
Karen Kirby

Commissioning Executive

Karen is a Commissioning Executive for 麻豆社 Northern Ireland with particular responsibility for the 麻豆社 Gaeilge portfolio on Television, Radio and Digital. She provides strategic and editorial leadership to the 麻豆社 Gaeilge in-house teams working on multi-genre content on Radio and Digital including magazine, music and events, documentary and sports programming. She works closely with the independent television production sector in NI and other broadcasters and funders to commission a range of content for local audiences, including Factual Documentary, Music & Events, Drama, Factual Entertainment and Formats.

Karen has worked as Series Producer, multi-camera Director, Producer and Presenter on a variety of programming since she joined 麻豆社 Northern Ireland in 1995. She worked in 麻豆社 NI Entertainment, Factual and News & Current Affairs before joining 麻豆社 Gaeilge as television producer in 2004.

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Karen Kirby

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