
Do you miss President Bush?

| Tuesday, 11 Nov. 2010 | 18:06 - 19:00 GMT

President Bush's memoir Decision Points goes on sale today. A CNN poll found that only two per cent more people thought President Obama was a better president than his predecessor. At souvenir shops in Washington T-shirts are now for sale with Mr Bush's image and the question: "Miss Me Yet?"

Well, do you? How do you judge President Bush now? Have you changed your opinion in any way since he left office?
Here's what President Bush said about his legacy in an interview with Matt Lauer:

I hope I'm judged a success. But I'm gonna be dead, Matt, when they finally figure it out.
Andrew Roberts thinks history will be kind to Bush's legacy:

The first is that history, by looking at the key facts rather than being distracted by the loud ambient noise of the 24-hour news cycle, will probably hand down a far more positive judgment on Mr Bush's presidency than the immediate, knee-jerk loathing of the American and European elites

Your comments

  1. Comment sent via SMS

    Any president who found himself in the position and situation President Bush found himself in and didn’t act as Bush did, is a weekling. I miss George. Opolot simon Uganda.

  2. Comment sent via YOURSAY

    Abiy Hailu emailed - He will be remembered like Harry Truman - a president who faced the toughest decisions. His reaction to 9/11 - invading Afghanistan - is like Truman against Japan

  3. Comment sent via SMS

    +234Abdul’aziz Usman Hadejia.Bush is a black sheep because he did many things show the difference in religion,while outdate this.

  4. Comment sent via SMS

    I miss G.Bush, bcos I’m sick of the charlatan Obama had turned out to be. At least with G. Bush we knew what we’re dealing with-JACOB. KADUNA: PLS CALL ME

  5. Comment sent via SMS

    Nothing made me happier than seeing Bush and Cheney get into that helicopter. He should be sitting in the Hague. Ottilie, prague

  6. Comment sent via SMS

    How big was the Oil issue as a reason to go into Iraq? Ziedonis in Riga

  7. Comment sent via SMS

    I will miss Bush because Omar el bashir who to accept signing the CPA or else! J John, south Sudan, juba.

  8. Comment sent via SMS

    The presidency of George Bush came at the right time. I like the way he dealt with extremist and terrorist groups. He came at the right time. (Anyii George, Kampala)

  9. Comment sent via SMS

    I’m sure America would be calling 4 d head of Pres. Bush had he been president of a country other than d US. This is d man he gave so much in d cause ofAfrican children with one hand, n destroy d future of Iraqi n Afghan children with d other. Reflecting on d Bush presidency seems more like a nightmare. -missing Fragment-

  10. Comment sent via SMS

    Bush says, ’The world is a better place without Saddam.’ The world would have been a lot better off without George W. Bush. Banks, amsterdam

  11. Comment sent via SMS

    I miss Rumsfelt more. At least he was funny. J Edwards

  12. Comment sent via YOURSAY

    Francis German, Indianapolis emailed - Can Mr. Bush or any of his apologize-rs name one successfully liberated democracy on this planet?

  13. Comment sent via SMS

    I do miss Bush, he reduced the spread of AIDS in Africa through aid and he also did not tolerate terrorism. but he also made silly mistakes in iraq. PATRICK in Abim Uganda

  14. Comment sent via SMS

    Bush poured enough money for us in Africa to fight poverty. This is why i miss him. Richard Drasimau - Uganda

  15. Comment sent via Facebook

    Sunny Enwerem - I do miss him,infact he made me respect his time in office as 1 with a straight concence nd my best US president 4now,seein him in person wil b a dream come trough