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BLOG NO. 370 !

Chris Evans | 16:33 UK time, Friday, 9 May 2008

I could have sworn I just saw...

...Tommy Vance walking down Great Portland Street, honestly it looked just like him. I had to do a big double check to myself that he had definitely passed over to the big radio station in the sky. I loved Tommy Vance, had almost nothing in common with him but we always got on extremely well. A man mountain, always at the top of his game and not an ounce of mardiness in him.

You know he had to have a pre amp to drive his headphones because he was that deaf after years of heavy rockin'. He told me he used to go home when he was younger, roll himself a huge Camberwell carrot and then lie on the floor with a speaker either side of his head pushed up right next to each ear at full pelt rocking right out. In his words, "I used to get off me nut !" ha ha top man.

And to another God of the airwaves Humphrey Lyttelton. Off to join Tommy, oh some three weeks ago now. They just played a great clip of him on Radio 4 talking about his fictitious nymphomaniacal scorer Samantha...

"Samantha has recently befriended her local butcher in the hope of securing a decent turkey for Christmas. She tells me he couldn't have been more obliging and after inspecting several birds both male and female she decided to settle on a rather fine 18 lb cock !"

Now that's funny.

Lots of love Blogland.





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  • Comment number 1.

    And there it is....sweet relief...

    Dr. T

  • Comment number 2.

    Where've you been CLP???

    Beesmum xx

    Still sunny so JUMP pointer sisters or Girls aloud.

  • Comment number 3.

    Wet Wet Wet oh YUK!!!!

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 4.

    Samantha, apparently, liked an adventurous stuffing every christmas

  • Comment number 5.

    ALL REQUEST FRIDAY: are you able to play Coldplay's up-coming single: Violet Hill? If not, Sweet Freedom by Michael Macdonald.

    Thanks, Chris.

  • Comment number 6.

    Let's have a big blog hug for Hazel....have missed her offerings this week.

    GS x

  • Comment number 7.

    ...and a high-five for me as this is my first blog!?


  • Comment number 8.

    PB - Absolutely... and welcome!

    GS x

  • Comment number 9.

    Greetings and Salutations from Vancouver, Canada..

    As another weekend gallops towards us with much deserved confidence, I just want to wish you all the most astonishingly stupendous of weekends.

    For my troubles, the weekend opens with a visit to the gym this afternoon, then home made burgers on the barbecue with a suitably appropriate bottle of red wine as an accompaniment.

    Saturday is for domestic servitude, packing for my imminent trip home to Blighty and an evening with friends enjoying more wine, beer and barbecue action. Weather permitting, golf beckons on Sunday, but not before the preparation and subsequent consumption of a good old fry up.

    Looking forward to listening to Chris at "drivetime" next week...

    Have fun everyone and remember...

    "Society is like salt water...good to swim in but rather harder to swallow"


  • Comment number 10.

    Ello ALL,

    Bingo Star ere.

    CLP Man - BIG congrates on the 370!!!!!

  • Comment number 11.

    Thanks golden-sunset. Hope you have a wonderful weekend. Loved the piece of wine just then - sommelier bees! excellent!

    And hi to Dr T. Bet Vancouver is lovely. Want to head out that way some time soon.


  • Comment number 12.

    Ello ALL,

    I can tell all about the mess I got inter atta car showroom earlier in the week......

  • Comment number 13.

    It all started while I waz buying a new car. After BIG negotiations, they agreed ter throw in some free air conditioning.....

  • Comment number 14.

    Only problem.... they've DAMN given me a dozen bottles of L'Oreal 'air conditioning!!!@!

  • Comment number 15.

    Apparently 'cos am worth it!!!!!

    I can't take this stress anymore!!!!

    'ope everyone 'as a very nice weekend!!!!

  • Comment number 16.


    I may be a proud British ex-pat, but Vancouver does have undeniable charm...If you do make it over here, you will not be disappointed.

