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Chris Evans | 15:10 UK time, Thursday, 8 May 2008

No, it's not what you think, at least not yet, never mentioned it but...

...Enzo is still having it very rough.

His back operation, though successful, was not enough to cope with the chronic and acute situation that had ultimately developed over the last twelve months.

enzonoel.jpgHis rehabilitation had plateaued at a level that would not have been satisfactory to any kind of "quality of life. " His spinal chord, having been so crushed for so long, was not re-inflating and showed no signs of doing so. Thus, two nights ago, Noel, the vet from heaven, said he could try and go in again for one last ditch effort to save the big boy.

It was make or break. Noel said he could attempt something that had never been done before, the separating of discs from each other and the spinal chord via several screws inserted at a specific angle. These would give the spinal chord the room it needed to recover, or at least give it a better chance, although the procedure was a potentially a highly dangerous one and one that to Noel's knowledge had never been carried out before.

What could we do ? Enzo had no hope other than this and Noel is the best in the business.

enzotv.jpgHere we are today and here is little Enz, this morning, in his dead posh kennel complete with flat screen telly. We're not out of the woods yet but we're still in with a shout.

For those of you who are intrigued here's the actual miracle in place. Amazing, amazing people who do these things.






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  • Comment number 1.

    Wow !! stunningly amazing. Looks like he's enjoying his flat screen telly too.

    Fingers legs and everything else crossed!!

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 2.

    wow what a post

    I'm not really a 'pet person' however
    this is (as you put it) truly amazing.
    Good luck Enzo x x


  • Comment number 3.

    Fingers crossed it a success - pets are like your children you have to do everything you can - they are huge part of the family

  • Comment number 4.

    Wow!!! You go Enzo.
    My dog Jack has his paws crossed for you!
    Panda Girl x

  • Comment number 5.

    Poor old boy - its heart breaking when they get to that stage and they just look at you with such love and trust in their eyes.

    dispite all his problems Enzo still looks happy and is loving his telly so big paws crossed for him

    super bp


  • Comment number 6.

    Best wishes to Enzo, hope everything can get back to some sort of normality for the Evans household as soon as possible.

    How about the first ARF nomination - something that is in tune with the weather and the weekend - Wet Wet Wet and Sweet Little Mystery!!!

  • Comment number 7.



    DtM x

  • Comment number 8.

    Awww one and all

    Ain't he cute. He looks so happy despite his problems. Wonder what he is watching on TV? The worst day of my life was taking my little Yorkshire Terrier Dylan, to the vets. They said nothing could be done and I believed them. They put him to sleep. I wish I had never let that happen.
    Anyway good luck Enzo.

    PS Gingembre, thankyou for your comment and whatever rank you hold in the Great Police Force you do an amazing job.

    Exit stage Right Coco

  • Comment number 9.

    Afternoon each

    Good luck Enzo - what a sweet face!

    Teenage Kicks - sounds good, I could go with that.

    Off to the garden to dig up some dandelions - where do they bleedin' come from?

    Still sunny and hot nr Edinburgh.

    Anne x

  • Comment number 10.

    Hey, thanks Anne!!


  • Comment number 11.

    Aaah, that's bought tears to my eyes today, poor little thing having to go through all this but thank goodness he's got another chance.

    Come on boy, you can do it

    Liz xxx

  • Comment number 12.

    Dear Enzo

    Sootycat sends vibes of goodness and positive karma in your direction!

    Lovely, lovely CLP .....

    This week for ARF can we please have ...

    Li'l Devil - The Cult

    What better way to start the weekend with the lines:-

    Livin' in a shack in a one-horse town
    Tryin' to get to Heaven 'fore the sun goin' down

    Pure poetry!!!!!

    It will also kickstart my weekend of beer festivals, pub crawls and a charity 5K on Sunday morning!


    CtD xxxxxx

  • Comment number 13.

