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Chris Evans | 15:53 UK time, Tuesday, 31 July 2007

My future spouse does not like beer but she likes the idea of it, especially when....

.....I arrive home at night after a two hour car journey and crack one open from the fridge to great relief and release and she then witnesses the ecstacy that washes over my very being, my every atom.

This caused her just last night to have a go... well sort of.

She said that she'd love to love beer and i said i'd love her to love beer as well. She said that she didn't think the taste was up her street but a shandy might be a good way in.

" No problem," i said.

"Problem," she said.

We were out of lemonade. Well when i say out of lemonade, we are never actually "in" lemonade. We don't do lemonade.

We did however have coke.

"Well that would be alright wouldn't it ?" she said.

"Er.... I don't knnow...."

So, here's what happened next... we tried it and it worked !Iit was lover-ly, not nearly as sweet as shandy but packing a real zing.

So here's to coca cola shandy, or randy, or whatever it is that we're going to call it.

CLP 2007.



  1. At 04:27 PM on 31 Jul 2007, simon wrote:

    Chris we want you back on telly we all miss tfi friday

  2. At 04:38 PM on 31 Jul 2007, Dan wrote:

    Hmmm, beer & coke - a new one on me - must give it a go.
    Vodka & milk, anyone?

  3. At 04:46 PM on 31 Jul 2007, martin james wrote:

    What does the future Mrs E like to drink? As long as she doesn`t start drinking like a fish, anythings nice!

    I`ve been really down the last few days. Fell off my bike on Friday, sprained my wrist and grazed my leg. Yes it was the old sauce that did it! Then I got the gastritus back. Been lying in bed for last few days recovering.

    Then after saying to myself I`ve finaly had it with the booze - NO more!! I started getting all weepy, started thinking what a waist I`d made of my life and that the future looked pretty grim.

    Pull your socks up Martin, remember better times, I said. You know you`ll be better tomorrow.

    Anyway hope all bloggers are fit and well and happy.

    m xxx

  4. At 04:48 PM on 31 Jul 2007, James wrote:

    Call it Bola or would that sound too much like Ebola... I'm sure a fair less refreshing beverage..

  5. At 04:50 PM on 31 Jul 2007, Jo wrote:

    Are you pregnant???

    That's not even a combination I've considered!!!

    :o) Jo

  6. At 04:58 PM on 31 Jul 2007, wrote:

    CLP. When I first met Mr Diva in 1994 I was a bona-fide fully signed up Essex girl Be*ks/Bud drinker (sometimes K Cider - ugh!). Some 13 years later, just you try and prize me away from CAMRA beer festivals and real cider festivals.

    I also used to hate the taste of the black stuff from Dublin but now its my 100% winter evening drink of choice.

    Perhaps if you get her to try something light like a nice chilled Summer Lightening, or our very own Suffolk brewed Nethergate Umble ale she may become a fan. Not all bitters need to be dark, heavy porters reserved for old men in salloon bars.

    It's almost time for the Great British Beer Festival - go on, treat yourselves to a visit - you know you want to!

    Love and hugs

    Cheryl The Diva

  7. At 05:05 PM on 31 Jul 2007, SaraB wrote:

    There is nothing like a cold beer on a warm sunny evening. I did pick up a box of beers for my intended (well he is plumbing my parents bathroom this week and this is my attempt to keep him sane with the constant changes) so we shall have a couple this evening whilst listening to the show!

    Roll on 5.30 and hometime!


  8. At 05:10 PM on 31 Jul 2007, wrote:

    I am soooo trying that tonight whilst watching Holby!!!! You better copyright the idea!

  9. At 05:11 PM on 31 Jul 2007, jim wrote:


    A popular drink on the continent - I used to drink it in Luxembourg - 'panache cola' don't you know!

  10. At 05:12 PM on 31 Jul 2007, jillygoat wrote:

    Christoph - I've always imagined that's what root beer would taste like ...... if it's not then you've stumbled on a new drink. Randy - I like it (ahem)

    jillygoat xx

  11. At 05:12 PM on 31 Jul 2007, elmlea wrote:

    Try Vodka and cheap kids cherryade - its great! and gives you a red tongue!

    very busy at work, hence no posting - but still read as much as I am able. Seems people are having life choices to make, it must be that time if year when you assess your life - good luck to all those and I hope you make the best decsion - gollow your heart as at the end of the day the only persson you have to live with is yourself (thanks Dad for that advice)

    Elm x

  12. At 05:36 PM on 31 Jul 2007, wrote:

    Yikes! Sounds as mad as a colleague who used to drink orange juice 'n' coke.

