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Chris Evans | 15:03 UK time, Monday, 12 March 2007

Good afternoon mon brethren,

Tis’ late, this much I know but still here I am…

…Been working most of the day. The music for the week has been picked and also we’ve made Friday’s show very special, very special indeed.

Spent an hour chatting about our big CHILDREN IN NEED weekend. That’s going to be some party. It turns out, there’s now even a golf competition ! Whoopee.

It’s the countdown to Comic Relief. This Friday 7.00p.m. BEEB 1. It’ll be here before you know it, my week is dominated by it. That is why I am late a-blogging today.

I still have no idea what I’m doing but it’ll be something for an hour on Â鶹Éç. 1. I’m meeting with the Big Boss tomorrow to thrash something out. God is the writer, we merely hold his pen, I hope he turns up.

I had the loveliest of weekends as I hope you did. I went to my pub, had a game of golf, had some friends round, didn’t eat too much (for once !) and feel so much better for it.

I am selling the dust house and think I may already have a buyer. It turns out it wasn’t the dust at all but the horses. The horses, the horses of courses the horses.

I’m gonna get a caravan and live in a field for a while, it’s more simple that way.

Simple gives you room, room gives you a point of view, a point of view gives you ideas, ideas give you a purpose, purpose gives you a life.

I have to go now,

I’ll be here tomorrow and I’ll be there tonight, I hope to see you on both occasions.

CLP 2007-03-12



  1. At 03:16 PM on 12 Mar 2007, Michele Newbie wrote:

    Hi Chris

    All sounds like fun.

    Look forward to seeing you in the box on friday night.


  2. At 03:19 PM on 12 Mar 2007, Cheryl the Diva wrote:

    Afternoon CLP and fellow bloggers!

    What an inspirational blog today - living in a caravan eh!? Caravan of Love p'rpaps?

    Mr and Mrs Diva had a very busy but very productive weekend, with lots of DIY and some excellent allotment time yesterday.

    Saturday night was Rocky Horror night - as always, THE most fab show ... although the lady sitting next to me for the first half moved to the other end of the aisle for the second half. She also looked a tad bewildered at Time Warp time - I don't really think it was her scene.

    Had a job interview this morning. I was in there for 90 minutes! I think it went OK and have decided to accept if offered. Lovely building in the middle of nowhere looking over a field and I could hear birdsong when I got out of my car. Bliss!! No portacabin, no landfill site, no heavy plant vehicles. Just tranquility. Please keep your fingers crossed for me!

    Just had a call from the curtain shop to say that my new curtains are ready to be collected - guess we'd better get a wriggle on and paint the room they're going in then!!

    Right, will post this and nip back later to catch up. Roll on 5pm and the beautiful music that is the Drivetime Show.

    New 'Fox' tonight?

    Peace, love and fishnets.

    CtD x x

    PS: the river was deep and I swam it!

  3. At 03:20 PM on 12 Mar 2007, wrote:

    Hi CLP

    Good to hear you had a great weekend. It sounds like you have had a revelation about the dusty house... you certainly don't let the grass grow under your feet do ya?

    I'm joining in your TV diet (not that I'm expecting to be on telly) just for a laugh. Here's to eating less, running around a bit more... and having loads more fun!!!!

    What a great start to a new week!


  4. At 03:24 PM on 12 Mar 2007, SammyM wrote:

    Oh....There you are!!! xx

  5. At 03:28 PM on 12 Mar 2007, Sammie wrote:


    Busy boy!!! Sounds as though this week's going to be FRANTIC!!!!

    Glad you had a good weekend and I'm also glad you've made a decision about the dust house - can't have been easy.... Important decisions never are, but we always know when we've made the right choice...

    Joyful news today - my friend had her baby this morning - a whopping 8lb 15 ozs! He was born by C Section (bad boy was breech!), but mum and baby are doing well. Can't believe I actually filled up when I got the news!

