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End of a ChartBlog

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Fraser McAlpine | 14:51 UK time, Friday, 14 January 2011

ChartBlog scrumple

Hello, I have some news.

Over the last four years, it has been my privilege to write daft stuff about songs; songs which have been in the charts, songs which should have been in the charts, and songs which happily fell short of going into the charts. It has been the most fun job I've ever had.

And, as is fitting for a blog about the charts, it's been a hit! We've not really talked about it before, possibly because it would've been vulgar to crowbar a bit of bragging into a review, but somewhere in the region of five thousand of you smashers have been coming here every day to have a read and a row about pop music. ChartBlog has constantly been in the Top 3 of Â鶹Éç music blogs, and often in the Top 1. That's right, NUMBER ONE! WITH A BULLET!

Unfortunately, after all of this larking about, it's time for me to move on, pack up my idiosyncratic worldview, dismantle the old wry asides, saddle up the Lyriscope and ride off into pop pastures new.

By which I mean I will soon be leaving ChartBlog, to bang on about music for other people, and that means ChartBlog won't be updated, although it will continue to be archived.

There are some amazing plans for the chart on Radio 1, some really exciting new ideas are on their way, so don't fret, it's all going to be alright.

This isn't even the final ChartBlog post. Over the next few days I'm going to put together a compilation of our greatest hits - best reviews, best interviews, daftest rants - and generally wallow in a bit of nostalgia, partly because I'm a little sad to go*, but mainly as a way of saying thank you.

That's a thank you to everyone who has written things for the ChartBlog, everyone who has taken the time to roll up their sleeves and comment, and most of all, you. Yes you. You have always been the best.

Come and say hello on the internet if you haven't already. We can argue about pop music! Again!

You have all been FIVE STARS OUT OF FIVE.



*On the plus side, it does mean I don't have to review the new Aggro Santos single. *HIGHFIVE*


  • Comment number 1.

    *head Explodes*

  • Comment number 2.


    Well, I'm not good at saying these sort of things, but thanks for everything Fraser. Your reviews have been great to read, even if certain users here have said otherwise recently (spirit :P). Even though I've only been posting here regularly for less than a year, it's been so much fun and I think I've visited this site more than any other during that time.

    But does this mean us guys won't be able to chat here any more (i.e. in a single thread like Jedward), even though the site won't be updated? Will there be a new blog here eventually? If we can't post here we can use the site Samir kindly set up for us, but the chances of us getting new users there is pretty much zero. I'm sure you'll let us know before you go if there is any news regarding the future of this site though.

    It's just a shame this is happening when we are getting new regulars and we are all posting more frequently again! Great to hear this blog has regularly been one of the top Â鶹Éç blogs though - we are very good, aren't we? ;)

    Anyway, look forward to the final few posts this week. I wonder if any of our 'rants' will be in there! Should be a lot of fun to look back at this great blog.

  • Comment number 3.

    Hi Kutox, thank you for your kind words, it really does mean a lot.

    As far as I understand it, the site will stay as it is for the time being, so you can continue to comment on Jedward etc as much as you like.

    Eventually things will shift about, I think, and I've been told there are currently no plans to make another blog, so we'll all just have to see.

    Thanks again for all of your support/bickering.


  • Comment number 4.

    Just want to say thank you ChartBlog (well, more specifically the music reviewing genius that is Fraser) for letting me be part of it. Without you I would have never talked about superglue with The Maccabees or baby names with The Cribs. So thank you. You will be missed. Throw those curtains wide :) Big love xxx

  • Comment number 5.

    Cheers for the great reviews each week :D

    All the best.

    Samir's blog it is?

  • Comment number 6.

    What? WHAT???!

    Has OddOne been informed?

    Please, please someone, decide where we should go in the future... before we´re all scattered like... like... like Chart Nerds without a home!

  • Comment number 7.

    I knew this day would come; I just wish I could've stayed a little longer before it really happened.

    I'm not going to lie, but the way I review songs is often heavily influenced by Fraser's trademark sarcasm-heavy, often goofy fashion - in fact I'd go as far as to say it was a combination of Fraser's enthusiasm to his musical writings and the appalling 'The Club Is Alive' that got me started reviewing in the first place. I'm extremely upset to hear of his departure.

    Fraser, you've been brilliant. I'd like to say thank you for all your hilarity and all the time you put into your reviews; I think I speak for many of the daily users of ChartBlog when I say you'll be sorely missed, as will your humourous spark that brought every single one of your reviews alive with laughter as you firmly stamped your own flavour onto them.

    I'll still be reveiwing over at Unreality Shout - I'm currently taking a break as there's no really interesting single released through the early months of January/February but I'll post when something big comes up, then I'll return to my daily schedule.

    But that's not relevant now, what's relevant is that Fraser will be dearly missed by us all - here's to him. :)

  • Comment number 8.