    Dr. T

  • Comment number 17.

    PS Damn blog won't let me blog again!!!

  • Comment number 18.

    A big HELLO from New Hampshire, US! Sitting here listening to the program, laughing at many of the listeners weekend plans! Just left the UK on Wednesday, loving every minute I was there!! Such hospitality!

    Would like to know if you could play either something by Coldplay or Chemical Brothers for my very special friend Steve who was the very best to me during my visit to the UK! He loves both bands a lot, and I just wanted to thank him yet once again for all he did!

    Have a wonderful weekend all!!!


  • Comment number 19.

    So that's at least 2 for Coldplay then! Come on Chris.

    Dr T - thanks very much for the link. As soon as the pennies have been collected and counted, I'll be over!

    btw: does Chris and crew read all of this stuff or does he just stick to texts and phone calls?


  • Comment number 20.

    Yo FannieMae... welcome ter the blog... 'ow is FreddieMac these days??

  • Comment number 21.

    LOL Bingo...he's doing great! ;) Thanks for the welcome! :)

  • Comment number 22.

    By the way Meandjumpingbean did hubby bring you that Magnum? Hope he did!

    Home now and that glass of wine is now a lovely cold Herefordshire Cider!!

    Shasha x

  • Comment number 23.

    Shasha - yes he did!! yippee yippee!!! dinner's in the oven and we'll be eating outside again this evening, the weather has brightened up considerably since this morning :)


  • Comment number 24.

    What do you reckon, is £400 about right to pay for a week's self-catering holiday in South Wales?


  • Comment number 25.

    Jeni - glad to hear you got the ice-cream! When are you going to SW?

    Sha x

  • Comment number 26.

    My My My Delilah!

    Oh I love that song! And for some reason I think Chris does to!

  • Comment number 27.


    Bingo. I told you how to blog, use the 'ol MfR 'dot dot dot' technique, but no. You get all techy and switch browser, and then what? You're straight back in the EON Club, no need to renew your membership.


    Anyhow. You may have been suffering with car salesman that know more about perms and highlights, but I have a rather sexy, sporty soft-top on the drive this weekend, the weekend before we head Stateside, in case you had forgotten.

    Have a great one all. If you can't get your top down, get the cork out. Either way, enjoy.

    Enormous peace and much love


  • Comment number 28.

    Hi Chris
    Wonderful Sunshine,long may it last. I always Deliha, when I do my IRONING, what a horrible word. It does help to have a good singsong. Well today you played Mc the Knife. That was great to pass the horrible ironing time. Sorry about the horrible ironing time, the only person I know, who likes ironing, is my my baby, Tracey,who is now 40, she LOVE'S ironing.
    I Hope Enzo is OK.

    Love Melody xxx

  • Comment number 29.

    Sha - hoping to go wk beginning 16th August, so it's high season... Not had a summer holiday like this for many years so it's probably worth it just for that.

    Delilahring today while we waited for the tuna bake to crisp up :) always enjoyable!

    Hmm. That's 4+ blogs today. Hope I'm not penalised for this next week....


  • Comment number 30.


    Which Delilah was it?

    I was playing Sensational Alex Harvey Band's Version for 20 minutes BEFORE 5 O'clock. Not in any ways to influence Christof, just to raise my spirits!

    Yes, I was still depressed at 4.40, but thankfully, as the clock turned 1700, and I listened to Delilah ....for the 4th time I was back... and Happy!

    Good Weekend All


  • Comment number 31.

    Good evening one and good evening all,

    Great story re "Samantha" : )

    Such a relief to see Bingo free (or is he?)......I will miss his one-liners though! : )

    Littlesthobo - have a wonderful visit over here, on these shores. I am so pleased for you that you have a lovely lady in your life.

    Matt - a tense afternoon on sunday awaits. Why do we put ourselves through it? A rhetorical question, of course : )

    Mary xx

    Gingembre - thank you for the invitation to Carrow Road. Will it be me that turns up......or Matt : )


  • Comment number 32.