    I'd rather have a Mackeson Shandy*

    Jan x

    *other stouts are available (in true Radio 2 style)

  13. At 05:39 PM on 31 Jul 2007, martin james wrote:

    Cheering up now listening to CLP. If only I could be as happy as he. I think it`s a disposition thing, where some people are more often happy than not.

    Just blown the dust of a book I have: `The Pursuit of Happiness` by David G. Myers.

    I`ll share the summary at the back of the book with you.

    Things that do enable happiness:

    1. fit and healthy bodies
    2. realistic goals and expectations
    3. poitive self-esteem
    4. feelings of control
    5. optimism
    6. outgoingness
    7. supportive friendships that enable
    companionship and confiding.
    8. a socally intimate, sexually warm, equitable
    9. challenging work and active leisure,
    punctuated by adequate rest and retreat.
    10. a faith that entails communal support,
    purpose, acceptance, outward focus, and

    m xxx

  14. At 05:44 PM on 31 Jul 2007, Steevie fae Dundee + Glas wrote:

    Cola drinks change a lot of drinks in strange
    ways. A long time ago when I was struggling
    with a glass of white wine that just wasn't
    "me" (ergo, it was sucking the jaws in),
    my host suggested I dribble a cap-full
    of Pepsi in to it. It discoloured it something
    rotten but made it MUCH more palatable.
    So much so that three bottles later.......

    On a similar but different vein; I can't
    drink full pints of (whatever) quickly.
    I can't put the head back and sink it.
    2 x 1/2 pints - no problem but a whole
    pint, struggle struggle gurgle, struggle.
    BUT, Sunday before last I was as parched
    as (let's not go there) and I was toddling
    'home' from Glas City Centre 6pm-ish when
    I found myself in a pub I don't normally
    go in to ordering an "Ice cold Tennents
    with Lime please". I sunk it in two minutes
    and left before I was tempted to do it again
    (I was driving at 10pm). Still don't know
    how I managed it. Maybe because it was
    Ice-cold. I did have a "furrow eyebrows"
    moment just as I was about to leave.
    A guy spoke to me out of the blue on his
    way to the toilets and said
    "Oh! Look at YOU !!!! You are straight !"
    and as I was wondering "what
    the flip ?????" he continued " so the
    the puggie machine behind you must be
    squint. It's on a slope" and he wandered off
    laughing to himself.

  15. At 05:57 PM on 31 Jul 2007, De Sm wrote:


    sounds worth a try Chris & future Mrs Chris,

    De x

    one cup in- boil the kettle-make the T-sorted-



  16. At 06:08 PM on 31 Jul 2007, wrote:

    I know what Girl on the Sofa would like. Belguim fruit beers. I don't like beer but love the peach or cherry ones. You can get cherry and raspberry form Waitrose, they are yum!

    Martin james- cheer up mate. Sorry to hear you had a bad fall on your bike.

    Well the sun has been shinning today. On Friday my mum and I are taking my cousin Harriet out with her baby boy. Hopefully either Holt or Cromer!!! Please let it be sunny and warm so we can go for a paddle in the sea!

  17. At 06:17 PM on 31 Jul 2007, D wrote:

    Ch the D #6

    I agree the ' Black Stuff'
    Totally delicious
    And, i 'does' taste better in the beautiful Emerald Isle.

    D x

  18. At 06:27 PM on 31 Jul 2007, BUNDLE wrote:

    I used to work for S A Brain in Cardiff for 8.5 years and never aquired a taste for beer. I used to get 104 cases of free beer every year(Yes 104 CASES )my hubby loved it. I don't even like shandy. I do however like cider and cider shandies.

    I love the show.

  19. At 06:34 PM on 31 Jul 2007, Prof Plum wrote:

    I don't think ladies drink beer one and all

    Well not real ladies.

