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FANG YOU... good people of the blog.

Chris Evans | 15:04 UK time, Tuesday, 18 November 2008

So, you know when you feel...

... you've been in a fight and you have nothing left. That was me last night.

Driving home, a few minutes after seven, eyes already closing and nothing going on in the head. Fudge, just fudge, inactivity personified.

The show was brill, a grower. One of those where we plant the seeds in the first hour and all the flowers start popping up and taking on a life of their own as the show goes on. But when it was over all I could do was get home as quickly as possible and hit the sack.

In bed for ten past nine, it was a bleary eyed bash at the crossie and then my wife suggested we take a look at your posts. She's read them earlier and urged me to take a look. Well, what can I say ? Whatever grief was still left inside us, you sure managed to get out, so thank you so much. Finally, when there was nothing left... a big sleep.

Again thank you.

Alright now, onwards...

Barack used it to become president, can we use the mighty web to get our Aled and Sir Tel to number one ?

There are several reasons we might want to do this, the main one being that....


Sure, Terry's been there before but with the sense of arch irony that it normally takes for a d.j. to break into Fortress Music. The Floral Dance may have been many things but beautiful and stirring it was not. Herein lies the difference, the novelty about this record, is there is no novelty. Both El Tel and Aled have "gone for it," and boy does it pay off !

Terry was reluctant to throw his hat fully into the ring this morning but I know him quite well and could feel him teetering on the brink of excitement. Aled, I'm sure, will be bang up for it.

So double the e-mails and texts to the breakfast show tomorrow please and listen out at 5.25 tonight for more ammo.

Can we? Yes we can.

Come on gang, you want a cause ? Let's give Mr. Wogan the second number one of his career. And make a Togload for Children in Need whilst we're at it.

Don't get me wrong, I like Simon Cowell but he does not have exclusivity to our Christmas number one. Eh ?





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  • Comment number 1.

    Oh lovely CLP, not surprised you were totally washed out last night - but so glad that you got to see how much love there is on this blog for you and yours.

    So what do we have to do for El Tel? Are we asking for the song to be released as a single or what? Who do we ask?? I agree it's brill and would love it to be No 1 at Xmas!!

    More instructions please!!!


    T xxx

  • Comment number 2.

    it will be aleds second no 1 as well and i think they deserve it

    thanks for your kind words today - glad you feel the warmth from the blog - its like getting into a nice warm bath

    super bp x

  • Comment number 3.

    Hiya Christophe hunnybunkins

    Onwards and upwards - that's the spirit!

    Absolutely for Sir Wogan and Our Aled to be Christmas No.1 .... do we just download it or buy it from a record shop or what!?

    Can I also say the BIGGEST THANK YOU of all time for Barry Manilow week on Woman's Minute.

    Whilst driving home yesterday eve, I actually yelped aloud in my wee little Micra when you made that announcement of all announcements ..... and sang unashamedly for the duration of Bermuda Triangle (although now it sounds more like a waxing fashion than a destination!)

    So tonight .... will we get Copacabana?? You would just absolutely make my (already good!) day if you play that tonight.

    Love you dearly.

    Cheryl the Diva x x x

    My name is Lola, I am a show girl, with yellow feathers in my hair and a dress cut down to there ......


  • Comment number 4.

    Ha ha love it Cheryl. Think I will ask for a Bermuda Triangle next time I go for a wax - also sounds less painful than a Brazilian!!

    T xxx

  • Comment number 5.

    No need for thanks Chris - sympathy is always given freely to a good cause.

    I'm up for a campaign to get Terry and Aled to No. 1. Lets reclaim the Christmas No. 1 spot for Christmas!


    now where did I put those old placards for Lesley umm......

  • Comment number 6.

    Can we buy and download the Wogan xmas song online?

  • Comment number 7.

    afternoon folks

    Chris...no need for the thanks, you reap what you sow in life and that's the affection from the public you've built up just being shown right back at ya!

    Love the idea for the Xmas #1, let's do it!

    bonnet de douche


  • Comment number 8.

