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Chris Evans | 15:42 UK time, Wednesday, 1 August 2007

Talking to a friend this morning who said whilst he was away on his "jollidays" recently he met up with a bio chemist who told him that....

.... the climate change thing was a load of hot air about not much we didn't already know was about to happen.

I still have no idea who is right and who is wrong. the arguements for both sides seem entirely convincing. i think it's time for a national debate...

Get the experts in the dock in fron tof the nation and then we all have a big vote.. and then we do something about it.

My gut feeling is still that we are in heaps of trouble and it is our fault. I accept I am easily persuaded on most things but I do think we basically have a lot more powerful ways and quicker ways of creating mountains of pollution.There is no need for all the packaging the driving of millions , billions of bottles of water from mountains to supermarkets, especially when only a few years ago we all got our water from the taps for free and were quite happy to do so. How did the marketeers pull that one ? Surely there is absolutely no need to fly strawberries on a plane from America so that we can enjoy them all year round.

Another thing that bothers me is how do they make money flying strawberries in thousands of miles and where are these strawberry planes ? I'd like to fly Strawberry Airways, it must be sooooo cheap.

Please somebody tell us for sure, impartially what is going on.

In other news, the office is deathly quiet and currently I am the only male here.

Wohooooo !

CLP 2007



  1. At 04:03 PM on 01 Aug 2007, ChrissieS wrote:


    Words cannot convey how I wish I was in your office, with you, when you were writing your blog.

    Natasha, I promise I would have been discussing your forthcoming wedding - I would never dream of trying to "chat up" CLP!

    I hate when I make promises!

    C xx

  2. At 04:09 PM on 01 Aug 2007, wrote:

    I am the only female here. Oh, the music we could make Christophe! You on the tambourine and me on the triangle...a veritable cacophony of delights!

    Don't get me started on packaging, or the lack of 'seasonal' foods. It was demand, then supply and demand, which means that we can now have parsnips all year round, instead of just in the winter. By the same token, fresh lettuce with your prawn cocktail, in January...and they have to pack and pack and pack everything so that it stays FRESH.

    But, as I said, don't get me started on packaging. Mr Kipl1ng may make exceedingly good cakes, but his packing company must be absolutely RAKING it in, to name but one.

    So, I'm not starting, but I will go


  3. At 04:10 PM on 01 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Hi Christophe

    Well I think the debate will be a heated one! What isn't in debate is the fact that the earth is getting warmer - whether this is our fault or not is the question. As it is we need to prepare for a warmer and more extreme climate. You would think that with all those chemists, and physicists out there they could come up with some way of removing excess carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

    Have a swell afternoon/evening. xx

  4. At 04:23 PM on 01 Aug 2007, Phoenix wrote:

    Coooeeee anybody there.

    Is Naughty Nick on the morning shift doing travel? There's a temporary travel person on duty this morning called Nick... he was funny with Jonny and co first thing.

    You certainly stirred up the bloggers thoughts this week indeed - very thought provoking indeed and the kettle debate I await the second part with interest.

    martin James - keep on going with every small step you take you are acheiving masses and all the people on here will help with the confidence and egging on.

    Clodagh & HL you are both very funny ladies


  5. At 04:30 PM on 01 Aug 2007, Boing-Boing Sammie wrote:

    Afternoon CLP.

    I missed you while I was on hols!

    Climate - hmmm - tricky one. The weather is cyclical and to confuse matters more, there are cycles within the cycles, so it is very difficult to say that things are completely out of kilter at present.

    China, India and Russia produce more and more pollutants as their econcomies grow. It's taken them longer, but they are at the stage Britain was between 1750 and 1850, during the Industrial Revolution. What we should do is support these 'emerging markets' by providing them with the best consultative advice possible on how to grow their economies in an ecological manner.

    Grapes were grown as far north as York in Medieval times, so the growth of such plants can't be blamed solely on climate change. Climate change is a natural phenomonen.

    HOWEVER, we are mere stewards of this planet, for future generations and it is up to us to protect it as much as we can for our children, their children and so on.

