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Nic Philps | 11:23 UK time, Tuesday, 23 January 2007

Yesterday was a strange day indeed. I rarely come across so many people who were鈥

鈥.down in the dumps
I blame all those opinion pieces proclaiming the advent of Blue Monday

Even at the mighty radio 2 several smiles were clearly seen to be upside down. I was having none of it.

In the past an advocate of going with the flow, for once I felt compelled to swim against the tide. A day is a day, is a day. Doesn鈥檛 matter when it is or what it鈥檚 like its 24hours of potentially anything you want it to be.

I spent this morning in hospital, not for myself, thank the Lord but perhaps one day this will be the case. With this always in mind, I imagine that if it ever does happen the only regret that I may have is that I spent too much of my life worrying. That鈥檚 why I never do.

Mark Twain said, 鈥渕y life has been full of worries, most of which never happened.鈥

Here鈥檚 to him and down with the doom-mongers



  1. At 11:41 AM on 23 Jan 2007, Hazel Love wrote:

    Hi there Chris and everyone!

    I hope that whoever you were in hospital for, feels better very soon.

    We have a friend who always worries. Our joke is that she worries when there's nothing to worry about to make her worry.

    Rather than be down in anyones dumps, I'm trying to be brave today. I'll have to have a damn good cry later, but it's all for the best.

    Everything happening for a reason and all that...

    petit chat

  2. At 11:49 AM on 23 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Chris, I have to say I've been fed up this January with the number of differing reports that say this is the worst day for ....... instigating divorce / committing suicide / being poorest / blah blah blah.

    Damn, this is the first day of the rest of my life and I am going to enjoy it!!

    DD out

    PS Oh, Shrek. Don't worry. Things just seem bad because it's dark and rainy and Fiona's father hired a sleazy hitman to whack you.

  3. At 11:52 AM on 23 Jan 2007, wrote:

    I would like to declare today Orange Tuesday.
    Orange is a much more positive and vibrant colour.
    You can do a lot with orange.
    Very few people don't like orange.
    The sun is orange.
    Oranges are orange and they make you go "zing" and pull a funny face.

    And it was Mark Twain's favourite colour.


    PS OK, I made the last bit up...

  4. At 11:58 AM on 23 Jan 2007, Dan the man in Belfast wrote:

    Christoph Lammie-Pie,

    I have to apologise to everyone for I was indeed one of those doom mongers - to extoll the "virtues" of yesterday - regrets, apologies to you all - those words of despair are not suited to this blog or indeed your show; they are only for the down-hearted and the half-empty cup brigade.

    Onwards and upwards for a Tuesday - only a day to go and then we're on the downwards slopes to the weekend - its a long chairlift up but the slide down will make it all worthwhile . . .
    Have a great one!

  5. At 11:59 AM on 23 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Big Up to the Mark Twain and his homeys.... this is how my son has taken to speaking... Is driving me insane.

    Live for the day...... Be Mindful. That is the teachings of Reiki.

    The past is gone, you can do nothing to change it, so don't worry over it.

    The future hasn't happened, and there is no point worrying over something which may never happen.

    And if all else fails....... D A N C E


  6. At 12:11 PM on 23 Jan 2007, Matt from Rudgwick wrote:

    Good afternoon Christopher, good afternoon bloggers and good afternoon Enzo.

    Quite right too.

    Yesterday was a classic case of self-fulfilling prophecy. We were told it was 鈥楤lue Monday鈥 and therefore we were all going to have a bad day. So, if we are told that tomorrow is 鈥榃onderful Wednesday鈥 are we all going to have a great day?

    What tosh.

    Life鈥檚 what you make it. We all have to deal with the good and we all have to deal with the less than good. Some get more of one, some more of the other, but one thing is certain, you never know what is going to hit you or when.

    My philosophy is to try not to worry about might happen or when it may occur, but to take each day as something special. Easily said, I know, and I haven鈥檛 always been able to heed my own advice, but we have to try.

    That鈥檚 life.

    Much peace and love. We all need it.


    PS Less Than Zero

    PPS Last Exit To Brooklyn

    PPPS Load up on guns, bring your friends.

  7. At 12:14 PM on 23 Jan 2007, Jonahwood wrote:

    Hi ya

    I try not to worry but it's not always easy. I've improved a lot since visiting www.letsgrow.org and reading about how to handle worrying.

    I've found that when I actually STOP worrying, things get miles better as I'm being positive instead of blocking all the good things out with negativity. I'd highly recommend a nosy at the site.

    Good luck to Chris' friend/family member and anyone else who has to go into hospital. It's horrible being ill, but even worse to be away from the privacy of your own home.

    Best wishes to you all and let's not let Blue Monday happen again next year... Jonah xx

  8. At 12:19 PM on 23 Jan 2007, Sammie wrote:

    Who is Nic Philps?

    Is he your Blog Ghostwriter???

    S xx.

  9. At 12:21 PM on 23 Jan 2007, Sammie wrote:

    Afternoon All!

    Sorry - been hugely busy again - even worked last night - didn't finish until 11.45 pm and my boss wonders why I growled at him when he said I looked tired??? Grrrr...

    Cathmel - very remiss of me yesterday - WELL DONE YOU!!!!!!!!

    Hazel - equally remiss - very sorry about Barney... When I lost Number 1 Son (Arthur) 10 years ago, it was extremely upsetting, so I can sympathise - hugs and kisses to you both...

    Today's business....Lots of people were grumpy yesterday - I wasn't! Even the fact it took me 40 minutes to travel 3 miles yesterday morning didn't make me feel depressed/angry/demotivated or anything else for that matter. Do you know why? Because the sun was shining - that's why!! No matter what happens in life, the sun will ALWAYS come up tomorrow and no matter how hard it is to see it - it's there, it always is and always will be. Sunshine is my inspiration!

    So, good on you Chris and all the others that didn't let the depressing news (that we were supposed to be depressed) get you down!!!

    S xx.

    PS - In London today and the sun is shining, the sky is blue and I'm sat near a window!!!! :-))))

  10. At 12:23 PM on 23 Jan 2007, Cheryl the Diva wrote:

    I had a gawd-awful day yesterday. I work at a recycling plant and we had a rather large fire on site - how grim was that?! On the bright side, nobody was seriously hurt and on the even brighter side, we had 40 firemen on site wielding their hoses - wooo-hoo! Standing in the cold, damp car park watching the action wasn't a barrell of laughs tho.

    Moose #3 - do you work for a certain mobile communications company?

    Ho hum - finding it hard to get motivated today after yesterday's shennanigans. My God Daughter is 5 today so at least I'll see her smiley little face later when I take her pink, pretty prezzy round after work.

    Also got to get motivated into training for the Moonwalk marathon in May. Can the world's biggest couch potato get into the training habit to raise funds for breast cancer charities?

    Take care one and all. Will look in again later in hope of finding cheery words of encouragement!

    x x x

  11. At 12:24 PM on 23 Jan 2007, kaz wrote:


    I will try not to worry today for you Chris. I hope I succeed!!


  12. At 12:30 PM on 23 Jan 2007, ChrissieS wrote:

    Hi Chris (and everyone),

    I agree wholeheartedly - what's the point of worrying, it gets you nowhere. Usually, when I have worried myself sick about something, nothing comes of it and I have spent so much time out of my precious life! Well, no more!

    Certainly not until the next thing that comes along that I worry about!!

    C xx

    P.S. There was a great record out in the late 60's called "Yesterday Has Gone (don't know who sang it), but it went along the lines of:

    Yesterday has just departed
    And tomorrow hasn't started
    All that really matters is right now

    I remember my big sister playing this on the Dansette!! (that's a record player, for my younger blog friends!).

    C xx

  13. At 12:36 PM on 23 Jan 2007, wrote:

    I know what you mean chris! Everything I read yeaterday was about how everyone was mean't to be miserable. I was happy even though I didn't feel too good.

    On saturday night I went to a Dinner Dance for the place I used to work for. I had a white wine and soda and felt drunk. Chep date aren't I!! Its been ages since I've been out on a saturday night (read my blog to find out why) so was very nervous I had a good time just worn out now!

    Love to all you bloggers you beautiful things. love missy xxx

  14. At 12:36 PM on 23 Jan 2007, biglewy wrote:

    deep breaths think and relax

    no point worrying it never as bad as you think

  15. At 12:41 PM on 23 Jan 2007, TheBigUn wrote:

    Afternoon bloggers and schloggers,

    I say pah! to the doom mongers.

