
Do you miss President Bush?

| Tuesday, 11 Nov. 2010 | 18:06 - 19:00 GMT

President Bush's memoir Decision Points goes on sale today. A CNN poll found that only two per cent more people thought President Obama was a better president than his predecessor. At souvenir shops in Washington T-shirts are now for sale with Mr Bush's image and the question: "Miss Me Yet?"

Well, do you? How do you judge President Bush now? Have you changed your opinion in any way since he left office?
Here's what President Bush said about his legacy in an interview with Matt Lauer:

I hope I'm judged a success. But I'm gonna be dead, Matt, when they finally figure it out.
Andrew Roberts thinks history will be kind to Bush's legacy:

The first is that history, by looking at the key facts rather than being distracted by the loud ambient noise of the 24-hour news cycle, will probably hand down a far more positive judgment on Mr Bush's presidency than the immediate, knee-jerk loathing of the American and European elites

Your comments

  1. Comment sent via host

    Well, that''s all from WHYS today. What a fantastic response from everyone - we''ve had more texts into the show today than ever - or at least, since I''ve been on the programme! See you tomorrow!

  2. Comment sent via YOURSAY

    Chris emailed - While I disagree with President Bush on many policy decisions, including waterboarding and Iraq, the quickness to demonize him is disturbing. While maybe ill-advised, it's distracting to call him names or simplify the incredibly complex and grave decisions he made

  3. Comment sent via SMS

    bush was one of d worse learders d world has have,d 9/11 he did it and attack orders.

  4. Comment sent via SMS

    If we do miss G Bush, why the debate now? J John

  5. Comment sent via Facebook

    Jafar Hashi - President bush was a complet disaster and infact should be a arrested and convected for runing and also ending the lives of innocent people i think he is guilty till proven innocent!!

  6. Comment sent via SMS

    0500038D0201If republicans want to cut the deficit, why don’t they opt to cut the obscene military budget, which is bigger than the rest of the put together and

  7. Comment sent via Facebook

    Candi Fisher - Two words: Hell no. That man ruined our country.

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    Eddie Szeliga - Tax cuts for the rich while spending on an unfunded war of aggression, all while turning a 2% surplus into a trillion dollar deficit. Yeah I miss Bush as much as I miss my wisdom teeth.

  9. Comment sent via BLOG

    Enaks82 - I believe his legacy will be judged on both sides of the coin. The invasion of Iraq and his attempt to export democracy was a complete policy failure. The fact that there were no WMDs found in Iraq means Bush lied and got away with it.

  10. Comment sent via SMS

    Hi 2 me bush was simply carring out his father,s failed invasion of iraq, iraq will b de same & some nations need iron rule if u want order. j.kasauka-zambia.

  11. Comment sent via YOURSAY

    Abiy from Ethiopia, Addis Ababa - I do not mis a president BUSH and GUANTANAMO

  12. Comment sent via SMS

    George W. Bush was the worse the Presdent that The USA ever had. MB. Daramy.

  13. Comment sent via SMS

    Economy - Record Surplus to Record Deficits American Image - Shattered around the world War - illegitimate War in Iraq..With this how can I miss Bush?

  14. Comment sent via SMS

    Bush poured enough money for us in Africa to fight poverty and AIDS. This is why i miss him. Richard Drasimau - Uganda

  15. Comment sent via SMS

    Abdullahi,Bush led the war on Iraq in which more civilians were killed and by the way he led the war in afganistan so Bush can be regarded as he is criminal

  16. Comment sent via SMS

    those who hte bush are either pro-terrorists or doesn’t know how bad they are. long live G Bush! nicolas.sudan

  17. Comment sent via SMS

    If Iraq had had WMD, America would never have amassed its troops in Kuwait.

  18. Comment sent via YOURSAY

    Omon in Leeds emailed - I miss President Bush so very much, President Bush was a brash man, he was not your typical politician, he wasn't smooth with his words, but he was true to the American people. He tried to keep America safe, which was his primary duty. He has no reason to apoloigise to anyone

  19. Comment sent via YOURSAY

    Sherman Shepherd emailed - I think a great President especially if he's compared to Obama. He was decisive, had the courage of his convictions, and people didn't have to like him the way Obama wants the world to love him.

  20. Comment sent via SMS

    In an ideal and fair world Bush and Blair wld be on trail john accra