    I recycle as much as possible. I buy food that is grown locally, where possible. I wear jumpers instead of putting the heating on. I walk as much as possible and encourage my children to use their bikes and walk, instead of mums taxi. My car has a small engine. I use low energy light bulbs and everything electrical (where possible) is turned off at the socket. Importantly, I educate my children as to how important it is not to be wasteful and we discuss carbon footprints, climate change, ozone layers and depleted cod stocks. We can all do things that will help.

    Start doing your bit today - it doesn't matter whether or not you 'believe' in the phenomonen of climate change - we have a duty to future generations.

    S xx.

    P.S. Wow - not sure where all that came from, but I hope you took notice!!!

    P.P.S Soap box tucked away under desk xx.

  6. At 04:30 PM on 01 Aug 2007, wrote:


    Yeah, I think that there are two sides to every arguement. There has to be, or else there wouldnt be an argument, and both sides of the argument are the correct side, to the supporting side. It's just all about how you feel about life all around and what you do to make it better for you and yours.

    Office News. This flipping bunch of numpties turned up at our office today and said, "hello, we are here to have a site meeting, but since we haven't offficially set up the site, we don't have anywhere to have the meeting, can we come in here and have our site meeting in your office? "

    How barmy is that? They were in to have a meeting, but didn't have anywhere to have the meeting.

    Hell, I can't wait to see what the development looks like they are building!!! they'll probably forget half of it.

    Other Good news. My son is at the Scout Jamboree and having the time of his life!

    Look up the UK Contingent Scout Web Page and see the fantastic photos of this whole new city of Scouts which has been created to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the Creation of the Scouting Movement.


    Life is Good, and Loving It.

  7. At 04:48 PM on 01 Aug 2007, Maryla wrote:

    Hi Chris & All,

    I like strawberries and planes but not together.
    Re: The kettle debate. I think there should
    be a temperature dial. I like my tea/coffee
    at 80 degrees as it is my pet theory that all the goodness (antioxidants..) has got more chance of survival at 80%.



  8. At 04:48 PM on 01 Aug 2007, Phoenix wrote:

    Clodagh you got the funniest caption...... well done


  9. At 04:53 PM on 01 Aug 2007, Ann & Lorraine wrote:

    Hi chris

    Funny that we had been talking about packaging. Back when we were kids everything came in paper bag or glass bottles and you money back on your glass pop and beer bottles. All our Mums had shopping baskets or trolley of some sort. If the shop supplied a plastic bag you had to pay a penny for this.

    Why are the peolpe of this world having to recycle what the manufactures have forced on us, to which they have made millions on. The responciblity should be lie with the manufactures to reduce this to help the world. Tackle the problem at source.

    Well Wednesday and over the hump yippee.

    Love Ann & Lorraine

  10. At 04:54 PM on 01 Aug 2007, Anonymous wrote:

    Hazel Love I'm with you, food items should be eaten when in season. I hate the fact that you seem to be able to buy Strawberries (for example) all year round. To me food tastes like its suposed to taste when bought at the correct time.

    And why when we buy loose fruit and veg, cant we have paper bags instead of the plastic ones? It does get me cross, when I'm out and about and I see plastic bags decorating trees.


    P.s. Hazel Love - Never have a beer prior to, but its thirsty work diving - lugging all that gear. So after a long day its good to chill with your mates over an ice cold lager. Well thats my story and I'm sticking to it.

  11. At 05:00 PM on 01 Aug 2007, John wrote:

    The problem is old fruit that he who pays the piper calls the tune. I know the IPCC liars are paid for by the various gummints accross the globe and if they ever dare reveal doubts about the man made-ness of climate change the funds will stop. So its not rocket science to see where they are coming from. As for those against, well I know a few of the independant scientists personally and I can vouch for their honour to an extent but one of em has a Porsche and a Koenig ferrari and I can't prove beyond all doubt his funds do not come from the oil companies but I believe he is straight.

    The biggie is that in the end we only have about a tenth of the knowlege we need to really know the answer and the truth is shielded from us by an obsession with computer modelling of the climate. As these models only take into account about a millionth of the parameters affecting climate they are far from evidence and in truth utterly useless.