    Hi guys,

    Loved ARF tonight, just had a delicious dinner with my three boys, homemade stew and jacket potatoes, followed by a Magnum Mini! Oh, and a couple of glasses of champers to celebrate my overall "good" Ofsted inspection, including two outstandings!!

    Hope you are all loving the sunshine, it is beautiful here in glorious Norfolk,

    Em xx

  • Comment number 33.

    Thanks Gaby.

    It is always nice to see friends and family back home.

    Curiously, apart from the aforementioned family and friends, the things I most crave on my return (and miss living in Canada)range from crisps to M and S, real ale to fish and chip shops and other culinary delights. Funny what you miss.

    I intend to (over)indulge in all of these things and enjoy every minute of it...


  • Comment number 34.


    Frankly, I'm dreading it.

    All the best to you, but not to yours.

    You get my drift.

    Could be you, could be me, could be both of us.



  • Comment number 35.

    370 and i dont remember 360 of them......its our age i think....a bonus of never working friday is im not stuck on the m 62 or m 6 listening to arf....a minus is i always miss the friday show....

  • Comment number 36.

    Evening one and all

    Tommy Vance
    That’s a name from the past.
    Anyone out there remember who presented the evening show at Radio Manchester in the 80’s.
    I was invited to the Studio on an evening attended by Man United.

    Lou Marcari said he liked me coat and offered me a glass of wine. I did not know who the heck he was.... shucks could have been a WAG.

    Good Pub Quiz question. What was the name of the ship Radio Caroline broadcasted from………………………answer Mi Amigo.

    Have great weekend guys and gals


    PS Did not mind me ARF choice not being played cause Mark Ratcliff played it as I was driving along with me top off. Boogie on down.

  • Comment number 37.

    Mornin all, and what a fabulous sunny day it is here in deepest kent, wee man had some friends round for tea yesterday and it turned into a full scale water fight which was great fun.
    I used to love Tommy vance on VH1, he had cool comin out of his pores........
    I thought I saw Sir Ian McKellan in our local last year, I was convinced it was him, imagine my shock when a few months later when I saw him in the dentists........
    CLP really hope Enzo is improving keep us updated
    Right,I'm off to slather on the sunblock before I take us to the park, xxxxxx

  • Comment number 38.

    Afternoon each

    Right!!! Who sent the thunder and rain? Was it you Bs-mum?? Slap.

    Was in beautiful sunny Dunbar this morning and then came home to thunderclaps and pouring rain.

    Its off now so am off to wage war against those dandelions. Turn my back and up they pop!

    Anne x

  • Comment number 39.

    Bums, its back and seriously scary.

    Anne x

  • Comment number 40.

    Just popped up to office to let in a bit of air - no not me Anne - hot and sticky here so you are probably sending it to me!! Could do with it, I am melting!!

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 41.

    About 10pm last night had a bit of the light up the sky stuff but no rain and didn't hear the thunder - weird.

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 42.

    Dt T I do envy you Canada but they wont have me - Big C and all that. However, your blog reminded me - just have a little spree on M and S - other stores are available.

    Back in a mo

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 43.

    Dt T this internet shopping is a nightmare - just spent 120 squid. ooops!!

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 44.

    What a beautiful day (hey hey).

    It is like being on holiday.

    We have posed around in the sporty drop-top, been to Grandmother of MfR's 90th shindig and wound up having a pint in the sun-trap of a garden that is CLP's 'other' pub, The LI.

    And, that is a terrific place. Publicity fee in the post please Chris.

    Dare I say? Even better than The M.

    If you live, or can get to, this neck of the woods, do go. I won't pledge anymore drinks as I already owe CLP and Dan the Man pints, but you never know. If we're there, we may shout a round.

    It is at times like these that I feel so stupid for getting down and unhappy.

    I'll enjoy it while I can.