    Hi CLP I apologise as I didn't see the blog or hear the show yesterday. I've just read the sad news and have cried my eyes out. I had to say goodbye to Roobear last year and know it's the most unselfish act of your life and that you will remember all of the good times forever. There is not a day that goes by (over a year on) that I don't think of my little bear and miss her desperately. Life goes on for the rest of us and you and your gorgeous wife will take stregnth from one another. God bless Enzo and I hope he gets to meet Roobear in that great bone-shop in the sky.

    Lots of luv
    & Booboo

  • Comment number 9.

    ...as previously mentioned...

    I'D BUY IT!!!

    Anyhoo, bless you and Tash for reading our posts. We've all been through it in one way or another, and it never gets any easier. I/we are glad we were able to help x Enzo had the best mummy and daddy x

    Aled and Tel for Number ONE!!!

  • Comment number 10.


    NAME Introduction : Bertwynd Hurricane.

    Hello to all of the COMPUTER people, today I HAVE been to see the idiot Bingo Star, still in rehabilitation.

    Firstly can I just SAY to Mr Christopher Evans, I am very sorry to hear the very sad news ABOUT your pet, Enzo the dog.
    But like you write 'Sometimes sad is not always bad' it can be kinder, as in the case!!!!!!!!! (8)
    Animals are beautiful creatures and in this WORLD of materialism, they cost very littel but give so much unconditional love back!!!!!!!! (8)
    At least Enzo the dog is at peace...... unlike Bingo Star's weekend in rehabilitation.

    Bingo asks me ttttto, to pass the message ONTO all here that the weekend for him WAS terrible. During the Harry Hill tv programme ooooon, on Saturday, all of the electricity FUSED again.
    Apparently another patient in there is a demented ELECTRICIAN, by the name ooof, of Lucas Watts. He is in rehabilitation as he insists on trying to wire peoples houses to the nearst lamp post outside and has attempted the same at rehabilitation.
    Apparently he's been TRYING to wire his rrrrroom, room to the lamp post outside to save money on the electricity bill at tttthe, the clinic.
    Then twice in the early hours of Sunday the FIRE brigade arrived after Lucas blew the main CONSUMER unit (fuse box) setting off aaaaall, all of the fire alarms!!!!!!!!! (8)
    Sounds like Bingo Star is in GOOD company in there!!!!!!!! (8)

    I have read that some people on this BLOG, are not TOO keen on me.
    Well can I just say I don't have to be here. I am only doing this as a favour so Bingo can keep hhhhis, his communication with you all whilst he is LOCKED in rehabilitation.
    If you think Bingo Star is sssso, so perfect well I can tell you a few stories about why I THINK the man should stay locked up!!!!!!!!! (8)
    He is one good reason now : Did you know Bingo once went SHOPPING. And being the greedy fool he is. He couldn't resist all oooooof, of the BOGOF offers (buy one get one free). So he ended up loading up the biggest shopping TROLLEY with nappies, even though he hasn't got a baby. A load of curry power, even though he doesn't like indian food. About 24 bottles of Tizer even though his doctor HAS told him that's what GIVES Bingo bad gas (rear explosions of air). Now you might think not sssso, so bad.
    Well there's more. Because he didn't HAVE his car with him, he couldn't CARRY all the goods home. So he borrowed the shopping trolley. Only to end up being apprehended in the street bbbby, by a community officer for THEFT of a shopping trolley. The fool ended up spending an evening in aaaaaaa, a police cell!!!!!!!!! (8)
    If you think that's the sign of a mad man, there's mmmmmore, more. Bingo Star, the IDIOT, spent more then 20 pounds so could have got the goods delivered FREE tttto, to his home and not stolen the shopping trolley..... the man's a total fool!!!!!!!! (8)

    Bingo also asks me to SAY to Mr Christopher Evans that he gave some MONEY to Children In Need and thank you for playing a Queen song for all the people who REQEUSTED one including Bingo. He ADDS to fellow computer people did you hear Mr Evans topped up the Radio 2 tttttttttotal, total to two million with a donation of around 16 thousand pounds. A generous GESTURE indeed!!!!!!!!! (8)

    Bingo also says he e-mailed Sir Terry Logan this MORNING, as many others did, about the Little Drummer Boy song. And Sir Tezza, as Bingo CALLS him, did mention that Mr Evans of the Drivetime Wireless Evening Show had mentioned the possibilty of harrassing Sir Tezza to release the SONG as aaaaaa, a Christmas song for Children In Need.
    Bingo says Sir Tezza did hint that he may agree!!!!!!!! (8)
    I'll buy it. I was 45 when the last one came OUT with Bing and Bowie!!!!!!!! (8)


  • Comment number 11.