    CLP boy - nice ter keep uz upter date on the Enzo! Sorry that 'e's still abit poorly!

    I 'ope yuv got Scooby Doo on 'is flat screen!!!


  • Comment number 14.

    Bingo - more than one line! Have you been fixed by Interative Ian???

    CtD xx

  • Comment number 15.

    Bingo have you been fixed - more than one line?

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 16.

    The answer iz NO!!!!!!

  • Comment number 17.

    The answer definately iz..... NO!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 18.

    Ave just tryed ter reply to you both......

  • Comment number 19.

    And it ain't show - know what am sayin'!!!!

  • Comment number 20.


  • Comment number 21.

    Hi Chris!

    Tomorrow I am finishing school at lunch for a 'leaver's picnic' with all sorts of culinary delights (such as the AMAZING homemade chocolate cupcakes with chocolate buttercream topped off with maltesers made in the food tech room today.) - I'm bringing jelly! Unfortunately this also marks the start of our study leave for the GCSEs (including the dreaded french oral). Hope to enjoy the ridiculously wonderful weather and praying that it will hold out for our picnic tomorrow.

    ARF request for 1st song:

    Disco 2000 - Pulp

    It is an amazing choon (as are all the tracks on the Different Class album) the chorus is particularly topical for me since many of my school mates will be leaving to bigger and better things - "won't it be strange when we're all fully grown"!

    William ;)

    ps. I'd love to have a dog like Enzo, but am allergic to dog hair and feel v. sorry for him!!!

    pps. i think that mariah carey video is just fab!

  • Comment number 22.

    Calm Calm down Bingo

    Can you explain what is happeneing when you blog and how you blog etc etc.

  • Comment number 23.

    Maybe I can only blog one line at a time...

  • Comment number 24.

    And the answer is yes!!! Hello Blog at last!

  • Comment number 25.

    thought I was goin mad! luv you Enzo

  • Comment number 26.

    New Lyndy Loo - WELCOME ter the one liner club!!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 27.

    Inspecter Coco - Am just bloggin like anyone else does.....

  • Comment number 28.

    Maybe it's the webserver we are using or wireless broadband???

  • Comment number 29.

    Maybe everone who's aving probs should e-mail the Beeb techno with the details of their web browser, net provider etc....

  • Comment number 30.

    Then they might find a connection between the connections - know what am tryin' ter say ere!!!

  • Comment number 31.

    PS Talkin of the one liner club ere's a one liner joke......

  • Comment number 32.

    When everthing's coming your way, your probally in the wrong lane!!!!!

  • Comment number 33.

    Well Now then, Now then, Bingo
    I find I have to constantly refresh pages. This goes for most websites. The connection often has to be reconnected by diagnostics and sometimes have difiiculty playing videos. This is SKY ........ Ring a Bell !

    But without Fire Fox I would not be able to blog at all.


  • Comment number 34.

    I'm actually the old lyndyloo but they wouldn't let me use that x

  • Comment number 35.

    OK going now need to shut them curtains and settle down for the night.

    But my request for ARF in this sunny weather would be
    Demis Roussos Forever and Ever.
    Don't forget them larger's Lawrence.

    Good evening.

  • Comment number 36.

    oH wOW cHRISTOF.

    I seriously thought Enzo had gone to the Kennels in the sky. I actually stopped talking on the phone as I loaded up the page.

    Don't use words like "Dead" and "heaven" in the same blog. Am traumatised.

    That being said. how lucky is Enzo to have you. A lot of owners wouldn't have taken the effort. They would have looked at the doggy and said, "enough is enough... " but look at him. His wee face is still so happy!

    See when he's had enough. His wee face will tell you. They know themselves when it's all too much - and that makes it so much easier for us.


  • Comment number 37.

    DWNB must admit my heart stopped a beat too when I saw the headline - I still cried though - soft ap'orth!!

    Blog 89 yesterday? forgotten your name - crumbs!!

