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Chris Evans | 13:05 UK time, Tuesday, 13 March 2007

This week truly is a mad one.

Had the Big Boss of COMIC RELIEF round鈥

鈥r.C. You鈥檝e never seen a man drink so much tea.

Rehearsal tomorrow, had no idea what we were doing until he left a few minutes ago. We have one hour of prime time 麻豆社 1 to host and we鈥檝e just made it all up and it all seems like it鈥檚 going to be a right laugh. As long as a few friends agree to turn up and help us out.

All the main COMIC RELIEF content is already there and has been for weeks, the gold as it鈥檚 known:-

Peter Kay鈥檚 new video, easily as good as the last one.
The last ever Vicar of Dibley.
Catherine Tate meets James Bond.
Take That.
The result of COMIC RELIEF does fame academy.

AND THAT鈥橲 JUST IN THE HOUR WE鈥橰E DOING ! (nine till ten, by the way)

It鈥檚 our job to link it all together. Keep things going without getting in the way. I think we鈥檝e nailed it, let鈥檚 hope so anyway, at least we have something to rehearse now.

I have to get on, it鈥檚 one o鈥檆lock and my eleven o鈥檆lock conference call is already two hours overdue.

Normal blogging to be resumed as soon as poss.

Lots of love

CLP 2007-03-13



  1. At 01:19 PM on 13 Mar 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    Peter Kay is G O D!!!

    Get a caravan Chris, they're so so cosy and just like little houses, central heating, double glazing and everything!!!!

    busy busy busy ....

  2. At 01:20 PM on 13 Mar 2007, Cheryl the Diva wrote:

    Hey CLP - what a busy bunny you are!

    I'm really, really looking forward to Comic Relief on Friday - I seriously need cheering up at the mo. Things are getting me down - particularly work, and I just keep getting really tearful (welling up now just typing this!). I'm in charge of running a project for which I'm getting absolutely no backup - it's giving me sleepless nights, I'm eating too much, feel drained ... I could go on but I trust you get the picture.

    Haven't heard from yesterday's interview yet - early days I guess, but when you feel like this the waiting time is agony.

    So. I hope Comic Relief lives up to previous years (or exceeds them!) and the tears will be tears of laughter, not anguish.

    I'm also getting hacked off with all this political talk kof global warming. We're a tiny little country who seem to be taking the rap for the destruction of the planet. What are the biggies like China, India, USA doing to cut their carbon footprint? Surely someone other than our lovely little island is to blame?!?

    Thanks to all the bloggers yesterday who wished me positive vibes with the job searching - it's like having a virtual cuddle reading the comments from all you lovely people!

    Martin - keep it up - you're doing really well! It's not easy but you're taking positive steps to recovery and peace.

    I found some stress relief last night with exercise. I went swimming on the way home from work, managed 25 lengths and a stint in the steam room and jacuzzi, then Mr Diva said we should do a training walk last night (anything to get out of watching Corrie - he's not a fan!), so off we went for a 3 mile walk. I felt fantastic afterwards.

    Right, let's get this posted and hit the phones again - honestly, if I wanted to be a telesales lady I'd apply for a telesales lady job.

    Hope everyone's OK today - will check back later to catch up with everyone!

    CtD x x

  3. At 01:31 PM on 13 Mar 2007, Ms Mayhem wrote:

    Christoph Lamby Pie!!!!!!!

    Can't wait till your hour on Friday Night.......sounds good, you and James Bond - the dream team


  4. At 01:33 PM on 13 Mar 2007, Em M wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    Really looking forward to seeing the new, svelte you on the box on Friday, as I've said before my kids think (based on your photo) you are a "nerd" (their word not mine) and I want you to prove them wrong - no pressure!

    We are all really enjoying Celeb Fame Academy, don't think Colin is coming across particularly well, the words toys and pram spring to mind. We all loved Mel and are very sad she's gone, Tara's our fave now, but my kids are horrified by the fact she smokes (they seem to have conveniently forgotten that I did too until two years ago!)

    Won't be tuning in tonight as I am babysitting, but am sure the show will be great as usual.

    Em xx

    PS Tell the new girl to ease off the caffeine!