    Will be listening to see what we have to do tonight Chris - Agree let's go for it!!! Tel and Aled for number One and loadsa dosh for Cin

    Jovial tip topper - where are you??? did you "listen again" to see if your email was on El Tel's show this morn? You said you were following Chris's instructions?? must have missed that last night - probably blowing my nose - again!

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 12.

    Tins, don't get a Bermuda Triangle...you might find a plane in it...

  • Comment number 13.

    Tinsel # 4,

    You,re making my eyes water again Girl.


  • Comment number 14.

    ... or the plane could be lost forever!

  • Comment number 15.

    Ooooh hazel - that would hurt!

    It appears that you can buy the album - Bandaged with all the other bits & bobs from Radio 2 presenters (Chris I note your abscence from the line up!) from the link on Terry's show page.

    and come on Floral Dance wasn't THAT bad......was it?


  • Comment number 16.

    Hazel /Diva - eeeeew

    BM xxx

  • Comment number 17.

    buying the album would only make it into the album charts and due to the amounts of albums sold at chrimbo we couldn't do it.

    the song needs to be released as a single as we have more chance of getting it into the single (cd and download) charts

    super bp x

  • Comment number 18.

    i'd dO anything, for You Dear Anything

    I haven't even heard the song.

    I have voices in my head just now, and so I have to have the radio off on my drive home, so that I can hear them clearly.

    But because I have great love for Beeb 2 and You and Yours.....

    I will email them over and over.

    DWNb (and the voices)

  • Comment number 19.

    Does anyone else think that Bingo Star may be one of the voices in my head?

    Can he not write little blogs?

  • Comment number 20.

    With the new "rules" on downloads, isn't it just the amount of times a track is downloaded that gets it into the charts?

    Whatever happened to the good old days, huddled round the radio at 6.55 pm ever Sunday to see what was that week's number 1 ?

    And who remembers taping bits of the Top 40 show direct from the radio before the "Now ...." albums came along .....

    And I still prefer vinyl over CDs or downloads ..... the cover, the artwork, the inner sleeve - all made it somehow more tangible.

    Happy Dayz!

  • Comment number 21.

    Beesmum #11,

    Hi I,ve been at work all day and typed the email from here (GE Aviation).
    No radios allowed , American Corporates all the same.
    Will try to get a re-run of todays show though,Chris asked on last nights show to email , text etc to the Togmeisters show to support the Little Drummer Boy,so I did.
    I think he read it out though.

    Steve. x

  • Comment number 22.


    I really did hope that you and Natasha would get some comfort from the comments yesterday .... I'm so glad you did. We really do love you both, you know!

    I will do all I can to support Terry and Aled - they are both fabulous. Due to my age, I am awake every Sunday morning to hear Aled!

    And yes, I am THOROUGHLY fed up of the X Factor winner being No.1 every Christmas!

    C xx

  • Comment number 23.

    Steve - I'm not allowed a radio either ... boooooooooo. 'cept on Mondays when the boss isn't in the office!

    Think I'm the only person in the world for whom Monday is one of the best days of the week!!!

    x x x

  • Comment number 24.

    DWNB, I think Bingo is just one of the voices in many people's heads...but all good I feel...


    Lets see if we can break their machine!

    parupapumpum etc

    ps SBP, thank you so much for that sweet little carol! I'm gonna see if I can find it...and I love your typing...don't ever change!!!

    ...and SSTinsel...don't ever ask for a Hollywood, because then they ask you if you'd prefer a Hollywood Boulevard...if you say OOOH YES...they fill it up with cement and do a hand-print in it...

  • Comment number 25.

    Can't you guys without radios listen online via the iplayer?