    Great Oasis track tonight.

    Buenos Nockies

  20. At 07:24 PM on 31 Jul 2007, mwk wrote:

    Hello Chris

    Oh you can't beat a cold beer! I haven't always been a beer drinking but jolly glad I developed a taste for it :o)

    Chris - BIG BIG thank you for reading out the message from Gaby xx I was in hospital the night it was read out but due to the refurbishments being carried out in the hospital i was unable to listen because they had not got around to installing the new radio system! I was devasted, but the lovely Gaby came to my rescue and sent me a rather funky mini radio. Thanks Gaby xx

    Probably a good idea I didn't listen live otherwise the pre-med might not have worked in the morning :o) I was so excited when I got the txt from Susan S to say you had mentioned us :o)

    Hope all your wedding plans are going well. Did you decide on the OK/Hello deal?

    I have been wallowing in self pity since I came home, the post op pain is way beyond my expectations, and I have a high pain threshold! Can't wait until I can curl up in my bed or even just lay on my side :o(

    Sorry I haven't had a chance to catch up on all the posts - hope you are all ok xx

    Special {{{hug}}} for anyone who would like one xx

    BIG huggles to Susan S - my thoughts and prayers are with you xxxxxx

    Mary xx

  21. At 07:51 PM on 31 Jul 2007, Matt from Rudgwick wrote:


    Mmm. New one on me.

    A decent shandy after a game of tennis really does hit the spot. Having said that, the cider I am drinking now after my run is tasting blimming fab.

    I can never find the beers I like in this country. 'Dark' lagers like B**ks Dark, Per**i Red and the wonderful Mexican (there I go again, Cabo Wabo, here I come) D*s Eq**s. Any sign of them here?


    Martin. Keep at it mate. You can do it, you just need to truly believe it. Make sure you come here regularly, we are all here to help in whatever way we can. I have found real inspiriation here that has helped me through some low points over the past year or so.

    Any road. Going to knock up some fajitas now - this is getting serious, I am should change my name to Ernesto or Cesar - of the vegetarian variety, I hasten to add (does that qualify me for cheap insurance?) and then check out the weather forecast as we have The Cranleigh Show on Sunday.

    Fancy popping along Mr E?

    Peace & love


    PS Her green plastic watering can

    PPS He blew his mind out in a car

    PPPS Remember when you were young, you shone like the sun.

  22. At 08:16 PM on 31 Jul 2007, Debbie wrote:

    That combination sounds awful! Sometimes that doesn't matter though I know. But dandelion and burdock, what is that about? Is it really made from dandelions and what is burdock?

    I have to admit that I did used to drink lager years ago. I actually used to drinks pints! Does that sound bad? At my wedding reception 8 years ago I make a point of drinking halves but my mates all got together, bought me a pint and said don't change how you are now, this is you, enjoy! I must have looked odd though, all elegant, and girly with this big pint. I tried vodka when I went out for a while but these days red wine is my favourite tipple.

    Martin James, sorry to hear that you have hit a rough patch. Don't be too hard on yourself, two steps forward and one step back but always still getting there.

    Clodagh, I took the boys on the train to Canary Wharf this afternoon to meet their dad from work. The shopping centre there is great too and after reading your post I popped into a well known record store and bought that DVD. That episode is called 'Cigarettes and Alcohol and Rollerblading'. Hope that I get a chance to watch it tonight. I love Father Ted and could do with the laugh, we both could it will do us good x

    Love Deb x

  23. At 08:30 PM on 31 Jul 2007, Kirsten wrote:

    Not a combination I would ever have thought of! Must try it sometime. How about calling it ''Colandy"??!!

    I'm about to destroy my credibility as a 100% Irish coleen, but here goes - I can't stand 'the black stuff'!! It's horrible, one of the worst things I've ever tasted. My late grandmother used to drink it every day & I would have to leave the room! I know, I'm a disgrace to the aul' sod!! :)

    BTW, changing the subject completely, is David Tennant (aka the-best Dr-Who-ever?) short of money or work? I've got the tv on & I've just heard his voice in three different commercials!

  24. At 08:34 PM on 31 Jul 2007, Catherine wrote:

    Mmmmm - Brooklyn Lager - the best!!!