    I hope you are all having a wonderful weekend.


  • Comment number 45.

    Help! x

  • Comment number 46.

    What's up Debbie?

    Me joining the ranks of unemployed in just over a month redundant.

    Lovely sunny day here again

    The TS Royalist was in port yesterday - lovely sight.


  • Comment number 47.

    The great escape is complete.

    And, Chelsea are beaten to the title.

    I think I may be in heaven.

    Sorry Gabs.


  • Comment number 48.

    Hi everyone,

    How gorgeous is this weather? My house is a tip, can't be bothered to do any housework! Just been for a barbie with some friends, I really love days like today.

    Debbie - are you OK or is everything getting too much? I really feel for you honey, hope you're ok x

    em xx

  • Comment number 49.

    Hi all, been a glorious day oop north, sat out in the sunshine, went for a wee wander then to the supermarket - ha! Never doing that again on a sunday afternoon! I thought everyone would be outside enjoying the sun, but they weren't, they were all in said supermarket trying to annoy me!! Didn't work though :o)

    Hope everyone's had a fab weekend and not thinking about work tomorrow.

    Dr T, hope the golf was good?

    tallgirl and CtD – hope the charity runs went really well and it wasn’t too hot?

    Em - know the feeling!!

    AF x

  • Comment number 50.

    Ooh, what happened to me punctuation there, it's gone a bit wonky...

    AF x

  • Comment number 51.

    just back from a lovely day at the beach, kids are soooo tired.

    Debs - you ok mate?

    MfR - well done, I assume we can still talk about it now....at least there's 6 points for my mighty Spurs next season!!!! ;)

    Gaby - what can I say? Gutted for you, and Mr Coppell, if you do follow your boys away, let me know and I'll force myself to attend Carrow Road and buy you one of Delia's pies!!!

    Oh, and if Mr Shorey is for sale, cam we have first dibs?

    Bonnet de douche


  • Comment number 52.

    Bon Soir mon amies!

    I DID IT!!!!!

    It was bloomin' hot but I powered out and finished in approx 50 minutes (I power-walked, not ran). 5K. 3.2miles.

    Right chuffed with self. Raised just over £200 for Cancer Research UK.

    Bought a new mobile phone yesterday - think I need to commandeer a 9 year old to teach me the basics of how it works. Sure sign of ageing - I'm turning into a technophobe!!

    Debbie - wassup babes?

    Matt - phew! Was finkin' of ya.

    Right, off to read the phone manual.

    CtD xxxxx

  • Comment number 53.

    Hello, sorry I'm fine but have never been so tired. I have been pushed to my limits like never before over the last 6 days and have at least another week to go.

    The best way that I can explain it is that it's like struggling with your kids and getting another one over night.

    I won't go into details of the things that I've been having to do but things have been a bit much for me.

    But I'm not the one with a broken ankle and pelvis so I really, really shoudn't be complaining.

    Had to cook a roast this afternoon as Mr Debbie's mum asked me to get a leg of lamb out of the freezer last night.

    I am so hot that I may as well have been in the oven too so I must go and have a shower. Is it possible to sleep standing up in the shower? I'll let you know.

    Love to you all
    Debbie x x

  • Comment number 54.

    Hey Cheryl, well done you! You have every right to be chuffed lovely x x

  • Comment number 55.


    {{{BIG HUGS}}}

    Thinking of you, and can only hope things improve in the coming days and weeks.

    Take care petal!

    CtD xxxxxxx

  • Comment number 56.

    I am sorry one and all
    But I was trying to bring a little interest to the blog. It is rather tedious reading about ones boring lives. No imagination out there?

    Debbie You seem to fail at everything get a grip.Always complaining about something or other.

    Anyway not in with the blog crowd so I will say

    Buenos Knockers.

    Hope Enzo gets well and have a great future one and all

  • Comment number 57.

    Debs - chin up my love

    Inspectorcoco - what's your problem?