    In the end though the notion that we can "DO" something about climate change is utterly ludicrous. Its like saying we can do something about the sun exploding in 4.5 bn years time. We cannot prevent ice ages, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions and earthquakes. We may eventually be able to control the effects of the latter 2 one day, but controlling the climate by recycling and putting abit less water in the kettle is just laughable. Its like trying to drive a nail with a feather. It really is a prime example of the human race taking itself too seriously. If the outside temp is gonna rise then we have the technology for a few million of us to survive. Thats why its time to tackle the real issues and climate change is not even on the list. We must get rid of the imaginary friend rubbish and stop humans from existing in states of terrible poverty and ignorance. That way we might manage down our poplulation to a level where we can create first class living for all and protect that environment from the ravages of the solar system. All that is needed is the political will. Its almost there but at the moment they are about to waste a great opportunity implementing Kyoto which will cost 50 trillion and reduce the temp by 1 tenth of a degree at best and in truth probably not at all because the best prediction is a computer model again, doh.

    JK Nonegreen

  12. At 05:09 PM on 01 Aug 2007, Prof Plum wrote:

    Coal fires one and all

    Thats whats missing, Everyone used to burn large amounts of rubbish with coal fires smokin up the atmosphere. They banned that, now they want to ban rubbish what are we expected to do with it eat it?

    By the way if anyone is interested I recently made a pop vid which can be veiwed on U Tube It is entitled Spanish Fly From Imanu2 I would be pleased to know what you think.

    Buenos Dias

  13. At 05:13 PM on 01 Aug 2007, Adam wrote:

    They sell them. And there always be someone who buy it.

  14. At 05:20 PM on 01 Aug 2007, kazzy wrote:

    Hi Christophe- lammy-pie

    I will be listening to you in my
    car for the first time tomorrow -
    cant wait. Hiring a car tomorrow
    and could never get radio two
    on it - so will be driving around at
    five tomorrow!


  15. At 07:54 PM on 01 Aug 2007, Matt from Rudgwick wrote:


    I watched a programme last night about the early days of 'TV chefs' and two things struck me.

    Delia, clearly a very savvy businesswoman, basically made her millions teaching us all to suck eggs (and boil them, poach them etc etc) and by rehashing - by her own admission - other people's recipes.

    The other thing was that one person was responsible for the whole genre. Without him, there would be no Ramsay, Rhodes, Stein (especially Stein, as he was a fully paid up student) or Oliver.

    The Codfather himself, Mr Keith Floyd.

    Now, I've always liked Floydy, but I knew very little about his early days. He has seen it, done it and bought the apron. He has owned pubs and restaurants, made millions, lost millions, and popped a few corks along the way. In short, he's a genius. Whatever you see Gordon and the boys doing on TV, Keith has already done it.


    Chris. Get him on the show. The man is a living legend.

    Off to play with my wok now.

    Peace & love


    PS Nobody on the road

    PPS Nobody on the beach

    PPPS I dig a French bikini on Hawaii island

  16. At 09:02 PM on 01 Aug 2007, lazykev wrote:

    chris i drive a big truck for a living...like strawberries quote..love em.like flying and i go abroad once a year for my familys holiday....boy am i in trouble with them greenpiece guys.. see ya ....

  17. At 03:05 AM on 02 Aug 2007, SJ wrote:

    Chris & Blog gang,

    As we clean up our atmosphere of CO2 and other pollutants the Earth will indeed heat up mainly due to the fact that the CO2 is helping to keep it cool (there was a prog on UKHistory so it has to be true ) Also the Earth is getting closer to the sun so we will need to move planets (don't panic it's not gonna happen for another few 100k years or so)

    there ya have it . . in a nutshell . . we can't do a bloomin' thing about it


  18. At 08:22 AM on 02 Aug 2007, Gaby wrote:

    Morning one and morning all,

    I am no scientist (actually, come to think of it, I am one....but that was all a very long time ago) or expert, but I still think that the sun is the driving force that is effecting our climate. I still also think that our efforts to reduce our carbon footprints will not affect the climatic outcome.