    I've spent so many years hiding my emotions (from everyone, including myself!) that I have been surprised and a little shocked at myself! A certain gentleman friend is to blame, I think, as these feelings all seem to coincide with him being on the scene - either that or I'm going mad! The Ice Queen melteth - ooo scaaaary!!!

    Looking forward to the show tonight Christophe - will be working late (on advice from HL...), so need you to keep me company!

    Peace and love all,

    S xx.

  6. At 03:37 PM on 12 Mar 2007, Em 26 wrote:

    i had some really sad news today, my friend has miscarried, she has endimetreosis and has taken three years to get pregnant.

    She is handling it so beautifully and so positive and strong. She feels at least now she knows it can happen. I just wish she wasnt at the other side of the world, I am left feeling quite helpless. I also wish I had her grace I have felt rather angry atthe world today.

    These things do humble us though and remind us of what we have to be grateful for in our world that enevitably we tend to take for granted.


  7. At 03:37 PM on 12 Mar 2007, martin james wrote:

    I`ve had a good day today. Went for a two mile walk along the sea front with my mum. The weather is sooo nice, big blue sky, vast glistening sea, distant but warm sun - not hot, just right. And a slight breeze. Then came home and chopped some more logs. Having a break now and a cup of tea with carrot and walnut cake - yum yum. Funny how days and your emotions change, one minute v fed up and feeling sorry for myself, now wanting the day to last and last. Just hope my feelings last. Hope everyone is well and looking forward to the rest of the day.


  8. At 03:46 PM on 12 Mar 2007, Rachel wrote:

    Hi Chris and the blogettes,

    We had a great weekend thanks. Fish, sums it up quite nicely ...lots of fresh fish; well, Cod and Tuna mainly, with loads of salad. A bit of walking on Sunday ( muddy fields), but the best bit , which made my entire weekend, was when the postman arrived on Saturday with a parcel , and said, thanks gorgeous, after I'd signed his lil' book thing. Made me smile all day. See.... it's the little things.

    So a caravan it is..... well maybe a Portakabin was a bit industrial but hey ... they really are quite practical... you can stack them and have an upstairs .... :)

    Horses! In your flat? How big is this place?

    Well done on the half a stone drop. I was chatting to a guy this morning about my diet ... he asked , how heavy are you ... I said, 9 stone 8 pounds , he said, oh that's not too heavy , what's the lightest you've ever been? I said , I'll have to check with my mum but I think it would be 8 pounds 6 ounces....

    Keep smiling


  9. At 03:47 PM on 12 Mar 2007, hazel love wrote:

    Good afternoon Chris.

    Pleased you have a buyer for your house so quickly, and you don't even really need to sell it now you know what was causing your sneezes.


    I have had men cutting the grass here this afternoon. Had I known they were coming I could have taken an anti-histamine medication. As I had no warning, I am currently sitting here an itching, snivelling (even more than usual) twitching (see note for previous comment) sneezing pile of snot. I wish I could sell where I work, but I can't.

    So I am getting on with it.

    I think it is a shame you are selling up. Please ensure you don't leave anything there that the new occupant may be able to sell on ebay, because you can guarantee that the income won't go to Children in Need.


  10. At 03:49 PM on 12 Mar 2007, wrote:

    I've got another flipping hangover. Huh. So much for me, and the not so much red wine!!!!


  11. At 04:01 PM on 12 Mar 2007, GrandiaKnight wrote:

    Ah a nice relaxing weekend, Nothing like it. I have so much uni work to do I can't have a quiet weekend.

    Can't wait for Comic Relief, should be great. I was messing around on the internet today in my lunch break and I found a verion of Bohemian Rhapsody done in the early 90's for Comic Relief with Chris in it! Can tell it was early 90's as he was in the Big Breakfast set!! Very funny.

  12. At 04:02 PM on 12 Mar 2007, Bernard Matthews wrote:

    You think you've got problems when you start to sneeze.
    There are lots of nice houses up here in Norfolk. Maybe you're really allergic to the posh people in the Home Counties and you should think about moving up here.
    We're also very simple people up here, so you'll end up getting a life if you move.