  5. At 01:34 PM on 13 Mar 2007, Jainie wrote:

    Oh, I could crush a grape .... will there ever truly be a LAST vicar of Dibley? .... how does Peter Kay just keep on getting better and better? ....

    Looks like you Brits have a fab night planned! I bought some ears, but not sure if I'll have the nerve to wear them down the Sheikh Zayed Road on Friday, ha ha!

    CLP, in your hands the hour will be smooth as silk and funny as ever, can't wait to read all about it.

    My inspirational email of they day today said "Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new", here's wishing us all a huge bunch of mistakes :-)


  6. At 01:35 PM on 13 Mar 2007, Em 26 wrote:

    hey chris et al

    What a beautiful day! Spring has most definately sprung!!!!! I think most people wiuld struggle to be in a bad mood today!!!

    I am starting running again tomorrow, I havent been for an age and i desperately want to shed a stone for summer!! and the good weather doesseem to be motivating me!!

  7. At 01:51 PM on 13 Mar 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    CtD - just had to send you a huge HUG!!!

    Keep going sweetie, you'll get there in the end!!


  8. At 02:02 PM on 13 Mar 2007, hazel love wrote:

    Well good afternoon Christophe

    Sounds as though they've packed your hour fuller than a fat cat's tummy! Barely any space for our beloved CLP!

    Really looking forward to Friday already...only 2 1/2 days to go now...

    Looking forward to 5pm this evening too mind...

    Sore Ned

  9. At 02:08 PM on 13 Mar 2007, Cheryl the Diva wrote:

    Fame Academy: is it me, or is Trisha trying too hard? I duno, she just seems to be a tad too serious .... you can see the others doing their very best but fully appreciative that its for chari-dee!

    I'm lovin' TPT but was gutted on Day 1 that Rowland Rivron never even got in.


    CtD x x

    PS: Justin Hawkins for Euro Glory!

  10. At 02:14 PM on 13 Mar 2007, sally wrote:

    Will Daneil Craig be on Comic Relief??? I was going out on Friday but if he is on I'm staying in....

    I've been talked into singing at my 40th next week - I can't sing a note, but those guys on Fame Academy have inspired me - if they can make prats of themselves in front of the nation, then I can do it in front of 60 friends and family. My two lovely friend who have both sung professionally are going to sing along with me, we are going to do Leader of the Pack - I'm still terrified, dry mouth just typing it.....


  11. At 02:17 PM on 13 Mar 2007, Bubbles wrote:


    I've not blogged before so please excuse any typs's etc.

    I really love the show Chris and looking forward to Comic relief. I hope Tara wins Fame Acadamy.

    Lots of hugs and kisses and fluffy pillows

    Bubbles x

  12. At 02:17 PM on 13 Mar 2007, Bubbles wrote:


    I've not blogged before so please excuse any typs's etc.

    I really love the show Chris and looking forward to Comic relief. I hope Tara wins Fame Acadamy.

    Lots of hugs and kisses and fluffy pillows

    Bubbles x

  13. At 02:54 PM on 13 Mar 2007, Matt from Rudgwick wrote:


    Just a quickie, busy, busy, busy too.

    Glad to hear it is all falling into place. I may well be halfway to Snowdon when you're on as we are heading up the hill on Saturday, but I'll pop a tape (I know, I know, video is SO last decade).

    Till 5pm.


    PS This must be just like living in paradise.

  14. At 02:55 PM on 13 Mar 2007, Paula wrote:

    Hello One and all,

    Thought I'd say hi today - been reading but not posting over last few days as felt sooooo miserable, it's nice that i've not been alone. Things are on the up now - got refund been waiting for, for last two wks/fone Co finally surrendered and will give me new fone and best of all cubs tonight - we're making self watering plant pots out of plastic bottles - will be fun.

    Sending big virtual hugs to those who need them today, Martin & CLD spring to mind - give it time you'll find out about your interview soon.

    It's my birthday on Friday and I can't wait - Comic relief fell on my birthday a few years ago which was just fab...like everyone is in a good mood for me (hey I can kid myself!).