    I think it is part of our human make up to moan. We are spoon fed it though to be honest. How often do we watch or hear the news and get cheered up? As you say Chris yesterday we were told to be down in the dumps instead of being told not to let the Christmas bills to get you down, just do something about it!

    Why do mums tell us to wear clean underwear just in case we knocked down? Why we are not told just wear what you want as the chance of getting knocked down is so slight it probably is not worth worrying about! Just change your underwear because you can or should!

    I think we should walk around with a smile on your face as it will attract other smiles, even from strangers (And they do not come much stranger than me, I hear you cry!). I stay positive as the way I think is what I have got to moan about, there is always someone worse off than me. ;-))

    Keep smiling everyone ;-))


  16. At 12:44 PM on 23 Jan 2007, Tiggy wrote:

    Hi all
    Hazel Love - I hope Barney is ok {{{hugs}}} to you in the mean time

    Life's too short to worry about Blue Monday/Black Wednesday whatever, as Chris said, swim against the tide and enjoy life

    Hope the person in hospital gets better really soon
    Tiggy xx

  17. At 12:50 PM on 23 Jan 2007, Gary wrote:

    I agree Chris - never worry. One of the things people often say is they don't care - I don't believe this - Really it's - "I care, I just don't worry"
    What better way to go through life - caring but not worrying

  18. At 12:59 PM on 23 Jan 2007, wrote:

    I had a friend who used to say: Will anyone worry about it in five years time." Sadly he died too young, but I often think of his words when I am having a bad day. The odds are that whatever it is will not be an issue a little way down the road.........

  19. At 12:59 PM on 23 Jan 2007, wrote:

    *Blog Virgin*

    Been meaning to start posting on here but never got round to it... until today!

    I must have missed have the doom & gloom of yesterday - was one of the best days I've had for months!

    Here's to new flats & new beginnings!


  20. At 01:03 PM on 23 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Morning Chris (and schloggers, whether new or returning!)

    My dad is my worrying guru, whenever I have a niggly worry I always go to him and without fail he always gives me the one bit of advice - which I try to pass on whenever relevant. Drum roll please ......

    He says:
    'only worry about the things that you can change. If you can't influence or alter the situation don't bother, it's just a waste of energy which would be better spent looking for a solution'

    I concur and try to live by this rule (although it's difficult sometimes). I also try and assess what I am potentially worried about, if I deem it no risk or even low risk of occurring I throw it in the box, seal it up and fly tip it on the edges of my mind.

    Example. My othe rhalf is worried that we will lose our house sale as it's going slower at the top of the chain than the bottom want it to. Conclusion - The bottom of the chain aren't going to pull out, they've paid for their surveys etc and if they did pull out they would only have to start the whole process again - Thus Low risk situation, not worth worrying about.

    He doesn't understand that though!

    :o) Jo

    PS Hazel Love - Be strong, you'll know when the time has come to make the decision.

  21. At 01:09 PM on 23 Jan 2007, wrote:

    And again - BigUn, I was cheered up yesterdsay when watching the news. How ace was it with the scavengers on the beach, and the man interviewed on the radio about the trainers he'd found. And the group pushing the brand new motorbike up the beach - hilarious and good luck to them all!

    :o) Jo

  22. At 01:12 PM on 23 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Afternoon all

    I think you're quite right Chris. I hadn't taken on board the whole 'blue Monday' thing and we had a really productive and positive meeting at work - yes honestly!! I've always found the worrying and thinking about something was always much worse than the actuality!

    I hope whoever you were with in the hospital has the best possible outcome.

    Mange Tout and here's to a lovely sunny Tuesday and an orange Wednesday.

    Ciao x

  23. At 01:23 PM on 23 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Thank you for all your comments of congratulations yesterday and today.

    I used to be a huge worrier I wasted so much time and now I refuse to out of principle.

    C xxxxxxxxxx


    P.S. Hope whoever was in hospital is ok CLP

  24. At 01:24 PM on 23 Jan 2007, Debbie wrote:

    Hi there,

    'Change what you can't accept and accept what you can't change.'

    Have a lovely afternoon, love Deb x

  25. At 01:31 PM on 23 Jan 2007, jillygoat wrote:

    Mornin' all

    Chris - hope the 'patient' makes a full recovery.

    In the past when I've been worried with my head down, I've missed the good things that have inevitably been going on around me. On the odd occasion I feel a bit low, or stressed, I get refer to my copy of "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff" which you can get for Work / Women / Couples and other categories I believe - it's worth a try!

    Some examples:

    Live in the present. When you look around, it's easy to see no one has a guarantee he or she will be here tomorrow; right now is the only time we have control over. When we focus on the present moment, fear of what might happen in the future (and most of these fearful events never happen) goes away so we are more relaxed.

    So many of us live our lives as if the secret purpose is to somehow get everything done ... often we convince ourselves that our obsession with our "to do" list is only temporary - that once we get through the list we'll be calm, relaxed and happy, but in reality this rarely happens. As items are checked off, new ones simply replace them. The nature of your 'in basket' is that it's meant to have items to be completed in it - it's not meant to be empty. Remember that nothing is more important than your own sense of happiness and inner peace and that of your loved ones. If you are obsessed with getting everything done, you'll never have a sense of well-being! In reality, almost everything can wait .. the purpose of life isn't to get it all done but to enjoy each step along the way and live a life filled with love.

    Anyway, although it's b****y cold here in Kent, the sun is shining, the boyds are singing in the trees, it's almost pay day and tomorrow is hump day - yay!!!

    Love to anyone feeling blue at the moment, and special thoughts to Hazel Love xx

    jillygoat xx

  26. At 01:32 PM on 23 Jan 2007, wrote:

    I'm shocked that you got a post past the blog police in which you encourage and applaud criminal behaviour.

    The Cornish are famous for "wrecking". Mrs Moose wanted to jump straight in the car and get down there...I bet they are all dead jealous that the ship got towed to Devon to be beached :-)

    Thoroughly disgraceful behaviour...but, those motorbikes did look quite tempting...might have to log on to e-bay (other online auction sites are available) and see what I can pick one up for...

    No sign of the guys who got the bikes being "blue" yesterday, was there? Although when they contact the manufacturer to get keys for them they might start having different feelings...
    Still, they were living for the day! They can start worrying when the knock on the door comes...oh sorry, will that make them worry? You have to be so careful what you say, don't you.


    PS Cheryl - no I don't! The sun was pouring through the window and turning everything orange as I wrote. It was very inspirational! (Other mobile phone networks are available)

  27. At 01:33 PM on 23 Jan 2007, becks wrote:

    I have a friend who never stops worrying, she even worries that I'm worried about her worrying!
    We have a saying along the lines of .........
    "worrying is like a rocking horse. It gives you something to do but gets you nowhere!"

    Needless to say she rocks!

    And I'd just like to add that I wasn't in the slightest bit sad yesterday as I entered my final week of my job before I move to pastures new, Excited and maybe a little apprehensive but not sad.
    I will miss the people I work with but at the end of the day there is no reason why i shouldn't keep in touch with them.

  28. At 01:37 PM on 23 Jan 2007, Matt from Rudgwick wrote:

    Sorry Jo, but I have to disagree.

    What has been going on down there is simply looting and stealing.

    Interesting that when it happens on a beach in England people are interviewed and egged on, when it happens in LA people are beaten, tear-gassed and shot.

    Happy days.


  29. At 01:45 PM on 23 Jan 2007, Sandra S wrote:

    Greetings Chris and everyone.
    Hmmm.......it's a lovely sunny day and I was feeling happy and cheery but thinking about what I'm going to blog has brought to mind everything that is wrong in my life that I try to forget and not worry about!! But I'm not going to go there.... I'm going to think about Orange Tuesday cos I so love orange and I'm going to look at the letsgrow website that jonahwood mentioned. Looking forward to the show tonight.


  30. At 01:46 PM on 23 Jan 2007, Daphne Fogsbotom wrote:

    Talking of Parrots - my friend has a loverly blue one. Mind you it`s seen better days, I was talking to it the other day and blow me down it agreed with me for once. And I`ve always said if a Parrot starts to agree with you it`s time to move on. So out came the Stuart crystal Hi Balls ready for some refreshment. I paid 拢40 each for these Hi Balls, now I don`t mind spending on quality, and believe me these are quality, but they weight a ton.

    Anyway all for now


  31. At 01:48 PM on 23 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Good morning all,
    I am SOOOOO sorry for being absent !! I have been thinking about you all.... I did send a message last Thursday to the OAMC, wishing you all a great time. My message did not go through - the wizards were out in force for sure that day. Soo did you all decide if there is going to be another try???