    However, there is no doubt that my children's generation (and indeed most of my generation) are acting more responsibly regarding environmental awareness. As a family, we recycle, we often talk about the environment - my kids ask me what else we can do to contribute to the recyling proces etc.

    In a society within which people are leading increasingly isolated and insular lives, with family groups breaking up and an extended (local) family mostly a thing of the past, and in a society where at times values and responsibilties seem almost non-existent it can only be a good thing that we have people working together to act responsibly about something, thinking about the (possible) detrimental effects our actions can have and doing what we can to negate those effects.


  19. At 08:51 AM on 02 Aug 2007, Jo wrote:

    Morning CLP and bloggy type people :o)

    I was thinking about this last night, although it didn't stop me sleeping!

    What I feel really strongly about is that no one appears to be worthy of our trust. Why can there not be a non biased summary of all the evidence, written in as near lay mans terms as possible and referenced nicely so that those interested people can undertake further reading.

    What we currently have is 2 camps each slagging the other off without really showing the whole picture. I want to know the whole picture before I make a rational decision based on clear evidence. And I reserve the right to change my mind if new evidence comes to light.

    We have all lived with the 'climate change' message for a long enough now that it has become old hat. People just accept it as a given but what if it's not? Where is the real science, the reporting the facts and not what my spomsors want to hear science? Sadly lacking I fear.

    So, produce me a trustworthy scientist (and not some celebrity who has a scripted response to every possible question) and I'll make my decision. In the meantime I'll carry on 'doing my bit' as I think it makes financial sense to use less electricity, drive less, recycle and use cloth nappies.

    Hope everyone has a very fine day, if you don't I suspect it has something to do with global warming, everything else does....

    :o) Jo

  20. At 09:02 AM on 02 Aug 2007, Sammie wrote:


    Gaby - here here!!

    Have just written a tome that bored even me, so have deleted and decided to be brief. (Hooray you shout!)

    MfR - completely with you on Floyd. He's a gem.

    S xx.

  21. At 09:37 AM on 02 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Plum. Am bereft. Am unable to look at your Spanish Fly. I trust you are wearing suitable attire with which to accompany the spectacle? Perhaps Clodagh could give you a few hints about apt headwear?

    ChrissieS #1 - can tell by the state of your grammar that you had your fingers crossed while you were typing...

    ...and HALLO CHRISTOPHE...Thirsty Thursday already again. Is it me, or is everything starting to speed up. Perhaps the global warming/floods/strawberries/patio heaters etc have had an adverse affect on the Atomic Clock. This is not to be confused with Atomic Kitten, who do seem to be able to keep in time occasionally.

    We had a take-away last night. We offset the footprint by waiting for it to be ready rather than waiting for them to deliver. Oh, so we didn't use the phone to order it either. Gets better by the second. Mind you, 'tis the first time we have been to the restaurant as we are still exploring our new habitat, and we certainly won't be ordering quite so much food next time. Couldn't move. At all. So, perhaps we wasted energy there, but saved some by keeping very still for at least half an hour after the meal. My, it's so difficult isn't it!

    Anyhoo, have set biological clock to time petri dish in the microwave. Am seeing if is possible to make yogurt from what I have found in a coffee cup.

    Onken ping

    ps DWNB. Hope lovely daughter had a fab birthday! xx

    pps Phoenix, microwave has just burst into flames, can I see you in the middle?

  22. At 10:00 AM on 02 Aug 2007, Rolf wrote:

    Hi Chris,
    I am glad to hear people talking more about the enviormental issue, the more the better. Just to set the record state I work for one of the largest chicken meal producers and as a company we take it seriously and are going to considerably lengths to reduce our energy consumptions, the problem is that the larger the company the slower the wheels of change turn.
    I had a thought the other day, I feel we are in a catch 22 situation. The hotter the climate gets the more air conditioning we install, in fact most of us take it for granted that we need air con in our cars and I think we will see more and more systems installed in private houses. The big problem with this is that the majority of refrigerants that are used are man made cocktails that when escape into the atmoshpere are 10 -100 worse than CO2 as they can never be absorbed by the trees etc. Prehaps the next conscious effort should be not to use refrigerants except were it is absolutly necessary.
    I have a car with air con but it doesn't work which means that the refrigerant has leaked out and is now floating about in the atmosphere!
    Of course we can do something about climate change but first we have to change our thinking & actions. Yes we can be greener at home but I hear you all say "But what about America, China & India", how about this for an idea, if there is an alternative even if it cost a little more buy from another country. If these world polluters did not have a market (Us) then they would not be polluting so much.
    Enough for now.

