Six-mark questions
Six-mark questions are often the questions that people find the most difficult. In all longer answer questions, but especially the six-mark ones, it is important that you plan your answer and not just rush into it. After all, you would plan an essay or short story before starting. Without a plan it is easy to stray away from the key point and lose marks, get steps in a process in the wrong order or forget key bits of information. Remember to write your answer in full sentences, not bullet points.
Six-mark questions will start with command words such as 'Describe...', 'Evaluate...' or 'Explain...'.
Some command words are easy to understand such as:
- 'Calculate...' or 'Determine...' for maths questions
- 'Choose...' for multiple choice questions
- 'Complete...' to fill in a gap in a table or graph
- 'Define...' to give the meaning of an important word
- 'Suggest...' where you use your knowledge in an unfamiliar situation
The command words 'Describe...' and 'Explain...' can be confusing. If you are asked to describe a graph, you will be expected to write about its overall shape, whether it is linear or curved, the slope of gradients etc. If you are asked to explain why a pattern or trend is seen in a graph, you will be expected to use your science knowledge not just say what you see (which is a description), eg The graph shows the pH of milk decreases. It does this because...
Explain how and why questions often have the word 'because' in their answer. Describe questions don't.
These questions have been written by Bitesize consultants as suggestions to the types of questions that may appear in an exam paper.
Sample question 1 - Foundation
Describe the evidence for human evolution. [6 marks]
Possible content to be included:
- stone tools show increasing sophistication
- these began with simple hand axes (or other suitable example)
- then arrowheads and needle bones (or other suitable examples)
- many vertebrates including humans have the pentadactyl limb
- this suggests we evolved from a common ancestor
- Ardi is a female human-like fossilised skeleton that dates from 4.4 million years ago
- Ardi's feet suggest that humans and chimpanzees evolved separately
- Lucy is a female human-like fossilised skeleton, and dates from 3.2 million years ago
- Lucy's bones suggest that she walked in an upright position, like a human, but possessed a relatively small ape-like skull
1-2 marks - Description is focused on either evidence from tools, pentadctyl limbs or fossils. Limited or inaccurate links are attempted between the three groups of evidence.
3-4 marks - Description includes a range of types of evidence across tools, pentadctyl limbs or fossils. Some links are made between ideas and most of the descriptions are written in a logical way.
5-6 marks - Detailed description of several types of evidence. Descriptions are supported by relevant linking ideas throughout and are written in a clear, logical way.
Sample question 2 - Foundation
Describe how vertebrates are classified in the Linnaean system of classification. [6 marks]
Possible content to be included:
- vertebrates are classified into five groups, each with different characteristics.
- mammals are warm-blooded, have hair or fur and breathe with lungs (or other suitable example)
- reptiles are cold-blooded, have dry scales and lay leathery eggs (or other suitable example)
- amphibians are cold-blooded, lay eggs and have soft permeable skin (or other suitable example)
- birds are warm blooded, have feathers and a beak and many can fly (or other suitable example)
- fish are cold-blooded, breathe through gills and lay many eggs (or other suitable example)
1-2 marks - Description demonstrates elements of understanding but some points are inaccurate. The description has some structure and coherence.
3-4 marks - Description demonstrates some understanding of the Linnaean system and most information is accurate. Limited links are made between classification of different organisms but the descriptions are mostly clear and logical.
5-6 marks - Detailed description demonstrates clear understanding of the classification system. Relevant links are made between ideas and the descriptions have a well-developed and logical structure.
Sample question 3 - Higher
Describe how the pentadactyl limb provides evidence for evolution. Give two examples in your answer and for each explain how their limbs are adapted to their function. [6 marks]
Possible content to be included:
- many vertebrates including humans have the pentadactyl limb
- this is a five fingered limb structure
- this suggests they evolved from a common ancestor
- the bat has evolved a very long and thin pentadactyl limb with skin that has stretched across it to form wings (or other suitable example and adaptation for two marks)
- the whale has evolved a shorter pentadactyl limb within a flipper that allows it to swim (or other suitable example and adaptation for two marks)
1-2 marks - Description demonstrates elements of understanding but some points are inaccurate. The description has some structure and coherence.
3-4 marks - Description demonstrates some understanding through the use of evidence and most information is accurate. Limited links are made to other evidence. The descriptions are mostly clear and logical.
5-6 marks - Detailed description of evidence provided and relevant links made to other supporting evidence. Descriptions are well presented and are written in a clear and logical way.