    I have been extremely busy at work - trying to figure out a new job is freekin exhausting but it is a good tired!!! So all is going well but I have been going home, eating and going to bed basically so no time for blogging but I had to say hi this morning in case you all thought I had fell off the planet :-)

    Good blog Chris, yes - you have to make the most of every day for sure!!! It is what you make it!!

    I have been missing a lot of the blogs but Cathmel - CONGRATS to you honey - Well Done!!! You should be so proud of yourself. I am sure you have worked really hard so well deserved!!!

    Anyway love to all Big Un - I also mentioned I hoped all went well at the hospital and it did so good for you, I am so glad...
    Love to Moose and all my other blogging friends...glad to see you Tracey-Ann - stay well.

    Love to all and again I apologise....
    Joan xxxxxxxxxxxx

  32. At 01:48 PM on 23 Jan 2007, Em M wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    I am a terrible worrier, i wish I wasn't but I don't know how to change. I have read every positive thinking book going, I'm OK while the book is in my hand but then those worries stsrt to creep into my mind. I know I'm just wasting my life but I can't seem to do anything about it. Sorry, sound very self-pitying don't I? I'm always feeling guilty too.....!

    Em xx

  33. At 01:49 PM on 23 Jan 2007, Nicki wrote:

    Hi all,

    Blue Monday - didn't notice - no point, I think we all have difficulties to overcome, but where's the point in being miserable, you are only causing yourself misery and not achieving anything towards the outcome of anything.

    However, I must say to Hazel Love, I feel for you, I think I know from your earlier post the outcome of the vet visit. Been there myself a few years ago, don't want to go there again but know I must eventually. I think we are all booking a heartbreak in advance the day we take that four legged friend home, but do it we must.

    Take care

  34. At 01:50 PM on 23 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Hi Matt,

    I suppose you're right, but I still found it funny. Probably because the police were just standing their watching and advising people that they 'really ought to notify the correct authorities' about anything they had taken. Perhaps that's what tickled me, I also would like to think that it was just local people who were picking up little bits and bobs ( although I'm not sure you could call a motorbike a bit or bob), and that it wasn't people turning into massive horders and turning violent over items.

    I didn't examine it too much, it just tickled me at the time as a ridiculous spectacle.

    :o) Jo

  35. At 02:00 PM on 23 Jan 2007, wrote:

    #21 and #25 we have a disagreement on the blog love in!! A little bit controversial!

    Hey ho, I personally see it from both sides.

    People around the coast of Britain have been making merry from wrecked ships spilling their cargo for hundreds of years, and in that sense I think good luck to them.

    However, also agree with Matt, particularly when you have people travelling more than 5-10 miles to get to the beach.

    DD out

    PS Whenever I get gloomy with the state of the world, I think about the arrivals gate at Heathrow Airport

  36. At 02:02 PM on 23 Jan 2007, Hazel Love wrote:

    We interrupt this broadcast with a tenuous link!

    What a drag it is gettin' old...

    As opposed to our bodies actually getting old, many of both sexes worry to some extent about 'skin ageing'. There are all sorts of treatments and products available to 'combat' this, but the one I have just seen an advert for just HAS to take the biscuit.

    A 'magnetic defence complex' to fight electromagnetic waves. Had a quick look at an encyclopaedia web site, (other information sources are available) just to confirm my understanding of electromagnetic waves - yes folks, in a technical context, it is sometimes summed up as all the particles in LIGHT!

    Now, getting old is a fact of life, unless your life is unfortunately curtailed when young, so whether you like it or not, your skin will 'age'! There isn't anyone I know who worries about 'light' at the moment, but thanks to this advert, there are probably now plenty of people who will!

    sans lumiere

    ps I'm sure there are some benefits attached to the product, but the main one will be to your purse, which will suddenly find itself about 拢25 (ironically) LIGHTER...oh dear...

  37. At 02:03 PM on 23 Jan 2007, david lumb wrote:

    HI chris fellow bloggers!

    today is a happy day for me it's my Birthday today

    doom mongers pa or in the words of Homer doom mongers what do they know doh!

    catch u's laters


  38. At 02:12 PM on 23 Jan 2007, Mystic mog wrote:

    Greetings to all

    Chris did I hear mentioned on your programme that you may have a ghost in the house?
    How exciting is that.
    A paranormal expert for the programme would be most interesting.

    Always look on the bright side of life

    Peace and love

  39. At 02:16 PM on 23 Jan 2007, Parker wrote:

    Famous Last Words

    1. Don't unplug it, it will just take a moment to fix...

    2. Don't worry, it's not loaded.

    3. It's always sunny there this time of the year.

    4. What happens if you touch these two wires tog--

    5. They'd never be stupid enough to make him a manager.

  40. At 02:17 PM on 23 Jan 2007, Scott Dench wrote:

    I just wanted to say that Yesterday was a weird day to say the least. I had some chap pass out on the train first thing and then on the way home some blokes starting rowing about the tinest thing like your in my coat space or something ridiculous.

    Anyway listening to the show and the Hugging feature i decided that when i got home i would give my wife and all my kids a super big hug and that i would be super nice and try to not moan about anything and guess what.... thats exactly what i did. If something went wrong my response heh don't worry about it.

    And all is well in the dench hosehold, i just hope i can keep this going?!?!?

    As Brian would Say....Alway look on the bright side of life do do do do do do do do do!!!!!

  41. At 02:17 PM on 23 Jan 2007, soozy woo wrote:

    Cheryl the Diva #10

    Get training my love! It's SOOOO worth it! I did the moonwalk with my bestest friend last year because I wanted to "do something" while my mum had chemotherapy for her breast cancer. I know it didn't help her, but it made me feel like I was doing something to help!

    It was one of the best nights of my life!!!

    This year, me and afore mentioned bestest friend are doing it again. And so's my recovered Mum and my dad too!

    Get Walking - Get Smiling - and get thinking about how to decorate your BRA!

    Love to you all


  42. At 02:19 PM on 23 Jan 2007, wrote:

    I agree with Moose and Matt - what鈥檚 going on down on the beaches in Devon is nothing short of criminal !!!

    I most definitely wasn鈥檛 blue yesterday ! Busy but not blue. Loving life and living it to the full....

    My baby brother however is not. His girlfriend of years and years walked out of their home and has decided she鈥檚 not coming back. He is beside himself with hurt, pain and confusion. Its a horrible thing to watch your little brother in so much pain, he is genuinely heart broken. All I can do is be here for him but I feel so helpless...

    He is another positive fellow ( I think we were born positive people - It must be genetic !!!!!) so I know he will find the strength to get through this but at the moment its all too raw for him...

    Its amazing how your whole life can change in just one moment....

    Ms. Love - You have mail.

    Happiness to all.

    Tracey-Ann x x x

  43. At 02:21 PM on 23 Jan 2007, Matt from Rudgwick wrote:

    Breaking news!

    Blog in disagreement shock!

    I know what you're saying Jo & DD and although I haven't seen the footage, from what I have heard there is a certain 'Englishness' about the way things have been going on, but it still annoys me that people are celebrated for breaking the law (even centuries old maritime ones).

    I don't mean to cast a shadow over what has been a very positive days blogging!

    Be very, very happy everybody.


  44. At 02:29 PM on 23 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Hi ya

    I've started a bit of a blog recently. Not too much on there yet, but if anyone's interested in doggys, please feel free to have a look.... xx

  45. At 02:31 PM on 23 Jan 2007, Cheryl the Diva wrote:

    Hey Dissing Dave #35 - you've now made me go all gooey at the merest thought of Hugh Grant! Love Actually - possibly one of the finest films EVER?!?!? (yes, bloggers I did manage to curl up on the sofa before Christmas with the chocs and the LA dvd. Bliss. Bliss. Bliss. Oh how I'm missing Christmas already!

    Slowly losing the will to live in my portacabin this afternoon. Roll on 5 pm when CLP will escort me safely home!

    x x

  46. At 02:31 PM on 23 Jan 2007, TheBigUn wrote:

    David Lumb, HAPPY BIRTDAY to you! ;-))


    P.S. A man in a hot air balloon realised he was lost. He reduced altitude and spotted a woman below. He descended a bit more and shouted,

    "Excuse me, can you help me? I promised a friend I would meet him an hour ago, but I don't know where I am."

    The woman below replied, "You're in a hot air balloon hovering approximately 30 feet above the ground. You're between 40 and 41
    degrees north latitude and between 59 and 60 degrees west longitude."

