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McFly - 'Transylvania' / 'Baby's Coming Back'

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Fraser McAlpine | 13:22 UK time, Friday, 27 April 2007

McFlyBeing a McFly fan is great. Fact. But there are some downsides: Having to explain to rocksnobs the difference between McFly and Westlife (don't start, rocksnobs, there are LOADS), the "Pah, they are rubbish/smell/don't write their own songs" line, even though the middle one is probably true...and of course the little gem "all their songs sound the same".

Obviously that's all a load of rubbish, but more importantly the last of those niggles can definitely be put to rest here. 'Transylvania' is a truly new approach. It starts dark (like old-school gothic dark...which is different from GOTH dark), contains a solo from Danny which is pure Darkness, and there's a rare chance for Dougie to show off his vocals (which are really good).

They've even thrown in a new personal favourite, the musical-esque call-and-response (in this case the three part "Who is your lover? / I couldn't tell / When hell freezes over..." section). Preposterous and genius, all at the same time.

BUT, with 'Transylvania' technically being the sixth single from 'Motion in the Ocean', the boys run the risk of re-creating a syndrome I like to call 'The Injustice Of 'The Ballad Of Paul K'. McFly have produced a great new track that deserves to do well, but with pretty much everyone now having the album, us fans need something extra, apart from their usual extra gifts of hilarious home movies, to make us spend our hard earned cash on getting them to No.1, right?

So, learning their lesson, the 'Fly have gone off and covered an old song by a late '80s group called Jellyfish*, for extra added value. 'Baby's Coming Back' is happy go lucky, funtime pop, and a neat way of saying "HEY! DON'T RUN OFF! IT'S STILL US!" in case any floating voters got scared off by 'Transylvania'.

It allows you to appreciate the life they've puffed into their own songwriting - all rippling Hulk-muscles and lightbulbs going off over their heads, by the sound of it - while still letting us enjoy a new slice of the old-style McFly pie, taken from a recipe which is older than the band.

Which is fair enough, really, a blast of Bach, Queen, The Beach Boys and more in one track, combined with a video of the guys in dresses, all condensed into one song...Lord alone knows what the NEXT one is going to be like.

Four stars CD Released: May 7th

(Sophie W)

*McFly fans, if you like 'Baby's Coming Back', you should SO go and find out more about Jellyfish. It's like they're McFly's musical dads or something. Two songs in particular to listen out for are 'The King Is Half Undressed' and 'Now She Knows She's Wrong'. The latter being a clear influence on 'Transylvania', although it's nowhere near as dramatic.


  1. At 02:37 AM on 29 Apr 2007, Shaun wrote:

    Love Transylvania - dunno why it was on the Star Girl single as a b-side though, real good tune.

    Baby's Coming Back i don't mind, starting 2 grow on me, would of been good if they released something like 'We Are The Young' or 'Bubblewrap' as the other single.

  2. At 06:07 PM on 29 Apr 2007, wrote:

    Hurrah to Radio 1. I'm pretty sure they're the only people in the music business keeping these guys in a job. I don't see them appearing anywhere else. Love them or hate them they've done well to still be going. I'm not openly a fan of McFly, I'd lose any credibility for that, but these two songs are catchy.

  3. At 09:37 AM on 30 Apr 2007, Jessica wrote:

    I think that transylvania is good but how comes baby's comig bck ain't on the album. I luv mcfly 4eva!!!!

  4. At 04:22 PM on 30 Apr 2007, Sarah wrote:

    These songs are great, I will admit. The review was good. There's some kind of music snubbery on McFly, most people just slate them. Its kinda annoying because their not half bad.
    The songs are great though.. =)

  5. At 03:48 PM on 01 May 2007, rachael wrote:

    i don't really listen to mcfly but my friend is a big fan.
    she played transyvania for me to listen to and i luved it.
    i'm really getting into their music now, and friend is going to their concert.
    mcfly rule

  6. At 04:34 PM on 01 May 2007, Melanie wrote:

    What a load of rubbish - McFly are an annoying boyband who can play a few chords and depend upon the teenage music market to sell records. Their 'cover' of 'Baby's coming back' by Jellyfish just proves this fact - the only reason this single sounds good is because its almost identical to the original. They cannot make it sound like their own material as they dont have any musical originality or creativity. Jellyfish were a fanatastic band who created a piece of pop genius with Bellybutton - something that McFly can only dream of.