    Got to think what to have with salad today, tomorrow, Sat -

    Can't think of ARF but something with sunshine or by the beach boys must be good although most have been played today!!!

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 38.

    Ah Christoph.

    Mrs. MfR and I are thinking of you and the mighty Enzo.

    Interesting to see the numbers of the EON Club swelling......

  • Comment number 39.

    DWNB - I was exactly the same -

  • Comment number 40.

    Naughty CLP!!

  • Comment number 41.

    I really thought enzo was in the big kennel in the sky

  • Comment number 42.

    Whilst not wishing to upset the non-footballing fraternity, I have to mention this weekend of many squeaky bums. I couldn't decide what to do on Sunday afternoon - bury head in sand, go swimming etc etc - then a friend who shares the same affliction (Fulhamitis) called and we decided to crack a few tinnies and allow our bums to squeak together in my garden with the radio on....

  • Comment number 43.

    ...ooh heck, that was a long post! You know what, I reckon that as long as I end a post with '....', it'll always happen! Shall we put this to the test?

    As I was saying, that way we can cry into our cans together, come the fat lady warbling, or we can have the mother of all parties! Well, as much of a party that two people can have. Mind you, Mrs. MfR will be there, so that makes three......

  • Comment number 44.

    Anyway. Enough of that nonsense.

    I hope everyone is enjoying this splendid weather and has mega plans for the weekend. We have Grandmother of MfR's 90th birthday and a trip to CLP's 'other' pub, The LA. Oh, and the aforementioned bum squeaking session on Sunday.

    ARF? OK, I have two. Have A Nice Day or Vegas Two Times, both by Stereophonics.

    Betcha can't guess why?!


  • Comment number 45.

    ....oh and seems I was right.

    Try this Bingo.........

  • Comment number 46.

    Evening each

    B-sMum: Broccoli quiche. Had it tonight with my salad. Yummy. If you buy a large one from Morrisons (other supermarkets available) you get one free!!!!

    Anne x

  • Comment number 47.

    Oh Chris, I've got everything crossed for the lovely Enzo.

    For ARF, I'm going with MfR's suggestion from last week (or the week before?) - theTraveling Wilburys and 'Handle with Care', for Enzo.

    Annie Oakley

  • Comment number 48.

    Chris, I am stupid about my animals and I understand exactly why you are doing what you are doing. Good luck to Enzo x

    With regards to my home situation at present....stop the world I want to get off!

    MiL here for two weeks as her other three children can't have her. Mr Debbie just not getting how hard this is. If he appreciated it, I wouldn't feel so down. Enough, this is boring isn't it. Don't know if I will ever feel the same about certain people again, if you know what I mean.

    Love to all and thanks
    Debbie x x

  • Comment number 49.

    Annie! Get your gun. Good call.

    BTW. I've just realised it is The LI, not The LA.

    Damn pedants.


  • Comment number 50.

    And Debs. Keep smiling girl.

    I know it can be so hard sometimes.

    Have a look at The Prophet by Kahil Gibran.

    I'm not a religious man, but there are so many words of wisdom.

    'The deeper that sorrow carves into your being, the more joy you can contain'


  • Comment number 51.

    Matt - you got it in one.

    Debbie - keep taking those breaths in and out, as well as the glasses of wine, there are a lot of us out here willing you on xx.

  • Comment number 52.

    MFR: The Prophet, Your children are not your children. I had that framed when my 3 were very young, just to remind me. A very wise poem.

    I would love a gun actually, I think a kalishnikov. I would like to live on an island with a gun turret and I would pick off all the people approaching my island without an invite (the bad people). Maybe I'm mad!!!
    But my planet is lovely.


    Anne x

  • Comment number 53.

    Oh bless his heart, please give him a hug from me! And wow that kennel is amazing!
    We all love Enzo xxxxxxxxxxxxx

    Well haven't been on here for a couple of days. Was at work on Wednesday (love it so much!) and then went to the fella's (love him so much!). I did a little bit of gardening today at his and my back got sunburnt! So slapping on the after sun.