    Great show by the way.

  23. At 10:06 AM on 02 Aug 2007, Jay wrote:

    If they say we are to blame for Global Warming who's fault was it when the Ice Age melted?

    Maybe Diego, Manny and Sid the Sloth.. ..

    Best to recycle anyway, better to be safe than sorry my Mum always said x x

  24. At 10:08 AM on 02 Aug 2007, mwk wrote:

    Good morning all xx

    Gaby - I'm with you xx

    MfR - Congratualtions to you and Mrs MfR on the new company. I'm also a big fan of Floyd - remember watching the original episodes, and I'm not that old...honest! :o) Him and Chris would be great together!

    Gingembre - Good luck for today, will keep everything crossed for you xx My op was for an incisional hernia caused by previous surgery, which was in the middle of my abdomin just below my waistline! Glad to say it's more discomfort than pain I'm feeling now :o)

    Sammie - Welcome back, glad you had a lovely holiday xx

    Happy Thirsty Thursday xx

    Mary xx

  25. At 10:46 AM on 02 Aug 2007, Sammie wrote:

    Ooh, a hornets nest CLP, that's what you've stirred up with yesterday's blog!!!

    Gingembre - Hope it goes well today - thinking of you and your knee.

    MWk - Glad you're on the mend - are you bored yet?

    Sorry if this has already been covered - but I read the new Harry Potter book whilst on holiday - it was FAB! Really loved it - thought JKR did a great job with it and that the ending was entirely appropriate. If you haven't read it - what are you playing at?

    S xx (big kid at heart).

  26. At 10:51 AM on 02 Aug 2007, ChrissieS wrote:

    Hazel #21 - were you an English teacher in another life? I see what you mean - must try better!

    In my defence, it was just Chris's last sentence that did it for me - a girl can dream, can't she?

    C xx

    P.S. Probably this grammar is all wrong too!

    P.P.S. I thought the rest of the blog was really interesting!

  27. At 10:54 AM on 02 Aug 2007, Jamie Robinson wrote:

    Hi Chris

    Yup, I feel draw between the devil and the deep blue on this one.

    But I think it is the genuine greed of people within the supermarket chains that consistently place effort on choice...

    Just look at the state of the landfills and the state of our roads, streets and towns to justify how much rubbish we are throwing away.Surely biodegradeble packaging would cause quicker and greener decomposition.And make this earth look genuinely tidier!

    Regards to you.


  28. At 11:01 AM on 02 Aug 2007, Jamie Robinson wrote:

    Hi Chris

    Yup, I feel draw between the devil and the deep blue on this one.

    But I think it is the genuine greed of people within the supermarket chains that consistently place effort on choice...

    Just look at the state of the landfills and the state of our roads, streets and towns to justify how much rubbish we are throwing away.Surely biodegradeble packaging would cause quicker and greener decomposition.And make this earth look genuinely tidier!

    Regards to you.


  29. At 11:05 AM on 02 Aug 2007, Prof Plum wrote:

    Oh dear Hazel

    I am so proud of my animal animation work too. You must have a security patch on your pc.
    I cant give the link as I don't think thats allowed on here.
    Off to Spain for a bi tof promo work so wont be around for a while.

    Espere que usted tenga un día bueno todos.

    PS The caption contest.. Sally remembered she left her TV on standby at home.....

  30. At 11:14 AM on 02 Aug 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Ello CLP & ALL Blog Friends,

    Bingo Star ere.

    Another interesting blog CLP and it's good ter keep the eco ball of debate rolling.