    "You must be in IT," said the balloonist.

    "I am," replied the woman, "How did you know?" "Well," answered the balloonist," everything you told me is technically correct, but I've no idea what to make of your information and the fact is I'm still lost. Frankly,
    you've not been much Help at all. If anything, you've delayed my trip."
    The woman below responded, "You must be in Management."

    "I am," replied the balloonist, "but how did you know?"

    "Well," said the woman, "you don't know where you are or where you're going.
    You have risen to where you are due to a large quantity of hot air. You made a promise, which you've no idea how to keep, and you expect people beneath you to solve your problems. The fact is you are in exactly the same position
    you were in before we met, but now, somehow, it's my fault."

  47. At 02:33 PM on 23 Jan 2007, Anonymous wrote:

    If you yelled for 8 years, 7 months and 6 days you would have produced enough sound energy to heat one cup of coffee.

    (Hardly seems worth it.)

    If you farted consistently for 6 years and 9 months, enough gas is produced to create the energy of an atomic bomb.

    (Now that's more like it!)

    The human heart creates enough pressure when it pumps out to the body to squirt blood 30 feet.


    A pig's orgasm lasts 30 minutes.

    (In my next life, I want to be a pig.)

    A cockroach will live nine days without its head before it starves to death!


    (I'm still not over the pig.)

    Banging your head against a wall uses 150 calories a hour

    (Don't try this at home,maybe at work)

    The male praying mantis cannot copulate while its head is attached to its body. The female initiates sex by ripping the male's head off.

    ("Honey, I'm home. What the....?!")

    (30 minutes..lucky pig! Can you imagine?)

    The catfish has over 27,000 taste buds.

    (What could be so tasty on the bottom of a pond?)

    Some lions mate over 50 times a day.

    (I still want to be a pig in my next life...quality over quantity)

    Butterflies taste with their feet.

    (Something I always wanted to know.)

    The strongest muscle in the body is the tongue.


    Elephants are the only animals that cannot jump.

    (okay, so that would be a good thing)

    A cat's urine glows under a black light.

    (I wonder who was paid to figure that out?)

    An ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain.

    (I know some people like that.)

    Starfish have no brains.

    (I know some people like that too.)

    Humans and dolphins are the only species that have sex for pleasure.

    (What about that pig??)

  48. At 02:35 PM on 23 Jan 2007, a Scot in the Medway wrote:

    Hi Schloggers,

    Yesterday was a horrible day... but not because it was Blue Monday (and yet nobody chose that as a Gobsmacker!.. maybe you played it before I tuned in?).. it was just another lousy day at work.

    I love my job... I get a great deal of job satisfaction from what I do, but recently I've had more work than my team can deal with and despite my protestations, nobody seems to realise that you need adequate resources to run a successful business.

    Today is marginally better.. still lots to do and this is me taking a 5min break between the e-mails and calls and other demands.

    Sadly the longer I work the less time I get to enjoy you and the gang (esp. love Rebecca the Fox - she is so knowlegable; sexy Sal - who would make the phone book sound alluring; and Saunders the Spunk - when he mentioned going for a run yesterday, I imagined him doing so in that Borat-thong...phwoar!!! Not to mention your good self and all those intersting guests who entertain me on my commute home)

    Back to work

    Cameron >8o)

  49. At 02:35 PM on 23 Jan 2007, wrote:

    I make you right once again Mr E! Sometimes it seems so sychophantic that I look forward to challenging your opinion one of these days. There's nothing I like more than having an opinion of mine adjusted in some way. That's how I know I'm learning and evolving. Knowing that I am seeing things in a different light and adjusting my view is essntial to my development and my desire to make sense of the world. After all conclusions are merely illusions. XX

    As I have said before, I carry my own 'weather' with me and it's nearly always sunshine. If I'm not sunny on the inside I tend to stay indoors. I'm not one for sharing my dark moments with anybody other than a close friend or specialist (depending on the nature of the dark matter!) and certainly wouldn't expose it to 'the public'. I often think that I would cope with tabloid pressure very well if I were famous.......yes, fanatsies are a large part of my ability to keep the sun shining on me! xx

    I never read a newspaper or listen to the news as I like my world to be made up as much as possible of my own experiences so it's quite a fluffy one most of the time. I expect that for most people this would be the case. Unfortunately my mum loves a bit of doom and gloom and most of her 'news' is based on teletext 'news' and I hear about every murder and rape and whatever other nasty things people are doing to eachother or just very sad things that happen to people! How can I (or anybody for that matter) possibly benefit from knowing these things? I only want to know about rapists and murderers and possible hurricanes that can affect ME and mine so that I can avoid them if possible. Selfish? Yes. Sensible? Definitely. xxx

    Perhaps you could get an expert on worry on the show. I'd love to know what it's all about. In my opinion it is at best a design fault but I'm open to other suggestions. What I do know is that it spoils a lot of people's lives and can exist without any basis whatsoever! People can be referred to as born worriers. Is there any truth in this? If so, as it can be as life limiting as any other disease why aren't we doing something about getting rid of it? Maybe we are and it's all over the newspapers today so I just haven't heard! xx

    Now I'm wondering what the opposite of worry is. I guess it's hope. Yes. That fits. I guess that's something I'm good at, hoping. I'm always hoping for something or another. Maybe that's the difference between me and the worriers. I use my fanatsy time hoping for something good rather than worrying about something bad. I certainly don't get everything I hope for (or even anywhere near it) but neither do worriers get all they dread - at least I hope not! xxxxxx

    I hope that the world smiles at you today and returns some of the lovely warm rays that you seem to send in my direction.

    Lots of Tuesday love,

    Debs xxxx

    PS In honour of today's blog I've put a couple of 'Sunny' based requests on 'Gobsmackers' so I hope you'll deem them fit for airply.

  50. At 02:38 PM on 23 Jan 2007, Nigel wrote:

    It is slowly a realisation to me that doom gloom and bah hum bug attitudes is the proximate cause of aging.

    How have come to that conclusion???

    Well.........As I approach the age of 40 I feel that I have adopted Victor Meldrew syndrome.


    Agh!!!! - the youth today are lazy good for nothings, the aged are bold and my age bracket are just disillusioned.

    I love gettin old.....

  51. At 02:41 PM on 23 Jan 2007, Cheryl the Diva wrote:

    Hey soozy woo #41: thanks for the encouragement! I did the Moonwalk in 2005 as part of a team (18 of us) but have since left that firm and have now decided to go it alone on the Big Night! My time in 2005 was 10 hours, but I put that down to too many in our group not walking at the same pace and the fact that the first loo stop was over 2 hours of queueing - ugh! Have invested in an iPod to help with the training - the 16 week programme starts in earnest on Monday next week.

    Good luck to you too - maybe we can walk a part of it together?

    CtD x x

  52. At 02:44 PM on 23 Jan 2007, Cheryl the Diva wrote:

    #45 - The BigUn - you just made me smile for (almost) the first time today - great joke!!!

    Happy Birthday David Lumb - party hard!!!

    Hmmmmmm ... Mika now on radio. I LOVE that song!

    CtD x x

  53. At 02:48 PM on 23 Jan 2007, wrote:

    ooooh - I feel a bit controversial, having started a mass debate on the criminality of wreck thieving. (he he, still tickles me)

    Unfortunately I have nothing more in depth to contribute as I know not about law or greater powers.

    I do know that I myself have broken the law regularly in the past by having an fm transmitter connected to my pod (other stereo systems are available) to listen in the car - get me the rebel.

    :o) Jo

  54. At 03:07 PM on 23 Jan 2007, ChrissieS wrote:


    I only went away for a little while and so much has happened on the blog.

    Joannie - so glad to hear from you! I have been wondering how you have been.

    David Lumb - happy birthday!

    Jo and MfR - hey this is very healthy! I think a wee disagreement now and then is just what's needed!

    Em M - why are you feeling guilty? Who's manipulating you? Give them the heave ho! I spent the first 42 years of my life feeling guilty for one thing or another and then I worked out that my chain was being pulled!

    Becks #27 - good luck with the new job and of course you can stay in touch with the people you are leaving. However, it's hard work - I am still in touch with someone I worked with (for 12 years) she left three years ago - we have to make a real effort, but it's worth it!

    Daphne Fogsbotom - love parrots and love your name!

    Finally DD #35 - you are quoting all my favourites today!! You may be a bit young for this one - "I'd like 2 three-and-a-half minute eggs and some petits fours"!