  • Comment number 26.

    Although the way you're going, ChrissieS, John Sargent is gonna be this year's chart topper with something by Sousa...

    Put the receiver down and step away from the phone.

    P L E A S E!!!

  • Comment number 27.

    CLP - am just catching up rather belatedly on the last few days of blogging and I was so sorry to read your sad news - but the response from your audience was amazing and I am sure that everyone on here will be glad to know that it might have helped you - just a little bit.

    I also heard your very generous gesture last Friday night and wanted to congratulate you on turning words into action (not everyone in your position would/does do so).

    Make it another good one tonight!



  • Comment number 28.

    Ditto Hazel love Please Chrissie

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 29.

    Bondy: my boss likes to work in Dickensian silence. Pins dropping absolutely deafen us!!

    I have a radio, but sadly, Tues - Fri it is switched off.


  • Comment number 30.

    Hello Bloglets all, just barging through...

    Lovely blog Chris, I'm sure it means a lot to everyone to know that you read the posts and that they helped you a bit.

    That's what friends are for!

    I bought the Bing/Bowie single ( when I was a teen I think ) and I love this version too and would be happy to try and make it no. 1, I am ordering Bandaged today but will buy the single if it becomes available.
    I'm teaching 6.00 - 7.00 so if I miss anything important about it could somebody let me know?

    Also, missed most of the show yesterday, didn't realise it was Bazza week, here are my top ten: (in no particular order,as they say:
    Could it be magic,
    It's a miracle
    Looks like we made it,
    Can't smile without you,
    Somewhere in the night,
    Weekend in New England
    Ready to take a chance again
    We made it through the rain.

    Any of those will do!

    Right, o'er the hills I go, laughing all the way...

    A x

  • Comment number 31.

    Hand print Hazel nooooooooooooo!!!

    BM xx

  • Comment number 32.


    Have only just read the sad news about dear Enzo. Brought many a tear to my eye as we had to put our dog Charlie down 3 weeks ago, so I know how you feel. They truly are a member of the family.

    Sending lots of virtual hugs to the whole family.


  • Comment number 33.

    CtD, I think you should tell her that you've pledged $1 a day to CiN if you listen to CLP everyday for a year......

  • Comment number 34.

    Hi Boleyn - or in reverse order - well why not?

    They Dance
    Turn the Radio up
    A little Travelling Music
    If I should love again
    One Voice

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 35.

    Did anyone manage to get tickets for the O2 arena on 4th and 6th Dec? for Manly Barrilow?

    BM xxx

  • Comment number 36.

    Do I need to vote?

    One Voice please.

    ...yes Bees...hand print...and if you're lucky, a star round it...

    gotta shoot so see yas all pertater

    Chris, thank you x

  • Comment number 37.

    Beezer -

    Forgot "If I should love again" - AH!

    And The Old Songs.

    They did A little Travelling music on Saturday - hadn't actually heard it before - great stuff.

    Gotta go now,

    A x

  • Comment number 38.

    Bloomin eck, didn't know about that, couldn't go anyhow, December is fully booked! Ah well.

    Hazel - they finished with One Voice at the show, it was amazing.

    Gone now

    A x

  • Comment number 39.

    I meant fully booked for me, very likely for Bazza too.

    A x

    (Went 5 minutes ago)

  • Comment number 40.

    see - I prefer Rod than Barry!

    Maggie May

    he's great - albeit compariable to a wee Banty cockrel!


  • Comment number 41.

    Dook - that is really funny - you're right he does look like one!!! hehe

    BM xxx

  • Comment number 42.

    How about we get John S to dance to El Tel and Aled air the great song any way we can...will listern on way home re how we can help the No1 spot

  • Comment number 43.


    So how do we go about getting a track from an album released as a single - who has to say yes - do we reach out to Helen Bach at Togs Calendar and ask?

    I also enjoyed hearing Alex doing My Brother and it was extremely good. Chris how come you escaped?

    Good to hear that Tash read the blog and then advised you to read it too - I was in pieces reading all the lovely comments and couldn't blog until very late.

  • Comment number 44.