  13. At 04:41 PM on 12 Mar 2007, wrote:

    Hello Poppet

    I am deeply involved in the battle of the bulge, I have been losing said battle for the last two months but after doing aqua aerobics (its harder than it looks!) a few times and having been really strict...until Friday... I will probably have lost a measly 1/2 pound when I go for the old weigh in at Slimming World in Cannock tommorrow night!!!

    However on the bright side, if I lose ANY weight whatsoever tommorrow night then I get to go to Tesco on the way home and buy the pretty skirt I have been eyeing up for awhile (WOW, I lead a sedate life - when did that happen???!!! I'm only 25!!!!!!)

    Please say Hello! to me tonight Chris, it'd make my little day - plus am studying Islam on an Open Uni and have just realised I have 7 days to write a really hard essay on gender issues in Islam.........b**ger, and it would set me up in a warm happy and ready-to-study mood for the evening!!

    Take care m'love!

    Abigails Diva AKA Linz xxxxx

  14. At 04:50 PM on 12 Mar 2007, hazel love wrote:

    My, already only at number 11, and the comments are zinging from a-z and back again.

    How terrible it is for some, and how wonderful it is for others.

    I hope everyone has a lovely evening, however they are feeling, low or high. My irritations are now subsiding, but I shall drive home wearing my sunglasses anyway...

    ...because I can

    Happy SunMonday xxx

  15. At 04:56 PM on 12 Mar 2007, Michelle Fowler wrote:

    Keep your pecker up!!!

  16. At 04:57 PM on 12 Mar 2007, wrote:


    You can park your caravan in our garden! Lovely rurual setting and lovely view over the fields of your pub! Perfect staggering distance.


  17. At 05:27 PM on 12 Mar 2007, Liz from Essex wrote:

    Dear Chris,

    How very odd that you thought yesterday that you could live in a caravan. My partner and I were wandering in the lovely Suffolk countryside on Sunday discussing the future and some of the problems that being old and not very well off might bring us. We suddenly had this bright idea that if we sold our little house, we could pay off the mortgage and buy a caravan and live in that. It cheered me up no end as it had been worrying me big time.

    Sadly we put all our equity from our bigger house into a business venture that has so far yet to succeed and although I bought a little house, I had to take out an interest only mortgage in the hopes that the business might be successful and I could pay it off.

    I don't need bricks and mortar, plastic will do!

    Happy again,


  18. At 05:34 PM on 12 Mar 2007, Prof Plum wrote:

    Ola one and all

    What lovely weather seems as though summer is here.

    Hope your house sale goes well Chris.

    Sammie; Thank you for your kind words re my Neighbours from hell.

    I wonder if I could become a charity case for Comic Relief and be rehoused. Now, Iv'e seen this little place with it's own boat Marina and in house cinema. It a steel at 8 million. In return I would dig wells in Africa for a year.

    Plum mad

  19. At 05:35 PM on 12 Mar 2007, martin james wrote:

    Cheryl the Diva, good luck with the job.


  20. At 05:55 PM on 12 Mar 2007, wrote:

    Will you?! Will you do it?!! Live in a caravan in your woods? Can I park one next door - at least 20 yards away? It's so tough for single ladies to do this stuff without getting the eebie jeebies and worrying the life out of their loved ones. I know that I could assuage their fears if they knew there was a decent chap with an alsatian in a caravan 20 yards away from mine..... Just another fanatsy.....xx

    I deliberately left my mobile phone in the office on Friday. Even that was a step towards freedom. I was incommunicado for a whole weekend. Fantastic!
    Just once I would love to go the whole hog and feel the freedom from the trappings of life by living in the middle of the woods. I could certainly get all I want in a caravan. I'd love to know what raw talent lies beneath this civilised, cultured , 'educated' female but alas, I am a mere single female who's too polite to offend her sweet lil' ol ma and pa (and too scared of the dark!) to have a real go at it alone. I manage a camping trip every year to reconnect with the stars and check out a few constellations but it's never far enough away from civvy street.
    Ah well.....maybe one day......xxx