    C xx

  55. At 03:13 PM on 23 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Happy Birthday to you,
    Happy Birthday to you,
    Happy Birthday dear David Lumb and Hazel's boy and anyone else who has a birthday today,
    Happy Birthday to you!

    What an amazing pleasure for you having a birthday on Orange Tuesday!!


    PS Other national traits that we're "proud" of but find appalling in others??
    ...drinking to get drunk
    ...having nothing to talk about except the weather and football
    ...everything coming to a standstill after 1mm of snow
    ...not being able to take penalties
    ...a bit of "harmless" racial bullying...
    Chris, I feel a show feature coming on...

  56. At 03:14 PM on 23 Jan 2007, clodagh wrote:

    Lambie Pie.

    Yet again, hear hear.

    I swear. If I hear ONE MORE moan about being fat, cold or unable to afford yet another noncy designer handbag I shall jump up and go funny.

    Yes, yes, okay even funnier. When there are horrific wars going on in the name of Religion, or more honestly, Territory, when there is famine in the Third World, when there are people with disabled or missing children, how DARE we even THINK that any day can be miserable.

    So to anybody minded to be looking for the negatives in our spoilt, cosseted and privileged lives, can I just bellow gently in your ear, GET OVER YOURSELF. Go to the zoo and watch the monkeys. Go buy a Viz. Go take a glass of sherry to that little old lady opposite and ask her what she did during the War. Hell, go and pull a moony on the Town Hall steps. If you don't I will.

    Me, I'm off to make me nun's outfit for the Nuns V. Priests 5-a-side football match at TedFest in Galway next month, in honour of the late Dermot Morgan, aka. Father Ted. Now THERE'S somebody with cause to complain, HE DEED.

    But you can bet your sweet bippy he's in the big Craggy Island in the sky, smokin' 4 fags at once and yes indeed, still making us all laugh.

    I hope my legacy is the same as that. Bugger Misery Monday.

    And as for you Christophe you big eejit, bless you. You never fail to make me laugh. You've a face I'd never get tired of slappin'.


  57. At 03:19 PM on 23 Jan 2007, Eleanor's Mum wrote:

    Nope - have to disagree. Yesterday was fab. My colleague got to speak to one of his heroes (Terry Gilkliam no less), I had a brilliant day at work after a fableuse weekend.

    Stuff em.

    Tomorrow's going to be even better - have an interview lined up with Jimmy Doherty - one of life's winners. He has had all sorts thrown at him, yet he doesn't moan.

    Love to all - and apologies for the absence - have been (strangely) busy.


  58. At 03:24 PM on 23 Jan 2007, wrote:

    I can't help worrying - my mother always used to say that I could worry about not having anything to worry about.

    I try to remember the quote....

    Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday - and all is well.

    But I still end up worrying....

    Lotsa love

  59. At 03:32 PM on 23 Jan 2007, Hazel Love wrote:

    Artnoon then...although, having already visited for tea, I'm a bit late with the greeting I s'pose...

    David Lumb - Have a fantastic birthday! Hope you get everything you need and not necessarily what you deserve! A virtual cake and candles for you...


    You share the same day as my boy, now, he started his celebrations last Saturday, and is due to finish at approx 23.59 Sunday 28th January...I've said I'll try to keep up, but I'm not going to wash up. I think that is fair.

    Cheryl - Just had a look at the Moonwalk website and nearly blinded myself! I will give the idea a think, although I think they organise something a bit more local to me as well...we shall have to see...

    Nicki - you have really hit the nail on the head. Thank you x

    ...my beloved boss thinks he can brighten my day by throwing his banana skin at me. Not only do I catch like a 'girl', I am now also covered in banana. yay.

    I have however, just found a recipe which looks quite nice.

    I think that's enough for now. Apologies for rambling. I'm not particularly busy today, and am trying to be upbeat!

    The sun is out, I think I'll go for a little walk.


    and just a little joke...

    Two old blokes sitting outside a building site watching the younger guys nicking off early for the day.
    'I remember when you had to be there working between 7 and 4.'
    'Yep, and you can't even get a cup of tea for that these days.'

  60. At 03:37 PM on 23 Jan 2007, jillygoat wrote:

    Clodagh - LOL !!!!! I love Father Ted and think Dermot Morgan was a comedy god (well, priest anyway). What a loss .....

    I hope the TedFest goes fabulously well - good on ya!!

    jillygoat x

    PS which series/episode # was Graham Norton in?

  61. At 04:20 PM on 23 Jan 2007, wrote:

    as someone who is normally positive and upbeat, i was uncharecteristically down yesterday, more tired than depressed tho and agree the blue monday is codswallop.
    Heres to orange tuesday.

    MFR and YA - i agree totally re MFR's point 28.

    TA - sorry to hear about your little bruvva. sending him nice thoughts.

    les petit chat indeed x


  62. At 04:21 PM on 23 Jan 2007, Q wrote:

    Hi y'all

    Hey if being miserable makes you happy then party on.

    Anon. Pigs, didn't one of them crittars star in yer programme Big Brother.

    Daphne. is this parrot an african blue.

    Have a nice day y'all.

  63. At 04:29 PM on 23 Jan 2007, Prof Plum wrote:

    Doed anybody want any chinese trainers?

  64. At 04:36 PM on 23 Jan 2007, Big John wrote:

    Happy Biethday David!!

  65. At 05:00 PM on 23 Jan 2007, Blue-Angel wrote:

    Hi Chris,


    keep smiling :) it works!!!

    Rachel x

  66. At 05:05 PM on 23 Jan 2007, mwk wrote:

    Hi All

    Love to Hazel and Barney xx {{{hugs}}}

    Happy Birthday Hazel's boy and David Lumb xx

    I made myself ill with worry but now I try to take each day as it comes and to be honest I feel much better for it, gone are the days where I constantly felt anxious. Think my Mum and Dad are guiding me from above and thats fine by me :-)

    Chris, hope the patient has a speedy recovery!

    Mary xx

  67. At 05:24 PM on 23 Jan 2007, maryla wrote:

    Hi Chris & All,

    Forget blue, winter Mondays there is only a few weeks left to spring...

    Love, daffodils & mange tout

  68. At 05:27 PM on 23 Jan 2007, wrote:

    David Lumb - happy birthday

    Hazel love's boy - happy birthday

    Tracey-ann - will email u soon x x x x x x sorry to hear about your brother. Positive vibes to him.

    I thought looting was funny until i heard a south african lady crying as she was interviewed by the 麻豆社 because people were going through and stealing her personal belongins. They had great sentimental value that the insurance would replace

  69. At 05:49 PM on 23 Jan 2007, EG (Scotland) wrote:

    Yesterday was a strange day - though for me not a gloomy day as such. V. frustrating though - some v.v. senior people in the office faffing about not being able to make their minds up about something that needs to get moving - and today - well still haven't reached a decision. Maybe tomorrow - there again maybe not!

    The blog also felt strange last night - not much action - but never mind today's another day.

    'Fraid I am a bit of a worrier - in fact if worrying was an Olympic event, it's the only thing I would do well at (or badly at depending on your perspective). At the same time I am fairly optimistic - you know 'it'll be alright on the night' type thing.

    On the subject of moaning - just on drivetime a few minutes ago - well I do have to stop myself sometimes - generally in relation to work (I guess back to that group that can't make a decision!). But overall, actually like to be cheery and celebrate all that's good in life.

    So positive, cheery vibes to all of you out there.


  70. At 05:59 PM on 23 Jan 2007, Hazel Love wrote:

    To everyone who sent their love and best wishes, Barney won't be coming home from the vet this evening.

    Thank you all so much for your kindness and compassion.


  71. At 06:04 PM on 23 Jan 2007, Fiona Robertson wrote:

    I am sure i'm am one of the many thousands of Aquarian's who had a birthday on the 'most miserable day of the year!!' and I had the best day, infact best weekend i've had for ages! I was taken away for the weekend, wined and dined in Edinburgh in a wonderful hotel and took Monday of work, not a thing to be miserable about there!

    the only thing that brought me down yesterday was listening to others moan!

    love the show, fee x

  72. At 06:41 PM on 23 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Hazel - [[[[HUGS]]]]


  73. At 06:45 PM on 23 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Say No To Negative People.

  74. At 06:49 PM on 23 Jan 2007, Matt from Rudgwick wrote:


    Sorry to hear your news.