    And sorry, I forgot... Cheers Frazer for all the fun reviews, even though you´ve sometimes had the same musical taste as my 4-year-old niece. Lotsa hugs! Hope you´re moving on to something fun and exciting!

  • Comment number 9.

    I´m all over the place. It´s FRASER obviously.

  • Comment number 10.

    Thank you, you utter smashers.

    Oddy, you are TOO KIND. I'd say the obvious new home for the ChartBlog community is Unreality Shout, seeing as you do what I do (or did). Make them all come and shout at you, you'll never regret it!

    Mangsy, your niece sounds like a person of rare taste and wisdom. We could all learn a lot from her.

  • Comment number 11.

    I've actually suprised myself by how geniunely sad this has made me, still it was great fun while it lasted. Unfortunately I'll probably not be joining people over at Unreality Shout, as I've said before I keep finding it harder to put time aside to look and comment on ChartBlog but have always tried my best to stay up to date due to the fact that it's ChartBlog and I'll miss it when it's gone. Now that the nostalgia of remembering the glory days of ChartBlog is gone I think it's time for me to move on to other things too, I'll still check up on Unreality Shout I just probably won't bother to comment.

    And I don't care what anyone says I thought Fraser's reviews were always brilliant.

  • Comment number 12.

    Well I guess this day had to come at sometime.

    I only joined recently, but have been reading your reviews for much longer than that. I have always had a good little chuckle at your reviews, so I say thank you Fraser.

    Whatever you do next I hope you have fun and I will remember you.

    Jamstah xxx

    PS: Post on Unreality Shout every so often for us please?

  • Comment number 13.

    Wonder how many users of old will return here to say their goodbyes to Fraser

  • Comment number 14.

    Hello everyone!
    I've been a long-time reader here, but never posted. I feel this is an appropriate time to use my first post, however.

    Fraser, I've really enjoyed reading all of the reviews. It gives me a warm fuzzy feeling when I guess the number of stars, and it gives me a slightly annoyed feeling when certain-songs-that-shall-not-be-named get too many stars...in my opinion ;) I love reading your reviews and there have been so many songs I wouldn't have found out about had it not been for here.

    I'll really miss all of this, despite having never posted. I already lurk around Unreality Shout, so I'll see everyone there, I guess.

    Thank you for the giggles!

  • Comment number 15.

    Can't believe this is the end of chartblog. I mean, I haven't commented since the olden days (when the logo used to be pink or maybe even yellow, signing in to comment was optional and 'How To Destroy [insert name of musician here]' was a regular feature), but even so. Part of me always thought chartblog would be around forever (just like part of me thought the 'top of the pops' site would be always updated etc - writing that makes me feel old).
    I'm going to miss the reviews and the rants (and the 'celebrity blogs' and 'press releases' and 'classifieds' that used to be part of chartblog way back when internet was slower and I was, for a fleeting second, 'queen of the chartblog street team'), but I suppose there's always the archives.
    Thanks for the reviews and the laughs, Fraser, and all the best for the future.
    Sarah :)

  • Comment number 16.

    I did a doubletake on the title... I may only have been an irregular poster, but I was a regular reader, and I will sorely miss the insightful reviews and quirky comparisons... I must admit I still can't believe it Fraser, you are a genius and I hope you keep writing, even if it isn't about music, or in a blog.
    I wish you all the best Fraser!

    I will also miss the community, I have learnt a lot over the years, and my music appreciation has been expanded beyond recognition. I will also miss being the guy who knew had heard the next great hit months before anyone else had. But I guess I'll have more free time now! =)

  • Comment number 17.

    We must stick together, guys - we will get through this setback!

    Whether we carry on posting in Jedward (or a new thread if/when that one closes - I suggest this one) or we use Samir's site, we can't let this be the end of our discussions :(

    Please take note, new and occasional users!

  • Comment number 18.

    awwww, i'm sad, i just joined

  • Comment number 19.

    Hey kobra! It's a sad occasion isn't it? It's even harder for those that have been here for ages! :L

    Oh my goodness, kutox, your post just made me realise I'm not only going to miss Fraser, but all the conversations we've all had together! You're like my internet family where I can talk to you about things I'm passionate for - and you can understand me when I do it! We all need to move over somewhere, and no-one must be lost in the transaction - I feel like I've made friends for life on here! Haha!

  • Comment number 20.

    WHY? An End of an Era it is. I saw the title of this post and a tear emerged from my eye.

    My Site it is, I guess. The only problem, as mentioned, is we won't be able to get any more members :(


    Jedward will live for ever.

  • Comment number 21.

    I'm really going to miss you Fraser. Every day I came here, and laughed at your reviews, especially 'Club is Alive' and the like.