    Hello Chris,

    I recall Mrs Thatcher once saying " you can't buck the market" and in the main she was right about that, but in this particular market of Christmas no 1s, I think the market is there to be bucked and more than that, it's gagging for it. It’s not just a good idea, it's a brilliant idea! The brilliant bit about is, even if we fail to reach no1, we will have succeeded in raising lots of dosh for CIN. It's a win if we win and a win if we lose situation. I can't think of a better situation to be in.


  • Comment number 45.

    I tried to get tix for Bazza at the 02, but there were only "in the heavens" tickets left - i made that mistake with Prince last summer. Quite possibly the first and only time I've felt queasy from vertigo at a gig!!

    Sooooo high up. Prince was about 2" tall.

    Did manage to get tix to see Arsenal at home on 6th Dec tho! Maybe they'll play some Bazza at The Emirates!

    x x x

  • Comment number 46.


    Ditto - hate high seats at arena gigs and trying to struggle up there. Always feel worried about potential fire/disaster escape scenario too - which spoils the fun!

    Wembley Stadium has very high seats now too so beware if booking for there!


  • Comment number 47.

    Thanks derbyfi - although things like that don't usually bother me, the 02 seemed unreasonably high. I've noticed since I saw Prince there that there's now a "warning" when booking tickets about levels 3 and 4 being unsuitable for those afraid of heights. Like you say - such a climb up ... I felt like Chris Bonnington!

    I saw Take That at the 02 last December but our seats were about 5 rows from the stage, so perfect!! Off to see them again next July at Wembley Stadium but we've got pitch standing tickets.

  • Comment number 48.

    Hazel and B-smum: I really did laugh! And I know what you are saying ..... but I'm sorry, Strictly is NOT a dancing competition. It is entertainment, on a tremendous scale! Pray tell, how often do we see Sparkles Kaplinsky or Mark (I'm gorgeous) whatever-his-name is, dancing on a daily basis? They did brilliantly on this show, but it was purely for their own ends.

    I'm not doing this to be a minx (or other words that perhaps JR would use) but I really AM enjoying the effort John Sergeant is making. Not, in a million years, will he get to the final, but I do believe he is light years away from Cheri Lungi in entertainment value.

    It would just never do if we all had the same views, would it??!!

    C xx

  • Comment number 49.

    God bless CLP, and thank you for giving us so much joy over the past few. Our love and support is the least of things we can give back.

    As for Aled and Terry, will someone please post CLP's 5.25 annoucement on here for me as I don't get into the car til a shade after 5.30 and am totally radioless til then.

    I am so up for whatever campaign to get this to number one for Christmas, it is about time that there was a song which embodies Christmas at the top at the time and I couldn't think of a better one.

    Happy Tuesday everyone, three to go!!

    lots of love

  • Comment number 50.

    By the way, NewChrissieS, totally agree with you.

    As does CLP, and what better endorsement?


  • Comment number 51.

    I only heard part of the song yesterday and I thought it was the original with Bowie and Crosby.....

  • Comment number 52.

    James - tis to start with but then you soon recognise our Tel!!!!

    Bees xxx

  • Comment number 53.

    I'm all for it being the Christmas No.1 just as long as Terry promises NOT to do a Bill Nighy in Love Actually and play it nakked on Christmas Eve on telly .......

    .... nor Aled for that matter!

    x x x

  • Comment number 54.


    But what it is was the difference between being number one and number two and rasising a shed load more for CIN? Kit off Tel!!!


  • Comment number 55.

    LOL Diva

    BM xxx

  • Comment number 56.

    hey all
    back again!
    handy bendy-toy tops in no particular order:
    One Voice
    If I should Love Again
    Weekend In New England
    I Write The Songs
    Looks Like We Made It

    Lovely to know, again, that Chris reads our inane ramblings!!!!
    Tel said this morning that it will be a single........... or did i hear that wrong? Or was I asleep..................

    Tiggs xx

  • Comment number 57.

    I don't think I will be near a radio at 5.25!!!! :(

    I don't finish work till 5:30 (yes I am reading CLP blog at work while pretending to be engrossed in my emails! but ssh!)