    Good luck with the new business girl and the diet and the Comic relief stuf......I guess it never stops in your world. xx

    Lots of love,

    Debs xxx

  21. At 05:58 PM on 12 Mar 2007, Lirio wrote:

    Evening Chris,

    Our daughter’s school seems to be really getting behind the whole ethos of comic relief, and they are studying Ethiopia as part of that. A fun way of getting a serious message over to the next generation. Here’s hoping that they do a better job of running the planet than we are doing! We’ll be in the village hall Friday evening, but should be home by 9.30’ish to see some of the show!

    Sounds like you’ve been having problems with your house, though I’m trying to figure out what horses have to do with it!

    Enjoying the show.

  22. At 06:49 PM on 12 Mar 2007, Iris Gillies wrote:

    Hi chris
    Caravan living takes a lot of getting used to. I have lived in a a small van (13ft) and a big van (20 odd ft) but both have condensation. All my clothes got damp and mouldy so had to be dumped.
    Hope you have better luck

  23. At 07:22 PM on 12 Mar 2007, Amanda wrote:

    Hi Chris
    When I was driving home tonight, listening to your chat with David from Tanant (?) I had a revelation, I think I know what's responsible for all that global warming.....

    It's all that CO2 coming out of the bubbles in all that fizzy water!!
    I'm sure GB will see this soon and put a heavy green tax on every bottle of carbonated water!

    OK. Don't laugh. This will save our planet just as well as anything else!!

  24. At 08:00 PM on 12 Mar 2007, Matt from Rudgwick wrote:

    Evening Chris

    Selling up then? I hope you are going to park your caravan somewhere nearby, It'd be a shame not to see you around.

    There are some strange messages on here today.

    There is no right or wrong blog, and no-one has any right to judge anyone else, but there is certainly an air of 'half-term' about the place.

    I suppose it happens now and then.

    Anyway, Monday is done. Grab your tea-tray and lets all slide down the hill to the weekend.

    Peace & love


    PS Put the right letters together and make a better day

    PPS Full Fathom Five

  25. At 08:01 PM on 12 Mar 2007, Matt from Rudgwick wrote:

    .....I meant the comments on the back of Fox Off.......


  26. At 08:57 PM on 12 Mar 2007, Catbird wrote:

    Good luck with job interview Cheryl. I love interviews. Some people find them intimidating - but having been on the other side of a few, actually interviewing people for jobs, you'll probably find that the interviewers are just as nervous as you. Go, girl!
    Em26 - so sorry about your friend's news. I hope you're still going to Colorado in August anyway. I'm sure she'd love to have some company.
    Good luck with the house sale Chris - I'm a lettings agent, as opposed to sales, but I know that selling and buying (and letting) houses can be very stressful, so fingers crossed it all goes well!
    Good luck to Foxy's replacement - must be difficult stepping into the shoes of someone like the wonderful Foxy,but I'm sure all of us bloggers wish her well. Love & huggles, Catbird xxx

  27. At 09:57 PM on 12 Mar 2007, Sammie wrote:

    Diva - hope the Slimming World thing goes well - I do Fat Fighters and am so close to goal now that I only seem to gain - 3.5lbs in the last three weeks!!! Yikes - must get 'back with the progamme...'!!! BUT remember the best weight loss is SLOW weight loss - yes, men lose it faster than women - it's a sad fact, but don't be put off - keep going, you know it will be worth it in the end!!!

    Martin - xx.

    Cheryl - good luck with the job honey!!!

    Hazel - Hmm - such an up and down time - up with the sunshine and down with the greyness of the clouds.... Did hear Chris say tonight that someone 'listened again' to Fridays ARF today - now that would be bad - having the Friday feeling on a Monday!!!!!