    Fraser, there is one thing that you should do before you go. I think Chartblog regulars will know what I'm about to say.


    REVIEW ELLIE 'Your Song'

    That would make me feel... starry eyed.

  • Comment number 22.

    You really do love that song :L

    I wanted a review for Plan B - Love Goes Down, but ah well.

    I'm all for Samir's blog, but I doubt they'd be as many users :/

    You never know, we could try to convince the mighty Fraser to become a member ;)

  • Comment number 23.

    I would also like a review for this:

    It makes me so emotional every time I hear it.

    Anyway, here's the link for my site.

  • Comment number 24.

    @ 19 & 20

    It does feel like that :( Anyway, see my post on Jedward. I don't think we should try and decide too quickly, give it a few weeks perhaps. No easy solution though.

    But of course there's more posts to come over the next week - the 'best of' Chartblog stuff! Will be good to see what makes it in there.

  • Comment number 25.

    I reckon all ChartBloggers should post on here instead of Jedward in memory of Fraser.

    Anyone with me?

  • Comment number 26.

    Let's be honest, chartblog has been in decline for a while now, the radio 1 presenters stopped using it and eventually it became just Fraser posting reviews of songs.

    Also, Jamstah, if you are sad about missing all of us, join my site as linked in this thread, which could become our nee home if this place suddenly deletes itself.

    And I suspect that will happen, you know, Chartblog will die quietly. I do hope we get some of the best of stuff though.

    :( face times 9000

  • Comment number 27.

    Poem for Chartblog


    Chartblog, Chartblog, oh we will miss you
    When the worst JLS song gets 5 star reviewed
    We can all thank Fraser for doing this stuff
    His every review, so smooth and not rough
    From tinie to kanye to pro green to Edward
    Maya to Ellie to mika to Jedward
    The days of logging on my PC
    Typing in Chartblog and what do I see
    jedward 5 stars? What an outrage!
    Spirit agrees with me, he's full or rage
    "This song is terrible, the review is too long"
    And then someone says
    Fraser's "Never seriously wrong"
    Not reviewing Ellie made Samir upset
    But now, I have to say, I really regret,
    Not thanking Fraser, for all of his posts
    As I sat Down to eat my beans on toast
    I thought "whats this? End of a chartblog"
    And A part of me died, like a thirsty warthog
    See, I love chartblog, even the spammers,
    Who bump the age old thread, those devious scammers
    Remind us of old times that have past
    "Teenage dream 3 stars?" says spirit, "I can't be asked"
    Us guys love each other, we will always remember
    The laughs on here from other members
    Arguing about a song, how good is it really?
    "Well," says kutox "I think it's nearly
    As good as MBD twisted fantasy"
    10 posts of rage and bang goes that theory!
    So Farewell to chartblog, and wherever we go
    Be it to my site or oddone's blo
    g, we will always remember where we met
    And now that it's ending, please don't fret,
    For as long as there's always a new bad single
    We will always have something to discuss about, and mingle.



  • Comment number 28.

    ...there sure were some desperate rhymes there.

  • Comment number 29.

    Excellent work, Samir! I had no idea you were such a talented poet :P

    Hopefully we can continue to post here after the site stops getting updated - as it says, this site will continue to be archived anyway, so we shouldn't lose anything, even if we don't get any new users.

    If we do start using your site, I suppose I could try and get some new users from Digital Spy - I would of tried to do that with this blog before, but to be honest I'm too worried about asking people :( Also they don't usually like people promoting their own blogs on forums like that.

    Maybe there will be a new blog here eventually, or at least some facility for us to chat about music. We'll have to wait and see what those 'amazing plans for the chart on Radio 1' are.

  • Comment number 30.

    After reassembling my head after it exploded...

    This just seemed to come out of nowhere! But it was bound to happen really, so thanks sosososososososoososososososossososo much Fraser for all the laughs, tears and space-to-have-rage-fueled-discussions you have provided us with :'( you will be missed :3

    On a side note, I had a brainwave... MAYBE, this is up for discussion, we could organise a thing where we all write our own reviews on one post?
    SO we could still have Jedward for discussion,
    Maybe this one for Posts?
    And Photoshop Handsome for organising said reviews. (Chose these as they're usually at the top)

  • Comment number 31.

    I would need at least One Moderator on Free2Discuss, but I'm not sure who that would be.

    I've had terrible experiences in other online boards (give one users moderating powers and he closes EVERY TOPIC) so it would have to be one really trusted user who would be up for it.

    Just one mod though, too many mods = recipe for disaster (a small argument can lead to the collapse of the forum)

  • Comment number 32.

    I'll do it! Of course, this is dependent on whether it all goes ahead with Free2Discuss. I say we wait for now but as long as I'm top of the list for possible moderators at Free2Discuss! :L

  • Comment number 33.