    [What, genius, or bellybuttons? - Fraser]

  7. At 09:50 PM on 01 May 2007, wrote:

    All this talk of jelly and buttons and so on. It's got me craving Jelly Tots.. now someone explain to me how THAT one happened.

  8. At 11:02 PM on 01 May 2007, Broken Soul wrote:

    I've only heard a teeny tiny bit of the Mcfly cover of Baby's Coming Back, but what I heard wasn't that different from the Jellyfish version. I grew up on Jellyfish (The King Is Half Undressed and Bedspring Kiss are my 2 most favorite songs ever) and I still have my copy of Bellybutton on tape (that was one of the things before CD and MP3 for all you kiddies out there :P), suggestion to all Mcfly fans - check out Jellyfish, the songs maybe old but hell, they're good.

  9. At 07:39 PM on 02 May 2007, tia wrote:

    i love mcfly! i love chartblog! :-D

    [Hey, me too! We should form a club! - Fraser]

  10. At 08:48 PM on 02 May 2007, wrote:

    There should be a forum lol. Except i bet the bbc are still all silly and anti-forum.

    [This is a KIIIIND of forum. There are forums on the Â鶹Éç. There's even a Radio 1 one. I'm confused. - Fraser]

  11. At 09:41 PM on 02 May 2007, Kat wrote:

    This isn't a forum lol. Proper forums don't need postings approved. Didn't know there was a radio1 one. Don't listen to that though unless I'm in a car.

    [The postings approved thing is simple a reflection on the tender age of some of the people who come to the site. I know this isn't a messageboard, but seeing as debates are taking place, it's definitely a forum in the proper sense of the word. That's all I meant. - Fraser]

  12. At 09:52 PM on 02 May 2007, Kat wrote:

    Found the radio one message board. Truly Â鶹Éç isn't it. Impartial moderators who won't post to delete messages breaking the rules instead of having the hosts who are involved do it. My gosh.

    [So, you've got 'impersonal' message boards over there, or a flawed pre-moderated comments system over here (but with friendly hosting from yours truly). A choice? Options? Now that really IS 'truly Â鶹Éç'... - Fraser]

  13. At 05:09 PM on 03 May 2007, Jenny wrote:

    At last a cover of a Jellyfish song. Mcfly can't make this song thier own because it will be forever Jellyfish. Great that they have covered it though and hopefully more people will go out and buy Jellyfish's Albums Bellybutton and Spilt Milk [Masterpieces of pop/rock]

  14. At 05:28 PM on 03 May 2007, wrote:

    Aye sir. Wasn't meaning to offend chartblog

    [Don't you take that tone with me young Missy...now go to your room! - Fraser]

  15. At 07:37 PM on 03 May 2007, Kat wrote:

    I was being serious! =(

  16. At 05:04 PM on 06 May 2007, alex wrote:

    i really like both these songs.. i saw mcfly in concert on friday night! I wouldnt choose too see them normally but really enjoyed them and now amm obsessed with transylvania, Now i LOVE them!!

  17. At 04:12 PM on 08 May 2007, Liv wrote:

    In response to Melanie...
    annoying? personal opinion
    boyband? no
    only know a few chords? rubbish - take a listen to songs such as walk in the sun before saying that.
    their version of babys coming back sounds just like jellyfish's? - pretty much true yes, but again it's personal opinion whether you like that or not, you might think it's good because they havnt strayed to much from the original or you might not because then you think it's just a straight copy. And correct me if I'm wrong but I reckon that if some dance DJ came out with a techno version of baby's coming back you would be like 'oh my god that's murder!' yet when a similar version comes out you say 'that proves they cannot make it sound like their own material as they dont have any musical originality or creativity'..excuse me very much, but a song like transylvania does exactly that - how many bands would write a song like that?
    look, no one has to like or not like mcfly, its all down to personal preference but it's just so annoying when people call them a boyband who only know a few chords, it's simply not true. I mean fair enough if you didn't like their first few songs and so never tried to get into them/hear more of their songs, I mean most people wouldn't with a band they didn't like, me included, so you just obviously don't realise that they are talented at what they do even if it's not to your taste.