    Isn't this weather gorgeous?

    Hope you have all had a great weekend x x

  • Comment number 58.

    Sorry Cartmel

    But I thought this was a Â鶹Éç message board not a freinds reunited thing.
    I have read Debbie's posts from problems from this that and the other . Surely she should be posting on the NHS or something.

    I posted on here because I like Chris Evans and he had a bad time before taking over the Drive Time Show on those stupid message boards .. Where were you all then Huh?

    Similarly the lovely Sarah K has had similar problems too.

  • Comment number 59.


    I often feel that I offload too much here and you could be right. This may not be the place and if you feel that way others, quite rightly, could do too.

    Really could have done without your post tonight.

    I need a break so to all of you that have sent lovely messages before, thanks and best wishes.


  • Comment number 60.

    Inspetor Coco- Can I just say how rude you were to Debbie. A lot of us have been posting on here for over a year and naturally get to know one another. Last year some one posted a horrible comment on here which really hurt, so I know Debbie must be feeling when reading your hurtful comment. Some people really take what people say to heart and can't just brush off hurtful comments, I know thats what I'm like. So maybe you should think before you type. And actually yes we all like Chris too hence why we all on here!

  • Comment number 61.

    Debbie- Don't worry babe! You are fab! xx

  • Comment number 62.


    Probably been posting longer than you. And

  • Comment number 63.

    Debbie is just an attention seeker

  • Comment number 64.

    Inspectorcoco - I think you will find you are in a minority of one with your opinions!

  • Comment number 65.

    Well all I can say is this.

    For some reason I ventured into the Message Board rooms. What did I find.... awful messages about Chris Evans taking over from Johnny Walker.. I fought my corner but where were you lot?

    Anyway Chris Evans is a huge success so he don't need a Nanny so Prof Plum will leave to to chat about cats and stuff.

    Good evening.

  • Comment number 66.

    Inspectorcoco can I just point out that this is a blog not a message board as you descibed it in an earlier post, Blogs are commonly personal journals/diaries and are used to comment on all sorts of topics depending on the interests of the blogger(s), so if you dont want to read about our boring lives stick to the points of view message board. Its that simple.Does it really matter how long a person has been posting???? Ive been posting on here a while now and have always enjoyed the friendly vibe
    Big hugs to you Deb

  • Comment number 67.

    testing testing...

  • Comment number 68.


    ...we've shared a comment or two so I feel as a seasoned blogger myself I am qualified to throw in my opinion here......

  • Comment number 69.

    but the blog wont let me!!!!!

  • Comment number 70.

    oh well

  • Comment number 71.

    I'm in bingo world - hmph

  • Comment number 72.

    Chris has mentioned 2 bloggers before in his posting - martin and me

  • Comment number 73.

    so he does read it and problems can be aired

  • Comment number 74.

    I think you were a bit over the top in your attack on Debs, I have emailed her personally recently and she is having a rough time of it at the mo'.

  • Comment number 75.

    I think I'm right in saying that she doesn't like offloading on here as she doesn't think it is the right place to doit. However, due to encouragement from others has continued to do so.

  • Comment number 76.

    My ex-wife died recently leaving my 11 year old daughter without a mother, I have to say that the comments, emails and other messages I received from the people on here were a great help.

  • Comment number 77.

    Also I have struggled with a problem that has needed surgery 3 times in the past 18months (nothing life threatening) but again I have found good wishes and encouragement a great help on here.

  • Comment number 78.

    Now, whether that's right or wrong I have used this board in times of need....also I have tried to comment daily on whatever the topic (I don't like dogs or cars - 2 of CLP's loves) but I have a go.

  • Comment number 79.

    I think perhaps the sun got to you yesterday, this is a blog for any topic and I hope both Debs and you continue to post and Sunday is put behind us all as a bad day at the office.

    Bonnet de douche


  • Comment number 80.