  75. At 06:51 PM on 23 Jan 2007, mulbartonboy wrote:

    Hazel Love. just had to say that i'm so so sorry for you .....i have no wise words to offer but really wish that i did. x

  76. At 07:13 PM on 23 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Hazel I am so sorry to hear about Barney. How hard for you sending you loads love


  77. At 07:32 PM on 23 Jan 2007, Ashy wrote:

    Hazel Love so sorry to hear about Barney .lots of loveXXXAshy

  78. At 07:44 PM on 23 Jan 2007, mwk wrote:

    Hazel sorry to hear about Barney {{{{{{hug}}}}}} xxxxxx


  79. At 07:56 PM on 23 Jan 2007, EG (Scotland) wrote:

    Hazel Love - so very, very sorry. My thoughts are with you.

    Eileen XX

  80. At 08:08 PM on 23 Jan 2007, Dissing Dave wrote:

    My dearest Hazel, I'll send you ((((((HUGE HUGS)))))) this evening, because I cannot think of anything else that could comfort you.

    No hold that everybody together for a group HUGGLE for Hazel.

    Sleep well oh good and faithful friend!!

    DD out

    PS You'll meet again one day!!!

  81. At 08:15 PM on 23 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Sorry about Barney.
    Moose x

  82. At 08:20 PM on 23 Jan 2007, EG (Scotland) wrote:

    I'm in the group HUGGLE for Hazel.

    Feel the love.


  83. At 08:41 PM on 23 Jan 2007, Littlest Hobo wrote:

    Good afternoon from Vancouver and a good evening to all back in Blighty,

    As my time to write is short, I shall proffer my most immediate thoughts:

    "Animals are such agreeable friends - they ask no questions, they pass no criticisms"

    Hazel Love--- Having lost my dear cat, Beefy, about 6 months ago, I can honestly empathize with your sense of loss. If you gave Barney a good life and enjoyed some fine times with your four legged friend, I am sure such memories will sustain you. Take care...

    Cathmel- Many congratulations and felicitous salutations on your academic success.

    Good day to one and all.

    Dr. T

  84. At 09:08 PM on 23 Jan 2007, Prof Plum wrote:

    So Sorry to hear of the loss of your dog Barney Hazel. No idea he was ill and how brave of you to be able to come on and post about it.

    He is with the angels now.

  85. At 09:12 PM on 23 Jan 2007, Livingstone wrote:

    Mange tout! Mange tout! Completely agree with you about the worrying thing. I am a worrier myself and I battle against it on a daily basis. I hate the way it paralyses. Someone once told me that FEAR stands for False Evidence Appearing Real. And, as the Good Book says, "Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself." I must remember to stop worrying and actually enjoy life.

  86. At 09:15 PM on 23 Jan 2007, The BigUN wrote:


    I am so sorry to hear about Barney ;-(


    P.S. a big {{{HUG}}} and a {{{KISS}}} just because I can, xx

  87. At 09:23 PM on 23 Jan 2007, Bongo wrote:


    How sad to hear your news, we lost our lovely wiggly dog Biggles last week so many hugs to you this evening, hope Biggles ( a girl!!) and Barney meet wherever they are.

    Anonymous and Big Un - congrats, I think you are the only 2 who have managed to force anything close to a smile to break on my face for far too long ( runaway husband and current sale of house sad stories ...) I thank you

    Nite all, nearly hump day, hurrah

    Bongo xx

  88. At 09:59 PM on 23 Jan 2007, chrissy raaaa wrote:

    don't tell me this doesn't make you feel better

    only two choices from me. I can't complete a day without listening to one of these two beauty's. First choice has to be "down with disease" by Phish (cool american Jam band) but it simply has to be the 8minute 2second LIVE version, otherwise you miss out on the breath taking guitar solo 3minutes 20seconds in...

    ...and if you are afraid to play the 8minutes or even play the final 4minutes 40 seconds with the mind blowing guitar solo you could always revert to my second choice...

    ...again, it needs to be live live live... the Barenaked Ladies "if i had a million dolars" - it's the crowd singing toward the end that makes you shut your eyes and dream of harmony, being together and peace... i love it...
    and if they never get picked for the air - why not just simply recommend them... mmmmmm dadio!!!

    as a sneeky third choice, what about the last section of the Prince set from the Brits 2006

    Actually chris, not sure if this will ever get read, so i might as well make a meal of it. Now you don't need any help with ideas for the show - it's amazing - but why not have a section dedicated to those songs that run past the standad 3mins 30seconds. It would make a change to hear those bands that aren't afraid of radio stations ignoring them. ORRRRRR how about LIVE PERFOMANCES... you're playing them this week, why stop there?

    well - pleasure writing to you... i might stick this on the blog to get people listening to the genius of Phish... it's been a while since i stuck somat on there.

    take it easy... hari krishna

    chris Kirman - still remembering driffield

  89. At 10:35 PM on 23 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Night Night Everyone.

    Roll on Tomorrow and Another Day.

    Take Care Hazel Love. Big Hugs to all you and yours.



  90. At 12:09 AM on 24 Jan 2007, Jill wrote:

    Hello to anyone on-Blog

    That opening reminds me of a village we visited in France called Plogoff - we went on looking for PlogOn.

    The Big P (Paulo Coelho) says there is always two ways to look at a situation, and basically this means that one is positive and one negative. The shepherd in 'The Alchemist' is attacked and robbed soon after he has started his journey and starts by feeling defeated and down-hearted. Then he realises that he can see it another way: he is still a traveller on an adventure and he has made some progress so will continue. I often think of this and try to re-interpret things that happen to me (or that I make happen to myself because of my stupidity in some cases!)

    Slightly belated Happy Birthday to David Lumb and Hazel's Boy - expect both are still celebrating anyway just after midnight. And, like the others, I'm very sad to hear about Barney, Hazel and join the group huggle.

    Join you again soon... xxx Jill

  91. At 08:22 AM on 24 Jan 2007, Gaby wrote:

    I missed yesterday's as I was at work and then very busy after work/school.

    I have tried to speed read the posts - it never works does it? : )

    Hazel Love...so, so sorry about Barney. I am sending you lots of love.


  92. At 08:40 AM on 24 Jan 2007, Tiggy wrote:

    Hazel Love - so sorry the news about Barney is not good. Too late for the group HUGGLE I fear but here's one from me {{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}


  93. At 08:41 AM on 24 Jan 2007, Hazel Love wrote:

    Hi everyone

    I posted last night, #70, but have come to work this morning and just read all your lovely lovely messages.

    I can't thank you enough for all being so kind and supportive.

    The boy had a great birthday in the end as some good friends came by and insisted they took us out for a drink. They came back to the house afterwards to make sure we were ok too. He was a bit bemused when I told him that loads of you had wished him happy birthday, but then general bewilderment is par for the course with him sometimes!

    Anyway, thank you so much everyone, and Bongo, Barney is a friendly sort, so I'm sure once he's finished at the pearly gates, found something fleecy to sleep on, and stopped hiding under something, he'll go and say hi to Biggles.

    Thank you all

  94. At 09:08 AM on 24 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Is it to late to join Hazel Love's Huggle???

    Sorry to here your news Hazel, I know it's a very difficult time but it will get better.

    No snow here, was most disappointed, expecting a duvet day due to being snowed in, unfortunately I'm now sat at my desk!

    Have seen some spotty puppies (K9 variety) that are quite close to home, am waiting for reply from the vendors to see whether they have any left - can't wait to have another doggy friend!

    :o) Jo

  95. At 09:13 AM on 24 Jan 2007, Gaby wrote:

    I am very much a 'live for the day' type.

    I even struggle to save things for future times. eg I put my perfume on every day ("easy to please", I hear you cry!!), I don't save it for when I am doing something special. If I buy someone a surprise gift - I want to give it to them now.....I just think that there are no guarantees.

    My approach doesn't mean that I am reckless with things I do (you know the sort of thing to which I refer ; ) )

    I came up with useless examples and didn't even express those well!! I know what is in my head and in my way of thinking but can't seem to transpose it to the page in the way that it can be understood.

    Sorry guys : )


    David Lumb......Happy Birthday for yesterday xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  96. At 09:14 AM on 24 Jan 2007, jillygoat wrote:

    Good morning all and happy hump day

    Hazel Love - I'm so very sorry about Barney. I missed the group huggle yesterday so here's a big hug from me {{{{{hug}}}}} to you with love xx

  97. At 09:16 AM on 24 Jan 2007, Gaby wrote:


    Did you catch the prog on Radio 2 about Mr James Brown last night?


  98. At 09:40 AM on 24 Jan 2007, Em M wrote:

    Hi guys,

    Only just caught up with blog, really sorry to hear your sad news Hazel, am thinking of you.