  25. At 08:54 PM on 31 Jul 2007, lazykev wrote:

    chris cola and beer deosnt do it for me ....but i thought that about the new womans minite....now i want both versions ...you cant win for losing sometimes ....

  26. At 10:02 PM on 31 Jul 2007, wrote:


    You should take Future Mrs E to CAMRA beer festival. FME can drink Wine/ Shandy or even little half pints of real Ale. Best of all after 3 little half pints, you really begin to believe that the stuff is BRILLIANT after all.

    October CAMRA festival has been an annual event for the last erm... 5 years in our house, and last year we took the brotherin law and sister too..... Fantastic Fun.

    Yeah! Randy, Shandy, Real Deal.

    Go FME

  27. At 01:06 AM on 01 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Hi Chris,
    Long time reader, first time poster here. I went through exactly the same dilemma as your beloved. Love the idea of beer, not too keen on the taste. My brilliant mother suggested alcoholic ginger beer and recently my boyfriend introduced me to honey spiced beer. I now love them both. Plus there's the added bonus of only drinking 'fancy' beer. It had never crossed my mind to mix beer with anything, least of all cola, but having read that I'm interested to try it.

  28. At 07:12 AM on 01 Aug 2007, wrote:


  29. At 07:54 AM on 01 Aug 2007, Ian wrote:

    Chris, People in Germany do "Coke & beer"
    So there you go.

  30. At 08:21 AM on 01 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Christophe! You cheeky boy! Randy indeed. What ever flirts your birt I suppose! Worth remembering if we are ever out of lemonade...

    Odd really isn't it. The only things I really don't like, mainly because the smell makes me heave, are brandy and whisky. It doesn't matter if it's been aged for 700 years by blind monks living in somewhere unpronounceable under some mountain off the Outer Hebrides or mad old ladies in a shed off the main road to Perpignan...I just DON'T LIKE IT.

    However, a bit of beer, a bit of lager, a bit of the Liffy Water, wine etc etc etc and perhaps a bit of a shandy...finds me just about dandy.

    Happy Humping one and all

    ps MfR how about The Man from Rudgwick? Or just Donqui? Or Jose. Or Juan, and Mrs MfR could be Juanetta...hi caramba!

    ...and Plum, you are perfectly correct. A lady doesn't drink beer. She sips it delicately.

  31. At 08:39 AM on 01 Aug 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    Hello people of the CLP blog

    Great 2 days blogging, has taken me an age to read it all.
    Bingo - what a great entry re the climate. I don't have much to add but I do try to do 'my bit'

    I remember as a child adding ice-cream to my cola, it was lovely but not sure if I could have one now - far too sweet......then again maybe I could!

    I'm very nervous today as I'm seeing a top knee physio tomorrow (ex-premiership none the less - oooh hark at me) and I'm hoping so much that I don't need more surgery - cross your fingers bloggers/blogettes!

    mwk - love and xxx's to you - can I be so rude to ask why you had an op? Whatever it was for I wish you a speedy recovery.

    martin - keep the smile mate, the sun is out and we're here to help with unbiased advice which I sincerely hope helps you. Won't teach you to suck eggs but seek the correct help and my very best wishes and thoughts are with you.

    Slap on the suncream folks


  32. At 09:03 AM on 01 Aug 2007, A.G. wrote:

    Hallo each

    Gingembre: If you run out of suncream, you can borrow mine! Raining here in Edinburgh.
    Martin: Hope you're well.


  33. At 09:08 AM on 01 Aug 2007, Nev wrote:

    Beer and coke.........sounds revolting, think I'll stick to a pint of bitter.

    Interesting on the kettle theory last night. Coffee does not need the water to be at boiling point so I often turn off the kettle before it is fully boiled - there's an invention a kettle that has a range of temperatures it heats the water to..........!
    Must say I always boil water for cooking in the kettle not the pan but that is as much for speed and convenience.
    Mind you if we are being totally eco friendly do we not abandon the tea and coffee as they have come half way round the world..........but then again how do we support the third world farmers if we dont buy it....?
    Too many dilemnas I'm off for a cup of tap water.