    Hey there! Greetings from Spain... Nothing to say that hasn't been said here before, just that I'll be missing your well-written posts, Fraser, I really enjoyed how your love of music came through... Keep up with the good stuff wherever you go, whatever you do... See ya!!! :)))

  • Comment number 34.

    I 2nd that OddOne, I'll be a moderater if you wish :)

  • Comment number 35.

    As for me, I wouldn't want to be a moderator. My judgement on those sort of things is questionable at the best of times, and I would doubt myself on every decision that had to be made. Best leave it to the people who know what they are doing!

  • Comment number 36.

    I have no desire either - I have my own board, and I moderate on another, it can be time consuming and music is not my forte.

  • Comment number 37.

    I wouldn't mind being one, although I am a teenager so my judgement may not be the best.
    I would have a lot of time on my hands though :L

  • Comment number 38.

    Recruitment drive ;)

  • Comment number 39.


  • Comment number 40.


    I'm a fairly infrequent poster but I've been visiting almost daily for years (I even had to make a new account after I let slip I was only 15 once during a bit of a tiff and got banned- I'm now 18) so I'm going to have to find something to fill the ten minute void that shall be left in my life.

  • Comment number 41.

    Also Hazel's review for Misery Business should probably go down as the greatest comment backlash haha. It got slightly out of hand if I remember rightly.

  • Comment number 42.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 43.

    havent posted an a while as ive been really busy but its really bad news. learnt about a lot of new music through this blog and there are some interesting personalities about. had some great conversations (and arguments).. the blog has been a quality act - where is the blog where we'll continue the tradition?

  • Comment number 44.

    Olivia, flatknees (and anyone else who has enjoyed the discussions on chartblog!)...

    Please come join us here:

    It's just us guys there at the moment, so the discussions are pretty much the same as they are here, just in forum mode :)

  • Comment number 45.

    Wow. This is sad.

    Just scanned back through the (too) many pages of my comments history, and I first showed up in November 2008, but like most people had been reading for a good long while before I dipped my toe in the pool. Probably over three years I've been coming here, and back in my commenting heyday I was here all the time - spending ten minutes writing a ludicrously long comment, posting, then scanning the topical posts to see what had been posted by someone else while I had been writing. Good times.

    Fraser, this blog has been brilliant to read, and I've invested/wasted more of my working hours reading and commenting here than I really had any business doing. I rarely ever bothered to watch the videos for the songs that I didn't know (which latterly was most of them), but I always read every review. Speaks volumes about how entertaining your writing is, I think.

    I'm glad you know how good a job you did, and finally have an opportunity to show off a bit. And you've done it with some class and graciousness, in contrast to some of the carping from certain quarters around here, and one self-aggrandising quarter in particular (no-one above!).

    I enjoyed chatting with my "generation" of commenters (Thranjax, Dan, Liam, Randy, Catman, Mozfoz, and then Jonesy and Harry, and sometimes Spirit). However, it was your writing that initially hooked me, and kept me coming back, even when I stopped commenting.

    Incidentally, read your blog on the NME's website a couple of months ago, and whilst I didn't really agree with it, I enjoyed it. Are you at liberty to say (or hint) where we could see your future work?

    Regardless, thanks for everything, it's really been a lot of fun. Hope to catch you somewhere else down the cyber-road.

  • Comment number 46.

    Just gutted by this :(

    Have been reading this blog ever since Pixie Lotts 'Cry Me Out' review was written back in November 2009. I have basically been following this blog ever since. My only regret is thatI didn't start commenting until like November 2010 :( Still don't know why I waited so long.

    Just want to thank Fraser for all his witty reviews :). My greatest memory was probably when 'Bad Romance' got 5 stars and I realized I wasn't alone in believing it was an epic pop song after all the berating I got off my friends for saying it was an epic song.

    Also want to thank all the people on the blog for their reccomendations. Seriously, like half my ipod is full of music I read about on this blog.

    So yeah I'm going to go now and cry....... :(

  • Comment number 47.

    Don't get upset, we've all moved to 'Free2Discuss' the new home of chartblog!


  • Comment number 48.

    Ahhhh rubbish :(.

    Hopefully a few of you remember me .. I used to post around here .. a lot you could say.

    Very sad to see the demise of the blog. The last year I have abstained from posting, for the variety of reasons, the main being my own lack of time. I have however continued to read the blog and love contempary music as much as I did back then, if not more.

    Fraser you are a fantastic reviewer. I had to stop myself sounding like a fanboi in most of my posts, but 9/10 I completely agreed with your review. You always hit the nail on the head. Often putting into words what I couldn't, which is the sign of a great journalist.

    I hope you are moving into bigger and better things, because I genuinely believe that's what you deserve.

    Best of luck in the future and the same to all the other old posts, I still recognise a lot of names on here!


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