    Thanks to whoever it was who said I am being manipulated into feeling guilty, that's so interesting and it really made me think. I feel that people are often trying to make me do what they want me to do rather than what's best for me, and I'm always fighting against this. I'm one of these people who knows lots of people but am not sure that any of them really like me.
    Any advice gladly accepted!

    Em xx

  99. At 10:01 AM on 24 Jan 2007, AS wrote:

    Hazel Love - {{{{HUG}}}}

    AS x

  100. At 10:03 AM on 24 Jan 2007, ChrissieS wrote:

    Hi everyone,

    Every morning I can't wait to catch up with the blog from the previous evening, but oh I was not looking forward to this morning. Hazel Love, you did prepare us a bit yesterday, but I am so sorry about Barney. You are being really brave. Barney, is at peace which is the kindest thing you could do. Thinking of you - xxxx

    C xx

  101. At 10:09 AM on 24 Jan 2007, alan bush wrote:

    HiYa Chris,

    Agree completely with your outlook. Worrying achieves precisely nothing - zipo - wont solve any problem only cause ulcers, strokes and heart attacks, believe me been there got the t shirt and the six inch scar for the triple heart bypass to prove it!!!! I also have breathed through a hole in my neck and speak from the oesophagus since 1995 when I lost my larynx to cancer.

    Nope worrying did not heal me the skills of the surgeons did that and I am eternally grateful for their gifts.

    Looking death in the face a couple of times is certainly an attitude changer and makes every day a bonus to be cherished for what you can do, and not so much for yourself my man, but others!!!!

    Your cheery disposition on your Drivetime show makes me smile and very often laugh out loud such that being alone in the car other drivers must think there goes a suitable case for treatment - Morgan Bush Ha ha.

    We are all a long time dead Chris and if we waste even one period of 24 hours complaining or moaning or worrying about things we have no control over whatsoever then we have done our souls, our friends and our neighbours (the latter being any other life whom our life may touch howsoever briefly) a disservice. Keeping turning those grimaces upside down for you are a tonic.

    ITS A WONDERFUL LIFE and no mistake!!!!!!!!!!

    Alan Bush, Inverurie, Scotland

  102. At 10:15 AM on 24 Jan 2007, Hazel Love wrote:

    Well it's snowing here...the black bits moving about are magpies...it's all very pictureskew...robin is nowhere to be seen however, and you'd have thought a 'winter wonderland' would be an ideal posing place for him! Sadly pheasant seems to have varnished, probably ended up garnished (sorry...) for someones Christmas dinner...

    Gaby - surprise gifts...I love being there when people open what I've chosen for them...annoys me slightly when people say they'll save it for their birthday, Christmas or whatever...NO, it is for you, from me, chosen with love and care, I even paid for it, and I would like to see the pleasure/pain in your face when you unwrap it thank you very much!

    Can't believe it is so beautiful outside. Barney detested the snow, so it's a good job he's not here today really.

    Other news...

    Someone has built a mini snowman right outside our door. Apparently they are coming back later with a carrot and some coal. We shall see.

    Now we are nearly out of milk. I will probably be asked to don appropriate tennis rackets in order to replenish supplies. In the meanwhilst, I think I may brave the area of outstanding natural beauty, and pop outside for a cig.

    pouffe pouffe

    ps Em M - it took me a very long time to say 'no' to people, but believe me, it works...

    pps the huggles are all warm and snuggly. Just what I need coz it's bleedin' freezin' in here!

    ppps XX

  103. At 10:45 AM on 24 Jan 2007, wrote:

    'Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.' ~Leo Buscaglia

    Happy Hump Day Chris!

    And fellow bloggers and blogettes!

    How are we all this wacky Wednesday?! How is your friend you went to hospital with, Christoff? I couldn't imagine you being a worrier! I try not to be ..... but sometimes I forget that I'm trying not to worry!

    Didn't get a chance to listen to last night's (Tuesday) show, so will have to listen later!

    Cheryl the Diva - how was your God-daughter's party? Al the best with the training!

    missy - Well done for getting out! Hope you're not paying for it! But if you are, just rest up and try and cheer yourself up with the great memory of a fantastic night out.

    sclera - WELCOME! And all the best with your new flat and new beginnings! When's the housewarming?!

    Will need to get back to you later - need to grab our daughter away from Fireman Sam and get that nappy off! Anone fancy giving me a hand? Chris? You look like the paternal type to me!

    Right, first I'm off to dance with dogwithnobrain!

    Group hug!

    Susan, the Highlander

    'I keep the telephone of my mind open to peace, harmony, health, love and abundance. Then, whenever doubt, anxiety or fear try to call me, they keep getting a busy signal - and soon they'll forget my number.' ~Edith Armstrong

  104. At 10:48 AM on 24 Jan 2007, TheBigUn wrote:

    Gaby, I did catch the first half an hour or so of the show on the last part of my journey home last night ;-)).

    I woke up this morning singing 鈥淚 feel Good鈥 at the top of my voice (not for the first time)!


  105. At 11:03 AM on 24 Jan 2007, ChrissieS wrote:

    Hi again,

    Back on while waiting for the main man!

    Gaby #95 - I think you express yourself very well. I completely agree about holding back presents - one of my sisters used to buy birthday and Christmas gifts in January every year and hold on to them - my birthday is in December! You are right - live for today!

    Chrissy raaaa #88 - you really love your LIVE music! Why not, live shows are much better than manufactured CD's! I fear your taste may be slightly different from mine, but it's fair to say my chances of hearing Frank Sinatra "live" are slim!

    Em M #98 - it was me from yesterday. I immediately recognised myself from what you were saying. I had a "friend" that I knew for 20 YEARS and then I woke up one morning and realised that she actually detested me! All that time I treated her like another sister, and it was such a shock to find out that she was just using me and that I meant less than nothing to her! My advice is - unload anyone in your life who is dragging you down, making you go in a direction that you don't want to go. You will feel so in control of your life, you just won't believe it!!

    C xx

  106. At 11:28 AM on 24 Jan 2007, EG(Scotland) wrote:

    Gaby & ChrissieS - CAN YOU HELP ME

    I have a friend who when I phone her (ok after a while) says "where have you been, I thought you were dead or had forgotten me". Yet she wasn't the one to phone me.

    I have a friend who when I was seriously ill a number of years ago and off work for 3 months, only managed to come and see me once. Yet she only lives around 10 miles away.

    I have a friend who when I dropped off her Christmas present to her home (she wasn't in at the time) took more than a week to phone me and say she had got it and then said she had decided not to get me one this year - but she appreciated me getting her one.

    I have a friend whose birthday is today - I only remembered when driving to work. Last year I took her a present on the eve of her birthday so she didn't open it then, and she didn't call me after to thank me. She didn't even send me a card for my last birthday.

    I was going to rush out to the shops at lunchtime and at the very least get her a card and then take it to her home tonight.

    Now I'm reassessing this friendship. What do you think?


  107. At 11:41 AM on 24 Jan 2007, wilsmar@home wrote:

    Morning all and merry humpday.
    Attempted to post the following during the early hours of this morning i.e. 2am(ish) but the system kept crashing!!!!! Anyway will try again:
    Had a downinthedumpless day yesterday (Mon).... was still visiting (from the weekend)with one of my sister's who's a child-minder and the little one's she takes care of were a joy; so plenty of chuckles and silly games, story books and making things all day = not blue at all except when the door was opened!!
    Hazel had been thinking of you - and your friend - during today, have added Barney to this list too.
    Happy birthday greetings - although late - for the Boy and David Lumb. Many, many happy returns to you both.
    Not had a pet for years now, had a cat/rabbits and goldfish(!) in my youth and David used to have a German shepherd (before we met) and then a Labrador as guide dogs - slightly different to having them a just pets but Ben (the lab) was a beautiful dog and sadly we couldn't bring him with us when we moved down South as he had just been retired and we were both out all day working. He was very happily retired at David's Mums for a few years until he succumbed after a long illness and had to be put to sleep. Can still remember the phone call to tell us he'd gone.
    Anyway now off up the apples and pears.....
    Night all.
    PS Mr B-U .... really great news
    Cathmel ..... ditto and congrats
    PPS Sallycat.... hope you are OK?