    Gingembre- well done dude!! It only took over 10 posts to get your point across! hehe! We do have to have a laugh

    Inspectorcoco- can I ask why are you acting like this? Has Debbie or anyone ever done anything to you? And what is this about us not supporting Chris? I'm sorry but I can't actually understand what any of us have done.I almost feel that your harsh comments was just to get attention, we its worked so lets just all chill out and try being nice to one another, trust me its a lot more satisfying.

  • Comment number 81.

    God that DRAMA!!!!

    Gingembre- you are so great!
    Now off to work!

  • Comment number 82.

    Blimey! Looks like it all kicked off last night after my post of triumph and walking in the sun!

    Coco - very harsh, but I can't add anything that's not already been said .. other than ... this Blog has been like a counselling session for me over the last 18 months and has helped me through some dark times. I have also made many, many friends on here - all of whom I am yet to meet in person, but I have every confidence that it will happen one day.

    Let's just all take a deep breath and wipe the slate clean. if we're not careful, the blog will be closed down altogether, coupled with headlines along the lines of "R2 cyber-bullying" and I am sure none of us want that to happen.

    Debbie - chin up hun.

    Laters dudes!

    CtD xxxxx

  • Comment number 83.

    Thanks Gingembre

    But I don’t think social networking is my forte. I also have lost the right to post anymore. But I still stand by what I said.
    I am sure and hope Debbie will sort out her problems better in the real world.
    I have really enjoyed reading and interacting with some very funny posters.
    And I hope you get back to full fitness..

    Anyway , Off with her head I hear you cry.

    Adios mi Amigo’s.

  • Comment number 84.

    Good morning Chris and good morning all,

    I hope Enzo is ok.

    Matt.....well done to yours and to you mate. What an end to the season and what a signing Danny Murphy has proved to be!!!

    Gingembre......thank you : ) please can I have Matt's pie as well? There is a certain symmetry (or maybe asymmetry) that Murphy was signed from Spurs!!! : )

    Have a good day.

    Mange tout


    ps one of the thoughts for the day: Scoring goals makes us all equal. But, it makes some more equal than others : )

  • Comment number 85.

    Hmm, interesting 12 hours....

    Seems to me that we start off blogging about CLP's subject, then someone goes off on a tangent. Kinda like that, it gets you thinking in a new direction at times.

    We all have ups and downs, and I like to think (being a bit of a newbie here) that everyone feels comfortable to say what's happening in their lives and maybe, if things aren't going so well, get a bit of support from relative strangers that they might not be getting closer to home. I also like to hear about the good things in people's lives - gingembre's poser-mobile over the weekend, Debbie's boy's TV debut, fun runs for CtD and tallgirl...

    So that's my twopenn'th... Another beeyootiful day here in Yorkshire - or at least it looks to be through the bars on my windows hahaha - and I hope you don't mind me telling you I'm off to the pub for lunch yippee!

    Have a good day one and all.

    AF x

  • Comment number 86.

    Oh no, sorry, it was MfR's sporty number. Sorry mate!!

    AF x

  • Comment number 87.

    It's the thought of a nice cold pint at lunchtime. Just forces any other coherent thought from my mind...

    Is it bad to be thinking about a pint at 10.15 in the morning???

    AF x

  • Comment number 88.

    Good morning Chris and all,

    As the first person to post on this blog does that give me more right than anyone else? Don't think so!!

    Treat the blog like a television if you don't like the chanel your watching switch off or turn over! The blog won't suit all of the people all of the time.

    We have all had our dark moments, and when you are going through those times the last thing you need is for someone to steam roller you! As my Mum would say "if you can't say something nice then it's best to say nothing".

    Every now and again someone tries to cause disharmony on the blog but thankfully they are in the minority because the only person who will stop us from blogging will be CLP if he should ever decide to pull the plug!