    [Well said, Liv! Plus you get extra points for use of the word 'obviously' in that final sentence. Now THAT'S a tune (lots of chords in it, too). - Fraser]

  18. At 08:14 PM on 08 May 2007, saz wrote:

    fraser i think im in love with you!
    ur piece on mcr was mean i like gerard way, and mcfly rule.
    but fraser i love you ;)

    [Well, you can't love me THAT much if you think I'm mean. So ner! - Fraser]

  19. At 09:57 PM on 08 May 2007, wrote:

    awesome :P You scored a groupie!

  20. At 11:24 PM on 08 May 2007, wrote:

    fraser you cant deny her feelings if she loves you! aww, youve gone on the deffensive, your embarrassed! how sweet...

    [Shu'up! AM NOT! I...er...I... *runs away* - Fraser]

  21. At 09:10 PM on 09 May 2007, Gemma wrote:

    Dougie has such a good voice, Why doesnt he sing more often =)

  22. At 09:38 PM on 09 May 2007, wrote:

    you can run but you cant hide from love fraser! she'll get you eventually, when and where you least expect it!

    [Shutupshutupshutup... ;-) Fraser]

  23. At 09:56 PM on 09 May 2007, wrote:

    you should be flattered that you have an admirer! you never know, it could be the start of something special and long lasting...

    [Well of course I'm flattered...you'll notice she's not said anything else though. I think you scared her off - Fraser]

  24. At 10:10 PM on 09 May 2007, wrote:

    oh yeah, maybe i should stop spreading love on the behalf of others :S what have i gone and done now, oh im sorry :(

    [Yeah well think on next time, eh? We were getting on really well until you butted in. I could be MARRIED by now... ;-) - Fraser]

  25. At 10:24 PM on 09 May 2007, wrote:

    i am so sorry, thinking i was cupid when in reality i was acting as his evil twin, enter...THE ANTI-CUPID! *dramatic music*

    [You're Rik Waller? EW! - Fraser]

  26. At 10:59 PM on 09 May 2007, wrote:

    im no rik waller! as you said, EW! firstly im A GIRL and secondly im like a 1/16 of his size, as in 16 of me make him (no offence rik). i dont think hes a 16 year old yr 12 a-level student either, as far as i know he once HAD fame on reality tv and is now remembered cus of his size. click on my name and itll take you to my myspace to see the REAL me. youre a closer resemblence to him being a bald middle-aged man and all! you just made this personal mr m. i shall summon my army of none rik waller like in any sense anti-cupids to ruin your future love life forever..oh sorry, what future love life?!?! mwahaha

    [Touched a raw nerve there, did I Rik? - Fraser]

  27. At 11:01 PM on 09 May 2007, wrote:

    Oh dear.. you two are mental :P

    Don't worry Fraser we'll find you another one, won't we, Kerri! Every blogger has to have a groupie. It's like a RULE.

  28. At 10:50 AM on 10 May 2007, wrote:

    haha, scrap that then.. the claws are out!! *grabs the popcorn*

  29. At 02:29 PM on 10 May 2007, wrote:

    i love mcfly they cudnt b any better meetin them on monday thier new single add on babys coming back is the best cover iv herd
    lovin harry forer!!!
    xxxxxxxx model lara xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  30. At 08:09 PM on 10 May 2007, wrote:

    'raw nerve' as if, i just get a bit carried away as you know...but anyway the army has been summoned so watch your back... and front and side etc what flavour popcorn have you got kat? salted is the best :)

  31. At 10:23 PM on 10 May 2007, Kat wrote:

    Butter all the way! =p i like salted too though. Sweet is ick.

