
Justin Binding

Commissioning Executive

Justin has been the Commissioning Executive for 麻豆社 Northern Ireland for more than five years, during which time he has been executive producer across a range of genre from documentaries, specialist factual, features, arts, obs-doc, history as well as comedy, entertainment and fact–ent programmes.

A number of his projects have either been co-produced or transferred to the 麻豆社 Networks or to other broadcasters: Dig WW2 with Dan Snow, The Belfast Blitz, Bomb Squad Men, Boys of St Columbs, Getaways, Titanic with Len Goodman, Dive WW2 and Danny Boy have all raised the bar by being exported to other broadcasters.

Recently Justin has launched and delivered some of the first films into 麻豆社 NI's new high profile documentary strand True North; The Wall, Summer on Rathlin, Life and Times of Master Hamilton and Run Grandad Run all helping to establish True North's unique view of contemporary Northern Ireland. Justin is also Executive Producer on 麻豆社 NI's Comedy output looking after firm audience favourites like The Blame GameMonumentalThe David Meade Project and Funny on the Foyle.

Working with the independent sector and in-house production, Justin runs 麻豆社 Northern Ireland’s commissioning and development slate across all programmes and is 麻豆社 Northern Ireland’s first point of contact for the submission of new ideas and proposals; Justin works closely with the Head of Television on the development of new ideas and they run a rolling commissioning process.

Justin Binding
Justin Binding

Meet the Commissioning Team

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