    Chris maybe as the position your in you could start to get a big thing going on climate change. Because like I said in my blog the other day we are moving at a snails pace.
    Why not get the Smart Car people on your show about their excellent new electric car.
    Also Jeremy Vine, you know him and work close to him. He knows alot of politicians and has contacts in the world of politics.
    You guys at R2 could get something rolling.
    It's about time people stood upto goverments and said enough of not being listened too.

    It's our childrens future at stake here and the politician's childrens futures aswell.
    We need to act but most people are either too busy with their everyday lives to be bother do something to get change.
    People need leadership and too be forced to change by the goverments. The goverments need to realise just how important it is too act now and forget greed.
    I know it's easier said then done and large companies can't just close down but if climate change is as serious as we are beginning to see with the weather gone crazy, we've got to change now.
    I'm sure we'd all prefer to drive cheap to run electric cars etc.

    Having said all the above a million people did march and protest over Iraq but Blair went ahead and now nearly a million people are dead as a result.

    But I think Gordon Brown could be different. It's just already I hope he's not getting caught up in the dishonesty or pressure of being the at the top.

    I mean look at the Russian problem. Why is Mr Brown not on a plane to meet President Putin to make friends and put an end to this tension with Russia. Instead we are letting it escalate.
    He's managed to go and meet President Bush so why can't he do similar with other leaders?

    The only way to find world peace is to make friends with your enemies. Not with hostility and sanctions.
    Have we not learned yet from Iraq and other conflits?
    Although Saddam Hussein was a bad leader we could have done it so much more intelligently with Iraq. We could have made friends with Iraq as we should be doing with Iran right now.
    No world leaders really want wars.
    We made friends with Colonel Gaddaffi - don't we learn from this?


    It the stronger, more intelligent person who forgives their enemies, does not retaliate and ultimately makes friends with them.

    I never forget that moment when President's Bill Clinton and Boris Yeltsin both met and were genuinely friendly and laughing together.

    Whatever is going to happen we should not be frightened but think what a privillage it is in our lifetime that the world is going through a big change. It's kind of exciting what the future holds.

    We are getting closer to total world peace. With the internet and air travel the world is becoming one.
    It's just when we learn to be friends and as one world, which 99.9% of people on the world do want. And politicians learn to talk face to face we will have world peace.

    The world slowly is changing and becoming green. I think in 20 years we will all be driving electric cars and have things such as wind power it's just I hope were not changing too slowly.

    I spoken to people from other countries and the one thing they always seem to say is they want to help make it a peaceful world and what a cruel world it can be at times.
    So it shows the mentality of most people is that we are all looking towards peace.

    Many say the end of the Mayan Calendar soon is the start of a new age. A start of peace on the world so I wouldn't be too worried by this predicted event if it is going to happen.
    It can only be a good event and how exciting that were here during this big change.

    Sorry for another serious blog commentation.

    It's out me system now.


  31. At 11:28 AM on 02 Aug 2007, Sammie wrote:

    Prof Plum - liked the caption competition entry! How are things? By things, I'm referring to those of the marital kind. Hope you're OK.

    Caption Competition - Sally realises that rugby really is a game played by men with odd shaped balls.....

    S xx.

  32. At 11:48 AM on 02 Aug 2007, Gaby wrote:

    Martin James...

    I just wanted to say that Chris' blog is roughly one-year old. I think it started in the first week of August last year.

    At that time, I was trying to emerge from a very, very difficult time that had lasted decades.

    Chris' blog has helped me so much - words can't really express how much.

    What I want to say is that I really, really hope that it helps you like it has helped me.

    I also want to wish you all the best for a positive and happy future. That future starts right now....this afternoon : )

    A day at a time - and you ARE getting there.


  33. At 11:53 AM on 02 Aug 2007, Prof Plum wrote:

    Sammie how kind. I suppose the marriage thing well, it's just one of those things you get into and gets harder to dig yourself out of.Watching the girlfriensd though!