    You have to make sure that in the 3 ish minutes it takes for me to get from the office to the car radio that you keep talking and fill time so I can listen!!!!

  • Comment number 58.


  • Comment number 59.

    goosebumps on me goosebumps

    BM xxx

  • Comment number 60.

    Just heard the full song. Very Good...... Certainly Number 1 worthy......

  • Comment number 61.

    Hmmph! Mr Egg still not here to rescue my truck!!!!

    Peace on Earth?!!!


  • Comment number 62.

    taking his time ain't he Dook?

  • Comment number 63.

    Oh I think that's him just pulling up now! Right I.m Offski!


  • Comment number 64.

    Bye Dook

  • Comment number 65.

    i'm here for a while - got a late one tonight

  • Comment number 66.


    I know this is not gonna make me popular but . . . .. . i fail to see what all the fuss about the track is. Sorry one and all but i just don't get it :(

    it's not bad and it's prob better than a lot of the usual drivel thats out there but even so i don't they're worthy of a number1 slot either :(

    I'm off to hide and locking the shed behind me as well

    Steve :-D

  • Comment number 67.

    now we know why he ducked out of Bandaged! no offence chris................

    Tiggs xx

  • Comment number 68.

    What a Cracker ....

  • Comment number 69.

    another fave xmas song - O Holy Night
    Tiggs xx

  • Comment number 70.

    the grandad/ grandma songs gave me goosebumps - i lost my gradad this year and my nan (on the other side) is being lost to old age

  • Comment number 71.

    Hi Chris,

    Agree totally about Aled and Terry's song. It is magic and makes me feel really in the christmas mood.

    Fed up with X Factor getting the Christmas number one.

    Christmas No1 has to have a Christmas feel about it so Little Drummer Boy is perfect.

  • Comment number 72.

    Im one of the gang that helped make the Bandaged cd, We come from a fantastic choir inSalisbury and our director Fiona Clark and chairman Ed Bull both made tracks on the cd together with Clare Teal and the fab presenters from radio 2. also our backing group Rang-A-Tang, all down to Norman and Hellen. The whole thing was fantastic, everyone was so friendly and fun. The launch was so exciting and I actually had a chat with Sir Tel and he is just as modest and gorgious as he keeps telling us. Please make his track a No 1. failing that the whole Bandaged cd! Pity I broke my ankle as I left the Staff club, but worth it to have been there. This is my 1st blog!

  • Comment number 73.

    link to the youtube clip

  • Comment number 74.

    ta for the link!
    lost grandad just shy of 14 years ago, ddnt think nan would last without him but she hung on for 9 and a half years

  • Comment number 75.

    Sorted have emailed the togmeister to petition him to release the single lets get it to number 1 for Christmas.

    Chris & Tash - glad you got some comfort from our posts.


  • Comment number 76.

    And we could really mix things up and vote John Sergent to win strictly!!!

  • Comment number 77.

    tiggs xx

  • Comment number 78.

    Hi Penelope. Welcome to the blog.


  • Comment number 79.

    oops, missed the newbie!
    hello and keeeeeeeeeeeep blogging!!!
    tiggs xx

  • Comment number 80.

    rock n roll n brew, hmmm!

  • Comment number 81.

    As an xmas fav how about "Christmas is all around us".......LOL

  • Comment number 82.

    Welcome Penelope. Hope you keep posting.....

  • Comment number 83.

    what, Bill Nighy from Love Actually? Pipped to number by that Donnie Darko toon if I remember rightly?
    Tiggs xx

  • Comment number 84.

    number 1 even, my tryphgjning gets worse!!!

  • Comment number 85.


    RE: #74

    My grandad died in 1977 We didn't think my nan would last long she died last month so thats 31 yrs although to be honest my nan should have gone earlier as her QOL (alzhiemers?) wasn't much the last few years or so.

    Steve :-D

  • Comment number 86.

    Bless 'em all hun! Nan & Grandad were childhood sweethearts so we thought she couldn't live without him. They're were reunited June 04


  • Comment number 87.

    I remember your FB status on the day you buried her come to think of it

  • Comment number 88.