    ARF- has got to be Puppy Love for lovely Enzo. Thats the only dog related song I could think of

    Debbie- I am sending you lots of big hugs. xx

    Gingembre- how are those knees are you ok in this weather!

    Bingo- Oh blimey! Are you hitting enter and then it posts what you've written? If so stop pressing Enter!

    Gotta go and apply the after sun. Remember to stay safe in this weather!
    Love Missy xx

  • Comment number 54.

    Ello all,

    It iz I Bingo Star ere....

    Testing me new Firefox web browser that was recommended by Inspector Coco!!!

    Missey - Na on the enter thingy.... what's been 'appening iz 'ave been writing out me full commentation then 'itting enter..... AND..... then me blog comment doesn't appear!!!!

    So the only way ave been able ter blog iz by risking writing a line or two atta time.... then 'itting enter!
    Even then it often doesn't appear so I 'ave ter re-write it or rephrase the line what ave writted then 'it enter!!!!

    But I can tell yer I ave continually been 'itting me 'ead on me desk each time me comentation fails ter...... show!

    'ope this answers yer question Missey!

    So ere goes all am gonna 'it 'enter' for the first time on the Firefox browser.............


  • Comment number 55.

    WROCK ON YOU BEAUTY!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 56.

    PS Inspector Coco..... thanks you beauty!!!!!

  • Comment number 57.

    Matt, thanks I love that quote. I will take that with me to bed and remind myself of it when I try to sleep.

    Why can't I sleep when I'm so exhausted what's all that about?

    I'm being a good person right now so why isn't it making me feel good? Maybe what I feel isn't important but knowing that I am doing the right thing is.

    And okAnnieOakley thank you too.

    Missy you sound so happy, good for you x

    This is the only place that feels right at the moment. Never needed the blog more.

    Have got MiL out of wheelchair, into nightie and onto sofa. Waiting to get her ready for sleep now after her meds.

    Love to all and thank you all, again!
    Debbie x

  • Comment number 58.

    Hey Bingo, you're back!

    Nite all x x

  • Comment number 59.

    Matt man - The Firefox works.... IT WORKS!!!!!

    I feel like ave just been liberated..... set free from a prison sentence.......... set free from a messy divorce settlement........ set free from severe food poisioning after eating a bad baked potato.. then suddenly yer stomach pains go...... set free from a wheel clampers...... clamp!!!!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 60.

    WROCK ON DEBBIE C - am off ter ave some snowballs ter celebrate!!!!!

  • Comment number 61.

    Oh it's hard when best loved dogs grow wobbly.

    My Labrador is very wobbly despite medication and it's really hard to watch, especially knowing the alternative.

    I'm there with you CLP,
    K8 x

  • Comment number 62.

    Can you please play BEACH BABY by First Class tomorrow for your first record Chris as it reminds me of long hot summer days like we've got just now!

    Fingers crossed you'll play it!

    Best wishes for Enzo!!! One of my beloved hounds has just gone to doggy heaven and we have spent the past eight months having her treated so I know that even though treatment often costs (like I've spent) many hundrdes of £s but we pay whatever it takes to try and save our pets. Their tired eyes tell us when they can't take any more!


  • Comment number 63.

    Hi Chris - would love it if you could start off all request friday with MR BLUE SKY by ELO. I have just managed to get tickets to see ELO at Shepherds Bush Empire in October. Saw them a few years ago and they were fab.
    Have been on nights all week so I could not think of a better song to start my weekend and everybody elses then this one - plus the weather is gorgeous - the start of summer.
    Love the show and fox the fox.

    Will be listerning at 5pm for Mr Blue Sky.....


    Roy. - Bedfordshire

  • Comment number 64.

    PS - Big love to ENZO. We have a German Shepherd crossed with a Leonburger rescue dog. He is large, stupid and soft but the love and loyalty you get from these animals is amazing.

