with a man she thought was her new true love - then she tried internet dating etc but it didn't work out for her, so she decided to stop looking for a man for a while and took up a couple of new hobbies and active pursuits instead, doing things with her other friends.

    She is now much happier, and mentally is in a better place to take advantage of a new relationship as and when it happens - as I'm sure it will one day.

    Fate has an odd way of presenting these things when we least expect them and we're looking the other way. That's what I think anyway, from my own experience.

    Not sure if this helps at all but I hope it does.


  • Comment number 70.

    ah well wasn't even close anyway :)


  • Comment number 71.

    Thanks Chris

    x x x

  • Comment number 72.

    A bit of Lady Madonna will do for me...

  • Comment number 73.


    ya got ya wish :-D

  • Comment number 74.

    At least the CLP 'as opened with abitta Ringo Starr......

    As for my sanity.... it went a VERY long time ago....

    Am presently e-mailing CLP courtesy of Roy Keane's Beard on the run.... DON'T ASK!!!!!!

  • Comment number 75.

    Derbyi - A know exactly what your saying but ave been doing 'obbies for the past 35 years and stil NOOT found anyone!!!!!

    Am at the stage now.... ave gotta find someone!!!!!

  • Comment number 76.

    Ok Bingo, we won't ask, promise. Oooh, the awful Promise I make is on at the mo.

    Just finished reading Ben Elton's book about the end of the world as we know it. Really funny, called Blind Faith.


  • Comment number 77.

    Jed-burg, Chris? I'm presuming thats Jedburgh as in Edinburgh.

    Our road saw the gritter/snowplough after all the snow had melted!!! Actually its the first time I've EVER seen the gritter/plough along our road - usually the farmer's get paid to do it - and only then once they've fed their beasts!!!!!!


    Oh right I'm offski - see you all tommorow

  • Comment number 78.

    Things could be worse Bingo you could be Roy Keane.... Mind you that's got to be better than being his dog right now!


  • Comment number 79.

    Anne - I read Blind Faith recently, as did MW,a!

    Did you find it hard to get into? I struggled but was glad I persevered. I love his books!

    Just over half way thru Tony Parsons. He's just "done the deed", if you get my drift.

  • Comment number 80.

    Things could be even worse Nev R Forget.... I could be Roy Keane's Beard On The Run and presently e-mailing CLP's show!!!!!

  • Comment number 81.

    Cheryl: Yes, thought it wasn't as good as his other ones. But, once I'd perservered, it was great!! And we all know those people, don't we? Scary.


  • Comment number 82.

    I loved the WW1 one - Last Casualty or something like that?

    Off homeski now .... hoping not to get stuck behind a gritter!

    Play nice!

    Cheryl x x x x

  • Comment number 83.

    Bingo Starr,
    Top Man, mucho enjoy your material,but these good folk have given ya Tip Top advice.
    I reckon though to move forward you have to be comfortable in your own Skin , mentally and emotionally as in itself that exudes confidence ,and you will then be beating em off with a stick M8.

  • Comment number 84.

    Just popping in quickly to give Bingo a great big huggle and mwah! I do know how you feel hon, and have to say that it was when I'd given up completely and utterly that love smacked me in the face! I almost lost him too yet look at us now, 7 years married and 2 beautiful girls.

    And it was through voluntary youth work that I met him - we had the same ideas, morals, notions, etc. So I second what has been so eloquently said prior to this, might be an idea to find something social to do, who knows who will fall into your lap.

    Meantime sending lots of love and prayers your way.



  • Comment number 85.

    :-O I haven't had a fruit pastel for a while.

    One thing I loved more than fruit pastilles were fruit polos. Do they even do those any more?

    I wish you'd told me where they're selling these fruit pastilles/ fingers...

  • Comment number 86.

    Chocolate fingers, and more importantly for my middle little'un, white chocolate fingers can be purchased at Morr**ons.


    Hope this helps.

  • Comment number 87.

    Hi Suse. Train times checked, be there at 5.


  • Comment number 88.

    Evening Christoff!!

    Mr HLS cooking the ostrich steaks, Bigg Wee Lass painting her hands, Limpet sooking me dry, cats stuck in the loft and I have too much to do the night!!!

    We all need to go a wee bitty doolally now and again to keep ourselves sane!

    What does it all mean? Can we ever truly find the answer in this life / plain / universe? My faith in my faith gives me a path to follow, if that makes sense, but I know I won't find all the answers in this life, and will never feel complete despite the wonderful blessings I have.

    Anyhoo - keep on looking, I say! Keep on asking!

    Sorry - maltesers are the only sweetie that do it for me!!!

    Oh, and did you know that we all love you CLP??

    Hi Annie - think we'll be there mid afternoon so we could meet you off train if you like?

  • Comment number 89.

    Great Suse, and then we could maybe find the joke shop if it's not too far away.


    Glasgow Central.

  • Comment number 90.

    Clodagh in Wigan - is that you, Ms Rubbish?

    Grand choices!

    Cheryl x x x

  • Comment number 91.

    Bums, missed it Cheryl. Were they Clodagh's??


  • Comment number 92.

    Is this our Clodagh,got to be I reckon,only her esteemedness could pick 2 crackers this big head know all has never ever heard, and Loved em Baby.

    I hope its our Tip Top Bird.


    Women Rule.

  • Comment number 93.

    I reckon Anne - Clodagh from Wigan ....

  • Comment number 94.

    JTT: I knew them! xxx

  • Comment number 95.

    I knew thw lonely pup one, but not the first one. Good tho - really enjoyed both of 'em!

    btw: just been to iToons to download Little Drummer Boy and it needs more support ..... go on, go on, go on ...... its only 79p

    CtD x x x

  • Comment number 96.

    Bright Annie #94 exactly my point Darling,hence last line. LoL.

    Your obedient servant.


  • Comment number 97.

    Always wanted an obedient servant who called me Darling! Yum.


  • Comment number 98.

    Right - wrapped the Secret Santa. A lovely black, fluffy scarf and a book called Chocolate and Prison. Really want to start writing my cards now Bsmum.


  • Comment number 99.

    Oh hurrah did I get me crackers pulled?

    Lonely Pup in a Christmas Shop and Mele Kalikamaka Christmas in Hawaii?

    Ah jayz I was abducted at gunpoint by the Genius daughter and dragged round Traffor Centre so missed it!!!!!

    I'll haveta listen again....


  • Comment number 100.

    Well done Clodagh. Adam Faith, eh? What dya want if ya don't want money?



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