  108. At 11:53 AM on 24 Jan 2007, annie b wrote:

    EG (and all others like it)
    I made the decision many years ago now when writing out the 100's of Christmas cards to those people who you never, ever hear back from to enclose a note that said how much I had enyoyed their friendship in the past but unless I heard back from them in the next year I would not be writing again. Guess what ? I now have a much smaller address book but hear from ALL of the people in it. Maybe not often, but QUALITY is better than QUANTITY. (And my postage bill is smaller)
    Sorry to you Hazel Love regarding Barney but you are still sounding positive

    Annie b

  109. At 12:15 PM on 24 Jan 2007, wrote:

    EG (still up for a Scottish meet!?) - In the past I have found some friendships have left me drained and on the receiving end of exactly what you described. I would maintain these friendships out of a sense of duty and because I don't like conflict. But I don't do it anymore ... life is too short and I only have a certain amount of energy to give ... so I'd rather give it to people who give me back as much as I give them. I'm afraid I wouldn't be rushing to get your friend anything, honey! I'm sure there are people who are true friends whom you could be spending your time and energy on!

    Have a great day, y'all!

    Another group hug? Yeah .... go on!

    Susan, the Highlander (worried about Christoff being so late!)

  110. At 12:26 PM on 24 Jan 2007, jillygoat wrote:

    EG(Scotland) - I hope you don't mind me butting in, but I have found that only my elderly relatives or those with young children ever bother to let me know that their card and/or pressie arrived, if sent by post, or to thank me for making the effort.

    Thanks is not the reason why I buy presents/cards, it's because I care very much for that person and want to put a smile on their face, as cards and pressies do for me, but it's always good to know that something has arrived safely.

    My brother and I were always made to sit down and write thank-you notes after Christmas and birthdays and this is something that I've continued to do ever since - maybe it's a generation thing, I don't know.

    On the phone call front, I have friends who live in London (I'm the one who defected further south) and I've often been accused of not getting in touch more often and for not visiting them at least once a month and that they feel neglected. But I know darned well that it's been me who's called them on the last three or four occasions. I saw them just before Christmas to take their pressies to them, but they haven't visited me for two years.

    I said on here once that friendship is a two-way street but it's very definitely one-way at the moment - I just hope it doesn't become a dead end!

    Anyway, thanks for letting me get that off me chest!

    jillygoat xx

  111. At 12:28 PM on 24 Jan 2007, wrote:

    I'm with the majority! I'm appalled at the looting that is going on! I heard one poor woman from South Africa, who is moving here, saying she had to sit and watch these folk, laughing and joking, carrying off a lifetime's worth of belongings and memories!

    Not nice, as my daughter would say.

    As if a certain lady on a certain reality TV show wasn't a bad enough example for the UK ... now the world has to watch the cheery faces of thieves! Great advert for the UK! Send your stuff to us and we'll relocate it for you, free of charge.

    Oh ... don't get me started!

  112. At 12:32 PM on 24 Jan 2007, ChrissieS wrote:

    EG #106

    Tried to come back to you earlier, but was zapped!

    Your friend and my friend must be related. It would take for ever to tell you what lead to me to realise that I had to let that person go. Suffice to say that when I called her to say please don't phone me, don't write to me, let's call it a day - she said to me, if we meet in the street can we please say hello. I said that would be fine. The NEXT WEEK I saw her in the street and she crossed over to avoid me! I swear this is true.

    You are doing all the work, making all the effort. Just where is the friendship here?

    Good luck! Do what your heart tells you!

    C xx

  113. At 12:39 PM on 24 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Christoff, honey ..... you ok? Has Enzo dragged you through the heath, into a pond and left you there?! Naughty Enzo! Bark like Lassie and get your beloved master back home! The bloggers and blogettes need their guru's wise words to set them on their way! ANd I can't go out for lunch until I've read today's blog!

    Hazel Love - cheaper for us all to get balaclavas and wear them for the rest of our lives!!!

    a Scot in the Medway - sorry your day at work was so rubbish, Cameron. Hope today is a better one.

    Tracey-Ann - hugs to your little bro!

  114. At 12:46 PM on 24 Jan 2007, wrote:

    EG (Scotland) I know you didnt ask for my opinion, so I hope you dont mind me putting my twopennuthworth in but....

    True Friendship is a two way thing.
    True Friends should not sap you of energy, patience and strength
    True Friends should never expect you to do all the running.

    maybe this person isnt a true friend. And if she is, she wont mind that you havent been able to sort anything out for her birthday....


  115. At 12:54 PM on 24 Jan 2007, wrote:

    david lumb - Belated Happy Birthday!

    Cheryl the Diva - Hugh Grant?! Hmmm .... Jon Bon Jovi does it for me! Though I have to say that the only celebrity I have on my wall, next to photos of family and scenery I love, is none other than Christoff (thank ye kind sir!)! He's nestled between my Dad and my daughter .... what a VERY scary place to be! How are things in the port-a-cabin today!?

  116. At 12:55 PM on 24 Jan 2007, Tony - The Wallsendo wrote:

    CLP - to carry on in the vein of being down in the dumps i have a positive tale to tell. I was down in the dumps up until monday of this week. I left my job on said monday, i have now got to find a job toot suite before my notice period runs out...but I tell you this...I couldn't be happier!! Even me lass says so !! Everyone should change jobs this year and move on from misery. Errrr...you don't have any spare jobs going do you?

    Cheers easy

    Tone - the Wallsendo

  117. At 01:09 PM on 24 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Wonder why the Blog's so late - hope all is OK?

    :o) Jo

  118. At 01:14 PM on 24 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Anonymous - thanks for the laugh! I'm still trying to get over the cockroach! As for the praying mantis :-O!!! My hubby says I'm always biting his head off, so I'm guessing that this is where the phrase comes from!!

    Parker - love the Famous Last Words! What's it like to be famous now? You're often mentioned on the show! It's great to know that Christoff values his bloggers and blogettes in such a way!

    The Debster - I really like your outlike on life!

  119. At 01:28 PM on 24 Jan 2007, wrote:

    {{{{{{Hazel Love}}}}}}

    Loads of huggles for you, honey! I truely believe that my dear departed beloved pets are waiting for me on the other side of the thin curtain that divides this life from the next! Not sure if I want to see my pet rat that bit me though!

  120. At 01:32 PM on 24 Jan 2007, wrote:

    ho Hum?

    Everything okay today CLP? Not there. Starting to get worried.


  121. At 01:38 PM on 24 Jan 2007, wrote:

    At the grand old age of 31 I still write thank you cards for any gifts that come my way - whenever they come my way and who ever they are from.

    If someone has made the effort to do something lovely then the very least I can do is take the time to let them know how much I appreciate it.

    With regards to friends - I`ve mentioned before that I`ve "off loaded" a number of so called "friends" and feel so much better for it.

    Annie B - right there with you ! This year I sent a much smaller number of cards, because I only sent them to people I loved, were a part of my life and mean something to me....

    Susan S - Re: Mr. JBJ - There was a fab episode of TFI years ago when a certain Mr. Jovi and Mr. Evans had a push up contest - now that was yummy TV !!!!

    Chris won too if I remember ... :) x x x

  122. At 02:45 PM on 24 Jan 2007, Anna Log wrote:

    EG - I've got (or had) a friend like that. We were really close for years but when I met my other half the spontaneity of our friendship just seemed to disappear and all the phoning, writing, gifts etc seemed to come from my side with little or no response. I've kept up sending Christmas and birthday cards but have been feeling really guilty about not phoning or dropping by, even though she has never (in 10 years) made an effort to visit my "new" home and rarely, if ever, phones.

    Reading the various replies to your post has made me realise that I shouldn't feel guilty about it - just move on and accept that people and relationships change. There's a whole world of new friends out there, even a few in cyberspace!

  123. At 11:48 AM on 25 Jan 2007, David Vardy wrote:

    We seem to be in a huge cloud of unhappiness everywhere I go and yet I'm going about my life feeling happier than ever. The weather isn't too bad for Jan., I have a lovely girlfriend and home and a great job. I bought the 1000 recipe book from Amazon today, so why am I starting to feel guilty about being so happy, It's a really good life.

  124. At 12:46 PM on 25 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Dear Nick Philips (writter of todays CLP blog)..

    where the hell is Chris? and why isn't he writing todays Blog?

    I like it when Chris writes.. (sorry Nick!)

    Maybe you are just filling in?

  125. At 07:54 PM on 25 Jan 2007, kayakin mad wrote:

    chris only dead fish and jobbies go with the flow and as a paddler i need to leave them behind as quick as i can. go on break the mould, not that you havent in the past...

  126. At 02:51 PM on 11 Feb 2007, Brian wrote:

    Please advise details concerning the original clebrity chef 92 years old recently interviewed on your show. I think it was Margarite Pattern!!!!
    Many thanks

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