  • Comment number 65.

    Oh dear one and all can't sleep.

    What I usually do in this case is listen to music. I did of course one time have a go in those chat rooms. I found it quite amusing being a trucker from Texas or a Pole dancer from Vegas. Those were the days my friends.

    Anyway, before I have nightmares about Demis Roussos. Could I change my ARF choice to The Temptations-Get Ready. You see I need the exercise and this song just makes you want to dance.
    Stuff the Gym.

    Bingo Glad Firefox is working for you. I have a slight interest in IT.

    Buenos Noches or is it Buenos Dais ?

  • Comment number 66.

    You really had me thinking that Enzo had gone to the kennel in the sky! Crying in the computer room at uni would not be a good look!

    Big hugs for Enzo,
    VaughnJess from Down Under

  • Comment number 67.

    Oh I really do hope that Enzo pulls through,we will all be keeping out fingers crossed.

    I love my dog Cat Stevens would be good for the ARF xx

  • Comment number 68.

    hope enzo pulla through......debbie a word of advice smile at ur enemies it pees them off..all reqest friday......beautiful day the eels or u2 .......

  • Comment number 69.

    Big sloppy kisses to Enzo from my dogs Rufus and Ziggy! Also lots of prayers being sent from above from our lovely dog Humba!


  • Comment number 70.

    Oh by the way, just in case this gets read - can I make a suggestion for ARF - Alice Cooper and Skools Out for my kids Olivia, Megan and Fraser coz its FRIDAY - hurray!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 71.

    The first blog from a long-time lurker.

    I really hope Enzo pulls through - our gorgeous 16 month old GSD Max has his paws crossed for him too.

    Loopy x

    PS CLP and the team - Mr Loopy and I love the show.

    ARF Rock DJ - Robbie Williams

  • Comment number 72.

    Hope Enzo gets well soon, he is one of the family.

    i have just taken my little pooch, coco, for a hair cut - toy poodle and she gorgeous, but she did a wee all over the girl cutting her she was so scared.

    ARF any Status Quo for my man MICK the biker from Cowbeech East Sussex.

    Thanks Chris have a great weekend.

    Charlene xxx

  • Comment number 73.


    All the very best to Enzo the Wonder Dog.

    We're all rooting for him!

    Go Enzo!!!!!!

    Jeeves :-)

  • Comment number 74.

    Hi Chris,

    I have two dogs (and a cat) and I do understand how important they become but I have always had a personal dilemma about spedning so much money on my pets when people in the world our starving or suffering a major disaster such as in Burma

  • Comment number 75.

    It is great to hear that Enzo is doing OK - I only wish NHS had to same kind of doctors - perhaps my hubby should go to the vets instead - because the NHS can't repair his spine and give him a pain free life, our two schnauzers are due to the vets for their update so perhaps we should run it passed them. My husband broke his ankle in Scotland and the only medical around the area at the time was a vet - he did a great job. He was also a biker and had an accident in Germany - again a vet treated his injuries before he could get to a hospital, the doctors said that he did a better job than them - what does that say!!!!


  • Comment number 76.

    Yay! It's FRIDAY!!!!

    The sun's out, I'm going to a beer festival tonight and it's my wedding anniversary this weekend ... 12years! (child bride!!)

    Man, life's good at the mo.

    CtD xxx

    PS: Played an old CD on the way to work: forgot how good The Wonderstuff, Lotus Eaters, B52s etc were!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 77.

    Aww - good luck to Enzo. Love the pic of him watching TV - animals doing human things always make me smile.

    Catalystah (from earlier) - wow, what a blog! Fabulous.

    bigears2002 - aww, bless you. Disco 2000 reminds me of finishing my GSCEs (which was actually in 2000). Have fun at your picnic and don't stress about the exams - you'll breeze through.