    Sounds like Auntie Beeb have a great evening lined up & a whole hour of veiwing the new slim CLP - ah!!
    My much beloved has a suprise planned not sure what it is but know I'll be setting the recorder if not glued to the box in person - that way I'll get a whole weekend of fun.
    As I said at the beginning of this post life is getting better.

    Take care out there
    Pea x
    PS - the lambs look soooo cute & wobbly, ha ha.

  15. At 03:15 PM on 13 Mar 2007, Tickle in Cork wrote:

    Greetings CLP and co!
    It's been a while since I wrote - I've been off travelling the world and got married - not bad result for February, so bring on the rest of the year!

    Looking forward to Comic Relief again although I'm sad I can't get a Red Nose this time - they don't sell them in Cork. Even the CR website won't dispatch this far! Oh well, at least I can still donate.

    Cheryl the Diva: I know it's easily said, but stick with it. And that new job will come when it's right. I was in an awful job a few years back and really really wanted to get out of it, similiar position to you - no backup or support, both on a professional and personal level. But I got there, despite at times it feeling like I never would. Keep living for those times outside of the office and hopefully you'll be in that new job very soon.

  16. At 03:32 PM on 13 Mar 2007, wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    We - two Yorkshiremen, a Scouser and a Cockney based in France - have just launched FuelMyBlog.com.
    An online community of bloggers from all over the world, people can vote for blogs by fuelling them or snuffing them. We plan to add other cool things over the coming months.
    We are even planning a blog radio show - fancy being interviewed about your blogging experiences?

    Good luck with the show later.


  17. At 04:01 PM on 13 Mar 2007, hazel love wrote:

    If anyone is interested in the great outdoors, and the wildlife contained therein...

    I put the crusts of my lunchtime sarnies out earlier for the birdies, for them to enjoy, as well as the seed in the feeder. I have just realised sarnies were Chicken Salad. Would this be classified as cannabalism? (Or birdabalism?)

    Answers on an Observers Book of Al Fresco Food please.

  18. At 04:07 PM on 13 Mar 2007, hazel love wrote:

    Tenuous link I know, but...

    If anyone is interested in the great outdoors, and the wildlife contained therein...

    I put the crusts of my lunchtime sarnies out earlier for the birdies, for them to enjoy, as well as the seed in the feeder. I have just realised sarnies were Chicken Salad. Would this be classified as cannabalism? (Or birdabalism?)

    Answers on an Observers Book of Al Fresco Food please.

  19. At 04:32 PM on 13 Mar 2007, hazel love wrote:

    YAY Tickle! I missed you! There must be a Mrs Tickle now then eh?

    CONGRATULATIONS to you both!

    Easiest way to get a Red Nose.

    Go up to the biggest bloke in the pub and call him a fat b*st*rd, and you may even end up with a black eye too if you're lucky...

    Good to have you back sir

    Funny innit. We'll all be in the same place on Friday night!

  20. At 04:52 PM on 13 Mar 2007, Lirio wrote:

    With such a line up, I think we too may have to pop a tape in for the bits we are going to miss! You sound so excited about it all, which is infectious!

  21. At 06:25 PM on 13 Mar 2007, Lizzie wrote:

    don't worry Chirs it will be alright in the end you will see i am only watching it to see you and also to help the people who need it you can do it Chrissy baby you'll see

  22. At 07:30 PM on 13 Mar 2007, wrote:

    It s been a funny life of bells and gym muzak.. me heads in a mess.. and me legs is fierce sore.. but the main thing is the anger is gone.. I am trying to find happiness in the little things but the big yokes keep getting in the way.. now I'm tired and I'M OFF TO MY LITTLE TREe in the big dArK sCaRy wOoD To WRItE A Buk that'll help the rage... thanks for reading this... you know it helps!!!

  23. At 08:06 PM on 13 Mar 2007, Super Nurse Andy wrote:

    Hey Christoph Lamby Pie you are a super dooper multi tasking kinda guy. The NHS have every faith in you

    All the Best SNA aka slim boy getting fat

  24. At 08:09 PM on 13 Mar 2007, Sammie wrote:


    Cheryl - honey, know exactly what you mean... Have had the day from hell today and just as I want to get into bed and pull the duvet over my head, wouldn't you know it - I have to work!!!