  32. At 04:33 PM on 11 May 2007, wrote:

    hmm i dunno, salted is defo the best but then it all goes iffy....sweet is probs better than butter me thinks

  33. At 05:15 PM on 11 May 2007, wrote:

    oh no no! I love proper american butter popcorn in the states so maybe that's where I get the obsession from. They know how to do it without getting it all gooey! Microwave butter is still okay though

  34. At 05:26 PM on 13 May 2007, tiffany-jayne wrote:

    it is a gr8 single i have it SIGNRD

  35. At 06:16 PM on 13 May 2007, Jade wrote:

    I love this track!

    It is different to the rest of their beautifully crafted songs, I love the chorus and all the verses. It is fantastic to hear a great voices like Dougie's/Danny's and Tom's all in one song together. Transylvania is so catchy and memorable.

    Another brilliant tune by a fantastic band. And I've got it signed!

    And don't get me started on Baby's Coming Back! Fantastic again... great tune... and a great cover.

    I'm so glad I went to the single signing in Canterbury now lol... so worth it!

    McFly for number 1!! lol

  36. At 11:41 PM on 13 May 2007, Anon wrote:

    I secretly love McFly. They're so happy and light-hearted. :) But my usual style is COMPLETLY different, so if my friends knew they'd probably all have heart attacks.

  37. At 02:41 PM on 14 May 2007, kelly wrote:

    i love mcfly more than any 1 else..... dougie exspecially i love tranny i think its amazin. i totally disagree with sum peeps opinions bt ill get ova it cheers

  38. At 04:03 PM on 14 May 2007, dodger wrote:

    hehe Transylvania rocks- i dint really like Babys Coming Back at first but its beginning to grow on me. Mcfly rock-Dougies sooo cute!

    Dodger xx :( dieting sucks

  39. At 06:45 PM on 15 May 2007, Bobbyliz wrote:

    I think that Mcfly are totally brilliant and i went to see them 5 times on their last tour and i thought they were immense.:):P:)

  40. At 11:56 PM on 15 May 2007, wrote:

    I think Mcfly are fantastic...the best!!!I love all of the song of them,I can't understand who hates them!!!they're brilliant cute,nice so good as singers and as boys...and then,they're kind hearted for their project "comic relief" in Uganda....everybody that says these guys aren't so special and clever should ask himself if he/she does know very well Danny Dougie Harry and Tom...then he/shecould talk about them...
    PS:Danny you're soooo hot and cute!!!I love all of you!!eyes,voice,face...and laugh;) you're the best...Mcfly are the best...a kiss to everybody especially to these guys and in particoular Danny!!....
    PPS:excusme for my uncurrect English,I'm an Italian fan of 16 years ;) byeee hun!!!

  41. At 03:08 AM on 19 May 2007, Nikki wrote:

    Not a McFly fan in the slightest, was skipping through the music channels and came upon 'Babys coming back', found myself singing along thinking ' i know this song', then it came to me that it was originally done by Jellyfish, have the single on vinyl, pure classic. McFly have done a superb job, it sounds much like the original and certainly is a great song to cover.
    Well done lads :)

  42. At 09:04 PM on 12 Jun 2007, Eric wrote:

    Great comment about the relation to "Jellyfish" Sophie W.

    If anyone likes the song 'Transylvania' be SURE to pick up both Jellyfish albums. (I would also recommend any of the members solo work as well).

    I heard "Transylvania" yesterday in a chinese buffet and starting 'bopping' (or 'bobbing') to it. I thought it was a new jellyfish song! (I wish).

  43. At 07:48 PM on 31 Jul 2007, Niamh wrote:

    McFly are great, and i love translvania and babys coming back there both brill songs and totally deserved to go number 1. I cant Wait to go to there greatest hits tour and also cant wait to go out and buy there new single coming out on the 22 October.

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