  34. At 09:12 AM on 01 Aug 2007, Prof Plum wrote:

    Sipping beer Hazel, nah I only drank beer once (being a lady of course). It was a yard of ale contest live on radio (nameless). I think I was very very drunk at the time.

    Bunoes Hiccups

  35. At 09:12 AM on 01 Aug 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Yo Christoof & ALL Blog Operatives,

    Bingo Star ere.

    CLP man if yer tryin' ter get the girl on the sofa, OFF the sofa, munch too, munch too!!!
    Get 'er on apple juice aka cider and not the weak stuff. Works for me friend..... everytime!

    I'd just like to appologise to ALL if i've caused BIG alarm after me blog yesterday.

    I've been totally reassured after the positive words from Freddie Boswell off Bread making an appearance at the start of CLP's show yesterday. 'e said "Calm down, calm down" I am calm.
    Blog friends don't worry atleast we've still got R2!!

    But that won't stop me takin' a bio-diesel powered camper van with ten years supply of baked beans up ter the top of Ben Nevis on the date the Mayan Calendar ends.
    Just in case a 300' tsunami 'it's.
    Mind you what if Ben Nevis turns inter a active volcano while i'm up there............ TELL yer what i'll park 'alf way up... hedge me bets.
    Tsunami...... UP! Volcanic eruption....... DOWN!!!

    PS Chris any chance of playing To The Mountains by Big Bang or Head For The Hills by Saves The Day. These tunes are damn WROCKIN blog friends - check em out!!!!..... you should - am tellin' yer!!!!!

    PS J - Kind Words..... tarrrr!!!

    PPS John - Interesting comments yesterday.

    PPPPS (Sorry one P too much). Clodagh - I'm so glad ter clear the air with you. A BIG mis-understanding by me. I've 'ad many an incidentation with merseyside traffic wardens and wheel clampers meself too.
    I'll tell all about me incident with a wheel clamp...... 'ow ter esape one soon.
    PS Clodagh - Wigan I know it well. That's were I go for me holidays - Wigan Pier. It keeps me carbon footprint very low!!!!

    Adios ALL Blog Friends!!!!!

  36. At 09:19 AM on 01 Aug 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    There was a thing on t'radio the other day about the new trendy drink being red wine and coke .... bleurgh!!!!!!!!

    Martin J - we've all done things we regret sweetie. The trick is to not waste time on regretting stuff you can't change, but be determined to do things differently from now on!

    Gingembre, good luck with the knee appt.

    Hazel, are we twins separated at birth? I hate whiskey with a passion - would rather drink my own wee - and brandy too. Altho if I have a cold and a sore throat, sometimes I do indulge in a decaf coffee/brandy/sugar combo before I retire to my sick bed - doesn't make me better but does make me sleep!!

    Went to see Dirty Dancing at the thee-ater last night ... phwoar!! Bloke who plays Johnny is WELL fit!!!

    Have good days all!

  37. At 09:20 AM on 01 Aug 2007, BINGO STAR again!! wrote:

    YO Bingo Star ere again.

    Sorry I forgot to share with my big weather reading phylosiphy thingy.
    I've noticed over the years a pattern in the weather......
    What ever the weather is on the 1st day of the month... that weather normally follows for the rest of the month.
    APRIL.... Sunny day and we 'ad a 'appening April (CLP's B'day 1st April.... 'e ain't no fool - know what am sayin'!!!)
    MAY, JUNE, JULY all 1st's wet and look what we met... rain iz what 'appened.
    If AUGUST 1st is sunny..... ryhmes with.... summers ere!!!!!!


  38. At 10:16 AM on 01 Aug 2007, clodagh wrote:


    Try Guinness and Crypto-sporidia.

    Tastes like lighter fuel but it hits you right at the back of the eyeballs and enhances the racing experience by allowing you to see twice as many horses.


    Now then. Hazel. I'd have put that 30 euro on for you except the only mammal wearin' a sheepskin noseband yesterday was me. Therefore a note of caution to all glamourpusses. If you're wearin' a fascinator thingy, make sure the fuzzy diddly squit on the top isn't too heavy or it'll be droppin' down over your eyes and yous'll miss the photo-finish.