    As far as global warming issues, I am far more concerned with the Middle East right now. I am horrfied to read of the tortures that they inflict on one another. I also dread to read of another atrocity in Britain. I really feel we can't help anymore in Iraq and our troops should be here and protecting Great Britain. We need to seek out the insurgents here and deport them.

    Off to pack now I have had my moan.


  34. At 11:57 AM on 02 Aug 2007, Nev wrote:

    The debate goes on - I refer to my comment of yesterday - a kettle with more than one temperature setting can only help.

    MfR - I also saw the programme......and here's me thinking I am the only sad person tuned in. Floyd is pure entertainment he just had no idea how to run a business. Must admit I did not know Jean-Christophe Novelli worked for him.


    Caption comp - Going up...!

  35. At 12:01 PM on 02 Aug 2007, Craig Webster wrote:

    i agree we should avoid unnecessary 'food miles' and get back to eating vegetables which are in season - makes meal planning a lot easier!

    good look with the tum tum trim trim, remember you need to raise your heart rate and find an activity you enjoy for long term weight control - honeymoon should set the pattern for the rest of your life!!

  36. At 12:18 PM on 02 Aug 2007, Janet Bellairs wrote:

    Nothing to do with the above...but following Chris's talk to the lady about Enlightenment, can anyone give me the links she supplied - I didnt get to hear the whole interview..

    Thanks Janet

  37. At 12:53 PM on 02 Aug 2007, Mountam wrote:

    Hi Christoff

    Listen to the show every night on the way home from work it's fab!

    Fantastic discussions/comments and earth saving advice on Tues Wed with Dr Rob Bell on the show.

    I've heard arguments from both sides and yes it's confusing but I think we have become a throwaway world all too easily. We all need to start to re think this strategy otherwise we'll be up to our necks in it soon. Let change things and save the earth so that many future generations can benefit from the beautiful place and all it has to offer.

    I will certainly do my bit and educate who I can whenever I can.

    Dr Bell didn't repeat his web site however on Wednesday's show, can you let me know what it was so I can take a peek and see if I've done everything I can to decrease my carbon footprint in size. If we all go from a size 10 to a size 7 this would help enormously. Little footprints equals happy mother Earth!

    Going for my cuppa now and boiling just enough for one cup. :)


  38. At 12:57 PM on 02 Aug 2007, trish wrote:

    I missed the name of the lady or her company about fostering dogs can you please let me know what it is.

  39. At 01:21 PM on 02 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Boo to food miles.

    Boo to excell packaging.

    Grow your own - tastes miles better, cheaper in the long-run and gives you something to do at weekends (!!!!)

    Support farmers' markets where possible and buy locally grown/reared.

    Tree hugger? Who dear Me dear?

    Too bl**dy right, matey - and proud of it!

    CtD x x x

  40. At 01:35 PM on 02 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Oooops - excell packaging? Read "excess" instead!

    Busy at work - those darned spreadsheets really get under your skin! Like thunderbug midges.

    I'm a wordsmith, me!

    CtD x x x

  41. At 01:45 PM on 02 Aug 2007, j wrote:

    Trish - I think it was 'barking mad'?!

  42. At 01:49 PM on 02 Aug 2007, Debbie wrote:

    Hi Trish, I think the dog fostering company was called 'Barking Mad'.

    Or is that me?

    Love Deb x

  43. At 01:53 PM on 02 Aug 2007, Debbie wrote:

    Just checked it out and the website address is www.barkingmad.uk.com x

  44. At 02:14 PM on 02 Aug 2007, Pam Monks wrote:

    I am in full agreement with the bio chemist, however I do agree that we need to cut our waste we are definitely running out of places to put it, I understand we are shipping some of it to China! The problem as I see it is the politicians have jumped on the band wagon and the whole issue has now become a means of extra taxation. I also think that it is in our own interests to cut our energy usage on cost basis.

    If the government were really interested in cutting our energy use they would be looking seriously at the issue of digital radio which I understand is hugely less energy efficient than analogue.

  45. At 02:27 PM on 02 Aug 2007, Sammie wrote:

    CtD -spreadsheets - grrrrrr - know just what you mean! I was in spreadsheet hell for a couple of weeks before I went away.