    CtD - Your good deed seems to have been overshadowed - Congratulations and well done! xx

    MfR - Congratulations to your boys xx

    Gaby - Commiserations, I was so disappointed for your team xx

    Debbie - You still have the support of the blog xx Well done to your little boy on his first TV role.

    Enzo - Sending you a BIG Doggie {{{hug}}} xx

    Have a good day all.
    Mary xx

  • Comment number 89.

    mmm - cider!

    Chris - when I heard that Humph had gone to the big game show in the sky I was really sad...I'm sorry I haven't a clue was probably one of the finest things ever to have been on the radio (yourself excluded, maybe, blimey that's a tough one!) and is something that my whole family used to listen to together! I thought it was going to dissapear when Willie died but was pleased that it maintained success with a variety of stand in's This time I fear that it will no longer be able to carry on.... ....

    Anyhoo - if you were able to play a clip from ISIHAC I could thoroughly recomend the radio charades version of The Poseidon Adventure??

    Anyhoo - on a lighter note babyG is asleep, the sun is shining and I have a washing line full of clean nappies...yay!

    :o) Jo

  • Comment number 90.

    Well done CtD good cause too. you must have been melting!! I did think about you while I was trying to get ironing done yesterday - boring!!!
    No word yet from tallgirl - wonder if she made it?

    Love Beesmum xx

    It's a shame how some people react at the bottom of a bottle or when they are overheated!

  • Comment number 91.

    Debbie have a bit of the same problem ourselves - but with two outlaws !!! other half is seeing to it as much as he can and keeping me out of it bless him!

    Chin up girlie not long now!

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 92.

    Blimey, a sunny Monday at work reading about your weekends turns into some kind of soap opera. Chill out Inspectorcoco. And Debbie, I think you know how we all feel. You post as much as you like, me duck.

    Well, I had a fab weekend. The Charlatans gig was packed and resembled a sweat-box (attractive) but they sounded great and Tim Burgess hasn't aged a day.

    Viva the sunshine!

    Rosie x

  • Comment number 93.

    Ello All,

    My goodness.... goodness gracious, I see it's all been appening over the weekend on the blog - know what am sayin'!!!!


  • Comment number 94.

    MfR - I take yer advice on the 'dot, dot, dot, dot, dot' aka '.....' Maybe it isn't the Firefox that's working. THe test blog I did did 'ave dots at the end by coincindence so maybe it isn't the Firefox..... it's all too much for me 'ead...........

  • Comment number 95.

    Know what am sayin'!!!!!


  • Comment number 96.

    PS MfR - Sounds like CLP boy 'as goooot some very nice pubs.
    Tell all Matt... I believe yuv met CLP. Is 'e very friendly off the radio or is 'e abit..... deva-ish???
    I would 'ave thought CLP would be very down ter earth!!!!

    Mind you thought that with me F1 'ero Nigel Mansell until I nearly ended up in a punch up with 'im while trying ter get 'is graph - know what am sayin'!!!!!


  • Comment number 97.

    CLP Man - I like yer blog commentations above... very funny if not abit err riskay - know what am sayin'!!!!!


  • Comment number 98.


    There's only enuff room for one troo "Deva" (as you put it) and that's ME!!!

    Lotsa sunny hugs and good love vibes

    Cheryl The DIVA xxxxxxxxx

  • Comment number 99.

    Good morning

    Everyone is entitled to their opinion. I find it hurtful being accused of failing everything and being an attention seeker etc but hey....I'm over it. I think in all walks of life people say things that you either don't agree with or approve of. But there is never any need to just be plain nasty. As I said, over it and won't mention it again.

    Thank you for the nice comments.

    On a brighter note (hurray) the Â鶹Éç just called to make arrangments for tomorrow's filming. They are planning to film Grandad and my boy on a rescue and it's all very exciting. I don't know who is more excited in fact, me, Grandad or little man!

    Debbie x

  • Comment number 100.

    Sorry blog won't blog again... soz gotta go i'll tell all about me problems with me new car over the weekend.... termoz



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