    Feel very sorry for the Gas/Electric salesperson that just called... I said (wearing pjs and dressing gown) "Please don't tell me you're going to try and sell me something. I have had the most awful day and I really don't want to hear what you have to say. Sorry if you think I'm rude, but I'm going to bed now. Goodnight". Think he got the message?

    The shame of it all is that today was the most glorious day, I even timed my arrival at the train station to such perfection that the train and I arrived at the platform at the same time (same platform too!)... There was me thinking it could only get better - well humph.

    To top it all, Flutterby man has not sent one e-mail today, so he must be having a bad day too. I will await my 9pm call.....

    It's very quiet on the Blog today (not that I've been in at all today) and where's Susan S and Moose?????

    I NEED COMIC RELIEF NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Love and smiles (forcing myself to smile and not grimmace - is that how it's spelt?)

    S xx.

  25. At 08:12 PM on 13 Mar 2007, Matt from Rudgwick wrote:

    Ah. Best laid plans.

    And all that.

    Just been to the gym. Thought I ought to test the dodgy calf muscle ahead of our assault on Snowdon.

    Went again. Bugger.

    Oh well, it'll still be there in a few weeks time.

    Hang on. This means I can crack open a couple of bottles of something fruity from New Zealand - and we are not talking Kiwi juice - and watch the whole of Comic Relief!

    What a relief!

    A silver lining.

    Damn this pesky calf muscle.

    Have a great evening all. There is Life on Mars.

    Peace & love


    PS Ain't no mountain high enough.

  26. At 10:01 PM on 13 Mar 2007, Dave wrote:


    If you鈥檙e to lose weight, avoid aqua-robics like the plague! It doesn鈥檛 work and is socially and commercially unjust! Do weights, run, abstain from rich food and drink. Just don鈥檛 get me started on aqua-robics鈥

    I go to a high-class recreational establishment in the north-west of England, and I used to enjoy my Monday evening workout, sauna, steam and a swim.

    Then guess what? They decided to close the pool on the busiest hour of the week 鈥 7-8pm Monday night. Why? So a couple of dozen heifers each carrying a hundredweight more than is healthy can do 鈥渁qua-robics鈥.

    There鈥檚 not one of them under 5ft tall, yet when they get in the pool, which has been reduced to 3ft deep, they鈥檙e in up to their necks. Either they鈥檙e sitting down or the plastic floor put in a few years ago to reduce the depth from 9ft 6in to 3ft has started to sag鈥 Cushioning effect of the water my bottom.

    Imagine, if you can, the sight of two dozen hundredweight (nearly a ton and a quarter) of excess flesh, plus a ton and a half or so of required flesh, jumping up and down, four people to a team, with a six foot foam rubber phallus stuck between their legs and a silly grin on their faces. It鈥檚 enough to turn Gin rancid!

    The tsunami effect means that full grown men run for cover; children have to be rescued by their parents as the huge weight beats up and down on the suspended floor, causing giant tidal waves to crash over the side of the pool. Imagine what will happen, when sure as eggs, the floor gives way? Lives will be lost!!

    This would be bad enough, were it not orchestrated by an instructor who鈥檚 body is as much an advert for the benefits of the pastime as Johnny Vegas鈥檚 is to the benefits of Slim Fast.

    Strangely, not one of them 鈥 and we are forced to watch every week 鈥 has moved on to greater things 鈥 not even going upstairs to see what the gym looks like. Proof that the attraction is in the foam rubber and not the exercise.


  27. At 03:57 AM on 14 Mar 2007, Matty W wrote:

    Hey Chris... Really looking forward to CR but... What happened to the whistling man? Did I miss something? There was supposed to be 'Whistle-Idol'... Did it just all just fall through or have you got bigger plans for this concept?

    BTW, Gobsmakers: Everyday by Buddy Holly and Everyday by Slade, (I have asked properly but Jeeze that was days ago!!!)

    BTW2, you should start the show on Friday with the Busy Bee song - Arthur Askey, comedy legend!!!

  28. At 07:16 PM on 14 Mar 2007, lawrence fay wrote:

    chris what are you and danny baker up to to-gether for comic relief ?

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