    Debbie - chin up, chuck x

    Mr P surprised me with Charlatans tickets for tomorrow night so, I know it's probably hopeless asking, but can my ARF request be anything Tim Burgess-shaped? Failing that, I'm with bigears2002.

    Enjoy the sunshiiiiiiine.

    Rosie x

  • Comment number 78.

    The better half.....a student vet...is fascinated with all the Enzo goings on, we've got our fingers crossed for you buddy.
    Glad it's friday, looking forward to seeing said better half although she's been working nights this week so am not sure she'll be in a fit state to entertain me, i'll have to be on my best behaviour as usual.

    All request friday tune:
    The Beatles: "Revolution"

  • Comment number 79.

    Enzo's plight brought a tear to my eye, my 4 cats (Smartie, Jensen, Minstrel and Crunchie), my 3 dogs (Rolo, Twix and Glaid), and my 3 horses (Danny, Kate and Ash), have all got their legs crossed for him. (Now that would be interesting to see wouldn't it).

    My old horse Danny is 30 this year and I have had him since 1987, we have decided that this is definately going to be his last summer, easy to say but not so easy to do!! We'll cross that bridge when we come to it.

    Good luck Enzo and all other poorly animals out there!!

  • Comment number 80.

    Good moaning all - it's flippin raining here in unsunny Worcestershire!! ARF had better be Flowers in the Rain!!

    Anne - decided on big fat juicy prawns and I'll tandoori a chicken breast today- don't use that supermarket in this location but I may have a crack at making one!!

    C'mon sun - where are you?

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 81.

    quiche not supermarket!!

  • Comment number 82.

    Ello errr although I can now blog more than one line terdee I can only blog one line due ter a 'angover from celebrating being able ter blog more than one line!!!!

  • Comment number 83.

    Ok that was three....

    PS CLP - ARF 'ow about End Of The Line by the Concrete Blondes!!!


  • Comment number 84.

    I'm going to try the MfR method to see if I can get more than just the one line before it all goes pear shaped.


  • Comment number 85.

    CLP, glad you seem to have such an amazing vet who's willing to try something new for the beautiful Enzo. Hope it gives him some freedom of movement.

    Debbie, sorry to hear you're having a hard time of things right now. Been there... Bless you for taking care of Mr Debbie's mum, it's a thankless task taking care of someone, but you're appreciated even though you'll probably never hear it. And we all love you!!!! If I'm ever ill, will you come and look after me??

    Bingo - WOO HOO!!!

    Have a good weekend all, hope we all get some sun!!

    AF x

    ps ARF - Long Hot Summer by The Style Council please (well, I'm feeling optimistic today)

  • Comment number 86.

    Arf request- Atomic Dog George Clinton xxx

    -x-x- .....

  • Comment number 87.

    i go with LizaT

    Beach Baby... Woo Yeah!. Lovely one for driving home - windows open, music blaring.

    I'll need it.

    I got bollocked at Morning Meeting this morning. For no apparent reason other that I was stood standing in the wrong place, and now I'm really sad and down,and just can't lift myself.

    Haven't been this sad in AGES.

    Droopy Mouthed DWNB

  • Comment number 88.

    DWNB don't be sad! Know that all your blog buddies are wishing you a great weekend!!

    Lyndyloo ...

  • Comment number 89.

    Beesmum - I hope its stopped raining in Worcestershire cos it sure is hot over here in Rutland!

    ShaSha xx

  • Comment number 90.

    aw Lindylou.

    Thanx so much. ....

    Am trying to hard to lift myself... your comment helped. Think maybe a wee walk to the cafe round the corner and a big slice of cake may do the trick!

    Also my friend tried to cheer me up. She said her Secret Lover is the spit of RDJ except for eye colour!!! ha Yeah! If R D J was 55 red haired, short and not THAT attractive!

    Tee hEe.

  • Comment number 91.

    Chris, please could you play Somewhere In My Heart, Aztec Camera for the first track tonight.