    Anyway I'm rubbish with horses. I scarcely know which end to shove the sugar lump; mind you I look a bit tasty in the old jodhpurs though I say it meself. It helps when you've jodhpur-shaped legs.

    Debbie. Good girrdl!! Hope you got to watch said dvd. Now then Ardal O'Hanlon. Another man that does it for me. Especially as Dougal. What about the bit where he doesn't remember the nun, being arrested, falling out of the police helicopter, etc.etc., until Ted reminds him he was wearing his blue jumper. Hahahaha excellent.

    And Bingo. Bless you. If you venture within half a mile of Wigan Pier, the footprint you'll be worryin' about won't be carbon.

    Ah well must be off. I've to get some Germolene for this damn chafe mark on me nose, and the first race is at two.


  39. At 10:35 AM on 01 Aug 2007, Happy Diver wrote:

    Now Coke and ice-cream, lovely. 7-Up and Ice-Cream, lovely. Oh the child in me!!

    I was introduced on Sunday to Pear Cider - OMG, I think I've just found my knew drink. Poured over ice in a pint glass - just one word - Heavenly.

    However, I do want to try Vodka and Cherryade, I've been told its out of this world (they could have been exaggerating - but you get the drift) and then elmlea comes alongs and confirms what me mates says.

    Now an irish girl like myself, you'd think I'd like the black stuff, but unless you put a load of blackcurrant in, no way could I drink it.

    So to one and all.

    Have a good day - Sun's out, so Bingo Star I hope your prediction comes true and summer is really here.


  40. At 11:11 AM on 01 Aug 2007, j wrote:

    Guiness and port - oh boy....

    Mind you - tea is the most wonderful drink in the whole wide world and you HAVE to use furiously boiling water or the tea just doesn't taste right and the magic is not released...

    (Good luck Martin)


  41. At 11:41 AM on 01 Aug 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    WAAAAAAAAAAH why was I BP'd? I didn't write anything rude!!!

    Martin - don't waste time worrying about what you've done/regretting mistakes - you can't change them. Instead make today the first day of looking forward. Best of luck and keep blogging!!

    Gingembre, good luck with the footballer!!

    Bingo - I sooooooo hope you're right mate! Here comes summer, woo-ooo

    ps guinness and blackcurrant???????? pass me a bucket ...

  42. At 11:50 AM on 01 Aug 2007, SJ wrote:


    An interesting combo there. wouldn't have gone there myself but each to their own :)


  43. At 12:10 PM on 01 Aug 2007, Sammie wrote:

    Happy Humpday All!

    Just back from hols and raring to go. OK, that last bit's a fib, but I am just back!

    Chris - I love a cold beer when I'm on holiday. I particularly love a cold Mythos (other Cretan beers are available) after a day on the beach - absolutely fablious!

    Haven't caught up with other blogs/comments yet; suffice to say, I hope you're all well and haven't been flooded/attacked by frnenzied Great White Sharks.

    Em and Gingembre - am out your way this weekend - Hunstanton - any suggestions?

    Love to all,

    S xx.

  44. At 12:20 PM on 01 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Hey -

    Just thought of another one..

    Brandy, Champagne, and a sugar lump.

    Yummy Scrummy.

    Drunky Duniky duanlas


  45. At 12:21 PM on 01 Aug 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    Sammie - fish n chips!
    I don't really know much about Hunstanton, it's quite a drive from Norwich. Sandringham, Holt, Burnham Market, and Brancaster are all in that area though and they're all very very nice.

    Off for a pre-night shift kip now, hope you're all enjoying this sun - or if you're A.G. you're using the brolly!!


  46. At 12:24 PM on 01 Aug 2007, Nev wrote:

    There's definitely a worrying sweet tooth thing going on here!


  47. At 12:38 PM on 01 Aug 2007, Dissing Dave wrote:

    Ow Doo All

    Beer and Creme de Menthe Michael! Kushty!

    I disappear for a few days and the blog gets filled with the affluence of incahol!

    Beer & Coke, hmmm define beer, Real Ale (putting anything in this is sacreligious), Bitter hmmm works OK as a shandy, but I should imagine the taste is "Interesting", Lager well it's a cordial anyway and should work well with Coke, lets face it, it works with lemonade, Blackcurrant and Lime in it, so why not Coke. Guinness and coke, personally don't like the black stuff myself, so cant really comment.

