
Latest from Libya

| Tuesday, 3 March 2011 | 11:34 - 23:30 GMT

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  1. Comment sent via SMS

    Its never tòo-late-but we on yasmin -revolution-are concience bound-and yes -l do think we should have-moved -sooner -as a woman-l know -time is the essence- isolation and stress takes-enormous energy lives-lost

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    ALOY: from Mozambique, it is on fair that some African leader’s are supporting ghadaffi. I’m advicing the World not listing to them.

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    Re: Andrew at 1805. I am also a taxpayer and to turn a blind eye on murder is not a good trend to get into. Especially as your reason merely seems to be "they aren’t british" or at least "they don’t live in Britain" because I assume if anything remotely akin to libya was occurring in west yorkshire you and I would be very unhappy. Surely all human life is equally valuable regardless of where someone happens to live. I may not be a fan of Cameron but I’m glad he is doing what he believes is best to ensure the safety of others. Andy in Leeds.

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    @Â鶹Éç_WHYS Those men responsible are not human being

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    Ben J again - thanks for your contributions to the discussions today. You''ll be able to listen again here shortly to the podcast. And please carry on talking here on the blog, or at

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    Martin in Norway: So what % of men in Haiti are rapists? Is it a small number of men doing a lot of rapes or are the majority of men doing it? If it is a small number of men - that can be fixed. If it's a large number of men - I really do not know how you fix that, short of drastic measures.

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    Joseph in Uganda e-mails about Libya: All Allied forces must leave Gaddafi to manage his country's affairs alone. Allied forces should go and help restore peace in Somalia which is in a more sympathetic state, rather than wasting resources in Libya.

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    The 2 people you had on from Tripoli are very biased, I think they must be phoning from Gaddafi’s tent. They should not be on the program!! They are spokemen for Gaddafi killing machine. Arthur Shaw, Kent

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    Erik in Pomona, California e-mails: II don't support this foreign intervention into Libya. This is a society built around tribes with a strong-man as its head. Gaddafi and his people loose power, just another strongman and tribe take over. This is not a modern nation with developed government institutions. Why not just let it happen?

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    Haitians in the refuge in Port-au-Prince are in tears as one mother tells the story of the rape of her one-year-old daughter last month

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    Elia in Port-au-Prince tells WHYS: "In other countries women's rights are respected. Here in Haiti they are just swept under the rug. If a woman knows the person who attacks her and she goes to the police, they act as if they have been arrested, but then you find they are still free. Then they become victims all over again."

  12. Comment sent via SMS

    Its breathtaking realising that the fabrics of objectivity & altruism donot exist in Africa.How can we critic the UN.Go UN & shame on Africa.Magala: Uganda

  13. Comment sent via SMS

    Are there any statistics about who are the perpetrators? E.g. Age, marital status, occupancy? -OLIvia from Poland

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    Tombo in Virginia: The discussion between the callers from either side of Libya sound eerily similar to Republicans and Democrats here in the U.S., neither one can accept what the other says, claiming it just isn't so. Well, at least they are talking, and that's a start. God, help us all.

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    Linda in US asks why the rapes in Haiti aren't reported? We put this to people in the refuge. A worker tells WHYS they are reported - but the authorities don't take the reports seriously.

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    The problem of Haiti can only be solved with the help of individual citizen of Haiti. Where ever there is poverty there is high rate of crime. Abbey .Barbados

  17. Comment sent via SMS

    Since the start with the UNSC resolution everything is vague: nobody really knows what protect civilians means yet the coalition is bombing, so they know isn’t?

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  19. Comment sent via host

    Ben J here - we''re now hearing from a women''s refuge in Haiti, talking about the issue of sexual violence there

  20. Comment sent via SMS

    if libya was a free and peaceful state as claim by many, why will libyan turn against Gaddafi today. chris sackie. Liberia