    Pretty please.......love Debbie x x

  • Comment number 92.

    Yup Sha stopped raining here and the sun is desperately trying to break through the white not blue sky. Tis pretty hot and sticky though!


    Ignore previous ARF as its stopped raining, how about the one Hugh Grant dances to in Love Actually - HELP all - can't remember it - is it Jump?

    Or you could have Any man of Mine - Shania Twain for Ctd's anniversary??

    Beesmum xx

    PS Doggie still has paws crossed for Enzo. Don't they look cute when they do that!

  • Comment number 93.

    DWNB- Cake works for me everytime! Go for it (and have a piece for me!) xxx

  • Comment number 94.

    Hey, DWNB - I saw a number plate on the M25 this morning....D then numbers then WNB and I thought of you!!

    Do the deep breathing thing and definitely have the cake.....and be proud of yourself for being you!

    GS x

  • Comment number 95.

    Hey DWNB I second what GS has just suggested but also why not go for a really gorgeous Magnum ice-cream - its the weather for it afterall - then cake and then deep breathing (out of pleasure!). Keep your spirits up!

    Beesmum glad to hear its stopped raining! Clouding over here now but still hot.

    ShaSha xx

  • Comment number 96.

    afternoon all

    Just back from the gym - ouch!!!!
    All is on track apparently, this exercise plan is starting to sting a bit (especially the lungs!)

    Well well well, if it's true that Robbie Williams would only attend a glitzy bash and present an award on the condition his little mates won I think both the tv station and him should hold their heads in shame today.
    How about this Mr Williams - next time you release a cd, only your friends buy it????
    Sorry but what a muppet.
    Ant n Dec must be soooo embarrassed.

    Still in a huff regarding my post yesterday (Blair n Prescott)

    Bonnet de douche


    ARF - love the suggestion of Long Hot Summer...

    ..if not 'Summertime' by Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince

  • Comment number 97.

    Hello blog peeps

    Chris, your Enzo tale reminded me of my Charley dog who was put to sleep in December 2006 :o( He had bone cancer and we were told that we could have his leg taken off to prolong his life...I so wish we had chosen to do that, although the cancer may have already spread to his lungs so at the time we decided not to. Before his final vet visit he went on a little walk (limp really) around his favourite field and had cheese on toast and a big milk drink...it was the hardest thing we ever had to do (he was only 20 months old) but when the time comes you'll know. Enzo looks as though he's doing OK at the moment and sophie spotty (the new pup) has everything crossed for him...she is currently mooching round the garden looking for sniffs.

    DWNB - I hate that, why do people have to put a downer on someone else's day? I agree with the cake suggestion, or perhaps (depending on the weather of course) an ice cream may help???

    :o) Jo

    PS. KLF - Justified and Ancient...feeling retro today :o)

  • Comment number 98.

    Awwwww B-sMum. Thank you! That's really nice.

    DWNB - cheer up hun. It's sunny, it's Friday and that's all that matters.

    Bloomin' hot in this office tho.

    Just been checking out cheap flights for a possible few nights away in August. I can't believe we can go to Dublin return for £77. It's cheaper than going to London on a train!

    Lunch time almost over ... boo!

    Laters peeps!

    CtD xxx

    PS: If I don't get back this pm - please all have a wonderful weekend and remember to slap on the sun-cream!

    PPS: and the ice-cream!!!

  • Comment number 99.

    We have a huge market outside our offices every Friday (it's great!) and I've just got back from a stroll and overheard one of the guys talking to another and worrying about what he's going to do with his tomatoes at the end of the day! Not more waste to put on top of that ever growing pile? Already bought loads of toms earlier!

    Hope you get your flights CtD!

    Sha x

  • Comment number 100.

    Thoughts for the first song for tonights "all request Friday".
    With the weather the way its "GREAT" and the need for a cool long one, how about "Club Tropicana" by Wham to get the week end off to stonking start.



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