Name: Laura Santana
Job: Researcher
Age: 26
Luxury items: Tweezers - it's a jungle out there!
Phobia: Burning my shoes on camp fires.
Will miss: Rabbit.
Looking forward to: Helping Leti pinch Matt's nut collection.
Dreading: Chainsaw massacres and sleeping in a tent with five terrifying snorers.
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Posted on: Sat 16 Feb 08
Posted from: Parana
The heat was sweltering and an excitement was building around the village as the men and women had separated into two groups and from a distance were making eyes at one another. The groups were about 100 metres apart with the men standing proudly in a line and the women up a slope huddled together and giggling and pointing at the men. Bruce was stood in the middle of the line of men wearing matching white beads and body paint. Pete and I were filming some shots among the women and they were quite flirty and funny.
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