    Love this blog - MFR is right though - certainly a sniff of the 'half term' about it....

    Peace all,

    S xx.

  28. At 10:14 PM on 12 Mar 2007, Sammie wrote:

    Sorry, forgot to say earlier Catbird - thanks a million for your kind words!!!

    S xx.

  29. At 11:03 PM on 12 Mar 2007, emi wrote:

    ok, here goes .....

    chris, do you read your messages on here personally? pls email me back...got a proposition for you!

    well, its not as seductive (or probably as good) as it sounds - its a bit desperate really (and private)

    no hurry, emi

  30. At 12:40 AM on 13 Mar 2007, Catbird wrote:

    You're welcome Sammie. That's the first time anyone's ever replied to one of my blogs, so I feel part of the bloggers properly now. Thanks for that!
    Just been playing scrabble with my lovely man, and as usual, got beaten both times. I have managed to thrash him a couple of times over the last few years, but it really takes some doing. Oh well, mange tout and all that. Better luck next time.
    Goodnight all,
    Catbird xx

  31. At 07:54 AM on 13 Mar 2007, wrote:

    Late? I know... or maybe early?

    Oh.. who cares how fat you may or may not be (may in my case probably)

    True friends will always stay by your side, even after many months/years of not being in contact with them.
    I had a friend of mine contact me after a year of not speaking, he got caught up in a 'taking sides' thing...always a bad move.... Never do that!!
    I left him to work it out for himself, when they come back... True friend.
    Others haven't.... So what, go and make new ones!

    Good luck on Comic Relief CLP. Know you will do us all proud... Fat indeed!

  32. At 09:18 AM on 13 Mar 2007, hazel love wrote:

    Firstly, Debster, making a tent out of the clothes horse and a washing line in your parent's back garden...my friend and I were talking about the very same thing just the other day!

    It's great when your mum lets you take your tea outside and you can pretend that it is REAL camping too! Mind you, you have to ask them nicely to not lock the kitchen door in case you need to get indoors in the middle of the night...

    Last time I slept (slept?) in a caravan, it rained all night and it sounded like a herd of tiny footed Moose(s) galloping across the roof the whole time. No sleep...and the shower had spiders in it.

    By the way MARTIN JAMES I had the first bird on the new feeder yesterday, which I proceeded to scare away by shreiking "There's a bird! There's a bird!"

    But I said I'd let you know...

    Happy DBW day lovely people

    ps Truth can't be found on the television

  33. At 10:59 AM on 13 Mar 2007, hazel love wrote:

    I have got stuff to do. I am doing it SO SLOWLY I have been overtaken by a tortoise who is apparently having a race with a hair.

    If I do it quickly, there will be more time later to do the work which my colleague is currently out collating.

    As Louise Redknapp said of her size 00 dress, I really can't get into it today.

    More tea, anyone?

  34. At 11:14 AM on 13 Mar 2007, jillygoat wrote:

    Martin - really good to hear you sounding so positive and I hope today is as good for you xx

    jillygoat x

  35. At 11:21 AM on 13 Mar 2007, wrote:

    Oh Hazel, I had it 'cushty' when I was a little girl. In 1969 my much older brother bought a VW camper van and mummy often tucked me into bed with teddy inside it on the drive and read me stories until I fell asleep. In the morning I would mysteriously wake up in my bed. Teddy too!
    By the time the summer holidays came I had spent more time in the van than my brother had In my little consciousness I had part ownership so I invited the girls from next door over with their Sindy dolls (Barbie was merely a 'C' list dolly in those days) and we had a mud pie party around the camper van pull out table. Needless to say I never had access to the van again. Explains a lot doesn't it?!!


  36. At 11:35 AM on 13 Mar 2007, Jenner wrote:

    Selling is drastic but I totally understand after helping to move stuff from one room to another at work early in the new year, I suffered a very serious asthma attack. Even though I have mild asthma I have never had an attack before - it was scarey!