    Evening Steve

    Alzhiemers is in our family too. And I work with people who live with it, and their carers. A horrible disease.

    The last one in our family to have it was my aunt. Her grandson looked after her with love and great kindness.


  • Comment number 89.


    Just a virtual peek round the door tonight.

    Everyone seems OK. Glad this 'other pub' of yours Chris, with all the 'locals' has been of some help.

    I like to think of this as a 'pub'. Like tonight, I am just popping in for a swifty on the way home, whereas on Friday, I bagged the place at the end of the bar and stayed for a few, chewing the fat with the regulars - you lot.

    And the best bit of all is that I can have as many as I want without having to worry about how I'm getting home.

    Anyway. Gym? done. Thirst quencher? open. Last episode of Fry in the US? about to commence. I believe he ends up in Seattle at some stage in this one. We spent the first night of our honeymoon there, 10 years ago.

    Sleepless anyone?

    Peace & love


    PS Today is Thirsty Thursday. In my world, anyway. Therefore tomorrow is ARF. That'll be A Right Farce if today was anything to go by.

    Happy Days.

  • Comment number 90.

    still at work so please don't metion any of the following: food/ alcohol or TV

    should be leaving in half an hour - been here since 7:30 - tired now

    i shoudl get up early and go to gym tomorrow but the thought of it is already making me tired

    Oh - and ed byrnes tomorrow night - something to put a smile back on my face

    super bp x


  • Comment number 91.

    Goodness Sakes SB. Go home immediately!!

    Matt: You in the bar, or the snug?? Yes, was totally sleepless last night. Only had Stephen Fry to keep me company. Have to say, though Moab is my Washpot is not the easiest book to read.


  • Comment number 92.

    just got another 20 minutes of training via the web and then i'm off - its quiet in here tonight

  • Comment number 93.

    Good evening all,
    As a newish contributor of this blog,I just love it. Ladeez you are just awesome and the glue that holds all this together.
    Don,t want to name names,but Diva,.Tiggs,Hazel,bs-mum ,highland ,.bagpuss,boleyn girl, 2 rosies,tinsel all sparkly and minxy,Mariella,cathmel,,annie,bagpuss,lndyloo,dookegg,new chrissie.
    Sorry if I,ve missed anyone,but only been on for a week.
    Guys you are all tip top as well.


  • Comment number 94.

    steve - i love you too - you named checked me twice

    glad to know our insane meaderings are brightening your day

  • Comment number 95.

    And halloooooooooooooo to you tooo Jovial.
    Long may you blog.


  • Comment number 96.

    Sorry Super-bagpuss,because you,re worth it maybe,or it may have been the Savignon Blanc,or concentrating on not hitting the wrong keys with my large digits,particularly after the afore mentioned plonk,er I mean Blanc.

    Steve x.

  • Comment number 97.


    Steve, or may I call you JTT- thank you!

    Wasn't tonight's show a corker!? I now know that my fave duet is in fact a trioet, and its Bazza, CLP and little old me belting out our rendition of Mandy! I was driving home "singing" at full pelt ...... got a few odd looks at the traffic lights, but hey ho!

    Really tired tonight, so signing off now!

    Have good eve's everyone, and don't forget to text Lord Togmeister in the morning!!!!

    Cheryl the Diva xxx

  • Comment number 98.

    Not been on the blog FOREVER, anywho, so sorry chris n tash for your loss - the more we love them the more they become part of our family.

    Tel for number 1 ! Tel for number 1 !

    About to email him for the purpose of badgering.

    Will try to get on the blog more often, only get near the pc when putting cherub to bed.


  • Comment number 99.

    Hi Cheryl

    I'm sooo tired too. Didn't sleep much last night, so off to bed soon. Yes, tonight's show was great, but sorry, every time I hear Barry Manilow I think of my friend's description of him as Mary Bandylegs. Sorry!!!!

    See you tomorrow.


  • Comment number 100.


    It HAS to happen! When i first heard it, and figured out who it actually was, I was so surprised (but in a good way of course).

    Well done Sir Terry and Aled.

    Oh, by the way, it HAS to happen. Get it released.. Please?

    Phil the PoolMan


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