    Personally, I'm hooked on Champoo and Brandy at the mo!

    All down to Jo's shortly?

    DD out

    PS I just wish I could have told him in the living years!

    PPS All around me are familiar faces

    PPPS I'd like to teach the world to sing

    PPPPS Ging Gang Gooley!

  48. At 12:46 PM on 01 Aug 2007, Happy Diver wrote:

    Now if were talking cocktails: - Brandy & Baileys you only need two and the world seems a brighter place. Or Baby Guinesses - Tia Maria with Baileys.

    But then to be honest give me a diet coke any day and I'm happy. Or maybe I hoping that when I have my diet coke break, some hunk will be there!! Well one can dream.


  49. At 02:21 PM on 01 Aug 2007, Bit Naughty Today Sammie wrote:

    Following the drinks theme...

    Champagne, with a strawberry in the glass is (whispered) S.E.X. (v. good S.E.X. at that).

    Cocktail - gotta be a BMW. Now I don't like Malibu OR Whiskey, but pour a shot of each over ice and add a good measure of Baileys and you're well away!

    KW - thanks for the suggestions, will let you know how I got on next week (well, not ALL the detail, obviously).

    Blimey, can't you just tell I've been on holiday with my parents and children? "The hills are alive with the sound of music" This habit is quite fetching actually...

    S xx.

  50. At 02:43 PM on 01 Aug 2007, Paynee wrote:

    The germans drink alot of cola shandy, although it seems a waste of beer to me.............

  51. At 02:43 PM on 01 Aug 2007, Debbie wrote:

    Sammie - what ever you're on today, I would like a little please x

  52. At 02:56 PM on 01 Aug 2007, wilsmar wrote:

    Humpday greetings..... will be producing a sick note to cover recent absence - have been reading up but it's been really hectic/manic at work. Anyway .......................
    Never got the taste for beer myself except for one time when I tried the Danish brewed C*rlsb*rg - when the D*n*sh F**d Centre was still open in Manchester. Anyway that stuff was like nectar but I suppose to a beer drinker it might have tasted like pop - I am tempted to try the coke/beer recipe though.
    Jillygoat - only ever tried Root Beer once - at the giant yellow M - it smelled of germaline and tasted weird.
    Debbie - Please leave the Dandelion and Burdock alone, I will drink your ration and you can have my alcohol - have a chilled 2L bottle on the go - stashed under the desk.
    Bingo - if you go up Ben Nevis with ten years supply of baked beans, there's a distinct possibility that you may be the one to erupt.
    mwk/Martin/Mr Diva - hope you're all feeling better. Amie - hello and welcome.
    Hazel - thanks for asking.
    PPPPS - DD ..... The Scaffold

  53. At 03:07 PM on 01 Aug 2007, Boing-Boing Sammie wrote:

    Debbie - it's caffeine, sugar and adrenaline!

    I don't have caffeine as a rule, but as I've had 3 hours sleep in the last 32, something was needed. Add to the mix the bag of Revels I've just had and I'm popping all over the house.

    Adrenaline - well, so much for the relaxing 2 weeks away, stress levels are at exactly the same point they were when I logged off work at 2.30pm, the day I was going on holiday and leaving for the airport at 3.30!!!

    Btw - back to the drinks theme - as I don't drink caffeine and avoid sugar as much as possible, I find that when having a mad night out with friends (once a quarter now instead of fortnightly!), I drink Vodka and Coke. Keeps me going all night, I can tell you! Also (top tip), the 'girls' I go out with are heavy drinkers and I'm not, so when it's my round, I just buy Coke for myself, but don't tell them, obviously!

    Lurrverrly evening in prospect later - a chilli has been prepared and guess what? I'm not coming home until after work tomorrow!!!! Sooooooooooo naughty - yippeeeeee!!!!

    S xx.