    It turned out that not only was the office a converted stable it was only a part converted stable - a horse still lived next door. How I missed that one I'll never know.

    It's times like that that you truly get to grips with the plain old simple joy and necessity of breathing!

    Long live our lungs and our rights to choose caravans over coughing!

  37. At 12:19 PM on 13 Mar 2007, wrote:

    Hi Chris

    With a view to leading a simple life and getting some purpose, I have found a great new website to help us all focus on our carbon emissions - while all those politicians and industry leaders argue, this site shows normal people like you and me what we can do to reduce our households carbon output! Yours will be really low if the caravan comes off!! Anyway, its called GlobalCool and I think its really cool! It uses lots of right on celebrities and pop royalty to promote the cause which of course is an added bonus to logging on.

    I love your show and your blog - don't ever give up!!


  38. At 01:47 PM on 13 Mar 2007, Crispy wrote:


    Check out the Sonoma Plan for a great way to lose weight fast. It's very healthy and doesn't involve anything crazy like removing limbs or cutting out your favourite foods (except kebabs!). It's based around sensible-sized servings of foods, lots of olive oil, tomatoes, grains, and it's VERY tasty. I tried it right in the New Year and lost a stone in about 10 days. Has three phases so it must be good (good things come in three's!).

    Good luck!

  39. At 01:50 PM on 13 Mar 2007, Crispy wrote:


    Check out the Sonoma Plan for a great way to lose weight fast. It's very healthy and doesn't involve anything crazy like removing limbs or cutting out your favourite foods (except kebabs!). It's based around sensible-sized servings of foods, lots of olive oil, tomatoes, grains, and it's VERY tasty. I tried it right in the New Year and lost a stone in about 10 days. Has three phases so it must be good (good things come in three's!).

    Good luck!

  40. At 07:49 PM on 15 Mar 2007, Sara wrote:

    Hi Chris

    Love your show, you're the only thing that makes driving a pleasure.

    Sorry to see Foxy leave, but Buzby is filling the paw prints nicely. Is it just me, or does Buzby sound like Kirstky Allsop off Location, Location, and dare I say, a little like Renee Zellwegner (how do you spell it???) doing Bridget Jones!!!!

    Loving the "Catch the pidgeon / Beat the Buzby" jingle, you made the right choice, it's annoyingly catchy.

    Sara xx

  41. At 09:05 AM on 17 Mar 2007, Ali@nw3 wrote:

    "Simple gives you room, room gives you a point of view, a point of view gives you ideas, ideas give you a purpose, purpose gives you a life."

    I like it, I like it a lot.

    Thank you

  42. At 03:58 PM on 24 Apr 2007, Anonymous wrote:

    Hi Chris,
    I am in the process of organising a World healing day where as on this day every year members of the public can experience the various methods of complimentary therapies free of charge anywhere in the world from those registered on our web site.
    I would like to invite Chris Evans to be Patron of the World healing day for the U.K
    Katie Melua will support us but has no time to be Patron. I have asked the Jacksons to be patron for USA. Our ultimate aim is to open a therapy centre for Children looking after sick parents.
    To give them a hiloday and to treat the parent with therapies.
    My name is Bob Murphy.
    contact details on request.
    Thank you.

  43. At 05:28 PM on 18 Jun 2007, wrote:

    Hi my name is Kate and I look for contact with Katie Melua I know that it can is frantic but I want give Katie her portrait. Please contact with me if You can help me Kate. I thank.

  44. At 03:39 PM on 14 Nov 2007, jamie wrote:

    chris is this true - in aid of children in need you can have dinner with Siouxsie? Please please tell me its true

  45. At 03:40 PM on 14 Nov 2007, jamie wrote:

    chris is this true - in aid of children in need you can have dinner with Siouxsie? Please please tell me its true

  46. At 06:02 PM on 07 Feb 2008, Graham wrote:

    Hi Chris

    You use a Danny Kaye jingle

    Any chance you can play a Danny Kaye record



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