    By working stoopid hours, I managed to get all the work completed, an hour before I had to leave home to go to the airport. Given the importancy placed on this work, I stressed to my team that if there were ANY problems, they should call me.

    Two weeks later, I return to find that my team couldn't make head nor tail of the information I left on the LAN and they spent 2 weeks cutting and pasting, so they did understand it!

    What can I say? I am surrounded by idiots...

    S xx.

  46. At 02:32 PM on 02 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Dear Debbie, if ever you aren't sure whether it is you or not, just check in a mirror. If you can see someone else, then you have your answer.

    ...or you could get a sticker for the back of your car which says 'Who's Driving? Call Us Now on 0800-I-FORGET-NOW' which goes through to your answerphone. Leave a message on your answerphone that asks the caller to describe the driver of the vehicle, and hopefully, they'll describe at least someone who resembles you.

    Either way is infallible...although you may get one or two dodgy messages left on your machine...

    I have a bracelet which I am supposed to wear which explains who I am, but I cannot remember for the life of me where I've put it.

    Good luck

    ps food miles? are these the same as air miles? I would have thought that air miles consist of very little, but picturing a line 1760 yards long, of carrots comes a lot easier.

    Is this me?

  47. At 02:39 PM on 02 Aug 2007, wrote:

    I'm off to see Prince at the 02 on Saturday night. Have read some reviews from last night's opening night and am now soooooooooooo excited I can't concentrate or focus on anything at all whatsoever!

    Mange tout, tout le monde!

    CtD x x x

    PS: apologeeees for my absence of late, but as stated, really, really busy with the wild west shindig planning!

  48. At 02:59 PM on 02 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Hazel Love.

    THanking you indeedy. No. One Daughter had fabby doo birthday. Gran took her horse riding, and Gran Fell off the horse. I just wish someone had had a camera! Kept No 1 Daughter Amused for hours after.

    We all had a lovely meal out on the Sunday night, but No 1. Son wasn't here,being at the Jamboree.

    Hey - No 1 Son On TV this morning, on jamboree Update, on Community Channel. SOOOOOO Happy To See him.


  49. At 03:28 PM on 02 Aug 2007, john wrote:

    No worries on the landfill front. A chunk of land 10 miles by 10 miles will last us 2000 years and we are in the process of creating one. Its the inside of the M60 and the political muppets are about to smash its economy to bits by introducing a congestion charge to generate funds to waste on some more bus carcinogens. lol. Experts eh? dont you just love em?

    JK Nonegreen

  50. At 03:40 PM on 02 Aug 2007, Michelle Firth wrote:


    I have been reading your blog about climate change. I am unsure who to believe, as you say both sides are very convincing......But if we did a little to help the enviroment then this can not obviously hurt. I have stopped using plastic bags in the supermarket unless I have to, this includes for fruit and vegetables. Every little helps......lets hope....


  51. At 02:52 PM on 03 Aug 2007, julie newlands wrote:

    i live in the scottish highlands and in one of the paper`s today there was a story that made me think that there might be something in this global warming thing ! the article was about a lady`s garden that had started sprouting daffodil`s for the second time this yrear . now i might not be the brightest bulb in the pack but that can`t be right can it ? i think someone in power should just be straight with us and then we might be able to salvage something for the sake of our planet and all that live on it ! before it really is too late .

  52. At 06:34 PM on 06 Aug 2007, wrote:

    My friend Thais is working very hard in London at LSE she works in environmental economics and natural reseouce stuff. She is an academic with no axe to grind - give her a chef houseboat.


  53. At 01:05 PM on 10 Aug 2007, Sid Harris wrote:

    Am i the only one who wonders why an innocent, fun loving, gentle giant, who in no way wants to be associated with gangs, would abandon his given name and would rather be known as a famous outlaw. With his brother leading one americas more prominent collective's? Come on mr- not like you to pull punches.
    P.S have noticed some lady wanted to be your tambourine! Well if i change my name to shirley can i be your tangerine or possibly bunch of grapes leg, shaving by prior arrangement

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