  54. At 03:11 PM on 01 Aug 2007, jillygoat wrote:

    Hazel & Tinsel - I also cannot, I say CANNOT stand either whisky or brandy. I'd rather stick a sharp pin in me eye than drink either of these. Similarly with Baileys and all those other 'thick' drinks .... bleurgh

    Anyhoo, I love Father Ted and am wondering if anyone can tell me the episode that featured Graham Norton ... I seem to remember that there were a lot of priests in a caravan and he was one of them? Any help gratefully received!

    Happy humpday everyone and pinch, punch, first of the month 'n all that

    jillygoat xxxxx

  55. At 03:30 PM on 01 Aug 2007, Debbie wrote:

    Jillygoat - It's on Series 2, Episodes 1-5 and that particular episode is called 'Hell'.

    Deb x

  56. At 03:42 PM on 01 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Grayshus me, Tinsel and Jillygoat, we must've been triplets then! Obviously Siamese which would explain my low miaow but that's not for here...

    So, how about j2o with soda? Otherwise the gloopiness is just about soup with a spoon. And possibly a piece of parsley floating about on it.

    Happy Diver, I didn't think Divers were supposed to imbibe? Or do you not dive when you've had a drink?

    Martin James, you will be pleased to hear that all wildlife continues present and correct. Good to hear you sounding similar!

    So, Dissing Dave, you were listening to Johnnie Walker (or was it Ken Bruce?) this morning? I then went on to a rousing chorus of 'The Quartermaster's Stores' but got told to kindly knock it off by unappreciative colleagues, and settled quite nicely, I feel, into 'Kumbya' - that song known to all shepherds everywhere...

    Am swilling with tea. And have run out of alcohol at home 'cept for a bottle of cherry thing that my mum gave me about a gazillion years ago, and no-one likes, but because my mum gave it to me, I can't bring myself to ding it.

    Divers alarums

    ps Night night Gingembre!

    pps Clodagh - larfed and larfed at your fascinator thingy. A 'friend' of ours (who, it has to be said, is a terrible snob doncha know) couldn't think what they were called...then I told her...and the look on her face, when she realised that I, yes ME, was right. A certain smugness all round. I hope your nose is better x

    OOOH and more Cluedo answers...

    Clodagh, in the Winners Enclosure, with a Fascinator

  57. At 03:46 PM on 01 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Oh, and Jillygoat, I think I have the video (if I ain't chucked it art) so will swap for Doctor Who. That's if I have still got it. If not, then can't. Obviously.

  58. At 03:54 PM on 01 Aug 2007, kazzy wrote:

    Hi christophe

    That sounds good especiallly in this
    hot weather. I was going to have a
    cinzano and lemonade which I haven't
    had in ages. Looking forward to tomorrow -
    got to hire a car as mine written off - and
    hoping to listen to you on it in evening
    as couldn't get radio 2 on my old one!


  59. At 04:19 PM on 01 Aug 2007, jillygoat wrote:

    Debbie - hoorah, thank you!!!

    HL - sounds like a good swopsie to me but if you haven't still got it, Doctor Who's here for you anyway x

    Martin James - don't be too hard on yourself - look how far you've come already. If you need moral support and a friendly ear, you've got all of us, OK? xx

    jillygoat xx

  60. At 10:47 PM on 01 Aug 2007, julie newlands wrote:

    i`m not sure about this one chris but i guess i`ll give it a go .if i`m sick it`ll be your fault for putting the idea in my head . tell you what my fave combonation is , it`s vodka and lucozade . let`s just say it pick`s you up if your feeling down and it`s yum yum !

  61. At 02:08 PM on 03 Aug 2007, MARK wrote:

    They sell that in Germany, "Cola And Beer" or CAB they call it. Creative people that they are. It tastes minging though.

  62. At 12:45 AM on 05 Aug 2007, BigBump wrote:

    I can sympathise with the future Mrs E. Ive never liked beer or lager,Im a barmaid so I spend my days surrounded by the stuff! We serve 5 different ales!! I cant stand the taste no matter how hard Ive tried (and believe me I have) Im a shorts girlie, so I end up spending more money on a night out than all my friends!

  63. At 09:30 AM on 07 Aug 2007, Mark wrote:

    I went to Germany to the Christmas markets a couple of years back, and they drink Beer (larger) and coca-cola all the time, they call it Dirty Beer, so its not that new, just seems quite strange to us thats all.

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